cargo_cache: folder: $CARGO_HOME/registry fingerprint_script: cat Cargo.lock || echo "" env: # Build by default; don't just check BUILD: build RUSTFLAGS: -D warnings RUSTDOCFLAGS: -D warnings TOOL: cargo # The MSRV TOOLCHAIN: 1.63 ZFLAGS: # Tests that don't require executing the build binaries build: &BUILD build_script: - . $HOME/.cargo/env || true - $TOOL +$TOOLCHAIN -Vv - rustc +$TOOLCHAIN -Vv - $TOOL +$TOOLCHAIN $BUILD $ZFLAGS --target $TARGET --all-targets - $TOOL +$TOOLCHAIN doc $ZFLAGS --no-deps --target $TARGET - $TOOL +$TOOLCHAIN clippy $ZFLAGS --target $TARGET --all-targets -- -D warnings - if [ -z "$NOHACK" ]; then mkdir -p $HOME/.cargo/bin; export PATH=$HOME/.cargo/bin:$PATH; fi - if [ -z "$NOHACK" ]; then curl -LsSf${HOST:-$TARGET}.tar.gz | tar xzf - -C ~/.cargo/bin; fi - if [ -z "$NOHACK" ]; then $TOOL +$TOOLCHAIN hack $ZFLAGS check --target $TARGET --each-feature; fi # Tests that do require executing the binaries test: &TEST << : *BUILD test_script: - . $HOME/.cargo/env || true - $TOOL +$TOOLCHAIN test --target $TARGET # Test FreeBSD in a full VM. Test the i686 target too, in the # same VM. The binary will be built in 32-bit mode, but will execute on a # 64-bit kernel and in a 64-bit environment. Our tests don't execute any of # the system's binaries, so the environment shouldn't matter. task: env: TARGET: x86_64-unknown-freebsd matrix: - name: FreeBSD 12 amd64 & i686 freebsd_instance: image: freebsd-12-3-release-amd64 - name: FreeBSD 14 amd64 & i686 freebsd_instance: image_family: freebsd-14-0-snap # Enable tests that would fail on FreeBSD 12 RUSTFLAGS: --cfg fbsd14 -D warnings RUSTDOCFLAGS: --cfg fbsd14 setup_script: - kldload mqueuefs - fetch -o - sh -y --profile=minimal --default-toolchain $TOOLCHAIN - . $HOME/.cargo/env - rustup target add i686-unknown-freebsd - rustup component add --toolchain $TOOLCHAIN clippy << : *TEST i386_test_script: - . $HOME/.cargo/env - cargo build --target i686-unknown-freebsd - cargo doc --no-deps --target i686-unknown-freebsd - cargo test --target i686-unknown-freebsd i386_feature_script: - . $HOME/.cargo/env - if [ -z "$NOHACK" ]; then cargo hack check --each-feature --target i686-unknown-freebsd; fi before_cache_script: rm -rf $CARGO_HOME/registry/index # Test macOS aarch64 in a full VM task: name: macOS aarch64 env: TARGET: aarch64-apple-darwin macos_instance: image: setup_script: - curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf -o - sh -y --profile=minimal --default-toolchain $TOOLCHAIN - . $HOME/.cargo/env - rustup component add --toolchain $TOOLCHAIN clippy << : *TEST before_cache_script: rm -rf $CARGO_HOME/registry/index # Use cross for QEMU-based testing # cross needs to execute Docker, so we must use Cirrus's Docker Builder task. task: env: RUST_TEST_THREADS: 1 # QEMU works best with 1 thread HOME: /tmp/home HOST: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu PATH: $HOME/.cargo/bin:$PATH RUSTFLAGS: --cfg qemu -D warnings TOOL: cross matrix: - name: Linux arm gnueabi env: TARGET: arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi - name: Linux armv7 gnueabihf env: TARGET: armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf - name: Linux i686 env: TARGET: i686-unknown-linux-gnu - name: Linux i686 musl env: TARGET: i686-unknown-linux-musl - name: Linux MIPS env: TARGET: mips-unknown-linux-gnu - name: Linux MIPS64 env: TARGET: mips64-unknown-linux-gnuabi64 - name: Linux MIPS64 el env: TARGET: mips64el-unknown-linux-gnuabi64 - name: Linux mipsel env: TARGET: mipsel-unknown-linux-gnu - name: Linux powerpc64le env: TARGET: powerpc64le-unknown-linux-gnu compute_engine_instance: image_project: cirrus-images image: family/docker-builder platform: linux cpu: 1 # Since QEMU will only use 1 thread memory: 4G setup_script: - mkdir /tmp/home - curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf -o - sh -y --profile=minimal --default-toolchain $TOOLCHAIN - . $HOME/.cargo/env - cargo install cross --version 0.2.1 # cross 0.2.2 bumped the MSRV to 1.58.1 << : *TEST before_cache_script: rm -rf $CARGO_HOME/registry/index # Tasks for Linux native builds task: matrix: - name: Linux aarch64 arm_container: image: rust:1.63 env: RUSTFLAGS: --cfg graviton -D warnings TARGET: aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu - name: Linux x86_64 container: image: rust:1.63 env: TARGET: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu - name: Linux x86_64 musl container: image: rust:1.63 env: TARGET: x86_64-unknown-linux-musl setup_script: - rustup target add $TARGET - rustup toolchain install $TOOLCHAIN --profile minimal --target $TARGET - rustup component add --toolchain $TOOLCHAIN clippy << : *TEST before_cache_script: rm -rf $CARGO_HOME/registry/index task: name: Rust Stable container: image: rust:latest env: TARGET: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu TOOLCHAIN: setup_script: - rustup target add $TARGET - rustup component add clippy << : *TEST before_cache_script: rm -rf $CARGO_HOME/registry/index # Tasks for cross-compiling, but no testing task: container: image: rust:1.63 env: BUILD: check HOST: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu matrix: # Cross claims to support Android, but when it tries to run Nix's tests it # reports undefined symbol references. - name: Android aarch64 env: TARGET: aarch64-linux-android - name: Android arm env: TARGET: arm-linux-androideabi - name: Android armv7 env: TARGET: armv7-linux-androideabi - name: Android i686 env: TARGET: i686-linux-android - name: Android x86_64 env: TARGET: x86_64-linux-android - name: Linux arm-musleabi env: TARGET: arm-unknown-linux-musleabi - name: Fuchsia x86_64 env: TARGET: x86_64-fuchsia - name: Illumos env: TARGET: x86_64-unknown-illumos # Cross claims to support running tests on iOS, but it actually doesn't. # - name: iOS aarch64 env: # cargo hack tries to invoke the iphonesimulator SDK for iOS NOHACK: 1 TARGET: aarch64-apple-ios - name: iOS x86_64 env: # cargo hack tries to invoke the iphonesimulator SDK for iOS NOHACK: 1 TARGET: x86_64-apple-ios # Cross testing on powerpc fails with "undefined reference to renameat2". # Perhaps cross is using too-old a version? - name: Linux powerpc env: TARGET: powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu # Cross claims to support Linux powerpc64, but it really doesn't. # - name: Linux powerpc64 env: TARGET: powerpc64-unknown-linux-gnu - name: Linux s390x env: TARGET: s390x-unknown-linux-gnu - name: Linux x32 env: TARGET: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnux32 - name: macOS x86_64 env: TARGET: x86_64-apple-darwin - name: NetBSD x86_64 env: TARGET: x86_64-unknown-netbsd setup_script: - rustup target add $TARGET - rustup toolchain install $TOOLCHAIN --profile minimal --target $TARGET - rustup component add --toolchain $TOOLCHAIN clippy << : *BUILD before_cache_script: rm -rf $CARGO_HOME/registry/index task: container: image: rust:1.63 env: BUILD: check name: Redox x86_64 env: HOST: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu TARGET: x86_64-unknown-redox # Redox's MSRV policy is unclear. Until they define it, use nightly. TOOLCHAIN: nightly setup_script: - rustup target add $TARGET - rustup toolchain install $TOOLCHAIN --profile minimal --target $TARGET - rustup component add --toolchain $TOOLCHAIN clippy << : *BUILD before_cache_script: rm -rf $CARGO_HOME/registry/index # Rust Tier 3 targets can't use Rustup task: container: image: rustlang/rust:nightly env: BUILD: check HOST: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu TOOLCHAIN: nightly ZFLAGS: -Zbuild-std matrix: - name: DragonFly BSD x86_64 env: TARGET: x86_64-unknown-dragonfly - name: OpenBSD x86_64 env: TARGET: x86_64-unknown-openbsd - name: Linux armv7 uclibceabihf env: TARGET: armv7-unknown-linux-uclibceabihf - name: Haiku x86_64 env: TARGET: x86_64-unknown-haiku setup_script: - rustup component add rust-src << : *BUILD before_cache_script: rm -rf $CARGO_HOME/registry/index # Test that we can build with the lowest version of all dependencies. # "cargo test" doesn't work because some of our dev-dependencies, like # rand, can't build with their own minimal dependencies. task: name: Minver env: HOST: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu TOOLCHAIN: nightly container: image: rustlang/rust:nightly setup_script: - cargo update -Zminimal-versions check_script: - cargo check before_cache_script: rm -rf $CARGO_HOME/registry/index # Tasks that checks if the code is formatted right using `cargo fmt` tool task: name: Rust Formatter container: image: rust:latest setup_script: rustup +$TOOLCHAIN component add rustfmt test_script: $TOOL +$TOOLCHAIN fmt --all -- --check **/*.rs