diff options
authorChris Schlaeger <>2016-01-19 06:51:30 +0100
committerChris Schlaeger <>2016-01-19 06:51:30 +0100
commit7f9e651990706cf4906987365e185b279bb609dc (patch)
parent8f357a927b70658968163f6c13e89c69b508cf36 (diff)
Show proper y-axis scale for GCT Balance chart
1 files changed, 67 insertions, 32 deletions
diff --git a/lib/postrunner/ChartView.rb b/lib/postrunner/ChartView.rb
index 3a3e21f..2b13e28 100644
--- a/lib/postrunner/ChartView.rb
+++ b/lib/postrunner/ChartView.rb
@@ -224,9 +224,7 @@ EOT
s << tooltip_div
@charts.each do |chart|
- s << send(chart[:graph], chart[:id],
- chart[:short_label] || chart[:label], chart[:unit] || '',
- chart[:colors]) if chart[:show]
+ s << send(chart[:graph], chart) if chart[:show]
s << "\n});\n"
@@ -262,19 +260,19 @@ EOT
- def line_graph(field, y_label, unit, color = nil)
- s = "var #{field}_data = [\n"
+ def line_graph(chart)
+ s = "var #{chart[:id]}_data = [\n"
data_set = []
start_time = @activity.fit_activity.sessions[0].start_time.to_i
min_value = nil
- if field == 'hrv_score'
+ if chart[:id] == 'hrv_score'
0.upto(@hrv_analyzer.total_duration.to_i - 30) do |t|
next unless (hrv_score = @hrv_analyzer.lnrmssdx20(t, 30)) > 0.0
min_value = hrv_score if min_value.nil? || min_value > hrv_score
data_set << [ t * 1000, hrv_score ]
- elsif field == 'hrv'
+ elsif chart[:id] == 'hrv'
1.upto(@hrv_analyzer.rr_intervals.length - 1) do |idx|
curr_intvl = @hrv_analyzer.rr_intervals[idx]
prev_intvl = @hrv_analyzer.rr_intervals[idx - 1]
@@ -287,11 +285,11 @@ EOT
@activity.fit_activity.records.each do |r|
- value = r.get_as(field, unit)
+ value = r.get_as(chart[:id], chart[:unit] || '')
next unless value
- if field == 'pace'
+ if chart[:id] == 'pace'
# Slow speeds lead to very large pace values that make the graph
# hard to read. We cap the pace at 20.0 min/km to keep it readable.
if value > (@unit_system == :metric ? 20.0 : 36.0 )
@@ -309,7 +307,7 @@ EOT
# We don't want to plot charts with all nil values.
unless data_set.find { |v| v[1] != nil }
- @empty_charts[field] = true
+ @empty_charts[chart[:id]] = true
return ''
s << do |set|
@@ -319,17 +317,17 @@ EOT
s << lap_marks(start_time)
- chart_id = "#{field}_chart"
+ chart_id = "#{chart[:id]}_chart"
s << <<"EOT"
var plot = $.plot(\"##{chart_id}\",
- [ { data: #{field}_data,
- #{color ? "color: \"#{color}\"," : ''}
- lines: { show: true#{field == 'pace' ? '' :
+ [ { data: #{chart[:id]}_data,
+ #{chart[:colors] ? "color: \"#{chart[:colors]}\"," : ''}
+ lines: { show: true#{chart[:id] == 'pace' ? '' :
', fill: true'} } } ],
{ xaxis: { mode: "time" },
grid: { markings: lap_marks, hoverable: true }
- if field == 'pace'
+ if chart[:id] == 'pace'
s << ", yaxis: { mode: \"time\",\n" +
" transform: function (v) { return -v; },\n" +
" inverseTransform: function (v) { return -v; } }"
@@ -339,34 +337,35 @@ EOT
s << "});\n"
s << lap_mark_labels(chart_id, start_time)
- s << hover_function(chart_id, y_label, select_unit(unit)) + "\n"
+ s << hover_function(chart_id, chart[:short_label] || chart[:label],
+ select_unit(chart[:unit] || '')) + "\n"
- def point_graph(field, y_label, unit, colors)
- # We need to split the field values into separate data sets for each
+ def point_graph(chart)
+ # We need to split the y-values into separate data sets for each
# color. The max value for each color determines which set a data point
# ends up in.
# Initialize the data sets. The key for data_sets is the corresponding
# index in colors.
data_sets = {}
- colors.each.with_index { |cp, i| data_sets[i] = [] }
+ chart[:colors].each.with_index { |cp, i| data_sets[i] = [] }
- # Now we can split the field values into the sets.
+ # Now we can split the y-values into the sets.
start_time = @activity.fit_activity.sessions[0].start_time.to_i
@activity.fit_activity.records.each do |r|
# Undefined values will be discarded.
- next unless (value = r.send(field))
+ next unless (value = r.send(chart[:id]))
# Find the right set by looking at the maximum allowed values for each
# color.
- colors.each.with_index do |col_max_value, i|
+ chart[:colors].each.with_index do |col_max_value, i|
col, range_max_value = col_max_value
if range_max_value.nil? || value < range_max_value
# A range_max_value of nil means all values allowed. The value is
# in the allowed range for this set, so add the value as x/y pair
# to the set.
x_val = (r.timestamp.to_i - start_time) * 1000
- data_sets[i] << [ x_val, r.get_as(field, unit) ]
+ data_sets[i] << [ x_val, r.get_as(chart[:id], chart[:unit] || '') ]
# Abort the color loop since we've found the right set already.
@@ -375,32 +374,35 @@ EOT
# We don't want to plot charts with all nil values.
if data_sets.values.flatten.empty?
- @empty_charts[field] = true
+ @empty_charts[chart[:id]] = true
return ''
# Now generate the JS variable definitions for each set.
s = ''
data_sets.each do |index, ds|
- s << "var #{field}_data_#{index} = [\n"
+ s << "var #{chart[:id]}_data_#{index} = [\n"
s << { |dp| "[ #{dp[0]}, #{dp[1]} ]" }.join(', ')
s << " ];\n"
s << lap_marks(start_time)
- chart_id = "#{field}_chart"
+ chart_id = "#{chart[:id]}_chart"
s << "var plot = $.plot(\"##{chart_id}\", [\n"
s << do |index, ds|
- "{ data: #{field}_data_#{index},\n" +
- " color: \"#{colors[index][0]}\",\n" +
- " points: { show: true, fillColor: \"#{colors[index][0]}\", " +
+ "{ data: #{chart[:id]}_data_#{index},\n" +
+ " color: \"#{chart[:colors][index][0]}\",\n" +
+ " points: { show: true, " +
+ " fillColor: \"#{chart[:colors][index][0]}\", " +
" fill: true, radius: 2 } }"
end.join(', ')
- s << "], { xaxis: { mode: \"time\" },
- grid: { markings: lap_marks, hoverable: true } });\n"
+ s << "], { xaxis: { mode: \"time\" }, " +
+ (chart[:id] == 'gct_balance' ? gct_balance_yaxis(data_sets) : '') +
+ " grid: { markings: lap_marks, hoverable: true } });\n"
s << lap_mark_labels(chart_id, start_time)
- s << hover_function(chart_id, y_label, select_unit(unit))
+ s << hover_function(chart_id, chart[:short_label] || chart[:label],
+ select_unit(chart[:unit] || ''))
@@ -460,6 +462,39 @@ EOT
+ def gct_balance_yaxis(data_set)
+ # Decompose hash of array with x/y touples into a flat array of just y
+ # values.
+ yvalues = data_set.values.flatten(1).map { |touple| touple[1] }
+ # Find the largest and smallest value and round it up and down to the
+ # next Fixnum.
+ max = yvalues.max.ceil
+ min = yvalues.min.floor
+ # Ensure that the range 49 - 51 is always included.
+ max = 51.0 if max < 51.0
+ min = 49.0 if min > 49.0
+ # The graph is large to fit 6 ticks quite nicely.
+ tick_step = ((max - min) / 6.0).ceil
+ # Generate an Array with the tick values
+ tick_values = (0..5) { |i| min + i * tick_step }
+ # Remove values that are larger than max
+ tick_values.delete_if { |v| v > max }
+ # Generate an Array of tick/label touples
+ ticks = []
+ tick_labels = tick_values.each do |value|
+ label = if value < 50
+ "#{100 - value}%R"
+ elsif value > 50
+ "#{value}%L"
+ else
+ '50/50'
+ end
+ ticks << [ value, label ]
+ end
+ # Convert the tick/label Array into a Flot yaxis definition.
+ "yaxis: { ticks: #{ticks.inspect} }, "
+ end