path: root/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/KeyboardDefaults.html
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 173 deletions
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/KeyboardDefaults.html b/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/KeyboardDefaults.html
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index e190177..0000000
--- a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/KeyboardDefaults.html
+++ /dev/null
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- <script src="../OLLoader.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- var map;
- function test_Control_KeyboardDefaults_constructor (t) {
- t.plan( 2 );
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.KeyboardDefaults();
- t.ok( control instanceof OpenLayers.Control.KeyboardDefaults,
- "new OpenLayers.Control.KeyboardDefaults returns object" );
- t.eq( control.displayClass, "olControlKeyboardDefaults", "displayClass is correct" );
- }
- function test_Control_KeyboardDefaults_destroy (t) {
- t.plan(2);
- map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.KeyboardDefaults();
- map.addControl(control);
- t.ok(control.handler != null, "control.handler is created");
- control.destroy();
- t.ok(control.handler == null, "control.handler is null after destroy");
- map.destroy();
- }
- function test_Control_KeyboardDefaults_addControl (t) {
- t.plan( 4 );
- map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.KeyboardDefaults();
- t.ok( control instanceof OpenLayers.Control.KeyboardDefaults,
- "new OpenLayers.Control.KeyboardDefaults returns object" );
- t.ok( map instanceof OpenLayers.Map,
- "new OpenLayers.Map creates map" );
- map.addControl(control);
- t.ok( === map, " is set to the map object" );
- t.ok( OpenLayers.Util.indexOf(map.controls, control), "map.controls contains control" );
- }
- /* When interpretting
- * the keycodes below (including the comments associated with them),
- * consult the URL below. For instance, the Safari browser returns
- * "IE keycodes", and so is supported by any keycode labeled "IE".
- *
- * Very informative URL:
- *
- */
- function test_Control_KeyboardDefaults_KeyDownEvent (t) {
- t.plan( 25 );
- var evt = {which: 1}, pans = [], zoomIns = 0, zoomOuts = 0;
- map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
- // mock "pan", "zoomIn" and "zoomOut"
- map.pan = function(dx, dy) {
- pans.push({dx: dx, dy: dy});
- };
- map.zoomIn = function() {
- zoomIns++;
- };
- map.zoomOut = function() {
- zoomOuts++;
- };
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS("Test Layer",
- "",
- {map: "/mapdata/", layers: "basic"});
- map.addLayer(layer);
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.KeyboardDefaults({
- slideFactor: 100
- });
- map.addControl(control);
- map.setCenter(new OpenLayers.LonLat(0, 0), 4);
- // Start new test.
- evt.keyCode = OpenLayers.Event.KEY_LEFT;
- control.defaultKeyPress(evt);
- t.eq(pans.length, 1, '[KEY_LEFT] pan called once');
- t.eq(pans[0], {dx: -100, dy: 0},
- '[KEY LEFT] pan called with expected args');
- evt.keyCode = OpenLayers.Event.KEY_RIGHT;
- control.defaultKeyPress(evt);
- t.eq(pans.length, 2, '[KEY_RIGHT] pan called once');
- t.eq(pans[1], {dx: 100, dy: 0},
- '[KEY RIGHT] pan called with expected args');
- evt.keyCode = OpenLayers.Event.KEY_UP;
- control.defaultKeyPress(evt);
- t.eq(pans.length, 3, '[KEY_UP] pan called once');
- t.eq(pans[2], {dx: 0, dy: -100},
- '[KEY UP] pan called with expected args');
- evt.keyCode = OpenLayers.Event.KEY_DOWN;
- control.defaultKeyPress(evt);
- t.eq(pans.length, 4, '[KEY_DOWN] pan called once');
- t.eq(pans[3], {dx: 0, dy: 100},
- '[KEY DOWN] pan called with expected args');
- evt.keyCode = 33;
- control.defaultKeyPress(evt);
- t.eq(pans.length, 5, '[33] pan called once');
- t.eq(pans[4], {dx: 0, dy: -384},
- '[33] pan called with expected args');
- evt.keyCode = 34;
- control.defaultKeyPress(evt);
- t.eq(pans.length, 6, '[34] pan called once');
- t.eq(pans[5], {dx: 0, dy: 384},
- '[34] pan called with expected args');
- evt.keyCode = 35;
- control.defaultKeyPress(evt);
- t.eq(pans.length, 7, '[35] pan called once');
- t.eq(pans[6], {dx: 768, dy: 0},
- '[35] pan called with expected args');
- evt.keyCode = 36;
- control.defaultKeyPress(evt);
- t.eq(pans.length, 8, '[36] pan called once');
- t.eq(pans[7], {dx: -768, dy: 0},
- '[36] pan called with expected args');
- evt.keyCode = 43;
- control.defaultKeyPress(evt);
- t.eq(zoomIns, 1, '[43] zoomIn called once');
- evt.keyCode = 61;
- control.defaultKeyPress(evt);
- t.eq(zoomIns, 2, '[61] zoomIn called once');
- evt.keyCode = 187;
- control.defaultKeyPress(evt);
- t.eq(zoomIns, 3, '[187] zoomIn called once');
- evt.keyCode = 107;
- control.defaultKeyPress(evt);
- t.eq(zoomIns, 4, '[107] zoomIn called once');
- evt.keyCode = 107;
- control.defaultKeyPress(evt);
- t.eq(zoomIns, 5, '[107] zoomIn called once');
- evt.keyCode = 45;
- control.defaultKeyPress(evt);
- t.eq(zoomOuts, 1, '[45] zoomOut called once');
- evt.keyCode = 109;
- control.defaultKeyPress(evt);
- t.eq(zoomOuts, 2, '[109] zoomOut called once');
- evt.keyCode = 189;
- control.defaultKeyPress(evt);
- t.eq(zoomOuts, 3, '[189] zoomOut called once');
- evt.keyCode = 95;
- control.defaultKeyPress(evt);
- t.eq(zoomOuts, 4, '[95] zoomOut called once');
- map.destroy();
- }
- </script>
- <div id="map" style="width: 1024px; height: 512px;"/>