use std::{mem, ptr}; use libc::{c_char, c_void, c_int, size_t, pid_t, off_t}; use fcntl::{fcntl, Fd, OFlag, O_NONBLOCK, O_CLOEXEC, FD_CLOEXEC}; use fcntl::FcntlArg::{F_SETFD, F_SETFL}; use errno::{SysResult, SysError, from_ffi}; use core::raw::Slice as RawSlice; use utils::ToCStr; use std::ffi::CString; #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] pub use self::linux::*; mod ffi { use super::{IovecR,IovecW}; use libc::{c_char, c_int, size_t, ssize_t}; pub use libc::{close, read, write, pipe, ftruncate}; pub use libc::funcs::posix88::unistd::fork; use fcntl::Fd; extern { // duplicate a file descriptor // doc: pub fn dup(oldfd: c_int) -> c_int; pub fn dup2(oldfd: c_int, newfd: c_int) -> c_int; // change working directory // doc: pub fn chdir(path: *const c_char) -> c_int; // execute program // doc: pub fn execve(filename: *const c_char, argv: *const *const c_char, envp: *const *const c_char) -> c_int; // run the current process in the background // doc: pub fn daemon(nochdir: c_int, noclose: c_int) -> c_int; // sets the hostname to the value given // doc: pub fn gethostname(name: *mut c_char, len: size_t) -> c_int; // gets the hostname // doc: pub fn sethostname(name: *const c_char, len: size_t) -> c_int; // vectorized version of write // doc: pub fn writev(fd: Fd, iov: *const IovecW, iovcnt: c_int) -> ssize_t; // vectorized version of read // doc: pub fn readv(fd: Fd, iov: *const IovecR, iovcnt: c_int) -> ssize_t; } } #[derive(Copy)] pub enum Fork { Parent(pid_t), Child } impl Fork { pub fn is_child(&self) -> bool { match *self { Fork::Child => true, _ => false } } pub fn is_parent(&self) -> bool { match *self { Fork::Parent(_) => true, _ => false } } } pub fn fork() -> SysResult { use self::Fork::*; let res = unsafe { ffi::fork() }; if res < 0 { return Err(SysError::last()); } else if res == 0 { Ok(Child) } else { Ok(Parent(res)) } } // We use phantom types to maintain memory safety. // If readv/writev were using simple &[Iovec] we could initialize // Iovec with immutable slice and then pass it to readv, overwriting content // we dont have write access to: // let mut v = Vec::new(); // let iov = Iovec::from_slice(immutable_vec.as_slice()); // v.push(iov); // let _:SysResult = readv(fd, v.as_slice()); // We do not want to appear in ffi functions, so we provide this aliases. type IovecR = Iovec; type IovecW = Iovec; #[derive(Copy)] pub struct ToRead; #[derive(Copy)] pub struct ToWrite; #[repr(C)] pub struct Iovec { iov_base: *mut c_void, iov_len: size_t, } impl Iovec { #[inline] pub fn as_slice<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a [u8] { unsafe { mem::transmute(RawSlice { data: self.iov_base as *const u8, len: self.iov_len as usize }) } } } impl Iovec { #[inline] pub fn from_slice(buf: &[u8]) -> Iovec { Iovec { iov_base: buf.as_ptr() as *mut c_void, iov_len: buf.len() as size_t } } } impl Iovec { #[inline] pub fn from_mut_slice(buf: &mut [u8]) -> Iovec { Iovec { iov_base: buf.as_ptr() as *mut c_void, iov_len: buf.len() as size_t } } } #[inline] pub fn dup(oldfd: Fd) -> SysResult { let res = unsafe { ffi::dup(oldfd) }; if res < 0 { return Err(SysError::last()); } Ok(res) } #[inline] pub fn dup2(oldfd: Fd, newfd: Fd) -> SysResult { let res = unsafe { ffi::dup2(oldfd, newfd) }; if res < 0 { return Err(SysError::last()); } Ok(res) } #[cfg(not(any(target_os = "macos", target_os = "ios")))] pub fn dup3(oldfd: Fd, newfd: Fd, flags: OFlag) -> SysResult { type F = unsafe extern "C" fn(c_int, c_int, c_int) -> c_int; extern { #[linkage = "extern_weak"] static dup3: *const (); } if !dup3.is_null() { let res = unsafe { mem::transmute::<*const (), F>(dup3)( oldfd, newfd, flags.bits()) }; if res < 0 { return Err(SysError::last()); } Ok(res) } else { dup3_polyfill(oldfd, newfd, flags) } } #[cfg(any(target_os = "macos", target_os = "ios"))] pub fn dup3(oldfd: Fd, newfd: Fd, flags: OFlag) -> SysResult { dup3_polyfill(oldfd, newfd, flags) } #[inline] fn dup3_polyfill(oldfd: Fd, newfd: Fd, flags: OFlag) -> SysResult { use errno::EINVAL; if oldfd == newfd { return Err(SysError { kind: EINVAL }); } let fd = try!(dup2(oldfd, newfd)); if flags.contains(O_CLOEXEC) { if let Err(e) = fcntl(fd, F_SETFD(FD_CLOEXEC)) { let _ = close(fd); return Err(e); } } Ok(fd) } #[inline] pub fn chdir(path: S) -> SysResult<()> { let path = path.to_c_str(); let res = unsafe { ffi::chdir(path.as_ptr()) }; if res != 0 { return Err(SysError::last()); } return Ok(()) } #[inline] pub fn execve(filename: &CString, args: &[CString], env: &[CString]) -> SysResult<()> { let mut args_p: Vec<*const c_char> = args.iter().map(|s| s.as_ptr()).collect(); args_p.push(ptr::null()); let mut env_p: Vec<*const c_char> = env.iter().map(|s| s.as_ptr()).collect(); env_p.push(ptr::null()); let res = unsafe { ffi::execve(filename.as_ptr(), args_p.as_ptr(), env_p.as_ptr()) }; if res != 0 { return Err(SysError::last()); } unreachable!() } pub fn daemon(nochdir: bool, noclose: bool) -> SysResult<()> { let res = unsafe { ffi::daemon(nochdir as c_int, noclose as c_int) }; from_ffi(res) } pub fn sethostname(name: &[u8]) -> SysResult<()> { let ptr = name.as_ptr() as *const c_char; let len = name.len() as size_t; let res = unsafe { ffi::sethostname(ptr, len) }; from_ffi(res) } pub fn gethostname(name: &mut [u8]) -> SysResult<()> { let ptr = name.as_mut_ptr() as *mut c_char; let len = name.len() as size_t; let res = unsafe { ffi::gethostname(ptr, len) }; from_ffi(res) } pub fn close(fd: Fd) -> SysResult<()> { let res = unsafe { ffi::close(fd) }; from_ffi(res) } pub fn read(fd: Fd, buf: &mut [u8]) -> SysResult { let res = unsafe { ffi::read(fd, buf.as_mut_ptr() as *mut c_void, buf.len() as size_t) }; if res < 0 { return Err(SysError::last()); } return Ok(res as usize) } pub fn write(fd: Fd, buf: &[u8]) -> SysResult { let res = unsafe { ffi::write(fd, buf.as_ptr() as *const c_void, buf.len() as size_t) }; if res < 0 { return Err(SysError::last()); } return Ok(res as usize) } pub fn writev(fd: Fd, iov: &[Iovec]) -> SysResult { let res = unsafe { ffi::writev(fd, iov.as_ptr(), iov.len() as c_int) }; if res < 0 { return Err(SysError::last()); } return Ok(res as usize) } pub fn readv(fd: Fd, iov: &mut [Iovec]) -> SysResult { let res = unsafe { ffi::readv(fd, iov.as_ptr(), iov.len() as c_int) }; if res < 0 { return Err(SysError::last()); } return Ok(res as usize) } pub fn pipe() -> SysResult<(Fd, Fd)> { unsafe { let mut res; let mut fds: [c_int; 2] = mem::uninitialized(); res = ffi::pipe(fds.as_mut_ptr()); if res < 0 { return Err(SysError::last()); } Ok((fds[0], fds[1])) } } #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] pub fn pipe2(flags: OFlag) -> SysResult<(Fd, Fd)> { type F = unsafe extern "C" fn(fds: *mut c_int, flags: c_int) -> c_int; extern { #[linkage = "extern_weak"] static pipe2: *const (); } let feat_atomic = !pipe2.is_null(); unsafe { let mut res; let mut fds: [c_int; 2] = mem::uninitialized(); if feat_atomic { res = mem::transmute::<*const (), F>(pipe2)( fds.as_mut_ptr(), flags.bits()); } else { res = ffi::pipe(fds.as_mut_ptr()); } if res < 0 { return Err(SysError::last()); } if !feat_atomic { try!(pipe2_setflags(fds[0], fds[1], flags)); } Ok((fds[0], fds[1])) } } #[cfg(any(target_os = "macos", target_os = "ios"))] pub fn pipe2(flags: OFlag) -> SysResult<(Fd, Fd)> { unsafe { let mut res; let mut fds: [c_int; 2] = mem::uninitialized(); res = ffi::pipe(fds.as_mut_ptr()); if res < 0 { return Err(SysError::last()); } try!(pipe2_setflags(fds[0], fds[1], flags)); Ok((fds[0], fds[1])) } } fn pipe2_setflags(fd1: Fd, fd2: Fd, flags: OFlag) -> SysResult<()> { let mut res = Ok(()); if flags.contains(O_CLOEXEC) { res = res .and_then(|_| fcntl(fd1, F_SETFD(FD_CLOEXEC))) .and_then(|_| fcntl(fd2, F_SETFD(FD_CLOEXEC))); } if flags.contains(O_NONBLOCK) { res = res .and_then(|_| fcntl(fd1, F_SETFL(O_NONBLOCK))) .and_then(|_| fcntl(fd2, F_SETFL(O_NONBLOCK))); } match res { Ok(_) => Ok(()), Err(e) => { let _ = close(fd1); let _ = close(fd2); return Err(e); } } } pub fn ftruncate(fd: Fd, len: off_t) -> SysResult<()> { if unsafe { ffi::ftruncate(fd, len) } < 0 { Err(SysError::last()) } else { Ok(()) } } #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] mod linux { use std::path::Path; use syscall::{syscall, SYSPIVOTROOT}; use errno::{SysResult, SysError}; use utils::ToCStr; pub fn pivot_root(new_root: &Path, put_old: &Path) -> SysResult<()> { let new_root = new_root.to_c_str(); let put_old = put_old.to_c_str(); let res = unsafe { syscall(SYSPIVOTROOT, new_root.as_ptr(), put_old.as_ptr()) }; if res != 0 { return Err(SysError::last()); } Ok(()) } }