path: root/misc/openlayers/tests/Format/GML/v3.html
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'misc/openlayers/tests/Format/GML/v3.html')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 828 deletions
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/tests/Format/GML/v3.html b/misc/openlayers/tests/Format/GML/v3.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 92f2154..0000000
--- a/misc/openlayers/tests/Format/GML/v3.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,828 +0,0 @@
- <script src="../../OLLoader.js"></script>
- <script src="cases.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- function test_readNode_geometry(t) {
- var files = [
- "v2/point-coord.xml", "v2/point-coordinates.xml",
- "v2/linestring-coord.xml", "v2/linestring-coordinates.xml",
- "v2/multipoint-coord.xml", "v2/multipoint-coordinates.xml",
- "v2/multilinestring-coord.xml", "v2/multilinestring-coordinates.xml",
- "v3/point.xml", "v3/linestring.xml", "v3/linestring3d.xml",
- "v3/curve.xml", "v3/polygon.xml", "v3/surface.xml",
- "v3/multipoint-singular.xml", "v3/multipoint-plural.xml",
- "v3/multilinestring-singular.xml", "v3/multilinestring-plural.xml",
- "v3/multicurve-singular.xml", "v3/multicurve-curve.xml",
- "v3/multipolygon-singular.xml", "v3/multipolygon-plural.xml",
- "v3/multisurface-singular.xml", "v3/multisurface-plural.xml",
- "v3/multisurface-surface.xml"
- ];
- var len = files.length;
- t.plan(len);
- var format = new OpenLayers.Format.GML.v3({
- featureType: "feature",
- featureNS: ""
- });
- var file, doc, expect, out;
- for(var i=0; i<len; ++i) {
- file = files[i];
- expect = cases[file];
- if(expect) {
- doc = readXML(file);
- if(doc && doc.documentElement) {
- out = format.readNode(doc.documentElement);
- if(out.components && out.components.length == 1) {
- t.geom_eq(out.components[0], expect, "[" + file + "] geometry read");
- } else {
-"[" + file + "] gml parsing");
- }
- } else {
-"[" + file + "] xml parsing");
- }
- } else {
-"[" + file + "] case not found");
- }
- }
- }
- function test_read_setGeometryName(t) {
- t.plan(1);
- var doc = readXML("v3/topp-states-gml.xml");
- var format = new OpenLayers.Format.GML.v3({
- featureType: "states",
- featureNS: "",
- geometryName: null
- });
- var features =;
- t.eq(format.geometryName, "the_geom", "geometryName set when parsing features");
- }
- function test_readNode_bounds(t) {
- var files = ["v3/envelope.xml"];
- var len = files.length;
- t.plan(len);
- var file, doc, expect, got;
- var format = new OpenLayers.Format.GML.v3({
- featureType: "feature",
- featureNS: ""
- });
- for(var i=0; i<len; ++i) {
- file = files[i];
- expect = cases[file];
- if(expect) {
- doc = readXML(file);
- if(doc && doc.documentElement) {
- out = format.readNode(doc.documentElement);
- if(out.components && out.components.length == 1) {
- got = out.components[0];
- if(got instanceof OpenLayers.Bounds) {
- t.ok(out.components[0].equals(expect), "[" + file + "] bounds read")
- } else {
-"[" + file + "] expected a bounds, got " + got);
- }
- } else {
-"[" + file + "] gml parsing");
- }
- } else {
-"[" + file + "] xml parsing");
- }
- } else {
-"[" + file + "] case not found");
- }
- }
- }
- function test_writeNode_geometry(t) {
- // we only care to write the 'pos' and 'posList' variants of GML 3 - conforming with simple features profile
- var files = [
- {path: "v3/point.xml"},
- {path: "v3/linestring.xml"},
- {path: "v3/curve.xml", options: {curve: true}},
- {path: "v3/polygon.xml"},
- {path: "v3/surface.xml", options: {surface: true}},
- {path: "v3/multipoint-singular.xml"},
- {path: "v3/multilinestring-singular.xml", options: {multiCurve: false}},
- {path: "v3/multicurve-singular.xml"},
- {path: "v3/multicurve-curve.xml", options: {curve: true}},
- {path: "v3/multipolygon-singular.xml", options: {multiSurface: false}},
- {path: "v3/multisurface-singular.xml"},
- {path: "v3/multisurface-surface.xml", options: {surface: true}}
- ];
- var len = files.length;
- t.plan(len);
- var defaults = {
- featureType: "feature",
- featureNS: "",
- srsName: "foo" // GML geometry collections require srsName, we only write if provided
- };
- var format, options, file, geom, doc, node;
- for(var i=0; i<len; ++i) {
- file = files[i].path;
- geom = cases[file];
- if(geom) {
- doc = readXML(file);
- if(doc && doc.documentElement) {
- options = OpenLayers.Util.extend({}, defaults);
- if(files[i].options) {
- OpenLayers.Util.extend(options, files[i].options);
- }
- format = new OpenLayers.Format.GML.v3(options);
- node = format.writeNode("feature:_geometry", geom);
- t.xml_eq(node.firstChild, doc.documentElement, "[" + file + "] geometry written");
- } else {
-"[" + file + "] xml parsing");
- }
- } else {
-"[" + file + "] case not found");
- }
- }
- }
- function test_writeNode_bounds(t) {
- var files = [
- "v3/envelope.xml"
- ];
- var len = files.length;
- t.plan(len);
- var format = new OpenLayers.Format.GML.v3({
- featureType: "feature",
- featureNS: "",
- srsName: "foo" // GML envelopes require srsName, we only write if provided
- });
- var file, bounds, doc, node;
- for(var i=0; i<len; ++i) {
- file = files[i];
- bounds = cases[file];
- if(bounds) {
- doc = readXML(file);
- if(doc && doc.documentElement) {
- node = format.writeNode("gml:Envelope", bounds);
- t.xml_eq(node, doc.documentElement, "[" + file + "] bounds written");
- } else {
-"[" + file + "] xml parsing");
- }
- } else {
-"[" + file + "] case not found");
- }
- }
- }
- function test_boundedBy(t) {
- t.plan(5);
- var doc = readXML("v3/topp-states-wfs.xml");
- var format = new OpenLayers.Format.GML.v3({
- featureType: "states",
- featureNS: "",
- geometryName: "the_geom",
- xy: false
- });
- var features =;
- var bounds = features[0].bounds;
- t.ok(bounds instanceof OpenLayers.Bounds, "feature given a bounds");
- t.eq(bounds.left.toFixed(2), "-91.52", "bounds left correct");
- t.eq(bounds.bottom.toFixed(2), "36.99", "bounds bottom correct");
- t.eq(bounds.right.toFixed(2), "-87.51", "bounds right correct");
- t.eq(, "42.51", "bounds top correct");
- }
- function test_read(t) {
- t.plan(8);
- var doc = readXML("v3/topp-states-wfs.xml");
- var format = new OpenLayers.Format.GML.v3({
- featureType: "states",
- featureNS: "",
- geometryName: "the_geom",
- xy: false
- });
- var features =;
- t.eq(features.length, 3, "read 3 features");
- var feature = features[0];
- t.eq(feature.fid, "states.1", "read fid");
- t.eq(feature.geometry.CLASS_NAME, "OpenLayers.Geometry.MultiPolygon",
- "read multipolygon geometry");
- var attributes = feature.attributes;
- t.eq(attributes["STATE_NAME"], "Illinois", "read STATE_NAME");
- t.eq(attributes["STATE_FIPS"], "17", "read STATE_FIPS");
- t.eq(attributes["SUB_REGION"], "E N Cen", "read SUB_REGION");
- t.eq(attributes["STATE_ABBR"], "IL", "read STATE_ABBR");
- t.eq(attributes["LAND_KM"], "143986.61", "read LAND_KM");
- }
- function test_read_autoconfig(t) {
- t.plan(7);
- var doc = readXML("v3/topp-states-wfs.xml");
- var format = new OpenLayers.Format.GML.v3();
- var features =;
- t.eq(features.length, 3, "read 3 features");
- var feature = features[0];
- t.eq(feature.fid, "states.1", "read fid");
- t.eq(feature.geometry.CLASS_NAME, "OpenLayers.Geometry.MultiPolygon",
- "read multipolygon geometry");
- t.eq(format.featureType, "states", "featureType correctly auto-configured");
- t.eq(format.featureNS, "", "featureNS correctly auto-configured");
- t.eq(format.autoConfig, true, "autoConfig set to true");
- format.autoConfig = false;
- t.eq(format.autoConfig, false, "now that featureNS is set, the format does not auto-configure again");
- }
- function test_emptyAttribute(t) {
- t.plan(4);
- var str =
- '<gml:featureMembers xmlns:gml="">' +
- '<topp:gnis_pop gml:id="gnis_pop.148604" xmlns:topp="">' +
- '<gml:name>Aflu</gml:name>' +
- '<topp:the_geom>' +
- '<gml:Point srsName="urn:x-ogc:def:crs:EPSG:4326">' +
- '<gml:pos>34.12 2.09</gml:pos>' +
- '</gml:Point>' +
- '</topp:the_geom>' +
- '<topp:population>84683</topp:population>' +
- '<topp:country>Algeria</topp:country>' +
- '<topp:type>place</topp:type>' +
- '<topp:name>Aflu</topp:name>' +
- '<topp:empty></topp:empty>' +
- '</topp:gnis_pop>' +
- '</gml:featureMembers>';
- var format = new OpenLayers.Format.GML.v3({
- featureType: "gnis_pop",
- featureNS: "",
- geometryName: "the_geom"
- });
- var features =;
- t.eq(features.length, 1, "read one feature");
- var attr = features[0].attributes;
- t.eq(, "Aflu", "correctly read attribute value");
- t.eq(, undefined, "bogus attribute is undefined");
- t.eq(attr.empty, "", "empty attribute value is empty string");
- }
- function test_repeatedName(t) {
- // test that if an attribute name matches the featureType, all goes well
- t.plan(2);
- var doc = readXML("v3/repeated-name.xml");
- var format = new OpenLayers.Format.GML.v3({
- featureType: "zoning",
- featureNS: "",
- geometryName: "the_geom",
- xy: false
- });
- var features =;
- t.eq(features.length, 1, "read one feature");
- var atts = features[0].attributes;
- t.eq(atts.zoning, "I-L", "correct zoning attribute on zoning feature type");
- }
- function test_write(t) {
- t.plan(1);
- var doc = readXML("v3/topp-states-gml.xml");
- var format = new OpenLayers.Format.GML.v3({
- featureType: "states",
- featureNS: "",
- geometryName: "the_geom",
- srsName: "urn:x-ogc:def:crs:EPSG:4326",
- xy: false,
- schemaLocation: ""
- });
- var features =;
- var got = format.write(features);
- t.xml_eq(got, doc.documentElement, "gml:featureMembers round trip");
- }
- </script>
-<div id="v3/envelope.xml"><!--
-<gml:Envelope xmlns:gml="" srsName="foo">
- <gml:lowerCorner>1 2</gml:lowerCorner>
- <gml:upperCorner>3 4</gml:upperCorner>
-<div id="v3/linearring.xml"><!--
-<gml:LinearRing xmlns:gml="" srsName="foo">
- <gml:posList>1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2</gml:posList>
-<div id="v3/linestring.xml"><!--
-<gml:LineString xmlns:gml="" srsName="foo">
- <gml:posList>1 2 3 4</gml:posList>
-<div id="v3/linestring3d.xml"><!--
-<gml:LineString xmlns:gml="" srsName="foo" srsDimension="3">
- <gml:posList>1 2 3 4 5 6</gml:posList>
-<div id="v3/curve.xml"><!--
-<gml:Curve xmlns:gml="" srsName="foo">
- <gml:segments>
- <gml:LineStringSegment>
- <gml:posList>1 2 3 4</gml:posList>
- </gml:LineStringSegment>
- </gml:segments>
-<div id="v3/multilinestring-plural.xml"><!--
-<gml:MultiLineString xmlns:gml="" srsName="foo">
- <gml:lineStringMembers>
- <gml:LineString>
- <gml:posList>1 2 2 3</gml:posList>
- </gml:LineString>
- <gml:LineString>
- <gml:posList>3 4 4 5</gml:posList>
- </gml:LineString>
- </gml:lineStringMembers>
-<div id="v3/multilinestring-singular.xml"><!--
-<gml:MultiLineString xmlns:gml="" srsName="foo">
- <gml:lineStringMember>
- <gml:LineString>
- <gml:posList>1 2 2 3</gml:posList>
- </gml:LineString>
- </gml:lineStringMember>
- <gml:lineStringMember>
- <gml:LineString>
- <gml:posList>3 4 4 5</gml:posList>
- </gml:LineString>
- </gml:lineStringMember>
-<div id="v3/multicurve-singular.xml"><!--
-<gml:MultiCurve xmlns:gml="" srsName="foo">
- <gml:curveMember>
- <gml:LineString>
- <gml:posList>1 2 2 3</gml:posList>
- </gml:LineString>
- </gml:curveMember>
- <gml:curveMember>
- <gml:LineString>
- <gml:posList>3 4 4 5</gml:posList>
- </gml:LineString>
- </gml:curveMember>
-<div id="v3/multicurve-curve.xml"><!--
-<gml:MultiCurve xmlns:gml="" srsName="foo">
- <gml:curveMember>
- <gml:Curve>
- <gml:segments>
- <gml:LineStringSegment>
- <gml:posList>1 2 2 3</gml:posList>
- </gml:LineStringSegment>
- </gml:segments>
- </gml:Curve>
- </gml:curveMember>
- <gml:curveMember>
- <gml:Curve>
- <gml:segments>
- <gml:LineStringSegment>
- <gml:posList>3 4 4 5</gml:posList>
- </gml:LineStringSegment>
- </gml:segments>
- </gml:Curve>
- </gml:curveMember>
-<div id="v3/multipoint-plural.xml"><!--
-<gml:MultiPoint xmlns:gml="" srsName="foo">
- <gml:pointMembers>
- <gml:Point>
- <gml:pos>1 2</gml:pos>
- </gml:Point>
- <gml:Point>
- <gml:pos>2 3</gml:pos>
- </gml:Point>
- <gml:Point>
- <gml:pos>3 4</gml:pos>
- </gml:Point>
- </gml:pointMembers>
-<div id="v3/multipoint-singular.xml"><!--
-<gml:MultiPoint xmlns:gml="" srsName="foo">
- <gml:pointMember>
- <gml:Point>
- <gml:pos>1 2</gml:pos>
- </gml:Point>
- </gml:pointMember>
- <gml:pointMember>
- <gml:Point>
- <gml:pos>2 3</gml:pos>
- </gml:Point>
- </gml:pointMember>
- <gml:pointMember>
- <gml:Point>
- <gml:pos>3 4</gml:pos>
- </gml:Point>
- </gml:pointMember>
-<div id="v3/multipolygon-plural.xml"><!--
-<gml:MultiPolygon xmlns:gml="" srsName="foo">
- <gml:polygonMembers>
- <gml:Polygon>
- <gml:exterior>
- <gml:LinearRing>
- <gml:posList>1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2</gml:posList>
- </gml:LinearRing>
- </gml:exterior>
- <gml:interior>
- <gml:LinearRing>
- <gml:posList>2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3</gml:posList>
- </gml:LinearRing>
- </gml:interior>
- <gml:interior>
- <gml:LinearRing>
- <gml:posList>3 4 5 6 7 8 3 4</gml:posList>
- </gml:LinearRing>
- </gml:interior>
- </gml:Polygon>
- <gml:Polygon>
- <gml:exterior>
- <gml:LinearRing>
- <gml:posList>1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2</gml:posList>
- </gml:LinearRing>
- </gml:exterior>
- </gml:Polygon>
- </gml:polygonMembers>
-<div id="v3/multipolygon-singular.xml"><!--
-<gml:MultiPolygon xmlns:gml="" srsName="foo">
- <gml:polygonMember>
- <gml:Polygon>
- <gml:exterior>
- <gml:LinearRing>
- <gml:posList>1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2</gml:posList>
- </gml:LinearRing>
- </gml:exterior>
- <gml:interior>
- <gml:LinearRing>
- <gml:posList>2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3</gml:posList>
- </gml:LinearRing>
- </gml:interior>
- <gml:interior>
- <gml:LinearRing>
- <gml:posList>3 4 5 6 7 8 3 4</gml:posList>
- </gml:LinearRing>
- </gml:interior>
- </gml:Polygon>
- </gml:polygonMember>
- <gml:polygonMember>
- <gml:Polygon>
- <gml:exterior>
- <gml:LinearRing>
- <gml:posList>1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2</gml:posList>
- </gml:LinearRing>
- </gml:exterior>
- </gml:Polygon>
- </gml:polygonMember>
-<div id="v3/multisurface-plural.xml"><!--
-<gml:MultiSurface xmlns:gml="" srsName="foo">
- <gml:surfaceMembers>
- <gml:Polygon>
- <gml:exterior>
- <gml:LinearRing>
- <gml:posList>1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2</gml:posList>
- </gml:LinearRing>
- </gml:exterior>
- <gml:interior>
- <gml:LinearRing>
- <gml:posList>2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3</gml:posList>
- </gml:LinearRing>
- </gml:interior>
- <gml:interior>
- <gml:LinearRing>
- <gml:posList>3 4 5 6 7 8 3 4</gml:posList>
- </gml:LinearRing>
- </gml:interior>
- </gml:Polygon>
- <gml:Polygon>
- <gml:exterior>
- <gml:LinearRing>
- <gml:posList>1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2</gml:posList>
- </gml:LinearRing>
- </gml:exterior>
- </gml:Polygon>
- </gml:surfaceMembers>
-<div id="v3/multisurface-singular.xml"><!--
-<gml:MultiSurface xmlns:gml="" srsName="foo">
- <gml:surfaceMember>
- <gml:Polygon>
- <gml:exterior>
- <gml:LinearRing>
- <gml:posList>1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2</gml:posList>
- </gml:LinearRing>
- </gml:exterior>
- <gml:interior>
- <gml:LinearRing>
- <gml:posList>2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3</gml:posList>
- </gml:LinearRing>
- </gml:interior>
- <gml:interior>
- <gml:LinearRing>
- <gml:posList>3 4 5 6 7 8 3 4</gml:posList>
- </gml:LinearRing>
- </gml:interior>
- </gml:Polygon>
- </gml:surfaceMember>
- <gml:surfaceMember>
- <gml:Polygon>
- <gml:exterior>
- <gml:LinearRing>
- <gml:posList>1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2</gml:posList>
- </gml:LinearRing>
- </gml:exterior>
- </gml:Polygon>
- </gml:surfaceMember>
-<div id="v3/multisurface-surface.xml"><!--
-<gml:MultiSurface xmlns:gml="" srsName="foo">
- <gml:surfaceMember>
- <gml:Surface>
- <gml:patches>
- <gml:PolygonPatch interpolation="planar">
- <gml:exterior>
- <gml:LinearRing>
- <gml:posList>1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2</gml:posList>
- </gml:LinearRing>
- </gml:exterior>
- <gml:interior>
- <gml:LinearRing>
- <gml:posList>2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3</gml:posList>
- </gml:LinearRing>
- </gml:interior>
- <gml:interior>
- <gml:LinearRing>
- <gml:posList>3 4 5 6 7 8 3 4</gml:posList>
- </gml:LinearRing>
- </gml:interior>
- </gml:PolygonPatch>
- </gml:patches>
- </gml:Surface>
- </gml:surfaceMember>
- <gml:surfaceMember>
- <gml:Surface>
- <gml:patches>
- <gml:PolygonPatch interpolation="planar">
- <gml:exterior>
- <gml:LinearRing>
- <gml:posList>1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2</gml:posList>
- </gml:LinearRing>
- </gml:exterior>
- </gml:PolygonPatch>
- </gml:patches>
- </gml:Surface>
- </gml:surfaceMember>
-<div id="v3/point.xml"><!--
-<gml:Point xmlns:gml="" srsName="foo">
- <gml:pos>1 2</gml:pos>
-<div id="v3/polygon.xml"><!--
-<gml:Polygon xmlns:gml="" srsName="foo">
- <gml:exterior>
- <gml:LinearRing>
- <gml:posList>1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2</gml:posList>
- </gml:LinearRing>
- </gml:exterior>
- <gml:interior>
- <gml:LinearRing>
- <gml:posList>2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3</gml:posList>
- </gml:LinearRing>
- </gml:interior>
- <gml:interior>
- <gml:LinearRing>
- <gml:posList>3 4 5 6 7 8 3 4</gml:posList>
- </gml:LinearRing>
- </gml:interior>
-<div id="v3/surface.xml"><!--
-<gml:Surface xmlns:gml="" srsName="foo">
- <gml:patches>
- <gml:PolygonPatch interpolation="planar">
- <gml:exterior>
- <gml:LinearRing>
- <gml:posList>1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2</gml:posList>
- </gml:LinearRing>
- </gml:exterior>
- <gml:interior>
- <gml:LinearRing>
- <gml:posList>2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3</gml:posList>
- </gml:LinearRing>
- </gml:interior>
- <gml:interior>
- <gml:LinearRing>
- <gml:posList>3 4 5 6 7 8 3 4</gml:posList>
- </gml:LinearRing>
- </gml:interior>
- </gml:PolygonPatch>
- </gml:patches>
-<div id="v3/topp-states-gml.xml"><!--
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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39.5921 -78.4501 39.5871 -78.4041 39.6201 -78.4321 39.6141 -78.3841 39.6311 -78.3771 39.6321 -78.3571 39.6401 -78.3481 39.6181 -78.2731 39.6411 -78.2571 39.6581 -78.2291 39.6731 -78.2271 39.6751 -78.2041 39.6941 -78.1831 39.6751 -78.0941 39.6221 -78.0261 39.5981 -77.9951 39.6111 -77.9641 39.5851 -77.9451 39.5911 -77.9351 39.6141 -77.9471 39.6181 -77.9381 39.5961 -77.9031 39.6001 -77.8911 39.6161 -77.8881 39.6021 -77.8551 39.6051 -77.8421 39.5721 -77.8401 39.5651 -77.8531 39.5641 -77.8851 39.5571 -77.8901 39.5451 -77.8691 39.5141 -77.8641 39.5311 -77.8441 39.5251 -77.8351 39.5291 -77.8291 39.5111 -77.8251 39.5011 -77.8481 39.4931 -77.8251 39.4981 -77.7711 39.4801 -77.7991 39.4591 -77.7851 39.4631 -77.8041 39.4501 -77.7961 39.4391 -77.8041 39.4321 -77.8021 39.4251 -77.7571 39.4031 -77.7411 39.3961 -77.7371 39.3781 -77.7561 39.3601 -77.7451 39.3381 -77.7541 39.3261 -77.7501 39.3171 -77.7271 39.2841 -77.7591 39.2461 -77.7681 39.1961 -77.8051 39.1411 -77.8201 39.1321 -77.8301 39.2651 -78.0331 39.3911 -78.2291 39.4231 -78.2771 39.4561 -78.3471 39.3801 -78.3501 39.3611 -78.3651 39.3501 -78.3441 39.3411 -78.3411 39.2571 -78.4131 39.2441 -78.3991 39.2121 -78.4231 39.1971 -78.4241 39.1701 -78.4021 39.1481 -78.4301 39.1181 -78.4481 39.1111 -78.4851 39.0931 -78.5011 39.0571 -78.5361 39.0351 -78.5641 39.0231 -78.5491 39.0131 -78.5531 38.9671 -78.5981 38.9791 -78.6311 38.9501 -78.6471 38.9211 -78.6801 38.9041 -78.7191 38.9301 -78.7241 38.9291 -78.7371 38.9111 -78.7491 38.8801 -78.7931 38.8331 -78.8161 38.7631 -78.8661 38.8461 -78.9871 38.7991 -79.0331 38.7901 -79.0551 38.7611 -79.0561 38.7071 -79.0871 38.6591 -79.0881 38.6631 -79.1211 38.6581 -79.1271 38.4801 -79.2311</gml:posList></gml:LinearRing></gml:exterior></gml:Polygon></gml:surfaceMember></gml:MultiSurface></topp:the_geom><topp:STATE_NAME>West Virginia</topp:STATE_NAME><topp:STATE_FIPS>54</topp:STATE_FIPS><topp:SUB_REGION>S 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-75.1551 38.2731 -75.1501 38.2011 -75.2621 38.0681 -75.3731 38.0161 -75.3721 37.9961 -75.6261 37.9701 -75.6481 37.9791 -75.8651 38.0971 -75.7691 38.1741 -75.8971 38.2311 -75.8381 38.2401 -75.8611 38.2631 -75.7941 38.2581 -75.8941 38.3571 -75.8721 38.3751 -75.8861 38.2821 -75.9491 38.2821 -75.9951 38.3211 -76.0201 38.2581 -76.0651 38.4361 -76.2941 38.4781 -76.2911 38.5431 -76.1921 38.5951 -76.2511 38.5711 -76.0311 38.6221 -76.0281 38.5911 -76.0461 38.6101 -76.0751 38.7071 -76.1241 38.7091 -76.1741 38.7621 -76.2231 38.7691 -76.2671 38.6791 -76.3371 38.6991 -76.3501 38.834 -76.2721 38.7651 -76.1951 38.7881 -76.1651 38.8851 -76.1141 38.8891 -76.0751 38.8981 -76.1021 38.9481 -76.0951 38.9201 -76.1131 38.9731 -76.1991 39.1181 -76.1111 39.0921 -76.2211 39.1301 -76.2381 39.2041 -76.2181 39.3211 -76.1121 39.3581 -76.0371 39.3791 -75.8491 39.3941 -75.9781 39.4711 -75.9521 39.5241 -75.9741 39.5691 -76.0311 39.5421 -76.0781 39.4011 -76.1541 39.3741 -76.2261 39.3931 -76.3641 39.2311 -76.3991 39.2421 -76.5311 39.2591 -76.6041 39.2311 -76.5651 39.1981 -76.5761 39.1801 -76.6071 39.1581 -76.5951 39.1961 -76.5631 39.1181 -76.4231 38.9081 -76.4721 38.7581 -76.5491 38.7091 -76.5251 38.5221 -76.5081 38.3911 -76.3851 38.3461 -76.4051 38.3201 -76.4211 38.3351 -76.4711 38.4101 -76.5201 38.4501 -76.6471 38.2131 -76.3431 38.0451 -76.3301 38.2221 -76.5771 38.2341 -76.7601 38.3911 -76.8641 38.2991 -76.9081 38.3311 -76.9731 38.4261 -77.0021 38.3901 -77.2201 38.4131 -77.2551 38.4871 -77.2771 38.6481 -77.1291 38.6771 -77.1251 38.7031 -77.0931 38.7151 -77.0811 38.7121 -77.0571 38.7181 -77.0461 38.7881 -77.0451 38.8891 -76.9111 38.9661 -77.0081 38.9931 -77.0421 38.9321 -77.1221 38.9641 -77.1521 38.9751 -77.2431 39.0271 -77.2551 39.0621 -77.3241 39.0681 -77.3461 39.0661 -77.4331 39.0801 -77.4591 39.1031 -77.4791 39.1161 -77.5131 39.1571 -77.5161 39.1761 -77.4781 39.2181 -77.4611 39.2291 -77.4641 39.2491 -77.4941 39.2681 -77.5421 39.2981 -77.5681 39.2991 -77.6161 39.3181 -77.6791 39.3171 -77.7271 39.3261 -77.7501 39.3381 -77.7541 39.3601 -77.7451 39.3781 -77.7561 39.3961 -77.7371 39.4031 -77.7411 39.4251 -77.7571 39.4321 -77.8021 39.4391 -77.8041 39.4501 -77.7961 39.4631 -77.8041 39.4591 -77.7851 39.4801 -77.7991 39.4981 -77.7711 39.4931 -77.8251 39.5011 -77.8481 39.5111 -77.8251 39.5291 -77.8291 39.5251 -77.8351 39.5311 -77.8441 39.5141 -77.8641 39.5451 -77.8691 39.5571 -77.8901 39.5641 -77.8851 39.5651 -77.8531 39.5721 -77.8401 39.6051 -77.8421 39.6021 -77.8551 39.6161 -77.8881 39.6001 -77.8911 39.5961 -77.9031 39.6181 -77.9381 39.6141 -77.9471 39.5911 -77.9351 39.5851 -77.9451 39.6111 -77.9641 39.5981 -77.9951 39.6221 -78.0261 39.6751 -78.0941 39.6941 -78.1831 39.6751 -78.2041 39.6731 -78.2271 39.6581 -78.2291 39.6411 -78.2571 39.6181 -78.2731 39.6401 -78.3481 39.6321 -78.3571 39.6311 -78.3771 39.6141 -78.3841 39.6201 -78.4321 39.5871 -78.4041 39.5921 -78.4501 39.5801 -78.4621 39.5491 -78.4211 39.5481 -78.4461 39.5331 -78.4561 39.5191 -78.4811 39.5251 -78.5091 39.5201 -78.5641 39.5351 -78.6041 39.5291 -78.6371 39.5371 -78.6491 39.5361 -78.6661 39.5591 -78.7161 39.5761 -78.7321 39.5811 -78.7611 39.6011 -78.7741 39.6081 -78.7361 39.6211 -78.7301 39.6261 -78.7321 39.6261 -78.7671 39.6441 -78.7721 39.6301 -78.7981 39.6151 -78.7981 39.5851 -78.8221 39.5661 -78.8061 39.5631 -78.8381 39.5251 -78.8711 39.4601 -78.9551 39.4381 -78.9701 39.4831 -79.0491 39.4851 -79.0641 39.4701 -79.0701 39.4701 -79.1041 39.4641 -79.0961 39.4471 -79.1041 39.4161 -79.1311 39.4131 -79.1581 39.3931 -79.1631 39.3481 -79.2601 39.3251 -79.2801 39.3001 -79.2951 39.2911 -79.3461 39.2691 -79.3851 39.2111 -79.4491 39.2131 -79.4611 39.1971 -79.4901 39.7201 -79.4811 39.7191 -79.3961 39.7221 -78.9301 39.7231 -78.8181 39.7231 -78.3851 39.7241 -78.3341 39.7251 -78.0961 39.7191 -77.4761 39.7191 -77.4641 39.7201 -77.2211 39.7201 -76.9971 39.7211 -76.7901 39.7201 -76.5701 39.7211 -76.2331 39.7221 -76.1391 39.7231 -75.7911 39.3831 -75.7721 39.2951 -75.7641 39.2471 -75.7611 39.1411 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-75.2701</gml:posList></gml:LinearRing></gml:exterior></gml:Polygon></gml:surfaceMember></gml:MultiSurface></topp:the_geom><topp:STATE_NAME>Maryland</topp:STATE_NAME><topp:STATE_FIPS>24</topp:STATE_FIPS><topp:SUB_REGION>S Atl</topp:SUB_REGION><topp:STATE_ABBR>MD</topp:STATE_ABBR><topp:LAND_KM>25316.345</topp:LAND_KM><topp:WATER_KM>6188.794</topp:WATER_KM><topp:PERSONS>4781468.0</topp:PERSONS><topp:FAMILIES>1245814.0</topp:FAMILIES><topp:HOUSHOLD>1748991.0</topp:HOUSHOLD><topp:MALE>2318671.0</topp:MALE><topp:FEMALE>2462797.0</topp:FEMALE><topp:WORKERS>1783061.0</topp:WORKERS><topp:DRVALONE>1732837.0</topp:DRVALONE><topp:CARPOOL>376449.0</topp:CARPOOL><topp:PUBTRANS>202169.0</topp:PUBTRANS><topp:EMPLOYED>2481342.0</topp:EMPLOYED><topp:UNEMPLOY>111536.0</topp:UNEMPLOY><topp:SERVICE>586994.0</topp:SERVICE><topp:MANUAL>260308.0</topp:MANUAL><topp:P_MALE>0.485</topp:P_MALE><topp:P_FEMALE>0.515</topp:P_FEMALE><topp:SAMP_POP>684773.0</topp:SAMP_POP></topp:states><topp:states 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-102.0481 39.5621 -102.0481 39.1261 -102.0471 39.0361 -102.0481 38.6921 -102.0471 38.6151 -102.0471 38.2631 -102.0451 38.2531 -102.0451 37.7341 -102.0431 37.6411 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37.1851 -89.0651 37.2201 -88.9931 37.2181 -88.9321 37.2021 -88.8631 37.1521 -88.7461 37.1411 -88.7391 37.1351 -88.6881 37.1091 -88.6141 37.0721 -88.5591 37.0641 -88.5171 37.0681 -88.4901 37.0721 -88.4761 37.0981 -88.4501 37.1561 -88.4221 37.2051 -88.4501 37.2571 -88.5011 37.2961 -88.5111 37.4001 -88.4671 37.4201 -88.4191 37.4091 -88.3591 37.4421 -88.3111 37.4761 -88.0871 37.5101 -88.0711 37.5831 -88.1341 37.6281 -88.1571 37.6601 -88.1591 37.7001 -88.1331 37.7351 -88.0721 37.8051 -88.0351 37.8011 -88.0111 37.7761 -87.9581 37.7991 -87.9391 37.8091 -87.9201 37.8381 -87.9101 37.8751 -87.9361 37.9041 -87.9341 37.9191 -87.9211 37.9241 -87.8991 37.8901 -87.8571 37.8781 -87.8231 37.8981 -87.7531 37.8941 -87.7281 37.8991 -87.7091 37.8971 -87.6791 37.8361 -87.6841 37.8281 -87.6511 37.8431 -87.6071 37.8641 -87.5931 37.8901 -87.5941 37.9231 -87.6271 37.9711 -87.6041 37.9151 -87.5041 37.9361 -87.4521 37.9341 -87.3871 37.8931 -87.3101 37.8701 -87.2721 37.8491 -87.2261 37.8381 -87.1751 37.8261 -87.1581 37.7891 -87.1311 37.7841 -87.1061 37.8071 -87.0711 37.9071 -87.0361 37.9241 -87.0131 37.9301 -86.9891 37.9371 -86.9311 37.9531 -86.9001 37.9861 -86.8631 37.9911 -86.8261 37.9781 -86.8021 37.8981 -86.7531 37.8941 -86.7281 37.9111 -86.6891 37.9131 -86.6681 37.9021 -86.6601 37.8601 -86.6701 37.8471 -86.6651 37.8451 -86.6451 37.8571 -86.6141 37.9211 -86.5981 37.9251 -86.5811 37.9211 -86.5411 37.9271 -86.5221 37.9421 -86.5161 37.9871 -86.5301 38.0181 -86.5271 38.0461 -86.5191 38.0511 -86.5031 38.0591 -86.4581 38.0751 -86.4421 38.0881 -86.4421 38.1111 -86.4741 38.1291 -86.4641 38.1291 -86.4521 38.1081 -86.4071 38.1231 -86.3931 38.1341 -86.3441 38.1431 -86.3351 38.1551 -86.3431 38.1671 -86.3871 38.1941 -86.3881 38.1931 -86.3641 38.1771 -86.3411 38.1501 -86.2971 38.0781 -86.2911 38.0581 -86.2771 38.0401 -86.2521 38.0171 -86.1901 38.0111 -86.1051 37.9661 -86.0521 37.9921 -86.0311 38.0011 -86.0061 38.0111 -85.9581 38.0331 -85.9301 38.0641 -85.9141 38.1791 -85.9121 38.2381 -85.8521 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-84.0881 38.7631 -84.0531 38.7771 -83.9621 38.7571 -83.9121 38.7441 -83.8571 38.7111 -83.8371 38.6931 -83.7901 38.6501 -83.7701 38.6351 -83.7121 38.6201 -83.6781 38.6231 -83.6551 38.6351 -83.6431 38.6641 -83.6331 38.6771 -83.6181 38.6961 -83.5261 38.6901 -83.5001 38.6631 -83.4531 38.6541 -83.3711 38.6311 -83.3301 38.6061 -83.3201 38.5961 -83.3061 38.5961 -83.2901 38.6091 -83.2721 38.6241 -83.2451 38.6091 -83.1821 38.6191 -83.1431 38.6641 -83.1111 38.6851 -83.0601 38.7141 -83.0271 38.7191 -82.9721 38.7461 -82.9211 38.7421 -82.8901 38.7181 -82.8731 38.6831 -82.8801 38.6521 -82.8601 38.6001 -82.8531 38.5711 -82.8271 38.5571 -82.8021 38.5521 -82.7421 38.5391 -82.6951 38.5021 -82.6691 38.4721 -82.6131 38.4121 -82.5861 38.3681 -82.5981 38.3071 -82.5721 38.2921 -82.5801 38.2551 -82.5741 38.2451 -82.5891 38.2381 -82.6161 38.1931 -82.6061 38.1781 -82.6131 38.1691 -82.6471 38.1461 -82.6461 38.1091 -82.5931 38.0151 -82.5241 37.9751 -82.4751 37.9541 -82.4801 37.9421 -82.4931 37.9221 -82.5001 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-85.3001 36.6181 -85.4371 36.6261 -85.7851 36.6331 -85.9801 36.6431 -86.1991 36.6501 -86.4151 36.6551 -86.5101</gml:posList></gml:LinearRing></gml:exterior></gml:Polygon></gml:surfaceMember><gml:surfaceMember><gml:Polygon><gml:exterior><gml:LinearRing><gml:posList>36.4981 -89.5331 36.5181 -89.5661 36.5411 -89.5681 36.5571 -89.5561 36.5641 -89.5301 36.5591 -89.4931 36.5471 -89.4811 36.5251 -89.4711 36.5041 -89.4811 36.4981 -89.4751 36.4981 -89.5331</gml:posList></gml:LinearRing></gml:exterior></gml:Polygon></gml:surfaceMember></gml:MultiSurface></topp:the_geom><topp:STATE_NAME>Kentucky</topp:STATE_NAME><topp:STATE_FIPS>21</topp:STATE_FIPS><topp:SUB_REGION>E S 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-95.9571 36.9981 -96.0051 37.0001 -96.5181 37.0001 -96.7481 36.9991 -97.1371 36.9961 -97.4651 36.9981 -97.8031 36.9981 -98.1041 36.9991 -98.3461 36.9981 -98.5391 36.9981 -98.9991 36.9941 -99.4371 36.9951 -99.5441 36.9951 -99.9981 36.9971 -100.0881 36.9971 -100.6331 36.9961 -100.9501 36.9971 -101.0711 36.9961 -101.5531 36.9881 -102.0241 36.9881 -102.0361 37.3861 -102.0411 37.6411 -102.0431 37.7341 -102.0431 38.2531 -102.0451 38.2631 -102.0451 38.6151 -102.0471 38.6921 -102.0471 39.0361 -102.0481 39.1261 -102.0471 39.5621 -102.0481 39.5681 -102.0481 39.9981 -102.0511 40.0011 -101.4061 40.0011 -101.3211 40.0001 -100.7541 39.9991 -100.7341 40.0001 -100.1901 40.0001 -100.1801 40.0021 -99.6271 39.9991 -99.1771 39.9981 -99.0641 39.9981 -98.7201 39.9971 -98.5041 39.9981 -98.2631 39.9981 -97.9291 39.9991 -97.8161 39.9971 -97.3611 39.9961 -96.9071 39.9941 -96.8011 39.9941 -96.4531 39.9941 -96.2401 39.9951 -96.0001 39.9931 -95.7801 39.9921 -95.3291 39.9991 -95.3081 39.9421 -95.2401 39.9381 -95.2071 39.9101 -95.1931 39.9081 -95.1501 39.8691 -95.1001 39.8661 -95.0621 39.8771 -95.0331 39.8961 -95.0211 39.9001 -94.9641 39.8961 -94.9371 39.8491 -94.9361 39.8331 -94.9231 39.8281 -94.8981 39.8171 -94.8881 39.7931 -94.8991 39.7821 -94.9331 39.7751 -94.9341 39.7571 -94.9211 39.7601 -94.8761 39.7541 -94.8701 39.7391 -94.8771 39.7261 -94.9051 39.7271 -94.9301 39.7361 -94.9521 39.7321 -94.9611 39.6841 -94.9781 39.6611 -95.0281 39.6251 -95.0551 39.5861 -95.0531 39.5601 -95.1081 39.5321 -95.1011 39.4851 -95.0471 39.4621 -95.0401 39.4391 -94.9851 39.4111 -94.9581 39.3811 -94.9251 39.3801 -94.8981 39.3401 -94.9111 39.3231 -94.9071 39.2861 -94.8801 39.2611 -94.8331 39.2111 -94.8201 39.1961 -94.7891 39.1711 -94.7301 39.1741 -94.6751 39.1581 -94.6461 39.1511 -94.6121 39.1411 -94.6001 39.1121 -94.6071 39.0441 -94.6091 38.8371 -94.6121 38.7371 -94.6121 38.4711 -94.6181 38.3921 -94.6181 38.0551 -94.6171 38.0301 -94.6161 37.6791 -94.6191 37.6501 -94.6181 37.3601 -94.6181 37.3271 -94.6181 37.0601 -94.6201 36.9961 -94.6201 37.0001 -95.0321 37.0011 -95.0711</gml:posList></gml:LinearRing></gml:exterior></gml:Polygon></gml:surfaceMember></gml:MultiSurface></topp:the_geom><topp:STATE_NAME>Kansas</topp:STATE_NAME><topp:STATE_FIPS>20</topp:STATE_FIPS><topp:SUB_REGION>W N 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-81.8581 37.2851 -81.8391 37.2791 -81.8151 37.2871 -81.7921 37.2721 -81.7521 37.2501 -81.7381 37.2351 -81.7011 37.2041 -81.6661 37.2061 -81.5561 37.2341 -81.5051 37.2521 -81.4951 37.2541 -81.4751 37.2821 -81.4031 37.3111 -81.3911 37.3381 -81.3581 37.2931 -81.3121 37.2401 -81.2231 37.2741 -81.1401 37.2851 -81.0251 37.3061 -80.9861 37.2961 -80.9781 37.2911 -80.9681 37.3011 -80.9341 37.3391 -80.8551 37.3501 -80.8481 37.3881 -80.8771 37.4231 -80.8501 37.4121 -80.7991 37.3911 -80.7991 37.3861 -80.7701 37.3711 -80.7631 37.3781 -80.7471 37.3871 -80.7461 37.3921 -80.7291 37.3881 -80.7051 37.4451 -80.5971 37.4691 -80.5421 37.4741 -80.5081 37.4601 -80.4881 37.4331 -80.4871 37.4221 -80.4741 37.4341 -80.4251 37.4651 -80.3881 37.4751 -80.3521 37.4911 -80.3471 37.5111 -80.2881 37.5361 -80.2801 37.5281 -80.3081 37.5331 -80.3261 37.5661 -80.3161 37.5961 -80.2461 37.6241 -80.2191 37.6401 -80.2541 37.6401 -80.3011 37.6521 -80.3051 37.6711 -80.2951 37.6821 -80.3031 37.7251 -80.2501 37.7571 -80.2541 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