path: root/misc/openlayers/tests/Format/XML.html
diff options
authorChris Schlaeger <>2014-08-12 21:56:44 +0200
committerChris Schlaeger <>2014-08-12 21:56:44 +0200
commitea346a785dc1b3f7c156f6fc33da634e1f1a627b (patch)
treeaf67530553d20b6e82ad60fd79593e9c4abf5565 /misc/openlayers/tests/Format/XML.html
parent59741cd535c47f25971bf8c32b25da25ceadc6d5 (diff)
Adding jquery, flot and openlayers to be included with the GEM.v0.0.4
Diffstat (limited to 'misc/openlayers/tests/Format/XML.html')
1 files changed, 900 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/tests/Format/XML.html b/misc/openlayers/tests/Format/XML.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d139506
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/openlayers/tests/Format/XML.html
@@ -0,0 +1,900 @@
+ <script src="../OLLoader.js"></script>
+ <script type="text/javascript">
+ var text =
+ '<?xml version="1.0"?>' +
+ '<ol:root xmlns="" ' +
+ 'xmlns:ol="" ' +
+ 'xmlns:ta="">' +
+ '<ol:child ta:attribute="value1" ' +
+ 'attribute="value2">' +
+ 'junk1' +
+ '<' + '/ol:child>' +
+ '<ol:child>junk2<' + '/ol:child>' +
+ '<ol:child>junk3<' + '/ol:child>' +
+ '<element>junk4<' + '/element>' +
+ '<ol:element>junk5<' + '/ol:element>' +
+ '<ol:p>' +
+ '<ol:a>junk' +
+ '<' + '/ol:a>' +
+ '<ol:b>junk' +
+ '<' + '/ol:b>' +
+ '<ol:a>junk' +
+ '<' + '/ol:a>' +
+ '<' + '/ol:p>' +
+ '<' + '/ol:root>';
+ function test_Format_XML_constructor(t) {
+ t.plan(13);
+ var options = {'foo': 'bar'};
+ var format = new OpenLayers.Format.XML(options);
+ t.ok(format instanceof OpenLayers.Format.XML,
+ "new OpenLayers.Format.XML returns object" );
+ t.eq(, "bar", "constructor sets options correctly");
+ t.eq(typeof, "function", "format has a read function");
+ t.eq(typeof format.write, "function", "format has a write function");
+ t.ok(!window.ActiveXObject || format.xmldom, "browsers with activeX must have xmldom");
+ // test namespaces
+ t.ok(format.namespaces instanceof Object, "format has namespace object");
+ var namespaces = {"foo": "bar"};
+ format = new OpenLayers.Format.XML({namespaces: namespaces});
+ t.eq(format.namespaces, namespaces, "format.namespaces correctly set in constructor");
+ // test default prefix
+ t.eq(format.defaultPrefix, null, "defaultPrefix is null by default");
+ format = new OpenLayers.Format.XML({defaultPrefix: "foo"});
+ t.eq(format.defaultPrefix, "foo", "defaultPrefix correctly set in constructor");
+ // test readers
+ t.ok(format.readers instanceof Object, "format has readers object");
+ var readers = {"foo": "bar"};
+ format = new OpenLayers.Format.XML({readers: readers});
+ t.eq(format.readers, readers, "format.readers correctly set in constructor");
+ // test readers
+ t.ok(format.writers instanceof Object, "format has writers object");
+ var writers = {"foo": "bar"};
+ format = new OpenLayers.Format.XML({writers: writers});
+ t.eq(format.writers, writers, "format.writers correctly set in constructor");
+ }
+ function test_destroy(t) {
+ t.plan(1);
+ var format = new OpenLayers.Format.XML();
+ format.destroy();
+ t.eq(format.xmldom, null, "xmldom set to null for all browsers");
+ }
+ function test_Format_XML_read(t) {
+ var format = new OpenLayers.Format.XML();
+ t.plan(format.xmldom ? 10 : 9);
+ var doc =;
+ t.eq(doc.nodeType, 9,
+ "doc has the correct node type");
+ t.eq(doc.nodeName, "#document",
+ "doc has the correct node name");
+ t.ok(doc.documentElement,
+ "ok to access doc.documentElement");
+ t.xml_eq(doc.documentElement, text,
+ "doc.documentElement correctly read");
+ // read can also be called on the prototype directly
+ doc =;
+ t.eq(doc.nodeType, 9,
+ "doc has the correct node type");
+ t.eq(doc.nodeName, "#document",
+ "doc has the correct node name");
+ t.ok(doc.documentElement,
+ "ok to access doc.documentElement");
+ t.xml_eq(doc.documentElement, text,
+ "doc.documentElement correctly read");
+ // where appropriate, make sure doc is loaded into xmldom property
+ if(format.xmldom) {
+ t.xml_eq(format.xmldom.documentElement, text,
+ "xmldom.documentElement contains equivalent xml");
+ }
+ // test equivalence with different namespace alias
+ var pre1 =
+ "<pre1:parent xmlns:pre1='http://namespace'>" +
+ "<pre1:child1>value2</pre1:child1>" +
+ "<pre1:child2 pre1:attr1='foo'>value2</pre1:child2>" +
+ "<pre1:child3 chicken:attr='hot' xmlns:chicken='http://soup'/>" +
+ "</pre1:parent>";
+ var pre2 =
+ "<pre2:parent xmlns:pre2='http://namespace'>" +
+ "<pre2:child1>value2</pre2:child1>" +
+ "<pre2:child2 pre2:attr1='foo'>value2</pre2:child2>" +
+ "<pre2:child3 pea:attr='hot' xmlns:pea='http://soup'/>" +
+ "</pre2:parent>";
+ var doc1 =;
+ t.xml_eq(doc1.documentElement, pre2, "read correctly sets namespaces");
+ }
+ function test_Format_XML_write(t) {
+ t.plan(2);
+ var format = new OpenLayers.Format.XML();
+ var doc =;
+ var out = format.write(doc);
+ out = out.replace(/[\r\n]/g, '');
+ out = out.replace( /<\?.*\?>/, '')
+ var expected = text.replace(/<\?.*\?>/, '')
+ t.eq(expected, out,
+ "correctly writes an XML DOM doc");
+ var out = format.write(
+ format.getElementsByTagNameNS(doc,
+ "","root")[0]);
+ out = out.replace(/[\r\n]/g, '');
+ out = out.replace( /<\?.*\?>/, '')
+ t.eq(out, expected,
+ "correctly writes an XML DOM node");
+ }
+ function test_Format_XML_createElementNS(t) {
+ t.plan(5);
+ var format = new OpenLayers.Format.XML();
+ var uri = "";
+ var prefix = "foo";
+ var localName = "bar";
+ var qualifiedName = prefix + ":" + localName;
+ var node = format.createElementNS(uri, qualifiedName);
+ t.eq(node.nodeType, 1,
+ "node has correct type");
+ t.eq(node.nodeName, qualifiedName,
+ "node has correct qualified name");
+ t.eq(node.prefix, prefix,
+ "node has correct prefix");
+ t.eq(node.namespaceURI, uri,
+ "node has correct namespace uri");
+ var doc =;
+ if (doc.importNode) {
+ node = doc.importNode(node, true);
+ }
+ t.ok(doc.documentElement.appendChild(node),
+ "node can be appended to a doc root");
+ }
+ function test_createDocumentFragment(t) {
+ t.plan(3);
+ var format = new OpenLayers.Format.XML();
+ var uri = "";
+ var prefix = "foo";
+ var localName = "bar";
+ var qualifiedName = prefix + ":" + localName;
+ var parent = format.createElementNS(uri, qualifiedName);
+ var fragment = format.createDocumentFragment();
+ t.eq(fragment.nodeType, 11, "fragment type");
+ try {
+ fragment.appendChild(format.createTextNode("one"));
+ fragment.appendChild(format.createTextNode("two"));
+ t.eq(fragment.childNodes.length, 2, "fragment has two child nodes");
+ } catch (err) {
+"trouble appending text nodes to fragment: " + err.message);
+ }
+ try {
+ parent.appendChild(fragment);
+ t.eq(parent.childNodes.length, 2, "parent has two child nodes");
+ } catch (err) {
+"trouble appending fragment to parent: " + err.message);
+ }
+ }
+ function test_Format_XML_createTextNode(t) {
+ t.plan(10);
+ var format = new OpenLayers.Format.XML();
+ var value, node;
+ value = "string";
+ node = format.createTextNode(value);
+ t.eq(node.nodeType, 3,
+ "[string] node has correct type");
+ t.eq(node.nodeName, "#text",
+ "[string] node has correct name");
+ t.eq(node.nodeValue, "string",
+ "[string] node has correct value");
+ value = 0.42;
+ node = format.createTextNode(value);
+ t.eq(node.nodeType, 3,
+ "[number] node has correct type");
+ t.eq(node.nodeName, "#text",
+ "[number] node has correct name");
+ t.eq(node.nodeValue, "0.42",
+ "[number] node has correct value");
+ value = false;
+ node = format.createTextNode(value);
+ t.eq(node.nodeType, 3,
+ "[boolean] node has correct type");
+ t.eq(node.nodeName, "#text",
+ "[boolean] node has correct name");
+ t.eq(node.nodeValue, "false",
+ "[boolean] node has correct value");
+ var doc =;
+ if (doc.importNode) {
+ node = doc.importNode(node, true);
+ }
+ t.ok(doc.documentElement.appendChild(node),
+ "node can be appended to a doc root");
+ }
+ function test_Format_XML_getElementsByTagNameNS(t) {
+ t.plan(5);
+ var format = new OpenLayers.Format.XML();
+ var olUri = "";
+ var name = "child";
+ var doc =;
+ var nodes = format.getElementsByTagNameNS(doc.documentElement,
+ olUri, name);
+ t.eq(nodes.length, 3,
+ "gets correct number of nodes");
+ var qualifiedName = nodes[0].prefix + ":" + name;
+ t.eq(nodes[0].nodeName, qualifiedName,
+ "first node has correct qualified name");
+ var defaultUri = "";
+ name = "element";
+ nodes = format.getElementsByTagNameNS(doc.documentElement,
+ defaultUri, name);
+ t.eq(nodes.length, 1,
+ "gets correct number of nodes in default namespace");
+ var pList = format.getElementsByTagNameNS(doc.documentElement,
+ olUri, "p");
+ t.eq(pList.length, 1, "got one ol:p element");
+ var p = pList[0];
+ var aList = format.getElementsByTagNameNS(p, olUri, "a");
+ t.eq(aList.length, 2, "got two child ol:a elements");
+ }
+ function test_Format_XML_getAttributeNodeNS(t) {
+ t.plan(5);
+ var format = new OpenLayers.Format.XML();
+ var doc =;
+ var olUri = "";
+ var taUri = "";
+ var localNodeName = "child";
+ var localAttrName = "attribute";
+ var nodes = format.getElementsByTagNameNS(doc.documentElement,
+ olUri, localNodeName);
+ var attributeNode = format.getAttributeNodeNS(nodes[0],
+ taUri, localAttrName);
+ var qualifiedName = attributeNode.prefix + ":" + localAttrName;
+ t.ok(attributeNode,
+ "returns non-null value");
+ t.eq(attributeNode.nodeType, 2,
+ "attribute node has correct type");
+ t.eq(attributeNode.nodeName, qualifiedName,
+ "attribute node has correct qualified name");
+ t.eq(attributeNode.nodeValue, "value1",
+ "attribute node has correct value");
+ var nullAttribute = format.getAttributeNodeNS(nodes[0],
+ taUri, "nothing");
+ t.ok(nullAttribute === null,
+ "returns null for nonexistent attribute");
+ }
+ function test_Format_XML_getAttributeNS(t) {
+ t.plan(2);
+ var format = new OpenLayers.Format.XML();
+ var doc =;
+ var olUri = "";
+ var taUri = "";
+ var localNodeName = "child";
+ var localAttrName = "attribute";
+ var nodes = format.getElementsByTagNameNS(doc.documentElement,
+ olUri, localNodeName);
+ var attributeValue = format.getAttributeNS(nodes[0],
+ taUri, localAttrName);
+ t.eq(attributeValue, "value1",
+ "got correct attribute value");
+ var emptyValue = format.getAttributeNS(nodes[0],
+ taUri, "nothing");
+ t.ok(emptyValue === "",
+ "returns empty string for nonexistent attributes");
+ }
+ function test_Format_XML_hasAttributeNS(t) {
+ t.plan(2);
+ var format = new OpenLayers.Format.XML();
+ var doc =;
+ var olUri = "";
+ var taUri = "";
+ var localNodeName = "child";
+ var localAttrName = "attribute";
+ var nodes = format.getElementsByTagNameNS(doc.documentElement,
+ olUri, localNodeName);
+ var found = format.hasAttributeNS(nodes[0], taUri, localAttrName);
+ t.ok(found === true, "returns true for good attribute");
+ found = format.hasAttributeNS(nodes[0], taUri, "nothing");
+ t.ok(found === false, "returns false for bad attribute");
+ }
+ function test_namespaces(t) {
+ t.plan(2);
+ var format = new OpenLayers.Format.XML({
+ namespaces: {
+ "def": "",
+ "foo": "",
+ "bar": ""
+ },
+ defaultPrefix: "def"
+ });
+ // test that prototype has not been altered
+ t.eq(OpenLayers.Format.XML.prototype.namespaces, null,
+ "setting namespaces at construction does not modify prototype");
+ // test that namespaceAlias has been set
+ t.eq(format.namespaceAlias[""], "foo",
+ "namespaceAlias mapping has been set");
+ }
+ function test_setNamespace(t) {
+ t.plan(3);
+ var format = new OpenLayers.Format.XML();
+ // test that namespaces is an object
+ t.ok(format.namespaces instanceof Object, "empty namespace object set");
+ format.setNamespace("foo", "");
+ t.eq(format.namespaces["foo"], "", "alias -> uri mapping set");
+ t.eq(format.namespaceAlias[""], "foo", "uri -> alias mapping set");
+ }
+ function test_readChildNodes(t) {
+ var text = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>" +
+ "<container xmlns=''>" +
+ "<marker name='my marker 1'>" +
+ "<position>" +
+ "<lon>-180</lon>" +
+ "<lat>90</lat>" +
+ "</position>" +
+ "<detail>some text for first marker</detail>" +
+ "<atom:link xmlns:atom='' href='http://host/path/1'/>" +
+ "</marker>" +
+ "<marker name='my marker 2'>" +
+ "<position>" +
+ "<lon>180</lon>" +
+ "<lat>-90</lat>" +
+ "</position>" +
+ "<detail>some text for second marker</detail>" +
+ "<atom:link xmlns:atom='' href='http://host/path/2'/>" +
+ "</marker>" +
+ "</container>";
+ var expect = [
+ new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(
+ new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-180, 90),
+ {
+ name: 'my marker 1',
+ link: 'http://host/path/1',
+ detail: 'some text for first marker'
+ }
+ ),
+ new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(
+ new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(180, -90),
+ {
+ name: 'my marker 2',
+ link: 'http://host/path/2',
+ detail: 'some text for second marker'
+ }
+ )
+ ];
+ var format = new OpenLayers.Format.XML({
+ defaultPrefix: "foo",
+ namespaces: {
+ "foo": "",
+ "atom": ""
+ },
+ readers: {
+ "foo": {
+ "container": function(node, obj) {
+ var list = [];
+ this.readChildNodes(node, list);
+ obj.list = list;
+ },
+ "marker": function(node, list) {
+ var feature = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector();
+ = node.getAttribute("name");
+ this.readChildNodes(node, feature);
+ list.push(feature);
+ },
+ "position": function(node, feature) {
+ var obj = {};
+ this.readChildNodes(node, obj);
+ feature.geometry = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(obj.x, obj.y);
+ },
+ "lon": function(node, obj) {
+ obj.x = this.getChildValue(node);
+ },
+ "lat": function(node, obj) {
+ obj.y = this.getChildValue(node);
+ },
+ "detail": function(node, feature) {
+ feature.attributes.detail = this.getChildValue(node);
+ }
+ },
+ "atom": {
+ "link": function(node, feature) {
+ = node.getAttribute("href");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ // convert text to document node
+ var doc =;
+ // read child nodes to get back some object
+ var obj = format.readChildNodes(doc);
+ // start comparing what we got to what we expect
+ var got = obj.list;
+ t.plan(11);
+ t.eq(got.length, expect.length, "correct number of items parsed");
+ t.eq(got[0].geometry.x, expect[0].geometry.x, "correct x coord parsed for marker 1");
+ t.eq(got[0].geometry.y, expect[0].geometry.y, "correct y coord parsed for marker 1");
+ t.eq(got[0], expect[0], "correct name parsed for marker 1");
+ t.eq(got[0].attributes.detail, expect[0].attributes.detail, "correct detail parsed for marker 1");
+ t.eq(got[0], expect[0], "correct link parsed for marker 1");
+ t.eq(got[1].geometry.x, expect[1].geometry.x, "correct x coord parsed for marker 2");
+ t.eq(got[1].geometry.y, expect[1].geometry.y, "correct y coord parsed for marker 2");
+ t.eq(got[1], expect[1], "correct name parsed for marker 2");
+ t.eq(got[1].attributes.detail, expect[1].attributes.detail, "correct detail parsed for marker 2");
+ t.eq(got[1], expect[1], "correct link parsed for marker 2");
+ }
+ function test_writeNode(t) {
+ var features = [
+ new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(
+ new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-180, 90),
+ {
+ name: 'my marker 1',
+ link: 'http://host/path/1',
+ detail: 'some text for first marker'
+ }
+ ),
+ new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(
+ new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(180, -90),
+ {
+ name: 'my marker 2',
+ link: 'http://host/path/2',
+ detail: 'some text for second marker'
+ }
+ )
+ ];
+ var expect = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>" +
+ "<container xmlns=''>" +
+ "<marker name='my marker 1'>" +
+ "<position>" +
+ "<lon>-180</lon>" +
+ "<lat>90</lat>" +
+ "</position>" +
+ "<detail>some text for first marker</detail>" +
+ "<atom:link xmlns:atom='' href='http://host/path/1'/>" +
+ "</marker>" +
+ "<marker name='my marker 2'>" +
+ "<position>" +
+ "<lon>180</lon>" +
+ "<lat>-90</lat>" +
+ "</position>" +
+ "<detail>some text for second marker</detail>" +
+ "<atom:link xmlns:atom='' href='http://host/path/2'/>" +
+ "</marker>" +
+ "</container>";
+ var format = new OpenLayers.Format.XML({
+ defaultPrefix: "foo",
+ namespaces: {
+ "foo": "",
+ "atom": ""
+ },
+ writers: {
+ "foo": {
+ "container": function(features) {
+ var node = this.createElementNSPlus("container");
+ var feature;
+ for(var i=0; i<features.length; ++i) {
+ feature = features[i];
+ this.writeNode("marker", features[i], node);
+ }
+ return node;
+ },
+ "marker": function(feature) {
+ var node = this.createElementNSPlus("marker", {
+ attributes: {name:}
+ });
+ this.writeNode("position", feature.geometry, node);
+ this.writeNode("detail", feature.attributes.detail, node);
+ this.writeNode("atom:link",, node);
+ return node;
+ },
+ "position": function(geometry) {
+ var node = this.createElementNSPlus("position");
+ this.writeNode("lon", geometry.x, node);
+ this.writeNode("lat", geometry.y, node);
+ return node;
+ },
+ "lon": function(x) {
+ return this.createElementNSPlus("lon", {
+ value: x
+ });
+ },
+ "lat": function(y) {
+ return this.createElementNSPlus("lat", {
+ value: y
+ });
+ },
+ "detail": function(text) {
+ return this.createElementNSPlus("detail", {
+ value: text
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ "atom": {
+ "link": function(href) {
+ return this.createElementNSPlus("atom:link", {
+ attributes: {href: href}
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ t.plan(1);
+ // test that we get what we expect from writeNode
+ var got = format.writeNode("container", features);
+ t.xml_eq(got, expect, "features correctly written");
+ }
+ function test_createElementNSPlus(t) {
+ var format = new OpenLayers.Format.XML({
+ defaultPrefix: "def",
+ namespaces: {
+ "def": "",
+ "foo": "",
+ "bar": ""
+ }
+ });
+ var cases = [
+ {
+ description: "unprefixed name with default options",
+ node: format.createElementNSPlus("FooNode"),
+ expect: "<def:FooNode xmlns:def=''/>"
+ }, {
+ description: "def prefixed name with default options",
+ node: format.createElementNSPlus("def:FooNode"),
+ expect: "<def:FooNode xmlns:def=''/>"
+ }, {
+ description: "foo prefixed name with default options",
+ node: format.createElementNSPlus("foo:FooNode"),
+ expect: "<foo:FooNode xmlns:foo=''/>"
+ }, {
+ description: "unprefixed name with uri option",
+ node: format.createElementNSPlus("FooNode", {
+ uri: ""
+ }),
+ expect: "<FooNode xmlns=''/>"
+ }, {
+ description: "foo prefixed name with uri option (overriding format.namespaces)",
+ node: format.createElementNSPlus("foo:FooNode", {
+ uri: ""
+ }),
+ expect: "<foo:FooNode xmlns:foo=''/>"
+ }, {
+ description: "foo prefixed name with attributes option",
+ node: format.createElementNSPlus("foo:FooNode", {
+ attributes: {
+ "id": "123",
+ "foo:attr1": "namespaced attribute 1",
+ "bar:attr2": "namespaced attribute 2"
+ }
+ }),
+ expect: "<foo:FooNode xmlns:foo='' xmlns:bar='' id='123' foo:attr1='namespaced attribute 1' bar:attr2='namespaced attribute 2'/>"
+ }, {
+ description: "foo prefixed name with attributes and value options",
+ node: format.createElementNSPlus("foo:FooNode", {
+ attributes: {"id": "123"},
+ value: "text value"
+ }),
+ expect: "<foo:FooNode xmlns:foo='' id='123'>text value<" + "/foo:FooNode>"
+ }, {
+ description: "value of 0 gets appended as a text node",
+ node: format.createElementNSPlus("foo:bar", {value: 0}),
+ expect: "<foo:bar xmlns:foo=''>0</foo:bar>"
+ }, {
+ description: "value of 0.42 gets appended as a text node",
+ node: format.createElementNSPlus("foo:bar", {value: 0.42}),
+ expect: "<foo:bar xmlns:foo=''>0.42</foo:bar>"
+ }, {
+ description: "value of true gets appended as a text node",
+ node: format.createElementNSPlus("foo:bar", {value: true}),
+ expect: "<foo:bar xmlns:foo=''>true</foo:bar>"
+ }, {
+ description: "value of false gets appended as a text node",
+ node: format.createElementNSPlus("foo:bar", {value: false}),
+ expect: "<foo:bar xmlns:foo=''>false</foo:bar>"
+ }, {
+ description: "null value does not get appended as a text node",
+ node: format.createElementNSPlus("foo:bar", {value: null}),
+ expect: "<foo:bar xmlns:foo=''/>"
+ }, {
+ description: "undefined value does not get appended as a text node",
+ node: format.createElementNSPlus("foo:bar"),
+ expect: "<foo:bar xmlns:foo=''/>"
+ }
+ ];
+ t.plan(cases.length);
+ var test;
+ for(var i=0; i<cases.length; ++i) {
+ test = cases[i];
+ t.xml_eq(test.node, test.expect, test.description);
+ }
+ }
+ function test_setAttributes(t) {
+ var format = new OpenLayers.Format.XML({
+ defaultPrefix: "def",
+ namespaces: {
+ "def": "",
+ "foo": "",
+ "bar": ""
+ }
+ });
+ var cases = [
+ {
+ description: "unprefixed attribute",
+ node: format.createElementNSPlus("foo:Node"),
+ attributes: {"id": "123"},
+ expect: "<foo:Node xmlns:foo='' id='123'/>"
+ }, {
+ description: "foo prefixed attribute",
+ node: format.createElementNSPlus("foo:Node"),
+ attributes: {"foo:id": "123"},
+ expect: "<foo:Node xmlns:foo='' foo:id='123'/>"
+ }, {
+ description: "foo prefixed attribute with def prefixed node",
+ node: format.createElementNSPlus("def:Node"),
+ attributes: {"foo:id": "123"},
+ expect: "<def:Node xmlns:def='' xmlns:foo='' foo:id='123'/>"
+ }, {
+ description: "multiple attributes",
+ node: format.createElementNSPlus("def:Node"),
+ attributes: {"id": "123", "foo": "bar"},
+ expect: "<def:Node xmlns:def='' id='123' foo='bar'/>"
+ }
+ ];
+ t.plan(cases.length);
+ var test;
+ for(var i=0; i<cases.length; ++i) {
+ test = cases[i];
+ format.setAttributes(test.node, test.attributes);
+ t.xml_eq(test.node, test.expect, test.description);
+ }
+ }
+ function test_keepData(t) {
+ t.plan(2);
+ var options = {'keepData': true};
+ var format = new OpenLayers.Format.XML(options);
+ t.ok( != null, 'data property is not null after read with keepData=true');
+ t.eq(,'ol:root','keepData keeps the right data');
+ }
+ function test_getChildValue(t) {
+ t.plan(1);
+ var text =
+ "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>" +
+ "<root>" +
+ "x<!-- comment -->y<!-- comment 2 --><![CDATA[z]]>z<foo />&#x79;" +
+ "</root>";
+ var format = new OpenLayers.Format.XML();
+ var doc =;
+ t.eq(format.getChildValue(doc), "xyzzy", "child value skips comments, concatenates multiple values, reads through entities");
+ }
+ function test_getChildEl(t) {
+ t.plan(3);
+ var text =
+ "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>" +
+ "<root>" +
+ "<!-- comment -->" +
+ "<a>x</a>" +
+ "<b>x</b>" +
+ "</root>";
+ var format = new OpenLayers.Format.XML();
+ var doc =;
+ var a = format.getChildEl(doc);
+ t.eq(a.nodeName, "a", "first element found correctly");
+ a = format.getChildEl(doc, "a");
+ t.eq(b, null, "first child element matches the given name");
+ var b = format.getChildEl(doc, "b");
+ t.eq(b, null, "first child element does not match the given name");
+ }
+ function test_getNextEl(t) {
+ t.plan(5);
+ var text =
+ "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>" +
+ "<root>" +
+ "<!-- comment -->" +
+ "<a>x</a>" +
+ "<!-- comment -->" +
+ "<b xmlns='urn:example'>x</b>" +
+ "</root>";
+ var format = new OpenLayers.Format.XML();
+ var doc =;
+ var a = format.getChildEl(doc);
+ var b = format.getNextEl(a);
+ t.eq(b && b.nodeName, "b", "next element correctly found");
+ b = format.getNextEl(a, "b");
+ t.eq(b && b.nodeName, "b", "next element correctly found when name supplied");
+ b = format.getNextEl(a, "c");
+ t.eq(b, null, "null returned when name does not match next element");
+ b = format.getNextEl(a, null, "urn:example");
+ t.eq(b && b.nodeName, "b", "next element correctly found when namespace supplied");
+ b = format.getNextEl(a, null, "foo");
+ t.eq(b, null, "null returned when namespace does not match next element");
+ }
+ function test_isSimpleContent(t) {
+ t.plan(2);
+ var text =
+ "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>" +
+ "<root>" +
+ "<!-- comment -->" +
+ "<a>x<!-- comment -->y<!-- comment 2 --><![CDATA[z]]>z<foo />&#x79;</a>" +
+ "<!-- comment -->" +
+ "<b>x<!-- comment -->y<!-- comment 2 --><![CDATA[z]]>z&#x79;</b>" +
+ "</root>";
+ var format = new OpenLayers.Format.XML();
+ var doc =;
+ var a = format.getChildEl(doc);
+ var b = format.getNextEl(a);
+ t.ok(!format.isSimpleContent(a), "<a> content is not simple");
+ t.ok(format.isSimpleContent(b), "<b> content is simple");
+ }
+ function test_lookupNamespaceURI(t) {
+ t.plan(8);
+ var text =
+ "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>" +
+ "<root xmlns:baz='urn:baznamespace'>" +
+ "<!-- comment -->" +
+ "<a><foo /></a>" +
+ "<!-- comment -->" +
+ "<b xmlns='urn:example'><!-- comment --><bar foo='value'/></b>" +
+ "</root>";
+ var format = new OpenLayers.Format.XML();
+ var doc =;
+ var a = format.getChildEl(doc);
+ t.eq(format.lookupNamespaceURI(a, "baz"), "urn:baznamespace", "prefix lookup on first child");
+ var foo = format.getChildEl(a);
+ t.eq(format.lookupNamespaceURI(foo, "baz"), "urn:baznamespace", "prefix lookup on child of first child");
+ var b = format.getNextEl(a);
+ t.eq(format.lookupNamespaceURI(b, null), "urn:example", "default namespace lookup on element");
+ var bar = format.getChildEl(b);
+ t.eq(format.lookupNamespaceURI(bar, null), "urn:example", "default namespace lookup on child");
+ t.eq(format.lookupNamespaceURI(bar, "baz"), "urn:baznamespace", "prefix lookup on child with different default");
+ // test that the alias behaves properly
+ var lookup = OpenLayers.Format.XML.lookupNamespaceURI;
+ t.eq(lookup(bar, "baz"), "urn:baznamespace", "(alias) prefix lookup on child with different default");
+ var attr = bar.attributes[0];
+ // Internet Explorer didn't have the ownerElement property until 8.
+ var supportsOwnerElement = !!attr.ownerElement;
+ if(supportsOwnerElement) {
+ t.eq(format.lookupNamespaceURI(attr, null), "urn:example", "default namespace lookup on attribute");
+ t.eq(format.lookupNamespaceURI(attr, "baz"), "urn:baznamespace", "prefix lookup on attribute with different default");
+ } else {
+ t.debug_print("namespace lookup on attributes not supported in this browser");
+ t.ok(true, "namespace lookup on attributes not supported in this browser");
+ t.ok(true, "namespace lookup on attributes not supported in this browser");
+ }
+ }
+ function test_getXMLDoc(t) {
+ t.plan(2);
+ var format = new OpenLayers.Format.XML();
+ var doc = format.getXMLDoc();
+ t.ok(doc !== document, "document returned from getXMLDoc is not the page's html doc");
+ var root = format.createElementNS("http://test", "root");
+ // appending CDATA created from a different document
+ var cdata = doc.createCDATASection("<foo></foo>");
+ root.appendChild(cdata);
+ var result = format.write(root);
+ var expect = '<root xmlns="http://test"><![CDATA[<foo></foo>]]></root>';
+ t.eq(result, expect, "document with CDATA section serialized correctly");
+ }
+ </script>