use nix::unistd::*; use nix::unistd::ForkResult::*; use nix::sys::wait::*; use std::ffi::CString; #[test] fn test_fork_and_waitpid() { let pid = fork(); match pid { Ok(Child) => {} // ignore child here Ok(Parent { child }) => { // assert that child was created and pid > 0 assert!(child > 0); let wait_status = waitpid(child, None); match wait_status { // assert that waitpid returned correct status and the pid is the one of the child Ok(WaitStatus::Exited(pid_t, _)) => assert!(pid_t == child), // panic, must never happen Ok(_) => panic!("Child still alive, should never happen"), // panic, waitpid should never fail Err(_) => panic!("Error: waitpid Failed") } }, // panic, fork should never fail unless there is a serious problem with the OS Err(_) => panic!("Error: Fork Failed") } } #[test] fn test_wait() { let pid = fork(); match pid { Ok(Child) => {} // ignore child here Ok(Parent { child }) => { let wait_status = wait(); // just assert that (any) one child returns with WaitStatus::Exited assert_eq!(wait_status, Ok(WaitStatus::Exited(child, 0))); }, // panic, fork should never fail unless there is a serious problem with the OS Err(_) => panic!("Error: Fork Failed") } } #[test] fn test_mkstemp() { let result = mkstemp("/tmp/nix_tempfile.XXXXXXXX"); match result { Ok((fd, path)) => { close(fd).unwrap(); unlink(path.as_path()).unwrap(); } Err(e) => panic!("mkstemp failed: {}", e) } } #[test] fn test_getpid() { let pid = getpid(); let ppid = getppid(); assert!(pid > 0); assert!(ppid > 0); } #[cfg(any(target_os = "linux", target_os = "android"))] mod linux_android { use nix::unistd::gettid; #[test] fn test_gettid() { let tid = gettid(); assert!(tid > 0); } } macro_rules! execve_test_factory( ($test_name:ident, $syscall:ident, $unix_sh:expr, $android_sh:expr) => ( #[test] fn $test_name() { // The `exec`d process will write to `writer`, and we'll read that // data from `reader`. let (reader, writer) = pipe().unwrap(); match fork().unwrap() { Child => { #[cfg(not(target_os = "android"))] const SH_PATH: &'static [u8] = $unix_sh; #[cfg(target_os = "android")] const SH_PATH: &'static [u8] = $android_sh; // Close stdout. close(1).unwrap(); // Make `writer` be the stdout of the new process. dup(writer).unwrap(); // exec! $syscall( &CString::new(SH_PATH).unwrap(), &[CString::new(b"".as_ref()).unwrap(), CString::new(b"-c".as_ref()).unwrap(), CString::new(b"echo nix!!! && echo foo=$foo && echo baz=$baz" .as_ref()).unwrap()], &[CString::new(b"foo=bar".as_ref()).unwrap(), CString::new(b"baz=quux".as_ref()).unwrap()]).unwrap(); }, Parent { child } => { // Wait for the child to exit. waitpid(child, None).unwrap(); // Read 1024 bytes. let mut buf = [0u8; 1024]; read(reader, &mut buf).unwrap(); // It should contain the things we printed using `/bin/sh`. let string = String::from_utf8_lossy(&buf); assert!(string.contains("nix!!!")); assert!(string.contains("foo=bar")); assert!(string.contains("baz=quux")); } } } ) ); execve_test_factory!(test_execve, execve, b"/bin/sh", b"/system/bin/sh"); #[cfg(any(target_os = "linux", target_os = "android"))] #[cfg(feature = "execvpe")] execve_test_factory!(test_execvpe, execvpe, b"sh", b"sh");