path: root/misc/openlayers/examples/simplify-linestring.html
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authorChris Schlaeger <>2014-08-12 21:56:44 +0200
committerChris Schlaeger <>2014-08-12 21:56:44 +0200
commitea346a785dc1b3f7c156f6fc33da634e1f1a627b (patch)
treeaf67530553d20b6e82ad60fd79593e9c4abf5565 /misc/openlayers/examples/simplify-linestring.html
parent59741cd535c47f25971bf8c32b25da25ceadc6d5 (diff)
Adding jquery, flot and openlayers to be included with the GEM.v0.0.4
Diffstat (limited to 'misc/openlayers/examples/simplify-linestring.html')
1 files changed, 103 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/examples/simplify-linestring.html b/misc/openlayers/examples/simplify-linestring.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15160a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/openlayers/examples/simplify-linestring.html
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+<!DOCTYPE html>
+ <head>
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+ <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
+ <title>Simplify a LineString geometry</title>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="../theme/default/style.css" type="text/css">
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css">
+ <style type="text/css">
+ #map, #map-simplify {
+ height: 400px;
+ width: 400px;
+ margin: 5px !important;
+ float: left;
+ }
+ #info {
+ width: 300px;
+ float: left;
+ }
+ #docs {
+ clear: both;
+ }
+ </style>
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ <h1 id="title">Simplify a LineString geometry</h1>
+ <div id="tags">
+ Douglas-Peucker, Douglas, Peucker, Peuker, tolerance
+ </div>
+ <p id="shortdesc">
+ Shows the usage of the method &quot;simplify&quot; that implements
+ the Douglas-Peucker algorithm to remove &quot;insignificant&quot;
+ vertices from LineString geometries.
+ </p>
+ <div id="control-simplify">
+ <label for="tolerance">Tolerance factor:</label>
+ <input name="tolerance" id="tolerance" type="number" min="0" max="1" step="0.02" value="0.1">
+ <input type="button" id="simplify" value="Simplify LineString">
+ <input type="button" id="animation" value="Start animation">
+ </div>
+ <div id="map" class="smallmap">
+ </div>
+ <div id="map-simplify" class="smallmap">
+ </div>
+ <div id="info">
+ </div>
+ <div id="docs">
+ <p>
+ Instances of OpenLayers.Geometry.LineString have a method simplify,
+ that can be used to simplify linestring geometries.
+ Simplification sometimes is useful to enhance the perfomance of
+ vector rendering or to reduce complexity of geometries. This
+ might be especially handy when viewing geometries a small
+ scales.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ OpenLayers.Geometry.LineString::simplify is a recursive
+ implementation of the famous Douglas-Peucker algorithm. It is
+ controlled by a tolerance factor that defines the threshold for
+ vertices to be considered &quot;insignificant&quot; for the
+ general structure of the geometry.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ The LineString on the left map can be simplified according to
+ the tolerance value one enters in the form-field above the maps.
+ Use a value between 0 and 1 for best results. If you navigate
+ the left map, the right map will show the same location to make
+ it easier to spot the differeces between the LineStrings.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ You can also use the button &quot;Start animation&quot; to get
+ results for increasing tolerance-factors from 0.02 to 1.0. The
+ animation can be paused by clicking on the button &quot;Stop
+ animation&quot;.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ The LineString represents a part of the coastline of
+ <a href=";lon=83.1809234619141&amp;zoom=11">this
+ place southeast of Novosibirsk in Russia</a> &mdash; found via
+ <a href="">an
+ example implementation of the algorithm in python</a>.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ For a detailled explanation of the algorithm see
+ <a href="">the
+ Wikipedia article</a> or the original publication: David Douglas
+ &amp; Thomas Peucker, "Algorithms for the reduction of the
+ number of points required to represent a digitized line or its
+ caricature", The Canadian Cartographer 10(2), 112-122 (1973)
+ (<a href="">DOI:
+ 10.3138/FM57-6770-U75U-7727</a>).
+ </p>
+ <p>See <a href="simplify-linestring.js">simplify-linestring.js</a>
+ for the source code of this example.</p>
+ </div>
+ <script type="text/javascript" src="../lib/OpenLayers.js">
+ </script>
+ <script type="text/javascript" src="./simplify-linestring.js">
+ </script>
+ </body>