local config = require 'config' TEST [[ ---@class A local a = {} a.<~x~> = 1 ---@return A local function f() end local b = f() return b.<!x!> ]] TEST [[ ---@class A local a = {} a.<~x~> = 1 ---@return table ---@return A local function f() end local a, b = f() return a.x, b.<!x!> ]] TEST [[ local <~mt~> = {} function <!mt!>:x() self:x() end ]] TEST [[ local mt = {} function mt:<~x~>() self:<!x!>() end ]] --TEST [[ -----@class Dog --local mt = {} --function mt:<~eat~>() --end -- -----@class Master --local mt2 = {} --function mt2:init() -- ---@type Dog -- local foo = self:doSomething() -- ---@type Dog -- self.dog = getDog() --end --function mt2:feed() -- self.dog:<!eat!>() --end --function mt2:doSomething() --end --]] -- TODO: How to search references of function? --[=[ TEST [[ local function f() return <~<!function~> () end!> end local <!f2!> = f() ]] TEST [[ local function f() return nil, <~<!function~> () end!> end local _, <!f2!> = f() ]] ]=] TEST [[ ---@class A local t ---@class B: A local <~v~> ]] TEST [[ ---@class Dog local Dog = {} function Dog:<~eat~>() end ---@generic T ---@param type1 T ---@return T function foobar(type1) return {} end local v1 = foobar(Dog) v1:<!eat!>() ]] TEST [[ ---@class Dog local Dog = {} function Dog:<~eat~>() end ---@class Master local Master = {} ---@generic T ---@param type1 string ---@param type2 T ---@return T function Master:foobar(type1, type2) return {} end local v1 = Master:foobar("", Dog) v1.<!eat!>() ]]