path: root/misc/flot/examples/axes-time-zones/date.js
diff options
authorChris Schlaeger <>2014-08-12 21:56:44 +0200
committerChris Schlaeger <>2014-08-12 21:56:44 +0200
commitea346a785dc1b3f7c156f6fc33da634e1f1a627b (patch)
treeaf67530553d20b6e82ad60fd79593e9c4abf5565 /misc/flot/examples/axes-time-zones/date.js
parent59741cd535c47f25971bf8c32b25da25ceadc6d5 (diff)
Adding jquery, flot and openlayers to be included with the GEM.v0.0.4
Diffstat (limited to 'misc/flot/examples/axes-time-zones/date.js')
1 files changed, 893 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/misc/flot/examples/axes-time-zones/date.js b/misc/flot/examples/axes-time-zones/date.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2899dda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/flot/examples/axes-time-zones/date.js
@@ -0,0 +1,893 @@
+// -----
+// The `timezoneJS.Date` object gives you full-blown timezone support, independent from the timezone set on the end-user's machine running the browser. It uses the Olson zoneinfo files for its timezone data.
+// The constructor function and setter methods use proxy JavaScript Date objects behind the scenes, so you can use strings like '10/22/2006' with the constructor. You also get the same sensible wraparound behavior with numeric parameters (like setting a value of 14 for the month wraps around to the next March).
+// The other significant difference from the built-in JavaScript Date is that `timezoneJS.Date` also has named properties that store the values of year, month, date, etc., so it can be directly serialized to JSON and used for data transfer.
+ * Copyright 2010 Matthew Eernisse (
+ * and Open Source Applications Foundation
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * Credits: Ideas included from incomplete JS implementation of Olson
+ * parser, "XMLDAte" by Philippe Goetz (
+ *
+ * Contributions:
+ * Jan Niehusmann
+ * Ricky Romero
+ * Preston Hunt (
+ * Dov. B Katz (
+ * Peter Bergström (
+ * Long Ho
+ */
+(function () {
+ // Standard initialization stuff to make sure the library is
+ // usable on both client and server (node) side.
+ var root = this;
+ var timezoneJS;
+ if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') {
+ timezoneJS = exports;
+ } else {
+ timezoneJS = root.timezoneJS = {};
+ }
+ timezoneJS.VERSION = '1.0.0';
+ // Grab the ajax library from global context.
+ // This can be jQuery, Zepto or fleegix.
+ // You can also specify your own transport mechanism by declaring
+ // `timezoneJS.timezone.transport` to a `function`. More details will follow
+ var $ = root.$ || root.jQuery || root.Zepto
+ , fleegix = root.fleegix
+ // Declare constant list of days and months. Unfortunately this doesn't leave room for i18n due to the Olson data being in English itself
+ , DAYS = timezoneJS.Days = ['Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday']
+ , MONTHS = timezoneJS.Months = ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December']
+ , SHORT_DAYS = {}
+ , TZ_REGEXP = new RegExp('^[a-zA-Z]+/');
+ //`{ "Jan": 0, "Feb": 1, "Mar": 2, "Apr": 3, "May": 4, "Jun": 5, "Jul": 6, "Aug": 7, "Sep": 8, "Oct": 9, "Nov": 10, "Dec": 11 }`
+ for (var i = 0; i < MONTHS.length; i++) {
+ SHORT_MONTHS[MONTHS[i].substr(0, 3)] = i;
+ }
+ //`{ "Sun": 0, "Mon": 1, "Tue": 2, "Wed": 3, "Thu": 4, "Fri": 5, "Sat": 6 }`
+ for (i = 0; i < DAYS.length; i++) {
+ SHORT_DAYS[DAYS[i].substr(0, 3)] = i;
+ }
+ //Handle array indexOf in IE
+ if (!Array.prototype.indexOf) {
+ Array.prototype.indexOf = function (el) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++ ) {
+ if (el === this[i]) return i;
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ // Format a number to the length = digits. For ex:
+ //
+ // `_fixWidth(2, 2) = '02'`
+ //
+ // `_fixWidth(1998, 2) = '98'`
+ //
+ // This is used to pad numbers in converting date to string in ISO standard.
+ var _fixWidth = function (number, digits) {
+ if (typeof number !== "number") { throw "not a number: " + number; }
+ var s = number.toString();
+ if (number.length > digits) {
+ return number.substr(number.length - digits, number.length);
+ }
+ while (s.length < digits) {
+ s = '0' + s;
+ }
+ return s;
+ };
+ // Abstraction layer for different transport layers, including fleegix/jQuery/Zepto
+ //
+ // Object `opts` include
+ //
+ // - `url`: url to ajax query
+ //
+ // - `async`: true for asynchronous, false otherwise. If false, return value will be response from URL. This is true by default
+ //
+ // - `success`: success callback function
+ //
+ // - `error`: error callback function
+ // Returns response from URL if async is false, otherwise the AJAX request object itself
+ var _transport = function (opts) {
+ if ((!fleegix || typeof fleegix.xhr === 'undefined') && (!$ || typeof $.ajax === 'undefined')) {
+ throw new Error('Please use the Fleegix.js XHR module, jQuery ajax, Zepto ajax, or define your own transport mechanism for downloading zone files.');
+ }
+ if (!opts) return;
+ if (!opts.url) throw new Error ('URL must be specified');
+ if (!('async' in opts)) opts.async = true;
+ if (!opts.async) {
+ return fleegix && fleegix.xhr
+ ? fleegix.xhr.doReq({ url: opts.url, async: false })
+ : $.ajax({ url : opts.url, async : false }).responseText;
+ }
+ return fleegix && fleegix.xhr
+ ? fleegix.xhr.send({
+ url : opts.url,
+ method : 'get',
+ handleSuccess : opts.success,
+ handleErr : opts.error
+ })
+ : $.ajax({
+ url : opts.url,
+ dataType: 'text',
+ method : 'GET',
+ error : opts.error,
+ success : opts.success
+ });
+ };
+ // Constructor, which is similar to that of the native Date object itself
+ timezoneJS.Date = function () {
+ var args = Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments)
+ , dt = null
+ , tz = null
+ , arr = [];
+ //We support several different constructors, including all the ones from `Date` object
+ // with a timezone string at the end.
+ //
+ //- `[tz]`: Returns object with time in `tz` specified.
+ //
+ // - `utcMillis`, `[tz]`: Return object with UTC time = `utcMillis`, in `tz`.
+ //
+ // - `Date`, `[tz]`: Returns object with UTC time = `Date.getTime()`, in `tz`.
+ //
+ // - `year, month, [date,] [hours,] [minutes,] [seconds,] [millis,] [tz]: Same as `Date` object
+ // with tz.
+ //
+ // - `Array`: Can be any combo of the above.
+ //
+ //If 1st argument is an array, we can use it as a list of arguments itself
+ if ([0]) === '[object Array]') {
+ args = args[0];
+ }
+ if (typeof args[args.length - 1] === 'string' && TZ_REGEXP.test(args[args.length - 1])) {
+ tz = args.pop();
+ }
+ switch (args.length) {
+ case 0:
+ dt = new Date();
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ dt = new Date(args[0]);
+ break;
+ default:
+ for (var i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
+ arr[i] = args[i] || 0;
+ }
+ dt = new Date(arr[0], arr[1], arr[2], arr[3], arr[4], arr[5], arr[6]);
+ break;
+ }
+ this._useCache = false;
+ this._tzInfo = {};
+ this._day = 0;
+ this.year = 0;
+ this.month = 0;
+ = 0;
+ this.hours = 0;
+ this.minutes = 0;
+ this.seconds = 0;
+ this.milliseconds = 0;
+ this.timezone = tz || null;
+ //Tricky part:
+ // For the cases where there are 1/2 arguments: `timezoneJS.Date(millis, [tz])` and `timezoneJS.Date(Date, [tz])`. The
+ // Date `dt` created should be in UTC. Thus the way I detect such cases is to determine if `arr` is not populated & `tz`
+ // is specified. Because if `tz` is not specified, `dt` can be in local time.
+ if (arr.length) {
+ this.setFromDateObjProxy(dt);
+ } else {
+ this.setFromTimeProxy(dt.getTime(), tz);
+ }
+ };
+ // Implements most of the native Date object
+ timezoneJS.Date.prototype = {
+ getDate: function () { return; },
+ getDay: function () { return this._day; },
+ getFullYear: function () { return this.year; },
+ getMonth: function () { return this.month; },
+ getYear: function () { return this.year; },
+ getHours: function () { return this.hours; },
+ getMilliseconds: function () { return this.milliseconds; },
+ getMinutes: function () { return this.minutes; },
+ getSeconds: function () { return this.seconds; },
+ getUTCDate: function () { return this.getUTCDateProxy().getUTCDate(); },
+ getUTCDay: function () { return this.getUTCDateProxy().getUTCDay(); },
+ getUTCFullYear: function () { return this.getUTCDateProxy().getUTCFullYear(); },
+ getUTCHours: function () { return this.getUTCDateProxy().getUTCHours(); },
+ getUTCMilliseconds: function () { return this.getUTCDateProxy().getUTCMilliseconds(); },
+ getUTCMinutes: function () { return this.getUTCDateProxy().getUTCMinutes(); },
+ getUTCMonth: function () { return this.getUTCDateProxy().getUTCMonth(); },
+ getUTCSeconds: function () { return this.getUTCDateProxy().getUTCSeconds(); },
+ // Time adjusted to user-specified timezone
+ getTime: function () {
+ return this._timeProxy + (this.getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000);
+ },
+ getTimezone: function () { return this.timezone; },
+ getTimezoneOffset: function () { return this.getTimezoneInfo().tzOffset; },
+ getTimezoneAbbreviation: function () { return this.getTimezoneInfo().tzAbbr; },
+ getTimezoneInfo: function () {
+ if (this._useCache) return this._tzInfo;
+ var res;
+ // If timezone is specified, get the correct timezone info based on the Date given
+ if (this.timezone) {
+ res = this.timezone === 'Etc/UTC' || this.timezone === 'Etc/GMT'
+ ? { tzOffset: 0, tzAbbr: 'UTC' }
+ : timezoneJS.timezone.getTzInfo(this._timeProxy, this.timezone);
+ }
+ // If no timezone was specified, use the local browser offset
+ else {
+ res = { tzOffset: this.getLocalOffset(), tzAbbr: null };
+ }
+ this._tzInfo = res;
+ this._useCache = true;
+ return res
+ },
+ getUTCDateProxy: function () {
+ var dt = new Date(this._timeProxy);
+ dt.setUTCMinutes(dt.getUTCMinutes() + this.getTimezoneOffset());
+ return dt;
+ },
+ setDate: function (n) { this.setAttribute('date', n); },
+ setFullYear: function (n) { this.setAttribute('year', n); },
+ setMonth: function (n) { this.setAttribute('month', n); },
+ setYear: function (n) { this.setUTCAttribute('year', n); },
+ setHours: function (n) { this.setAttribute('hours', n); },
+ setMilliseconds: function (n) { this.setAttribute('milliseconds', n); },
+ setMinutes: function (n) { this.setAttribute('minutes', n); },
+ setSeconds: function (n) { this.setAttribute('seconds', n); },
+ setTime: function (n) {
+ if (isNaN(n)) { throw new Error('Units must be a number.'); }
+ this.setFromTimeProxy(n, this.timezone);
+ },
+ setUTCDate: function (n) { this.setUTCAttribute('date', n); },
+ setUTCFullYear: function (n) { this.setUTCAttribute('year', n); },
+ setUTCHours: function (n) { this.setUTCAttribute('hours', n); },
+ setUTCMilliseconds: function (n) { this.setUTCAttribute('milliseconds', n); },
+ setUTCMinutes: function (n) { this.setUTCAttribute('minutes', n); },
+ setUTCMonth: function (n) { this.setUTCAttribute('month', n); },
+ setUTCSeconds: function (n) { this.setUTCAttribute('seconds', n); },
+ setFromDateObjProxy: function (dt) {
+ this.year = dt.getFullYear();
+ this.month = dt.getMonth();
+ = dt.getDate();
+ this.hours = dt.getHours();
+ this.minutes = dt.getMinutes();
+ this.seconds = dt.getSeconds();
+ this.milliseconds = dt.getMilliseconds();
+ this._day = dt.getDay();
+ this._dateProxy = dt;
+ this._timeProxy = Date.UTC(this.year, this.month,, this.hours, this.minutes, this.seconds, this.milliseconds);
+ this._useCache = false;
+ },
+ setFromTimeProxy: function (utcMillis, tz) {
+ var dt = new Date(utcMillis);
+ var tzOffset;
+ tzOffset = tz ? timezoneJS.timezone.getTzInfo(dt, tz).tzOffset : dt.getTimezoneOffset();
+ dt.setTime(utcMillis + (dt.getTimezoneOffset() - tzOffset) * 60000);
+ this.setFromDateObjProxy(dt);
+ },
+ setAttribute: function (unit, n) {
+ if (isNaN(n)) { throw new Error('Units must be a number.'); }
+ var dt = this._dateProxy;
+ var meth = unit === 'year' ? 'FullYear' : unit.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + unit.substr(1);
+ dt['set' + meth](n);
+ this.setFromDateObjProxy(dt);
+ },
+ setUTCAttribute: function (unit, n) {
+ if (isNaN(n)) { throw new Error('Units must be a number.'); }
+ var meth = unit === 'year' ? 'FullYear' : unit.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + unit.substr(1);
+ var dt = this.getUTCDateProxy();
+ dt['setUTC' + meth](n);
+ dt.setUTCMinutes(dt.getUTCMinutes() - this.getTimezoneOffset());
+ this.setFromTimeProxy(dt.getTime() + this.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000, this.timezone);
+ },
+ setTimezone: function (tz) {
+ var previousOffset = this.getTimezoneInfo().tzOffset;
+ this.timezone = tz;
+ this._useCache = false;
+ // Set UTC minutes offsets by the delta of the two timezones
+ this.setUTCMinutes(this.getUTCMinutes() - this.getTimezoneInfo().tzOffset + previousOffset);
+ },
+ removeTimezone: function () {
+ this.timezone = null;
+ this._useCache = false;
+ },
+ valueOf: function () { return this.getTime(); },
+ clone: function () {
+ return this.timezone ? new timezoneJS.Date(this.getTime(), this.timezone) : new timezoneJS.Date(this.getTime());
+ },
+ toGMTString: function () { return this.toString('EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss Z', 'Etc/GMT'); },
+ toLocaleString: function () {},
+ toLocaleDateString: function () {},
+ toLocaleTimeString: function () {},
+ toSource: function () {},
+ toISOString: function () { return this.toString('yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSS', 'Etc/UTC') + 'Z'; },
+ toJSON: function () { return this.toISOString(); },
+ // Allows different format following ISO8601 format:
+ toString: function (format, tz) {
+ // Default format is the same as toISOString
+ if (!format) format = 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss';
+ var result = format;
+ var tzInfo = tz ? timezoneJS.timezone.getTzInfo(this.getTime(), tz) : this.getTimezoneInfo();
+ var _this = this;
+ // If timezone is specified, get a clone of the current Date object and modify it
+ if (tz) {
+ _this = this.clone();
+ _this.setTimezone(tz);
+ }
+ var hours = _this.getHours();
+ return result
+ // fix the same characters in Month names
+ .replace(/a+/g, function () { return 'k'; })
+ // `y`: year
+ .replace(/y+/g, function (token) { return _fixWidth(_this.getFullYear(), token.length); })
+ // `d`: date
+ .replace(/d+/g, function (token) { return _fixWidth(_this.getDate(), token.length); })
+ // `m`: minute
+ .replace(/m+/g, function (token) { return _fixWidth(_this.getMinutes(), token.length); })
+ // `s`: second
+ .replace(/s+/g, function (token) { return _fixWidth(_this.getSeconds(), token.length); })
+ // `S`: millisecond
+ .replace(/S+/g, function (token) { return _fixWidth(_this.getMilliseconds(), token.length); })
+ // `M`: month. Note: `MM` will be the numeric representation (e.g February is 02) but `MMM` will be text representation (e.g February is Feb)
+ .replace(/M+/g, function (token) {
+ var _month = _this.getMonth(),
+ _len = token.length;
+ if (_len > 3) {
+ return timezoneJS.Months[_month];
+ } else if (_len > 2) {
+ return timezoneJS.Months[_month].substring(0, _len);
+ }
+ return _fixWidth(_month + 1, _len);
+ })
+ // `k`: AM/PM
+ .replace(/k+/g, function () {
+ if (hours >= 12) {
+ if (hours > 12) {
+ hours -= 12;
+ }
+ return 'PM';
+ }
+ return 'AM';
+ })
+ // `H`: hour
+ .replace(/H+/g, function (token) { return _fixWidth(hours, token.length); })
+ // `E`: day
+ .replace(/E+/g, function (token) { return DAYS[_this.getDay()].substring(0, token.length); })
+ // `Z`: timezone abbreviation
+ .replace(/Z+/gi, function () { return tzInfo.tzAbbr; });
+ },
+ toUTCString: function () { return this.toGMTString(); },
+ civilToJulianDayNumber: function (y, m, d) {
+ var a;
+ // Adjust for zero-based JS-style array
+ m++;
+ if (m > 12) {
+ a = parseInt(m/12, 10);
+ m = m % 12;
+ y += a;
+ }
+ if (m <= 2) {
+ y -= 1;
+ m += 12;
+ }
+ a = Math.floor(y / 100);
+ var b = 2 - a + Math.floor(a / 4)
+ , jDt = Math.floor(365.25 * (y + 4716)) + Math.floor(30.6001 * (m + 1)) + d + b - 1524;
+ return jDt;
+ },
+ getLocalOffset: function () {
+ return this._dateProxy.getTimezoneOffset();
+ }
+ };
+ timezoneJS.timezone = new function () {
+ var _this = this
+ , regionMap = {'Etc':'etcetera','EST':'northamerica','MST':'northamerica','HST':'northamerica','EST5EDT':'northamerica','CST6CDT':'northamerica','MST7MDT':'northamerica','PST8PDT':'northamerica','America':'northamerica','Pacific':'australasia','Atlantic':'europe','Africa':'africa','Indian':'africa','Antarctica':'antarctica','Asia':'asia','Australia':'australasia','Europe':'europe','WET':'europe','CET':'europe','MET':'europe','EET':'europe'}
+ , regionExceptions = {'Pacific/Honolulu':'northamerica','Atlantic/Bermuda':'northamerica','Atlantic/Cape_Verde':'africa','Atlantic/St_Helena':'africa','Indian/Kerguelen':'antarctica','Indian/Chagos':'asia','Indian/Maldives':'asia','Indian/Christmas':'australasia','Indian/Cocos':'australasia','America/Danmarkshavn':'europe','America/Scoresbysund':'europe','America/Godthab':'europe','America/Thule':'europe','Asia/Yekaterinburg':'europe','Asia/Omsk':'europe','Asia/Novosibirsk':'europe','Asia/Krasnoyarsk':'europe','Asia/Irkutsk':'europe','Asia/Yakutsk':'europe','Asia/Vladivostok':'europe','Asia/Sakhalin':'europe','Asia/Magadan':'europe','Asia/Kamchatka':'europe','Asia/Anadyr':'europe','Africa/Ceuta':'europe','America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires':'southamerica','America/Argentina/Cordoba':'southamerica','America/Argentina/Tucuman':'southamerica','America/Argentina/La_Rioja':'southamerica','America/Argentina/San_Juan':'southamerica','America/Argentina/Jujuy':'southamerica','America/Argentina/Catamarca':'southamerica','America/Argentina/Mendoza':'southamerica','America/Argentina/Rio_Gallegos':'southamerica','America/Argentina/Ushuaia':'southamerica','America/Aruba':'southamerica','America/La_Paz':'southamerica','America/Noronha':'southamerica','America/Belem':'southamerica','America/Fortaleza':'southamerica','America/Recife':'southamerica','America/Araguaina':'southamerica','America/Maceio':'southamerica','America/Bahia':'southamerica','America/Sao_Paulo':'southamerica','America/Campo_Grande':'southamerica','America/Cuiaba':'southamerica','America/Porto_Velho':'southamerica','America/Boa_Vista':'southamerica','America/Manaus':'southamerica','America/Eirunepe':'southamerica','America/Rio_Branco':'southamerica','America/Santiago':'southamerica','Pacific/Easter':'southamerica','America/Bogota':'southamerica','America/Curacao':'southamerica','America/Guayaquil':'southamerica','Pacific/Galapagos':'southamerica','Atlantic/Stanley':'southamerica','America/Cayenne':'southamerica','America/Guyana':'southamerica','America/Asuncion':'southamerica','America/Lima':'southamerica','Atlantic/South_Georgia':'southamerica','America/Paramaribo':'southamerica','America/Port_of_Spain':'southamerica','America/Montevideo':'southamerica','America/Caracas':'southamerica'};
+ function invalidTZError(t) { throw new Error('Timezone "' + t + '" is either incorrect, or not loaded in the timezone registry.'); }
+ function builtInLoadZoneFile(fileName, opts) {
+ var url = _this.zoneFileBasePath + '/' + fileName;
+ return !opts || !opts.async
+ ? _this.parseZones(_this.transport({ url : url, async : false }))
+ : _this.transport({
+ async: true,
+ url : url,
+ success : function (str) {
+ if (_this.parseZones(str) && typeof opts.callback === 'function') {
+ opts.callback();
+ }
+ return true;
+ },
+ error : function () {
+ throw new Error('Error retrieving "' + url + '" zoneinfo files');
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ function getRegionForTimezone(tz) {
+ var exc = regionExceptions[tz]
+ , reg
+ , ret;
+ if (exc) return exc;
+ reg = tz.split('/')[0];
+ ret = regionMap[reg];
+ // If there's nothing listed in the main regions for this TZ, check the 'backward' links
+ if (ret) return ret;
+ var link = _this.zones[tz];
+ if (typeof link === 'string') {
+ return getRegionForTimezone(link);
+ }
+ // Backward-compat file hasn't loaded yet, try looking in there
+ if (!_this.loadedZones.backward) {
+ // This is for obvious legacy zones (e.g., Iceland) that don't even have a prefix like "America/" that look like normal zones
+ _this.loadZoneFile('backward');
+ return getRegionForTimezone(tz);
+ }
+ invalidTZError(tz);
+ }
+ function parseTimeString(str) {
+ var pat = /(\d+)(?::0*(\d*))?(?::0*(\d*))?([wsugz])?$/;
+ var hms = str.match(pat);
+ hms[1] = parseInt(hms[1], 10);
+ hms[2] = hms[2] ? parseInt(hms[2], 10) : 0;
+ hms[3] = hms[3] ? parseInt(hms[3], 10) : 0;
+ return hms;
+ }
+ function processZone(z) {
+ if (!z[3]) { return; }
+ var yea = parseInt(z[3], 10);
+ var mon = 11;
+ var dat = 31;
+ if (z[4]) {
+ mon = SHORT_MONTHS[z[4].substr(0, 3)];
+ dat = parseInt(z[5], 10) || 1;
+ }
+ var string = z[6] ? z[6] : '00:00:00'
+ , t = parseTimeString(string);
+ return [yea, mon, dat, t[1], t[2], t[3]];
+ }
+ function getZone(dt, tz) {
+ var utcMillis = typeof dt === 'number' ? dt : new Date(dt).getTime();
+ var t = tz;
+ var zoneList = _this.zones[t];
+ // Follow links to get to an actual zone
+ while (typeof zoneList === "string") {
+ t = zoneList;
+ zoneList = _this.zones[t];
+ }
+ if (!zoneList) {
+ // Backward-compat file hasn't loaded yet, try looking in there
+ if (!_this.loadedZones.backward) {
+ //This is for backward entries like "America/Fort_Wayne" that
+ // getRegionForTimezone *thinks* it has a region file and zone
+ // for (e.g., America => 'northamerica'), but in reality it's a
+ // legacy zone we need the backward file for.
+ _this.loadZoneFile('backward');
+ return getZone(dt, tz);
+ }
+ invalidTZError(t);
+ }
+ if (zoneList.length === 0) {
+ throw new Error('No Zone found for "' + tz + '" on ' + dt);
+ }
+ //Do backwards lookup since most use cases deal with newer dates.
+ for (var i = zoneList.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ var z = zoneList[i];
+ if (z[3] && utcMillis > z[3]) break;
+ }
+ return zoneList[i+1];
+ }
+ function getBasicOffset(time) {
+ var off = parseTimeString(time)
+ , adj = time.indexOf('-') === 0 ? -1 : 1;
+ off = adj * (((off[1] * 60 + off[2]) * 60 + off[3]) * 1000);
+ return off/60/1000;
+ }
+ //if isUTC is true, date is given in UTC, otherwise it's given
+ // in local time (ie. date.getUTC*() returns local time components)
+ function getRule(dt, zone, isUTC) {
+ var date = typeof dt === 'number' ? new Date(dt) : dt;
+ var ruleset = zone[1];
+ var basicOffset = zone[0];
+ //Convert a date to UTC. Depending on the 'type' parameter, the date
+ // parameter may be:
+ //
+ // - `u`, `g`, `z`: already UTC (no adjustment).
+ //
+ // - `s`: standard time (adjust for time zone offset but not for DST)
+ //
+ // - `w`: wall clock time (adjust for both time zone and DST offset).
+ //
+ // DST adjustment is done using the rule given as third argument.
+ var convertDateToUTC = function (date, type, rule) {
+ var offset = 0;
+ if (type === 'u' || type === 'g' || type === 'z') { // UTC
+ offset = 0;
+ } else if (type === 's') { // Standard Time
+ offset = basicOffset;
+ } else if (type === 'w' || !type) { // Wall Clock Time
+ offset = getAdjustedOffset(basicOffset, rule);
+ } else {
+ throw("unknown type " + type);
+ }
+ offset *= 60 * 1000; // to millis
+ return new Date(date.getTime() + offset);
+ };
+ //Step 1: Find applicable rules for this year.
+ //
+ //Step 2: Sort the rules by effective date.
+ //
+ //Step 3: Check requested date to see if a rule has yet taken effect this year. If not,
+ //
+ //Step 4: Get the rules for the previous year. If there isn't an applicable rule for last year, then
+ // there probably is no current time offset since they seem to explicitly turn off the offset
+ // when someone stops observing DST.
+ //
+ // FIXME if this is not the case and we'll walk all the way back (ugh).
+ //
+ //Step 5: Sort the rules by effective date.
+ //Step 6: Apply the most recent rule before the current time.
+ var convertRuleToExactDateAndTime = function (yearAndRule, prevRule) {
+ var year = yearAndRule[0]
+ , rule = yearAndRule[1];
+ // Assume that the rule applies to the year of the given date.
+ var hms = rule[5];
+ var effectiveDate;
+ if (!EXACT_DATE_TIME[year])
+ EXACT_DATE_TIME[year] = {};
+ // Result for given parameters is already stored
+ if (EXACT_DATE_TIME[year][rule])
+ effectiveDate = EXACT_DATE_TIME[year][rule];
+ else {
+ //If we have a specific date, use that!
+ if (!isNaN(rule[4])) {
+ effectiveDate = new Date(Date.UTC(year, SHORT_MONTHS[rule[3]], rule[4], hms[1], hms[2], hms[3], 0));
+ }
+ //Let's hunt for the date.
+ else {
+ var targetDay
+ , operator;
+ //Example: `lastThu`
+ if (rule[4].substr(0, 4) === "last") {
+ // Start at the last day of the month and work backward.
+ effectiveDate = new Date(Date.UTC(year, SHORT_MONTHS[rule[3]] + 1, 1, hms[1] - 24, hms[2], hms[3], 0));
+ targetDay = SHORT_DAYS[rule[4].substr(4, 3)];
+ operator = "<=";
+ }
+ //Example: `Sun>=15`
+ else {
+ //Start at the specified date.
+ effectiveDate = new Date(Date.UTC(year, SHORT_MONTHS[rule[3]], rule[4].substr(5), hms[1], hms[2], hms[3], 0));
+ targetDay = SHORT_DAYS[rule[4].substr(0, 3)];
+ operator = rule[4].substr(3, 2);
+ }
+ var ourDay = effectiveDate.getUTCDay();
+ //Go forwards.
+ if (operator === ">=") {
+ effectiveDate.setUTCDate(effectiveDate.getUTCDate() + (targetDay - ourDay + ((targetDay < ourDay) ? 7 : 0)));
+ }
+ //Go backwards. Looking for the last of a certain day, or operator is "<=" (less likely).
+ else {
+ effectiveDate.setUTCDate(effectiveDate.getUTCDate() + (targetDay - ourDay - ((targetDay > ourDay) ? 7 : 0)));
+ }
+ }
+ EXACT_DATE_TIME[year][rule] = effectiveDate;
+ }
+ //If previous rule is given, correct for the fact that the starting time of the current
+ // rule may be specified in local time.
+ if (prevRule) {
+ effectiveDate = convertDateToUTC(effectiveDate, hms[4], prevRule);
+ }
+ return effectiveDate;
+ };
+ var findApplicableRules = function (year, ruleset) {
+ var applicableRules = [];
+ for (var i = 0; ruleset && i < ruleset.length; i++) {
+ //Exclude future rules.
+ if (ruleset[i][0] <= year &&
+ (
+ // Date is in a set range.
+ ruleset[i][1] >= year ||
+ // Date is in an "only" year.
+ (ruleset[i][0] === year && ruleset[i][1] === "only") ||
+ //We're in a range from the start year to infinity.
+ ruleset[i][1] === "max"
+ )
+ ) {
+ //It's completely okay to have any number of matches here.
+ // Normally we should only see two, but that doesn't preclude other numbers of matches.
+ // These matches are applicable to this year.
+ applicableRules.push([year, ruleset[i]]);
+ }
+ }
+ return applicableRules;
+ };
+ var compareDates = function (a, b, prev) {
+ var year, rule;
+ if (a.constructor !== Date) {
+ year = a[0];
+ rule = a[1];
+ a = (!prev && EXACT_DATE_TIME[year] && EXACT_DATE_TIME[year][rule])
+ ? EXACT_DATE_TIME[year][rule]
+ : convertRuleToExactDateAndTime(a, prev);
+ } else if (prev) {
+ a = convertDateToUTC(a, isUTC ? 'u' : 'w', prev);
+ }
+ if (b.constructor !== Date) {
+ year = b[0];
+ rule = b[1];
+ b = (!prev && EXACT_DATE_TIME[year] && EXACT_DATE_TIME[year][rule]) ? EXACT_DATE_TIME[year][rule]
+ : convertRuleToExactDateAndTime(b, prev);
+ } else if (prev) {
+ b = convertDateToUTC(b, isUTC ? 'u' : 'w', prev);
+ }
+ a = Number(a);
+ b = Number(b);
+ return a - b;
+ };
+ var year = date.getUTCFullYear();
+ var applicableRules;
+ applicableRules = findApplicableRules(year, _this.rules[ruleset]);
+ applicableRules.push(date);
+ //While sorting, the time zone in which the rule starting time is specified
+ // is ignored. This is ok as long as the timespan between two DST changes is
+ // larger than the DST offset, which is probably always true.
+ // As the given date may indeed be close to a DST change, it may get sorted
+ // to a wrong position (off by one), which is corrected below.
+ applicableRules.sort(compareDates);
+ //If there are not enough past DST rules...
+ if (applicableRules.indexOf(date) < 2) {
+ applicableRules = applicableRules.concat(findApplicableRules(year-1, _this.rules[ruleset]));
+ applicableRules.sort(compareDates);
+ }
+ var pinpoint = applicableRules.indexOf(date);
+ if (pinpoint > 1 && compareDates(date, applicableRules[pinpoint-1], applicableRules[pinpoint-2][1]) < 0) {
+ //The previous rule does not really apply, take the one before that.
+ return applicableRules[pinpoint - 2][1];
+ } else if (pinpoint > 0 && pinpoint < applicableRules.length - 1 && compareDates(date, applicableRules[pinpoint+1], applicableRules[pinpoint-1][1]) > 0) {
+ //The next rule does already apply, take that one.
+ return applicableRules[pinpoint + 1][1];
+ } else if (pinpoint === 0) {
+ //No applicable rule found in this and in previous year.
+ return null;
+ }
+ return applicableRules[pinpoint - 1][1];
+ }
+ function getAdjustedOffset(off, rule) {
+ return -Math.ceil(rule[6] - off);
+ }
+ function getAbbreviation(zone, rule) {
+ var res;
+ var base = zone[2];
+ if (base.indexOf('%s') > -1) {
+ var repl;
+ if (rule) {
+ repl = rule[7] === '-' ? '' : rule[7];
+ }
+ //FIXME: Right now just falling back to Standard --
+ // apparently ought to use the last valid rule,
+ // although in practice that always ought to be Standard
+ else {
+ repl = 'S';
+ }
+ res = base.replace('%s', repl);
+ }
+ else if (base.indexOf('/') > -1) {
+ //Chose one of two alternative strings.
+ res = base.split("/", 2)[rule[6] ? 1 : 0];
+ } else {
+ res = base;
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ this.zoneFileBasePath;
+ this.zoneFiles = ['africa', 'antarctica', 'asia', 'australasia', 'backward', 'etcetera', 'europe', 'northamerica', 'pacificnew', 'southamerica'];
+ this.loadingSchemes = {
+ PRELOAD_ALL: 'preloadAll',
+ LAZY_LOAD: 'lazyLoad',
+ MANUAL_LOAD: 'manualLoad'
+ };
+ this.loadingScheme = this.loadingSchemes.LAZY_LOAD;
+ this.loadedZones = {};
+ this.zones = {};
+ this.rules = {};
+ this.init = function (o) {
+ var opts = { async: true }
+ , def = this.defaultZoneFile = this.loadingScheme === this.loadingSchemes.PRELOAD_ALL
+ ? this.zoneFiles
+ : 'northamerica'
+ , done = 0
+ , callbackFn;
+ //Override default with any passed-in opts
+ for (var p in o) {
+ opts[p] = o[p];
+ }
+ if (typeof def === 'string') {
+ return this.loadZoneFile(def, opts);
+ }
+ //Wraps callback function in another one that makes
+ // sure all files have been loaded.
+ callbackFn = opts.callback;
+ opts.callback = function () {
+ done++;
+ (done === def.length) && typeof callbackFn === 'function' && callbackFn();
+ };
+ for (var i = 0; i < def.length; i++) {
+ this.loadZoneFile(def[i], opts);
+ }
+ };
+ //Get the zone files via XHR -- if the sync flag
+ // is set to true, it's being called by the lazy-loading
+ // mechanism, so the result needs to be returned inline.
+ this.loadZoneFile = function (fileName, opts) {
+ if (typeof this.zoneFileBasePath === 'undefined') {
+ throw new Error('Please define a base path to your zone file directory -- timezoneJS.timezone.zoneFileBasePath.');
+ }
+ //Ignore already loaded zones.
+ if (this.loadedZones[fileName]) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.loadedZones[fileName] = true;
+ return builtInLoadZoneFile(fileName, opts);
+ };
+ this.loadZoneJSONData = function (url, sync) {
+ var processData = function (data) {
+ data = eval('('+ data +')');
+ for (var z in data.zones) {
+ _this.zones[z] = data.zones[z];
+ }
+ for (var r in data.rules) {
+ _this.rules[r] = data.rules[r];
+ }
+ };
+ return sync
+ ? processData(_this.transport({ url : url, async : false }))
+ : _this.transport({ url : url, success : processData });
+ };
+ this.loadZoneDataFromObject = function (data) {
+ if (!data) { return; }
+ for (var z in data.zones) {
+ _this.zones[z] = data.zones[z];
+ }
+ for (var r in data.rules) {
+ _this.rules[r] = data.rules[r];
+ }
+ };
+ this.getAllZones = function () {
+ var arr = [];
+ for (var z in this.zones) { arr.push(z); }
+ return arr.sort();
+ };
+ this.parseZones = function (str) {
+ var lines = str.split('\n')
+ , arr = []
+ , chunk = ''
+ , l
+ , zone = null
+ , rule = null;
+ for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
+ l = lines[i];
+ if (l.match(/^\s/)) {
+ l = "Zone " + zone + l;
+ }
+ l = l.split("#")[0];
+ if (l.length > 3) {
+ arr = l.split(/\s+/);
+ chunk = arr.shift();
+ //Ignore Leap.
+ switch (chunk) {
+ case 'Zone':
+ zone = arr.shift();
+ if (!_this.zones[zone]) {
+ _this.zones[zone] = [];
+ }
+ if (arr.length < 3) break;
+ //Process zone right here and replace 3rd element with the processed array.
+ arr.splice(3, arr.length, processZone(arr));
+ if (arr[3]) arr[3] = Date.UTC.apply(null, arr[3]);
+ arr[0] = -getBasicOffset(arr[0]);
+ _this.zones[zone].push(arr);
+ break;
+ case 'Rule':
+ rule = arr.shift();
+ if (!_this.rules[rule]) {
+ _this.rules[rule] = [];
+ }
+ //Parse int FROM year and TO year
+ arr[0] = parseInt(arr[0], 10);
+ arr[1] = parseInt(arr[1], 10) || arr[1];
+ //Parse time string AT
+ arr[5] = parseTimeString(arr[5]);
+ //Parse offset SAVE
+ arr[6] = getBasicOffset(arr[6]);
+ _this.rules[rule].push(arr);
+ break;
+ case 'Link':
+ //No zones for these should already exist.
+ if (_this.zones[arr[1]]) {
+ throw new Error('Error with Link ' + arr[1] + '. Cannot create link of a preexisted zone.');
+ }
+ //Create the link.
+ _this.zones[arr[1]] = arr[0];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ };
+ //Expose transport mechanism and allow overwrite.
+ this.transport = _transport;
+ this.getTzInfo = function (dt, tz, isUTC) {
+ //Lazy-load any zones not yet loaded.
+ if (this.loadingScheme === this.loadingSchemes.LAZY_LOAD) {
+ //Get the correct region for the zone.
+ var zoneFile = getRegionForTimezone(tz);
+ if (!zoneFile) {
+ throw new Error('Not a valid timezone ID.');
+ }
+ if (!this.loadedZones[zoneFile]) {
+ //Get the file and parse it -- use synchronous XHR.
+ this.loadZoneFile(zoneFile);
+ }
+ }
+ var z = getZone(dt, tz);
+ var off = z[0];
+ //See if the offset needs adjustment.
+ var rule = getRule(dt, z, isUTC);
+ if (rule) {
+ off = getAdjustedOffset(off, rule);
+ }
+ var abbr = getAbbreviation(z, rule);
+ return { tzOffset: off, tzAbbr: abbr };
+ };
+ };