path: root/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Control/PanZoomBar.js
diff options
authorChris Schlaeger <>2015-10-17 21:36:38 +0200
committerChris Schlaeger <>2015-10-17 21:36:38 +0200
commite30f267181d990947e67909de4809fa941698c85 (patch)
tree46e9f94c2b3699ed378963b420b8a8d361286ea1 /misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Control/PanZoomBar.js
parente763ceb183f389fcd314a4a6a712d87c9d4cdb32 (diff)
Upgrading openlayers to 3.x
Diffstat (limited to 'misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Control/PanZoomBar.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 408 deletions
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Control/PanZoomBar.js b/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Control/PanZoomBar.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ebf2964..0000000
--- a/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Control/PanZoomBar.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,408 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
- * full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
- * See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
- * full text of the license. */
- * @requires OpenLayers/Control/PanZoom.js
- */
- * Class: OpenLayers.Control.PanZoomBar
- * The PanZoomBar is a visible control composed of a
- * <OpenLayers.Control.PanPanel> and a <OpenLayers.Control.ZoomBar>.
- * By default it is displayed in the upper left corner of the map as 4
- * directional arrows above a vertical slider.
- *
- * Inherits from:
- * - <OpenLayers.Control.PanZoom>
- */
-OpenLayers.Control.PanZoomBar = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Control.PanZoom, {
- /**
- * APIProperty: zoomStopWidth
- */
- zoomStopWidth: 18,
- /**
- * APIProperty: zoomStopHeight
- */
- zoomStopHeight: 11,
- /**
- * Property: slider
- */
- slider: null,
- /**
- * Property: sliderEvents
- * {<OpenLayers.Events>}
- */
- sliderEvents: null,
- /**
- * Property: zoombarDiv
- * {DOMElement}
- */
- zoombarDiv: null,
- /**
- * APIProperty: zoomWorldIcon
- * {Boolean}
- */
- zoomWorldIcon: false,
- /**
- * APIProperty: panIcons
- * {Boolean} Set this property to false not to display the pan icons. If
- * false the zoom world icon is placed under the zoom bar. Defaults to
- * true.
- */
- panIcons: true,
- /**
- * APIProperty: forceFixedZoomLevel
- * {Boolean} Force a fixed zoom level even though the map has
- * fractionalZoom
- */
- forceFixedZoomLevel: false,
- /**
- * Property: mouseDragStart
- * {<OpenLayers.Pixel>}
- */
- mouseDragStart: null,
- /**
- * Property: deltaY
- * {Number} The cumulative vertical pixel offset during a zoom bar drag.
- */
- deltaY: null,
- /**
- * Property: zoomStart
- * {<OpenLayers.Pixel>}
- */
- zoomStart: null,
- /**
- * Constructor: OpenLayers.Control.PanZoomBar
- */
- /**
- * APIMethod: destroy
- */
- destroy: function() {
- this._removeZoomBar();
- "changebaselayer": this.redraw,
- "updatesize": this.redraw,
- scope: this
- });
- OpenLayers.Control.PanZoom.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments);
- delete this.mouseDragStart;
- delete this.zoomStart;
- },
- /**
- * Method: setMap
- *
- * Parameters:
- * map - {<OpenLayers.Map>}
- */
- setMap: function(map) {
- OpenLayers.Control.PanZoom.prototype.setMap.apply(this, arguments);
- "changebaselayer": this.redraw,
- "updatesize": this.redraw,
- scope: this
- });
- },
- /**
- * Method: redraw
- * clear the div and start over.
- */
- redraw: function() {
- if (this.div != null) {
- this.removeButtons();
- this._removeZoomBar();
- }
- this.draw();
- },
- /**
- * Method: draw
- *
- * Parameters:
- * px - {<OpenLayers.Pixel>}
- */
- draw: function(px) {
- // initialize our internal div
- OpenLayers.Control.prototype.draw.apply(this, arguments);
- px = this.position.clone();
- // place the controls
- this.buttons = [];
- var sz = {w: 18, h: 18};
- if (this.panIcons) {
- var centered = new OpenLayers.Pixel(px.x+sz.w/2, px.y);
- var wposition = sz.w;
- if (this.zoomWorldIcon) {
- centered = new OpenLayers.Pixel(px.x+sz.w, px.y);
- }
- this._addButton("panup", "north-mini.png", centered, sz);
- px.y = centered.y+sz.h;
- this._addButton("panleft", "west-mini.png", px, sz);
- if (this.zoomWorldIcon) {
- this._addButton("zoomworld", "zoom-world-mini.png", px.add(sz.w, 0), sz);
- wposition *= 2;
- }
- this._addButton("panright", "east-mini.png", px.add(wposition, 0), sz);
- this._addButton("pandown", "south-mini.png", centered.add(0, sz.h*2), sz);
- this._addButton("zoomin", "zoom-plus-mini.png", centered.add(0, sz.h*3+5), sz);
- centered = this._addZoomBar(centered.add(0, sz.h*4 + 5));
- this._addButton("zoomout", "zoom-minus-mini.png", centered, sz);
- }
- else {
- this._addButton("zoomin", "zoom-plus-mini.png", px, sz);
- centered = this._addZoomBar(px.add(0, sz.h));
- this._addButton("zoomout", "zoom-minus-mini.png", centered, sz);
- if (this.zoomWorldIcon) {
- centered = centered.add(0, sz.h+3);
- this._addButton("zoomworld", "zoom-world-mini.png", centered, sz);
- }
- }
- return this.div;
- },
- /**
- * Method: _addZoomBar
- *
- * Parameters:
- * centered - {<OpenLayers.Pixel>} where zoombar drawing is to start.
- */
- _addZoomBar:function(centered) {
- var imgLocation = OpenLayers.Util.getImageLocation("slider.png");
- var id = + "_" +;
- var minZoom =;
- var zoomsToEnd = - 1 -;
- var slider = OpenLayers.Util.createAlphaImageDiv(id,
- centered.add(-1, zoomsToEnd * this.zoomStopHeight),
- {w: 20, h: 9},
- imgLocation,
- "absolute");
- = "move";
- this.slider = slider;
- this.sliderEvents = new OpenLayers.Events(this, slider, null, true,
- {includeXY: true});
- this.sliderEvents.on({
- "touchstart": this.zoomBarDown,
- "touchmove": this.zoomBarDrag,
- "touchend": this.zoomBarUp,
- "mousedown": this.zoomBarDown,
- "mousemove": this.zoomBarDrag,
- "mouseup": this.zoomBarUp
- });
- var sz = {
- w: this.zoomStopWidth,
- h: this.zoomStopHeight * ( - minZoom)
- };
- var imgLocation = OpenLayers.Util.getImageLocation("zoombar.png");
- var div = null;
- if (OpenLayers.Util.alphaHack()) {
- var id = + "_" +;
- div = OpenLayers.Util.createAlphaImageDiv(id, centered,
- {w: sz.w, h: this.zoomStopHeight},
- imgLocation,
- "absolute", null, "crop");
- = sz.h + "px";
- } else {
- div = OpenLayers.Util.createDiv(
- 'OpenLayers_Control_PanZoomBar_Zoombar' +,
- centered,
- sz,
- imgLocation);
- }
- = "pointer";
- div.className = "olButton";
- this.zoombarDiv = div;
- this.div.appendChild(div);
- this.startTop = parseInt(;
- this.div.appendChild(slider);
-"zoomend", this, this.moveZoomBar);
- centered = centered.add(0,
- this.zoomStopHeight * ( - minZoom));
- return centered;
- },
- /**
- * Method: _removeZoomBar
- */
- _removeZoomBar: function() {
- this.sliderEvents.un({
- "touchstart": this.zoomBarDown,
- "touchmove": this.zoomBarDrag,
- "touchend": this.zoomBarUp,
- "mousedown": this.zoomBarDown,
- "mousemove": this.zoomBarDrag,
- "mouseup": this.zoomBarUp
- });
- this.sliderEvents.destroy();
- this.div.removeChild(this.zoombarDiv);
- this.zoombarDiv = null;
- this.div.removeChild(this.slider);
- this.slider = null;
-"zoomend", this, this.moveZoomBar);
- },
- /**
- * Method: onButtonClick
- *
- * Parameters:
- * evt - {Event}
- */
- onButtonClick: function(evt) {
- OpenLayers.Control.PanZoom.prototype.onButtonClick.apply(this, arguments);
- if (evt.buttonElement === this.zoombarDiv) {
- var levels = evt.buttonXY.y / this.zoomStopHeight;
- if(this.forceFixedZoomLevel || ! {
- levels = Math.floor(levels);
- }
- var zoom = ( - 1) - levels;
- zoom = Math.min(Math.max(zoom, 0), - 1);
- }
- },
- /**
- * Method: passEventToSlider
- * This function is used to pass events that happen on the div, or the map,
- * through to the slider, which then does its moving thing.
- *
- * Parameters:
- * evt - {<OpenLayers.Event>}
- */
- passEventToSlider:function(evt) {
- this.sliderEvents.handleBrowserEvent(evt);
- },
- /*
- * Method: zoomBarDown
- * event listener for clicks on the slider
- *
- * Parameters:
- * evt - {<OpenLayers.Event>}
- */
- zoomBarDown:function(evt) {
- if (!OpenLayers.Event.isLeftClick(evt) && !OpenLayers.Event.isSingleTouch(evt)) {
- return;
- }
- "touchmove": this.passEventToSlider,
- "mousemove": this.passEventToSlider,
- "mouseup": this.passEventToSlider,
- scope: this
- });
- this.mouseDragStart = evt.xy.clone();
- this.zoomStart = evt.xy.clone();
- = "move";
- // reset the div offsets just in case the div moved
- this.zoombarDiv.offsets = null;
- OpenLayers.Event.stop(evt);
- },
- /*
- * Method: zoomBarDrag
- * This is what happens when a click has occurred, and the client is
- * dragging. Here we must ensure that the slider doesn't go beyond the
- * bottom/top of the zoombar div, as well as moving the slider to its new
- * visual location
- *
- * Parameters:
- * evt - {<OpenLayers.Event>}
- */
- zoomBarDrag:function(evt) {
- if (this.mouseDragStart != null) {
- var deltaY = this.mouseDragStart.y - evt.xy.y;
- var offsets = OpenLayers.Util.pagePosition(this.zoombarDiv);
- if ((evt.clientY - offsets[1]) > 0 &&
- (evt.clientY - offsets[1]) < parseInt( - 2) {
- var newTop = parseInt( - deltaY;
- = newTop+"px";
- this.mouseDragStart = evt.xy.clone();
- }
- // set cumulative displacement
- this.deltaY = this.zoomStart.y - evt.xy.y;
- OpenLayers.Event.stop(evt);
- }
- },
- /*
- * Method: zoomBarUp
- * Perform cleanup when a mouseup event is received -- discover new zoom
- * level and switch to it.
- *
- * Parameters:
- * evt - {<OpenLayers.Event>}
- */
- zoomBarUp:function(evt) {
- if (!OpenLayers.Event.isLeftClick(evt) && evt.type !== "touchend") {
- return;
- }
- if (this.mouseDragStart) {
- "touchmove": this.passEventToSlider,
- "mouseup": this.passEventToSlider,
- "mousemove": this.passEventToSlider,
- scope: this
- });
- var zoomLevel =;
- if (!this.forceFixedZoomLevel && {
- zoomLevel += this.deltaY/this.zoomStopHeight;
- zoomLevel = Math.min(Math.max(zoomLevel, 0),
- - 1);
- } else {
- zoomLevel += this.deltaY/this.zoomStopHeight;
- zoomLevel = Math.max(Math.round(zoomLevel), 0);
- }
- this.mouseDragStart = null;
- this.zoomStart = null;
- this.deltaY = 0;
- OpenLayers.Event.stop(evt);
- }
- },
- /*
- * Method: moveZoomBar
- * Change the location of the slider to match the current zoom level.
- */
- moveZoomBar:function() {
- var newTop =
- (( - *
- this.zoomStopHeight + this.startTop + 1;
- = newTop + "px";
- },
- CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Control.PanZoomBar"
-}); \ No newline at end of file