freebsd_instance: image_family: freebsd-11-3-snap # Test FreeBSD in a full VM on Test the i686 target too, in the # same VM. The binary will be built in 32-bit mode, but will execute on a # 64-bit kernel and in a 64-bit environment. Our tests don't execute any of # the system's binaries, so the environment shouldn't matter. task: name: FreeBSD 11.3 cargo_cache: folder: $CARGO_HOME/registry fingerprint_script: cat Cargo.lock || echo "" # Install Rust setup_script: - fetch -o - sh -y --profile=minimal --default-toolchain 1.36.0 - $HOME/.cargo/bin/rustup target add i686-unknown-freebsd amd64_test_script: - . $HOME/.cargo/env - cargo test i386_test_script: - . $HOME/.cargo/env - cargo test --target i686-unknown-freebsd before_cache_script: rm -rf $CARGO_HOME/registry/index