-*- text -*- User visible changes 2010-07-16 * Move and resize, both with keyboard and mouse, now keeps pointer in place within window if it's possible without losing focus. 2010-07-10 * Border colour of fixed windows can be set from command line with -x colour. * Dies gracefully and maps all windows on all workspaces. * Handle unmapped, but inactive, windows when changing workspaces. This means that xpdf's and gv's transient windows won't show up again when changing workspaces unless they're currently really active. 2010-07-07 * Rearranges windows to be visible and fit on screen if a physical screen is removed or screen is tilted. * Maximize and vertical maximize toggles. * First virtual workspace, that is 1, is now numbered as 0 in the _NET_WM_DESKTOP as in the rest of the window managers following EWMH. 2010-06-30 * Virtual workspaces available with Mod2-0,1,2... Fix on all workspaces with Mod2-f. 2010-06-29 * Focus can change from keyboard with Mod2-Tab. 2010-06-24-3 * -f and -u options for focused and unfocused colours. 2010-06-24 * When starting, we don't care about windows with override redirect set. This means, for instance, that if a GTK application was running when we started, we won't draw any borders around its menus. * New option, -t . * Fixed bugs. 2010-06-22 * Handles size changes of the root window. That is, if the user adds an additional screen or removes one when the X server supports RANDR. * MODKEY + R toggles raise/lower of window. * Maps new windows on pointer position and tries to fit on screen. * Resizes with size hints. This means, for instance, that most programs using fixed width fonts resizes by font width and height. No feedback yet, though. * Handles more requests, which means usable with more programs (xterm and xpdf, for instance, which hardly worked before). * Fixed bugs. 2010-06-19 * Now a real window manager. Now controls mapping of windows. If we can't be a real window manager, this probably means there is already one running, so we fall back to co-running. Windows are mapped at the pointer position if we can control it. * A flag, -b, for not drawing any borders what so ever. Might be useful when co-running. * Now doesn't raise windows all the time while moving or resizing with the mouse. Just raises once.