path: root/misc/openlayers/tests/Geometry/MultiLineString.html
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 267 deletions
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/tests/Geometry/MultiLineString.html b/misc/openlayers/tests/Geometry/MultiLineString.html
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index 34a6e65..0000000
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- <script src="../OLLoader.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- var line;
- function test_MultiLineString_constructor (t) {
- t.plan( 3 );
- mline = new OpenLayers.Geometry.MultiLineString();
- t.ok( mline instanceof OpenLayers.Geometry.MultiLineString, "new OpenLayers.Geometry.MultiLineString returns mline object" );
- t.eq( mline.CLASS_NAME, "OpenLayers.Geometry.MultiLineString", "mline.CLASS_NAME is set correctly");
- t.eq( mline.components, [], "line.components is set correctly");
- }
- function test_MultiLineString_constructor (t) {
- t.plan( 3 );
- line = new OpenLayers.Geometry.LineString();
- mline = new OpenLayers.Geometry.MultiLineString(line);
- t.ok( mline instanceof OpenLayers.Geometry.MultiLineString, "new OpenLayers.Geometry.MultiLineString returns mline object" );
- t.eq( mline.CLASS_NAME, "OpenLayers.Geometry.MultiLineString", "mline.CLASS_NAME is set correctly");
- t.eq( mline.components.length, 1, "mline.components.length is set correctly");
- }
- function test_split(t) {
- var wkt = OpenLayers.Geometry.fromWKT;
- var cases = [{
- msg: "no intersection",
- g1: "MULTILINESTRING((0 0, 0 1), (2 2, 3 3))",
- g2: "MULTILINESTRING((1 0, 1 1), (2 2, 3 2))",
- exp: null
- } , {
- msg: "intersection at midpoint",
- g1: "MULTILINESTRING((0 0, 1 1))",
- g2: "MULTILINESTRING((1 0, 0 1))",
- exp: ["MULTILINESTRING((1 0, 0.5 0.5))", "MULTILINESTRING((0.5 0.5, 0 1))"]
- }, {
- msg: "intersection at midpoint (reverse source/target)",
- g1: "MULTILINESTRING((1 0, 0 1))",
- g2: "MULTILINESTRING((0 0, 1 1))",
- exp: ["MULTILINESTRING((0 0, 0.5 0.5))", "MULTILINESTRING((0.5 0.5, 1 1))"]
- }, {
- msg: "intersection at endpoint",
- g1: "MULTILINESTRING((0 0, 1 1))",
- g2: "MULTILINESTRING((1 0, 1 1))",
- exp: null
- }, {
- msg: "midpoint intersection, no options",
- g1: "MULTILINESTRING((0 0, 2 2))",
- g2: "MULTILINESTRING((0 2, 2 0))",
- exp: ["MULTILINESTRING((0 2, 1 1))", "MULTILINESTRING((1 1, 2 0))"]
- }, {
- msg: "midpoint intersection, edge false",
- opt: {edge: false},
- g1: "MULTILINESTRING((0 0, 2 2))",
- g2: "MULTILINESTRING((0 2, 2 0))",
- exp: null
- }, {
- msg: "midpoint intersection, mutual",
- opt: {mutual: true},
- g1: "MULTILINESTRING((0 0, 2 2))",
- g2: "MULTILINESTRING((0 2, 2 0))",
- exp: [["MULTILINESTRING((0 0, 1 1))", "MULTILINESTRING((1 1, 2 2))"], ["MULTILINESTRING((0 2, 1 1))", "MULTILINESTRING((1 1, 2 0))"]]
- }, {
- msg: "close intersection, no tolerance",
- g1: "MULTILINESTRING((0 0, 0.9 0.9))",
- g2: "MULTILINESTRING((0 2, 2 0))",
- exp: null
- }, {
- msg: "close intersection, within tolerance",
- opt: {tolerance: 0.2},
- g1: "MULTILINESTRING((0 0, 0.9 0.9))",
- g2: "MULTILINESTRING((0 2, 2 0))",
- exp: ["MULTILINESTRING((0 2, 0.9 0.9))", "MULTILINESTRING((0.9 0.9, 2 0))"]
- }, {
- msg: "multi source, single target",
- g1: "MULTILINESTRING((0 0, 2 2))",
- g2: "LINESTRING(0 2, 2 0)",
- exp: ["LINESTRING(0 2, 1 1)", "LINESTRING(1 1, 2 0)"]
- }, {
- msg: "multi source, single target, mutual split",
- opt: {mutual: true},
- g1: "MULTILINESTRING((0 0, 2 2))",
- g2: "LINESTRING(0 2, 2 0)",
- exp: [["MULTILINESTRING((0 0, 1 1))", "MULTILINESTRING((1 1, 2 2))"], ["LINESTRING(0 2, 1 1)", "LINESTRING(1 1, 2 0)"]]
- }, {
- msg: "single source, multi target",
- g1: "LINESTRING(0 2, 2 0)",
- g2: "MULTILINESTRING((0 0, 2 2))",
- exp: ["MULTILINESTRING((0 0, 1 1))", "MULTILINESTRING((1 1, 2 2))"]
- }, {
- msg: "partial target split",
- g1: "MULTILINESTRING((2 0, 0 2))",
- g2: "MULTILINESTRING((0 0, 2 2), (3 3, 4 4))",
- exp: ["MULTILINESTRING((0 0, 1 1))", "MULTILINESTRING((1 1, 2 2), (3 3, 4 4))"]
- }, {
- msg: "partial target split, mutual true",
- opt: {mutual: true},
- g1: "MULTILINESTRING((2 0, 0 2))",
- g2: "MULTILINESTRING((0 0, 2 2), (3 3, 4 4))",
- exp: [["MULTILINESTRING((2 0, 1 1))", "MULTILINESTRING((1 1, 0 2))"], ["MULTILINESTRING((0 0, 1 1))", "MULTILINESTRING((1 1, 2 2), (3 3, 4 4))"]]
- }, {
- msg: "partial source split, mutual true",
- opt: {mutual: true},
- g1: "MULTILINESTRING((0 0, 2 2), (3 3, 4 4))",
- g2: "MULTILINESTRING((2 0, 0 2))",
- exp: [["MULTILINESTRING((0 0, 1 1))", "MULTILINESTRING((1 1, 2 2), (3 3, 4 4))"], ["MULTILINESTRING((2 0, 1 1))", "MULTILINESTRING((1 1, 0 2))"]]
- }, {
- msg: "partial target split with source endpoint",
- g1: "MULTILINESTRING((1 0, 1 1))",
- g2: "MULTILINESTRING((0 0, 2 2), (3 3, 4 4))",
- exp: ["MULTILINESTRING((0 0, 1 1))", "MULTILINESTRING((1 1, 2 2), (3 3, 4 4))"]
- }, {
- msg: "partial target split with source endpoint, mutual true",
- opt: {mutual: true},
- g1: "MULTILINESTRING((5 5, 6 6), (1 0, 1 1))",
- g2: "MULTILINESTRING((0 0, 2 2), (3 3, 4 4))",
- exp: [[], ["MULTILINESTRING((0 0, 1 1))", "MULTILINESTRING((1 1, 2 2), (3 3, 4 4))"]]
- }, {
- msg: "partial source split with target endpoint",
- g1: "MULTILINESTRING((0 0, 2 2), (3 3, 4 4))",
- g2: "MULTILINESTRING((1 0, 1 1))",
- exp: null
- }, {
- msg: "partial source split with target endpoint, mutual true",
- opt: {mutual: true},
- g1: "MULTILINESTRING((0 0, 2 2), (3 3, 4 4), (5 5, 6 6))",
- g2: "MULTILINESTRING((1 0, 1 1))",
- exp: [["MULTILINESTRING((0 0, 1 1))", "MULTILINESTRING((1 1, 2 2), (3 3, 4 4), (5 5, 6 6))"], []]
- }, {
- msg: "partial target and source split",
- g1: "MULTILINESTRING((0 5, 2 5), (4 5, 6 5), (8 5, 10 5))",
- g2: "MULTILINESTRING((5 0, 5 2), (5 4, 5 6), (5 8, 5 10))",
- exp: ["MULTILINESTRING((5 0, 5 2), (5 4, 5 5))", "MULTILINESTRING((5 5, 5 6), (5 8, 5 10))"]
- }, {
- msg: "partial target and source split, mutual true",
- opt: {mutual: true},
- g1: "MULTILINESTRING((0 5, 2 5), (4 5, 6 5), (8 5, 10 5))",
- g2: "MULTILINESTRING((5 0, 5 2), (5 4, 5 6), (5 8, 5 10))",
- exp: [["MULTILINESTRING((0 5, 2 5), (4 5, 5 5))", "MULTILINESTRING((5 5, 6 5), (8 5, 10 5))"],
- ["MULTILINESTRING((5 0, 5 2), (5 4, 5 5))", "MULTILINESTRING((5 5, 5 6), (5 8, 5 10))"]]
- }, {
- msg: "partial target and source split with source endpoint, mutual true",
- opt: {mutual: true},
- g1: "MULTILINESTRING((0 5, 2 5), (4 5, 6 5), (8 5, 10 5))",
- g2: "MULTILINESTRING((4 0, 4 2), (4 4, 4 6), (4 8, 4 10))",
- exp: [[], ["MULTILINESTRING((4 0, 4 2), (4 4, 4 5))", "MULTILINESTRING((4 5, 4 6), (4 8, 4 10))"]]
- }, {
- msg: "partial target and source split with target endpoint, mutual true",
- opt: {mutual: true},
- g1: "MULTILINESTRING((4 0, 4 2), (4 4, 4 6), (4 8, 4 10))",
- g2: "MULTILINESTRING((0 5, 2 5), (4 5, 6 5), (8 5, 10 5))",
- exp: [["MULTILINESTRING((4 0, 4 2), (4 4, 4 5))", "MULTILINESTRING((4 5, 4 6), (4 8, 4 10))"], []]
- }, {
- msg: "partial target and source split with source vertex, mutual true",
- opt: {mutual: true},
- g1: "MULTILINESTRING((0 5, 2 5), (4 5, 5 5, 6 5), (8 5, 10 5))",
- g2: "MULTILINESTRING((5 0, 5 2), (5 4, 5 6), (5 8, 5 10))",
- exp: [["MULTILINESTRING((0 5, 2 5), (4 5, 5 5))", "MULTILINESTRING((5 5, 6 5), (8 5, 10 5))"], ["MULTILINESTRING((5 0, 5 2), (5 4, 5 5))", "MULTILINESTRING((5 5, 5 6), (5 8, 5 10))"]]
- }, {
- msg: "partial target and source split with target vertex, mutual true",
- opt: {mutual: true},
- g1: "MULTILINESTRING((5 0, 5 2), (5 4, 5 6), (5 8, 5 10))",
- g2: "MULTILINESTRING((0 5, 2 5), (4 5, 5 5, 6 5), (8 5, 10 5))",
- exp: [["MULTILINESTRING((5 0, 5 2), (5 4, 5 5))", "MULTILINESTRING((5 5, 5 6), (5 8, 5 10))"], ["MULTILINESTRING((0 5, 2 5), (4 5, 5 5))", "MULTILINESTRING((5 5, 6 5), (8 5, 10 5))"]]
- }];
- t.plan(cases.length);
- var c, parts, part, midparts;
- for(var i=0; i<cases.length; ++i) {
- c = cases[i];
- var g1 = wkt(c.g1);
- var g2 = wkt(c.g2);
- var got = g1.split(g2, c.opt);
- var exp = c.exp;
- if(got instanceof Array) {
- parts = [];
- for(var j=0; j<got.length; ++j) {
- part = got[j];
- if(part instanceof Array) {
- midparts = [];
- for(var k=0; k<part.length; ++k) {
- midparts.push(part[k].toString());
- }
- parts.push("[" + midparts.join(", ") + "]");
- } else {
- parts.push(got[j].toString());
- }
- }
- got = parts.join(", ");
- }
- if(exp instanceof Array) {
- parts = [];
- for(var j=0; j<exp.length; ++j) {
- part = exp[j];
- if(part instanceof Array) {
- midparts = [];
- for(var k=0; k<part.length; ++k) {
- midparts.push(wkt(part[k]).toString());
- }
- parts.push("[" + midparts.join(", ") + "]");
- } else {
- parts.push(wkt(exp[j]).toString());
- }
- }
- exp = parts.join(", ");
- }
- t.eq(got, exp, "case " + i + ": " + c.msg);
- }
- }
- function test_getVertices(t) {
- t.plan(22);
- var points = [
- new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(10, 20),
- new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(20, 30),
- new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(30, 40),
- new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(40, 50)
- ];
- var multi = new OpenLayers.Geometry.MultiLineString([
- new OpenLayers.Geometry.LineString(points),
- new OpenLayers.Geometry.LineString(points)
- ]);
- var verts = multi.getVertices();
- t.ok(verts instanceof Array, "got back an array");
- t.eq(verts.length, 2 * points.length, "of correct length length");
- t.geom_eq(verts[0], points[0], "0: correct geometry");
- t.geom_eq(verts[1], points[1], "1: correct geometry");
- t.geom_eq(verts[2], points[2], "2: correct geometry");
- t.geom_eq(verts[3], points[3], "3: correct geometry");
- t.geom_eq(verts[4], points[0], "4: correct geometry");
- t.geom_eq(verts[5], points[1], "5: correct geometry");
- t.geom_eq(verts[6], points[2], "6: correct geometry");
- t.geom_eq(verts[7], points[3], "7: correct geometry");
- // nodes only
- var nodes = multi.getVertices(true);
- t.ok(nodes instanceof Array, "[nodes only] got back an array");
- t.eq(nodes.length, 4, "[nodes only] of correct length length");
- t.geom_eq(nodes[0], points[0], "[nodes only] 0: correct geometry");
- t.geom_eq(nodes[1], points[3], "[nodes only] 1: correct geometry");
- t.geom_eq(nodes[2], points[0], "[nodes only] 2: correct geometry");
- t.geom_eq(nodes[3], points[3], "[nodes only] 3: correct geometry");
- // no nodes
- var nodes = multi.getVertices(false);
- t.ok(nodes instanceof Array, "[no nodes] got back an array");
- t.eq(nodes.length, 4, "[no nodes] of correct length length");
- t.geom_eq(nodes[0], points[1], "[no nodes] 0: correct geometry");
- t.geom_eq(nodes[1], points[2], "[no nodes] 1: correct geometry");
- t.geom_eq(nodes[2], points[1], "[no nodes] 2: correct geometry");
- t.geom_eq(nodes[3], points[2], "[no nodes] 3: correct geometry");
- }
- </script>