-*- text -*- This is a small window manager for the X Window System written entirely with XCB, the straight X protocol binding to the C language. It doesn't use libX11 which most older window managers do. It's a traditional 'floating' window manager. It doesn't really do anything new to the user experience. It is pretty stupid, but can probably be useful for some people. == Usage == With the the default configuration, use it like this: Mod1 + mouse buttons: 1 move 2 raise 3 resize Mod2 + key: r raise or lower (toggles) x maximize m maximize vertically h move left j move down k move up l move right H resize left J resize down K resize up L resize right Return start terminal If you don't like the default key bindings, border width, et cetera, look in the config.h file, change and recompile. == More information & Contact == Please see: http://hack.org/mc/hacks/mcwm/ To contact me, write to: Michael Cardell Widerkrantz