package.path = package.path .. ';script/?.lua;tools/?.lua' local fs = require 'bee.filesystem' local util = require 'utility' local function loadLocaleFile(filePath) local fileContent = util.loadFile(filePath:string()) local data = { map = {}, list = {}, } if not fileContent then return data end local current local inLongString = false for line, lineCount in util.eachLine(fileContent) do if inLongString then current.content[#current.content+1] = line if line:sub(-2) == ']]' then inLongString = false end goto CONTINUE end local comment = line:match '%s*%-%- TODO.+$' if comment then line = line:sub(1, - #comment - 1) end local key, space = line:match '^(.-)(%s*)=%s*$' if key then current = { key = key, line = lineCount, space = space, comment = comment, content = {}, } if not[key] then[key] = current data.list[#data.list+1] = current end elseif current then if line:find '^%s*$' then current = nil else current.content[#current.content+1] = line if line:sub(1, 2) == '[[' and line:sub(-2) ~= ']]' then inLongString = true end end end ::CONTINUE:: end return data end local localeNames = {} for fullPath in fs.pairs(fs.path('locale')) do localeNames[#localeNames+1] = fullPath:filename():string() end local function mergeList(allKeys, list) local keyMap = {} local leftFix = 0 for i, data in ipairs(list) do local key = data.key local leftIndex = i + leftFix local left = allKeys[leftIndex] if not left then if not keyMap[key] then keyMap[key] = true allKeys[#allKeys+1] = key end goto CONTINUE end if left == key then goto CONTINUE end for j = leftIndex + 1, #allKeys do if allKeys[j] == key then leftFix = j - i goto CONTINUE end end for j = i + 1, #list do if list[j] == key then leftFix = j - i goto CONTINUE end end if not keyMap[key] then keyMap[key] = true table.insert(allKeys, leftIndex, key) end ::CONTINUE:: end end local function needSplit(key, lastKey) if not lastKey then return false end return key:match '%w+' ~= lastKey:match '%w+' end local function buildLocaleFile(localeName, allKeys, localeMap, fileName) local lines = {} local lastKey local blocks = {} local currentBlock = {} blocks[#blocks+1] = currentBlock for _, key in ipairs(allKeys) do if needSplit(key, lastKey) then currentBlock = {} blocks[#blocks+1] = currentBlock end lastKey = key currentBlock[#currentBlock+1] = key end if fileName == 'meta' then lines[#lines+1] = '---@diagnostic disable: undefined-global, lowercase-global' lines[#lines+1] = '' end if fileName == 'setting' then lines[#lines+1] = '---@diagnostic disable: undefined-global' lines[#lines+1] = '' end for _, block in ipairs(blocks) do for _, key in ipairs(block) do local data = localeMap[localeName].map[key] local comment if data then local needTranslate = false if localeName == 'en-us' then local utfLen = 0 local charLen = 0 for _, line in ipairs(data.content) do utfLen = utfLen + util.utf8Len(line) charLen = charLen + #line end if charLen > 0 and utfLen / charLen < 0.8 then needTranslate = true end else --if #data.content > 1 or #data.content[1] > 2 then -- local enContent = localeMap['en-us'].map[key] and localeMap['en-us'].map[key].content -- if enContent then -- needTranslate = #data.content == #enContent -- for i, line in ipairs(data.content) do -- if line ~= enContent[i] then -- needTranslate = false -- end -- end -- end --end end if needTranslate then comment = ' -- TODO: need translate!' end else data = localeMap['en-us'].map[key] or localeMap['zh-cn'].map[key] comment = ' -- TODO: need translate!' end lines[#lines+1] = key .. .. '=' .. (comment or data.comment or '') for _, line in ipairs(data.content) do lines[#lines+1] = line end end lines[#lines+1] = '' end return table.concat(lines, '\n') end local function processFile(fileName) local allKeys = {} local localeMap = {} for _, localeName in ipairs(localeNames) do local localeData = loadLocaleFile(fs.path('locale') / localeName / (fileName .. '.lua')) localeMap[localeName] = localeData mergeList(allKeys, localeData.list) end for _, localeName in ipairs(localeNames) do local newContent = buildLocaleFile(localeName, allKeys, localeMap, fileName) util.saveFile((fs.path('locale') / localeName / (fileName .. '.lua')):string(), newContent) end end for _, fileName in ipairs { 'script', 'meta', 'setting' } do processFile(fileName) end