--- sudo: false language: rust rust: - nightly - 1.0.0 os: - linux - osx script: - cargo test - cargo doc --no-deps # Deploy documentation to S3 for specific branches. At some # point, it would be nice to also support building docs for # a specific tag deploy: provider: s3 access_key_id: AKIAIGFX36YKEFRZJAXA secret_access_key: secure: Q10KEdtBoYxaGXtt23L00J0obv9fpVWtao8YKFEroZMOmvu8Sq2+9aTNGEQRp2OojOxuu+DjZInJlUDFhq6trmV3kpZH2BF7cNRxiZQpQ2FEmlr6ZpYN38GhcIUKdxXqVwXiASJi6j+vz6QdpaOGCs5lQC3VhM5sn49MFXNUrFU= bucket: rustdoc endpoint: "rustdoc.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com" skip_cleanup: true local-dir: target/doc upload-dir: nix/${TRAVIS_BRANCH}/${TRAVIS_OS_NAME} acl: public_read on: condition: $TRAVIS_RUST_VERSION == "1.0.0" repo: carllerche/nix-rust branch: - master