-*- text -*- In order of importance: * Run under some memory checker. DMALLOC? * GTK apps has some extra windows that are initially unmapped. How do we handle these? * Changing focus from keyboard Save the subwindows of the root window and focus each when pressing modkey + user_key_change. First option always last focused window. * "R" should toggle stack order. * "M" and "X" should toggle. Store original geom in X properties for the window. * Move to corners: YU BN. Quickly move a window to the corners of the screen, a la evilwm. * Use window resizing hints. * Obey no-input hints. Don't focus on these windows at all. Does unclutter use this? * Flag to disable dontmoveoff. * Handle colours for real. Don't just assume raw pixel values will work. * Special treatment when someone resizes a maximed window... Should it be possible at all? Set new border width. Set and read window hint about maximized state. * Virtual workspaces Store workspace data in an X property for the window. When changing workspace, look for the windows with the right property. possibly store internally as well, so we don't generate so much traffic? * RandR/Xinerama Get physical screen characteristics. Maximize and move to corners should consider the screen it's on. * Key to move to another physical screen. * Use event handlers?