path: root/misc/openlayers/tests/deprecated/Layer/WFS.html
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authorChris Schlaeger <>2015-10-17 21:36:38 +0200
committerChris Schlaeger <>2015-10-17 21:36:38 +0200
commite30f267181d990947e67909de4809fa941698c85 (patch)
tree46e9f94c2b3699ed378963b420b8a8d361286ea1 /misc/openlayers/tests/deprecated/Layer/WFS.html
parente763ceb183f389fcd314a4a6a712d87c9d4cdb32 (diff)
Upgrading openlayers to 3.x
Diffstat (limited to 'misc/openlayers/tests/deprecated/Layer/WFS.html')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 178 deletions
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/tests/deprecated/Layer/WFS.html b/misc/openlayers/tests/deprecated/Layer/WFS.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 09b6a54..0000000
--- a/misc/openlayers/tests/deprecated/Layer/WFS.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
- <script src="../../OLLoader.js"></script>
- <script src="../../../lib/deprecated.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- var name = "Vector Layer";
- function test_Layer_WFS_constructor(t) {
- t.plan(3);
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WFS(name, "url", {});
- t.ok(layer instanceof OpenLayers.Layer.WFS, "new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector returns correct object" );
- t.eq(, name, "layer name is correctly set");
- t.ok(layer.renderer.CLASS_NAME, "layer has a renderer");
- }
- function test_Layer_WFS_getDataExtent(t) {
- t.plan(1);
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WFS(name, "url", {});
- layer.addFeatures(new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(0, 0)));
- layer.addFeatures(new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(0, 1)));
- t.eq(layer.getDataExtent().toBBOX(), "0,0,0,1", "bbox is correctly pulled from vectors.");
- }
- function test_Layer_WFS_setOpacity(t) {
- t.plan(3);
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WFS(name, "url", {});
- layer.setOpacity(.5);
- t.eq(layer.opacity, 0.5, "vector setOpacity didn't fail");
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WFS(name, "url", {}, {'featureClass': OpenLayers.Feature.WFS});
- var marker = new OpenLayers.Marker(new OpenLayers.LonLat(0,0));
- marker.setOpacity = function() {
- t.ok(true, "Marker setOpacity was called");
- }
- layer.addMarker(marker);
- layer.setOpacity(.6);
- t.eq(layer.opacity, 0.6, "setOpacity didn't fail on markers");
- }
- function test_Layer_WFS_destroy(t) {
- t.plan(13);
- var tVectorDestroy = OpenLayers.Layer.Vector.prototype.destroy;
- OpenLayers.Layer.Vector.prototype.destroy = function() {
- g_VectorDestroyed = true;
- }
- var tMarkersDestroy = OpenLayers.Layer.Markers.prototype.destroy;
- OpenLayers.Layer.Markers.prototype.destroy = function() {
- g_MarkersDestroyed = true;
- }
- var layer = {
- 'vectorMode': true,
- 'tile': {
- 'destroy': function() {
- t.ok(true, "wfs layer's tile is destroyed");
- }
- },
- 'ratio': {},
- 'featureClass': {},
- 'format': {},
- 'formatObject': {
- 'destroy': function() {
- t.ok(true, "wfs layer's format object is destroyed");
- }
- },
- 'formatOptions': {},
- 'encodeBBOX': {},
- 'extractAttributes': {}
- };
- //this call should set off two tests (destroys for tile and format object)
- g_VectorDestroyed = null;
- g_MarkersDestroyed = null;
- OpenLayers.Layer.WFS.prototype.destroy.apply(layer, []);
- t.ok(g_VectorDestroyed && !g_MarkersDestroyed, "when vector mode is set to true, the default vector layer's destroy() method is called");
- t.eq(layer.vectorMode, null, "'vectorMode' property nullified");
- t.eq(layer.tile, null, "'tile' property nullified");
- t.eq(layer.ratio, null, "'ratio' property nullified");
- t.eq(layer.featureClass, null, "'featureClass' property nullified");
- t.eq(layer.format, null, "'format' property nullified");
- t.eq(layer.formatObject, null, "'formatObject' property nullified");
- t.eq(layer.formatOptions, null, "'formatOptions' property nullified");
- t.eq(layer.encodeBBOX, null, "'encodeBBOX' property nullified");
- t.eq(layer.extractAttributes, null, "'extractAttributes' property nullified");
- layer.vectorMode = false;
- //this call will *not* set off two tests (tile and format object are null)
- g_VectorDestroyed = null;
- g_MarkersDestroyed = null;
- OpenLayers.Layer.WFS.prototype.destroy.apply(layer, []);
- t.ok(!g_VectorDestroyed && g_MarkersDestroyed, "when vector mode is set to false, the default markers layer's destroy() method is called");
- OpenLayers.Layer.Vector.prototype.destroy = tVectorDestroy;
- OpenLayers.Layer.Markers.prototype.destroy = tMarkersDestroy;
- }
- function test_Layer_WFS_mapresizevector(t) {
- t.plan(2);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map");
- map.addLayer(new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS("WMS", "url", {}));
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WFS(name, "url", {});
- t.ok(layer.renderer.CLASS_NAME, "layer has a renderer");
- map.addLayer(layer);
- setSize = false;
- layer.renderer.setSize = function() { setSize = true; }
- layer.onMapResize();
- t.eq(setSize, true, "Renderer resize called on map size change.");
- map.destroy();
- }
- function test_Layer_WFS_drawmap(t) {
- t.plan(2);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
- layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS( "OpenLayers WMS",
- "", {layers: 'basic'} );
- map.addLayer(layer);
- layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WFS( "Owl Survey",
- "",
- {typename: "OWLS", maxfeatures: 10},
- { featureClass: OpenLayers.Feature.WFS});
- map.addLayer(layer);
- map.addControl(new OpenLayers.Control.LayerSwitcher());
- try {
- map.setCenter(new OpenLayers.LonLat(-100, 60), 3);
- } catch (Exception) {
- }
- t.eq(layer.tile.url, ",-36.6796875,-12.109375,156.6796875", "Tile URL is set correctly when not encoded");
- map.destroy();
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
- layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS( "OpenLayers WMS",
- "", {layers: 'basic'}
- );
- map.addLayer(layer);
- layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WFS( "Owl Survey",
- "",
- {typename: "OWLS", maxfeatures: 10},
- { featureClass: OpenLayers.Feature.WFS, 'encodeBBOX': true});
- map.addLayer(layer);
- map.addControl(new OpenLayers.Control.LayerSwitcher());
- try {
- map.setCenter(new OpenLayers.LonLat(-100, 60), 3);
- } catch (Exception) {
- }
- t.eq(layer.tile.url, "", "Tile URL is set correctly when not encoded");
- map.destroy();
- }
- function test_projection_srs(t) {
- t.plan(1);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
- map.addLayer(new OpenLayers.Layer("",{isBaseLayer: true} ));
- // we use an empty moveTo function because we don't want to request tiles
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WFS("","/wfs",{},{'projection': new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:900913"),
- moveTo: function() {}});
- map.addLayer(layer);
- map.zoomToMaxExtent();
- var params = OpenLayers.Util.getParameters(layer.getFullRequestString());
- t.eq(params.SRS, "EPSG:900913", "SRS represents projection of WFS layer, instead of map (#1537)");
- }
- </script>
-<div id="map" style="width:500px;height:550px"></div>