path: root/misc/openlayers/tools/
diff options
authorChris Schlaeger <>2014-08-12 21:56:44 +0200
committerChris Schlaeger <>2014-08-12 21:56:44 +0200
commitea346a785dc1b3f7c156f6fc33da634e1f1a627b (patch)
treeaf67530553d20b6e82ad60fd79593e9c4abf5565 /misc/openlayers/tools/
parent59741cd535c47f25971bf8c32b25da25ceadc6d5 (diff)
Adding jquery, flot and openlayers to be included with the GEM.v0.0.4
Diffstat (limited to 'misc/openlayers/tools/')
1 files changed, 287 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/tools/ b/misc/openlayers/tools/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1b26f2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/openlayers/tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Merge multiple JavaScript source code files into one.
+# Usage:
+# This script requires source files to have dependencies specified in them.
+# Dependencies are specified with a comment of the form:
+# // @requires <file path>
+# e.g.
+# // @requires Geo/DataSource.js
+# This script should be executed like so:
+# <output.js> <directory> [...]
+# e.g.
+# openlayers.js Geo/ CrossBrowser/
+# This example will cause the script to walk the `Geo` and
+# `CrossBrowser` directories--and subdirectories thereof--and import
+# all `*.js` files encountered. The dependency declarations will be extracted
+# and then the source code from imported files will be output to
+# a file named `openlayers.js` in an order which fulfils the dependencies
+# specified.
+# Note: This is a very rough initial version of this code.
+# -- Copyright 2005-2013 OpenLayers contributors / OpenLayers project --
+# TODO: Allow files to be excluded. e.g. `Crossbrowser/DebugMode.js`?
+# TODO: Report error when dependency can not be found rather than KeyError.
+import re
+import os
+import sys
+RE_REQUIRE = "@requires?:?\s+(\S*)\s*\n" # TODO: Ensure in comment?
+class MissingImport(Exception):
+ """Exception raised when a listed import is not found in the lib."""
+class SourceFile:
+ """
+ Represents a Javascript source code file.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, filepath, source, cfgExclude):
+ """
+ """
+ self.filepath = filepath
+ self.source = source
+ self.excludedFiles = []
+ self.requiredFiles = []
+ auxReq = re.findall(RE_REQUIRE, self.source)
+ for filename in auxReq:
+ if undesired(filename, cfgExclude):
+ self.excludedFiles.append(filename)
+ else:
+ self.requiredFiles.append(filename)
+ self.requiredBy = []
+ def _getRequirements(self):
+ """
+ Extracts the dependencies specified in the source code and returns
+ a list of them.
+ """
+ return self.requiredFiles
+ requires = property(fget=_getRequirements, doc="")
+def usage(filename):
+ """
+ Displays a usage message.
+ """
+ print "%s [-c <config file>] <output.js> <directory> [...]" % filename
+class Config:
+ """
+ Represents a parsed configuration file.
+ A configuration file should be of the following form:
+ [first]
+ 3rd/prototype.js
+ core/application.js
+ core/params.js
+ # A comment
+ [last]
+ core/api.js # Another comment
+ [exclude]
+ 3rd/logger.js
+ exclude/this/dir
+ All headings are required.
+ The files listed in the `first` section will be forced to load
+ *before* all other files (in the order listed). The files in `last`
+ section will be forced to load *after* all the other files (in the
+ order listed).
+ The files list in the `exclude` section will not be imported.
+ Any text appearing after a # symbol indicates a comment.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, filename):
+ """
+ Parses the content of the named file and stores the values.
+ """
+ lines = [re.sub("#.*?$", "", line).strip() # Assumes end-of-line character is present
+ for line in open(filename)
+ if line.strip() and not line.strip().startswith("#")] # Skip blank lines and comments
+ self.forceFirst = lines[lines.index("[first]") + 1:lines.index("[last]")]
+ self.forceLast = lines[lines.index("[last]") + 1:lines.index("[include]")]
+ self.include = lines[lines.index("[include]") + 1:lines.index("[exclude]")]
+ self.exclude = lines[lines.index("[exclude]") + 1:]
+def undesired(filepath, excludes):
+ # exclude file if listed
+ exclude = filepath in excludes
+ if not exclude:
+ # check if directory is listed
+ for excludepath in excludes:
+ if not excludepath.endswith("/"):
+ excludepath += "/"
+ if filepath.startswith(excludepath):
+ exclude = True
+ break
+ return exclude
+def getNames (sourceDirectory, configFile = None):
+ return run(sourceDirectory, None, configFile, True)
+def run (sourceDirectory, outputFilename = None, configFile = None,
+ returnAsListOfNames = False):
+ cfg = None
+ if configFile:
+ cfg = Config(configFile)
+ allFiles = []
+ ## Find all the Javascript source files
+ for root, dirs, files in os.walk(sourceDirectory):
+ for filename in files:
+ if filename.endswith(SUFFIX_JAVASCRIPT) and not filename.startswith("."):
+ filepath = os.path.join(root, filename)[len(sourceDirectory)+1:]
+ filepath = filepath.replace("\\", "/")
+ if cfg and cfg.include:
+ if filepath in cfg.include or filepath in cfg.forceFirst:
+ allFiles.append(filepath)
+ elif (not cfg) or (not undesired(filepath, cfg.exclude)):
+ allFiles.append(filepath)
+ ## Header inserted at the start of each file in the output
+ HEADER = "/* " + "=" * 70 + "\n %s\n" + " " + "=" * 70 + " */\n\n"
+ files = {}
+ ## Import file source code
+ ## TODO: Do import when we walk the directories above?
+ for filepath in allFiles:
+ print "Importing: %s" % filepath
+ fullpath = os.path.join(sourceDirectory, filepath).strip()
+ content = open(fullpath, "U").read() # TODO: Ensure end of line @ EOF?
+ files[filepath] = SourceFile(filepath, content, cfg.exclude) # TODO: Chop path?
+ print
+ from toposort import toposort
+ complete = False
+ resolution_pass = 1
+ while not complete:
+ complete = True
+ ## Resolve the dependencies
+ print "Resolution pass %s... " % resolution_pass
+ resolution_pass += 1
+ for filepath, info in files.items():
+ for path in info.requires:
+ if not files.has_key(path):
+ complete = False
+ fullpath = os.path.join(sourceDirectory, path).strip()
+ if os.path.exists(fullpath):
+ print "Importing: %s" % path
+ content = open(fullpath, "U").read() # TODO: Ensure end of line @ EOF?
+ files[path] = SourceFile(path, content, cfg.exclude) # TODO: Chop path?
+ else:
+ raise MissingImport("File '%s' not found (required by '%s')." % (path, filepath))
+ # create dictionary of dependencies
+ dependencies = {}
+ for filepath, info in files.items():
+ dependencies[filepath] = info.requires
+ print "Sorting..."
+ order = toposort(dependencies) #[x for x in toposort(dependencies)]
+ ## Move forced first and last files to the required position
+ if cfg:
+ print "Re-ordering files..."
+ order = cfg.forceFirst + [item
+ for item in order
+ if ((item not in cfg.forceFirst) and
+ (item not in cfg.forceLast))] + cfg.forceLast
+ print
+ ## Output the files in the determined order
+ result = []
+ # Return as a list of filenames
+ if returnAsListOfNames:
+ for fp in order:
+ fName = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(sourceDirectory, fp)).replace("\\","/")
+ print "Append: ", fName
+ f = files[fp]
+ for fExclude in f.excludedFiles:
+ print " Required file \"%s\" is excluded." % fExclude
+ result.append(fName)
+ print "\nTotal files: %d " % len(result)
+ return result
+ # Return as merged source code
+ for fp in order:
+ f = files[fp]
+ print "Exporting: ", f.filepath
+ for fExclude in f.excludedFiles:
+ print " Required file \"%s\" is excluded." % fExclude
+ result.append(HEADER % f.filepath)
+ source = f.source
+ result.append(source)
+ if not source.endswith("\n"):
+ result.append("\n")
+ print "\nTotal files merged: %d " % len(files)
+ if outputFilename:
+ print "\nGenerating: %s" % (outputFilename)
+ open(outputFilename, "w").write("".join(result))
+ return "".join(result)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ import getopt
+ options, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "-c:")
+ try:
+ outputFilename = args[0]
+ except IndexError:
+ usage(sys.argv[0])
+ raise SystemExit
+ else:
+ sourceDirectory = args[1]
+ if not sourceDirectory:
+ usage(sys.argv[0])
+ raise SystemExit
+ configFile = None
+ if options and options[0][0] == "-c":
+ configFile = options[0][1]
+ print "Parsing configuration file: %s" % filename
+ run( sourceDirectory, outputFilename, configFile )