path: root/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Lang/zh-TW.js
diff options
authorChris Schlaeger <>2014-08-12 21:56:44 +0200
committerChris Schlaeger <>2014-08-12 21:56:44 +0200
commitea346a785dc1b3f7c156f6fc33da634e1f1a627b (patch)
treeaf67530553d20b6e82ad60fd79593e9c4abf5565 /misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Lang/zh-TW.js
parent59741cd535c47f25971bf8c32b25da25ceadc6d5 (diff)
Adding jquery, flot and openlayers to be included with the GEM.v0.0.4
Diffstat (limited to 'misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Lang/zh-TW.js')
1 files changed, 81 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Lang/zh-TW.js b/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Lang/zh-TW.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b70e861
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Lang/zh-TW.js
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+ * @requires OpenLayers/Lang.js
+ */
+ * Namespace: OpenLayers.Lang["zh-TW"]
+ * Dictionary for Traditional Chinese. (Used Mainly in Taiwan)
+ * Keys for entries are used in calls to
+ * <OpenLayers.Lang.translate>. Entry bodies are normal strings or
+ * strings formatted for use with <OpenLayers.String.format> calls.
+ */
+OpenLayers.Lang["zh-TW"] = {
+ 'unhandledRequest': "未處理的請求,傳回值為 ${statusText}。",
+ 'Permalink': "永久連結",
+ 'Overlays': "額外圖層",
+ 'Base Layer': "基礎圖層",
+ 'noFID': "因為沒有 FID 所以無法更新 feature。",
+ 'browserNotSupported':
+ "您的瀏覽器未支援向量渲染. 目前支援的渲染方式是:\n${renderers}",
+ // console message
+ 'minZoomLevelError':
+ "minZoomLevel 屬性僅適合用在 " +
+ "FixedZoomLevels-descendent 類型的圖層. 這個" +
+ "wfs layer 的 minZoomLevel 是過去所遺留下來的," +
+ "然而我們不能移除它而不讓它將" +
+ "過去的程式相容性給破壞掉。" +
+ "因此我們將會迴避使用它 -- minZoomLevel " +
+ "會在3.0被移除,請改" +
+ "用在這邊描述的 min/max resolution 設定: " +
+ "",
+ 'commitSuccess': "WFS Transaction: 成功 ${response}",
+ 'commitFailed': "WFS Transaction: 失敗 ${response}",
+ 'googleWarning':
+ "The Google Layer 圖層無法被正確的載入。<br><br>" +
+ "要迴避這個訊息, 請在右上角的圖層改變器裡," +
+ "選一個新的基礎圖層。<br><br>" +
+ "很有可能是因為 Google Maps 的函式庫" +
+ "腳本沒有被正確的置入,或沒有包含 " +
+ "您網站上正確的 API key <br><br>" +
+ "開發者: 要幫助這個行為正確完成," +
+ "<a href='' " +
+ "target='_blank'>請按這裡</a>",
+ 'getLayerWarning':
+ "${layerType} 圖層無法被正確的載入。<br><br>" +
+ "要迴避這個訊息, 請在右上角的圖層改變器裡," +
+ "選一個新的基礎圖層。<br><br>" +
+ "很有可能是因為 ${layerLib} 的函式庫" +
+ "腳本沒有被正確的置入。<br><br>" +
+ "開發者: 要幫助這個行為正確完成," +
+ "<a href='${layerLib}' " +
+ "target='_blank'>請按這裡</a>",
+ 'Scale = 1 : ${scaleDenom}': "Scale = 1 : ${scaleDenom}",
+ // console message
+ 'reprojectDeprecated':
+ "你正使用 'reproject' 這個選項 " +
+ "在 ${layerName} 層。這個選項已經不再使用:" +
+ "它的使用原本是設計用來支援在商業地圖上秀出資料," +
+ "但這個功能已經被" +
+ "Spherical Mercator所取代。更多的資訊可以在 " +
+ " 找到。",
+ // console message
+ 'methodDeprecated':
+ "這個方法已經不再使用且在3.0將會被移除," +
+ "請使用 ${newMethod} 來代替。",
+ 'end': ''