path: root/misc/openlayers/tests/Protocol/HTTP.html
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'misc/openlayers/tests/Protocol/HTTP.html')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 842 deletions
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/tests/Protocol/HTTP.html b/misc/openlayers/tests/Protocol/HTTP.html
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index fac460b..0000000
--- a/misc/openlayers/tests/Protocol/HTTP.html
+++ /dev/null
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- <script src="../OLLoader.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- function test_constructor(t) {
- t.plan(8);
- var a = new OpenLayers.Protocol.HTTP({
- url: "foo"
- });
- // 4 tests
- t.eq(a.url, "foo", "constructor sets url");
- t.eq(a.options.url, a.url, "constructor copies url to options.url");
- t.eq(a.params, {}, "constructor sets params");
- t.eq(a.options.params, undefined, "constructor do not copy params to options.params");
- var params = {hello: "world"};
- var b = new OpenLayers.Protocol.HTTP({
- url: "bar",
- params: params
- });
- // 4 tests
- t.eq(b.url, "bar", "constructor sets url");
- t.eq(b.options.url, b.url, "constructor copies url to options.url");
- t.eq(b.params, params, "constructor sets params");
- t.eq(b.options.params, b.params, "constructor copies params to options.params");
- }
- function test_destroy(t) {
- t.plan(3);
- var protocol = new OpenLayers.Protocol.HTTP({
- url: "bar",
- params: {hello: "world"}
- });
- protocol.destroy();
- t.eq(protocol.options, null, "destroy nullifies options");
- t.eq(protocol.params, null, "destroy nullifies params");
- t.eq(protocol.headers, null, "destroy nullifies headers");
- }
- function test_read(t) {
- t.plan(10);
- var protocol = new OpenLayers.Protocol.HTTP({
- 'url': 'foo_url',
- 'params': {'k': 'foo_param'}
- });
- // fake XHR request object
- var request = {'status': 200};
- // options to pass to read
- var readOptions = {
- 'url': 'bar_url',
- 'params': {'k': 'bar_param'},
- 'headers': {'k': 'bar_header'},
- 'scope': {'hello': 'world'},
- 'callback': function() {}
- };
- var response;
- protocol.handleResponse = function(resp, opt) {
- // 4 tests
- var req = resp.priv;
- t.ok(this == protocol,
- 'handleResponse called with correct scope');
- t.ok(opt == readOptions,
- 'handleResponse called with correct options');
- t.eq(resp.CLASS_NAME, 'OpenLayers.Protocol.Response',
- 'handleResponse called with a Response object');
- t.eq(req, request,
- 'handleResponse called with correct request');
- response = resp;
- };
- var _get = OpenLayers.Request.GET;
- OpenLayers.Request.GET = function(options) {
- // 5 tests
- t.eq(options.url, readOptions.url,
- 'GET called with correct url in options');
- t.eq(options.params['k'], readOptions.params['k'],
- 'GET called with correct params in options');
- t.eq(options.headers['k'], readOptions.headers['k'],
- 'GET called with correct headers in options');
- t.eq(options.scope, undefined,
- 'GET called with correct scope in options');
- t.ok(typeof options.callback == 'function',
- 'GET called with a callback in options');
- t.delay_call(0.1, function() {
- options.callback(request);
- t.ok(resp == response,
- 'read returns the expected response object');
- // cleanup
- protocol.destroy();
- OpenLayers.Request.GET = _get;
- });
- return request;
- };
- var resp =;
- OpenLayers.Request.GET = _get;
- }
- function test_readWithPOST(t) {
- t.plan(10);
- var protocol = new OpenLayers.Protocol.HTTP({
- 'url': 'foo_url',
- 'params': {'k': 'foo_param'}
- });
- // fake XHR request object
- var request = {'status': 200};
- // options to pass to read
- var readOptions = {
- 'url': 'bar_url',
- 'params': {'k': 'bar_param'},
- 'scope': {'hello': 'world'},
- 'callback': function() {},
- 'readWithPOST': true
- };
- var response;
- protocol.handleResponse = function(resp, opt) {
- // 4 tests
- var req = resp.priv;
- t.ok(this == protocol,
- 'handleResponse called with correct scope');
- t.ok(opt == readOptions,
- 'handleResponse called with correct options');
- t.eq(resp.CLASS_NAME, 'OpenLayers.Protocol.Response',
- 'handleResponse called with a Response object');
- t.eq(req, request,
- 'handleResponse called with correct request');
- response = resp;
- };
- var _post = OpenLayers.Request.POST;
- OpenLayers.Request.POST = function(options) {
- // 5 tests
- t.eq(options.url, readOptions.url,
- 'GET with POST called with correct url in options');
- t.eq(, OpenLayers.Util.getParameterString(readOptions.params),
- 'GET with POST called with correct params encoded in options');
- t.eq(options.headers, {"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"},
- 'GET with POST called with correct headers (application/x-www-form-urlencoded)');
- t.eq(options.scope, undefined,
- 'GET with POST called with correct scope in options');
- t.ok(typeof options.callback == 'function',
- 'GET with POST called with a callback in options');
- t.delay_call(0.1, function() {
- options.callback(request);
- t.ok(resp == response,
- 'read returns the expected response object');
- // cleanup
- protocol.destroy();
- OpenLayers.Request.POST = _post;
- });
- return request;
- };
- var resp =;
- OpenLayers.Request.POST = _post;
- }
- function test_read_method(t) {
- t.plan(4);
- var _post = OpenLayers.Request.POST;
- OpenLayers.Request.POST = function(options) { return 'post'; }
- var _get = OpenLayers.Request.GET;
- OpenLayers.Request.GET = function(options) { return 'get'; }
- var protocol = new OpenLayers.Protocol.HTTP({});
- t.eq({}).priv, 'get',
- 'readWithPOST is false by default');
- t.eq({readWithPOST: true}).priv, 'post',
- 'readWithPOST can be set in read options');
- var protocol = new OpenLayers.Protocol.HTTP({readWithPOST: true});
- t.eq({}).priv, 'post',
- 'readWithPOST can be set in constructor');
- t.eq({readWithPOST: false}).priv, 'get',
- 'readWithPOST can be overridden in read options');
- OpenLayers.Request.POST = _post;
- OpenLayers.Request.GET = _get;
- }
- function test_read_bbox(t) {
- t.plan(6);
- var _get = OpenLayers.Request.GET;
- var bounds = new OpenLayers.Bounds(1, 2, 3, 4);
- var filter = new OpenLayers.Filter.Spatial({
- type: OpenLayers.Filter.Spatial.BBOX,
- value: bounds,
- projection: new OpenLayers.Projection("foo")
- });
- // log requests
- var log, exp;
- OpenLayers.Request.GET = function(options) {
- log.push(options.params.bbox);
- return {status: 200};
- };
- // 1) issue request with default protocol
- log = [];
- new OpenLayers.Protocol.HTTP().read({filter: filter});
- t.eq(log.length, 1, "1) GET called once");
- t.ok(log[0] instanceof Array, "1) bbox param is array");
- exp = bounds.toArray();
- t.eq(log[0], exp, "1) bbox param doesn't include SRS id by default");
- // 2) issue request with default protocol
- log = [];
- new OpenLayers.Protocol.HTTP({srsInBBOX: true}).read({filter: filter});
- t.eq(log.length, 1, "2) GET called once");
- t.ok(log[0] instanceof Array, "2) bbox param is array");
- exp = bounds.toArray();
- exp.push("foo");
- t.eq(log[0], exp, "2) bbox param includes SRS id if srsInBBOX is true");
- OpenLayers.Request.GET = _get;
- }
- function test_parseFeatures(t) {
- t.plan(5);
- var protocol = new OpenLayers.Protocol.HTTP();
- // test responseXML - 2 tests
- var request = {
- 'responseXML': {
- 'documentElement': 'xml'
- }
- };
- protocol.format = {
- 'read': function(doc) {
- t.eq(doc.documentElement, 'xml',
- ' called with correct doc');
- return doc.documentElement;
- }
- };
- var ret = protocol.parseFeatures(request);
- t.eq(ret, 'xml', 'parseFeatures returns expected value');
- // test responseText - 2 tests
- var request = {
- 'responseText': 'text'
- };
- protocol.format = {
- 'read': function(doc) {
- t.eq(doc, 'text',
- ' called with correct doc');
- return doc;
- }
- };
- var ret = protocol.parseFeatures(request);
- t.eq(ret, 'text', 'parseFeatures returns expected value');
- // test empty responseText - 1 test
- var request = {
- 'responseText': ''
- };
- protocol.format = {
- 'read': function(doc) {
-' should not be called');
- }
- };
- var ret = protocol.parseFeatures(request);
- t.eq(ret, null, 'parseFeatures returns expected value');
- }
- function test_create(t) {
- t.plan(10);
- var protocol = new OpenLayers.Protocol.HTTP({
- 'url': 'foo_url',
- 'format': {'write': function() {}}
- });
- // fake XHR request object
- var request = {'status': 200};
- // features to pass to create
- var features = ['feature'];
- // options to pass to create
- var createOptions = {
- 'url': 'bar_url',
- 'headers': {'k': 'bar_header'},
- 'scope': {'hello': 'world'},
- 'callback': function() {}
- };
- var response;
- protocol.handleCreate = function(resp, opt) {
- // 5 tests
- var req = resp.priv;
- t.ok(this == protocol,
- 'handleCreate called with correct scope');
- t.ok(opt == createOptions,
- 'handleCreate called with correct options');
- t.eq(resp.CLASS_NAME, 'OpenLayers.Protocol.Response',
- 'handleCreate called with a Response object');
- t.ok(resp.reqFeatures == features,
- 'handleCreate called with correct requested features in response');
- t.eq(req, request,
- 'handleCreate called with correct request');
- response = resp;
- };
- var _post = OpenLayers.Request.POST;
- OpenLayers.Request.POST = function(options) {
- // 4 tests
- t.eq(options.url, createOptions.url,
- 'POST called with correct url in options');
- t.eq(options.headers['k'], createOptions.headers['k'],
- 'POST called with correct headers in options');
- t.eq(options.scope, undefined,
- 'POST called with correct scope in options');
- t.ok(typeof options.callback == 'function',
- 'POST called with a callback in options');
- // call callback - delayed because this function has to return first
- t.delay_call(0.1, function() {
- options.callback(request);
- t.ok(resp == response,
- 'create returns the expected response object');
- // cleanup
- protocol.destroy();
- OpenLayers.Request.POST = _post;
- });
- return request;
- };
- var resp = protocol.create(features, createOptions);
- OpenLayers.Request.POST = _post;
- }
- function test_update(t) {
- t.plan(10);
- var protocol = new OpenLayers.Protocol.HTTP({
- 'url': 'foo_url',
- 'format': {'write': function() {}}
- });
- // fake XHR request object
- var request = {'status': 200};
- // feature to pass to update
- var feature = {'feature':'feature'};
- // options to pass to update
- var updateOptions = {
- 'url': 'bar_url',
- 'headers': {'k': 'bar_header'},
- 'scope': {'hello': 'world'},
- 'callback': function() {}
- };
- var response;
- protocol.handleUpdate = function(resp, opt) {
- var req = resp.priv;
- // 5 tests
- t.ok(this == protocol,
- 'handleUpdate called with correct scope');
- t.ok(opt == updateOptions,
- 'handleUpdate called with correct options');
- t.eq(resp.CLASS_NAME, 'OpenLayers.Protocol.Response',
- 'handleUpdate called with a Response object');
- t.ok(resp.reqFeatures == feature,
- 'handleUpdate called with correct requested feature in response');
- t.eq(req, request,
- 'handleUpdate called with correct request');
- response = resp;
- };
- var _put = OpenLayers.Request.PUT;
- OpenLayers.Request.PUT = function(options) {
- // 4 tests
- t.eq(options.url, updateOptions.url,
- 'PUT called with correct url in options');
- t.eq(options.headers['k'], updateOptions.headers['k'],
- 'PUT called with correct headers in options');
- t.eq(options.scope, undefined,
- 'PUT called with correct scope in options');
- t.ok(typeof options.callback == 'function',
- 'PUT called with a callback in options');
- // call callback - delayed because this function has to return first
- t.delay_call(0.1, function() {
- options.callback(request);
- t.ok(resp == response,
- 'update returns the expected response object');
- // cleanup
- protocol.destroy();
- OpenLayers.Request.PUT = _put;
- });
- return request;
- };
- var resp = protocol.update(feature, updateOptions);
- OpenLayers.Request.PUT = _put;
- }
- function test_update_featureurl(t) {
- // test that OpenLayers.Request.PUT receives the URL
- // set in the feature
- //
- t.plan(1);
- var protocol = new OpenLayers.Protocol.HTTP({
- 'url': 'foo_url',
- 'format': {'write': function() {}}
- });
- // feature to pass to update
- var feature = {'feature':'feature', 'url': 'bar_url'};
- var _put = OpenLayers.Request.PUT;
- OpenLayers.Request.PUT = function(options) {
- t.eq(options.url, feature.url,
- 'PUT called with correct url in options');
- };
- protocol.update(feature);
- OpenLayers.Request.PUT = _put;
- }
- function test_handleResponse(t) {
- t.plan(6);
- var protocol = new OpenLayers.Protocol.HTTP();
- var options, response, request, features;
- // test options - 2 tests
- var scope = {'fake': 'scope'};
- options = {
- 'scope': scope,
- 'callback': function(resp) {
- t.ok(this == scope,
- '[no status] callback called with correct scope');
- t.ok(resp == response,
- '[no status] callback called with correct response');
- }
- };
- response = {priv: {}};
- protocol.handleResponse(response, options);
- // test failure condition - 1 test
- options = {
- 'callback': function(resp) {
- t.eq(resp.code, OpenLayers.Protocol.Response.FAILURE,
- '[status 400] callback called with correct response code');
- }
- };
- response = {priv: {status: 400}};
- protocol.handleResponse(response, options);
- // test success condition - 3 tests
- features = {'fake': 'features'};
- options = {
- 'callback': function(resp) {
- t.eq(resp.code, OpenLayers.Protocol.Response.SUCCESS,
- '[status 200] callback called with correct response code');
- t.eq(resp.features, features,
- '[status 200] callback called with correct features in response');
- }
- };
- response = {priv: {status: 200}};
- protocol.parseFeatures = function(request) {
- t.ok(request == response.priv,
- '[status 200] parseFeatures called with correct request');
- return features;
- }
- protocol.handleResponse(response, options);
- // cleanup
- protocol.destroy();
- }
- function test_delete(t) {
- t.plan(10);
- var protocol = new OpenLayers.Protocol.HTTP({
- 'url': 'foo_url'
- });
- // fake XHR request object
- var request = {'status': 200};
- // feature to pass to delete
- var feature = {'url': 'bar_url'};
- // options to pass to delete
- var deleteOptions = {
- 'url': 'bar_url',
- 'headers': {'k': 'bar_header'},
- 'scope': {'hello': 'world'},
- 'callback': function() {}
- };
- var response;
- protocol.handleDelete = function(resp, opt) {
- // 5 tests
- var req = resp.priv;
- t.ok(this == protocol,
- 'handleDelete called with correct scope');
- t.ok(opt == deleteOptions,
- 'handleDelete called with correct options');
- t.eq(resp.CLASS_NAME, 'OpenLayers.Protocol.Response',
- 'handleDelete called with a Response object');
- t.ok(resp.reqFeatures == feature,
- 'handleDelete called with correct requested feature in response');
- t.eq(req, request,
- 'handleDelete called with correct request');
- response = resp;
- };
- var _delete = OpenLayers.Request.DELETE;
- OpenLayers.Request.DELETE = function(options) {
- // 4 tests
- t.eq(options.url, deleteOptions.url,
- 'DELETE called with correct url in options');
- t.eq(options.headers['k'], deleteOptions.headers['k'],
- 'DELETE called with correct headers in options');
- t.eq(options.scope, undefined,
- 'DELETE called with correct scope in options');
- t.ok(typeof options.callback == 'function',
- 'DELETE called with a callback in options');
- // call callback - delayed because this function has to return first
- t.delay_call(0.1, function() {
- options.callback(request);
- t.ok(resp == response,
- 'read returns the expected response object');
- // cleanup
- protocol.destroy();
- OpenLayers.Request.DELETE = _delete;
- });
- return request;
- };
- var resp = protocol['delete'](feature, deleteOptions);
- OpenLayers.Request.DELETE = _delete;
- }
- function test_delete_featureurl(t) {
- // test that OpenLayers.Request.DELETE receives the URL
- // set in the feature
- //
- t.plan(1);
- var protocol = new OpenLayers.Protocol.HTTP({
- 'url': 'foo_url',
- 'format': {'write': function() {}}
- });
- // feature to pass to update
- var feature = {'feature':'feature', 'url': 'bar_url'};
- var _delete = OpenLayers.Request.DELETE;
- OpenLayers.Request.DELETE = function(options) {
- t.eq(options.url, feature.url,
- 'DELETE called with correct url in options');
- };
- protocol['delete'](feature);
- OpenLayers.Request.DELETE = _delete;
- }
- function test_handleDelete(t) {
- t.plan(4);
- var protocol = new OpenLayers.Protocol.HTTP();
- var options, response, request, features;
- // test options - 2 tests
- var scope = {'fake': 'scope'};
- options = {
- 'scope': scope,
- 'callback': function(resp) {
- t.ok(this == scope,
- 'callback called with correct scope');
- t.ok(resp == response,
- 'callback called with correct response');
- }
- };
- response = {priv: {}};
- protocol.handleDelete(response, options);
- // test failure condition - 1 test
- options = {
- 'callback': function(resp) {
- t.eq(resp.code, OpenLayers.Protocol.Response.FAILURE,
- 'callback called with correct response code');
- }
- };
- response = {priv: {status: 400}};
- protocol.handleDelete(response, options);
- // test success condition - 1 test
- options = {
- 'callback': function(resp) {
- t.eq(resp.code, OpenLayers.Protocol.Response.SUCCESS,
- 'callback called with correct response code');
- }
- };
- response = {priv: {status: 200}};
- protocol.handleDelete(response, options);
- // cleanup
- protocol.destroy();
- }
- function test_commit(t) {
- t.plan(17);
- var protocol = new OpenLayers.Protocol.HTTP();
- // 6 features
- var features = [
- {'state': OpenLayers.State.INSERT},
- {'state': OpenLayers.State.INSERT},
- {'state': OpenLayers.State.UPDATE},
- {'state': OpenLayers.State.UPDATE},
- {'state': OpenLayers.State.DELETE},
- {'state': OpenLayers.State.DELETE}
- ];
- var options = {
- 'create': {
- 'callback': function(resp) {
- }
- },
- 'update': {
- 'callback': function(resp) {
- }
- },
- 'delete': {
- 'callback': function(resp) {
- }
- }
- };
- var respCreate = new OpenLayers.Protocol.Response();
- var respUpdate = new OpenLayers.Protocol.Response();
- var respDelete = new OpenLayers.Protocol.Response();
- // 2 tests
- protocol['create'] = function(feature, options) {
- t.ok(options.scope == protocol,
- 'create called with correct scope');
- t.ok(typeof options.callback == 'function',
- 'create called with a callback in options');
-, respCreate);
- return respCreate;
- };
- // 4 tests
- protocol['update'] = function(feature, options) {
- t.ok(options.scope == protocol,
- 'update called with correct scope');
- t.ok(typeof options.callback == 'function',
- 'update called with a callback in options');
-, respUpdate);
- return respUpdate;
- };
- // 4 tests
- protocol['delete'] = function(feature, options) {
- t.ok(options.scope == protocol,
- 'delete called with correct scope');
- t.ok(typeof options.callback == 'function',
- 'delete called with a callback in options');
-, respDelete);
- return respDelete;
- };
- var count = 0;
- // 5 tests
- protocol.callUserCallback = function(resp, opt) {
- t.ok(opt == options,
- 'callUserCallback called with correction options map');
- count++;
- };
- var resp = protocol.commit(features, options);
- // 2 tests
- t.eq(count, 5, 'callUserCallback called for each request');
- t.eq(resp.length, 5, 'commit returns array with correct length');
- // cleanup
- protocol.destroy();
- }
- function test_callUserCallback(t) {
- t.plan(1);
- var protocol = new OpenLayers.Protocol.HTTP();
- var scope = {'fake': 'scope'};
- // test commit callback
- var log = {};
- var options = {
- foo: {
- callback: function() {
- log.scope = this;
- },
- scope: scope
- }
- };
- var resp = {requestType: 'foo'};
- protocol.callUserCallback(resp, options);
- t.ok(log.scope, scope, 'correct callback called with correct scope');
- }
- function test_options(t) {
- t.plan(6);
- var log1 = {};
- // test that read with no options uses protocol options - 5 tests
- var url = ".";
- var headers = {};
- var params = {};
- var scope = {};
- var protocol = new OpenLayers.Protocol.HTTP({
- format: new OpenLayers.Format({
- read: function() {},
- write: function() {}
- }),
- url: url,
- headers: headers,
- params: params,
- callback: function(resp) {
- log1.callbackCalled = true;
- log1.callbackScope = this;
- log1.request = resp && resp.priv;
- log1.requestType = resp && resp.requestType;
- },
- scope: scope
- });
- t.delay_call(2, function() {
- t.eq(log1.callbackCalled, true, "[read] callback called");
- t.eq(log1.callbackScope, scope, "[read] correct scope");
- t.ok(log1.request instanceof OpenLayers.Request.XMLHttpRequest, "[read] correct priv type");
- t.eq(log1.requestType, "read", "[read] correct request type");
- });
- // test that commit with no options uses protocol options - 2 tests
- var log2 = {called: 0};
- protocol.options.callback = function() {
- log2.called++;
- log2.scope = this;
- };
- protocol.commit([
- {state: OpenLayers.State.INSERT},
- {state: OpenLayers.State.INSERT},
- {state: OpenLayers.State.UPDATE, url: "./1"},
- {state: OpenLayers.State.UPDATE, url: "./2"},
- {state: OpenLayers.State.DELETE, url: "./3"},
- {state: OpenLayers.State.DELETE, url: "./4"}
- ]);
- t.delay_call(2, function() {
- t.eq(log2.called, 1, "[commit] Callback called once.");
- t.eq(log2.scope, scope, "[commit] Correct scope.");
- });
- }
- function test_read_global_options(t) {
- // test that calling read doesn't write params into the protocol's
- // options object, see ticket #3237
- t.plan(2);
- var protocol = new OpenLayers.Protocol.HTTP({
- url: '.',
- callback: function() {},
- params: {'a': 'a'}
- });
- // check initial state first
- t.eq(protocol.options.params, {'a': 'a'},
- 'protocol params are ok at initial state');
- var filter = new OpenLayers.Filter.Comparison({
- type: OpenLayers.Filter.Comparison.EQUAL_TO,
- property: 'b',
- value: 'b'
- });
-{filter: filter});
- t.eq(protocol.options.params, {'a': 'a'},
- "protocol params are ok after read");
- }
- </script>