path: root/misc/openlayers/tests/Control
diff options
authorChris Schlaeger <>2015-10-17 21:36:38 +0200
committerChris Schlaeger <>2015-10-17 21:36:38 +0200
commite30f267181d990947e67909de4809fa941698c85 (patch)
tree46e9f94c2b3699ed378963b420b8a8d361286ea1 /misc/openlayers/tests/Control
parente763ceb183f389fcd314a4a6a712d87c9d4cdb32 (diff)
Upgrading openlayers to 3.x
Diffstat (limited to 'misc/openlayers/tests/Control')
44 files changed, 0 insertions, 9275 deletions
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/ArgParser.html b/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/ArgParser.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 34e9f5b..0000000
--- a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/ArgParser.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
- <script src="../OLLoader.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- function test_getParameters(t) {
- t.plan(4);
- var c = new OpenLayers.Control.ArgParser(), p;
- p = c.getParameters('');
- t.eq(p, {fook: 'foov', bark: 'barv'}, 'a) params are correct');
- p = c.getParameters('');
- t.eq(p, {fook: 'foov', bark: 'barv'}, 'b) params are correct');
- p = c.getParameters('');
- t.eq(p, {a: 'b', b: 'c', fook: 'foov', bark: 'barv'},
- 'c) params are correct');
- p = c.getParameters('');
- t.eq(p, {a: 'b', b: 'c', fook: 'foov', bark: 'barv'},
- 'd) params are correct');
- }
- </script>
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/Attribution.html b/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/Attribution.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 04b85cf..0000000
--- a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/Attribution.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
- <script src="../OLLoader.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- var map;
- function test_Control_Attribution_constructor (t) {
- t.plan( 2 );
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.Attribution();
- t.ok( control instanceof OpenLayers.Control.Attribution, "new OpenLayers.Control returns object" );
- t.eq( control.displayClass, "olControlAttribution", "displayClass is correct" );
- }
- function test_Control_Attribution_setBaseLayer (t) {
- t.plan(1);
- map = new OpenLayers.Map("map");
- map.addControl(control);
- map.addLayer(new OpenLayers.Layer("name",{'attribution':'My layer!', isBaseLayer: true}));
- map.addLayer(new OpenLayers.Layer("name",{'attribution':'My layer 2!', isBaseLayer: true}));
- map.setBaseLayer(map.layers[1]);
- t.eq(control.div.innerHTML, 'My layer 2!', "Attribution correct with changed base layer");
- }
- function test_Control_Attribution_draw (t) {
- t.plan(3);
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.Attribution();
- map = new OpenLayers.Map("map");
- map.addControl(control);
- map.addLayer(new OpenLayers.Layer("name",{'attribution':'My layer!'}));
- t.eq(control.div.innerHTML, 'My layer!', "Attribution correct with one layer.");
- map.addLayer(new OpenLayers.Layer("name", {'attribution':'My layer 2!'}));
- t.eq(control.div.innerHTML, 'My layer!, My layer 2!', "Attribution correct with two layers.");
- control.separator = '|';
- control.template = "Map Copyright (c) 2012 by Foo Bar; ${layers}";
- map.addLayer(new OpenLayers.Layer("name",{'attribution':'My layer 3!'}));
- t.eq(control.div.innerHTML, 'Map Copyright (c) 2012 by Foo Bar; My layer!|My layer 2!|My layer 3!', "Attribution correct with three layers and diff seperator.");
- }
- function test_Control_Attribution_no_duplicates(t) {
- t.plan(2);
- map = new OpenLayers.Map("map");
- map.addLayer(new OpenLayers.Layer("Company A: 1",{'attribution':'company A'}));
- map.addLayer(new OpenLayers.Layer("Company A: 2",{'attribution':'company A'}));
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.Attribution();
- map.addControl(control);
- t.eq(control.div.innerHTML, 'company A', "Attribution not duplicated.");
- map.addLayer(new OpenLayers.Layer("Company B: 1",{'attribution':'company B'}));
- map.addLayer(new OpenLayers.Layer("Company A: 3",{'attribution':'company A'}));
- t.eq(control.div.innerHTML, 'company A, company B', "Attribution correct with four layers (3 with same attribution).");
- }
- </script>
- <div id="map" style="width: 1024px; height: 512px;"/>
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/Button.html b/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/Button.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d5c036..0000000
--- a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/Button.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
- <script src="../OLLoader.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- function test_Control_Button_constructor (t) {
- t.plan( 2 );
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.Button();
- t.ok( control instanceof OpenLayers.Control.Button, "new OpenLayers.Control returns object" );
- t.eq( control.displayClass, "olControlButton", "displayClass is correct" );
- }
- </script>
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/CacheRead.html b/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/CacheRead.html
deleted file mode 100644
index ae0addf..0000000
--- a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/CacheRead.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
- <script>
- /**
- * Because browsers that implement requestAnimationFrame may not execute
- * animation functions while a window is not displayed (e.g. in a hidden
- * iframe as in these tests), we mask the native implementations here. The
- * native requestAnimationFrame functionality is tested in Util.html and
- * in PanZoom.html (where a popup is opened before panning). The tests
- * here will test the fallback setTimeout implementation for animation.
- */
- window.requestAnimationFrame =
- window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame =
- window.mozRequestAnimationFrame =
- window.oRequestAnimationFrame =
- window.msRequestAnimationFrame = null;
- </script>
- <script src="../OLLoader.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- function test_addLayer_removeLayer(t) {
- t.plan(6);
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.CacheRead();
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map({
- div: "map",
- controls: [control],
- layers: [
- new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS("One"),
- new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS("Two")
- ]
- });
- t.ok(map.layers[0].events.listeners.tileloadstart, "tileloadstart listener registered on layer One");
- t.ok(map.layers[1].events.listeners.tileloadstart, "tileloadstart listener registered on layer Two");
- control.destroy();
- t.ok(!map.layers[1].events.listeners.tileloadstart.length, "tileloadstart listener unregistered");
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.CacheRead({
- fetchEvent: "tileerror",
- layers: [map.layers[0]]
- });
- map.addControl(control);
- t.ok(map.layers[0].events.listeners.tileerror, "tileerror listener registered on layer One");
- t.ok(!map.layers[1].events.listeners.tileerror, "tileerror listener not registered on layer Two");
- control.destroy();
- t.ok(!map.layers[0].events.listeners.tileerror.length, "tileerror listener unregistered");
- map.destroy();
- }
- function test_fetch(t) {
- if (!window.localStorage) {
- t.plan(1);
- var scope = {active: true};
- t.eq(, undefined, "no tiles fetched when localStorage is not supported.");
- return;
- }
- t.plan(5);
- var data = "";
- window.localStorage.setItem("olCache_foo/1/1/1", data);
- window.localStorage.setItem("olCache_bar/1/1/1", data);
- var layer1 = new OpenLayers.Layer.XYZ("One", "foo/${x}/${y}/${z}");
- var layer2 = new OpenLayers.Layer.XYZ("Two", "bar/${x}/${y}/${z}", {isBaseLayer: false});
- var control1 = new OpenLayers.Control.CacheRead({
- layers: [layer1]
- });
- var control2 = new OpenLayers.Control.CacheRead({
- layers: [layer2],
- fetchEvent: "tileerror"
- });
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map({
- div: "map",
- projection: "EPSG:900913",
- controls: [control1, control2],
- layers: [layer1, layer2],
- zoom: 1,
- center: [0, 0]
- });
- OpenLayers.ProxyHost = "proxy?url=";
- var tile = new OpenLayers.Tile.Image(layer1, new OpenLayers.LonLat(0, 0), new OpenLayers.Bounds(0, 0, 1, 1), "proxy?url=foo/1/1/1");
- OpenLayers.Control.CacheWrite.urlMap[tile.url] = "foo/1/1/1";
- control1.fetch({tile: tile});
- t.eq(tile.url, data, "proxied url replaced with data uri for original url");
- delete OpenLayers.Control.CacheWrite.urlMap[tile.url];
- t.delay_call(1, function() {
- t.eq(layer1.grid[1][1].imgDiv.src, data, "[tileloadstart] tile content from cache");
- t.ok(layer1.grid[0][0].imgDiv.src !== data, "[tileloadstart] tile content from remote resource");
- t.eq(layer2.grid[1][1].imgDiv.src, data, "[tileerror] tile content from cache");
- t.ok(layer2.grid[0][0].imgDiv.src !== data, "[tileerror] tile content from remote resource");
- window.localStorage.removeItem("olCache_foo/1/1/1");
- window.localStorage.removeItem("olCache_bar/1/1/1");
- map.destroy();
- });
- }
- </script>
- <div id="map" style="width: 400px; height: 250px;"/>
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/CacheWrite.html b/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/CacheWrite.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 9922569..0000000
--- a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/CacheWrite.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
- <script src="../OLLoader.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- function test_addLayer_removeLayer(t) {
- t.plan(6);
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.CacheWrite();
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map({
- div: "map",
- controls: [control],
- layers: [
- new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS("One"),
- new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS("Two")
- ]
- });
- t.ok(map.layers[0].events.listeners.tileloaded, "tileloaded listener registered on layer One");
- t.ok(map.layers[1].events.listeners.tileloaded, "tileloaded listener registered on layer Two");
- control.destroy();
- t.ok(!map.layers[1].events.listeners.tileloaded.length, "tileloaded listener unregistered");
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.CacheWrite({
- layers: [map.layers[0]]
- });
- map.addControl(control);
- t.ok(map.layers[0].events.listeners.tileloaded.length, "tileloaded listener registered on layer One");
- t.ok(!map.layers[1].events.listeners.tileloaded.length, "tileloaded listener not registered on layer Two");
- control.destroy();
- t.ok(!map.layers[0].events.listeners.tileloaded.length, "tileloaded listener unregistered");
- map.destroy();
- }
- function test_cache_clearCache(t) {
- if (!window.localStorage) {
- t.plan(2);
- var scope = {active: true};
- t.eq(, undefined, "no tiles cached when localStorage is not supported.");
- t.ok(!OpenLayers.Control.CacheWrite.clearCache(), "clearCache does nothing when localStorage is not supported.");
- return;
- }
- t.plan(4);
- OpenLayers.Control.CacheWrite.clearCache();
- var length = window.localStorage.length;
- var tiles = 0;
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.XYZ("One", "../../img/blank.gif?${x},${y},${z}", {
- eventListeners: {
- tileloaded: function() {
- tiles++;
- }
- }
- });
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.CacheWrite({autoActivate: true});
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map({
- div: "map",
- projection: "EPSG:900913",
- controls: [control],
- layers: [layer],
- zoom: 1,
- center: [0, 0]
- });
- t.delay_call(1, function() {
- var canvasContext = layer.grid[1][1].getCanvasContext();
- t.eq(window.localStorage.length, length + (canvasContext ? tiles : 0), "cache filled with tiles");
- var url = layer.grid[1][1].url;
- // content will be null for browsers that have localStorage but no canvas support
- var content = canvasContext ? canvasContext.canvas.toDataURL("image/png") : null;
- t.eq(window.localStorage.getItem("olCache_"+url), content, "localStorage contains correct image data");
-'tileloaded', {aborted: true, tile: layer.grid[1][1]});
- t.eq(window.localStorage.length, length + (canvasContext ? tiles-1 : 0), "tile aborted during load not cached");
- var key = Math.random();
- window.localStorage.setItem(key, "bar");
- OpenLayers.Control.CacheWrite.clearCache();
- t.eq(window.localStorage.length, length + 1, "cache cleared, but foreign entries left in localStorage");
- window.localStorage.removeItem(key);
- map.destroy();
- });
- }
- </script>
- <div id="map" style="width: 400px; height: 250px;"/>
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/DragFeature.html b/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/DragFeature.html
deleted file mode 100644
index cfc3a63..0000000
--- a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/DragFeature.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,383 +0,0 @@
- <script src="../OLLoader.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- function test_Control_DragFeature_constructor(t) {
- t.plan(3);
- var options = {
- geometryTypes: "foo"
- };
- var layer = "bar";
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.DragFeature(layer, options);
- t.ok(control instanceof OpenLayers.Control.DragFeature,
- "new OpenLayers.Control.DragFeature returns an instance");
- t.eq(control.layer, "bar",
- "constructor sets layer correctly");
- t.eq(control.handlers.feature.geometryTypes, "foo",
- "constructor sets options correctly on feature handler");
- }
- function test_Control_DragFeature_destroy(t) {
- t.plan(2);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map");
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector();
- map.addLayer(layer);
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.DragFeature(layer);
- control.handlers.drag.destroy = function() {
- t.ok(true,
- "control.destroy calls destroy on drag handler");
- }
- control.handlers.feature.destroy = function() {
- t.ok(true,
- "control.destroy calls destroy on feature handler");
- }
- control.destroy();
- }
- function test_Control_DragFeature_activate(t) {
- t.plan(2);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map");
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector();
- map.addLayer(layer);
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.DragFeature(layer);
- map.addControl(control);
- t.ok(!,
- "feature handler is not active prior to activating control");
- control.activate();
- t.ok(,
- "feature handler is active after activating control");
- }
- function test_Control_DragFeature_deactivate(t) {
- t.plan(2);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map");
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector();
- map.addLayer(layer);
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.DragFeature(layer);
- map.addControl(control);
- control.handlers.drag.deactivate = function() {
- t.ok(true,
- "control.deactivate calls deactivate on drag handler");
- }
- control.handlers.feature.deactivate = function() {
- t.ok(true,
- "control.deactivate calls deactivate on feature handler");
- }
- control.deactivate();
- }
- function test_Control_DragFeature_over(t) {
- t.plan(5);
- var log = [];
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map");
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector();
- map.addLayer(layer);
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.DragFeature(layer, {
- onEnter: function(f) { log.push({feature: f}); }
- });
- map.addControl(control);
- control.activate();
- t.ok(!,
- "drag handler is not active before over a feature");
- // simulate a mouseover on a feature
- var feature = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector();
- feature.layer = layer;
- layer.getFeatureFromEvent = function(evt) {
- return feature;
- }
-"mousemove", {type: "mousemove"});
- t.eq(,,
- "control gets the proper feature from the feature handler");
- t.ok(,
- "drag handler activated when over a feature");
- t.eq(log.length, 1,
- "onEnter called exactly once");
- t.eq(log[0],,
- "onEnter called with expected feature");
- }
- function test_Control_DragFeature_over_touch(t) {
- t.plan(7);
- var log = [];
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map");
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector();
- map.addLayer(layer);
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.DragFeature(layer, {
- onEnter: function(f) { log.push({feature: f}); }
- });
- map.addControl(control);
- control.activate();
- t.ok(!,
- "drag handler is not active before touch on a feature");
- // simulate a touch on a feature
- var feature = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector();
- feature.layer = layer;
- layer.getFeatureFromEvent = function(evt) {
- return feature;
- }
-"touchstart", {type: "touchstart", touches: ['foo']});
- t.eq(,,
- "control gets the proper feature from the feature handler");
- t.ok(,
- "drag handler activated when touch on a feature");
- t.ok(control.handlers.drag.started, "drag handler has started");
- t.ok(!control.handlers.drag.stopDown, "drag handler is not stopping down");
- t.eq(log.length, 1,
- "onEnter called exactly once");
- t.eq(log[0],,
- "onEnter called with expected feature");
- }
- function test_Control_DragFeature_down(t) {
- t.plan(3);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map");
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector();
- map.addLayer(layer);
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.DragFeature(layer);
- map.addControl(control);
- control.activate();
- // simulate a mouseover on a feature
- var feature = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector();
- feature.layer = layer;
- layer.getFeatureFromEvent = function(evt) {
- return feature;
- }
-"mousemove", {type: "mousemove"});
- // simulate a mousedown on a feature
- control.onStart = function(feat, pixel) {
- t.eq(,, "onStart called with the correct feature");
- t.eq(pixel, "bar", "onStart called with the correct pixel");
- }
-"mousedown", {xy: "bar", which: 1, type: "mousemove"});
- t.eq(control.lastPixel, "bar",
- "mousedown sets the lastPixel correctly");
- }
- function test_Control_DragFeature_move(t) {
- t.plan(3);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map");
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector();
- map.addLayer(layer);
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.DragFeature(layer);
- map.addControl(control);
- map.getResolution = function() {
- return 2;
- }
- control.activate();
- // mock up a feature - for the sole purpose of testing mousemove
- var uid = Math.random();
- layer.getFeatureFromEvent = function() {
- var geom = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(Math.random(),
- Math.random());
- geom.move = function(x, y) {
- t.eq(x, 2, "move called with dx * res");
- t.eq(y, -4, "move called with -dy * res");
- };
- var feature = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(geom);
- feature.layer = layer;
- feature.uid = uid;
- return feature;
- };
- layer.drawFeature = function(feature) {
- t.eq(feature.uid, uid,
- "layer.drawFeature called with correct feature");
- };
- // simulate a mouseover on a feature
-"mousemove", {type: "mousemove"});
- // simulate a mousedown on a feature
- var down = new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0);
-"mousedown", {xy: down, which: 1, type: "mousemove"});
- // simulate a mousemove on a feature
- var move = new OpenLayers.Pixel(1, 2);
-"mousemove", {xy: move, which: 1, type: "mousemove"});
- }
- function test_Control_DragFeature_up(t) {
- t.plan(6);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map");
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector();
- map.addLayer(layer);
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.DragFeature(layer);
- map.addControl(control);
- control.activate();
- // simulate a mouseover on a feature
- var feature = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector();
- feature.layer = layer;
- layer.getFeatureFromEvent = function(evt) {
- return feature;
- }
-"mousemove", {type: "mousemove"});
- t.eq(control.over, true,
- "mouseover on a feature sets the over property to true");
- t.ok(OpenLayers.Element.hasClass(, "olControlDragFeatureOver"),
- "mouseover on a feature adds class name to map container");
- t.eq(, true,
- "mouseover on a feature activates drag handler");
- // simulate a mouse-up on the map, with the mouse still
- // over the dragged feature
- control.handlers.drag.started = true;
-"mouseup", {type: "mouseup"});
- t.eq(, true,
- "mouseup while still over dragged feature does not deactivate drag handler");
- // simulate a mouse-up on the map, with the mouse out of
- // the dragged feature
- control.handlers.drag.started = true;
- control.over = false;
-"mouseup", {type: "mouseup"});
- t.eq(, false,
- "mouseup deactivates drag handler");
- control.deactivate();
- t.ok(!OpenLayers.Element.hasClass(, "olControlDragFeatureOver"),
- "deactivate removes class name from map container");
- }
- function test_Control_DragFeature_done(t) {
- t.plan(2);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map");
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector();
- map.addLayer(layer);
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.DragFeature(layer);
- map.addControl(control);
- control.activate();
- // simulate a mouseover on a feature
- var feature = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector();
- feature.layer = layer;
- layer.getFeatureFromEvent = function() {
- return feature;
- };
-"mousemove", {type: "mousemove"});
- t.eq(,,
- "feature is set on mouse over");
- control.doneDragging();
- t.eq(,,
- "feature sticks around after doneDragging is called.");
- }
- function test_Control_DragFeature_out(t) {
- t.plan(4);
- var log = [];
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map");
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector();
- map.addLayer(layer);
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.DragFeature(layer, {
- onLeave: function(f) { log.push({feature: f}); }
- });
- map.addControl(control);
- control.activate();
- // simulate a mouseover on a feature
- var feature = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector();
- feature.layer = layer;
- layer.getFeatureFromEvent = function() {
- return feature;
- };
-"mousemove", {type: "mousemove"});
- t.eq(,,
- "feature is set on mouse over");
- // simulate a mouseout on a feature
- layer.getFeatureFromEvent = function() {
- return null;
- };
-"mousemove", {type: "mousemove"});
- t.ok(control.feature == null,
- "feature is set to null on mouse out");
- t.eq(log.length, 1,
- "onLeave called exactly once");
- t.eq(log[0],,
- "onLeave called with expected feature");
- }
- function test_Control_DragFeature_out_touch(t) {
- t.plan(5);
- var log = [];
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map");
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector();
- map.addLayer(layer);
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.DragFeature(layer, {
- onLeave: function(f) { log.push({feature: f}); }
- });
- map.addControl(control);
- control.activate();
- // simulate a touch on a feature
- var feature = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector();
- feature.layer = layer;
- layer.getFeatureFromEvent = function() {
- return feature;
- };
-"touchstart", {type: "touchstart", touches: ['foo']});
- t.eq(,,
- "feature is set on mouse over");
- // simulate a touch outside the feature
- layer.getFeatureFromEvent = function() {
- return null;
- };
-"touchstart", {type: "touchstart", touches: ['foo']});
- t.ok(control.feature == null,
- "feature is set to null on mouse out");
- t.ok(control.handlers.drag.stopDown,
- "drag handler is stopping down again");
- t.eq(log.length, 1,
- "onLeave called exactly once");
- t.eq(log[0],,
- "onLeave called with expected feature");
- }
- function test_Control_DragFeature_click(t) {
- t.plan(1);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map");
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector();
- map.addLayer(layer);
- var feature = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector();
- feature.layer = layer;
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.DragFeature(layer);
- map.addControl(control);
- control.activate();
- control.overFeature(feature);
- control.handlers.feature.evt = {which: 1};
- control.clickFeature(feature);
- t.eq(control.handlers.drag.started, false, "click after over does not start drag handler");
- }
- </script>
- <div id="map" style="width: 400px; height: 250px;"/>
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/DragPan.html b/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/DragPan.html
deleted file mode 100644
index ba5224f..0000000
--- a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/DragPan.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
- <script src="../OLLoader.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- var map, control, layer;
- function init_map() {
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.DragPan();
- map = new OpenLayers.Map("map", {controls:[control]});
- layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS( "OpenLayers WMS",
- "",
- {layers: 'basic'} );
- map.addLayer(layer);
- map.zoomToMaxExtent();
- map.zoomIn();
- control.activate();
- return [map, control];
- }
- function test_Control_DragPan_constructor (t) {
- t.plan( 1 );
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.DragPan();
- t.ok( control instanceof OpenLayers.Control.DragPan, "new OpenLayers.Control returns object" );
- }
- function test_Control_DragPan_drag (t) {
- t.plan(4);
- var data = init_map();
- map = data[0]; control = data[1];
- res = map.baseLayer.resolutions[map.getZoom()];
- t.eq(, 0, "Lat is 0 before drag");
- t.eq(, 0, "Lon is 0 before drag");
-'mousedown', {'type':'mousedown', 'xy':new OpenLayers.Pixel(0,0), 'which':1});
-'mousemove', {'type':'mousemove', 'xy':new OpenLayers.Pixel(5,5), 'which':1});
-'mouseup', {'type':'mouseup', 'xy':new OpenLayers.Pixel(5,5), 'which':1});
- t.eq(map.getCenter().lat, res * 5, "Lat is " + (res * 5) + " after drag");
- t.eq(map.getCenter().lon, res * -5, "Lon is " + (res * -5) + " after drag");
- }
- function test_Control_DragPan_drag_documentDrag (t) {
- t.plan(4);
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.DragPan({documentDrag: true});
- map = new OpenLayers.Map("map", {controls:[control]});
- layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS( "OpenLayers WMS",
- "",
- {layers: 'basic'} );
- map.addLayer(layer);
- map.zoomToMaxExtent();
- map.zoomIn();
- control.activate();
- res = map.baseLayer.resolutions[map.getZoom()];
- t.eq(, 0, "Lat is 0 before drag");
- t.eq(, 0, "Lon is 0 before drag");
-'mousedown', {'type':'mousedown', 'xy':new OpenLayers.Pixel(0,0), 'which':1});
-'mousemove', {'type':'mousemove', 'xy':new OpenLayers.Pixel(5,5), 'which':1});
-'mouseup', {'type':'mouseup', 'xy':new OpenLayers.Pixel(5,5), 'which':1});
- t.eq(map.getCenter().lat, res * 5, "Lat is " + (res * 5) + " after drag");
- t.eq(map.getCenter().lon, res * -5, "Lon is " + (res * -5) + " after drag");
- }
- function test_Control_DragPan_click(t) {
- t.plan(1);
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.DragPan();
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map", {controls:[control]});
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS("OpenLayers WMS",
- "",
- {layers: 'basic'});
- map.addLayer(layer);
- map.zoomToMaxExtent();
- map.zoomIn();
- control.activate();
- map.setCenter = function() {
- t.ok(false, "map.setCenter should not be called here");
- };
- var xy = new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0);
- var down = {
- 'type': 'mousedown',
- 'xy': xy,
- 'which': 1
- };
- var move = {
- 'type': 'mousemove',
- 'xy': xy,
- 'which': 1
- };
- var up = {
- 'type': 'mouseup',
- 'xy': xy,
- 'which': 1
- };
-'mousedown', down);
-'mousemove', move);
-'mouseup', up);
- t.ok(true, "clicking without moving the mouse does not call setCenter");
- }
- </script>
- <a id="scale" href="">DragPan</a> <br />
- <div id="map" style="width: 1024px; height: 512px;"/>
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/DrawFeature.html b/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/DrawFeature.html
deleted file mode 100644
index ef0be5a..0000000
--- a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/DrawFeature.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
- <script src="../OLLoader.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- function test_initialize(t) {
- t.plan(1);
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.DrawFeature("foo", function() {});
- t.ok(control instanceof OpenLayers.Control.DrawFeature,
- "constructor returns an instance");
- }
- function test_multi(t) {
- t.plan(4);
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector();
- var control;
- // multi false by default
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.DrawFeature(
- layer, OpenLayers.Handler.Polygon
- );
- t.ok(!control.multi, "control.multi false by default");
- t.ok(!control.handler.multi, "handler.multi false by default");
- // set on handler
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.DrawFeature(
- layer, OpenLayers.Handler.Polygon, {multi: true}
- );
- t.ok(control.handler.multi, "handler.multi set from control options");
- // respect handlerOptions
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.DrawFeature(
- layer, OpenLayers.Handler.Polygon,
- {multi: true, handlerOptions: {multi: false}}
- );
- t.ok(!control.handler.multi, "handlerOptions.multi respected");
- }
- function test_rendererOptions(t) {
- t.plan(2);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map");
- var renderers = ["Canvas", "VML"];
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector(null, {
- renderers: renderers,
- rendererOptions: {zIndexing: true},
- isBaseLayer: true
- });
- map.addLayer(layer);
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.DrawFeature(
- layer, OpenLayers.Handler.Polygon, {autoActivate: true}
- );
- map.addControl(control);
- var sketchLayer = control.handler.layer;
- t.eq(sketchLayer.renderers, renderers, "Preferred renderers");
- t.eq(sketchLayer.rendererOptions.zIndexing, true, "renderer options");
- map.destroy();
- }
- function test_drawFeature(t) {
- t.plan(3);
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector();
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.DrawFeature(layer, function() {});
- var geom = {};
- layer.addFeatures = function(features) {
- t.ok(features[0].geometry == geom, "layer.addFeatures called");
- t.eq(features[0].state, OpenLayers.State.INSERT, "layer state set");
- };
- function handlefeatureadded(event) {
- t.ok(event.feature.geometry == geom, "featureadded triggered");
- }
-{"featureadded": handlefeatureadded});
- control.drawFeature(geom);
-{"featureadded": handlefeatureadded});
- }
- function test_sketch_events(t) {
- t.plan(11);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map", {
- resolutions: [1]
- });
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("foo", {
- maxExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds(-10, -10, 10, 10),
- isBaseLayer: true
- });
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.DrawFeature(
- layer, OpenLayers.Handler.Path, {
- handlerOptions: {persist: true}
- }
- );
- map.addLayer(layer);
- map.addControl(control);
- map.zoomToMaxExtent();
- var log;
- sketchstarted: function(event) {
- log['sketchstarted'] = event;
- },
- sketchmodified: function(event) {
- log['sketchmodified'] = event;
- },
- sketchcomplete: function(event) {
- log['sketchcomplete'] = event;
- }
- });
- // mock up draw/modify of a point
- log = {};
- control.activate();
- t.eq(log, {}, "[activate] no event triggered");
- log = {};
-"mousemove", {xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0)});
- t.eq(log.sketchstarted.type, "sketchstarted", "[mousemove] sketchstarted triggered");
- t.geom_eq(log.sketchstarted.vertex, new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-200, 125), "[mousemove] correct vertex");
- t.eq(log.sketchmodified.type, "sketchmodified", "[mousemove] sketchmodified triggered");
- t.geom_eq(log.sketchmodified.vertex, new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-200, 125), "[mousemove] correct vertex");
-"mousedown", {xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0)});
- log = {};
-"mouseup", {xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0)});
- t.eq(log.sketchmodified.type, "sketchmodified", "[mouseup] sketchmodified triggered");
- t.geom_eq(log.sketchmodified.vertex, new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-200, 125), "[mouseup] correct vertex");
- log = {};
-"mousemove", {xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(10, 10)});
- t.eq(log.sketchmodified.type, "sketchmodified", "[mousemove] sketchmodified triggered");
- t.geom_eq(log.sketchmodified.vertex, new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-190, 115), "[mousemove] correct vertex");
- log = {};
-"dblclick", {xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(10, 10)});
- t.eq(log.sketchcomplete.type, "sketchcomplete", "[dblclick] sketchcomplete triggered");
- t.geom_eq(log.sketchcomplete.feature.geometry,
- new OpenLayers.Geometry.LineString([
- new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-200, 125),
- new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-190, 115)
- ]),
- "[dblclick] correct geometry");
- map.destroy();
- }
- </script>
- <div id="map" style="width: 400px; height: 250px;"/>
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/EditingToolbar.html b/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/EditingToolbar.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 570986d..0000000
--- a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/EditingToolbar.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
- <script src="../OLLoader.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- function test_ctor_draw(t) {
- t.plan(5);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
- var vLayer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector();
- map.addLayer(vLayer);
- var editingToolbar = new OpenLayers.Control.EditingToolbar(vLayer, {
- citeCompliant: "foo"
- });
- map.addControl(editingToolbar);
- t.ok(editingToolbar instanceof OpenLayers.Control.EditingToolbar,
- "new OpenLayers.Control.EditingToolbar returns object" );
- t.ok(editingToolbar.controls[0] instanceof OpenLayers.Control.Navigation,
- "EditingToolbar contains Control.Navigation object" );
- t.eq(editingToolbar.controls[0].active, true,
- "First control is active" );
- t.eq(editingToolbar.controls.length, 4,
- "EditingToolbar contains 4 Controls" );
- t.eq(editingToolbar.controls[1].handler.citeCompliant, "foo", "citeCompliant option passed to handler correctly")
- map.destroy();
- }
- </script>
- <div id="map" style="width: 1024px; height: 512px;"/>
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/Geolocate.html b/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/Geolocate.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e43f39..0000000
--- a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/Geolocate.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
- <script src="../OLLoader.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- var map, control, centerLL
- watch = null,
- geolocation= {
- getCurrentPosition: function(f) {
- f({
- coords: { latitude: 10, longitude: 10 }
- });
- },
- watchPosition: function(f) {
- watch = true;
- },
- clearWatch: function() {
- watch = null;
- }
- };
- function test_initialize(t) {
- t.plan(3);
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.Geolocate({geolocationOptions: {foo: 'bar'}});
- t.ok(control instanceof OpenLayers.Control.Geolocate,
- "new OpenLayers.Control returns object" );
- t.eq(control.displayClass, "olControlGeolocate", "displayClass is correct" );
- t.eq(, 'bar',
- 'provided geolocation options are set in the geolocationOptions prop');
- }
- function test_bind(t) {
- t.plan(3);
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.Geolocate({
- geolocation: geolocation
- });
-'locationupdated', null, function() {
- t.ok(true, 'locationupdated event is fired when bound');
- });
- map.addControl(control);
- control.activate();
- var center = map.getCenter();
- t.eq(center.lon, 10, 'bound control sets the map lon');
- t.eq(, 10, 'bound control sets the map lat');
- control.deactivate();
- map.removeControl(control);
- map.setCenter(centerLL);
- }
- function test_unbind(t) {
- t.plan(3);
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.Geolocate({
- geolocation: geolocation,
- bind: false
- });
-'locationupdated', null, function() {
- t.ok(true, 'locationupdated event is fired when unbound');
- });
- map.addControl(control);
- control.activate();
- var center = map.getCenter();
- t.eq(center.lon, 0, 'unbound control doesnt sets the map lon');
- t.eq(, 0, 'unbound control doesnt sets the map lat');
- control.deactivate();
- map.removeControl(control);
- map.setCenter(centerLL);
- }
- function test_getCurrentLocation(t) {
- t.plan(5);
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.Geolocate({
- geolocation: geolocation
- });
- map.addControl(control);
- t.eq(control.getCurrentLocation(), false, 'getCurrentLocation return false if control hasnt been activated');
- control.activate();
- map.setCenter(centerLL);
- t.eq(control.getCurrentLocation(), true, 'getCurrentLocation return true if control has been activated');
- var center = map.getCenter();
- t.eq(center.lon, 10, 'bound control sets the map lon when calling getCurrentLocation');
- t.eq(, 10, 'bound control sets the map lat when calling getCurrentLocation');
- control.deactivate();
- map.removeControl(control);
- map.setCenter(centerLL);
- var control2 = new OpenLayers.Control.Geolocate({
- geolocation: geolocation
- });
- map.addControl(control2);
- t.eq(control2.getCurrentLocation(), false, 'getCurrentLocation return false if control is in watch mode');
- control2.deactivate();
- map.removeControl(control2);
- map.setCenter(centerLL);
- }
- function test_watch(t) {
- t.plan(2);
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.Geolocate({
- geolocation: geolocation,
- watch: true
- });
- map.addControl(control);
- control.activate();
- t.eq(watch, true, 'watch option makes calls to watchPosition');
- control.deactivate();
- t.eq(watch, null, 'deactivate control calls the clearwatch');
- map.removeControl(control);
- map.setCenter(centerLL);
- }
- function test_destroy(t) {
- t.plan(1);
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.Geolocate({
- geolocation: geolocation,
- watch: true
- });
- control.activate();
- control.destroy();
- t.ok( === false, "control deactivated before being destroyed");
- }
- function loader() {
- map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS("Test Layer",
- "",
- {layers: "basic"});
- map.addLayer(layer);
- centerLL = new OpenLayers.LonLat(0,0);
- map.setCenter(centerLL, 5);
- }
- </script>
-<body onload="loader()">
- <div id="map" style="width: 256px; height: 256px;"/>
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/GetFeature.html b/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/GetFeature.html
deleted file mode 100644
index bbdd0e4..0000000
--- a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/GetFeature.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
- <script src="../OLLoader.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- function test_Control_GetFeature_constructor(t) {
- t.plan(3);
- var protocol = "foo";
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.GetFeature({
- protocol: protocol
- });
- t.ok(control instanceof OpenLayers.Control.GetFeature,
- "new OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature returns an instance");
- t.eq(control.protocol, "foo",
- "constructor sets protocol correctly");
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.GetFeature({
- filterType: OpenLayers.Filter.Spatial.INTERSECTS
- });
- t.eq(control.filterType, OpenLayers.Filter.Spatial.INTERSECTS,
- "constructor sets filterType correctly");
- }
- function test_Control_GetFeature_select(t) {
- t.plan(10);
- var cssAdded;
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map");
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS("foo", "wms", {
- layers: "foo"
- });
- map.addLayer(layer);
- map.setCenter(new OpenLayers.LonLat(1,2));
- var feature1 = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(1,2));
- var feature2 = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(2,3));
- var feature3 = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(3,1));
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.GetFeature({
- protocol: new OpenLayers.Protocol({
- read: function(obj) {
- cssAdded = OpenLayers.Element.hasClass(map.viewPortDiv,
- "olCursorWait");
-, {
- features: [feature1, feature2, feature3],
- success: function() {return true;}
- });
- }
- }),
- box: true
- });
- map.addControl(control);
- var singleTest = function(evt) {
- t.eq(,, "featureselected callback called with closest feature");
- }
- cssAdded = false;
-"featureselected", this, singleTest);
- control.selectClick({xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(200, 125)});
- t.ok(cssAdded,
- "select adds CSS class (click)");
- t.ok(!OpenLayers.Element.hasClass(map.viewPortDiv, "olCursorWait"),
- "callback removes CSS class (click)");
-"featureselected", this, singleTest);
- var count = 0;
- var beforeFeatureSelected = function(evt) {
- count++;
- return count < 3;
- }
- var features = [];
- var boxTest = function(evt) {
- features.push(evt.feature);
- }
- var beforeFeaturesSelected = function(evt) {
- t.eq(evt.features.length, 3, "3 features passed to the beforefeaturesselected handler");
- }
- var featuresSelected = function(evt) {
- t.eq(evt.features.length, 2, "2 features passed to the featuresselected handler");
- }
-"beforefeatureselected", this, beforeFeatureSelected);
-"featureselected", this, boxTest);
-"beforefeaturesselected", this, beforeFeaturesSelected);
-"featuresselected", this, featuresSelected);
- cssAdded = false;
- control.selectBox(new OpenLayers.Bounds(0,0,4,4));
-"beforefeatureselected", this, beforeFeatureSelected);
-"featureselected", this, boxTest);
-"beforefeaturesselected", this, beforeFeaturesSelected);
-"featuresselected", this, featuresSelected);
- t.eq(features.length, 2, "2 features inside box selected");
- t.eq(features[1].id,, "featureselected callback called with multiple features");
- t.ok(cssAdded,
- "select adds CSS class (box)");
- t.ok(!OpenLayers.Element.hasClass(map.viewPortDiv, "olCursorWait"),
- "callback removes CSS class (box)");
- // allow several features even for single click
- control.single = false;
- var multiplePointTest = function(evt) {
- t.eq(evt.features.length, 3, "3 features passed to the featuresselected handler");
- }
-"featuresselected", this, multiplePointTest);
- control.selectClick({xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(200, 125)});
-"featuresselected", this, multiplePointTest);
- }
- function test_Control_GetFeature_hover(t) {
- t.plan(9);
- var cssAdded;
- var abortedResponse = null;
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map");
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS("foo", "wms", {
- layers: "foo"
- });
- map.addLayer(layer);
- map.setCenter(new OpenLayers.LonLat(1,2));
- var feature1 = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(1,2));
- var feature2 = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(2,3));
- var response = new OpenLayers.Protocol.Response();
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.GetFeature({
- protocol: new OpenLayers.Protocol({
- read: function(obj){
- cssAdded = OpenLayers.Element.hasClass(map.viewPortDiv,
- "olCursorWait");
-, {
- features: [feature1, feature2],
- success: function() {return true;}
- });
- return response;
- },
- abort: function(response) {
- abortedResponse = response;
- }
- }),
- hover: true
- });
- map.addControl(control);
- var hoverFeature;
- var hoverTest = function(evt) {
- t.eq(,, "hoverfeature callback called with closest feature");
- }
- var outTest = function(evt) {
- t.eq(,, "outfeature callback called with previously hovered feature");
- }
-"hoverfeature", this, hoverTest);
-"outfeature", this, outTest);
- hoverFeature = feature1;
- control.selectHover({xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(200, 125)});
- t.ok(control.hoverResponse == response,
- "selectHover stores the protocol response in the hoverResponse property");
- hoverFeature = feature2;
- cssAdded = false;
- control.selectHover({xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(400, 0)});
- t.ok(cssAdded,
- "select adds CSS class (hover)");
- t.ok(!OpenLayers.Element.hasClass(map.viewPortDiv, "olCursorWait"),
- "callback removes CSS class (hover)");
- OpenLayers.Element.addClass(map.viewPortDiv, "olCursorWait");
- control.cancelHover();
- t.ok(abortedResponse == response,
- "cancelHover calls protocol.abort() with the expected response");
- t.eq(control.hoverResponse, null,
- "cancelHover sets this.hoverResponse to null");
- t.ok(!OpenLayers.Element.hasClass(map.viewPortDiv, "olCursorWait"),
- "cancelHover removes CSS class");
-"hoverfeature", this, hoverTest);
-"outfeature", this, outTest);
- }
- </script>
- <div id="map" style="width: 400px; height: 250px;"/>
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/Graticule.html b/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/Graticule.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 4aa867f..0000000
--- a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/Graticule.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
- <script src="../OLLoader.js"></script>
- <script src=""></script>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- function test_initialize(t) {
- t.plan(2);
- var options = {};
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map",{projection:"EPSG:4326"});
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS();
- map.addLayers([layer]);
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.Graticule(options);
- map.addControl(control);
- map.zoomToMaxExtent();
- t.ok(control.gratLayer instanceof OpenLayers.Layer.Vector,
- "constructor sets layer correctly");
- t.ok(control.gratLayer.features.length > 0,
- "graticule has features");
- control.destroy();
- }
- function test_activate(t) {
- t.plan(7);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map",{projection:"EPSG:4326"});
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS();
- map.addLayers([layer]);
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.Graticule({});
- map.addControl(control);
- map.zoomToMaxExtent();
- t.ok(control.gratLayer.visibility, "Graticule layer is visible by default");
- control.deactivate();
- t.ok( == null,
- "Graticule layer is not in map when control is deactivated");
- control.destroy();
- var control2 = new OpenLayers.Control.Graticule({autoActivate:false});
- map.addControl(control2);
- t.ok( == null,
- "Graticule layer is not in map when autoActivate:false");
- t.ok(control2.gratLayer.features.length == 0,
- "Graticule layer is empty when autoActivate:false");
- control2.activate();
- t.ok( != null,
- "Graticule layer is on map when control is activated");
- t.ok(control2.gratLayer.features.length > 0,
- "Graticule features refreshed after control is activated");
- control2.gratLayer.setVisibility(false);
- control2.destroy();
- t.ok(control2.gratLayer == null,
- "Graticule layer is destroyed when control is destroyed");
- map.destroy();
- }
- </script>
- <div id="map" style="width: 400px; height: 250px;"/>
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/KeyboardDefaults.html b/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/KeyboardDefaults.html
deleted file mode 100644
index e190177..0000000
--- a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/KeyboardDefaults.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
- <script src="../OLLoader.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- var map;
- function test_Control_KeyboardDefaults_constructor (t) {
- t.plan( 2 );
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.KeyboardDefaults();
- t.ok( control instanceof OpenLayers.Control.KeyboardDefaults,
- "new OpenLayers.Control.KeyboardDefaults returns object" );
- t.eq( control.displayClass, "olControlKeyboardDefaults", "displayClass is correct" );
- }
- function test_Control_KeyboardDefaults_destroy (t) {
- t.plan(2);
- map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.KeyboardDefaults();
- map.addControl(control);
- t.ok(control.handler != null, "control.handler is created");
- control.destroy();
- t.ok(control.handler == null, "control.handler is null after destroy");
- map.destroy();
- }
- function test_Control_KeyboardDefaults_addControl (t) {
- t.plan( 4 );
- map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.KeyboardDefaults();
- t.ok( control instanceof OpenLayers.Control.KeyboardDefaults,
- "new OpenLayers.Control.KeyboardDefaults returns object" );
- t.ok( map instanceof OpenLayers.Map,
- "new OpenLayers.Map creates map" );
- map.addControl(control);
- t.ok( === map, " is set to the map object" );
- t.ok( OpenLayers.Util.indexOf(map.controls, control), "map.controls contains control" );
- }
- /* When interpretting
- * the keycodes below (including the comments associated with them),
- * consult the URL below. For instance, the Safari browser returns
- * "IE keycodes", and so is supported by any keycode labeled "IE".
- *
- * Very informative URL:
- *
- */
- function test_Control_KeyboardDefaults_KeyDownEvent (t) {
- t.plan( 25 );
- var evt = {which: 1}, pans = [], zoomIns = 0, zoomOuts = 0;
- map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
- // mock "pan", "zoomIn" and "zoomOut"
- map.pan = function(dx, dy) {
- pans.push({dx: dx, dy: dy});
- };
- map.zoomIn = function() {
- zoomIns++;
- };
- map.zoomOut = function() {
- zoomOuts++;
- };
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS("Test Layer",
- "",
- {map: "/mapdata/", layers: "basic"});
- map.addLayer(layer);
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.KeyboardDefaults({
- slideFactor: 100
- });
- map.addControl(control);
- map.setCenter(new OpenLayers.LonLat(0, 0), 4);
- // Start new test.
- evt.keyCode = OpenLayers.Event.KEY_LEFT;
- control.defaultKeyPress(evt);
- t.eq(pans.length, 1, '[KEY_LEFT] pan called once');
- t.eq(pans[0], {dx: -100, dy: 0},
- '[KEY LEFT] pan called with expected args');
- evt.keyCode = OpenLayers.Event.KEY_RIGHT;
- control.defaultKeyPress(evt);
- t.eq(pans.length, 2, '[KEY_RIGHT] pan called once');
- t.eq(pans[1], {dx: 100, dy: 0},
- '[KEY RIGHT] pan called with expected args');
- evt.keyCode = OpenLayers.Event.KEY_UP;
- control.defaultKeyPress(evt);
- t.eq(pans.length, 3, '[KEY_UP] pan called once');
- t.eq(pans[2], {dx: 0, dy: -100},
- '[KEY UP] pan called with expected args');
- evt.keyCode = OpenLayers.Event.KEY_DOWN;
- control.defaultKeyPress(evt);
- t.eq(pans.length, 4, '[KEY_DOWN] pan called once');
- t.eq(pans[3], {dx: 0, dy: 100},
- '[KEY DOWN] pan called with expected args');
- evt.keyCode = 33;
- control.defaultKeyPress(evt);
- t.eq(pans.length, 5, '[33] pan called once');
- t.eq(pans[4], {dx: 0, dy: -384},
- '[33] pan called with expected args');
- evt.keyCode = 34;
- control.defaultKeyPress(evt);
- t.eq(pans.length, 6, '[34] pan called once');
- t.eq(pans[5], {dx: 0, dy: 384},
- '[34] pan called with expected args');
- evt.keyCode = 35;
- control.defaultKeyPress(evt);
- t.eq(pans.length, 7, '[35] pan called once');
- t.eq(pans[6], {dx: 768, dy: 0},
- '[35] pan called with expected args');
- evt.keyCode = 36;
- control.defaultKeyPress(evt);
- t.eq(pans.length, 8, '[36] pan called once');
- t.eq(pans[7], {dx: -768, dy: 0},
- '[36] pan called with expected args');
- evt.keyCode = 43;
- control.defaultKeyPress(evt);
- t.eq(zoomIns, 1, '[43] zoomIn called once');
- evt.keyCode = 61;
- control.defaultKeyPress(evt);
- t.eq(zoomIns, 2, '[61] zoomIn called once');
- evt.keyCode = 187;
- control.defaultKeyPress(evt);
- t.eq(zoomIns, 3, '[187] zoomIn called once');
- evt.keyCode = 107;
- control.defaultKeyPress(evt);
- t.eq(zoomIns, 4, '[107] zoomIn called once');
- evt.keyCode = 107;
- control.defaultKeyPress(evt);
- t.eq(zoomIns, 5, '[107] zoomIn called once');
- evt.keyCode = 45;
- control.defaultKeyPress(evt);
- t.eq(zoomOuts, 1, '[45] zoomOut called once');
- evt.keyCode = 109;
- control.defaultKeyPress(evt);
- t.eq(zoomOuts, 2, '[109] zoomOut called once');
- evt.keyCode = 189;
- control.defaultKeyPress(evt);
- t.eq(zoomOuts, 3, '[189] zoomOut called once');
- evt.keyCode = 95;
- control.defaultKeyPress(evt);
- t.eq(zoomOuts, 4, '[95] zoomOut called once');
- map.destroy();
- }
- </script>
- <div id="map" style="width: 1024px; height: 512px;"/>
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/LayerSwitcher.html b/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/LayerSwitcher.html
deleted file mode 100644
index c81a779..0000000
--- a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/LayerSwitcher.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,249 +0,0 @@
- <script src="../OLLoader.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- var map;
- OpenLayers.Lang.setCode('en');
- function test_Control_LayerSwitcher_constructor (t) {
- t.plan( 2 );
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.LayerSwitcher();
- t.ok( control instanceof OpenLayers.Control.LayerSwitcher, "new OpenLayers.Control.LayerSwitcher returns object" );
- t.eq( control.displayClass, "olControlLayerSwitcher", "displayClass is correct" );
- }
- function test_Control_LayerSwitcher_draw (t) {
- t.plan( 2 );
- map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.LayerSwitcher();
- map.addControl(control);
- var div = control.draw();
- t.ok( control.div != null, "draw makes a div" );
- t.ok( div != null, "draw returns its div" );
- }
- function test_Control_LayerSwitcher_outsideViewport (t) {
- t.plan( 4 );
- map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.LayerSwitcher({'div':OpenLayers.Util.getElement('layerswitcher')});
- map.addControl(control);
- t.eq(, "250px", "Div is not minimized when added.");
- t.ok( &&, "[outside] Events instance attached to div and has buttonclick event");
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.LayerSwitcher();
- map.addControl(control);
- t.eq(, "0px", "Div is minimized when added.");
- t.ok(! &&, "[inside] Events instance not attached to div and buttonclick event registered on map");
- }
- function test_Control_LayerSwitcher_loadContents(t) {
- t.plan( 10 );
- map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS("WMS",
- "",
- {map: "/mapdata/", layers: "basic"});
- map.addLayer(layer);
- markers = new OpenLayers.Layer.Markers("markers");
- map.addLayer(markers);
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.LayerSwitcher();
- map.addControl(control);
- t.ok(control.layersDiv != null, "correctly makes layers div");
- t.ok(OpenLayers.Element.hasClass(control.layersDiv, "layersDiv"),
- "layers div has class layersDiv");
- t.ok(control.baseLayersDiv != null, "correctly makes layers div");
- t.ok(OpenLayers.Element.hasClass(control.baseLayersDiv, "baseLayersDiv"),
- "base layers div has class baseLayersDiv");
- t.ok(control.dataLayersDiv != null, "correctly makes layers div");
- t.ok(OpenLayers.Element.hasClass(control.dataLayersDiv, "dataLayersDiv"),
- "data layers div has class dataLayersDiv");
- t.ok(control.maximizeDiv != null, "correctly makes resize div");
- t.ok(OpenLayers.Element.hasClass(control.maximizeDiv, "maximizeDiv"),
- "maximize div has class maximizeDiv");
- t.ok(control.minimizeDiv != null, "correctly makes resize div");
- t.ok(OpenLayers.Element.hasClass(control.minimizeDiv, "minimizeDiv"),
- "minimize div has class minmizeDiv");
- }
- function test_Control_LayerSwitcher_redraw (t) {
- t.plan( (OpenLayers.BROWSER_NAME == "opera" ? 9 : 19 ) );
- map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS("WMS",
- "",
- {map: "/mapdata/", layers: "basic"});
- map.addLayer(layer);
- markers = new OpenLayers.Layer.Markers("markers");
- map.addLayer(markers);
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.LayerSwitcher();
- map.addControl(control);
- var wmsInput = control.div.childNodes[0].childNodes[1].childNodes[0];
- t.ok(wmsInput != null, "correctly makes an input for wms layer");
- t.eq(wmsInput.type, "radio", "wms correctly made a radio button");
- t.eq(, + "_baseLayers", "wms correctly named");
- t.eq(wmsInput.value,, "wms correctly valued");
- var markersInput = control.div.childNodes[0].childNodes[3].childNodes[0];
- t.ok(markersInput != null, "correctly makes an input for markers layer");
- t.eq(markersInput.type, "checkbox", "wms correctly made a radio button");
- t.eq(,, "wms correctly named");
- t.eq(markersInput.value,, "wms correctly valued");
- t.eq(false, control.checkRedraw(), "check redraw is false");
- if (OpenLayers.BROWSER_NAME != "opera") {
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.LayerSwitcher();
- var myredraw = control.redraw;
- control.redraw = function() {
- t.ok(true, "redraw called when setting vis");
- }
- map.addControl(control);
- var func = OpenLayers.Function.bind(myredraw, control);
- func();
- markers.setVisibility(false);
- t.eq(control.checkRedraw(), true, "check redraw is true after changing layer and not letting redraw happen.");
- map.removeControl(control);
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.LayerSwitcher();
- var myredraw = control.redraw;
- control.redraw = function() {
- t.ok(true, "redraw called when setting inRange");
- }
- map.addControl(control);
- var func = OpenLayers.Function.bind(myredraw, control);
- func();
- markers.inRange = false;
- t.eq(control.checkRedraw(), true, "check redraw is true after changing layer.inRange and not letting redraw happen.");
- map.removeControl(control);
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.LayerSwitcher();
- var myredraw = control.redraw;
- control.redraw = function() {
- t.ok(true, "redraw called when raising base layer ");
- }
- map.addControl(control);
- var func = OpenLayers.Function.bind(myredraw, control);
- func();
- map.raiseLayer(layer, 1);
- t.eq(control.checkRedraw(), true, "check redraw is true after changing layer.inRange and not letting redraw happen.");
- map.removeControl(control);
- } else {
- t.debug_print("FIXME: Some LayerSwitcher tests fail in Opera.");
- }
- }
- function test_Control_LayerSwitcher_ascending (t) {
- t.plan( 4 );
- map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS("WMS",
- "",
- {map: "/mapdata/", layers: "basic"});
- map.addLayer(layer);
- markers = new OpenLayers.Layer.Markers("markers");
- map.addLayer(markers);
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.LayerSwitcher();
- map.addControl(control);
- control2 = new OpenLayers.Control.LayerSwitcher({'ascending':false});
- map.addControl(control2);
- t.ok(control.div.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].innerHTML.match("Base Layer"), "Base Layers first in LayerSwitcher with ascending true");
- t.ok(control.div.childNodes[0].childNodes[2].innerHTML.match("Overlays"), "Overlays in LayerSwitcher with ascending true");
- t.ok(control2.div.childNodes[0].childNodes[2].innerHTML.match("Base Layer"), "Base Layers last in LayerSwitcher with ascending false");
- t.ok(control2.div.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].innerHTML.match("Overlays"), "Base Layers last in LayerSwitcher with ascending false");
- }
- function test_Control_LayerSwitcher_displayInLayerSwitcher (t) {
- t.plan( 2 );
- map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS("WMS",
- "",
- {map: "/mapdata/", layers: "basic"}, {'displayInLayerSwitcher': false});
- map.addLayer(layer);
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.LayerSwitcher();
- map.addControl(control);
- t.eq(control.div.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].style.display, "none" , "Base layer display off when no visble base layer");
- map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS("WMS",
- "",
- {map: "/mapdata/", layers: "basic"});
- map.addLayer(layer);
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.LayerSwitcher();
- map.addControl(control);
- t.eq(control.div.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].style.display, "" , "Base layer display on when visble base layer");
- }
- // See e.g.
- function test_Control_LayerSwitcher_validIds(t){
- t.plan(2);
- // setup
- var layername = "Name with spaces & illegal characters * + ~ ` ' ? )",
- map = new OpenLayers.Map("map", {
- controls: [
- new OpenLayers.Control.LayerSwitcher()
- ],
- layers: [
- new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS(
- layername,
- "../../img/blank.gif"
- ),
- // add another layer with the same name, the generated id
- // must be different
- new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS(
- layername,
- "../../img/blank.gif"
- )
- ]
- });
- var baselayerDiv = map.controls[0].div.childNodes[0].childNodes[1],
- firstGeneratedInputId = baselayerDiv.childNodes[0].id,
- secondGeneratedInputId = baselayerDiv.childNodes[1].id,
- // legal ids start with a letter and are followed only by word
- // characters (letters, digits, and underscores) plus the dash (-)
- // This is only a subset of all allowed charcters inside of ids.
- allowedIdChars = (/^[a-zA-Z]{1}[\w-]*$/g);
- // tests
- // validity
- t.ok(
- allowedIdChars.test(firstGeneratedInputId),
- "id only contains letters, digits, underscores and dashes. It " +
- "starts with a letter."
- );
- // uniqueness
- t.ok(
- firstGeneratedInputId !== secondGeneratedInputId,
- "generated ids are different even for equal layernames"
- );
- // teardown
- map.destroy();
- }
- </script>
- <div id="map" style="width: 1024px; height: 512px;"/>
- <div id="layerswitcher" style="width:250px; height:256px;" />
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/Measure.html b/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/Measure.html
deleted file mode 100644
index ee6d192..0000000
--- a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/Measure.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,386 +0,0 @@
- <script src="../OLLoader.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- function test_initialize(t) {
- t.plan(1);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map");
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.Measure(
- OpenLayers.Handler.Path, {persist: true}
- );
- map.addControl(control);
- t.eq(control.persist, true, "passing persist to constructor sets persist on handler");
- map.destroy();
- }
- function test_cancel(t) {
- t.plan(4);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map");
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer(null, {
- isBaseLayer: true
- });
- map.addLayer(layer);
- map.zoomToMaxExtent();
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.Measure(
- OpenLayers.Handler.Path, {persist: true}
- );
- map.addControl(control);
- control.activate();
- try {
- control.cancel();
- t.ok(true, "calling cancel before drawing works");
- } catch(err) {
-"calling cancel before drawing causes trouble: " + err);
- }
- t.eq(, true, "control remains active after cancel");
- // create a simple measurement
- function trigger(type, x, y) {
-, {
- xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(x, y)
- })
- };
- trigger("mousemove", 0, 0);
- // keep a reference to the line being drawn
- var line = control.handler.line;
- trigger("mousedown", 0, 0);
- trigger("mouseup", 0, 0);
- trigger("mousemove", 10, 10);
- trigger("mousedown", 10, 10);
- trigger("mouseup", 10, 10);
- trigger("dblclick", 10, 10);
- // the geometry is finalized, we first confirm that it is persisted
- t.ok(line.layer === control.handler.layer, "feature persists");
- // cancel and see that sketch is gone
- control.cancel();
- t.eq(line.layer, null, "feature is gone after cancel");
- map.destroy();
- }
- // test for <>
- function test_partial(t) {
- t.plan(28);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map({
- div: "map",
- units: "m",
- resolutions: [1],
- layers: [
- new OpenLayers.Layer(null, {
- isBaseLayer: true
- })
- ],
- center: new OpenLayers.LonLat(0, 0)
- });
- var log = [];
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.Measure(
- OpenLayers.Handler.Path, {persist: true,
- eventListeners: {
- measurepartial: function(evt) {
- log.push(evt);
- },
- measure: function(evt){
- log.push(evt);
- }
- },
- handlerOptions: {
- pixelTolerance: 0,
- dblclickTolerance: 0
- }
- }
- );
- map.addControl(control);
- control.activate();
- // convenience function to trigger mouse events
- function trigger(type, x, y) {
-, {
- xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(x, y)
- })
- };
- // delay in seconds
- var delay = control.partialDelay / 1000;
- // establish first point
- trigger("mousemove", 0, 0);
- trigger("mousedown", 0, 0);
- trigger("mouseup", 0, 0);
- // a) move 10 pixels and click
- trigger("mousemove", 0, 10);
- trigger("mousedown", 0, 10);
- trigger("mouseup", 0, 10);
- // confirm measurepartial is not fired before delay
- t.eq(log.length, 0, "a) no event fired yet")
- t.delay_call(
- // wait for delay then confirm event was logged
- delay, function() {
- t.eq(log.length, 1, "a) event logged")
- t.eq(log[0] && log[0].type, "measurepartial", "a) event logged");
- t.eq(log[0] && log[0].measure, 10, "a) correct measure");
- // b) move 10 pixels and click
- trigger("mousemove", 0, 20);
- trigger("mousedown", 0, 20);
- trigger("mouseup", 0, 20);
- // confirm measurepartial is not fired before delay
- t.eq(log.length, 1, "b) no event fired yet")
- },
- delay, function() {
- t.eq(log.length, 2, "b) event logged");
- t.eq(log[1] && log[1].type, "measurepartial", "b) correct type");
- t.eq(log[1] && log[1].measure, 20, "b) correct measure");
- // c) move 10 pixels and click
- trigger("mousemove", 0, 30);
- trigger("mousedown", 0, 30);
- trigger("mouseup", 0, 30);
- },
- // wait for half delay and confirm event not logged
- delay / 2, function() {
- // confirm measurepartial is not fired before delay
- t.eq(log.length, 2, "c) no event fired yet")
- },
- // wait for rest of delay and confirm event logged
- delay / 2, function() {
- t.eq(log.length, 3, "c) event logged");
- t.eq(log[2] && log[2].type, "measurepartial", "c) correct type");
- t.eq(log[2] && log[2].measure, 30, "c) correct measure");
- // d) move 10 pixels and click
- trigger("mousemove", 0, 40);
- trigger("mousedown", 0, 40);
- trigger("mouseup", 0, 40);
- // confirm measurepartial is not fired before delay
- t.eq(log.length, 3, "d) no event fired yet")
- // e) double click to finish
- trigger("dblclick", 0, 40);
- t.eq(log.length, 4, "e) event logged");
- t.eq(log[3] && log[3].type, "measure", "e) correct type");
- t.eq(log[3] && log[3].measure, 40, "e) correct measure");
- },
- // wait for rest of delay and confirm no measurepartial logged
- delay, function() {
- // confirm measurepartial is not fired after dblclick
- t.eq(log.length, 4, "e) no additional event fired");
- // change to freehand mode and confirm synchronous event dispatch
- control.handler.freehand = true;
- // clear log
- log = [];
- // f) establish first freehand point
- trigger("mousemove", 0, 0);
- trigger("mousedown", 0, 0);
- t.eq(log.length, 0, "f) no event fired yet")
- // g) move 10 pixels
- trigger("mousemove", 10, 0);
- t.eq(log.length, 1, "g) event logged");
- t.eq(log[0] && log[0].type, "measurepartial", "g) correct type");
- t.eq(log[0] && log[0].measure, 10, "g) correct measure");
- // h) move 10 pixels
- trigger("mousemove", 20, 0);
- t.eq(log.length, 2, "h) event logged");
- t.eq(log[1] && log[1].type, "measurepartial", "h) correct type");
- t.eq(log[1] && log[1].measure, 20, "h) correct measure");
- // i) mouse up to finish
- trigger("mouseup", 20, 0);
- t.eq(log.length, 3, "i) event logged");
- t.eq(log[2] && log[2].type, "measure", "i) correct type");
- t.eq(log[2] && log[2].measure, 20, "i) correct measure");
- // j) clean up
- log = [];
- map.destroy();
- },
- // wait for delay and confirm event not logged
- delay, function() {
- t.eq(log.length, 0, "j) no event fired after destroy");
- }
- );
- }
- function test_immediate(t) {
- t.plan(32);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map({
- div: "map",
- units: "m",
- resolutions: [1],
- layers: [
- new OpenLayers.Layer(null, {
- isBaseLayer: true
- })
- ],
- center: new OpenLayers.LonLat(0, 0)
- });
- var log = [];
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.Measure(
- OpenLayers.Handler.Path, {
- persist: true,
- immediate: true,
- eventListeners: {
- measurepartial: function(evt) {
- log.push(evt);
- },
- measure: function(evt){
- log.push(evt);
- }
- },
- handlerOptions: {
- pixelTolerance: 0,
- dblclickTolerance: 0
- }
- }
- );
- map.addControl(control);
- control.activate();
- // convenience function to trigger mouse events
- function trigger(type, x, y) {
-, {
- xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(x, y)
- })
- };
- // delay in seconds
- var delay = control.partialDelay / 1000;
- // a) establish first point
- trigger("mousemove", 0, 0);
- trigger("mousedown", 0, 0);
- trigger("mouseup", 0, 0);
- // move 10 pixels
- trigger("mousemove", 0, 10);
- t.eq(log.length, 1, "a) has fired an event");
- t.delay_call(
- delay, function() {
- // confirm measurepartial is fired
- t.eq(log.length, 1, "a) one event logged");
- t.ok(log[0] && log[0].type == "measurepartial", "a) correct type");
- // mousemove within the partialDelay fires no event, so the
- // measure below is the one of the initial point
- t.eq(log[0]?log[0].measure:-1 , 10, "a) correct measure");
- // b) move 10 pixels
- trigger("mousemove", 0, 20);
- // c) move 10 pixels again
- trigger("mousemove", 0, 30);
- // confirm measurepartial is fired 2 times
- t.eq(log.length, 3, "b) event logged");
- t.eq(log[1] && log[1].type, "measurepartial", "b) correct type");
- t.eq(log[1] && log[1].measure, 20, "b) correct measure");
- t.eq(log[2] && log[2].type, "measurepartial", "c) correct type");
- t.eq(log[2] && log[2].measure, 30, "c) correct measure");
- // d) switch immediate measurement off
- control.setImmediate(false);
- t.eq(control.immediate, false, "d) immediate is false");
- // e) move 10 pixels and click
- trigger("mousemove", 0, 40);
- trigger("mousedown", 0, 40);
- trigger("mouseup", 0, 40);
- // confirm measurepartial is not fired before delay
- t.eq(log.length, 3, "e) no event fired yet")
- },
- // wait for delay then confirm event was logged
- delay, function() {
- t.eq(log.length, 4, "e) event logged")
- t.ok(log[3] && log[3].type == "measurepartial", "e) correct type");
- t.ok(log[3] && log[3].measure == 40, "e) correct measure");
- // f) switch immediate measurement on
- control.setImmediate(true);
- t.eq(control.immediate, true, "f) immediate is true");
- // g) move 10 pixels
- trigger("mousemove", 0, 50);
- },
- delay, function() {
- t.eq(log.length, 5, "g) event logged");
- t.ok(log[4] && log[4].type == "measurepartial", "g) correct type");
- t.ok(log[4] && log[4].measure == 50, "g) correct measure");
- // h) move 10 pixels
- trigger("mousemove", 0, 60);
- t.eq(log.length, 6, "h) event logged");
- t.ok(log[5] && log[5].type == "measurepartial", "h) correct type");
- t.ok(log[5] && log[5].measure == 60, "h) correct measure");
- // i) double click to finish
- trigger("mousedown", 0, 60);
- t.eq(log.length, 7, "i) event logged");
- t.eq(log[6] && log[6].type, "measurepartial", "i) correct type");
- t.eq(log[6] && log[6].measure, 60, "i) correct measure");
- trigger("mouseup", 0, 60);
- t.eq(log.length, 7, "i) no event fired yet");
- },
- delay, function() {
- t.eq(log.length, 8, "j) event logged");
- t.eq(log[7] && log[7].type, "measurepartial", "j) correct type");
- t.eq(log[7] && log[7].measure, 60, "j) correct measure");
- trigger("dblclick", 0, 60);
- t.eq(log.length, 9, "k) event logged");
- t.eq(log[8] && log[8].type, "measure", "k) correct type");
- t.eq(log[8] && log[8].measure, 60, "k) correct measure");
- // clear log
- log = [];
- // l) clean up
- map.destroy();
- // wait for delay and confirm event not logged
- },
- delay, function() {
- t.eq(log.length, 0, "l) no event fired after destroy");
- }
- );
- }
- </script>
- <div id="map" style="width: 512px; height: 256px;"></div>
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/ModifyFeature.html b/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/ModifyFeature.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 6226733..0000000
--- a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/ModifyFeature.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,828 +0,0 @@
- <script src="../OLLoader.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- function test_initialize(t) {
- t.plan(3);
- var layer = {
- styleMap: {createSymbolizer: function(){}},
- events: {
- on: function() {},
- un: function() {}
- }
- };
- var options = {
- documentDrag: true
- };
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.ModifyFeature(layer, options);
- t.ok(control.layer == layer,
- "constructor sets layer correctly");
- t.eq(control.handlers.drag.documentDrag, true,
- "constructor sets options correctly on drag handler");
- t.eq(control.mode, OpenLayers.Control.ModifyFeature.RESHAPE,
- "constructor initializes modification mode correctly");
- control.destroy();
- }
- function test_destroy(t) {
- t.plan(1);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map");
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector();
- map.addLayer(layer);
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.ModifyFeature(layer);
- control.destroy();
- t.eq(control.layer, null, "Layer reference removed on destroy.");
- map.destroy();
- }
- function test_activate(t) {
- t.plan(2);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map");
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector();
- map.addLayer(layer);
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.ModifyFeature(layer);
- map.addControl(control);
- t.ok(!,
- "drag handler is not active prior to activating control");
- control.activate();
- t.ok(,
- "drag handler is active after activating control");
- map.destroy();
- }
- function test_initDeleteCodes(t) {
- t.plan(3);
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector();
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.ModifyFeature(layer, {'deleteCodes': 46});
- t.eq(control.deleteCodes[0], 46, "Delete code properly turned into an array.");
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.ModifyFeature(layer);
- t.eq(control.deleteCodes[0], 46, "Default deleteCodes include delete");
- t.eq(control.deleteCodes[1], 68, "Default deleteCodes include 'd'");
- control.destroy();
- layer.destroy();
- }
- function test_handleKeypress(t) {
- t.plan(16);
- /**
- * There are two things that we want to test here
- * 1) test that control.deleteCodes are respected
- * 3) test that a vertex is properly deleted
- *
- * In the future, feature deletion may be added to the control.
- */
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector();
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.ModifyFeature(layer);
- var delKey = 46;
- var dKey = 100;
- control.deleteCodes = [delKey, dKey];
- // test that a polygon vertex is deleted for all delete codes
- var point = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(
- new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point()
- );
- var poly = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(
- new OpenLayers.Geometry.Polygon()
- );
- // mock up vertex deletion
- var origGetFeatureFromEvent = layer.getFeatureFromEvent;
- layer.getFeatureFromEvent = function() { return point; };
- control.feature = poly;
- // we cannot use selectFeature since the control is not part of a map
- control._originalGeometry = poly.geometry.clone();
- control.vertices = [point];
- point.geometry.parent = {
- removeComponent: function(geometry) {
- t.eq(,,
- "vertex deletion: removeComponent called on parent with proper geometry");
- }
- };
- "featuremodified": function(event) {
- t.ok(event.feature.modified !== null, "modified property of feature should have been set");
- t.eq(,, "vertex deletion: featuremodifed triggered");
- },
- "vertexremoved": function(evt) {
-"vertexremoved", this, arguments.callee);
- t.eq(,, "vertexremoved triggered with correct feature");
- t.eq(,, "vertexremoved triggered with correct vertex");
- t.eq(evt.pixel, "foo", "vertexremoved triggered with correct pixel");
- }
- });
- layer.drawFeature = function(feature) {
- t.eq(,,
- "vertex deletion: drawFeature called with the proper feature");
- };
- control.resetVertices = function() {
- t.ok(true, "vertex deletion: resetVertices called");
- };
- control.onModification = function(feature) {
- t.eq(,,
- "vertex deletion: onModification called with the proper feature");
- };
- // run the above four tests twice
- control.handleKeypress({keyCode:delKey, xy: "foo"});
- control.handleKeypress({keyCode:dKey});
- t.eq(control.feature.state, OpenLayers.State.UPDATE, "feature state set to update");
- // now make sure nothing happens if the vertex is mid-drag
- control.handlers.drag.dragging = true;
- control.handleKeypress({keyCode:delKey});
- // clean up
- layer.getFeatureFromEvent = origGetFeatureFromEvent;
- control.destroy();
- layer.destroy();
- }
- function test_onUnSelect(t) {
- t.plan(5);
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector();
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.ModifyFeature(layer);
- var fakeFeature = {'id':'myid'};
- control.vertices = 'a';
- control.virtualVertices = 'b';
- control.features = true;
-{"afterfeaturemodified": function(event) {
- t.eq(event.feature, fakeFeature, "afterfeaturemodified triggered");
- }});
- control.onModificationEnd = function (feature) { t.eq(,, "onModificationEnd got feature.") }
- layer.removeFeatures = function(verts) {
- t.ok(verts == 'a', "Normal verts removed correctly");
- }
- layer.destroyFeatures = function(verts) {
- t.ok(verts == 'b', "Virtual verts destroyed correctly");
- }
- control.unselectFeature(fakeFeature);
- t.eq(control.feature, null, "feature is set to null");
- layer.destroyFeatures = function() {};
- control.destroy();
- layer.destroy();
- }
- function test_stop_modification(t) {
- t.plan(1);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("Vectors!", {isBaseLayer: true});
- var feature = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(
- new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(0, 0)
- );
- layer.addFeatures([feature]);
- map.addLayer(layer);
- map.setCenter(new OpenLayers.LonLat(0, 0));
- // If a feature is to be modified, control.selectFeature gets called.
- // We want this test to fail if selectFeature gets called.
- var modified = false;
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.ModifyFeature(layer);
- map.addControl(control);
- control.activate();
- // register a listener that will stop feature modification
-{"beforefeaturemodified": function() {return false}});
- // we can initiate feature modification by programmatically selecting
- // a feature
- control.selectFeature(feature);
- if(modified) {
-"selectFeature called, prepping feature for modification");
- } else {
- t.ok(true, "the beforefeaturemodified listener stopped feature modification");
- }
- }
- function test_selectFeature(t) {
- t.plan(12);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("Vectors!", {isBaseLayer: true});
- map.addLayer(layer);
- map.setCenter(new OpenLayers.LonLat(0, 0));
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.ModifyFeature(layer);
- control.vertices = [];
- control.virtualVertices = [];
- var callback = function(obj) {
- t.ok(obj.feature == fakeFeature, "beforefeaturemodified triggered");
- };
-{"beforefeaturemodified": callback});
- control.onModificationStart = function(feature) { t.eq(,, "On Modification Start called with correct feature."); }
- // Start of testing
- control.collectVertices = function() {"Collect vertices called when geom is a point"); }
- var fakeFeature = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(0, 0));
- // Points don't call collectVertices
- control.selectFeature(fakeFeature);
- control.unselectFeature(fakeFeature);
- control.collectVertices = function() {
- t.ok(true, "collectVertices called");
- this.vertices = 'a';
- this.virtualVertices = 'd';
- layer.addFeatures(this.vertices);
- layer.addFeatures(this.virtualVertices);
- }
- layer.addFeatures = function(features) {
- t.ok(features == 'a' || features == 'd', "features passed correctly");
- }
- layer.destroyFeatures = function() {};
- fakeFeature.geometry = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Polygon([
- new OpenLayers.Geometry.LinearRing([
- new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(0, 0),
- new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(1, 1)
- ])
- ]);
- // OnSelect calls collectVertices and passes features to layer
- control.selectFeature(fakeFeature);
- control.unselectFeature(fakeFeature);
- layer.destroyFeatures = OpenLayers.Layer.Vector.prototype.destroyFeatures;
- control.vertices = ['a'];
- control.virtualVertices = [{destroy: function() {}}];
- layer.addFeatures = function(features) {}
- layer.removeFeatures = function(features) {
- t.eq(features.length, 1, "Correct feature length passed in");
- }
- // Features are removed whenever they exist
- control.selectFeature(fakeFeature);
- control.destroy();
- // layer.destroy() will call removeFeatures with an empty array, make
- // removeFeatures reference an empty function to prevent the above
- // test to fail
- layer.removeFeatures = function(features) {};
- layer.destroy();
- }
- function test_resetVertices(t) {
- t.plan(20);
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector();
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.ModifyFeature(layer);
- var point = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(5,6);
- var point2 = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(7,8);
- var point3 = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(9,10);
- control.feature = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(point);
- control.resetVertices();
- t.eq(control.vertices.length, 0, "Correct vertices length");
- t.eq(control.virtualVertices.length, 0, "Correct virtual vertices length.");
- var multiPoint = new OpenLayers.Geometry.MultiPoint([point, point2]);
- control.feature = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(multiPoint);
- control.resetVertices();
- t.eq(control.vertices.length, 2, "Correct vertices length with multipoint");
- t.eq(control.virtualVertices.length, 0, "Correct virtual vertices length (multipoint).");
- var line = new OpenLayers.Geometry.LineString([point, point2]);
- control.feature = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(line);
- control.resetVertices();
- t.eq(control.vertices.length, 2, "Correct vertices length with line");
- t.eq(control.virtualVertices.length, 1, "Correct virtual vertices length (linestring).");
- var polygon = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Polygon([new OpenLayers.Geometry.LinearRing([point, point2, point3])]);
- control.feature = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(polygon);
- control.resetVertices();
- t.eq(control.vertices.length, 3, "Correct vertices length with polygon");
- t.eq(control.virtualVertices.length, 3, "Correct virtual vertices length (polygon).");
- control.mode = OpenLayers.Control.ModifyFeature.DRAG;
- control.resetVertices();
- t.ok(control.dragHandle != null, "Drag handle is set");
- t.eq(control.vertices.length, 0, "Correct vertices length with polygon (DRAG)");
- control.mode = OpenLayers.Control.ModifyFeature.ROTATE;
- control.resetVertices();
- t.ok(control.radiusHandle != null, "Radius handle is set");
- t.eq(control.vertices.length, 0, "Correct vertices length with polygon (ROTATE)");
- control.mode = OpenLayers.Control.ModifyFeature.RESIZE;
- control.resetVertices();
- t.ok(control.radiusHandle != null, "Radius handle is set");
- t.eq(control.vertices.length, 0, "Correct vertices length with polygon (RESIZE)");
- control.mode = OpenLayers.Control.ModifyFeature.RESHAPE;
- control.resetVertices();
- t.ok(control.radiusHandle == null, "Radius handle is not set (RESHAPE)");
- t.eq(control.vertices.length, 3, "Correct vertices length with polygon (RESHAPE)");
- t.eq(control.virtualVertices.length, 3, "Correct virtual vertices length (RESHAPE)");
- control.mode = OpenLayers.Control.ModifyFeature.RESIZE | OpenLayers.Control.ModifyFeature.RESHAPE;
- control.resetVertices();
- t.ok(control.radiusHandle != null, "Radius handle is set (RESIZE|RESHAPE)");
- t.eq(control.vertices.length, 0, "No vertices when both resizing and reshaping (RESIZE|RESHAPE)");
- t.eq(control.virtualVertices.length, 0, "No virtual vertices when both resizing and reshaping (RESIZE|RESHAPE)");
- control.destroy();
- layer.destroy();
- }
- function test_dragVertex(t) {
- t.plan(8);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map", {
- resolutions: [1]
- });
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("foo", {
- maxExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds(-10, -10, 10, 10),
- isBaseLayer: true
- });
- map.addLayer(layer);
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.ModifyFeature(layer);
- map.addControl(control);
- control.activate();
- map.zoomToMaxExtent();
- var log = {};
- "vertexmodified": function(event) {
- log.event = event;
- }
- });
- // pretend to drag a point
- var feature = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(
- new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(0, 0)
- );
- control.feature = feature;
- var pixel = new OpenLayers.Pixel(-100, 100);
- control.dragVertex(feature, pixel);
- t.eq(log.event.type, "vertexmodified", "[drag point] vertexmodified triggered");
- t.geom_eq(log.event.vertex, feature.geometry, "[drag point] listeners receive correct vertex");
- t.eq(,, "[drag point] listeners receive correct feature");
- t.ok(log.event.pixel === pixel, "[drag point] listeners receive correct pixel");
- // pretend to drag vertex of a linestring
- var vert = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(
- new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(0, 0)
- );
- var feature = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(
- new OpenLayers.Geometry.LineString([
- vert.geometry, new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(10, 0)
- ])
- );
- control.feature = feature;
- var pixel = new OpenLayers.Pixel(-100, 100);
- control.dragVertex(vert, pixel);
- t.eq(log.event.type, "vertexmodified", "[drag vertex] vertexmodified triggered");
- t.geom_eq(log.event.vertex, vert.geometry, "[drag vertex] listeners receive correct vertex");
- t.eq(,, "[drag vertex] listeners receive correct feature");
- t.ok(log.event.pixel === pixel, "[drag vertex] listeners receive correct pixel");
- map.destroy();
- }
- function test_collectDragHandle(t) {
- t.plan(4);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map", {
- resolutions: [1]
- });
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("foo", {
- maxExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds(-10, -10, 10, 10),
- isBaseLayer: true
- });
- map.addLayer(layer);
- var feature = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(1,1));
- layer.addFeatures([feature]);
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.ModifyFeature(layer);
- map.addControl(control);
- control.activate();
- control.feature = feature;
- control.collectDragHandle();
- t.ok(control.dragHandle != null, "Drag handle created");
- t.ok(control.dragHandle._sketch == true, "Handle has _sketch true");
- t.ok(control.dragHandle.renderIntent == control.vertexRenderIntent,"Render intent for handle set");
- t.ok(control.layer.getFeatureById( != null, "Drag handle added to layer");
- }
- function test_collectRadiusHandle(t) {
- t.plan(4);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map", {
- resolutions: [1]
- });
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("foo", {
- maxExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds(-10, -10, 10, 10),
- isBaseLayer: true
- });
- map.addLayer(layer);
- var feature = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(1,1));
- layer.addFeatures([feature]);
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.ModifyFeature(layer);
- map.addControl(control);
- control.activate();
- control.feature = feature;
- control.collectRadiusHandle();
- t.ok(control.radiusHandle != null, "Radius handle created");
- t.ok(control.radiusHandle._sketch == true, "Radius has _sketch true");
- t.ok(control.radiusHandle.renderIntent == control.vertexRenderIntent,"Render intent for handle set");
- t.ok(control.layer.getFeatureById( != null, "Drag radius added to layer");
- }
- function test_onDrag(t) {
- t.plan(1);
- t.ok(true, "onDrag not tested yet.");
- }
- function test_dragComplete(t) {
- t.plan(8);
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector();
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.ModifyFeature(layer);
- var fakeFeature = {
- 'geometry': { 'id':'myGeom'},
- 'id': 'fakeFeature'
- };
- layer.addFeatures = function (verts) {
- t.ok(verts == 'virtual' || verts == 'normal', verts + " verts correct");
- }
- layer.removeFeatures = function (verts) {
- t.ok(verts == 'previous virtual' || verts == 'previous normal', verts + " verts correct");
- }
-{"featuremodified": function(event) {
- t.eq(event.feature, fakeFeature, "featuremodified triggered");
- }});
- control.onModification = function(feat) {
- t.eq(,, "onModification gets correct feat");
- }
- control.collectVertices = function() {
- t.ok(true, "collectVertices called");
- this.vertices = 'normal';
- this.virtualVertices = 'virtual';
- layer.addFeatures(this.vertices);
- layer.addFeatures(this.virtualVertices);
- }
- control.feature = fakeFeature;
- control.vertices = 'previous normal';
- control.virtualVertices = 'previous virtual';
- control.dragComplete();
- t.eq(fakeFeature.state, OpenLayers.State.UPDATE, "feature state set to UPDATE");
- control.destroy();
- // layer.destroy() will call removeFeatures with an empty array, make
- // removeFeatures reference an empty function to prevent the above
- // test to fail
- layer.removeFeatures = function(verts) {};
- layer.destroy();
- }
- function test_deactivate(t) {
- t.plan(2);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map");
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector();
- map.addLayer(layer);
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.ModifyFeature(layer);
- map.addControl(control);
- control.handlers.keyboard.deactivate = function() {
- t.ok(true,
- "control.deactivate calls deactivate on keyboard handler");
- }
- control.handlers.drag.deactivate = function() {
- t.ok(true,
- "control.deactivate calls deactivate on drag handler");
- }
- = true;
- control.deactivate();
- control.handlers.keyboard.deactivate = OpenLayers.Handler.Keyboard.prototype.deactivate;
- control.handlers.drag.deactivate = OpenLayers.Handler.Drag.prototype.deactivate;
- map.destroy();
- }
- function test_onModificationStart(t) {
- t.plan(5);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map");
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector(null, {
- styleMap: new OpenLayers.StyleMap({
- "vertex": new OpenLayers.Style({foo: "bar"})
- }, {extendDefault: false})
- });
- map.addLayer(layer);
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.ModifyFeature(layer);
- map.addControl(control);
- control.activate();
- // make sure onModificationStart is called on feature selection
- var testFeature = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(
- OpenLayers.Geometry.fromWKT("LINESTRING(3 4,10 50,20 25)")
- );
- layer.addFeatures([testFeature]);
- control.onModificationStart = function(feature) {
- t.eq(,,
- "onModificationStart called with the right feature");
- };
- control.selectFeature(testFeature);
- // make sure styles are set correctly from default style
- t.eq(control.virtualStyle, OpenLayers.Util.applyDefaults({
- strokeOpacity: 0.3,
- fillOpacity: 0.3
- },["default"]), "virtual style set correctly");
- var vertex = layer.features[layer.features.length-1];
- t.eq(vertex.renderIntent, null, "vertex style set correctly - uses default style");
- control.unselectFeature(testFeature);
- // make sure styles are set correctly with vertexRenderIntent
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.ModifyFeature(layer, {vertexRenderIntent: "vertex"});
- map.addControl(control);
- control.activate();
- control.selectFeature(testFeature);
- t.eq(control.virtualStyle, {
- strokeOpacity: 0.3,
- fillOpacity: 0.3,
- foo: "bar"
- }, "virtual style set correctly");
- var vertex = layer.features[layer.features.length-1];
- t.eq(vertex.renderIntent, "vertex", "vertex style set correctly - uses 'vertex' renderIntent");
- control.unselectFeature(testFeature);
- map.destroy();
- }
- function test_onModification(t) {
- t.plan(3);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map");
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector();
- map.addLayer(layer);
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.ModifyFeature(layer);
- map.addControl(control);
- control.activate();
- // make sure onModification is called on drag complete
- var point = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(
- new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(Math.random(), Math.random())
- );
- control.feature = point;
- control.onModification = function(feature) {
- t.eq(,,
- "onModification called with the right feature on drag complete");
- };
- control.dragComplete();
- // make sure onModification is called on vertex deletion
- var poly = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(
- new OpenLayers.Geometry.Polygon()
- );
- var oldDraw = layer.drawFeature;
- layer.drawFeature = function() {
- return;
- };
- control.feature = poly;
- control.vertices = [point];
-{"featuremodified": function(event) {
- t.eq(,, "featuremodified triggered");
- }});
- control.onModification = function(feature) {
- t.eq(,,
- "onModification called with the right feature on vertex delete");
- };
- point.geometry.parent = poly.geometry;
- origGetFeatureFromEvent = layer.getFeatureFromEvent;
- layer.getFeatureFromEvent = function() { return point; };
- control.handleKeypress({keyCode:46});
- layer.drawFeature = oldDraw;
- layer.getFeatureFromEvent = origGetFeatureFromEvent;
- map.destroy();
- }
- function test_onModificationEnd(t) {
- t.plan(3);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map");
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector();
- map.addLayer(layer);
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.ModifyFeature(layer);
- map.addControl(control);
- control.activate();
- // make sure onModificationEnd is called on unselect feature
- var testFeature = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(
- new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(Math.random(), Math.random())
- );
-{"afterfeaturemodified": function(event) {
- t.eq(,, "afterfeaturemodified triggered");
- t.eq(event.modified, false, "afterfeaturemodified event given proper modified property (false - feature was not modified in this case)");
- }});
- control.onModificationEnd = function(feature) {
- t.eq(,,
- "onModificationEnd called with the right feature");
- };
- control.unselectFeature(testFeature);
- map.destroy();
- }
- function test_events(t) {
- t.plan(2);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map");
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector();
- map.addLayer(layer);
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.ModifyFeature(layer);
- map.addControl(control);
- control.activate();
- // make sure onModificationStart is called on feature selection
- var testFeature = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(
- new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(Math.random(), Math.random())
- );
- // test that beforefeatureselected is triggered
- function handle_beforefeatureselected(event) {
- t.ok(event.feature == testFeature, "beforefeatureselected called with the correct feature");
- }
- "beforefeatureselected": handle_beforefeatureselected
- });
-"beforefeatureselected", {
- feature: testFeature
- });
- "beforefeatureselected": handle_beforefeatureselected
- });
- // test that beforefeatureselected is triggered
- function handle_featureselected(event) {
- t.ok(event.feature == testFeature, "featureselected called with the correct feature");
- }
- "featureselected": handle_featureselected
- });
-"featureselected", {
- feature: testFeature
- });
- "featureselected": handle_featureselected
- });
- map.destroy();
- }
- function test_standalone(t) {
- t.plan(17);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map");
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector();
- var f1 = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(
- OpenLayers.Geometry.fromWKT("LINESTRING(3 4,10 50,20 25)")
- );
- var f2 = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(
- OpenLayers.Geometry.fromWKT("POLYGON((1 1,5 1,5 5,1 5,1 1),(2 2, 3 2, 3 3, 2 3,2 2))")
- );
- var f3 = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(
- OpenLayers.Geometry.fromWKT("POINT(10 15)")
- );
- var f4 = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(
- OpenLayers.Geometry.fromWKT("POINT(15 10)")
- );
- layer.addFeatures([f1, f2, f3, f4]);
- map.addLayer(layer);
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.ModifyFeature(layer, {standalone: true});
- map.addControl(control);
- var log = [];
- beforefeaturemodified: function(evt) {
-"beforefeaturemodified", this, arguments.callee);
- log.push(evt);
- },
- featuremodified: function(evt) {
- log.push(evt);
- },
- afterfeaturemodified: function(evt) {
- log.push(evt);
- }
- });
- // activate control
- control.activate();
- t.eq(, true, "[activate] control activated");
- // manually select feature for editing
- control.selectFeature(f1);
- t.eq(log.length, 1, "[select f1] beforefeaturemodified triggered");
- t.ok(control.feature === f1, "[select f1] control.feature set to f1");
- log = []
- // manually unselect feature for editing
- control.unselectFeature(f1);
- t.eq(control.feature, null, "[unselect f1] control.feature set to null");
- t.eq(log.length, 1, "[unselect f1] event logged");
- t.eq(log[0].type, "afterfeaturemodified", "[unselect f1] afterfeaturemodified triggered");
- t.ok(log[0].feature === f1, "[unselect f1] correct feature");
- t.eq(log[0].modified, false, "[unselect f1] feature not actually modified");
- // clear log and select new feature for editing
- log = [];
- control.selectFeature(f2);
- t.ok(control.feature === f2, "[select f2] control.feature set to f2");
- // deactivate control and confirm feature is unselected
- control.deactivate();
- t.eq(log.length, 1, "[deactivate] event logged");
- t.eq(log[0].type, "afterfeaturemodified", "[deactivate] afterfeaturemodified triggered");
- t.ok(log[0].feature === f2, "[deactivate] correct feature");
- t.eq(log[0].modified, false, "[deactivate] feature not actually modified");
- // select the polygon feature to make sure that we can drag vertices and
- // virtual vertices
- control.selectFeature(f2);
- var origGetFeatureFromEvent = layer.getFeatureFromEvent;
- layer.getFeatureFromEvent = function() { return control.vertices[0]; };
-, new OpenLayers.Pixel(0,0));
- t.ok(control.vertex === control.vertices[0], "can drag vertex of feature f2");
- t.ok(control.feature === f2, "dragging a vertex does not change the selected feature");
- layer.getFeatureFromEvent = function() { return control.virtualVertices[0]; };
-, new OpenLayers.Pixel(0,0));
- t.ok(control.vertex === control.virtualVertices[0], "can drag virtual vertex of feature f2");
- t.ok(control.feature === f2, "dragging a vertex does not change the selected feature");
- layer.getFeatureFromEvent = origGetFeatureFromEvent;
- control.deactivate();
- map.destroy();
- }
- function test_setFeatureState(t) {
- t.plan(4);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map");
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("vector", {isBaseLayer: true});
- map.addLayer(layer);
- var feature = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(1,2));
- layer.addFeatures([feature]);
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.ModifyFeature(layer, {standalone: true});
- map.addControl(control);
- control.selectFeature(feature);
- var originalGeometry = feature.geometry;
- t.ok(control._originalGeometry, "original geometry stored for later use in setFeatureState");
- feature.geometry = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(2,3);
- control.modified = true;
- control.setFeatureState();
- t.eq(feature.state, OpenLayers.State.UPDATE, "feature state set to UPDATE");
- t.geom_eq(feature.modified.geometry, originalGeometry, "original geometry stored on the modified property");
- t.eq(control._originalGeometry, undefined, "original geometry deleted once it is set on the modified property");
- }
- function test_createVertices(t) {
- t.plan(2);
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector();
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.ModifyFeature(layer, {
- createVertices: false
- });
- var line = new OpenLayers.Geometry.LineString([
- new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(5, 6),
- new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(7, 8),
- new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(9, 10)
- ]);
- control.feature = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(line);
- control.resetVertices();
- t.eq(control.vertices.length, 3, "Correct vertices length with createVertices is false");
- t.eq(control.virtualVertices.length, 0, "Correct virtual vertices length with createVertices is false");
- control.destroy();
- }
- function test_moveLayerToTop_moveLayerBack(t) {
- t.plan(2);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map");
- var layer1 = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector();
- var layer2 = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector();
- map.addLayers([layer1, layer2]);
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.ModifyFeature(layer1);
- map.addControl(control);
- control.activate();
- t.ok( >, "layer raised so events don't get swallowed");
- control.deactivate();
- t.ok( <, 'layer order restored on deactivation');
- }
- </script>
- <div id="map" style="width: 400px; height: 250px;"/>
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/MousePosition.html b/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/MousePosition.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 0695e16..0000000
--- a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/MousePosition.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
- <script src="../OLLoader.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- var map, control;
- function test_initialize (t) {
- t.plan( 2 );
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.MousePosition();
- t.ok( control instanceof OpenLayers.Control.MousePosition, "new OpenLayers.Control returns object" );
- t.eq( control.displayClass, "olControlMousePosition", "displayClass is correct" );
- }
- function test_destroy(t) {
- t.plan(1);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.MousePosition();
- map.addControl(control);
- var listeners =;
- control.destroy();
- t.eq(, listeners - 1, "mousemove event is unregistered");
- map.destroy();
- }
- function test_addControl(t) {
- t.plan(4);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.MousePosition();
- map.addControl(control);
- t.ok( === map, " is set to the map object");
- t.ok(map.controls[map.controls.length - 1] === control, "map.controls contains control");
- t.eq(parseInt(, map.Z_INDEX_BASE['Control'] + 5, "Control div zIndexed properly" );
- t.eq(parseInt(, map.Z_INDEX_BASE['Control'] + 5, "Viewport div contains control div");
- map.destroy();
- }
- function test_redraw_noLayer_displayProjection(t) {
- t.plan(4);
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.MousePosition({'emptyString':''});
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
- map.addControl(control);
- var control2 = new OpenLayers.Control.MousePosition();
- map.addControl(control2);
- t.eq(control2.emptyString, null, "Emptystring is null");
- t.eq(control.div.innerHTML, "", "innerHTML set correctly");
- control.redraw({'xy': new OpenLayers.Pixel(10,10)});
- control.redraw({'xy': new OpenLayers.Pixel(12,12)});
- t.eq(control.div.innerHTML, "", "innerHTML set correctly");
- var l = new OpenLayers.Layer('name', {'isBaseLayer': true});
- map.addLayer(l);
- map.zoomToMaxExtent();
- control.redraw({'xy': new OpenLayers.Pixel(10,10)});
- control.redraw({'xy': new OpenLayers.Pixel(12,12)});
- t.eq(control.div.innerHTML, "-175.78125, 85.78125", "innerHTML set correctly when triggered.");
- map.destroy();
- }
- function test_formatOutput(t) {
- t.plan(1);
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.MousePosition({
- prefix: 'prefix',
- suffix: 'suffix',
- separator: 'separator',
- numDigits: 3
- });
- var lonlat = new OpenLayers.LonLat(0.75699, 0.37365);
- var val = control.formatOutput(lonlat);
- t.eq(val, 'prefix0.757separator0.374suffix', 'formatOutput correctly formats the mouse position output');
- }
- function test_deactivate(t) {
- t.plan(4);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer(null, {isBaseLayer: true});
- map.addLayer(layer);
- map.zoomToMaxExtent();
- // Auxiliary function
- function trigger(type, x, y) {
-, {
- xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(x, y)
- })
- };
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.MousePosition();
- map.addControl(control);
- trigger("mousemove", 0, 0);
- trigger("mousemove", 0, 1);
- t.ok(control.div.innerHTML != "",
- "Shows the position after add control (with autoActivate) and move");
- control.deactivate();
- t.ok(control.div.innerHTML == "",
- "Position is not displayed after deactivate and move");
- trigger("mousemove", 0, 2);
- t.ok(control.div.innerHTML == "",
- "Position is not displayed after move when deactivate");
- control.activate();
- trigger("mousemove", 0, 3);
- t.ok(control.div.innerHTML != "",
- "Shows the position after activate and move");
- map.destroy();
- }
- </script>
- <div id="map" style="width: 1024px; height: 512px;"/>
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/NavToolbar.html b/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/NavToolbar.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b3bbec..0000000
--- a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/NavToolbar.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
- <script src="../OLLoader.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- var map;
- function test_Control_NavToolbar_constructor (t) {
- t.plan( 4 );
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.NavToolbar();
- t.ok( control instanceof OpenLayers.Control.NavToolbar, "new OpenLayers.Control.NavToolbar returns object" );
- t.eq( control.displayClass, "olControlNavToolbar", "displayClass is correct" );
- t.ok( control.controls[0] instanceof OpenLayers.Control.Navigation, "NavToolbar contains Control.Navigation object" );
- t.ok( control.controls[1] instanceof OpenLayers.Control.ZoomBox, "NavToolbar contains Control.ZoomBox object" );
- }
- function test_Control_NavToolbar_addControl (t) {
- t.plan( 6 );
- map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.NavToolbar();
- t.ok( control instanceof OpenLayers.Control.NavToolbar, "new OpenLayers.Control.NavToolbar returns object" );
- t.ok( map instanceof OpenLayers.Map, "new OpenLayers.Map creates map" );
- map.addControl(control);
- t.ok( === map, " is set to the map object" );
- t.ok( map.controls[4] === control, "map.controls contains control" );
- t.eq( parseInt(, map.Z_INDEX_BASE['Control'] + 7, "Control div zIndexed properly" );
- t.eq( parseInt(, map.Z_INDEX_BASE['Control'] + 7, "Viewport div contains control div" );
- // t.eq(, "6px", "Control div top located correctly by default");
- }
- function test_Control_NavToolbar_defaultControl (t) {
- t.plan( 1 );
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
- var nav = new OpenLayers.Control.NavToolbar();
- map.addControl(nav);
- t.eq(nav.controls[0].active, true, "First control is active" );
- map.destroy();
- }
- </script>
- <div id="map" style="width: 1024px; height: 512px;"/>
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/Navigation.html b/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/Navigation.html
deleted file mode 100644
index e73ee42..0000000
--- a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/Navigation.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,200 +0,0 @@
- <script src="../OLLoader.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- function test_Control_Navigation_constructor (t) {
- t.plan( 3 );
- var temp = OpenLayers.Control.prototype.initialize;
- OpenLayers.Control.prototype.initialize = function() {
- t.ok(true, "OpenLayers.Control's constructor called");
- };
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.Navigation();
- t.ok( control instanceof OpenLayers.Control.Navigation, "new OpenLayers.Control returns object" );
- t.ok( !control.handleRightClicks, "'handleRightClicks' property is disabled by default");
- OpenLayers.Control.prototype.initialize = temp;
- }
- function test_draw(t) {
- t.plan(5);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map({div: 'map', controls: []});
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.Navigation();
- map.addControl(control);
- t.ok( instanceof OpenLayers.Handler.Click,
- "click handler set in instance");
- t.ok(control.dragPan instanceof OpenLayers.Control.DragPan,
- "drag pan control set in instance");
- t.ok(control.zoomBox instanceof OpenLayers.Control.ZoomBox,
- "zoom box control set in instance");
- t.ok(control.handlers.wheel instanceof OpenLayers.Handler.MouseWheel,
- "mousewheel handler set in instance");
- t.ok(control.pinchZoom instanceof OpenLayers.Control.PinchZoom,
- "pinch zoom control set in instance");
- map.destroy();
- }
- function test_Control_Navigation_destroy (t) {
- t.plan(12);
- var temp = OpenLayers.Control.prototype.destroy;
- OpenLayers.Control.prototype.destroy = function() {
- t.ok(true, "OpenLayers.Control's destroy called");
- };
- var control = {
- events: {
- destroy: function() {
- t.ok(true, "events destroyed");
- }
- },
- 'deactivate': function() {
- t.ok(true, "navigation control deactivated before being destroyed");
- },
- 'dragPan': {
- 'destroy': function() {
- t.ok(true, "dragPan destroyed");
- }
- },
- 'zoomBox': {
- 'destroy': function() {
- t.ok(true, "zoomBox destroyed");
- }
- },
- 'pinchZoom': {
- 'destroy': function() {
- t.ok(true, "pinchZoom destroyed");
- }
- },
- handlers: {
- 'wheel': {
- 'destroy': function() {
- t.ok(true, "wheelHandler destroyed");
- }
- },
- 'click': {
- 'destroy': function() {
- t.ok(true, "clickHandler destroyed");
- }
- }
- }
- };
- //this will also trigger one test by calling OpenLayers.Control's destroy
- // and three more for the destruction of dragPan, zoomBox, and wheelHandler
- OpenLayers.Control.Navigation.prototype.destroy.apply(control, []);
- t.eq(control.dragPan, null, "'dragPan' set to null");
- t.eq(control.zoomBox, null, "'zoomBox' set to null");
- t.eq(control.pinchZoom, null, "'pinchZoom' set to null");
- t.eq(control.handlers, null, "handlers set to null");
- OpenLayers.Control.prototype.destroy = temp;
- }
- function test_Control_Navigation_disableZoomBox(t) {
- t.plan(2);
- var nav = new OpenLayers.Control.Navigation();
- var zb = new OpenLayers.Control.ZoomBox({});
- nav.zoomBox = zb;
- zb.activate();
- nav.disableZoomBox();
- t.eq(nav.zoomBoxEnabled, false, "zoom box deactivated");
- t.eq(, false, "zoom box control deactivated");
- }
- function test_Control_Navigation_enableZoomBox(t) {
- t.plan(2);
- var nav = new OpenLayers.Control.Navigation();
- var zb = new OpenLayers.Control.ZoomBox({});
- nav.zoomBox = zb;
- = true;
- nav.enableZoomBox();
- t.eq(nav.zoomBoxEnabled, true, "zoom box activated");
- t.eq(, true, "zoom box control activated");
- }
- function test_Control_Navigation_disableZoomWheel(t) {
- t.plan(2);
- var nav = new OpenLayers.Control.Navigation();
- var wheel = new OpenLayers.Handler.MouseWheel(nav, {});
- nav.handlers.wheel = wheel;
- wheel.register = function() {};
- wheel.unregister = function() {};
- wheel.activate();
- nav.disableZoomWheel();
- t.eq(nav.zoomWheelEnabled, false, "mouse wheel deactivated");
- t.eq(, false, "mouse wheel handler deactivated");
- }
- function test_Control_Navigation_enableZoomWheel(t) {
- t.plan(2);
- var nav = new OpenLayers.Control.Navigation({zoomWheelEnabled: false});
- = true;
- var wheel = new OpenLayers.Handler.MouseWheel(nav, {});
- wheel.register = function() {};
- wheel.unregister = function() {};
- nav.handlers.wheel = wheel;
- nav.enableZoomWheel();
- t.eq(nav.zoomWheelEnabled, true, "mouse wheel activated");
- t.eq(, true, "mouse wheel handler activated");
- }
- function test_touches_zoom(t) {
- t.plan(3);
- var nav = new OpenLayers.Control.Navigation({zoomWheelEnabled: false});
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map({
- div: "map",
- zoomMethod: null,
- controls: [nav],
- layers: [
- new OpenLayers.Layer(null, {isBaseLayer: true})
- ],
- center: new OpenLayers.LonLat(0, 0),
- zoom: 3
- });
- t.eq(map.getZoom(), 3, "map zoom starts at 3");
-"click", [{lastTouches: ["foo", "bar"]}]);
- t.eq(map.getZoom(), 2, "map zooms out with a two touch tap");
-"click", [{}]);
- t.eq(map.getZoom(), 2, "map doesn't do anything with click");
- map.destroy();
- }
- function test_documentDrag(t) {
- t.plan(2);
- /**
- * These tests confirm that the documentDrag property is false by
- * default and is passed on to the DragPan control. Tests of panning
- * while dragging outside the viewport should go in the DragPan tests.
- * Tests of the document events and appropriate callbacks from the
- * handler should go in the Drag handler tests.
- */
- var nav = new OpenLayers.Control.Navigation();
- t.eq(nav.documentDrag, false, "documentDrag false by default");
- // nav.destroy(); // fails if called before draw
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map({
- div: document.body,
- controls: [new OpenLayers.Control.Navigation({documentDrag: true})]
- });
- nav = map.controls[0];
- t.eq(nav.dragPan.documentDrag, true, "documentDrag set on the DragPan control");
- map.destroy();
- }
- </script>
- <div id="map" style="width: 256px; height: 256px"></div>
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/NavigationHistory.html b/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/NavigationHistory.html
deleted file mode 100644
index c992ff2..0000000
--- a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/NavigationHistory.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,245 +0,0 @@
- <script src="../OLLoader.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- function test_initialize(t) {
- t.plan(4);
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.NavigationHistory();
- t.ok(control instanceof OpenLayers.Control.NavigationHistory,
- "constructor returns correct instance");
- t.eq(control.displayClass, "olControlNavigationHistory",
- "displayClass is correct");
- t.ok( instanceof OpenLayers.Control.Button,
- "constructor creates next control");
- t.ok(control.previous instanceof OpenLayers.Control.Button,
- "constructor creates previous control");
- }
- function test_destroy(t) {
- t.plan(2);
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.NavigationHistory();
- = function() {
- t.ok(true, "destroy calls next.destroy");
- }
- control.previous.destroy = function() {
- t.ok(true, "destroy calls previous.destroy");
- }
- control.destroy();
- }
- function test_previous(t) {
- var numStates = 10;
- t.plan(
- numStates * 3 // for lon, lat, zoom
- + 3 // for confirming that previous with empty stack works
- );
- var history = new Array(numStates);
- for(var i=0; i<numStates; ++i) {
- history[i] = {
- center: new OpenLayers.LonLat(
- (i * 360 / numStates) - 180, (i * 180 / numStates) - 90
- ),
- zoom: i
- };
- }
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map");
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer(
- "test", {isBaseLayer: true}
- );
- map.addLayer(layer);
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.NavigationHistory();
- map.addControl(control);
- // set previous states
- for(i=0; i<numStates; ++i) {
- map.setCenter(history[i].center, history[i].zoom);
- }
- // test previous states
- for(i=numStates-1; i>=0; --i) {
- t.eq(map.getCenter().lon, history[i].center.lon, "(step " + i + ") lon correct");
- t.eq(map.getCenter().lat, history[i], "(step " + i + ") lat correct");
- t.eq(map.getZoom(), history[i].zoom, "(step " + i + ") zoom correct");
- control.previous.trigger();
- }
- // test previous with empty stack
- t.eq(map.getCenter().lon, history[0].center.lon, "(step 0 again) lon correct");
- t.eq(map.getCenter().lat, history[0], "(step 0 again) lat correct");
- t.eq(map.getZoom(), history[0].zoom, "(step 0 again) zoom correct");
- }
- function test_next(t) {
- var numStates = 10;
- t.plan(
- numStates * 3 // for lon, lat, zoom
- + 3 // for confirming that next with empty stack works
- );
- var history = new Array(numStates);
- for(var i=0; i<numStates; ++i) {
- history[i] = {
- center: new OpenLayers.LonLat(
- (i * 360 / numStates) - 180, (i * 180 / numStates) - 90
- ),
- zoom: i
- };
- }
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map");
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer(
- "test", {isBaseLayer: true}
- );
- map.addLayer(layer);
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.NavigationHistory();
- map.addControl(control);
- // set previous states
- for(i=0; i<numStates; ++i) {
- map.setCenter(history[i].center, history[i].zoom);
- }
- // set next states
- for(i=numStates-1; i>=0; --i) {
- control.previous.trigger();
- }
- // test next states
- for(i=0; i<numStates; ++i) {
- t.eq(map.getCenter().lon, history[i].center.lon, "(step " + i + ") lon correct");
- t.eq(map.getCenter().lat, history[i], "(step " + i + ") lat correct");
- t.eq(map.getZoom(), history[i].zoom, "(step " + i + ") zoom correct");
- }
- // test next with empty stack
- t.eq(map.getCenter().lon, history[numStates-1].center.lon, "(step " + (numStates-1) + " again) lon correct");
- t.eq(map.getCenter().lat, history[numStates-1], "(step " + (numStates-1) + " again) lat correct");
- t.eq(map.getZoom(), history[numStates-1].zoom, "(step " + (numStates-1) + " again) zoom correct");
- }
- function test_limit(t) {
- var numStates = 10;
- var limit = 3;
- t.plan(
- numStates * 6 // for previous & next lon, lat, zoom
- );
- var history = new Array(numStates);
- for(var i=0; i<numStates; ++i) {
- history[i] = {
- center: new OpenLayers.LonLat(
- (i * 360 / numStates) - 180, (i * 180 / numStates) - 90
- ),
- zoom: i
- };
- }
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map");
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer(
- "test", {isBaseLayer: true}
- );
- map.addLayer(layer);
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.NavigationHistory({limit: limit});
- map.addControl(control);
- // set previous states
- for(i=0; i<numStates; ++i) {
- map.setCenter(history[i].center, history[i].zoom);
- }
- // test previous states (only up to limit should work)
- var state;
- for(i=numStates-1; i>=0; --i) {
- state = Math.max(i, numStates - limit - 1);
- t.eq(map.getCenter().lon, history[state].center.lon, "(previous step " + i + ") lon correct: state " + state);
- t.eq(map.getCenter().lat, history[state], "(previous step " + i + ") lat correct: state " + state);
- t.eq(map.getZoom(), history[state].zoom, "(previous step " + i + ") zoom correct: state " + state);
- control.previous.trigger();
- }
- // test next states
- for(i=0; i<numStates; ++i) {
- state = Math.min(numStates - 1, numStates - limit - 1 + i);
- t.eq(map.getCenter().lon, history[state].center.lon, "(next step " + i + ") lon correct: state " + state);
- t.eq(map.getCenter().lat, history[state], "(next step " + i + ") lat correct: state " + state);
- t.eq(map.getZoom(), history[state].zoom, "(next step " + i + ") zoom correct: state " + state);
- }
- }
- function test_clear(t) {
- t.plan(7);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map", {zoomMethod: null});
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer(
- "test", {isBaseLayer: true}
- );
- map.addLayer(layer);
- map.zoomToMaxExtent();
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.NavigationHistory();
- map.addControl(control);
- t.ok(!, "previous control not active");
- t.ok(!, "next control not active");
- map.zoomTo(4);
- t.ok(, "previous control is active after a move");
- t.ok(!, "next control is not active after a move");
- control.clear();
- t.eq(control.previousStack.length + control.nextStack.length, 0, "stacks are empty after a clear");
- t.ok(!, "previous control not active after a clear");
- t.ok(!, "next control not active after a clear");
- control.destroy();
- }
- function test_reprojection(t) {
- t.plan(2);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map");
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer(
- "test", {isBaseLayer: true}
- );
- map.addLayer(layer);
- map.zoomToMaxExtent();
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.NavigationHistory();
- map.addControl(control);
- map.zoomTo(4);
- var bounds = map.getExtent().clone();
- var expected = bounds.transform(new OpenLayers.Projection('EPSG:4326'),
- new OpenLayers.Projection('EPSG:900913'));
- // change the projection to EPSG:900913
- var projSettings = {
- units: "m",
- maxExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds(-20037508, -20037508, 20037508, 20037508),
- maxResolution: 156543.0339
- };
- map.setOptions(projSettings);
- map.projection = 'EPSG:900913';
- delete projSettings.maxResolution;
- projSettings.projection = new OpenLayers.Projection('EPSG:900913');
- layer.addOptions(projSettings);
- layer.initResolutions();
- map.zoomTo(7);
- // go back one in the history
- control.previous.trigger();
- t.eq(map.getExtent().left.toFixed(3), expected.left.toFixed(3), "The extent [left] is reprojected correctly");
- t.eq(map.getExtent().right.toFixed(3), expected.right.toFixed(3), "The extent [right] is reprojected correctly");
- // top and bottom cannot be checked here since in EPSG:900913 the extent is not a rectangle so they are adjusted.
- control.destroy();
- }
- </script>
- <div id="map" style="width: 100px; height: 100px;"/>
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/OverviewMap.html b/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/OverviewMap.html
deleted file mode 100644
index a5a598d..0000000
--- a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/OverviewMap.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,266 +0,0 @@
- <script src="../OLLoader.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- var map, control;
- function test_initialize(t) {
- t.plan( 2 );
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.OverviewMap();
- t.ok( control instanceof OpenLayers.Control.OverviewMap,
- "new OpenLayers.Control.OverviewMap returns object" );
- t.eq( control.displayClass,
- "olControlOverviewMap", "displayClass is correct" );
- }
- function test_divs_title(t) {
- t.plan(2);
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.OverviewMap({
- maximizeTitle: "maximize title",
- minimizeTitle: "minimize title"
- });
- map = new OpenLayers.Map('map', {
- layers: [new OpenLayers.Layer("layer", {isBaseLayer: true})],
- controls: [control]
- });
- map.zoomToMaxExtent();
- t.eq(control.maximizeDiv.title, "maximize title", "maximizeDiv.title is correct");
- t.eq(control.minimizeDiv.title, "minimize title", "minimizeDiv.title is correct");
- map.destroy();
- }
- function test_setMap(t) {
- t.plan(4);
- var setMapTest = function(map) {
- t.ok(true,
- "Handler.setMap called for " + this.CLASS_NAME);
- = map;
- };
- var drag_setMap = OpenLayers.Handler.Drag.prototype.setMap;
- OpenLayers.Handler.Drag.prototype.setMap = setMapTest;
- var click_setMap = OpenLayers.Handler.Click.prototype.setMap;
- OpenLayers.Handler.Click.prototype.setMap = setMapTest;
- map = new OpenLayers.Map('map', {
- layers : [new OpenLayers.Layer("layer", {isBaseLayer: true})],
- controls: []
- });
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.OverviewMap();
- map.addControl(control);
- map.zoomToMaxExtent();
- t.eq(,,
- " is correct");
- t.eq(,,
- " is correct");
- map.destroy();
- OpenLayers.Handler.Drag.prototype.setMap = drag_setMap;
- OpenLayers.Handler.Click.prototype.setMap = click_setMap;
- }
- function test_destroy(t) {
- t.plan(6);
- // set up
- var log_drag = [], log_click = [], control;
- map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
- map.addLayer(new OpenLayers.Layer("layer", {isBaseLayer: true}));
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.OverviewMap();
- map.addControl(control);
- map.zoomToMaxExtent();
- control.handlers.drag.destroy = function() {
- log_drag.push({"map": !!});
- };
- = function() {
- log_click.push({"map": !!});
- };
- // test
- control.destroy();
- t.eq(log_drag.length, 2,
- "destroy() destroys drag handler twice, expected");
- if (log_drag.length == 2) {
- t.eq(log_drag[0].map, true,
- "destroy() destroys drag handler before ovmap is destroyed (0)");
- t.eq(log_drag[1].map, false,
- "destroy() destroys drag handler after ovmap is destroyed (1)");
- }
- t.eq(log_click.length, 2,
- "destroy() destroys click handler twice, expected");
- if (log_click.length == 2) {
- t.eq(log_click[0].map, true,
- "destroy() destroys click handler before ovmap is destroyed (0)");
- t.eq(log_click[1].map, false,
- "destroy() destroys click handler after ovmap is destroyed (1)");
- }
- // tear down
- map.destroy();
- }
- function test_addControl (t) {
- t.plan( 6 );
- map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.OverviewMap();
- t.ok( control instanceof OpenLayers.Control.OverviewMap,
- "new OpenLayers.Control.OverviewMap returns object" );
- t.ok( map instanceof OpenLayers.Map,
- "new OpenLayers.Map creates map" );
- map.addControl(control);
- t.ok( === map,
- " is set to the map object" );
- t.ok( map.controls[4] === control,
- "map.controls contains control" );
- t.eq( parseInt(, map.Z_INDEX_BASE['Control'] + 5,
- "Control div zIndexed properly" );
- t.eq( parseInt(, map.Z_INDEX_BASE['Control'] + 5,
- "Viewport div contains control div" );
- map.destroy();
- }
- function test_control_events (t) {
- t.plan( 10 );
- map = new OpenLayers.Map('map', {
- // when we recenter, don't waste time animating the panning
- // without this, the test fails in Firefox 10.0.1 on Linux
- panMethod: null,
- layers: [ new OpenLayers.Layer('Test Layer', {isBaseLayer: true}) ]
- });
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.OverviewMap();
- map.addControl(control, new OpenLayers.Pixel(20,20));
- var centerLL = new OpenLayers.LonLat(-71,42);
- map.setCenter(centerLL, 11);
- t.delay_call(
- 0.1,
- function() {
- var overviewCenter = control.ovmap.getCenter();
- var overviewZoom = control.ovmap.getZoom();
- t.eq(overviewCenter.lon, -71,
- "OverviewMap center lon correct");
- t.eq(, 42,
- "OverviewMap center lat correct");
- t.eq(overviewZoom, 8,
- "OverviewMap zoom correct");
- control.mapDivClick({'xy':new OpenLayers.Pixel(5,5)});
- },
- 0.1,
- function() {
- var cent = map.getCenter();
- t.eq(cent.lon, -71.3515625,
- "Clicking on OverviewMap has correct effect on map lon");
- t.eq(, 42.17578125,
- "Clicking on OverviewMap has correct effect on map lat");
- control.handlers.drag = {
- last: new OpenLayers.Pixel(5,5),
- destroy: function() {}
- };
- control.rectDrag(new OpenLayers.Pixel(15, 15));
- control.updateMapToRect();
- },
- 0.1,
- function() {
- var cent = map.getCenter();
- t.eq(cent.lon, -71.2734375,
- "Dragging on OverviewMap has correct effect on map lon");
- t.eq(, 42.09765625,
- "Dragging on OverviewMap has correct effect on map lat");
- map.setCenter(new OpenLayers.LonLat(0,0), 0);
- var overviewCenter = control.ovmap.getCenter();
- var overviewZoom = control.ovmap.getZoom();
- t.eq(overviewCenter.lon, 0,
- "OverviewMap center lon correct -- second zoom");
- t.eq(, 0,
- "OverviewMap center lat correct -- second zoom");
- t.eq(overviewZoom, 0,
- "OverviewMap zoomcorrect -- second zoom");
- map.destroy();
- }
- );
- }
- function test_initialize_maximized(t) {
- t.plan(4);
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.OverviewMap()
- map = new OpenLayers.Map('map', {
- layers : [new OpenLayers.Layer("layer", {isBaseLayer: true})],
- controls: [control]
- });
- t.eq(control.maximized, false,
- "OverviewMap is not maximized by default");
- t.eq(, 'none',
- "OverviewMap.element is not visible");
- map.destroy();
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.OverviewMap({
- maximized: true
- })
- map = new OpenLayers.Map('map', {
- layers : [new OpenLayers.Layer("layer", {isBaseLayer: true})],
- controls: [control]
- });
- t.eq(control.maximized, true,
- "OverviewMap.maximized is set");
- t.eq(, '',
- "OverviewMap.element is visible");
- map.destroy();
- }
- function test_custom_div(t) {
- t.plan(3);
- var div = document.createElement('div');
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.OverviewMap({
- div: div
- });
- map = new OpenLayers.Map('map', {
- layers : [new OpenLayers.Layer("layer", {isBaseLayer: true})],
- controls: [control]
- });
- t.eq(control.maximizeDiv, null,
- "OverviewMap does not create maximize div");
- t.eq(control.minimizeDiv, null,
- "OverviewMap does not create minimize div");
- var exc;
- try {
- control.maximizeControl();
- control.minimizeControl();
- } catch(e) {
- exc = e;
- }
- t.eq(exc, undefined, 'maximize and minimize do not trigger an exception');
- map.destroy();
- }
- </script>
- <div id="map" style="width: 1024px; height: 512px;"></div>
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/Pan.html b/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/Pan.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c9dfaf..0000000
--- a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/Pan.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
- <head>
- <script src="../OLLoader.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript">
-function test_Pan_constructor (t) {
- t.plan( 2 );
- // setup
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.Pan(
- "Gargoyle" // the direction, here mocked up
- );
- // tests
- //
- t.ok(
- control instanceof OpenLayers.Control.Pan,
- "new OpenLayers.Control.Pan returns object"
- );
- t.eq(
- control.displayClass, "olControlPanGargoyle",
- "displayClass is correct"
- );
- // tear down
- control.destroy();
-function test_Pan_type (t) {
- t.plan( 1 );
- // setup
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.Pan();
- // tests
- //
- t.eq(
- control.type,
- OpenLayers.Control.TYPE_BUTTON,
- "Pan control is of type OpenLayers.Control.TYPE_BUTTON"
- );
- // tear down
- control.destroy();
-function test_Pan_constants (t) {
- var dirs = [
- 'North',
- 'East',
- 'South',
- 'West'
- ],
- numDirs = dirs.length,
- dir, uc_dir;
- t.plan(numDirs);
- for ( ; numDirs > 0; numDirs-- ) {
- dir = dirs[numDirs - 1 ];
- uc_dir = dir.toUpperCase();
- t.eq(
- OpenLayers.Control.Pan[ uc_dir ],
- dir,
- "A constant 'OpenLayers.Control.Pan." + uc_dir + "' is defined "+
- "and has the correct value of '" + dir + "'."
- );
- }
-function test_Pan_trigger (t) {
- t.plan( 12 );
- // set up
- var controls = {
- n: new OpenLayers.Control.Pan(OpenLayers.Control.Pan.NORTH),
- e: new OpenLayers.Control.Pan(OpenLayers.Control.Pan.EAST),
- s: new OpenLayers.Control.Pan(OpenLayers.Control.Pan.SOUTH),
- w: new OpenLayers.Control.Pan(OpenLayers.Control.Pan.WEST)
- },
- controlKey, control,
- zoomlevel = 5,
- center = new OpenLayers.LonLat(25,25),
- log = {
- dx: null,
- dy: null
- },
- map = new OpenLayers.Map("map", {
- allOverlays: true,
- layers: [
- new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector()
- ],
- center: center,
- zoom: zoomlevel
- }),
- oldZoom;
- // overwrite native Map::pan
- map.pan = function(dx, dy) {
- log = {
- dx: dx,
- dy: dy
- };
- OpenLayers.Map.prototype.pan.apply(map, arguments);
- };
- oldCenter = map.getCenter().toString();
- for (controlKey in controls) {
- if (controls.hasOwnProperty(controlKey)) {
- control = controls[controlKey];
- // trigger the control; nothing should change, we aren't added yet.
- control.trigger();
- t.ok(
- log.dx === null && log.dy === null,
- 'Calling trigger on a non added control doesn\'t do anything.'
- );
- // reset log object
- log = {
- dx: null,
- dy: null
- };
- }
- }
- // now lets add the controls, and trigger them again
- for (controlKey in controls) {
- if (controls.hasOwnProperty(controlKey)) {
- control = controls[controlKey];
- map.addControl(control);
- // trigger again, now ...
- control.trigger();
- // ... the center should change ...
- t.ok(
- log.dx !== null && log.dy !== null,
- 'Calling trigger on an added pan control calls map.pan()... '
- );
- // ... with sane arguments according to the passed direction.
- switch (control.direction) {
- case OpenLayers.Control.Pan.NORTH:
- t.ok(
- log.dx === 0 && log.dy < 0,
- '... with sane arguments: pan north only results in ' +
- 'negative delta y'
- );
- break;
- case OpenLayers.Control.Pan.SOUTH:
- t.ok(
- log.dx === 0 && log.dy > 0,
- '... with sane arguments: pan south only results in ' +
- 'positive delta y'
- );
- break;
- case OpenLayers.Control.Pan.WEST:
- t.ok(
- log.dx < 0 && log.dy === 0,
- '... with sane arguments: pan west only results in ' +
- 'negative delta x'
- );
- break;
- case OpenLayers.Control.Pan.EAST:
- t.ok(
- log.dx > 0 && log.dy === 0,
- '... with sane arguments: pan east only results in ' +
- 'positive delta x'
- );
- break;
- }
- // reset log-object
- log = {
- dx: null,
- dy: null
- };
- // always set to initial center and zoom:
- map.setCenter(center, zoomlevel);
- }
- }
- // tear down
- for (controlKey in controls) {
- if (controls.hasOwnProperty(controlKey)) {
- control = controls[controlKey];
- control.destroy();
- }
- }
- map.destroy();
- </script>
- </head>
- <body>
- <div id="map" style="width: 1000px; height: 1000px;"></div>
- </body>
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/PanPanel.html b/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/PanPanel.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 978a051..0000000
--- a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/PanPanel.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
- <script src="../OLLoader.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- function test_constructor (t) {
- t.plan(2);
- // set up
- var control;
- // tests
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.PanPanel({slideFactor: 200});
- t.ok(control.controls[0].slideFactor == 200 &&
- control.controls[1].slideFactor == 200 &&
- control.controls[2].slideFactor == 200 &&
- control.controls[3].slideFactor == 200,
- "ctor sets slideFactor in all Pan controls");
- control.destroy();
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.PanPanel({slideRatio: .5});
- t.ok(control.controls[0].slideRatio == .5 &&
- control.controls[1].slideRatio == .5 &&
- control.controls[2].slideRatio == .5 &&
- control.controls[3].slideRatio == .5,
- "ctor sets slideRatio in all Pan controls");
- control.destroy();
- }
- function test_slide(t) {
- t.plan(2);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map", {
- panMethod: null,
- controls: [
- new OpenLayers.Control.PanPanel(),
- new OpenLayers.Control.PanPanel({slideRatio: .5})
- ],
- layers: [new OpenLayers.Layer(null, {isBaseLayer: true})],
- center: new OpenLayers.LonLat(0, 0),
- zoom: 1
- });
- map.controls[0].controls[0].trigger();
- map.controls[0].controls[2].trigger();
- map.pan(-50, 50);
- t.eq(map.getCenter().toShortString(), "0, 0", "correct pan distance with slideFactor");
- map.controls[1].controls[0].trigger();
- map.controls[1].controls[2].trigger();
- map.pan(-128, 64);
- t.eq(map.getCenter().toShortString(), "0, 0", "correct pan distance with slideRatio");
- map.destroy();
- }
- </script>
- <div id="map" style="width: 256px; height: 128px;"></div>
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/PanZoom.html b/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/PanZoom.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 4982fb0..0000000
--- a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/PanZoom.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,244 +0,0 @@
- <script src="../OLLoader.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- var map;
- function test_Control_PanZoom_constructor (t) {
- t.plan( 4 );
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.PanZoom();
- t.ok( control instanceof OpenLayers.Control.PanZoom, "new OpenLayers.Control.PanZoom returns object" );
- t.eq( control.displayClass, "olControlPanZoom", "displayClass is correct" );
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.PanZoom({position: new OpenLayers.Pixel(100,100)});
- t.eq( control.position.x, 100, "PanZoom X Set correctly.");
- t.eq( control.position.y, 100, "PanZoom y Set correctly.");
- }
- function test_Control_PanZoom_addControl (t) {
- t.plan( 8 );
- map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.PanZoom();
- t.ok( control instanceof OpenLayers.Control.PanZoom, "new OpenLayers.Control.PanZoom returns object" );
- t.ok( map instanceof OpenLayers.Map, "new OpenLayers.Map creates map" );
- map.addControl(control);
- t.ok( === map, " is set to the map object" );
- t.ok( map.controls[4] === control, "map.controls contains control" );
- t.eq( parseInt(, map.Z_INDEX_BASE['Control'] + 5, "Control div zIndexed properly" );
- t.eq( parseInt(, map.Z_INDEX_BASE['Control'] + 5, "Viewport div contains control div" );
- t.eq(, "4px", "Control div top located correctly by default");
- var control2 = new OpenLayers.Control.PanZoom();
- map.addControl(control2, new OpenLayers.Pixel(100,100));
- t.eq(, "100px", "2nd control div is located correctly");
- }
- function test_Control_PanZoom_removeButtons(t) {
- t.plan(2);
- map = new OpenLayers.Map("map");
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.PanZoom();
- map.addControl(control);
- control.removeButtons();
- t.eq(control.buttons.length, 0, "buttons array cleared correctly");
- t.eq(control.div.childNodes.length, 0, "control div is empty");
- }
- function test_Control_PanZoom_control_events (t) {
- // IE 9+ does support the standard document.createEvent,
- // event.initMouseEvent, and elem.dispatchEvent calls, so it
- // should be possible to simulate clicks in this browser.
- // For example it looks like jQuery UI does simulate events
- // using document.createElement in IE 9+. See
- //
- // I haven't been able to make it work though.
- if ( !window.document.createEvent ||
- OpenLayers.BROWSER_NAME == "msie" ||
- OpenLayers.BROWSER_NAME == "opera" ||
- !t.open_window) {
- t.plan(0);
- t.debug_print("FIXME: This browser does not support the PanZoom test at this time.");
- } else {
- t.plan(35);
- t.open_window( "Control/PanZoom.html", function( wnd ) {
- t.delay_call( 3, function() {
- var flag;
- function setFlag(evt) {
- flag[evt.type] = true;
- }
- function resetFlags() {
- flag = {
- mousedown: false,
- mouseup: false,
- click: false,
- dblclick: false
- };
- }
- resetFlags();
-"mousedown", mapper, setFlag);
-"mouseup", mapper, setFlag);
-"click", mapper, setFlag);
-"dblclick", mapper, setFlag);
- simulateClick(wnd, wnd.control.buttons[0]);
- t.delay_call(2, function() {
- t.ok( wnd.mapper.getCenter().lat >, "1) Pan up works correctly" );
- t.ok(!flag.mousedown, "1) mousedown does not get to the map");
- t.ok(!flag.mouseup, "1) mouseup does not get to the map");
- t.ok(!, "1) click does not get to the map");
- t.ok(!flag.dblclick, "1) dblclick does not get to the map");
- resetFlags();
- simulateClick(wnd, wnd.control.buttons[1]);
- }, 2, function() {
- t.ok( wnd.mapper.getCenter().lon < wnd.centerLL.lon, "2) Pan left works correctly" );
- t.ok(!flag.mousedown, "2) mousedown does not get to the map");
- t.ok(!flag.mouseup, "2) mouseup does not get to the map");
- t.ok(!, "2) click does not get to the map");
- t.ok(!flag.dblclick, "2) dblclick does not get to the map");
- resetFlags();
- simulateClick(wnd, wnd.control.buttons[2]);
- }, 2, function() {
- t.ok( wnd.mapper.getCenter().lon == wnd.centerLL.lon, "3) Pan right works correctly" );
- t.ok(!flag.mousedown, "3) mousedown does not get to the map");
- t.ok(!flag.mouseup, "3) mouseup does not get to the map");
- t.ok(!, "3) click does not get to the map");
- t.ok(!flag.dblclick, "3) dblclick does not get to the map");
- resetFlags();
- simulateClick(wnd, wnd.control.buttons[3]);
- }, 2, function() {
- t.ok( wnd.mapper.getCenter().lat ==, "4) Pan down works correctly" );
- t.ok(!flag.mousedown, "4) mousedown does not get to the map");
- t.ok(!flag.mouseup, "4) mouseup does not get to the map");
- t.ok(!, "4) click does not get to the map");
- t.ok(!flag.dblclick, "4) dblclick does not get to the map");
- resetFlags();
- simulateClick(wnd, wnd.control.buttons[4]);
- }, 2, function() {
- t.eq( wnd.mapper.getZoom(), 6, "5) zoomin works correctly" );
- t.ok(!flag.mousedown, "5) mousedown does not get to the map");
- t.ok(!flag.mouseup, "5) mouseup does not get to the map");
- t.ok(!, "5) click does not get to the map");
- t.ok(!flag.dblclick, "5) dblclick does not get to the map");
- resetFlags();
- simulateClick(wnd, wnd.control.buttons[6]);
- }, 2, function() {
- t.eq( wnd.mapper.getZoom(), 5, "6) zoomout works correctly" );
- t.ok(!flag.mousedown, "6) mousedown does not get to the map");
- t.ok(!flag.mouseup, "6) mouseup does not get to the map");
- t.ok(!, "6) click does not get to the map");
- t.ok(!flag.dblclick, "6) dblclick does not get to the map");
- resetFlags();
- simulateClick(wnd, wnd.control.buttons[5]);
- }, 2, function() {
- t.eq( wnd.mapper.getZoom(), 2, "7) zoomworld works correctly" );
- t.ok(!flag.mousedown, "7) mousedown does not get to the map");
- t.ok(!flag.mouseup, "7) mouseup does not get to the map");
- t.ok(!, "7) click does not get to the map");
- t.ok(!flag.dblclick, "7) dblclick does not get to the map");
- resetFlags();
- });
- });
- });
- }
- }
- function test_slideRatio(t) {
- t.plan(4);
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.PanZoom({
- slideRatio: .5
- });
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map();
- map.addControl(control);
- control.draw();
- control.activate();
- map.getSize = function() {
- return {
- w: 250,
- h: 100
- }
- };
- var delta, dir;
- var buttons = control.buttons;
- map.pan = function(dx, dy){
- t.eq([dx,dy],delta,"Panning " + dir + " sets right delta with slideRatio");
- };
- //up
- var delta = [0, -50];
- var dir = "up";
- var evt = {buttonElement: buttons[0]};
-, evt);
- //left
- var delta = [-125, 0];
- var dir = "left";
- evt.buttonElement = buttons[1];
-, evt);
- //right
- var delta = [125, 0];
- var dir = "right";
- evt.buttonElement = buttons[2];
-, evt);
- //down
- var delta = [0, 50];
- var dir = "down";
- evt.buttonElement = buttons[3];
-, evt);
- map.destroy();
- }
- function simulateClick(wnd, elem) {
- var evt = wnd.document.createEvent("MouseEvents");
- evt.initMouseEvent("mousedown", true, true, wnd, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null);
- elem.dispatchEvent(evt);
- evt = wnd.document.createEvent("MouseEvents");
- evt.initMouseEvent("mouseup", true, true, wnd, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null);
- elem.dispatchEvent(evt);
- evt = wnd.document.createEvent("MouseEvents");
- evt.initMouseEvent("click", true, true, wnd, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null);
- elem.dispatchEvent(evt);
- evt = wnd.document.createEvent("MouseEvents");
- evt.initMouseEvent("dblclick", true, true, wnd, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null);
- elem.dispatchEvent(evt);
- }
- function loader() {
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.PanZoom();
- mapper = new OpenLayers.Map('map', { controls: [control]});
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS("Test Layer",
- "",
- {layers: "basic"});
- mapper.addLayer(layer);
- centerLL = new OpenLayers.LonLat(0,0);
- mapper.setCenter(centerLL, 5);
- }
- </script>
-<body onload="loader()">
- <div id="map" style="width: 1024px; height: 512px;"/>
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/PanZoomBar.html b/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/PanZoomBar.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ed2833..0000000
--- a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/PanZoomBar.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,245 +0,0 @@
- <script src="../OLLoader.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- var map;
- function test_Control_PanZoomBar_constructor (t) {
- t.plan( 4 );
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.PanZoomBar({position: new OpenLayers.Pixel(100,100)});
- t.ok( control instanceof OpenLayers.Control.PanZoomBar, "new OpenLayers.Control.PanZoomBar returns object" );
- t.eq( control.displayClass, "olControlPanZoomBar", "displayClass is correct" );
- t.eq( control.position.x, 100, "PanZoom X Set correctly.");
- t.eq( control.position.y, 100, "PanZoom y Set correctly.");
- }
- function test_Control_PanZoomBar_addControl (t) {
- t.plan( 8 );
- map = new OpenLayers.Map('map', {controls:[]});
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS("Test Layer",
- "",
- {map: "/mapdata/", layers: "basic"});
- map.addLayer(layer);
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.PanZoomBar();
- t.ok( control instanceof OpenLayers.Control.PanZoomBar, "new OpenLayers.Control.PanZoomBar returns object" );
- t.ok( map instanceof OpenLayers.Map, "new OpenLayers.Map creates map" );
- map.addControl(control);
- t.ok( === map, " is set to the map object" );
- t.ok( map.controls[0] === control, "map.controls contains control" );
- t.eq( parseInt(, 1001, "Control div zIndexed properly" );
- t.eq( parseInt(, 1001, "Viewport div contains control div" );
- t.eq(, "4px", "Control div top located correctly by default");
- var control2 = new OpenLayers.Control.PanZoomBar();
- map.addControl(control2, new OpenLayers.Pixel(100,100));
- t.eq(, "100px", "2nd control div is located correctly");
- }
- function test_draw(t) {
- t.plan(3);
- map = new OpenLayers.Map('map', {controls:[]});
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS("Test Layer",
- "",
- {map: "/mapdata/", layers: "basic"});
- map.addLayer(layer);
- map.zoomToMaxExtent();
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.PanZoomBar();
- map.addControl(control);
- t.eq(, '176px', "Bar's height is correct.");
- map.baseLayer.wrapDateLine = true;
- control.redraw();
- t.eq(, '154px', "Bar's height is correct after minZoom restriction.");
- = "512px";
- map.updateSize();
- t.eq(, '165px', "Bar's height is correct after resize and minZoom restriction.");
- = "1024px";
- map.destroy();
- }
- function test_Control_PanZoomBar_clearDiv(t) {
- t.plan(2);
- map = new OpenLayers.Map('map', {controls:[]});
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS("Test Layer",
- "",
- {map: "/mapdata/", layers: "basic"});
- map.addLayer(layer);
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.PanZoomBar();
- map.addControl(control);
- control.removeButtons();
- var div = control.div;
- map.destroy();
- t.eq(div.childNodes.length, 0, "control's div cleared.");
- t.eq(control.zoombarDiv, null, "zoombar div nullified.")
- }
- function test_Control_PanZoomBar_onButtonClick (t) {
- t.plan(2);
- map = new OpenLayers.Map('map', {controls:[], zoomMethod: null});
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS("Test Layer",
- "",
- {map: "/mapdata/", layers: "basic"});
- map.addLayer(layer);
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.PanZoomBar();
- map.addControl(control);
- control.onButtonClick({'buttonXY': {'x': 0, 'y': 50}, buttonElement: control.zoombarDiv});
- t.eq(map.zoom, 11, "zoom is correct on standard map");
- map.fractionalZoom = true;
- control.onButtonClick({'buttonXY': {'x': 0, 'y': 49}, buttonElement: control.zoombarDiv});
- t.eq(map.zoom.toFixed(3), '10.545', "zoom is correct on fractional zoom map");
- }
- function test_Control_PanZoomBar_forceFixedZoomLevel_onButtonClick(t){
- t.plan(1);
- map = new OpenLayers.Map('map', {
- controls: [],
- fractionalZoom: true,
- zoomMethod: null
- });
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS("Test Layer", "", {
- map: "/mapdata/",
- layers: "basic"
- });
- map.addLayer(layer);
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.PanZoomBar({
- forceFixedZoomLevel: true
- });
- map.addControl(control);
- control.onButtonClick({
- 'buttonXY': {
- 'x': 0,
- 'y': 49
- },
- buttonElement: control.zoombarDiv
- });
- t.eq(map.zoom, 11, "forceFixedZoomLevel makes sure that after a div click only fixed zoom levels are used even if the map has fractionalZoom");
- }
- function test_Control_PanZoomBar_forceFixedZoomLevel_zoomBarUp (t) {
- var numRandomDrags = 25;
- // plan one static recorded test and two for every random drag
- t.plan(1 + (numRandomDrags * 2));
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map('map', {
- controls: [],
- fractionalZoom: true,
- zoomMethod: null
- });
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS("Test Layer", "", {
- map: "/mapdata/",
- layers: "basic"
- });
- map.addLayer(layer);
- // zoom to a fractional ZoomLevel initially:
- map.setCenter(new OpenLayers.LonLat(0, 0), 9.545);
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.PanZoomBar({
- forceFixedZoomLevel: true
- });
- map.addControl(control);
- // The y values come from manually recording real values in an example
- var evt = {
- 'xy': {
- 'x': 0,
- 'y': -10.633
- },
- which: 1
- };
- control.zoomStart = {
- 'x': 0,
- 'y': 5.366
- };
- control.mouseDragStart = {
- 'x': 0,
- 'y': -10.633
- };
- control.deltaY = control.zoomStart.y - evt.xy.y
- control.zoomBarUp(evt);
- t.eq(map.zoom, 11, "forceFixedZoomLevel makes sure that after dragging of the handle only fixed zoom levels are used even if the map has fractionalZoom");
- // randomly drag the handle around
- // we should never get a zoom < 0 or a non-integer zoom, regardless of
- // captured random values for start and end of the drag.
- for (var i = 0; i < numRandomDrags; i++) {
- var randStartY = Math.random() * 10 * ((i % 2 === 0) ? -1 : 1);
- var randStopY = Math.random() * 160 * ((i % 2 === 1) ? -1 : 1);
- var evt = {
- 'xy': {
- 'x': 0,
- 'y': randStopY
- },
- which: 1
- };
- control.zoomStart = {
- 'x': 0,
- 'y': randStartY
- };
- control.mouseDragStart = {
- 'x': 0,
- 'y': randStopY
- };
- control.deltaY = control.zoomStart.y - evt.xy.y
- control.zoomBarUp(evt);
- t.eq(Math.floor(map.zoom), Math.ceil(map.zoom), 'Only integer zooms after random handle drag with forceFixedZoomLevel=true and fractionalZoom=true (current zoom was ' + map.zoom + ')');
- t.ok(map.zoom >= 0, 'map.zoom is never < 0 after random handle drag with forceFixedZoomLevel=true and fractionalZoom=true');
- }
- }
- function test_Control_PanZoomBar_shows (t) {
- t.plan(22);
- var control, map;
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.PanZoomBar({panIcons: true, zoomWorldIcon: false});
- map = new OpenLayers.Map('map', {controls: [control]});
- t.eq(control.buttons.length, 6, "(a) pan, no world - expected number of buttons");
- t.ok(control.buttons[0].id.match("_panup$"), "(a) pan, no world - pan up");
- t.ok(control.buttons[1].id.match("_panleft$"), "(a) pan, no world - pan left");
- t.ok(control.buttons[2].id.match("_panright$"), "(a) pan, no world - pan right");
- t.ok(control.buttons[3].id.match("_pandown$"), "(a) pan, no world - pan down");
- t.ok(control.buttons[4].id.match("_zoomin$"), "(a) pan, no world - zoom in");
- t.ok(control.buttons[5].id.match("_zoomout$"), "(a) pan, no world - zoom out");
- map.destroy();
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.PanZoomBar({panIcons: true, zoomWorldIcon: true});
- map = new OpenLayers.Map('map', {controls:[control]});
- t.eq(control.buttons.length, 7, "(b) pan, world - expected number of buttons");
- t.ok(control.buttons[0].id.match("_panup$"), "(b) pan, world - pan up");
- t.ok(control.buttons[1].id.match("_panleft$"), "(b) pan, world - pan left");
- t.ok(control.buttons[2].id.match("_zoomworld$"), "(b) pan, world - zoom world");
- t.ok(control.buttons[3].id.match("_panright$"), "(b) pan, world - pan right");
- t.ok(control.buttons[4].id.match("_pandown$"), "(b) pan, world - pan down");
- t.ok(control.buttons[5].id.match("_zoomin$"), "(b) pan, world - zoom in");
- t.ok(control.buttons[6].id.match("_zoomout$"), "(b) pan, world - zoom out");
- map.destroy();
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.PanZoomBar({panIcons: false, zoomWorldIcon: false});
- map = new OpenLayers.Map('map', {controls:[control]});
- t.eq(control.buttons.length, 2, "(c) no pan, no world - expected number of buttons");
- t.ok(control.buttons[0].id.match("_zoomin$"), "(c) no pan, no world - zoom in");
- t.ok(control.buttons[1].id.match("_zoomout$"), "(c) no pan, no world - zoom out");
- map.destroy();
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.PanZoomBar({panIcons: false, zoomWorldIcon: true});
- map = new OpenLayers.Map('map', {controls:[control]});
- t.eq(control.buttons.length, 3, "(d) no pan, world - expected number of buttons");
- t.ok(control.buttons[0].id.match("_zoomin$"), "(d) no pan, world - zoom in");
- t.ok(control.buttons[1].id.match("_zoomout$"), "(d) no pan, world - zoom out");
- t.ok(control.buttons[2].id.match("_zoomworld$"), "(d) no pan, world - zoom world");
- map.destroy();
- }
- </script>
- <div id="map" style="width: 1024px; height: 512px;"/>
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/Panel.html b/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/Panel.html
deleted file mode 100644
index f02e643..0000000
--- a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/Panel.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,382 +0,0 @@
- <script src="../OLLoader.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- function test_Control_Panel_constructor (t) {
- t.plan( 2 );
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.Panel();
- t.ok( control instanceof OpenLayers.Control.Panel, "new OpenLayers.Control returns object" );
- t.eq( control.displayClass, "olControlPanel", "displayClass is correct" );
- }
- function test_Control_Panel_constructor2 (t) {
- t.plan(19);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
- var toolControl = new OpenLayers.Control.ZoomBox();
- var AnotherToolControl = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Control, {
- CLASS_NAME: 'mbControl.TestTool',
- type: OpenLayers.Control.TYPE_TOOL
- });
- var anotherToolControl = new AnotherToolControl();
- var ToggleControl = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Control, {
- CLASS_NAME: 'mbControl.TestToggle',
- type: OpenLayers.Control.TYPE_TOGGLE
- });
- var toggleControl = new ToggleControl();
- var buttonControl = new OpenLayers.Control.Button({
- trigger: function () {
- t.ok(true, "trigger function of button is called.");
- }
- });
- var panel = new OpenLayers.Control.Panel(
- {defaultControl: anotherToolControl});
- t.ok(panel instanceof OpenLayers.Control.Panel,
- "new OpenLayers.Control.Panel returns object");
- panel.redraw = function(){
- panel.redrawsCount++;
- OpenLayers.Control.Panel.prototype.redraw.apply(this, arguments);
- };
- // To get length of events.listeners error-free
- var getListenerLength= function(events,key){
- if(!events) {
- return -2; // events is destroyed
- } else if(!events.listeners) {
- return -1; // events is destroyed
- } else if(!events.listeners[key]) {
- return 0; // no listener in event
- } else {
- return events.listeners[key].length;
- }
- };
- var toolEventListenerLength = getListenerLength(,"activate");
- panel.addControls([toolControl, anotherToolControl, toggleControl]);
- t.eq(panel.controls.length, 3,
- "added three controls to the panel");
- panel.addControls([buttonControl]);
- panel.redrawsCount = 0;
- map.addControl(panel);
- t.eq(getListenerLength(,"activate"), toolEventListenerLength+1,
- "toolControl additional listener for \"activate\" after adding Panel to the map.");
- t.ok((panel.redrawsCount > 0), "Redraw called on add panel to map " +
- panel.redrawsCount + " times.");
- t.ok((,"Panel is active after add panel to map.");
- panel.redrawsCount = 0;
- panel.addControls(new AnotherToolControl());
- t.ok((panel.redrawsCount > 0),
- "Redraw called on add control to panel after add panel to map " +
- panel.redrawsCount + " times.");
- panel.deactivate();
- panel.redrawsCount = 0;
- panel.activate();
- t.ok((panel.redrawsCount > 0),"Redraw called on activate panel " +
- panel.redrawsCount + " times.");
- panel.activateControl(toolControl);
- t.ok( && ! && ! && !,
- "activated one tool control, the other one is inactive and the toggle & button controls also.");
- panel.activateControl(toggleControl);
- t.eq(toggleControl.panel_div.className,"mbControlTestToggleItemActive olButton",
- "className of icon div for toggle control is active.");
- t.ok( && ! &&,
- "activated the toggle control, which has no influence on the tool & togggle controls.");
- panel.activateControl(buttonControl);
- t.ok( && ! &&,
- "activateContol calling for button, which has no influence on the tool & togggle controls.");
- t.ok(!,
- "activateContol calling for button, button remains inactive.");
- buttonControl.activate();
- t.ok( && && ! &&,
- "activated the button control, which has no influence on the tool & togggle controls.");
- panel.activateControl(anotherToolControl);
- t.eq(anotherToolControl.panel_div.className,"mbControlTestToolItemActive olButton",
- "className of icon div for anotherToolControl is active.");
- t.eq(toolControl.panel_div.className,"olControlZoomBoxItemInactive olButton",
- "className of icon div for toolControl is inactive.");
- t.ok(! && &&,
- "activated the other tool control, the first one is inactive and the toggle control still active.");
- t.ok(,
- "activated the other tool control, the button control still active.");
- panel.destroy();
- t.eq(getListenerLength(,"activate"), toolEventListenerLength,
- "toolControl additional listeners removed after destroy Panel.");
- map.destroy();
- }
- function test_Control_Panel_titles (t) {
- t.plan(2);
- var panel = new OpenLayers.Control.Panel();
- var toolControl = new OpenLayers.Control.ZoomBox({
- title:"Zoom box: Selecting it you can zoom on an area by clicking and dragging."
- });
- panel.addControls([toolControl]);
- t.eq(panel.controls.length, 1, "added a control to the panel");
- t.eq(panel.controls[0].title, toolControl.panel_div.title, "the title is correctly set");
- }
- function test_Control_Panel_getBy(t) {
- var panel = {
- getBy: OpenLayers.Control.Panel.prototype.getBy,
- getControlsBy: OpenLayers.Control.Panel.prototype.getControlsBy,
- controls: [
- {foo: "foo", id: Math.random()},
- {foo: "bar", id: Math.random()},
- {foo: "foobar", id: Math.random()},
- {foo: "foo bar", id: Math.random()},
- {foo: "foo", id: Math.random()}
- ]
- };
- var cases = [
- {
- got: panel.getControlsBy("foo", "foo"),
- expected: [panel.controls[0], panel.controls[4]],
- message: "(string literal) got two controls matching foo"
- }, {
- got: panel.getControlsBy("foo", "bar"),
- expected: [panel.controls[1]],
- message: "(string literal) got one control matching foo"
- }, {
- got: panel.getControlsBy("foo", "barfoo"),
- expected: [],
- message: "(string literal) got empty array for no foo match"
- }, {
- got: panel.getControlsBy("foo", /foo/),
- expected: [panel.controls[0], panel.controls[2], panel.controls[3], panel.controls[4]],
- message: "(regexp literal) got three controls containing string"
- }, {
- got: panel.getControlsBy("foo", /foo$/),
- expected: [panel.controls[0], panel.controls[4]],
- message: "(regexp literal) got three controls ending with string"
- }, {
- got: panel.getControlsBy("foo", /\s/),
- expected: [panel.controls[3]],
- message: "(regexp literal) got control containing space"
- }, {
- got: panel.getControlsBy("foo", new RegExp("BAR", "i")),
- expected: [panel.controls[1], panel.controls[2], panel.controls[3]],
- message: "(regexp object) got layers ignoring case"
- }, {
- got: panel.getControlsBy("foo", {test: function(str) {return str.length > 3;}}),
- expected: [panel.controls[2], panel.controls[3]],
- message: "(custom object) got controls with foo length greater than 3"
- }
- ];
- t.plan(cases.length);
- for(var i=0; i<cases.length; ++i) {
- t.eq(cases[i].got, cases[i].expected, cases[i].message);
- }
- }
- function test_Control_Panel_saveState (t) {
- t.plan(11);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
- var defaultControl = new OpenLayers.Control();
- var panel = new OpenLayers.Control.Panel({
- defaultControl: defaultControl
- });
- panel.addControls([new OpenLayers.Control(), defaultControl]);
- map.addControl(panel);
- t.eq(, true,
- "After panel activation default control is active.");
- t.ok(panel.defaultControl,
- "defaultControl not nullified after initial panel activation");
- // activate the 1st control
- panel.activateControl(panel.controls[0]);
- panel.deactivate();
- t.ok(!panel.controls[0].active && !panel.controls[1].active,
- "No controls are active after panel deactivation.");
- panel.activate();
- t.eq(panel.controls[0].active, false,
- "After panel reactivation first control is inactive.");
- t.eq(panel.controls[1].active, true,
- "After panel reactivation default control is active again.");
- panel.destroy();
- defaultControl = new OpenLayers.Control();
- panel = new OpenLayers.Control.Panel({
- saveState: true,
- defaultControl: defaultControl
- });
- panel.addControls([new OpenLayers.Control(), defaultControl]);
- map.addControl(panel);
- t.eq(, true,
- "After panel activation default control is active.");
- t.eq(panel.defaultControl, null,
- "defaultControl nullified after initial panel activation");
- // activate the 1st control, which will deactivate the 2nd
- panel.activateControl(panel.controls[0]);
- t.eq(panel.controls[1].active, false,
- "2nd control deactivated with activation of 1st");
- panel.deactivate();
- t.ok(!panel.controls[0].active && !panel.controls[1].active,
- "No controls are active after panel deactivation.");
- panel.activate();
- t.eq(panel.controls[0].active, true,
- "After panel reactivation first control is active.");
- t.eq(panel.controls[1].active, false,
- "After panel reactivation second control is inactive.");
- panel.destroy();
- map.destroy();
- }
- function test_Control_Panel_autoActivate (t) {
- t.plan(1);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
- var controlNoDeactive = new OpenLayers.Control({autoActivate:true});
- var chkDeactivate = function () {
- t.ok(false, "Tool control autoActivate:true was deactivated unnecessarily");
- };
-{deactivate: chkDeactivate});
- var panel = new OpenLayers.Control.Panel();
- map.addControl(panel);
- panel.addControls([controlNoDeactive]);
-{deactivate: chkDeactivate});
- t.ok(!, "Tool control autoActivate:true is not active");
- }
- function test_Control_Panel_deactivate (t) {
- t.plan(2);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control();
- var panel = new OpenLayers.Control.Panel();
- map.addControl(panel);
- panel.addControls([control]);
- t.ok(panel.div.innerHTML != "", "Panel displayed after activate");
- panel.deactivate();
- t.ok(panel.div.innerHTML == "",
- "Panel is not displayed after deactivate without any active control");
- map.destroy();
- }
- function test_allowDepress (t) {
- t.plan(2);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
- var panel = new OpenLayers.Control.Panel();
- panel.addControls([new OpenLayers.Control(),new OpenLayers.Control()]);
- map.addControl(panel);
- var control1 = panel.controls[1]
- panel.activateControl(control1);
- panel.allowDepress = false;
- panel.activateControl(control1);
- t.eq(, true,
- "control1 remains active after calling again activateControl when allowDepress = false");
- panel.allowDepress = true;
- panel.activateControl(control1);
- t.eq(, false,
- "control1 is inactive after calling again activateControl when allowDepress = true");
- // panel.deactivate();
- map.destroy();
- }
- function test_iconOn_iconOff(t) {
- t.plan(2);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
- var panel = new OpenLayers.Control.Panel();
- var ctrl = new OpenLayers.Control({displayClass: 'ctrl'});
- panel.addControls([ctrl]);
- map.addControl(panel);
- // add arbitrary classes to the panel div - we want to test
- // than iconOn and iconOff do their jobs even when the panel
- // div has application-specific classes.
- ctrl.panel_div.className =
- 'ctrlItemInactive fooItemActive fooItemInactive';
- t.eq(ctrl.panel_div.className,
- 'ctrlItemActive fooItemActive fooItemInactive',
- 'iconOn behaves as expected');
- ctrl.panel_div.className =
- 'ctrlItemActive fooItemActive fooItemInactive';
- t.eq(ctrl.panel_div.className,
- 'ctrlItemInactive fooItemActive fooItemInactive',
- 'iconOff behaves as expected');
- map.destroy();
- }
- function test_buttonclick(t) {
- t.plan(4);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
- var panel1 = new OpenLayers.Control.Panel();
- var div = document.createElement("div");
- var panel2 = new OpenLayers.Control.Panel({div: div});
- map.addControls([panel1, panel2]);
- t.ok(, "buttonclick event registered on map's Events instance for panel inside map");
- t.ok(!, "Panel inside map has no element on its Events instance");
- t.ok(, "buttonclick event registered on panel's Events instance if outside map")
- t.ok( === div, "Panel outside map has the panel's div as element on its Events instance");
- }
- function test_iconOniconOff (t) {
- t.plan(6);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map"),
- navControl = new OpenLayers.Control.Navigation({autoActivate: true}),
- zbControl = new OpenLayers.Control.ZoomBox(),
- panel = new OpenLayers.Control.Panel({defaultControl: navControl}),
- navActiveClass, navInactiveClass, zbActiveClass, zbInactiveClass;
- panel.addControls([navControl, zbControl]);
- map.addControl(panel);
- navControl.panel_div.className += " foo";
- zbControl.panel_div.className = "bar " + zbControl.panel_div.className;
- t.eq(navControl.panel_div.className, "olControlNavigationItemActive olButton foo",
- "defaultControl className is set to [displayClass]Active on panel instantiation");
- t.eq(zbControl.panel_div.className, "bar olControlZoomBoxItemInactive olButton",
- "non-defaultControl className is set to [displayClass]Inactive on panel instantiation");
- panel.activateControl(zbControl);
- t.eq(zbControl.panel_div.className, "bar olControlZoomBoxItemActive olButton",
- "active control class name with preceding secondary class name is set to [displayClass]Active");
- t.eq(navControl.panel_div.className, "olControlNavigationItemInactive olButton foo",
- "inactive control class name with trailing secondary class name is set to [displayClass]Inactive");
- panel.activateControl(navControl);
- t.eq(navControl.panel_div.className, "olControlNavigationItemActive olButton foo",
- "active control class name with trailing secondary class name is set to [displayClass]Active");
- t.eq(zbControl.panel_div.className, "bar olControlZoomBoxItemInactive olButton",
- "inactive control class name with preceding secondary class name is set to [displayClass]Inactive");
- map.destroy();
- }
- </script>
- <div id="map" style="width: 1024px; height: 512px;"/>
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/Permalink.html b/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/Permalink.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b729da..0000000
--- a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/Permalink.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,453 +0,0 @@
- <script src="../OLLoader.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- var map;
- function test_Control_Permalink_constructor (t) {
- t.plan(42);
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.Permalink();
- t.ok(control instanceof OpenLayers.Control.Permalink, "new OpenLayers.Control returns object");
- t.eq(control.displayClass, "olControlPermalink", "displayClass is correct");
- t.eq(control.base, document.location.href, "base is correct");
- t.ok(!control.anchor, "anchor is correct");
- control.destroy();
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.Permalink('permalink', 'test.html');
- t.ok(control instanceof OpenLayers.Control.Permalink, "new OpenLayers.Control returns object");
- t.eq(control.displayClass, "olControlPermalink", "displayClass is correct");
- t.eq(control.base, 'test.html', "base is correct");
- t.ok(OpenLayers.Util.isElement(control.element), "element is a dom object");
- t.ok(!control.anchor, "anchor is correct");
- control.destroy();
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.Permalink('permalink');
- t.ok(control instanceof OpenLayers.Control.Permalink, "new OpenLayers.Control returns object");
- t.eq(control.displayClass, "olControlPermalink", "displayClass is correct");
- t.eq(control.base, document.location.href, "base is correct");
- t.ok(OpenLayers.Util.isElement(control.element), "element is a dom object");
- t.ok(!control.anchor, "anchor is correct");
- control.destroy();
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.Permalink(OpenLayers.Util.getElement('permalink'));
- t.ok(control instanceof OpenLayers.Control.Permalink, "new OpenLayers.Control returns object");
- t.eq(control.displayClass, "olControlPermalink", "displayClass is correct");
- t.eq(control.base, document.location.href, "base is correct");
- t.ok(OpenLayers.Util.isElement(control.element), "element is a dom object");
- t.ok(!control.anchor, "anchor is correct");
- control.destroy();
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.Permalink({anchor: true});
- t.ok(control instanceof OpenLayers.Control.Permalink, "new OpenLayers.Control returns object");
- t.eq(control.displayClass, "olControlPermalink", "displayClass is correct");
- t.eq(control.base, document.location.href, "base is correct");
- t.ok(control.element == null, "element is null");
- t.ok(control.anchor, "anchor is correct");
- control.destroy();
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.Permalink({anchor: false});
- t.ok(control instanceof OpenLayers.Control.Permalink, "new OpenLayers.Control returns object");
- t.eq(control.displayClass, "olControlPermalink", "displayClass is correct");
- t.eq(control.base, document.location.href, "base is correct");
- t.ok(!control.anchor, "anchor is correct");
- control.destroy();
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.Permalink({});
- t.ok(control instanceof OpenLayers.Control.Permalink, "new OpenLayers.Control returns object");
- t.eq(control.displayClass, "olControlPermalink", "displayClass is correct");
- t.eq(control.base, document.location.href, "base is correct");
- t.ok(!control.anchor, "anchor is correct");
- control.destroy();
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.Permalink({element: 'permalink', base: 'test.html'});
- t.ok(control instanceof OpenLayers.Control.Permalink, "new OpenLayers.Control returns object");
- t.eq(control.displayClass, "olControlPermalink", "displayClass is correct");
- t.eq(control.base, 'test.html', "base is correct");
- t.ok(OpenLayers.Util.isElement(control.element), "element is a dom object");
- t.ok(!control.anchor, "anchor is correct");
- control.destroy();
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.Permalink({element: 'permalink', base: 'test.html', anchor: true});
- t.ok(control instanceof OpenLayers.Control.Permalink, "new OpenLayers.Control returns object");
- t.eq(control.displayClass, "olControlPermalink", "displayClass is correct");
- t.eq(control.base, 'test.html', "base is correct");
- t.ok(OpenLayers.Util.isElement(control.element), "element is a dom object");
- t.ok(control.anchor, "anchor is correct");
- control.destroy();
- }
- function test_Control_Permalink_uncentered (t) {
- t.plan( 1 );
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.Permalink('permalink');
- map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
- map.addControl(control);
-"changelayer", {});
- t.ok(true, "permalink didn't bomb out.");
- map.destroy();
- }
- function test_Control_Permalink_initwithelem (t) {
- t.plan( 1 );
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.Permalink(OpenLayers.Util.getElement('permalink'));
- t.ok(true, "If the above line doesn't throw an error, we're safe.");
- control.destroy();
- }
- function test_Control_Permalink_updateLinks (t) {
- t.plan( 3 );
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.Permalink('permalink');
- t.ok( control instanceof OpenLayers.Control.Permalink, "new OpenLayers.Control returns object" );
- map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
- layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS('Test Layer', "", {map: '/mapdata/', layers: 'basic', format: 'image/jpeg'});
- map.addLayer(layer);
- layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS('Test Layer', "", {map: '/mapdata/', layers: 'basic', format: 'image/jpeg'}, {'isBaseLayer': false});
- map.addLayer(layer);
- layer.setVisibility(true);
- if (!map.getCenter()) map.zoomToMaxExtent();
- map.addControl(control);
- map.pan(5, 0, {animate:false});
- t.ok(OpenLayers.Util.isEquivalentUrl(OpenLayers.Util.getElement('permalink').href, location+"?zoom=2&lat=0&lon=1.75781&layers=BT"), 'pan sets permalink');
- map.layers[1].setVisibility(false);
- t.ok(OpenLayers.Util.isEquivalentUrl(OpenLayers.Util.getElement('permalink').href, location+"?zoom=2&lat=0&lon=1.75781&layers=BF"), 'setVisibility sets permalink');
- map.destroy();
- }
- function test_Control_Permalink_updateLinksBase (t) {
- t.plan( 2 );
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.Permalink('permalink', "./edit.html" );
- t.ok( control instanceof OpenLayers.Control.Permalink, "new OpenLayers.Control returns object" );
- map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
- layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS('Test Layer', "", {map: '/mapdata/', layers: 'basic', format: 'image/jpeg'});
- map.addLayer(layer);
- if (!map.getCenter()) map.zoomToMaxExtent();
- map.addControl(control);
- map.pan(5, 0, {animate:false});
- OpenLayers.Util.getElement('edit_permalink').href = './edit.html?zoom=2&lat=0&lon=1.75781&layers=B';
- t.eq(OpenLayers.Util.getElement('permalink').href, OpenLayers.Util.getElement('edit_permalink').href, "Panning sets permalink with base");
- map.destroy();
- }
- function test_Control_Permalink_noElement (t) {
- t.plan( 2 );
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.Permalink( );
- t.ok( control instanceof OpenLayers.Control.Permalink, "new OpenLayers.Control returns object" );
- map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
- map.addControl(control);
- t.eq(map.controls[4].div.firstChild.nodeName, "A", "Permalink control creates div with 'a' inside." );
- map.destroy();
- }
- function test_Control_Permalink_base_with_query (t) {
- t.plan( 3 );
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.Permalink('permalink', "./edit.html?foo=bar" );
- map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
- layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS('Test Layer', "" );
- map.addLayer(layer);
- if (!map.getCenter()) map.zoomToMaxExtent();
- map.addControl(control);
- map.pan(5, 0, {animate:false});
- OpenLayers.Util.getElement('edit_permalink').href = './edit.html?foo=bar&zoom=2&lat=0&lon=1.75781&layers=B';
- t.eq(OpenLayers.Util.getElement('permalink').href, OpenLayers.Util.getElement('edit_permalink').href, "Panning sets permalink with base and querystring");
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.Permalink('permalink', "./edit.html?foo=bar&" );
- map.addControl(control);
- map.pan(0, 0, {animate:false});
- t.eq(OpenLayers.Util.getElement('permalink').href, OpenLayers.Util.getElement('edit_permalink').href, "Panning sets permalink with base and querystring ending with '&'");
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.Permalink('permalink', "./edit.html?" );
- OpenLayers.Util.getElement('edit_permalink').href = './edit.html?zoom=2&lat=0&lon=1.75781&layers=B';
- map.addControl(control);
- map.pan(5, 0, {animate:false});
- map.pan(-5, 0, {animate:false});
- t.eq(OpenLayers.Util.getElement('permalink').href, OpenLayers.Util.getElement('edit_permalink').href, "Panning sets permalink with base and querystring ending with '?'");
- map.destroy();
- }
- function test_Control_Permalink_base_with_anchor (t) {
- t.plan( 4 );
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.Permalink('permalink', "./edit.html#foo" );
- map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
- layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS('Test Layer', "" );
- map.addLayer(layer);
- if (!map.getCenter()) map.zoomToMaxExtent();
- map.addControl(control);
- map.pan(5, 0, {animate:false});
- OpenLayers.Util.getElement('edit_permalink').href = './edit.html?zoom=2&lat=0&lon=1.75781&layers=B#foo';
- t.eq(OpenLayers.Util.getElement('permalink').href, OpenLayers.Util.getElement('edit_permalink').href, "Panning sets permalink with base and anchor");
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.Permalink('permalink', "./edit.html#" );
- map.addControl(control);
- map.pan(0, 0, {animate:false});
- OpenLayers.Util.getElement('edit_permalink').href = './edit.html?zoom=2&lat=0&lon=1.75781&layers=B#';
- t.eq(OpenLayers.Util.getElement('permalink').href, OpenLayers.Util.getElement('edit_permalink').href, "Panning sets permalink with base and an empty anchor");
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.Permalink('permalink', "./edit.html?foo=bar#test" );
- OpenLayers.Util.getElement('edit_permalink').href = './edit.html?foo=bar&zoom=2&lat=0&lon=1.75781&layers=B#test';
- map.addControl(control);
- map.pan(5, 0, {animate:false});
- map.pan(-5, 0, {animate:false});
- t.eq(OpenLayers.Util.getElement('permalink').href, OpenLayers.Util.getElement('edit_permalink').href, "Panning sets permalink with base, querystring and an anchor");
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.Permalink('permalink', "./edit.html#foo", {anchor : true} );
- map.addControl(control);
- map.pan(0, 0, {animate:false});
- OpenLayers.Util.getElement('edit_permalink').href = './edit.html#zoom=2&lat=0&lon=1.75781&layers=B';
- t.eq(OpenLayers.Util.getElement('permalink').href, OpenLayers.Util.getElement('edit_permalink').href, "Panning sets permalink with base and an empty anchor");
- }
- function test_Control_Permalink_nonRepeating (t) {
- t.plan( 2 );
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.Permalink('permalink', "./edit.html?zoom=3" );
- t.ok( control instanceof OpenLayers.Control.Permalink, "new OpenLayers.Control returns object" );
- map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
- layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS('Test Layer', "", {map: '/mapdata/', layers: 'basic', format: 'image/jpeg'});
- map.addLayer(layer);
- if (!map.getCenter()) map.zoomToMaxExtent();
- map.addControl(control);
- map.pan(5, 0, {animate:false});
- OpenLayers.Util.getElement('edit_permalink').href = './edit.html?zoom=2&lat=0&lon=1.75781&layers=B';
- t.eq(OpenLayers.Util.getElement('permalink').href, OpenLayers.Util.getElement('edit_permalink').href, "Panning sets permalink with existing zoom in base");
- map.destroy();
- }
- function test_Control_Permalink_customized(t) {
- t.plan(2);
- var argParserClass = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Control.ArgParser, {
- CLASS_NAME: "CustomArgParser"
- });
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.Permalink(null, "./edit.html", {
- argParserClass: argParserClass,
- createParams: function(center, zoom, layers) {
- var params = OpenLayers.Control.Permalink.prototype.createParams.apply(control, arguments);
- params.customParam = "foo";
- return params;
- }
- });
- map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
- layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS('Test Layer', "", {map: '/mapdata/', layers: 'basic', format: 'image/jpeg'});
- map.addLayer(layer);
- if (!map.getCenter()) map.zoomToMaxExtent();
- map.addControl(control);
- map.pan(5, 0, {animate:false});
- t.eq([].CLASS_NAME, "CustomArgParser", "Custom ArgParser added correctly.");
- t.eq(control.div.firstChild.getAttribute("href"), "./edit.html?zoom=2&lat=0&lon=1.75781&layers=B&customParam=foo", "Custom parameter encoded correctly.");
- map.destroy();
- }
- function test_Control_Permalink_createParams(t) {
- t.plan(18);
- var baseLayer = { 'isBaseLayer': true };
- var m = {
- 'getCenter': function() { return null; }
- };
- var pl = {
- 'map': m,
- 'base': {}
- };
- old_getParameters = OpenLayers.Util.getParameters;
- OpenLayers.Util.getParameters = function(base) {
- t.ok(base == pl.base, "correct base sent in to Util.getParameters()");
- return g_Params;
- };
- //null center, null map.getCenter()
- g_Params = {};
- m.baseLayer = baseLayer;
- var returnParams = OpenLayers.Control.Permalink.prototype.createParams.apply(pl, []);
- t.ok(returnParams == g_Params, "correct params returned on null center");
- //valid center, zoom, layers
- g_Params = { 'test': {} };
- var center = { 'lon': 1.2345678901, 'lat': 9.8765432109 };
- var zoom = {};
- var layers = [
- { 'isBaseLayer': true },
- baseLayer,
- { 'isBaseLayer': false, 'getVisibility': function() { return true; } },
- { 'isBaseLayer': false, 'getVisibility': function() { return false; } }
- ];
- var returnParams = OpenLayers.Control.Permalink.prototype.createParams.apply(pl, [center, zoom, layers]);
- t.ok(returnParams.test == g_Params.test, "correct params returned from Util.getParameters() when valid center, zoom, layers");
- t.ok(returnParams.zoom == zoom, "params.zoom set correctly when valid center, zoom, layers");
- t.eq(returnParams.lon, 1.23457, "lon set and rounded correctly when valid center, zoom, layers");
- t.eq(, 9.87654, "lat set and rounded correctly when valid center, zoom, layers");
- t.eq(returnParams.layers, "0BTF", "layers processed correctly when valid center, zoom, layers")
- //null center, zoom, layers, with displayProjection
- g_Params = { 'test': {} };
- g_Projection = {};
- m = {
- 'baseLayer': baseLayer,
- 'getProjectionObject': function() { return g_Projection; },
- 'center': { 'lon': {}, 'lat': {} },
- 'getCenter': function() { return; },
- 'zoom': {},
- 'getZoom': function() { return this.zoom; },
- 'layers': [
- { 'isBaseLayer': false, 'getVisibility': function() { return true; } },
- baseLayer,
- { 'isBaseLayer': false, 'getVisibility': function() { return false; } },
- { 'isBaseLayer': true }
- ],
- 'getLayers': function() { return this.layers; }
- };
- pl = {
- 'base': {},
- 'map': m,
- 'displayProjection': {}
- };
- old_transform = OpenLayers.Projection.transform;
- OpenLayers.Projection.transform = function(point, projObj, dispProj) {
- t.ok(point.x =, "correct x value passed into transform");
- t.ok(point.y =, "correct x value passed into transform");
- t.ok(projObj == g_Projection, "correct projection object from map passed into transform");
- t.ok(dispProj == pl.displayProjection, "correct displayProjection from control passed into transform");
- return { 'x': 9.8765432109, 'y': 1.2345678901 };
- };
- center = zoom = layers = null;
- var returnParams = OpenLayers.Control.Permalink.prototype.createParams.apply(pl, [center, zoom, layers]);
- t.ok(returnParams.test == g_Params.test, "correct params returned from Util.getParameters() when null center, zoom, layers, with displayProjection");
- t.ok(returnParams.zoom == m.zoom, "params.zoom set correctly when null center, zoom, layers, with displayProjection");
- t.eq(returnParams.lon, 9.87654, "lon set, transformed, and rounded correctly when null center, zoom, layers, with displayProjection");
- t.eq(, 1.23457, "lat set, transformed, and rounded correctly when null center, zoom, layers, with displayProjection");
- t.eq(returnParams.layers, "TBF0", "layers processed correctly when null center, zoom, layers, with displayProjection");
- OpenLayers.Util.getParameters = old_getParameters;
- OpenLayers.Projection.transform = old_transform;
- }
- function test_Control_Permalink_Anchor (t) {
- t.plan(3);
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.Permalink({anchor: true});
- t.ok( control instanceof OpenLayers.Control.Permalink, "new OpenLayers.Control returns object" );
- map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
- layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS('Test Layer', "", {map: '/mapdata/', layers: 'basic', format: 'image/jpeg'});
- map.addLayer(layer);
- layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS('Test Layer', "", {map: '/mapdata/', layers: 'basic', format: 'image/jpeg'}, {'isBaseLayer': false});
- map.addLayer(layer);
- layer.setVisibility(true);
- if (!map.getCenter()) map.zoomToMaxExtent();
- map.addControl(control);
- map.pan(5, 0, {animate:false});
- t.ok(OpenLayers.Util.isEquivalentUrl(OpenLayers.Util.getParameterString(control.createParams()), "zoom=2&lat=0&lon=1.75781&layers=BT"), 'pan sets permalink');
- map.layers[1].setVisibility(false);
- t.ok(OpenLayers.Util.isEquivalentUrl(OpenLayers.Util.getParameterString(control.createParams()), "zoom=2&lat=0&lon=1.75781&layers=BF"), 'setVisibility sets permalink');
- map.destroy();
- }
- function test_Control_Permalink_AnchorBaseElement (t) {
- t.plan(3);
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.Permalink('permalink', document.location.href, {anchor: true});
- t.ok( control instanceof OpenLayers.Control.Permalink, "new OpenLayers.Control returns object" );
- map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
- layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS('Test Layer', "", {map: '/mapdata/', layers: 'basic', format: 'image/jpeg'});
- map.addLayer(layer);
- layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS('Test Layer', "", {map: '/mapdata/', layers: 'basic', format: 'image/jpeg'}, {'isBaseLayer': false});
- map.addLayer(layer);
- layer.setVisibility(true);
- if (!map.getCenter()) map.zoomToMaxExtent();
- map.addControl(control);
- map.pan(5, 0, {animate:false});
- t.ok(OpenLayers.Util.isEquivalentUrl(OpenLayers.Util.getElement('permalink').href, location+"#zoom=2&lat=0&lon=1.75781&layers=BT"), 'pan sets permalink');
- map.layers[1].setVisibility(false);
- t.ok(OpenLayers.Util.isEquivalentUrl(OpenLayers.Util.getElement('permalink').href, location+"#zoom=2&lat=0&lon=1.75781&layers=BF"), 'setVisibility sets permalink');
- map.destroy();
- }
- function test_center_from_map(t) {
- t.plan(7);
- var previous = window.location.hash;
- window.location.hash = "";
- var err;
- try {
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map({
- layers: [new OpenLayers.Layer(null, {isBaseLayer: true})],
- controls: [
- new OpenLayers.Control.Permalink({anchor: true})
- ],
- center: [1, 2],
- zoom: 3
- });
- } catch (e) {
- err = e;
- }
- if (err) {
-"Map construction failure: " + err.message);
- } else {
- t.ok(true, "Map construction works");
- }
- // confirm that map center is correctly set
- var center = map.getCenter();
- t.eq(center.lon, 1, "map x");
- t.eq(, 2, "map y")
- t.eq(map.getZoom(), 3, "map z");
- // confirm that location from map options has been added to url
- var params = OpenLayers.Util.getParameters(window.location.hash.replace("#", "?"));
- t.eq(params.lon, "1", "url x");
- t.eq(, "2", "url y");
- t.eq(params.zoom, "3", "url z");
- map.destroy();
- window.location.hash = previous;
- }
- function test_center_from_url(t) {
- t.plan(6);
- // In cases where the location is specified in the URL and given in
- // the map options, we respect the location in the URL.
- var previous = window.location.hash;
- window.location.hash = "#zoom=6&lat=5&lon=4&layers=B"
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map({
- layers: [new OpenLayers.Layer(null, {isBaseLayer: true})],
- controls: [new OpenLayers.Control.Permalink({anchor: true})],
- center: [0, 0],
- zoom: 0
- });
- // confirm that map center is correctly set
- var center = map.getCenter();
- t.eq(center.lon, 4, "map x");
- t.eq(, 5, "map y")
- t.eq(map.getZoom(), 6, "map z");
- var params = OpenLayers.Util.getParameters(window.location.hash.replace("#", "?"));
- t.eq(params.lon, "4", "x set");
- t.eq(, "5", "y set");
- t.eq(params.zoom, "6", "z set");
- map.destroy();
- window.location.hash = previous;
- }
- </script>
- <a id="permalink" href="">Permalink</a> <br />
- <a id="edit_permalink" href="">Edit</a> <br />
- <div id="map" style="width: 1024px; height: 512px;"/>
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/PinchZoom.html b/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/PinchZoom.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 22db6a5..0000000
--- a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/PinchZoom.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
- <script src="../OLLoader.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- function test_constructor(t) {
- t.plan(2);
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.PinchZoom();
- t.ok(control instanceof OpenLayers.Control.PinchZoom, "got an instance");
- t.ok(control.handler instanceof OpenLayers.Handler.Pinch, "control has pinch handler");
- control.destroy();
- }
- function test_destroy(t) {
- t.plan(1);
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.PinchZoom();
- control.destroy();
- t.ok(!control.handler, "handler destroyed");
- }
- function test_activate(t) {
- t.plan(3);
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.PinchZoom();
- t.ok(!, "control not activated after construction");
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map({
- div: "map",
- controls: [control]
- });
- t.ok(, "control activated after being added to the map");
- control.deactivate();
- t.ok(!, "control deactivated");
- map.destroy();
- }
- function test_pinchMove(t) {
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.PinchZoom();
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map({
- div: "map",
- controls: [control]
- });
- var log = [];
- map.applyTransform = function(x, y, scale) {
- log.push([x, y, scale]);
- }
- map.layerContainerOriginPx = {
- x: -50, y: -50
- };
- control.pinchOrigin = {
- x: 100, y: 50
- };
- var cases = [
- {x: 100, y: 60, scale: 1, transform: [-50, -40, 1]},
- {x: 150, y: 60, scale: 1, transform: [0, -40, 1]},
- {x: 150, y: 60, scale: 2, transform: [-150, -140, 2]},
- {x: 50, y: 20, scale: 2.5, transform: [-325, -230, 2.5]},
- {x: 150, y: 60, scale: 2, transform: [-150, -140, 2]},
- {x: 50, y: 20, scale: 0.25, transform: [13, -5, 0.25]}
- ];
- var len = cases.length;
- t.plan(len*2);
- var c;
- for (var i=0; i<len; ++i) {
- c = cases[i];
- control.pinchMove({xy: {x: c.x, y: c.y}}, {scale: c.scale});
- t.eq(log.length, i+1, i + " called once");
- t.eq(log[i], c.transform, i + " correct transform");
- }
- }
- function test_pinchMove_preservecenter(t) {
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.PinchZoom({
- preserveCenter: true
- });
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map({
- div: "map",
- controls: [control],
- layers: [new OpenLayers.Layer('fake', {isBaseLayer: true})]
- });
- map.zoomToMaxExtent();
- var centerPx = map.getPixelFromLonLat(map.getCenter());
- control.pinchStart = function(evt, pinchData) {
- t.eq(map.layerContainerOriginPx, {x: 0, y: 0}, "center preserved");
- t.eq(map.getPixelFromLonLat(map.getCenter()), centerPx, "center preserved");
- }
- control.pinchStart(null);
- var log = [];
- map.applyTransform = function(x, y, scale) {
- log.push([x, y, scale]);
- }
- control.pinchOrigin = map.getPixelFromLonLat(map.getCenter());
- var cases = [
- {scale: 1, transform: [0, 0, 1]},
- {scale: 2, transform: [-128, -128, 2]},
- {scale: 2.5, transform: [-192, -192, 2.5]},
- {scale: 0.25, transform: [96, 96, 0.25]}
- ];
- var len = cases.length;
- t.plan(2 + len*2);
- var c;
- for (var i=0; i<len; ++i) {
- c = cases[i];
- control.pinchMove(null, {scale: c.scale});
- t.eq(log.length, i+1, i + " called once");
- t.eq(log[i], c.transform, i + " correct transform");
- }
- }
- </script>
- <div id="map" style="width: 256px; height: 256px;"></div>
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/SLDSelect.html b/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/SLDSelect.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 03b871c..0000000
--- a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/SLDSelect.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,239 +0,0 @@
- <script src="../OLLoader.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- function test_initialize(t) {
- t.plan(11);
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.SLDSelect(OpenLayers.Handler.Click);
- t.eq(control.handler instanceof OpenLayers.Handler.Click, true, "Click handler created");
- t.ok(control.handler.callbacks["click"] ===, "Click callback correctly set");
- control.destroy();
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.SLDSelect(OpenLayers.Handler.RegularPolygon, {handlerOptions: {irregular: true}});
- t.eq(control.handler instanceof OpenLayers.Handler.RegularPolygon, true, "RegularPolygon handler created");
- t.eq(control.handler.irregular, true, "RegularPolygon handler is irregular");
- t.eq(control.handler.persist, false, "RegularPolygon handler is not persistant");
- t.ok(control.handler.callbacks["done"] ===, "Done callback correctly set");
- control.destroy();
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.SLDSelect(OpenLayers.Handler.Polygon);
- t.eq(control.handler instanceof OpenLayers.Handler.Polygon, true, "Polygon handler created");
- t.ok(control.handler.callbacks["done"] ===, "Done callback correctly set");
- control.destroy();
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.SLDSelect(OpenLayers.Handler.Path);
- t.eq(control.handler instanceof OpenLayers.Handler.Path, true, "Path handler created");
- t.ok(control.handler.callbacks["done"] ===, "Done callback correctly set");
- control.destroy();
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS('Foo', 'http://foo', {LAYERS: 'A'});
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.SLDSelect(OpenLayers.Handler.RegularPolygon, {layers: [layer]});
- t.eq(control.layers.length, 1, "Layers property correctly set");
- control.destroy();
- layer.destroy();
- }
- function test_select(t) {
- t.plan(9);
- var parser = new OpenLayers.Format.WFSDescribeFeatureType();
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS('Foo', 'http://foo', {LAYERS: 'AAA64'});
- map.addLayer(layer);
- var text =
- '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>' +
- '<schema' +
- ' targetNamespace="" ' +
- ' xmlns:rws="" ' +
- ' xmlns:ogc=""' +
- ' xmlns:xsd=""' +
- ' xmlns=""' +
- ' xmlns:gml=""' +
- ' elementFormDefault="qualified" version="0.1" >' +
- ' <import namespace=""' +
- ' schemaLocation="" />' +
- ' <element name="AAA64" ' +
- ' type="rws:AAA64Type" ' +
- ' substitutionGroup="gml:_Feature" />' +
- ' <complexType name="AAA64Type">' +
- ' <complexContent>' +
- ' <extension base="gml:AbstractFeatureType">' +
- ' <sequence>' +
- ' <element name="geometry" type="gml:MultiLineStringPropertyType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>' +
- ' <element name="OBJECTID" type="string"/>' +
- ' </sequence>' +
- ' </extension>' +
- ' </complexContent>' +
- ' </complexType>' +
- '</schema>';
- OpenLayers.Control.SLDSelect.prototype.wfsCache[] =;
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.SLDSelect(OpenLayers.Handler.RegularPolygon,
- {layers: [layer], clearOnDeactivate: true, handlerOptions: {irregular: true} });
- var testEvent = function(evt) {
- t.eq(evt.filters.length, 1, "Event has a filters array set");
- t.eq(evt.filters[0] instanceof OpenLayers.Filter.Spatial, true, "Spatial filter has been created");
- };
-"selected", this, testEvent);
- map.addControl(control);
- var geometry = OpenLayers.Geometry.Polygon.createRegularPolygon(
- new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(0, 0), 5, 4);
-"selected", this, testEvent);
- t.eq(map.layers.length, 2, "Selection layer has been created and added to the map");
- t.eq(map.layers[1] instanceof OpenLayers.Layer.WMS, true, "A WMS layer has been created as the selection layer");
- t.eq(map.layers[1].tileOptions.maxGetUrlLength, 2048, "Selection layer will automatically switch to HTTP Post if content gets longer than 2048");
- var expected_sld = '<sld:StyledLayerDescriptor xmlns:sld="" version="1.0.0" xsi:schemaLocation="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ogc="" xmlns:gml=""><sld:NamedLayer><sld:Name>AAA64</sld:Name><sld:UserStyle><sld:Name>default</sld:Name><sld:FeatureTypeStyle><sld:Rule><ogc:Filter xmlns:ogc=""><ogc:BBOX><ogc:PropertyName>geometry</ogc:PropertyName><gml:Box xmlns:gml="" srsName="EPSG:4326"><gml:coordinates decimal="." cs="," ts=" ">-3.5355339059327,-3.5355339059327 3.5355339059327,3.5355339059327</gml:coordinates></gml:Box></ogc:BBOX></ogc:Filter><sld:LineSymbolizer><sld:Stroke><sld:CssParameter name="stroke">#FF0000</sld:CssParameter><sld:CssParameter name="stroke-width">2</sld:CssParameter></sld:Stroke></sld:LineSymbolizer></sld:Rule></sld:FeatureTypeStyle></sld:UserStyle></sld:NamedLayer></sld:StyledLayerDescriptor>';
- t.xml_eq(map.layers[1].params.SLD_BODY, expected_sld, "SLD generated correctly");
- var geometry = OpenLayers.Geometry.Polygon.createRegularPolygon(
- new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(0, 0), 7, 4);
- t.eq(map.layers.length, 2, "Selection layer is reused when new selection is performed");
- map.layers[0].setVisibility(false);
- t.eq(map.layers[1].getVisibility(), false, "Visibility of selection layer is synchronized with source layer");
- // activate would issue a SLD WMS DescribeLayer request and we are bypassing this here
- = true;
- control.deactivate();
- t.eq(map.layers.length, 1, "Selection layer is removed on deactive if clearOnDeactivate is set to true");
- map.destroy();
- }
- function test_filterModificationOnSelected(t) {
- t.plan(1);
- var parser = new OpenLayers.Format.WFSDescribeFeatureType();
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS('Foo', 'http://foo', {LAYERS: 'AAA64'});
- map.addLayer(layer);
- var text =
- '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>' +
- '<schema' +
- ' targetNamespace="" ' +
- ' xmlns:rws="" ' +
- ' xmlns:ogc=""' +
- ' xmlns:xsd=""' +
- ' xmlns=""' +
- ' xmlns:gml=""' +
- ' elementFormDefault="qualified" version="0.1" >' +
- ' <import namespace=""' +
- ' schemaLocation="" />' +
- ' <element name="AAA64" ' +
- ' type="rws:AAA64Type" ' +
- ' substitutionGroup="gml:_Feature" />' +
- ' <complexType name="AAA64Type">' +
- ' <complexContent>' +
- ' <extension base="gml:AbstractFeatureType">' +
- ' <sequence>' +
- ' <element name="geometry" type="gml:MultiLineStringPropertyType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>' +
- ' <element name="OBJECTID" type="string"/>' +
- ' </sequence>' +
- ' </extension>' +
- ' </complexContent>' +
- ' </complexType>' +
- '</schema>';
- OpenLayers.Control.SLDSelect.prototype.wfsCache[] =;
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.SLDSelect(OpenLayers.Handler.RegularPolygon,
- {layers: [layer], clearOnDeactivate: true, handlerOptions: {irregular: true} });
- var testEvent = function(evt) {
- // manipulate filter
- var bbox = OpenLayers.Bounds.fromString('1,2,3,4');
- evt.filters[0].value = bbox;
- };
-"selected", this, testEvent);
- map.addControl(control);
- var geometry = OpenLayers.Geometry.Polygon.createRegularPolygon(
- new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(0, 0), 5, 4);
-"selected", this, testEvent);
- var expected_sld = '<sld:StyledLayerDescriptor xmlns:sld="" version="1.0.0" xsi:schemaLocation="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ogc="" xmlns:gml=""><sld:NamedLayer><sld:Name>AAA64</sld:Name><sld:UserStyle><sld:Name>default</sld:Name><sld:FeatureTypeStyle><sld:Rule><ogc:Filter xmlns:ogc=""><ogc:BBOX><ogc:PropertyName>geometry</ogc:PropertyName><gml:Box xmlns:gml="" srsName="EPSG:4326"><gml:coordinates decimal="." cs="," ts=" ">1,2 3,4</gml:coordinates></gml:Box></ogc:BBOX></ogc:Filter><sld:LineSymbolizer><sld:Stroke><sld:CssParameter name="stroke">#FF0000</sld:CssParameter><sld:CssParameter name="stroke-width">2</sld:CssParameter></sld:Stroke></sld:LineSymbolizer></sld:Rule></sld:FeatureTypeStyle></sld:UserStyle></sld:NamedLayer></sld:StyledLayerDescriptor>';
- t.xml_eq(map.layers[1].params.SLD_BODY, expected_sld, "Filter / SLD manipulated in select-callback correctly");
- }
- function test_multiselect(t) {
- t.plan(2);
- var parser = new OpenLayers.Format.WFSDescribeFeatureType();
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS('Multi', 'http://foo', {LAYERS: 'KGNAT.VKUNSTWERK,KGNAT.LKUNSTWERK,KGNAT.PKUNSTWERK'});
- map.addLayer(layer);
- var text =
- '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>' +
- '<schema' +
- ' targetNamespace="" ' +
- ' xmlns:rws="" ' +
- ' xmlns:ogc=""' +
- ' xmlns:xsd=""' +
- ' xmlns=""' +
- ' xmlns:gml=""' +
- ' elementFormDefault="qualified" version="0.1" >' +
- ' <import namespace=""' +
- ' schemaLocation="" />' +
- ' <element name="KGNAT.VKUNSTWERK" ' +
- ' type="rws:KGNAT.VKUNSTWERKType" ' +
- ' substitutionGroup="gml:_Feature" />' +
- ' <complexType name="KGNAT.VKUNSTWERKType">' +
- ' <complexContent>' +
- ' <extension base="gml:AbstractFeatureType">' +
- ' <sequence>' +
- ' <element name="geometry" type="gml:MultiPolygonPropertyType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>' +
- ' </sequence>' +
- ' </extension>' +
- ' </complexContent>' +
- ' </complexType>' +
- ' <element name="KGNAT.LKUNSTWERK" ' +
- ' type="rws:KGNAT.LKUNSTWERKType" ' +
- ' substitutionGroup="gml:_Feature" />' +
- ' <complexType name="KGNAT.LKUNSTWERKType">' +
- ' <complexContent>' +
- ' <extension base="gml:AbstractFeatureType">' +
- ' <sequence>' +
- ' <element name="geometry" type="gml:MultiLineStringPropertyType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>' +
- ' </sequence>' +
- ' </extension>' +
- ' </complexContent>' +
- ' </complexType>' +
- ' <element name="KGNAT.PKUNSTWERK" ' +
- ' type="rws:KGNAT.PKUNSTWERKType" ' +
- ' substitutionGroup="gml:_Feature" />' +
- ' <complexType name="KGNAT.PKUNSTWERKType">' +
- ' <complexContent>' +
- ' <extension base="gml:AbstractFeatureType">' +
- ' <sequence>' +
- ' <element name="geometry" type="gml:MultiPointPropertyType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>' +
- ' </sequence>' +
- ' </extension>' +
- ' </complexContent>' +
- ' </complexType>' +
- '</schema>';
- OpenLayers.Control.SLDSelect.prototype.wfsCache[] =;
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.SLDSelect(OpenLayers.Handler.RegularPolygon, {handlerOptions: {irregular: true}, layers: [layer]});
- var testEvent = function(evt) {
- t.eq(evt.filters.length, 3, "Event has a filters array set with length tree");
- };
-"selected", this, testEvent);
- map.addControl(control);
- var geometry = OpenLayers.Geometry.Polygon.createRegularPolygon(
- new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(0, 0), 5, 4);
- var expected_sld = '<sld:StyledLayerDescriptor xmlns:sld="" version="1.0.0" xsi:schemaLocation="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ogc="" xmlns:gml=""><sld:NamedLayer><sld:Name>KGNAT.VKUNSTWERK</sld:Name><sld:UserStyle><sld:Name>default</sld:Name><sld:FeatureTypeStyle><sld:Rule><ogc:Filter xmlns:ogc=""><ogc:BBOX><ogc:PropertyName>geometry</ogc:PropertyName><gml:Box xmlns:gml="" srsName="EPSG:4326"><gml:coordinates decimal="." cs="," ts=" ">-3.5355339059327,-3.5355339059327 3.5355339059327,3.5355339059327</gml:coordinates></gml:Box></ogc:BBOX></ogc:Filter><sld:PolygonSymbolizer><sld:Fill><sld:CssParameter name="fill">#FF0000</sld:CssParameter></sld:Fill></sld:PolygonSymbolizer></sld:Rule></sld:FeatureTypeStyle></sld:UserStyle></sld:NamedLayer><sld:NamedLayer><sld:Name>KGNAT.LKUNSTWERK</sld:Name><sld:UserStyle><sld:Name>default</sld:Name><sld:FeatureTypeStyle><sld:Rule><ogc:Filter xmlns:ogc=""><ogc:BBOX><ogc:PropertyName>geometry</ogc:PropertyName><gml:Box xmlns:gml="" srsName="EPSG:4326"><gml:coordinates decimal="." cs="," ts=" ">-3.5355339059327,-3.5355339059327 3.5355339059327,3.5355339059327</gml:coordinates></gml:Box></ogc:BBOX></ogc:Filter><sld:LineSymbolizer><sld:Stroke><sld:CssParameter name="stroke">#FF0000</sld:CssParameter><sld:CssParameter name="stroke-width">2</sld:CssParameter></sld:Stroke></sld:LineSymbolizer></sld:Rule></sld:FeatureTypeStyle></sld:UserStyle></sld:NamedLayer><sld:NamedLayer><sld:Name>KGNAT.PKUNSTWERK</sld:Name><sld:UserStyle><sld:Name>default</sld:Name><sld:FeatureTypeStyle><sld:Rule><ogc:Filter xmlns:ogc=""><ogc:BBOX><ogc:PropertyName>geometry</ogc:PropertyName><gml:Box xmlns:gml="" srsName="EPSG:4326"><gml:coordinates decimal="." cs="," ts=" ">-3.5355339059327,-3.5355339059327 3.5355339059327,3.5355339059327</gml:coordinates></gml:Box></ogc:BBOX></ogc:Filter><sld:PointSymbolizer><sld:Graphic><sld:Mark><sld:WellKnownName>square</sld:WellKnownName><sld:Fill><sld:CssParameter name="fill">#FF0000</sld:CssParameter></sld:Fill><sld:Stroke/></sld:Mark><sld:Size>10</sld:Size></sld:Graphic></sld:PointSymbolizer></sld:Rule></sld:FeatureTypeStyle></sld:UserStyle></sld:NamedLayer></sld:StyledLayerDescriptor>';
- t.xml_eq(map.layers[1].params.SLD_BODY, expected_sld, "SLD generated correctly");
- map.destroy();
- }
- </script>
- <div id="map" style="width: 100px; height: 100px;"></div>
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/Scale.html b/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/Scale.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d43b25..0000000
--- a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/Scale.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
- <script src="../OLLoader.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- OpenLayers.Lang.setCode('en');
- var map;
- function test_Control_Scale_constructor (t) {
- t.plan( 2 );
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.Scale();
- t.ok( control instanceof OpenLayers.Control.Scale, "new OpenLayers.Control returns object" );
- t.eq( control.displayClass, "olControlScale", "displayClass is correct" );
- }
- function test_Control_Scale_initwithelem (t) {
- t.plan( 1 );
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.Scale(OpenLayers.Util.getElement('scale'));
- t.ok(true, "If this happens, then we passed. (FF throws an error above otherwise)");
- }
- function test_Control_Scale_updateScale (t) {
- t.plan( 4 );
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.Scale('scale');
- t.ok( control instanceof OpenLayers.Control.Scale, "new OpenLayers.Control returns object" );
- map = new OpenLayers.Map('map', {zoomMethod: null});
- layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS('Test Layer', "", {map: '/mapdata/', layers: 'basic', format: 'image/jpeg'});
- map.addLayer(layer);
- map.zoomTo(0);
- map.addControl(control);
- t.eq(OpenLayers.Util.getElement('scale').innerHTML, "Scale = 1 : 443M", "Scale set by default." );
- map.zoomIn();
- t.eq(OpenLayers.Util.getElement('scale').innerHTML, "Scale = 1 : 221M", "Zooming in changes scale" );
- map.baseLayer.resolutions = [OpenLayers.Util.getResolutionFromScale(110)];
- map.zoomTo(0);
- t.eq(OpenLayers.Util.getElement('scale').innerHTML, "Scale = 1 : 110", "Scale of 100 isn't rounded" );
- }
- function test_Control_Scale_internalScale (t) {
- t.plan(2);
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.Scale();
- t.ok( control instanceof OpenLayers.Control.Scale, "new OpenLayers.Control returns object" );
- map = new OpenLayers.Map('map', {zoomMethod: null});
- layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS('Test Layer', "", {map: '/mapdata/', layers: 'basic', format: 'image/jpeg'});
- map.addLayer(layer);
- map.zoomTo(0);
- map.addControl(control);
- t.eq(control.div.firstChild.innerHTML, "Scale = 1 : 443M", "Internal scale displayed properly.");
- }
- </script>
- <a id="scale" href="">Scale</a> <br />
- <div id="map" style="width: 1024px; height: 512px;"/>
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/ScaleLine.html b/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/ScaleLine.html
deleted file mode 100644
index e863fd9..0000000
--- a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/ScaleLine.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
- <script type="text/javascript">var oldAlert = window.alert, gMess; window.alert = function(message) {gMess = message; return true;};</script>
- <!-- this gmaps key generated for -->
- <script src=';v=2&amp;key=ABQIAAAA9XNhd8q0UdwNC7YSO4YZghSPUCi5aRYVveCcVYxzezM4iaj_gxQ9t-UajFL70jfcpquH5l1IJ-Zyyw'></script>
- <script src="../OLLoader.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- var validkey = (window.location.protocol == "file:") ||
- ( == "localhost") ||
- ( == "");
- function test_initialize(t) {
- t.plan(2);
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.ScaleLine();
- t.ok(control instanceof OpenLayers.Control.ScaleLine, "new OpenLayers.Control returns object" );
- t.eq(control.displayClass, "olControlScaleLine", "displayClass is correct" );
- control.destroy();
- }
- function test_initwithelem(t) {
- t.plan(1);
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.ScaleLine({"div":OpenLayers.Util.getElement('ScaleLine')});
- t.ok(true, "If this happens, then we passed. (FF throws an error above otherwise)");
- control.destroy();
- }
- function test_calcDegrees(t) {
- t.plan(5);
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.ScaleLine();
- t.ok(control instanceof OpenLayers.Control.ScaleLine, "new OpenLayers.Control returns object" );
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS('Test Layer', "", {map: '/mapdata/', layers: 'basic', format: 'image/jpeg'});
- map.addLayer(layer);
- map.zoomTo(0);
- map.addControl(control);
- t.eq(, "visible", "top scale is present.");
- t.eq(, "visible", "bottom scale is present.");
- t.eq(control.div.firstChild.innerHTML, "10000 km", "top scale has correct text.");
- t.eq(control.div.lastChild.innerHTML, "5000 mi", "bottom scale has correct text.");
- map.destroy();
- }
- function test_calcsOther (t) {
- t.plan(5);
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.ScaleLine();
- t.ok(control instanceof OpenLayers.Control.ScaleLine, "new OpenLayers.Control returns object" );
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
- map.units = "mi";
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS('Test Layer', "", {map: '/mapdata/', layers: 'basic', format: 'image/jpeg'});
- map.addLayer(layer);
- map.zoomTo(0);
- map.addControl(control);
- t.eq(, "visible", "top scale is present.");
- t.eq(, "visible", "bottom scale is present.");
- t.eq(control.div.firstChild.innerHTML, "100 km", "top scale has correct text.");
- t.eq(control.div.lastChild.innerHTML, "100 mi", "bottom scale has correct text.");
- map.destroy();
- }
- function test_calcMeters (t) {
- t.plan(5);
- // this example is taken from the projected-map.html OpenLayers example
- var lat = 900863;
- var lon = 235829;
- var zoom = 6;
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map( 'map' );
- var basemap = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS( "Boston",
- "",
- {
- map: '/www/',
- layers: 'border,water,roads,rapid_transit,buildings',
- format: 'png',
- transparent: 'off'
- },
- {
- maxExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds(33861, 717605, 330846, 1019656),
- maxResolution: 296985/1024,
- projection:"EPSG:2805", // Used in WMS/WFS requests.
- units: "m" // Only neccesary for working with scales.
- } );
- map.addLayer(basemap);
- map.setCenter(new OpenLayers.LonLat(lon, lat), zoom);
- map.addControl(new OpenLayers.Control.LayerSwitcher());
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.ScaleLine();
- t.ok( control instanceof OpenLayers.Control.ScaleLine, "new OpenLayers.Control returns object" );
- map.addControl(control);
- t.eq(, "visible", "top scale is present.");
- t.eq(, "visible", "bottom scale is present.");
- t.eq(control.div.firstChild.innerHTML, "200 m", "top scale has correct text.");
- t.eq(control.div.lastChild.innerHTML, "1000 ft", "bottom scale has correct text.");
- map.destroy();
- }
- function test_useArguments (t) {
- t.plan(5);
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.ScaleLine({topOutUnits: 'dd'} );
- t.ok( control instanceof OpenLayers.Control.ScaleLine, "new OpenLayers.Control returns object" );
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS('Test Layer', "", {map: '/mapdata/', layers: 'basic', format: 'image/jpeg'});
- map.addLayer(layer);
- map.zoomTo(0);
- map.addControl(control);
- t.eq(, "visible", "top scale is present.");
- t.eq(, "visible", "bottom scale is present.");
- t.eq(control.div.firstChild.innerHTML, "100 dd", "top scale has correct text.");
- t.eq(control.div.lastChild.innerHTML, "5000 mi", "bottom scale has correct text.");
- map.destroy();
- }
- function test_respectZoom (t) {
- if(validkey) {
- t.plan( 4 );
- } else {
- t.plan( 3 );
- }
- // ok, switch the units we use for zoomed in values. This will test that we're both
- // correctly respecting all specified parameters and that we're switching to the
- // "in" units when zoomed in
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.ScaleLine({topOutUnits : "mi", bottomOutUnits: "km", topInUnits: 'ft', bottomInUnits: 'm'});
- t.ok( control instanceof OpenLayers.Control.ScaleLine, "new OpenLayers.Control returns object" );
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS('Test Layer', "", {map: '/mapdata/', layers: 'basic', format: 'image/jpeg'});
- map.addLayer(layer);
- map.zoomTo(0);
- map.addControl(control);
- var widthIsOk = true;
- for (var i=0; i<map.numZoomLevels && widthIsOk; i++) {
- map.zoomTo(i);
- var w1 = parseInt(;
- var w2 = parseInt(;
- widthIsOk = w1 <= control.maxWidth && w2 <= control.maxWidth;
- }
- t.ok(widthIsOk, "respects maxWidth at all zoom levels in dd");
- widthIsOk = true;
- control.maxWidth = 200;
- for (var i=0; i<map.numZoomLevels && widthIsOk; i++) {
- map.zoomTo(i);
- var w1 = parseInt(;
- var w2 = parseInt(;
- widthIsOk = w1 <= control.maxWidth && w2 <= control.maxWidth;
- }
- t.ok(widthIsOk, "respects modified maxWidth at all zoom levels in dd");
- if (validkey) {
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Google('Goog Layer');
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.ScaleLine({topOutUnits : "mi", bottomOutUnits: "km", topInUnits: 'ft', bottomInUnits: 'm'});
- map.addLayer(layer);
- map.zoomTo(0);
- map.addControl(control);
- var widthIsOk = true;
- for (var i=0; i<map.numZoomLevels && widthIsOk; i++) {
- map.zoomTo(i);
- var w1 = parseInt(;
- var w2 = parseInt(;
- widthIsOk = w1 <= control.maxWidth && w2 <= control.maxWidth;
- }
- t.ok(widthIsOk, "respects maxWidth at all zoom levels in m");
- } else {
- t.debug_print("Google tests can't be run from " +
- }
- map.destroy();
- }
- function test_ie_oneunit(t) {
- t.plan(2);
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.ScaleLine({bottomOutUnits:'',bottomInUnits:'',maxWidth:150});
- t.ok(control instanceof OpenLayers.Control.ScaleLine, "new OpenLayers.Control returns object" );
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS('Test Layer', "bogus", {});
- map.addLayer(layer);
- map.zoomTo(0);
- map.addControl(control);
- t.ok(true, "invisible bottom scale doesn't cause scaleline failure (IE only)");
- map.destroy();
- }
- </script>
- <a id="ScaleLine" href="">ScaleLine</a> <br/>
- <div id="map" style="width: 1024px; height: 512px;"/>
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/SelectFeature.html b/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/SelectFeature.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e522e7..0000000
--- a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/SelectFeature.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,632 +0,0 @@
- <script src="../OLLoader.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- function test_Control_SelectFeature_constructor(t) {
- t.plan(5);
- var options = {
-// geometryTypes: "foo"
- };
- var layer = "bar";
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature([layer], options);
- t.ok(control instanceof OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature,
- "new OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature returns an instance");
- t.eq(control.layers[0], "bar",
- "constructor with array of layers sets layer correctly");
-// t.eq(control.handlers.feature.geometryTypes, "foo",
-// "constructor sets options correctly on feature handler");
- t.ok(control.layer instanceof OpenLayers.Layer.Vector.RootContainer, "control has a root container layer if constructor was called with an array of layers");
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature(layer, options);
- t.eq(control.layers, null, "this.layers is null if constructor called with a single layer");
- t.eq(control.layer, layer, "this.layer holds the layer that was passed with the constructor if called with a single layer")
- }
- function test_Control_SelectFeature_destroy(t) {
- t.plan(2);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map");
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector();
- map.addLayer(layer);
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature(layer, {box: true});
- control.handlers.feature.deactivate = function() {
- t.ok(true,
- "control.deactivate calls deactivate on feature handler");
- }
- = function() {
- t.ok(true,
- "control.deactivate calls deactivate on box handler");
- }
-// should nullify the layer property here
- control.destroy();
- }
- function test_Control_SelectFeature_select(t) {
- t.plan(4);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map");
- var layer1 = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector();
- var layer2 = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector();
- map.addLayers([layer1, layer2]);
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature([layer1, layer2]);
- var feature1 = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(0,1));
- var feature2 = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(1,0));
- layer1.addFeatures(feature1);
- layer2.addFeatures(feature2);
- var drawFeature = function(feature, style) {
- feature.layer.styleMap.createSymbolizer(feature, style);
- }
- layer1.drawFeature = drawFeature;
- layer2.drawFeature = drawFeature;
- t.eq(feature1.renderIntent, "select", "render intent is set to select");
- t.eq(feature2.renderIntent, "select", "render intent is set to select");
- control.unselect(feature1);
- t.eq(feature1.renderIntent, "default", "render intent is set back to default");
- control.unselect(feature2);
- t.eq(feature2.renderIntent, "default", "render intent is set back to default");
- }
- function test_Control_SelectFeature_clickFeature(t) {
- t.plan(6);
- // mock up layer
- var layer = {
- selectedFeatures: [],
- drawFeature: function() {},
- events: {
- triggerEvent: function() {}
- }
- };
- // mock up active control
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature(layer);
- control.handlers.feature = {
- evt: {}
- };
- // mock up features
- var features = new Array(4);
- for(var i=0; i<features.length; ++i) {
- features[i] = {
- id: Math.random(),
- tested: 0,
- style: "",
- layer: layer
- };
- }
- // test that onSelect gets called properly
- control.onSelect = function(feature) {
- feature.tested += 1;
- t.eq(, features[feature.index].id,
- "onSelect called with proper feature (" + feature.index + ")");
- t.eq(feature.tested, feature.test,
- "onSelect called only once for feature (" + feature.index + ")");
- t.ok(this == control, "onSelect called in the scope of the control if control.scope is not provided");
- }
- // test that onUnselect gets called properly
- control.onUnselect = function(feature) {
- feature.tested += 1;
- t.eq(, features[feature.index].id,
- "onUnselect called with proper feature (" + feature.index + ")");
- t.eq(feature.tested, feature.test,
- "onUnselect called only once for feature (" + feature.index + ")");
- t.ok(this == control, "onUnselect called in the scope of the control if control.scope is not provided");
- }
- // mock up first click on first feature (runs 3 tests from onSelect)
- var feature = features[0];
- feature.index = 0;
- feature.test = 1;
- control.clickFeature(feature);
- // mock up second click on first feature (runs no tests - already selected)
- control.toggle = false;
- control.clickFeature(feature);
- // mock up second click on first feature (runs 3 tests from onUnselect)
- control.toggle = true;
- feature.test = 2;
- control.clickFeature(feature);
- }
- function test_box(t) {
- t.plan(5);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map");
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector();
- map.addLayer(layer);
- map.setBaseLayer(layer);
- map.setCenter(new OpenLayers.LonLat(1,1));
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature(layer, {'multiple': true, box: true });
- var feature = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(0,0));
- var feature2 = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(1,1));
- var feature3 = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-2,-2));
- var feature4 = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(new OpenLayers.Geometry.LineString([
- new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(0, 0), new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(1, 1)
- ]));
- layer.addFeatures([feature, feature2, feature3, feature4]);
- control.setMap(map);
- map.getLonLatFromPixel = function(arg) {
- return new OpenLayers.LonLat(arg.x, arg.y);
- }
- control.selectBox(new OpenLayers.Bounds(-1, -1, 2, 2));
- t.eq(layer.selectedFeatures.length, 3, "box around all features selects 3 features");
- control.selectBox(new OpenLayers.Bounds(-3, -3, -1, -1));
- t.eq(layer.selectedFeatures.length, 4, "box around other features doesn't turn off already selected features.");
- control.multipleSelect = function() {
- return false;
- };
- control.selectBox(new OpenLayers.Bounds(-3, -3, -1, -1));
- t.eq(layer.selectedFeatures.length, 1, "box around other features correctly turns off already selected features.");
- control.geometryTypes = null;
- control.selectBox(new OpenLayers.Bounds(-100, -100, 100, 100));
- t.eq(layer.selectedFeatures.length, layer.features.length, "all features selected with no geometryTypes filter");
- control.geometryTypes = ["OpenLayers.Geometry.Point"];
- control.selectBox(new OpenLayers.Bounds(-100, -100, 100, 100));
- t.eq(layer.selectedFeatures.length, 3, "3 features selected with geometryTypes filter");
- }
- function test_selectBox_events(t){
- t.plan(8);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map");
- var layer1 = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector();
- map.addLayer(layer1);
- map.setBaseLayer(layer1);
- var layer2 = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector();
- map.addLayer(layer2);
- map.setCenter(new OpenLayers.LonLat(1,1));
- var feature = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(1,1));
- layer1.addFeatures([feature]);
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature(layer1);
- control.setMap(map);
- map.getLonLatFromPixel = function(arg) {
- return new OpenLayers.LonLat(arg.x, arg.y);
- }
- control.activate();
- var firesBoxselectionstart = false;
- var beforeSelectingNumberOfFeatures = -1;
- var firesBoxselectionend = false;
- var afterSelectingNumberOfFeatures = -1;
-"boxselectionstart",null, function(e){
- firesBoxselectionstart=true;
- t.eq(e.layers.length,1,"right number of layers in event boxselectionstart");
- t.eq(, e.layers[0].id,"correct layer in event boxselectionstart");
- beforeSelectingNumberOfFeatures = e.layers[0].selectedFeatures.length;
- });
-"boxselectionend",null, function(e){
- firesBoxselectionend=true;
- t.eq(e.layers.length,1,"right number of layers in event boxselectionend");
- t.eq(, e.layers[0].id,"correct layer in event boxselectionend");
- afterSelectingNumberOfFeatures = e.layers[0].selectedFeatures.length;
- });
- var bounds = new OpenLayers.Bounds(-1, -1, 2, 2);
- control.selectBox(bounds);
- t.ok(firesBoxselectionstart,"selectBox fires boxselectionstart event");
- t.eq(beforeSelectingNumberOfFeatures,0,"boxselectionstart fires before selection of feature");
- t.ok(firesBoxselectionend,"selectBox fires boxselectionend event");
- t.eq(afterSelectingNumberOfFeatures,1,"boxselectionend fires after feature selected");
- }
- function test_Control_SelectFeature_activate(t) {
- t.plan(4);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map");
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector();
- map.addLayer(layer);
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature(layer, {box: true});
- map.addControl(control);
- t.ok(!,
- "feature handler is not active prior to activating control");
- t.ok(!,
- "box handler is not active prior to activating control");
- control.activate();
- t.ok(,
- "feature handler is active after activating control");
- t.ok(,
- "box handler is active after activating control");
- }
- function test_Control_SelectFeature_deactivate(t) {
- t.plan(2);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map");
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector();
- map.addLayer(layer);
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature(layer, {box: true});
- map.addControl(control);
- control.activate();
- control.handlers.feature.deactivate = function() {
- t.ok(true,
- "control.deactivate calls deactivate on feature handler");
- OpenLayers.Handler.Feature.prototype.deactivate.apply(this, arguments);
- }
- = function() {
- t.ok(true,
- "control.deactivate calls deactivate on box handler");
- }
- control.deactivate();
- }
- function test_highlighyOnly(t) {
- t.plan(23);
- /*
- * setup
- */
- var map, layer, ctrl1, ctrl2, _feature, feature, evt, _style;
- map = new OpenLayers.Map("map");
- layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("name", {isBaseLayer: true});
- map.addLayer(layer);
- ctrl1 = new OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature(layer, {
- highlightOnly: false,
- hover: false
- });
- map.addControl(ctrl1);
- ctrl2 = new OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature(layer, {
- highlightOnly: true,
- hover: true
- });
- map.addControl(ctrl2);
- ctrl2.activate();
- ctrl1.activate();
- feature = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector();
- feature.layer = layer;
- // override the layer's getFeatureFromEvent func so that it always
- // returns the feature referenced to by _feature
- layer.getFeatureFromEvent = function(evt) { return _feature; };
- evt = {xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(Math.random(), Math.random())};
- map.zoomToMaxExtent();
- /*
- * tests
- */
- // with renderIntent
- ctrl1.renderIntent = "select";
- ctrl2.renderIntent = "temporary";
- // mouse over feature, feature is drawn with "temporary"
- _feature = feature;
- evt.type = "mousemove";
-"mousemove", evt);
- t.eq(feature.renderIntent, "temporary",
- "feature drawn with expected render intent after \"mouseover\"");
- t.eq(feature._lastHighlighter,,
- "feature._lastHighlighter properly set after \"mouseover\"");
- t.eq(feature._prevHighlighter, undefined,
- "feature._prevHighlighter properly set after \"mouseover\"");
- // click in feature, feature is drawn with "select"
- _feature = feature;
- evt.type = "click";
-"click", evt);
- t.eq(feature.renderIntent, "select",
- "feature drawn with expected render intent after \"clickin\"");
- t.eq(feature._lastHighlighter,,
- "feature._lastHighlighter properly set after \"clickin\"");
- t.eq(feature._prevHighlighter,,
- "feature._prevHighlighter properly set after \"clickin\"");
- // mouse out of feature, feature is still drawn with "select"
- _feature = null;
- evt.type = "mousemove";
-"mousemove", evt);
- t.eq(feature.renderIntent, "select",
- "feature drawn with expected render intent after \"mouseout\"");
- t.eq(feature._lastHighlighter,,
- "feature._lastHighlighter properly set after \"nouseout\"");
- t.ok(feature._prevHighlighter,,
- "feature._prevHighlighter properly set after \"mouseout\"");
- // mouse over feature again, feature is drawn with "temporary"
- _feature = feature;
- evt.type = "mousemove";
-"mousemove", evt);
- t.eq(feature.renderIntent, "temporary",
- "feature drawn with expected render intent after \"mouseover\"");
- t.eq(feature._lastHighlighter,,
- "feature._lastHighlighter properly set after \"mouseover\"");
- t.eq(feature._prevHighlighter,,
- "feature._prevHighlighter properly set after \"mouseover\"");
- // mouve out of feature again, feature is still drawn with "select"
- _feature = null;
- evt.type = "mousemove";
-"mousemove", evt);
- t.eq(feature.renderIntent, "select",
- "feature drawn with expected render intent after \"mouseout\"");
- t.eq(feature._lastHighlighter,,
- "feature._lastHighlighter properly set after \"mouseout\"");
- t.eq(feature._prevHighlighter, undefined,
- "feature._prevHighlighter properly set after \"mouseout\"");
- // click out of feature, feature is drawn with "default"
- _feature = null;
- evt.type = "click";
-"click", evt);
- t.eq(feature.renderIntent, "default",
- "feature drawn with expected render intent after \"clickout\"");
- t.eq(feature._lastHighlighter, undefined,
- "feature._lastHighlighter properly set after \"clickout\"");
- t.eq(feature._prevHighlighter, undefined,
- "feature._prevHighlighter properly set after \"clickout\"");
- // with selectStyle
- ctrl1.selectStyle =["select"];
- ctrl2.selectStyle =["temporary"];
- layer.renderer.drawFeature = function(f, s) {
- var style =[_style];
- t.eq(s, style, "renderer drawFeature called with expected style obj (" + _style + ")");
- };
- // mouse over feature, feature is drawn with "temporary"
- _feature = feature;
- _style = "temporary";
- evt.type = "mousemove";
-"mousemove", evt);
- // click in feature, feature is drawn with "select"
- _feature = feature;
- _style = "select";
- evt.type = "click";
-"click", evt);
- // mouse out of feature, feature is still drawn with "select" and
- // the renderer drawFeature method should not be called
- _feature = null;
- evt.type = "mousemove";
-"mousemove", evt);
- // mouse over feature again, feature is drawn with "temporary"
- _feature = feature;
- _style = "temporary";
- evt.type = "mousemove";
-"mousemove", evt);
- // mouve out of feature again, feature is still drawn with "select"
- _feature = null;
- _style = "select";
- evt.type = "mousemove";
-"mousemove", evt);
- // click out of feature, feature is drawn with "default"
- _feature = null;
- _style = "default";
- evt.type = "click";
-"click", evt);
- }
- // test for
- function test_highlightOnly_toggle(t) {
- t.plan(8);
- /*
- * setup
- */
- var map, layer, ctrl1, ctrl2, _feature, feature, evt, _style;
- map = new OpenLayers.Map("map");
- layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("name", {isBaseLayer: true});
- map.addLayer(layer);
- ctrl1 = new OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature(layer, {
- highlightOnly: false,
- hover: false,
- clickout: false,
- toggle: true
- });
- map.addControl(ctrl1);
- ctrl2 = new OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature(layer, {
- highlightOnly: true,
- hover: true
- });
- map.addControl(ctrl2);
- ctrl2.activate();
- ctrl1.activate();
- feature = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector();
- feature.layer = layer;
- // override the layer's getFeatureFromEvent func so that it always
- // returns the feature referenced to by _feature
- layer.getFeatureFromEvent = function(evt) { return _feature; };
- evt = {xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(Math.random(), Math.random())};
- map.zoomToMaxExtent();
- /*
- * tests
- */
- // with renderIntent
- ctrl1.renderIntent = "select";
- ctrl2.renderIntent = "temporary";
- // mouse over feature, feature is drawn with "temporary"
- _feature = feature;
- evt.type = "mousemove";
-"mousemove", evt);
- t.eq(feature.renderIntent, "temporary",
- "feature drawn with expected render intent after \"mouseover\"");
- // click in feature, feature is drawn with "select"
- _feature = feature;
- evt.type = "click";
-"click", evt);
- t.eq(feature.renderIntent, "select",
- "feature drawn with expected render intent after \"clickin\"");
- // mouse out of feature, feature is still drawn with "select"
- _feature = null;
- evt.type = "mousemove";
-"mousemove", evt);
- t.eq(feature.renderIntent, "select",
- "feature drawn with expected render intent after \"mouseout\"");
- // mouse over feature again, feature is drawn with "temporary"
- _feature = feature;
- evt.type = "mousemove";
-"mousemove", evt);
- t.eq(feature.renderIntent, "temporary",
- "feature drawn with expected render intent after \"mouseover\"");
- // click in feature again, feature is drawn with "default"
- _feature = feature;
- evt.type = "click";
-"click", evt);
- t.eq(feature.renderIntent, "default",
- "feature drawn with expected render intent after \"clickin\"");
- // mouse out of feature again, feature is still drawn with "default"
- _feature = null;
- evt.type = "mousemove";
-"mousemove", evt);
- t.eq(feature.renderIntent, "default",
- "feature drawn with expected render intent after \"mouseout\"");
- // mouse over feature again, feature is drawn with "temporary"
- _feature = feature;
- evt.type = "mousemove";
-"mousemove", evt);
- t.eq(feature.renderIntent, "temporary",
- "feature drawn with expected render intent after \"mouseover\"");
- // mouse out of feature again, feature is still drawn with "default"
- _feature = null;
- evt.type = "mousemove";
-"mousemove", evt);
- t.eq(feature.renderIntent, "default",
- "feature drawn with expected render intent after \"mouseout\"");
- }
- function test_setLayer(t) {
- t.plan(5);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map");
- var layer1 = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector();
- var layer2 = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector();
- var layer3 = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector();
- map.addLayer(layer1, layer2, layer3);
- // initialize it with a single layer
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature(layer1);
- map.addControl(control);
- control.activate();
- control.setLayer([layer2, layer3]);
- t.eq(control.layer instanceof OpenLayers.Layer.Vector.RootContainer, true, "Root container created correctly on setLayer with multiple layers");
- t.eq(, true, "Control should be active still after using setLayer");
- t.eq((control.handlers.feature.layer === control.layer), true, "Feature handler layer set correctly");
- control.destroy();
- // initialize with an array of layers
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature([layer1, layer2]);
- t.eq((control.layers !== null), true, "Control has a layers property");
- control.setLayer(layer3);
- t.eq((control.layers === null), true, "When using setLayer with a single layer, the layers property is removed if present before");
- map.destroy();
- }
- function test_setLayerWithRemoving(t) {
- t.plan(2);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map");
- var layer1 = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector();
- var layer2 = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector();
- map.addLayer(layer1, layer2);
- // initialize it with a single layer
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature(layer1);
- map.addControl(control);
- control.activate();
- var noError = null;
-"preremovelayer", this, function(e) {
- try {
- control.setLayer(layer2);
- } catch (e) {
- noError = e;
- }
- });
- layer1.destroy();
- t.eq(,, "Layer is set correctly without error");
- t.eq(noError, null,"No error occured during setLayer. Error is: '"+noError+"'");
- control.destroy();
- map.destroy();
- }
- function test_destroy(t) {
- t.plan(1);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map");
- var layer1 = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector();
- map.addLayer(layer1);
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature([layer1]);
- map.addControl(control);
- control.activate();
- control.destroy();
- t.eq(layer1.renderer.getRenderLayerId(),,
- "Root container moved correctly when control is destroyed and layers was an array parameter");
- }
- function test_unselectAll(t) {
- t.plan(2);
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector();
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature(layer);
- var feature1 = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector();
- = 1;
- var feature2 = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector();
- = 2;
- var feature3 = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector();
- = 3;
- var feature4 = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector();
- = 4;
- layer.addFeatures([feature1, feature2, feature3, feature4]);
- featureunselected: function(e) {
- // we change the selectedFeatures array while
- // unselectAll is iterating over that array.
- if(feature2.layer) {
- layer.removeFeatures([feature2]);
- }
- }
- });
- control.unselectAll({except: feature3});
- t.eq(layer.selectedFeatures.length, 1,
- 'unselectAll unselected all but one');
- t.eq(layer.selectedFeatures[0].id, 3,
- 'the remaining selected features is the one expected');
- }
- </script>
- <div id="map" style="width: 400px; height: 250px;"/>
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/Snapping.html b/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/Snapping.html
deleted file mode 100644
index f065f66..0000000
--- a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/Snapping.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,448 +0,0 @@
- <script src="../OLLoader.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- function test_initialize(t) {
- t.plan(5);
- // construct with a single layer
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector();
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.Snapping({
- layer: layer
- });
- t.ok(control.layer === layer, "[a] source layer properly set");
- t.eq(control.targets.length, 1, "[a] one target layer");
- t.ok(control.targets[0].layer === layer, "[a] target set");
- control.destroy();
- // construct with a different target, default target config
- var layer2 = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector();
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.Snapping({
- layer: layer,
- targets: [layer2]
- });
- t.eq(control.targets.length, 1, "[b] one target layer");
- t.ok(control.targets[0].layer == layer2, "[b] target set");
- control.destroy();
- }
- function test_setLayer(t) {
- t.plan(4);
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector();
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.Snapping();
- control.setLayer(layer);
- t.ok(control.layer === layer, "layer properly set");
- // confirm that the control is deactivated and reactivated when setting new layer
- var log = {
- activated: 0,
- deactivated: 0
- };
- control.activate = function() {
- log.activated++;
- }
- control.deactivate = function() {
- log.deactivated++;
- }
- = true;
- var layer2 = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector();
- control.setLayer(layer2);
- t.eq(log.deactivated, 1, "control deactivated");
- t.ok(control.layer === layer2, "layer properly reset");
- t.eq(log.activated, 1, "control reactivated");
- control.destroy();
- }
- function test_setTargets(t) {
- t.plan(4);
- var layer1 = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector();
- var layer2 = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector();
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.Snapping();
- var log = {
- addTarget: [],
- addTargetLayer: []
- };
- control.addTarget = function(target) {
- log.addTarget.push(target);
- };
- control.addTargetLayer = function(target) {
- log.addTargetLayer.push(target);
- };
- control.setTargets([layer1, {layer: layer2}]);
- t.eq(log.addTargetLayer.length, 1, "setTargetLayer called once");
- t.ok(log.addTargetLayer[0] === layer1, "setTargetLayer called with layer1");
- t.eq(log.addTarget.length, 1, "setTarget called once");
- t.ok(log.addTarget[0].layer === layer2, "setTarget called with layer2");
- control.destroy();
- }
- function test_addTarget(t) {
- t.plan(5);
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector();
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.Snapping({
- defaults: {
- nodeTolerance: 30,
- tolerance: 40
- }
- });
- var log = {};
- control.addTarget({layer: layer});
- t.eq(control.targets.length, 1, "single target");
- var target = control.targets[0];
- t.ok(target.layer === layer, "correct target layer");
- t.eq(target.nodeTolerance, 30, "correct nodeTolerance");
- t.eq(target.edgeTolerance, 40, "correct edgeTolerance");
- t.eq(target.vertexTolerance, 40, "correct vertexTolerance");
- control.destroy();
- }
- function test_removeTargetLayer(t) {
- t.plan(3);
- var layer1 = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector();
- var layer2 = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector();
- var layer3 = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector();
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.Snapping({
- targets: [layer1, layer2, layer3]
- });
- control.removeTargetLayer(layer2);
- t.eq(control.targets.length, 2, "correct targets length");
- t.ok(control.targets[0].layer === layer1, "layer1 remains");
- t.ok(control.targets[1].layer === layer3, "layer3 remains");
- control.destroy();
- }
- function test_activate(t) {
- t.plan(4);
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector();
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.Snapping({
- layer: layer
- });
- control.activate();
- t.eq(, 1, "one sketchmodified listener");
- t.ok([0].func === control.onSketchModified, "correct sketchmodified listener");
- t.eq(, 1, "one vertexmodified listener");
- t.ok([0].func === control.onVertexModified, "correct vertexmodified listener");
- control.destroy();
- }
- function test_deactivate(t) {
- t.plan(2);
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector();
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.Snapping({
- layer: layer
- });
- control.activate();
- control.deactivate();
- t.eq(, 0, "no sketchmodified listeners");
- t.eq(, 0, "no vertexmodified listeners");
- control.destroy();
- }
- function test_resolution_limits(t) {
- t.plan(7);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map", {
- resolutions: [1],
- maxExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds(0, 0, 100, 100)
- });
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector(null, {
- isBaseLayer: true
- });
- layer.addFeatures([
- new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(OpenLayers.Geometry.fromWKT(
- "POINT(50 50)"
- ))
- ]);
- map.addLayer(layer);
- map.zoomToMaxExtent();
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.Snapping({layer: layer});
- var result;
- var loc = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(49, 49);
- // 1) test a target with no constraints
- control.setTargets([{layer: layer}]);
- result = control.testTarget(control.targets[0], loc);
- t.ok(result !== null, "1) target is eligible");
- // 2) test a target with minResolution < map.resolution
- control.setTargets([{layer: layer, minResolution: 0.5}]);
- result = control.testTarget(control.targets[0], loc);
- t.ok(result !== null, "2) target is eligible");
- // 3) test a target with minResolution === map.resolution
- control.setTargets([{layer: layer, minResolution: 1}]);
- result = control.testTarget(control.targets[0], loc);
- t.ok(result !== null, "3) target is eligible");
- // 4) test a target with minResolution > map.resolution
- control.setTargets([{layer: layer, minResolution: 1.5}]);
- result = control.testTarget(control.targets[0], loc);
- t.ok(result === null, "4) target is not eligible");
- // 5) test a target with maxResolution < map.resolution
- control.setTargets([{layer: layer, maxResolution: 0.5}]);
- result = control.testTarget(control.targets[0], loc);
- t.ok(result === null, "5) target is not eligible");
- // 6) test a target with maxResolution === map.resolution
- control.setTargets([{layer: layer, maxResolution: 1}]);
- result = control.testTarget(control.targets[0], loc);
- t.ok(result === null, "6) target is not eligible");
- // 7) test a target with maxResolution > map.resolution
- control.setTargets([{layer: layer, maxResolution: 1.5}]);
- result = control.testTarget(control.targets[0], loc);
- t.ok(result !== null, "7) target is eligible");
- map.destroy();
- }
- function test_filter(t) {
- t.plan(3);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map", {
- resolutions: [1],
- maxExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds(0, 0, 100, 100)
- });
- var layer1 = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector(null, {
- isBaseLayer: true
- });
- var f1 = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(OpenLayers.Geometry.fromWKT(
- "LINESTRING(0 0, 10 10, 20 20, 30 30)"
- ), {foo: 'bar'});
- f1.fid = "FID1";
- var f2 = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(OpenLayers.Geometry.fromWKT(
- "LINESTRING(11 10, 20 10, 30 10)"
- ), {foo: 'bar'});
- f2.fid = "FID2";
- layer1.addFeatures([f1, f2]);
- map.addLayers([layer1]);
- map.zoomToMaxExtent();
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.Snapping({
- layer: layer1,
- targets: [layer1],
- defaults: {tolerance: 4}
- });
- control.activate();
- var result;
- var loc = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(1, 1);
- control.setTargets([{layer: layer1}]);
- result = control.testTarget(control.targets[0], loc);
- t.ok(result !== null, "target is eligible without a filter set");
- var filter = new OpenLayers.Filter.Logical({
- type: OpenLayers.Filter.Logical.NOT,
- filters: [
- new OpenLayers.Filter.FeatureId({fids: ["FID1", "FID2"]})
- ]
- });
- control.setTargets([{layer: layer1, filter: filter}]);
- result = control.testTarget(control.targets[0], loc);
- t.ok(result === null, "target is not eligible with a filter set which excludes the target's features");
- filter = new OpenLayers.Filter.Comparison({type: OpenLayers.Filter.Comparison.NOT_EQUAL_TO, value: 'bar', property: 'foo'});
- control.setTargets([{layer: layer1, filter: filter}]);
- result = control.testTarget(control.targets[0], loc);
- t.ok(result === null, "target is not eligible with a filter set which excludes the target's features using a comparison filter");
- }
- function test_snapping(t) {
- t.plan(46);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map", {
- resolutions: [1],
- maxExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds(0, 0, 100, 100)
- });
- var layer1 = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector(null, {
- isBaseLayer: true
- });
- layer1.addFeatures([
- new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(OpenLayers.Geometry.fromWKT(
- "LINESTRING(0 0, 10 10, 20 20, 30 30)"
- )),
- new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(OpenLayers.Geometry.fromWKT(
- "LINESTRING(11 10, 20 10, 30 10)"
- ))
- ]);
- var layer2 = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector();
- layer2.addFeatures([
- new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(OpenLayers.Geometry.fromWKT(
- "LINESTRING(10 10, 20 20, 30 30)"
- )),
- new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(OpenLayers.Geometry.fromWKT(
- "LINESTRING(21 10, 20 20, 20 30)"
- ))
- ]);
- map.addLayers([layer1, layer2]);
- map.zoomToMaxExtent();
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.Snapping({
- layer: layer1,
- targets: [layer1, layer2],
- defaults: {tolerance: 4}
- });
- control.activate();
- map.addControl(control);
- // log beforesnap, snap, and unsnap events
- var events = [];
- function listener(event) {
- events.push(event);
- }
- beforesnap: listener,
- snap: listener,
- unsnap: listener
- });
- // create a vertex and a convenience method for mocking the drag
- var vertex = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-100, -100);
- function drag(x, y) {
- var px = map.getPixelFromLonLat(new OpenLayers.LonLat(x, y));
-"vertexmodified", {
- vertex: vertex, pixel: px
- });
- }
- // mock up drag far from features
- drag(-100, -100);
- t.eq(events.length, 0, "no snapping");
- // mock up drag near first node of first feature
- drag(0, 1);
- t.eq(events.length, 2, "[a] 2 events triggered");
- t.eq(events[0].type, "beforesnap", "[a] beforesnap triggered");
- t.eq(events[0].snapType, "node", "[a] beforesnap triggered for node");
- t.ok(events[0].point === vertex, "[a] beforesnap triggered with vertex");
- t.eq(events[0].x, 0, "[a] beforesnap triggered correct x");
- t.eq(events[0].y, 0, "[a] beforesnap triggered with correct y");
- t.eq(events[1].type, "snap", "[a] snap triggered");
- t.eq(events[1].snapType, "node", "[a] snap triggered for node");
- t.ok(events[1].point === vertex, "[a] snap triggered with point");
- t.eq(events[1].distance, 1, "[a] snap triggered correct distance");
- t.ok(events[1].layer === layer1, "[a] snap triggered with correct target layer");
- t.eq(vertex.x, 0, "[a] vertex x modified");
- t.eq(vertex.y, 0, "[a] vertex y modified");
- events = [];
- // mock up drag that unsnaps
- drag(-100, -50);
- t.eq(events.length, 1, "[b] 1 event triggered");
- t.eq(events[0].type, "unsnap", "[b] unsnap triggered");
- t.ok(events[0].point === vertex, "[b] unsnap triggered with vertex");
- t.eq(vertex.x, -100, "[b] vertex x unsnapped");
- t.eq(vertex.y, -50, "[b] vertex y unsnapped");
- events = [];
- // drag near node of second feature in first layer to demonstrate precedence of node snapping
- drag(9, 10);
- t.eq(events.length, 2, "[c] 2 events triggered");
- t.eq(events[0].type, "beforesnap", "[c] beforesnap triggered first");
- t.eq(events[1].type, "snap", "[c] snap triggered second");
- t.eq(events[1].snapType, "node", "[c] snap to node");
- // unsnap & reset
- drag(-100, -50);
- events = [];
- // drag near node of second feature in second layer to demonstrate greedy property
- // with greedy true (default) the best target from the first layer with eligible targets is used
- drag(22, 10);
- t.eq(events.length, 2, "[d] 2 events triggered");
- t.eq(events[1].type, "snap", "[d] snap triggered second");
- t.eq(events[1].snapType, "vertex", "[d] snap to vertex");
- t.ok(events[1].layer === layer1, "[d] snap to vertex in first layer");
- t.eq(vertex.x, 20, "[d] vertex x modified");
- t.eq(vertex.y, 10, "[d] vertex y modified");
- // unsnap & reset
- drag(-100, -50);
- events = [];
- // do the same drag but with greedy false - this will look for best target in all layers
- control.greedy = false;
- drag(22, 10);
- t.eq(events.length, 2, "[d] 2 events triggered");
- t.eq(events[1].type, "snap", "[d] snap triggered second");
- t.eq(events[1].snapType, "node", "[d] snap to node");
- t.ok(events[1].layer === layer2, "[d] snap to node in second layer");
- // unsnap & reset
- drag(-100, -50);
- control.greedy = true;
- events = [];
- // demonstrate snapping on sketchstarted
- var p = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(0, 1);
-"sketchstarted", {
- vertex: p,
- feature: new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(p)
- });
- t.eq(events.length, 2, "[sketchstarted] 2 events triggered");
- t.eq(events[0].type, "beforesnap", "[sketchstarted] beforesnap triggered");
- t.eq(events[0].snapType, "node", "[sketchstarted] beforesnap triggered for node");
- t.ok(events[0].point === p, "[sketchstarted] beforesnap triggered with vertex");
- t.eq(events[0].x, 0, "[sketchstarted] beforesnap triggered correct x");
- t.eq(events[0].y, 0, "[sketchstarted] beforesnap triggered with correct y");
- t.eq(events[1].type, "snap", "[sketchstarted] snap triggered");
- t.eq(events[1].snapType, "node", "[sketchstarted] snap triggered for node");
- t.ok(events[1].point === p, "[sketchstarted] snap triggered with point");
- t.eq(events[1].distance, 1, "[sketchstarted] snap triggered correct distance");
- t.ok(events[1].layer === layer1, "[sketchstarted] snap triggered with correct target layer");
- t.eq(p.x, 0, "[sketchstarted] vertex x modified");
- t.eq(p.y, 0, "[sketchstarted] vertex y modified");
- // reset
- events = [];
- map.destroy();
- }
- </script>
- <div id="map" style="width: 100px; height: 100px;"></div>
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/Split.html b/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/Split.html
deleted file mode 100644
index e3a6eac..0000000
--- a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/Split.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,319 +0,0 @@
- <script src="../OLLoader.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- function test_initialize(t) {
- t.plan(4);
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector();
- var control;
- // construct with nothing
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.Split();
- t.ok(control instanceof OpenLayers.Control, "instanceof OpenLayers.Control");
- t.ok(control instanceof OpenLayers.Control, "instanceof OpenLayers.Control.Split")
- control.destroy();
- // construct with a single target layer
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.Split({
- layer: layer
- });
- t.ok(control.layer === layer, "target layer properly set");
- control.destroy();
- // construct with same target and source
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.Split({
- layer: layer,
- source: layer
- });
- t.ok(control.source === layer, "source layer properly set");
- control.destroy();
- }
- function test_setSource(t) {
- t.plan(5);
- var layer1 = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("foo", {
- maxExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds(-10, -10, 10, 10),
- isBaseLayer: true
- });
- var layer2 = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("foo", {
- maxExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds(-10, -10, 10, 10),
- isBaseLayer: true
- });
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.Split({layer: layer1});
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map");
- map.addLayers([layer1, layer2]);
- map.zoomToMaxExtent();
- map.addControl(control);
- control.activate();
- // confirm sketch hander created
- t.ok(control.handler, "sketch handler created");
- t.eq(, true, "sketch handler active");
- control.setSource(layer1);
- t.ok(control.source === layer1, "layer1 properly set");
- t.ok(!control.handler, "no more sketch handler");
- // activate and switch to new source layer
- control.setSource(layer2);
- t.ok(control.source === layer2, "layer2 properly set");
- map.destroy();
- }
- function test_activate(t) {
- t.plan(8);
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("foo", {
- maxExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds(-10, -10, 10, 10),
- isBaseLayer: true
- });
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.Split({layer: layer});
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map");
- map.addLayer(layer);
- map.zoomToMaxExtent();
- map.addControl(control);
- // test activation with no source layer
- control.activate();
- t.eq(, true, "control is active");
- t.ok(control.handler instanceof OpenLayers.Handler.Path, "line sketch handler created");
- t.ok(control.handler.callbacks.done, "done callback set on sketch handler");
- t.eq(, true, "sketch handler is active");
- // change the source layer - this should call activate again
- control.setSource(layer);
- t.eq(, true, "control is still active");
- t.ok(control.source === layer, "source layer set");
- t.ok(, "sketchcomplete listener registered");
- t.ok(, "afterfeaturemodified listener registered");
- map.destroy();
- }
- function test_deactivate(t) {
- t.plan(7);
- var layer1 = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("foo", {
- maxExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds(-10, -10, 10, 10),
- isBaseLayer: true
- });
- var layer2 = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("bar", {
- maxExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds(-10, -10, 10, 10),
- isBaseLayer: false
- });
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.Split({layer: layer1});
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map");
- map.addLayer(layer1);
- map.addLayer(layer2);
- map.zoomToMaxExtent();
- map.addControl(control);
- // activate and check sketch handler
- control.activate();
- t.ok(control.handler, "sketch handler present");
- t.eq(, true, "sketch handler active");
- // deactivate and check sketch handler
- control.deactivate();
- t.eq(, false, "sketch handler deactivated");
- // set a source layer
- control.setSource(layer2);
- // activate and check that listeners are registered
- control.activate();
- t.ok(, "sketchcomplete listener registered");
- t.ok(, "afterfeaturemodified listener registered");
- // deactivate and confirm no draw related events
- control.deactivate();
- t.eq(, 0, "no sketchcomplete listeners");
- t.eq(, 0, "no afterfeaturemodified listeners");
- map.destroy();
- }
- function test_isEligible(t) {
- t.plan(10);
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.Split();
- var geometry = OpenLayers.Geometry.fromWKT("LINESTRING(0 1, 1 2)");
- var feature = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(
- geometry,
- {foo: "bar"}
- );
- t.eq(control.isEligible(feature), true, "plain old feature is eligible");
- feature.state = OpenLayers.State.DELETE;
- t.eq(control.isEligible(feature), false, "feature slated for deletion is not eligible");
- delete feature.state;
- t.eq(control.isEligible(feature), true, "feature with no state is eligible");
- feature.geometry = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(1, 1);
- t.eq(control.isEligible(feature), false, "feature with point geometry is not eligible");
- feature.geometry = new OpenLayers.Geometry.MultiLineString([geometry]);
- t.eq(control.isEligible(feature), true, "feature with multilinestring geometry is eligible");
- control.feature = feature;
- t.eq(control.isEligible(feature), false, "source feature is not eligible as target");
- control.feature = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector();
- t.eq(control.isEligible(feature), true, "feature is eligible if different than source feature");
- control.targetFilter = new OpenLayers.Filter.Comparison({
- type: OpenLayers.Filter.Comparison.NOT_EQUAL_TO,
- property: "foo",
- value: "bar"
- });
- t.eq(control.isEligible(feature), false, "feature is not eligible unless it matches filter");
- control.targetFilter.value = "baz";
- t.eq(control.isEligible(feature), true, "feature is eligible if it matches filter");
- delete feature.geometry;
- t.eq(control.isEligible(feature), false, "feature with no geometry is not eligible");
- control.destroy();
- }
- function test_considerSplit(t) {
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector();
- var wkt = OpenLayers.Geometry.fromWKT;
- var geoms = {
- abc: wkt("LINESTRING(0 0, 2 2)"),
- ab: wkt("LINESTRING(0 0, 1 1)"),
- bc: wkt("LINESTRING(1 1, 2 2)"),
- dbe: wkt("LINESTRING(2 0, 0 2)"),
- db: wkt("LINESTRING(2 0, 1 1)"),
- be: wkt("LINESTRING(1 1, 0 2)")
- };
- var Feature = OpenLayers.Feature.Vector;
- var feats = {
- abc: new Feature(,
- ab: new Feature(geoms.ab),
- bc: new Feature(geoms.bc),
- dbe: new Feature(geoms.dbe),
- db: new Feature(geoms.db),
- be: new Feature(
- };
- function feature(id, options) {
- var f = OpenLayers.Util.extend(feats[id].clone(), options);
- // for testing, we want to check when features are destroyed
- f.destroy = function() {
- f.state = "destroyed";
- }
- return f;
- }
- var DELETE = OpenLayers.State.DELETE;
- var INSERT = OpenLayers.State.INSERT;
- var UPDATE = OpenLayers.State.UPDATE;
- var cases = [{
- targets: [
- feature("abc")
- ],
- source: feature("dbe"),
- splits: [{
- original: feature("abc", {state: "destroyed"}),
- features: [feature("ab", {state: INSERT}), feature("bc", {state: INSERT})]
- }, {
- original: feature("dbe", {state: "destroyed"}),
- features: [feature("db", {state: INSERT}), feature("be", {state: INSERT})]
- }]
- }, {
- options: {deferDelete: true},
- targets: [
- feature("abc", {state: INSERT})
- ],
- source: feature("dbe"),
- splits: [{
- original: feature("abc", {state: "destroyed"}),
- features: [feature("ab", {state: INSERT}), feature("bc", {state: INSERT})]
- }, {
- original: feature("dbe", {state: DELETE}),
- features: [feature("db", {state: INSERT}), feature("be", {state: INSERT})]
- }]
- }, {
- options: {deferDelete: true},
- targets: [
- feature("abc", {state: UPDATE})
- ],
- source: feature("dbe", {state: INSERT}),
- splits: [{
- original: feature("abc", {state: DELETE}),
- features: [feature("ab", {state: INSERT}), feature("bc", {state: INSERT})]
- }, {
- original: feature("dbe", {state: "destroyed"}),
- features: [feature("db", {state: INSERT}), feature("be", {state: INSERT})]
- }]
- }];
- var count = 0;
- var c, control, options, log, event, split;
- for(var i=0; i<cases.length; ++i) {
- c = cases[i];
- ++count; // test number of splits
- for(var j=0; j<c.splits.length; ++j) {
- split = c.splits[j];
- ++count; // test original state
- ++count; // test original geometry
- ++count; // test number of parts
- for(var k=0; k<split.features.length; ++k) {
- ++count; // test part state
- ++count; // test part geometry
- }
- }
- }
- t.plan(count);
- for(var i=0; i<cases.length; ++i) {
- c = cases[i];
- log = {events: []};
- options = OpenLayers.Util.extend({layer: layer, source: layer}, c.options);
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.Split(options);
- split: function(e) {
- }
- });
- layer.features = c.targets;
- control.considerSplit(c.source);
- t.eq(, c.splits.length, "case " + i + ": correct number of split events");
- for(var j=0; j<; ++j) {
- event =[j];
- split = c.splits[j];
- t.eq(event.original.state, split.original.state, "case " + i + " split " + j + ": correct original state");
- t.geom_eq(event.original.geometry, split.original.geometry, "case " + i + " split " + j + ": correct original geometry");
- t.eq(event.features.length, split.features.length, "case " + i + " split " + j + ": correct number of parts");
- for(var k=0; k<split.features.length; ++k) {
- t.eq(event.features[k].state, split.features[k].state, "case " + i + " split " + j + " feature " + k + ": correct state");
- t.geom_eq(event.features[k].geometry, split.features[k].geometry, "case " + i + " split " + j + " feature " + k + ": correct geometry");
- }
- }
- control.destroy();
- }
- }
- </script>
- <div id="map" style="width: 100px; height: 100px;"></div>
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/TouchNavigation.html b/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/TouchNavigation.html
deleted file mode 100644
index bffc225..0000000
--- a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/TouchNavigation.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
- <script src="../OLLoader.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- function test_Control_TouchNavigation_constructor (t) {
- t.plan( 2 );
- var options = {bar: "foo"};
- var temp = OpenLayers.Control.prototype.initialize;
- OpenLayers.Control.prototype.initialize = function(opt) {
- t.eq(opt, options,
- "constructor calls parent with the correct options");
- };
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.TouchNavigation(options);
- t.ok(control instanceof OpenLayers.Control.TouchNavigation,
- "new OpenLayers.Control returns object");
- OpenLayers.Control.prototype.initialize = temp;
- }
- function test_Control_TouchNavigation_destroy(t) {
- t.plan(6);
- var control = {
- events: {
- destroy: function() {
- t.ok(true, "events destroyed");
- }
- },
- deactivate: function() {
- t.ok(true, "navigation control deactivated before being destroyed");
- },
- dragPan: {
- destroy: function() {
- t.ok(true, "dragPan destroyed");
- }
- },
- handlers: {
- click: {
- destroy: function() {
- t.ok(true, "clickHandler destroyed");
- }
- }
- }
- };
- //this will also trigger one test by calling OpenLayers.Control's destroy
- // and three more for the destruction of dragPan, zoomBox, and wheelHandler
- OpenLayers.Control.TouchNavigation.prototype.destroy.apply(control, []);
- t.eq(control.dragPan, null, "'dragPan' set to null");
- t.eq(control.handlers, null, "handlers set to null");
- }
- function test_documentDrag(t) {
- t.plan(2);
- /**
- * These tests confirm that the documentDrag property is false by
- * default and is passed on to the DragPan control. Tests of panning
- * while dragging outside the viewport should go in the DragPan tests.
- * Tests of the document events and appropriate callbacks from the
- * handler should go in the Drag handler tests.
- */
- var nav = new OpenLayers.Control.TouchNavigation();
- t.eq(nav.documentDrag, false, "documentDrag false by default");
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map({
- div: document.body,
- controls: [new OpenLayers.Control.TouchNavigation({documentDrag: true})]
- });
- nav = map.controls[0];
- t.eq(nav.dragPan.documentDrag, true, "documentDrag set on the DragPan control");
- map.destroy();
- }
- function test_dragPanOptions(t) {
- t.plan(2);
- var nav = new OpenLayers.Control.TouchNavigation();
- t.eq(nav.dragPanOptions, null, "dragPanOptions null by default");
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map({
- div: document.body,
- controls: [
- new OpenLayers.Control.TouchNavigation({
- dragPanOptions: {foo: 'bar'}
- })
- ]
- });
- nav = map.controls[0];
- t.eq(, 'bar',
- "foo property is set on the DragPan control");
- map.destroy();
- }
- function test_clickHandlerOptions(t) {
- t.plan(3);
- var nav = new OpenLayers.Control.TouchNavigation();
- t.eq(nav.clickHandlerOptions, null, "clickHandlerOptions null by default");
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map({
- div: document.body,
- controls: [
- new OpenLayers.Control.TouchNavigation({
- clickHandlerOptions: {foo: "bar"}
- })
- ]
- });
- nav = map.controls[0];
- t.eq(, "bar", "foo property is set on the click handler");
- t.eq(, 2, "pixelTolerance is 2 by default");
- map.destroy();
- }
- function test_zoomOut(t) {
- t.plan(1);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map('map', {zoomMethod: null});
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS( "OpenLayers WMS",
- "",
- {layers: 'basic'} );
- map.addLayer(layer);
- map.setCenter(new OpenLayers.LonLat(0, 0), 5);
- var origSetTimeout = window.setTimeout;
- window.setTimeout = function(fn) { fn(); return 'id'; };
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.TouchNavigation();
- map.addControl(control);
- var handler =;
- handler.touchstart({xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(1 ,1), touches: ["foo", "bar"]});
- handler.touchend({});
- t.eq(map.getZoom(), 4, "Did we zoom out?");
- // tear down
- map.destroy();
- window.setTimeout = origSetTimeout;
- }
- </script>
- <div id="map" style="width:512px;height:256px"></div>
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/TransformFeature.html b/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/TransformFeature.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 3279867..0000000
--- a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/TransformFeature.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
- <script src="../OLLoader.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- function test_initialize(t) {
- t.plan(6);
- var layer = "foo";
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.TransformFeature(layer);
- t.ok(control.layer == layer,
- "constructor sets layer correctly");
- t.ok(control.dragControl instanceof OpenLayers.Control.DragFeature,
- "constructor sets the drag control correctly");
- t.ok( instanceof OpenLayers.Feature.Vector,
- "box feature created");
- t.eq(control.handles.length, 8, "8 handles created");
- t.eq(control.rotationHandles.length, 4, "4 rotation handles created")
- t.eq(typeof control.rotationHandleSymbolizer, "object",
- "rotationHandleSymbolizer initialized");
- control.destroy();
- }
- function test_destroy(t) {
- t.plan(1);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map");
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector();
- map.addLayer(layer);
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.TransformFeature(layer);
- control.dragControl.destroy = function() {
- t.ok(true,
- "control.destroy calls destroy on drag control");
- };
- control.destroy();
- map.destroy();
- }
- function test_activate(t) {
- t.plan(3);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map");
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector();
- map.addLayer(layer);
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.TransformFeature(layer);
- map.addControl(control);
- t.ok(!,
- "drag control is not active prior to activating control");
- control.activate();
- t.ok(,
- "drag control is active after activating control");
- t.ok( === layer, "box added to layer");
- map.destroy();
- }
- function test_setFeature(t) {
- t.plan(6);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map", {allOverlays: true});
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector();
- var feature = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(
- OpenLayers.Geometry.fromWKT("POLYGON((-1 -1, 1 -1, 1 1, -1 1))"));
- layer.addFeatures([feature]);
- map.addLayer(layer);
- map.setCenter(new OpenLayers.LonLat(0, 0), 18);
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.TransformFeature(layer);
- map.addControl(control);
- var log = [];
- "beforesetfeature": function(e) { log.push(e); },
- "setfeature": function(e) { log.push(e); }
- });
- control.setFeature(feature);
- t.eq(log[0].type, "beforesetfeature", "beforesetfeature event fired with correct event type");
- t.eq(log[1].type, "setfeature", "setfeature event fired with correct event type");
- t.ok(, "control activated on setFeature");
- t.ok(feature.geometry.getBounds().equals(, "box positioned correctly");
- t.geom_eq(control.handles[0].geometry,[0], "handle positioned with box");
- var center = new OpenLayers.LonLat(1, 1);
- t.geom_eq(control.handles[0].geometry,[0], "handle moved with box");
- }
- function test_handleMove(t) {
- t.plan(16);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map", {allOverlays: true});
- var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector();
- var feature = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(
- OpenLayers.Geometry.fromWKT("POLYGON((-1 -1, 1 -1, 1 1, -1 1))"));
- layer.addFeatures([feature]);
- map.addLayer(layer);
- map.setCenter(new OpenLayers.LonLat(0, 0), 18);
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.TransformFeature(layer);
- map.addControl(control);
- control.setFeature(feature);
- var bottomLeft = new OpenLayers.LonLat(-2, -2);
- control.handles[0].move(bottomLeft);
- t.geom_eq(control.handles[0].geometry, new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-2, -2), "bottom left handle at -2,-2");
- t.geom_eq(control.handles[1].geometry, new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(0, -2), "bottom handle at 0,-2");
- t.geom_eq(control.handles[2].geometry, new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(2, -2), "bottom right handle at 2,-2");
- t.geom_eq(control.handles[3].geometry, new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(2, 0), "right handle at 2,0");
- t.geom_eq(control.handles[4].geometry, new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(2, 2), "top right handle at 2,2");
- t.geom_eq(control.handles[5].geometry, new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(0, 2), "top handle at 0,2");
- t.geom_eq(control.handles[6].geometry, new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-2, 2), "top left handle at -2,2");
- t.geom_eq(control.handles[7].geometry, new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-2, 0), "left handle at -2,0");
- control.irregular = true;
- var bottomLeft = new OpenLayers.LonLat(-3, -3);
- control.handles[0].move(bottomLeft);
- t.geom_eq(control.handles[0].geometry, new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-3, -3), "bottom left handle at -3,-3");
- t.geom_eq(control.handles[1].geometry, new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-0.5, -3), "bottom handle at 0,-3");
- t.geom_eq(control.handles[2].geometry, new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(2, -3), "bottom right handle at 2,-3");
- t.geom_eq(control.handles[3].geometry, new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(2, -0.5), "right handle at 2,0");
- t.geom_eq(control.handles[4].geometry, new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(2, 2), "top right handle at 2,2");
- t.geom_eq(control.handles[5].geometry, new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-0.5, 2), "top handle at 0,2");
- t.geom_eq(control.handles[6].geometry, new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-3, 2), "top left handle at -3,2");
- t.geom_eq(control.handles[7].geometry, new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-3, -0.5), "left handle at -3,0");
- }
- </script>
- <div id="map" style="width: 400px; height: 250px;"/>
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/UTFGrid.html b/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/UTFGrid.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 74b4b99..0000000
--- a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/UTFGrid.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
- <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
- <script>
- /**
- * Because browsers that implement requestAnimationFrame may not execute
- * animation functions while a window is not displayed (e.g. in a hidden
- * iframe as in these tests), we mask the native implementations here. The
- * native requestAnimationFrame functionality is tested in Util.html and
- * in PanZoom.html (where a popup is opened before panning). The panTo tests
- * here will test the fallback setTimeout implementation for animation.
- */
- window.requestAnimationFrame =
- window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame =
- window.mozRequestAnimationFrame =
- window.oRequestAnimationFrame =
- window.msRequestAnimationFrame = null;
- </script>
- <script src="../OLLoader.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- var map, layer, control;
- var log;
- function setUp() {
- layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.UTFGrid({
- url: "../data/utfgrid/world_utfgrid/${z}/${x}/${y}.json",
- isBaseLayer: true,
- utfgridResolution: 4
- });
- map = new OpenLayers.Map({
- div: "map",
- tileManager: null,
- projection: "EPSG:900913",
- layers: [layer],
- center: [0, 0],
- zoom: 1
- });
- log = [];
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.UTFGrid({
- callback: function(infoLookup, loc, pixel) {
- log.push([infoLookup, loc, pixel]);
- }
- });
- map.addControl(control);
- }
- function tearDown() {
- map.destroy();
- map = null;
- layer = null;
- control = null;
- log = [];
- }
- function test_constructor(t) {
- t.plan(2);
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.UTFGrid();
- t.ok(control instanceof OpenLayers.Control.UTFGrid, "utfgrid instance");
- t.eq(control.handlerMode, "click", "control mode");
- control.destroy();
- }
- function test_handleEvent(t) {
- setUp();
- var cases = [{
- evt: {xy: {x: 100, y: 70}},
- lookup: {
- "0": {
- id: "207",
- data: {
- NAME: "United States",
- POP2005: 299846449
- }
- }
- }
- }, {
- evt: {xy: {x: 350, y: 20}},
- lookup: {
- "0": {
- id: "245",
- data: {
- NAME: "Russia",
- POP2005: 143953092
- }
- }
- }
- }];
- var len = cases.length;
- t.plan(4*len);
- // wait for tile loading to finish
- t.delay_call(0.5, function() {
- var c, arg;
- for (var i=0; i<len; ++i) {
- c = cases[i];
- t.eq(log.length, i, i + ": log length before");
- control.handleEvent(c.evt);
- t.eq(log.length, i+1, i + ": log length after");
- t.eq(log[i][0], c.lookup, i + ": callback infoLookup");
- t.eq(log[i][2], c.evt.xy, i + ": callback pixel");
- }
- tearDown();
- });
- }
- </script>
-<div id="map" style="height: 256px; width: 512px"></div>
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/WMSGetFeatureInfo.html b/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/WMSGetFeatureInfo.html
deleted file mode 100644
index b5e6d5d..0000000
--- a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/WMSGetFeatureInfo.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,644 +0,0 @@
- <script src="../OLLoader.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- function test_initialize(t) {
- t.plan(5);
- var options = {
- url: 'http://localhost/wms',
- layers: ["foo"],
- formatOptions: {
- foo: "bar"
- }
- };
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.WMSGetFeatureInfo(options);
- t.ok(control instanceof OpenLayers.Control.WMSGetFeatureInfo,
- "new OpenLayers.Control.WMSGetFeatureInfo returns an instance");
- t.eq(control.url, 'http://localhost/wms',
- "constructor sets url correctly");
- t.eq(control.layers, ["foo"],
- "constructor layers"
- );
- t.ok(control.format instanceof OpenLayers.Format.WMSGetFeatureInfo, "format created");
- t.eq(, "bar", "format options used")
- }
- function test_clickCallBack_option(t) {
- t.plan(9);
- var control;
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.WMSGetFeatureInfo({
- hover: true
- });
- t.ok(control.handler instanceof OpenLayers.Handler.Hover,
- 'constructor creates hover handler');
- t.ok(control.handler.callbacks["move"] === control.cancelHover,
- 'constructor registers proper "move" callback in handler');
- t.ok(control.handler.callbacks["pause"] === control.getInfoForHover,
- 'constructor registers proper "pause" callback in handler');
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.WMSGetFeatureInfo();
- t.ok(control.handler instanceof OpenLayers.Handler.Click,
- 'constructor creates click handler');
- t.ok(control.handler.callbacks["click"] === control.getInfoForClick,
- 'constructor registers proper "click" callback in handler');
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.WMSGetFeatureInfo({
- clickCallback: "rightclick"
- });
- t.ok(control.handler.callbacks["rightclick"] === control.getInfoForClick,
- 'constructor registers proper "rightclick" callback in handler');
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.WMSGetFeatureInfo({
- clickCallback: "dblclick",
- handlerOptions: {
- click: {
- "single": false,
- "double": true
- }
- }
- });
- t.ok(control.handler.callbacks["dblclick"] === control.getInfoForClick,
- 'constructor registers proper "dblclick" callback in handler');
- t.eq(control.handler["single"], false,
- 'constructor sets "single" to false in handler');
- t.eq(control.handler["double"], true,
- 'constructor sets "double" to true in handler');
- }
- function test_destroy(t) {
- t.plan(2);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map");
- var click = new OpenLayers.Control.WMSGetFeatureInfo({
- url: 'http://localhost/wms',
- layers: ["foo"]
- });
- var hover = new OpenLayers.Control.WMSGetFeatureInfo({
- url: 'http://localhost/wms',
- layers: ["foo"],
- hover: true
- });
- click.handler.deactivate = function() {
- t.ok(true,
- "control.deactivate calls deactivate on click handler");
- };
- hover.handler.deactivate = function() {
- t.ok(true,
- "control.deactivate calls deactivate on hover handler");
- };
- click.destroy();
- hover.destroy();
- }
- function test_click(t) {
- t.plan(4);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
- // mock up active control
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.WMSGetFeatureInfo();
- map.addControl(control);
- control.activate();
- control.request = function(position) {
- t.eq(position.x, 50,
- "x position is as expected");
- t.eq(position.y, 50,
- "y position is as expected");
- };
- control.getInfoForClick({xy: {x: 50, y: 50}});
- control.getInfoForHover({xy: {x: 50, y: 50}});
- }
- function test_getfeatureinfo_event(t) {
- t.plan(5);
- var text =
- '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>' +
- '<FeatureInfoResponse>' +
- ' <FIELDS OBJECTID="1188" HECTARES="1819.734" ZONENR="5854" NULZONES=" " AREA="18197340.1426" PERIMETER="19177.4073627" SHAPE="NULL" SE_ANNO_CAD_DATA="NULL" SHAPE.AREA="0" SHAPE.LEN="0"/>' +
- '</FeatureInfoResponse>';
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
- var xy;
- var url = "http://foo";
- // mock up a control with output "object" and drillDown true
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.WMSGetFeatureInfo({
- output: "object",
- drillDown: true,
- request: function(position) {},
- eventListeners: {
- getfeatureinfo: function(evt) {
- t.ok(evt.features[0].url === url, "features is an object with a property url when output is object");
- var features = evt.features[0].features;
- t.ok(features.length === 1, "features properties has a length of 1");
- t.ok(features[0] instanceof OpenLayers.Feature.Vector, "Feature array contains 1 feature");
- }
- }
- });
- // mock up a control with output "features" and drillDown true
- var control2 = new OpenLayers.Control.WMSGetFeatureInfo({
- autoActivate: true,
- drillDown: true,
- request: function(position) {},
- eventListeners: {
- getfeatureinfo: function(evt) {
- var features = evt.features;
- t.ok(features.length === 1, "features properties has a length of 1");
- t.ok(features[0] instanceof OpenLayers.Feature.Vector, "Feature array contains 1 feature");
- }
- }
- });
- map.addControls([control, control2]);
- control.activate();
- xy = {x: 50, y: 50};
- control._requestCount = control2._requestCount = 0;
- control._numRequests = control2._numRequests = 1;
- control.handleResponse({xy: xy}, {responseText: text}, url);
- control2.handleResponse({xy: xy}, {responseText: text}, url);
- map.destroy();
- }
- function test_beforegetfeatureinfo_event(t) {
- t.plan(2);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
- var xy, mode;
- // mock up active control
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.WMSGetFeatureInfo({
- request: function(position) {},
- eventListeners: {
- beforegetfeatureinfo: function(evt) {
- t.eq(evt.xy, xy,
- "beforegetfeatureinfo listener gets " +
- "expected xy (" + mode + ")");
- }
- }
- });
- map.addControl(control);
- control.activate();
- // 1 test
- mode = "click";
- xy = {x: 50, y: 50};
- control.getInfoForClick({xy: xy});
- // 1 test
- mode = "hover";
- xy = {x: 70, y: 70};
- control.getInfoForHover({xy: xy});
- }
- function test_nogetfeatureinfo_event(t) {
- t.plan(1);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
- // mock up active control
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.WMSGetFeatureInfo({
- eventListeners: {
- nogetfeatureinfo: function(evt) {
- t.ok((evt.type == "nogetfeatureinfo"), "nogetfeatureinfo listener gets called when there are no queryable layers");
- }
- }
- });
- map.addControl(control);
- control.activate();
- // 1 test
- mode = "click";
- xy = {x: 50, y: 50};
- control.getInfoForClick({xy: xy});
- }
- function test_activate(t) {
- t.plan(4);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map");
- var click = new OpenLayers.Control.WMSGetFeatureInfo({
- url: 'http://localhost/wms',
- featureType: 'type',
- featureNS: 'http://localhost/ns',
- layers: 'ns:type'
- });
- var hover = new OpenLayers.Control.WMSGetFeatureInfo({
- url: 'http://localhost/wms',
- featureType: 'type',
- featureNS: 'http://localhost/ns',
- layers: 'ns:type',
- hover: true
- });
- map.addControl(click);
- map.addControl(hover);
- t.ok(!,
- "click handler is not active prior to activating control");
- t.ok(!,
- "hover handler is not active prior to activating control");
- click.activate();
- hover.activate();
- t.ok(,
- "click handler is active after activating control");
- t.ok(,
- "hover handler is active after activating control");
- }
- function test_deactivate(t) {
- t.plan(2);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map");
- var click = new OpenLayers.Control.WMSGetFeatureInfo({
- url: 'http://localhost/wms',
- featureType: 'type',
- featureNS: 'http://localhost/ns',
- layers: 'ns:type'
- });
- var hover = new OpenLayers.Control.WMSGetFeatureInfo({
- url: 'http://localhost/wms',
- featureType: 'type',
- featureNS: 'http://localhost/ns',
- layers: 'ns:type'
- });
- map.addControl(click);
- map.addControl(hover);
- click.activate();
- hover.activate();
- click.handler.deactivate = function() {
- t.ok(true,
- "control.deactivate calls deactivate on click handler");
- OpenLayers.Handler.Click.prototype.deactivate.apply(this, arguments);
- };
- hover.handler.deactivate = function() {
- t.ok(true,
- "control.deactivate calls deactivate on hover handler");
- OpenLayers.Handler.Hover.prototype.deactivate.apply(this, arguments);
- };
- click.deactivate();
- hover.deactivate();
- }
- // Verify that things work all right when we combine different types for the STYLES and LAYERS
- // params in the WMS Layers involved
- function test_mixedParams(t) {
- t.plan(5);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map", {
- getExtent: function() {return(new OpenLayers.Bounds(-180,-90,180,90));}
- });
- var geographic = new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:4326");
- var a = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS("dummy","http://localhost/wms", {
- layers: "a,b,c,d",
- styles: "a,b,c,d"
- }, {projection: geographic});
- var b = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS("dummy","http://localhost/wms", {
- layers: ["a","b","c","d"],
- styles: ["a","b","c","d"]
- }, {projection: geographic});
- var c = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS("dummy","http://localhost/wms", {
- layers: ["a","b","c","d"]
- });
- var d = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS("dummy","http://localhost/wms", {
- layers: "a,b,c,d"
- }, {projection: geographic});
- var click = new OpenLayers.Control.WMSGetFeatureInfo({
- featureType: 'type',
- featureNS: 'ns',
- layers: [a, b, c, d]
- }, {projection: geographic});
- map.addControl(click);
- var log = {};
- var _request = OpenLayers.Request.GET;
- OpenLayers.Request.GET = function(options) {
- log.options = options;
- };
- click.activate();
- click.getInfoForClick({xy: {x: 50.2, y: 50.1}});
- OpenLayers.Request.GET = _request;
- t.eq(
- log.options && log.options.params.X,
- 50,
- "X should be an integer"
- );
- t.eq(
- log.options && log.options.params.Y,
- 50,
- "Y should be an integer"
- );
- t.eq(
- log.options && log.options.url,
- "http://localhost/wms",
- "url from first layer used"
- );
- t.eq(
- log.options && log.options.params.STYLES.join(","),
- ",,,,,,,,a,b,c,d,a,b,c,d",
- "Styles merged correctly"
- );
- t.eq(
- log.options && log.options.params.FORMAT,
- "image/jpeg",
- "Required 'format' parameter included"
- );
- }
- function test_urlMatches(t) {
- t.plan(5);
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.WMSGetFeatureInfo({
- url: "http://host/wms?one=1&two=2"
- });
- t.ok(!control.urlMatches("foo"), "doesn't match garbage");
- t.ok(control.urlMatches("http://host:80/wms?two=2&one=1"), "matches equivalent url");
- // give the control more urls to match from
- control.layerUrls = ["", ""];
- t.ok(control.urlMatches("http://host:80/wms?two=2&one=1"), "still matches equivalent url");
- t.ok(control.urlMatches(""), "matches equivalent of first of layerUrls");
- t.ok(control.urlMatches(""), "matches equivalent of second of layerUrls");
- }
- function test_layerUrls(t) {
- t.plan(4);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map({
- div: "map",
- getExtent: function() {
- return new OpenLayers.Bounds(-180,-90,180,90);
- }
- });
- var a = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS(
- null, "http://a.mirror/wms", {layers: "a"}
- );
- var b = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS(
- null, "http://b.mirror/wms", {layers: "b"}
- );
- var c = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS(
- null, ["http://c.mirror/wms", "http://d.mirror/wms"], {layers: "c"}
- );
- map.addLayers([a, b, c]);
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.WMSGetFeatureInfo({
- url: "http://host/wms",
- layers: [a, b, c]
- });
- map.addControl(control);
- control.activate();
- // log calls to GET
- var log;
- var _request = OpenLayers.Request.GET;
- OpenLayers.Request.GET = function(options) {
- log.options = options;
- };
- // control url doesn't match layer urls, no request issued
- log = {};
- control.getInfoForClick({xy: {x: 50, y: 50}});
- t.ok(!log.options, "no url match, no request issued");
- // give control a list of urls to match
- log = {};
- control.layerUrls = ["http://a.mirror/wms", "http://b.mirror/wms"];
- control.getInfoForClick({xy: {x: 50, y: 50}});
- t.eq(log.options && log.options.url, "http://host/wms", "some match, request issued");
- t.eq(log.options && log.options.params["QUERY_LAYERS"].join(","), "b,a", "selected layers queried");
- // show that a layer can be matched if it has a urls array itself (first needs to be matched)
- log = {};
- control.layerUrls = ["http://c.mirror/wms"];
- control.getInfoForClick({xy: {x: 50, y: 50}});
- t.eq(log.options && log.options.params["QUERY_LAYERS"].join(","), "c", "layer with urls array can be queried");
- // clean up
- OpenLayers.Request.GET = _request;
- map.destroy();
- }
- function test_hover(t) {
- t.plan(2);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map({
- div: "map",
- layers: [
- new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS(null, "/dummywms", {layers: "one"})
- ],
- center: new OpenLayers.LonLat(0, 0),
- zoom: 1
- });
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.WMSGetFeatureInfo({
- hover: true
- });
- map.addControl(control);
- control.activate();
- // mock up a mousemove
- control.getInfoForHover({xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(10, 10)});
- t.ok(!!control.hoverRequest, "hoverRequest set");
- // confirm that request is canceled on next move
- var called = 0;
- control.hoverRequest.abort = function() {
- ++called;
- };
- control.handler.px = null;
- control.handler.mousemove({xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(20, 20)});
- t.eq(called, 1, "hover request aborted");
- map.destroy();
- }
- function test_exceptions(t) {
- t.plan(1);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map", {
- getExtent: function() {return(new OpenLayers.Bounds(-180,-90,180,90));}
- }
- );
- var a = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS("dummy","http://myhost/wms", {
- layers: "x",
- exceptions: "text/xml"
- });
- map.addLayer(a);
- var click = new OpenLayers.Control.WMSGetFeatureInfo({
- });
- map.addControl(click);
- var _request = OpenLayers.Request.GET;
- OpenLayers.Request.GET = function(options) {
- t.eq(options.params["EXCEPTIONS"], "text/xml", "Exceptions parameter taken from the WMS layer if provided");
- };
- click.activate();
- click.getInfoForClick({xy: {x: 50, y: 50}});
- OpenLayers.Request.GET = _request;
- map.destroy();
- }
- function test_drillDown(t) {
- t.plan(6);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map", {
- getExtent: function() {return(new OpenLayers.Bounds(-180,-90,180,90));}
- }
- );
- var a = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS("dummy","http://localhost/wms", {
- layers: "a"
- });
- var b = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS("dummy","http://localhost/wms", {
- layers: "c"
- });
- // this service does not support application/vnd.ogc.gml for GetFeatureInfo, only text/xml
- var c = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS("dummy","http://myhost/wms", {
- layers: "x",
- info_format: "text/xml"
- });
- map.addLayers([a, b, c]);
- var click = new OpenLayers.Control.WMSGetFeatureInfo({
- drillDown: true,
- infoFormat: "application/vnd.ogc.gml"
- });
- map.addControl(click);
- var count = 0;
- var _request = OpenLayers.Request.GET;
- OpenLayers.Request.GET = function(options) {
- count++;
- if (count == 2) {
- t.eq(options.params["INFO_FORMAT"], "application/vnd.ogc.gml", "Default info format of the control is used");
- t.eq(options.params["QUERY_LAYERS"].join(","), "c,a", "Layers should be grouped by service url");
- t.eq(options.url, "http://localhost/wms", "Correct url used for second request");
- } else if (count == 1) {
- t.eq(options.params["INFO_FORMAT"], "text/xml", "Overridden info format is used instead of the control's infoFormat");
- t.eq(options.url, "http://myhost/wms", "Correct url used for first request");
- }
- };
- click.activate();
- click.getInfoForClick({xy: {x: 50, y: 50}});
- OpenLayers.Request.GET = _request;
- t.eq(count, 2, "We expect 2 requests to go off");
- map.destroy();
- }
- function test_GetFeatureInfo_buildWMSOptions(t) {
- t.plan(3);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map", {
- getExtent: function() {return(new OpenLayers.Bounds(-180,-90,180,90));},
- projection: "EPSG:900913"
- });
- var a = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS("dummy", "http://localhost/wms", {
- layers: "a"
- }, {projection: "EPSG:3857"});
- var b = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS("dummy", "http://localhost/wms", {
- layers: "b"
- });
- var c = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS("dummy", "http://localhost/wms", {
- layers: "c"
- }, {projection: "EPSG:4326"});
- map.addLayers([a, b, c]);
- var gfi = new OpenLayers.Control.WMSGetFeatureInfo();
- map.addControl(gfi);
- gfi.activate();
- var options = gfi.buildWMSOptions("http://localhost/wms", [a], {xy: {x: 50, y: 50}}, "text/html");
- t.eq(options.params.SRS, "EPSG:3857", "layer projection used if provided and equal map projection");
- options = gfi.buildWMSOptions("http://localhost/wms", [b], {xy: {x: 50, y: 50}}, "text/html");
- t.eq(options.params.SRS, "EPSG:900913", "map projection used if layer has no projection configured");
- options = gfi.buildWMSOptions("http://localhost/wms", [b], {xy: {x: 50, y: 50}}, "text/html");
- t.eq(options.params.SRS, "EPSG:900913", "map projection used if layer configured with an incompatible projection");
- }
- function test_GetFeatureInfo_WMS13(t) {
- t.plan(4);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map", {
- getExtent: function() {return(new OpenLayers.Bounds(-180,-90,180,90));}
- }
- );
- var a = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS(null, "http://localhost/wms", {
- layers: "a",
- version: "1.3.0"
- });
- map.addLayer(a);
- var click = new OpenLayers.Control.WMSGetFeatureInfo({
- });
- map.addControl(click);
- var log = {};
- var _request = OpenLayers.Request.GET;
- OpenLayers.Request.GET = function(options) {
- log.options = options;
- };
- click.activate();
- click.getInfoForClick({xy: {x: 50.1, y: 60.2}});
- OpenLayers.Request.GET = _request;
- t.eq(
- log.options && log.options.params.CRS,
- "EPSG:4326",
- "Since it is WMS 1.3 use CRS parameter instead of SRS in the GetFeatureInfo request"
- );
- t.eq(
- log.options && log.options.params.I,
- 50,
- "Since it is WMS 1.3 use I parameter instead of X in the GetFeatureInfo request"
- );
- t.eq(
- log.options && log.options.params.J,
- 60,
- "Since it is WMS 1.3 use J parameter instead of Y in the GetFeatureInfo request"
- );
- t.eq(
- log.options && log.options.params.BBOX,
- "-90,-180,90,180",
- "Since it is WMS 1.3 the BBOX should respect axis order"
- );
- }
- </script>
- <div id="map" style="width: 400px; height: 250px;"/>
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/WMTSGetFeatureInfo.html b/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/WMTSGetFeatureInfo.html
deleted file mode 100644
index c7be78c..0000000
--- a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/WMTSGetFeatureInfo.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,334 +0,0 @@
- <script src="../OLLoader.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- function test_initialize(t) {
- t.plan(4);
- var options = {
- url: "http://localhost/wmts",
- layers: ["foo"],
- formatOptions: {
- foo: "bar"
- }
- };
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.WMTSGetFeatureInfo(options);
- t.ok(control instanceof OpenLayers.Control.WMTSGetFeatureInfo,
- "new OpenLayers.Control.WMTSGetFeatureInfo returns an instance");
- t.eq(control.layers, ["foo"],
- "constructor layers"
- );
- t.ok(control.format instanceof OpenLayers.Format.WMSGetFeatureInfo, "format created");
- t.eq(, "bar", "format options used")
- }
- function test_clickCallBack_option(t) {
- t.plan(9);
- var control;
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.WMTSGetFeatureInfo({
- hover: true
- });
- t.ok(control.handler instanceof OpenLayers.Handler.Hover,
- 'constructor creates hover handler');
- t.ok(control.handler.callbacks["move"] === control.cancelHover,
- 'constructor registers proper "move" callback in handler');
- t.ok(control.handler.callbacks["pause"] === control.getInfoForHover,
- 'constructor registers proper "pause" callback in handler');
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.WMTSGetFeatureInfo();
- t.ok(control.handler instanceof OpenLayers.Handler.Click,
- 'constructor creates click handler');
- t.ok(control.handler.callbacks["click"] === control.getInfoForClick,
- 'constructor registers proper "click" callback in handler');
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.WMTSGetFeatureInfo({
- clickCallback: "rightclick"
- });
- t.ok(control.handler.callbacks["rightclick"] === control.getInfoForClick,
- 'constructor registers proper "rightclick" callback in handler');
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.WMTSGetFeatureInfo({
- clickCallback: "dblclick",
- handlerOptions: {
- click: {
- "single": false,
- "double": true
- }
- }
- });
- t.ok(control.handler.callbacks["dblclick"] === control.getInfoForClick,
- 'constructor registers proper "dblclick" callback in handler');
- t.eq(control.handler["single"], false,
- 'constructor sets "single" to false in handler');
- t.eq(control.handler["double"], true,
- 'constructor sets "double" to true in handler');
- }
- function test_destroy(t) {
- t.plan(2);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map");
- var click = new OpenLayers.Control.WMTSGetFeatureInfo({
- url: 'http://localhost/wms',
- layers: ["foo"]
- });
- var hover = new OpenLayers.Control.WMTSGetFeatureInfo({
- url: 'http://localhost/wms',
- layers: ["foo"],
- hover: true
- });
- click.handler.deactivate = function() {
- t.ok(true,
- "control.deactivate calls deactivate on click handler");
- };
- hover.handler.deactivate = function() {
- t.ok(true,
- "control.deactivate calls deactivate on hover handler");
- };
- click.destroy();
- hover.destroy();
- }
- function test_click(t) {
- t.plan(4);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
- // mock up active control
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.WMTSGetFeatureInfo();
- map.addControl(control);
- control.activate();
- control.request = function(position) {
- t.eq(position.x, 200,
- "x position is as expected");
- t.eq(position.y, 125,
- "y position is as expected");
- };
- control.getInfoForClick({xy: {x: 200, y: 125}});
- control.getInfoForHover({xy: {x: 200, y: 125}});
- }
- function test_beforegetfeatureinfo_event(t) {
- t.plan(2);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map({
- div: "map",
- allOverlays: true,
- layers: [
- new OpenLayers.Layer.WMTS({
- name: "Test WMTS 1",
- url: "/testwmts/",
- layer: "test1",
- style: "",
- matrixSet: "set-id",
- isBaseLayer: false
- }),
- new OpenLayers.Layer.WMTS({
- name: "Test WMTS 2",
- url: "/testwmts/",
- layer: "test2",
- style: "",
- matrixSet: "set-id",
- isBaseLayer: false
- })
- ],
- center: new OpenLayers.LonLat(0, 0),
- zoom: 0
- });
- var log = [];
- // test click
- var click = new OpenLayers.Control.WMTSGetFeatureInfo({
- drillDown: true,
- eventListeners: {
- beforegetfeatureinfo: function(evt) {
- log.push({xy: evt.xy});
- }
- }
- });
- map.addControl(click);
- click.activate();
- click.getInfoForClick({xy: {x: 200, y: 125}});
- t.eq(log.length, 2, "click: beforegetfeatureinfo triggered twice");
- log = [];
- click.deactivate();
- // test hover
- var hover = new OpenLayers.Control.WMTSGetFeatureInfo({
- hover: true,
- eventListeners: {
- beforegetfeatureinfo: function(evt) {
- log.push({xy: evt.xy});
- }
- }
- });
- map.addControl(hover);
- hover.activate();
- xy = {x: 70, y: 70};
- hover.getInfoForHover({xy: {x: 70, y: 70}});
- t.eq(log.length, 1, "hover: beforegetfeatureinfo triggered once");
- log = [];
- hover.deactivate();
- map.destroy();
- }
- function test_activate(t) {
- t.plan(4);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map");
- var click = new OpenLayers.Control.WMTSGetFeatureInfo({
- url: 'http://localhost/wms',
- layers: ['ns:type']
- });
- var hover = new OpenLayers.Control.WMTSGetFeatureInfo({
- url: 'http://localhost/wms',
- featureType: 'type',
- featureNS: 'http://localhost/ns',
- layers: 'ns:type',
- hover: true
- });
- map.addControl(click);
- map.addControl(hover);
- t.ok(!,
- "click handler is not active prior to activating control");
- t.ok(!,
- "hover handler is not active prior to activating control");
- click.activate();
- hover.activate();
- t.ok(,
- "click handler is active after activating control");
- t.ok(,
- "hover handler is active after activating control");
- }
- function test_deactivate(t) {
- t.plan(2);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map");
- var click = new OpenLayers.Control.WMTSGetFeatureInfo({
- url: 'http://localhost/wms',
- featureType: 'type',
- featureNS: 'http://localhost/ns',
- layers: 'ns:type'
- });
- var hover = new OpenLayers.Control.WMTSGetFeatureInfo({
- url: 'http://localhost/wms',
- featureType: 'type',
- featureNS: 'http://localhost/ns',
- layers: 'ns:type'
- });
- map.addControl(click);
- map.addControl(hover);
- click.activate();
- hover.activate();
- click.handler.deactivate = function() {
- t.ok(true,
- "control.deactivate calls deactivate on click handler");
- OpenLayers.Handler.Click.prototype.deactivate.apply(this, arguments);
- };
- hover.handler.deactivate = function() {
- t.ok(true,
- "control.deactivate calls deactivate on hover handler");
- OpenLayers.Handler.Hover.prototype.deactivate.apply(this, arguments);
- };
- click.deactivate();
- hover.deactivate();
- }
- function test_getInfoForClick(t) {
- t.plan(13);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map({
- div: "map",
- getExtent: function() {
- return new OpenLayers.Bounds(-180,-90,180,90);
- }
- });
- var a = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMTS({
- url: "",
- layer: "a",
- matrixSet: "bar",
- style: "default"
- });
- var b = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMTS({
- url: "",
- layer: "b",
- matrixSet: "bar",
- style: "default",
- isBaseLayer: false
- });
- var c = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMTS({
- url: ["", ""],
- layer: "c",
- matrixSet: "bar",
- style: "default",
- isBaseLayer: false
- });
- map.addLayers([a, b, c]);
- map.zoomToMaxExtent();
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.WMTSGetFeatureInfo({
- layers: [a, b, c]
- });
- map.addControl(control);
- control.activate();
- // log calls to GET
- var log;
- var _request = OpenLayers.Request.GET;
- OpenLayers.Request.GET = function(options) {
- log.push(options);
- };
- // query first layer (drillDown false)
- log = [];
- control.drillDown = false;
- control.queryVisible = false;
- control.getInfoForClick({xy: {x: 200, y: 125}});
- t.eq(log.length, 1, "one requests issued");
- t.eq(log[0].url, "", "{drillDown: false} correct url");
- t.eq(log[0].params["LAYER"], "c", "{drillDown: false} correct layer parameter");
- // query all layers
- log = [];
- control.drillDown = true;
- control.queryVisible = false;
- control.getInfoForClick({xy: {x: 200, y: 125}});
- t.eq(log.length, 3, "three requests issued");
- t.eq(log[0].url, "", "[c] correct url");
- t.eq(log[0].params["LAYER"], "c", "[c] correct layer parameter");
- t.eq(log[1].url, "", "[b] correct url");
- t.eq(log[1].params["LAYER"], "b", "[b] correct layer parameter");
- t.eq(log[2].url, "", "[a] correct url");
- t.eq(log[2].params["LAYER"], "a", "[a] correct layer parameter");
- // query only visible layers
- log = [];
- control.drillDown = true;
- control.queryVisible = true;
- b.setVisibility(false);
- control.getInfoForClick({xy: {x: 200, y: 125}});
- t.eq(log.length, 2, "two requests issued");
- t.eq(log[0].url, "", "correct url for second visible layer");
- t.eq(log[1].url, "", "correct url for first visible layer");
- // clean up
- OpenLayers.Request.GET = _request;
- map.destroy();
- }
- </script>
- <div id="map" style="width: 400px; height: 250px;"/>
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/Zoom.html b/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/Zoom.html
deleted file mode 100644
index cfeb082..0000000
--- a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/Zoom.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
- <script src="../OLLoader.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- function test_constructor(t) {
- t.plan(5);
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.Zoom();
- t.ok(control instanceof OpenLayers.Control, "instance of Control");
- t.ok(control instanceof OpenLayers.Control.Zoom, "instance of Zoom");
- t.eq(control.displayClass, "olControlZoom", "displayClass");
- control.destroy();
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.Zoom({
- zoomInText: "zoom in!",
- zoomOutText: "zoom out!"
- });
- t.eq(control.zoomInText, "zoom in!", "zoomInText");
- t.eq(control.zoomOutText, "zoom out!", "zoomOutText");
- control.destroy();
- }
- function test_addControl(t) {
- t.plan(3);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map");
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.Zoom();
- map.addControl(control);
- t.ok( === map, " set");
- t.ok(!!~OpenLayers.Util.indexOf(map.controls, control), "map.controls contains control");
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.Zoom({zoomInId: "in", zoomOutId: "out"});
- map.addControl(control);
- var eventsEl = document.getElementById("out").parentNode;
- t.ok( === eventsEl, "Events instance listens to custom div's parentNode");
- map.destroy();
- }
- function test_zoomIn(t) {
- t.plan(2);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map({
- div: "map",
- layers: [new OpenLayers.Layer(null, {isBaseLayer: true})],
- zoomMethod: null
- });
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.Zoom();
- map.addControl(control);
- map.setCenter([0, 0], 0);
- t.eq(map.getZoom(), 0, "initial center");
-"buttonclick", {buttonElement: control.zoomInLink});
- t.eq(map.getZoom(), 1, "after zoom in");
- map.destroy();
- }
- function test_zoomOut(t) {
- t.plan(2);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map({
- div: "map",
- layers: [new OpenLayers.Layer(null, {isBaseLayer: true})],
- zoomMethod: null
- });
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.Zoom();
- map.addControl(control);
- map.setCenter([0, 0], 1);
- t.eq(map.getZoom(), 1, "initial center");
-"buttonclick", {buttonElement: control.zoomOutLink});
- t.eq(map.getZoom(), 0, "after zoom out");
- map.destroy();
- }
- </script>
- <div id="map" style="width: 512px; height: 256px;"/>
- <div id="in">in</div><div id="out">out</out>
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/ZoomBox.html b/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/ZoomBox.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 7763bcf..0000000
--- a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/ZoomBox.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
- <script src="../OLLoader.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- function test_constructor(t) {
- t.plan(4);
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.ZoomBox();
- t.ok(control instanceof OpenLayers.Control, "instance of Control");
- t.ok(control instanceof OpenLayers.Control.ZoomBox, "instance of ZoomBox");
- t.eq(control.displayClass, "olControlZoomBox", "displayClass");
- control.destroy();
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.ZoomBox({
- zoomOnClick: false
- });
- t.eq(control.zoomOnClick, false, "zoomOnClick");
- control.destroy();
- }
- function test_zoomBox(t) {
- t.plan(4);
- var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map", {
- zoomMethod: null,
- layers: [new OpenLayers.Layer("", {isBaseLayer: true})],
- center: [0, 0],
- zoom: 1
- });
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.ZoomBox();
- map.addControl(control);
- control.zoomBox(new OpenLayers.Pixel(50, 60));
- t.eq(map.getZoom(), 2, "zoomed on click");
- control.zoomOnClick = false;
- control.zoomBox(new OpenLayers.Pixel(-50, -60));
- t.eq(map.getZoom(), 2, "not zoomed with zoomOnClick set to false");
- map.zoomToMaxExtent();
- // pixel bounds bottom > top
- control.zoomBox(new OpenLayers.Bounds(128, 128, 256, 64));
- t.eq(map.getCenter().toShortString(), "-45, 22.5", "centered to box center");
- t.eq(map.getZoom(), 3, "zoomed to box extent");
- map.destroy();
- }
- </script>
- <div id="map" style="width: 512px; height: 256px;"/>
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/ZoomIn.html b/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/ZoomIn.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 844ded5..0000000
--- a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/ZoomIn.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
- <head>
- <script src="../OLLoader.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript">
-function test_ZoomIn_constructor (t) {
- t.plan( 2 );
- // setup
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.ZoomIn();
- // tests
- //
- t.ok(
- control instanceof OpenLayers.Control.ZoomIn,
- "new OpenLayers.Control.ZoomIn returns object"
- );
- t.eq(
- control.displayClass, "olControlZoomIn",
- "displayClass is correct"
- );
- // tear down
- control.destroy();
-function test_ZoomIn_type (t) {
- t.plan( 1 );
- // setup
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.ZoomIn();
- // tests
- //
- t.eq(
- control.type,
- OpenLayers.Control.TYPE_BUTTON,
- "ZoomIn control is of type OpenLayers.Control.TYPE_BUTTON"
- );
- // tear down
- control.destroy();
-function test_ZoomIn_trigger (t) {
- t.plan( 2 );
- // set up
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.ZoomIn(),
- zoomlevel = 5,
- map = new OpenLayers.Map("map", {
- allOverlays: true,
- layers: [
- new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector()
- ],
- center: new OpenLayers.LonLat(1,1),
- zoom: zoomlevel
- }),
- oldZoom;
- oldZoom = map.getZoom();
- // tests
- //
- // trigger the control before it is being added,
- // nothing should change
- control.trigger();
- t.eq(
- oldZoom,
- zoomlevel,
- 'Calling trigger on a non added control doesn\'t do anything ' +
- '(map zoom is ' + oldZoom + ').'
- );
- // now lets add the control
- map.addControl(control);
- // trigger it again, now the map should have a different extent
- control.trigger();
- t.eq(
- map.getZoom(),
- zoomlevel + 1,
- 'Calling trigger on a added control changes the map zoom ' +
- '(map zoom was ' + zoomlevel +
- ' and is now ' + map.getZoom() + ').'
- );
- // tear down
- control.destroy();
- map.destroy();
- </script>
- </head>
- <body>
- <div id="map" style="width: 1000px; height: 1000px;"></div>
- </body>
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/ZoomOut.html b/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/ZoomOut.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 5345c55..0000000
--- a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/ZoomOut.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
- <head>
- <script src="../OLLoader.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript">
-function test_ZoomOut_constructor (t) {
- t.plan( 2 );
- // setup
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.ZoomOut();
- // tests
- //
- t.ok(
- control instanceof OpenLayers.Control.ZoomOut,
- "new OpenLayers.Control.ZoomOut returns object"
- );
- t.eq(
- control.displayClass, "olControlZoomOut",
- "displayClass is correct"
- );
- // tear down
- control.destroy();
-function test_ZoomOut_type(t){
- t.plan( 1 );
- // setup
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.ZoomOut();
- // check that the type of the control equals OpenLayers.Control.TYPE_BUTTON
- t.eq(
- control.type,
- OpenLayers.Control.TYPE_BUTTON,
- 'ZoomOut-control is of type "OpenLayers.Control.TYPE_BUTTON".'
- );
- // tear down
- control.destroy();
-function test_ZoomOut_trigger (t) {
- t.plan( 2 );
- // set up
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.ZoomOut(),
- zoomlevel = 5,
- map = new OpenLayers.Map("map", {
- allOverlays: true,
- layers: [
- new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector()
- ],
- center: new OpenLayers.LonLat(1,1),
- zoom: zoomlevel
- }),
- oldZoom;
- oldZoom = map.getZoom();
- // tests
- //
- // trigger the control before it is being added,
- // nothing should change
- control.trigger();
- t.eq(
- oldZoom,
- zoomlevel,
- 'Calling trigger on a non added control doesn\'t do anything ' +
- '(map zoom is ' + oldZoom + ').'
- );
- // now lets add the control
- map.addControl(control);
- // trigger it again, now the map should have a different extent
- control.trigger();
- t.eq(
- map.getZoom(),
- zoomlevel - 1,
- 'Calling trigger on a added control changes the map zoom ' +
- '(map zoom was ' + zoomlevel +
- ' and is now ' + map.getZoom() + ').'
- );
- // tear down
- control.destroy();
- map.destroy();
- </script>
- </head>
- <body>
- <div id="map" style="width: 1000px; height: 1000px;"></div>
- </body>
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/ZoomToMaxExtent.html b/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/ZoomToMaxExtent.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ed5512..0000000
--- a/misc/openlayers/tests/Control/ZoomToMaxExtent.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
- <head>
- <script src="../OLLoader.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript">
-function test_ZoomToMaxExtent_constructor (t) {
- t.plan( 2 );
- // setup
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.ZoomToMaxExtent();
- // tests
- //
- t.ok(
- control instanceof OpenLayers.Control.ZoomToMaxExtent,
- "new OpenLayers.Control.ZoomToMaxExtent returns object"
- );
- t.eq(
- control.displayClass, "olControlZoomToMaxExtent",
- "displayClass is correct"
- );
- // tear down
- control.destroy();
-function test_ZoomToMaxExtent_type (t) {
- t.plan( 1 );
- // setup
- var control = new OpenLayers.Control.ZoomToMaxExtent();
- // check that the type of the control equals OpenLayers.Control.TYPE_BUTTON
- t.eq(
- control.type,
- OpenLayers.Control.TYPE_BUTTON,
- 'ZoomToMaxExtent-control is of type "OpenLayers.Control.TYPE_BUTTON".'
- );
- // tear down
- control.destroy();
-function test_ZoomToMaxExtent_trigger (t) {
- t.plan( 2 );
- // set up
- var mapsMaxExtent = new OpenLayers.Bounds(0, 0, 45, 45),
- mapsInitialExtent = new OpenLayers.Bounds(5, 5, 7, 7),
- control = new OpenLayers.Control.ZoomToMaxExtent(),
- map = new OpenLayers.Map("map", {
- maxExtent: mapsMaxExtent,
- allOverlays: true,
- fractionalZoom: true,
- layers: [
- new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector()
- ]
- }),
- oldExtent;
- map.zoomToExtent(mapsInitialExtent);
- oldExtent = map.getExtent().toString();
- // tests
- //
- // trigger the control before it is being added,
- // nothing should change
- control.trigger();
- t.eq(
- oldExtent,
- map.getExtent().toString(),
- 'Calling trigger on a non added control doesn\'t do anything ' +
- '(map extent is "' + oldExtent + '").'
- );
- // now lets add the control
- map. addControl(control);
- // trigger it again, now the map should have a different extent
- control.trigger();
- t.eq(
- map.getExtent().toString(),
- mapsMaxExtent.toString(),
- 'Calling trigger on a added control changes the map extent ' +
- '(map extent was "' + oldExtent + '"' +
- ' and is now "' + mapsMaxExtent.toString() + '").'
- );
- // tear down
- control.destroy();
- map.destroy();
- </script>
- </head>
- <body>
- <div id="map" style="width: 1000px; height: 1000px;"></div>
- </body>