.TH mcwm 1 "Jun 24, 2010" "" "" .SH NAME mcwm \- MC's Window Manager for X11. .SH SYNOPSIS .B mcwm [ .B \-b ] [ .B \-t .I terminal-program ] [ .B \-f .I colour ] [ .B \-u .I colour ] .SH DESCRIPTION .B mcwm\fP is a window manager for the X Window System. .SH OPTIONS .TP \-b means draw no window borders. .TP \-t urxvt will start urxvt when MODKEY + Return is pressed. .TP \-f colour sets colour for focused window borders to a named colour. .TP \-u colour sets colour for unfocused window borders. .SH USE With the the default configuration, use mcwm like this. .PP Mod1 + mouse buttons: .RS .IP \(bu 2 .B 1 move .IP \(bu 2 .B 2 raise .IP \(bu 2 .B 3 resize .RE .PP Mod2 + key: .PP .RS .IP \(bu 2 .B r raise or lower (toggles) .IP \(bu 2 .B x maximize .IP \(bu 2 .B m maximize vertically .IP \(bu 2 .B h move left .IP \(bu 2 .B j move down .IP \(bu 2 .B k move up .IP \(bu 2 .B l move right .IP \(bu 2 .B H resize left .IP \(bu 2 .B J resize down .IP \(bu 2 .B K resize up .IP \(bu 2 .B L resize right .IP \(bu 2 .B Return start terminal .IP \(bu 2 .B f fix window so it is visible on all workspaces. .IP \(bu 2 .B 0\-9 go to workspace n, 0-9. .RE .PP If you don't like the default key bindings, border width, et cetera, look in the config.h file, change and recompile. .PP .SH STARTING Typically the window manager is started from a script, either run by .B startx(1) or a login manager such as .B xdm(1). .PP If you start from the console, you need an .xinitrc file. Here's a complete example: .sp .in +4 .nf \&#! /bin/sh # Set nice background. xsetroot \-mod 16 16 \-fg rgb:54/6/6 \-bg grey20 # Set nice pointer cursor. xsetroot \-cursor_name plus \-fg white \-bg black # Load resources. xrdb \-load ~/.Xresources # Start window manager in the background. If it dies, X still lives. mcwm & # Start a terminal in the foreground. If this dies, X dies. urxvt .fi .in -4 .sp .SH AUTHOR Michael Cardell Widerkrantz .