local config = require 'config' local util = require 'utility' local disables = config.get(nil, 'Lua.diagnostics.disable') TEST [[ local ]] TEST [[ local y local x = y ]] TEST [[ local function x() end x() ]] TEST [[ return function (x) x.a = 1 end ]] TEST [[ local = {} .a = 1 ]] TEST [[ local () end!> ]] TEST [[ local = ]] TEST [[ local = ]] TEST [[ local local () x() end!> ]] TEST [[ local print, _G print() print() print() print() print() print(Z) print(_G) Z = 1 ]] TEST [[ :::: ]] TEST [[ ]] TEST [[ ]] TEST [[ X = 1 ]] TEST [[ X = [=[ ]=] ]] TEST [[ -- xxxx ]] TEST [[ -- [=[ ]=] ]] TEST [[ local x print(x) local print(x) ]] TEST [[ local x print(x) local print(x) local print(x) ]] TEST [[ local _ print(_) local _ print(_) local _ENV (_ENV) -- 由于重定义了_ENV,因此print变为了未定义全局变量 ]] TEST [[ local x return x, function () return x end ]] TEST [[ print(1) _ENV = nil ]] TEST [[ ---@diagnostic disable: undefined-global _ENV = nil () -- `print` and `A` should warning ]] TEST [[ ---@diagnostic disable: undefined-global local _ENV = nil () -- `print` and `A` should warning ]] TEST [[ _ENV = {} print(A) -- no warning ]] TEST [[ local _ENV = {} print(A) -- no warning ]] TEST [[ ---@type iolib _ENV = io (stderr) -- `print` is warning but `stderr` is not ]] TEST [[ ---@type iolib local _ENV = io (stderr) -- `print` is warning but `stderr` is not ]] TEST [[ local _ENV = { print = print } print(1) ]] util.arrayInsert(disables, 'undefined-env-child') TEST [[ _ENV = nil = 1 --> _ENV.GLOBAL = 1 ]] TEST [[ _ENV = nil local _ = --> local _ = _ENV.print ]] TEST [[ _ENV = {} GLOBAL = 1 --> _ENV.GLOBAL = 1 ]] TEST [[ _ENV = {} local _ = print --> local _ = _ENV.print ]] TEST [[ GLOBAL = 1 _ENV = nil ]] util.arrayRemove(disables, 'undefined-env-child') TEST [[ :sub(1, 1) ]] TEST [[ print() ('string') ]] TEST [[ print {} {} ]] TEST [[ local x return x : f(1) : f(1) ]] TEST [[ return { } ]] TEST [[ return { } ]] TEST [[ print() 'string' ]] TEST [[ print { x = 1, } ]] TEST [[ local function x(a, b) return a, b end x(1, 2, ) ]] TEST [[ local function x(a, b, ...) return a, b, ... end x(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) ]] TEST [[ ---@type fun(a, b, ...) local x x(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) ]] TEST [[ local m = {} function m:x(a, b) return a, b end m:x(1, 2, ) ]] TEST [[ local m = {} function m:x(a, b) return a, b end m.x(m, 2, 3, ) ]] TEST [[ local m = {} function m.x(a, b) return a, b end m:x(1, , , ) ]] TEST [[ local function x(a, b) return a, b end x(1) ]] TEST [[ ---@param a integer ---@param b integer local function x(a, b) return a, b end ]] TEST [[ ---@param a integer ---@param b integer local function x(a, b) return a, b end ]] TEST [[ ---@param a integer ---@param b integer ---@param ... integer local function x(a, b, ...) return a, b, ... end x(1, 2) ]] TEST [[ ---@diagnostic disable: unused-local ---@param a integer ---@param b integer local function f(a, b) end f(...) ]] TEST [[ ---@diagnostic disable: unused-local ---@param a integer ---@param b integer local function f(a, b) end local function return2Numbers() return 1, 2 end f(return2Numbers()) ]] TEST [[ ---@param a integer ---@param b? integer local function x(a, b) return a, b end x(1) ]] TEST [[ ---@param b integer? local function x(a, b) return a, b end x(1) ]] TEST [[ ---@param b integer|nil local function x(a, b) return a, b end x(1) ]] TEST [[ local m = {} function m.x() end m:x() ]] TEST [[ InstanceName = 1 Instance = _G[InstanceName] ]] TEST [[ local _ = (''):sub(1, 2) ]] TEST [=[ return [[ ]] ]=] util.arrayInsert(disables, 'close-non-object') TEST [[ local _ = function () end ]] util.arrayRemove(disables, 'close-non-object') TEST [[ local _ = ]] TEST [[ local _ = ]] TEST [[ local c = ]] util.arrayInsert(disables, 'unused-local') TEST [[ local f = ]] TEST [[ local f;f = ]] TEST [[ local ]] TEST [[ local ]] TEST [[ local local ]] util.arrayRemove(disables, 'unused-local') TEST [[ local mt, x function mt:m() function x:m() end end return mt, x ]] TEST [[ local mt = {} function mt:f() end return mt ]] TEST [[ local = {} function :f() end ]] TEST [[ local = {} .a = 1 ]] TEST [[ local = {} ['a'] = 1 ]] TEST [[ local function f() return 'something' end f() ]] TEST [[ local function f() return 'something' end f() ]] TEST [[ local function f(var) print(var) end local var f(var) ]] TEST [[ local function f(a, b) return a, b end f(1, 2, , ) ]] TEST [[ local mt = {} function mt:f(a, b) return a, b end mt.f(mt, 2, 3, ) ]] TEST [[ local mt = {} function mt.f(a, b) return a, b end mt:f(1, , , ) ]] TEST [[ local mt = {} function mt:f(a, b) return a, b end mt:f(1, 2, , ) ]] TEST [[ local function f(a, b, ...) return a, b, ... end f(1, 2, 3, 4) ]] TEST [[ local _ = next({}, 1, ) print(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) ]] TEST [[ local function f(callback) callback(1, 2, 3) end f(function () end) ]] --TEST [[ --local realTostring = tostring --tostring = function () end --tostring() --tostring = realTostring --tostring(1) --]] TEST [[ = 1 tostring = 1 ROOT = 1 _G.bb = 1 ]] TEST [[ local f = load('') if f then f(1, 2, 3) end ]] TEST [[ local _ = ]] TEST [[ X = table[] ]] TEST [[ return { = 1, y = 2, = 3, } ]] TEST [[ return { x = 1, y = 2, }, { x = 1, y = 2, } ]] TEST [[ local m = {} function m.open() end m:open() ]] TEST [[ local m = {} function m:open() end m.open(m) ]] TEST [[ ]] TEST [[ ]] TEST [[ if true then else return end ]] TEST [[ while true do end ]] TEST [[ ]] TEST [[ ]] TEST [[ local _ = 1, ]] TEST [[ _ = 1, ]] TEST [[ function X() do local k print(k) end local k = 1 print(k) end ]] TEST [[ function X() local loc print(loc) end ]] TEST [[ local = {} [1] = 1 ]] TEST [[ T1 = 1 _ENV.T2 = 1 _G.T3 = 1 _ENV._G.T4 = 1 _G._G._G.T5 = 1 rawset(_G, 'T6', 1) rawset(_ENV, 'T7', 1) print(T1) print(T2) print(T3) print(T4) print(T5) print(T6) print(T7) ]] TEST [[ local x x = ]] TEST [[ local x, y x = ]] TEST [[ local x, y, z x = x and y or '' .. z ]] TEST [[ local x x = x or -1 ]] TEST [[ local x x = x or (0 + 1) ]] TEST [[ local x, y x = (x + y) or 0 ]] TEST [[ local t = {} t.a = 1 t.a = 2 return t ]] TEST [[ table.insert({}, 1, 2, ) ]] TEST [[ while true do break end ]] TEST [[ local x, , = 1 print(x, y, z) ]] TEST [[ local x, y, = 1, 2 print(x, y, z) ]] TEST [[ local x, y, z = print() print(x, y, z) ]] TEST [[ local x, y, z print(x, y, z) ]] TEST [[ local x, y, z x, , = 1 print(x, y, z) ]] TEST [[ X, , = 1 ]] TEST [[ T = {} T.x, , = 1 ]] TEST [[ T = {} T['x'], , = 1 ]] --TEST [[ -----@class -----@class --]] TEST [[ ---@alias integer ---@alias integer ]] TEST [[ ---@class A : ]] TEST [[ ---@class ---@class ---@class ---@class ]] TEST [[ ---@class A : B ---@class B : C ---@class C : D ---@class D ]] TEST [[ ---@type ]] TEST [[ ---@class A ---@type A|| ]] TEST [[ ---@class AAA ---@alias B AAA ---@type B ]] TEST [[ ---@alias B ]] TEST [[ ---@class A ---@class B ---@alias B ]] TEST [[ ---@param ]] TEST [[ ---@class Class ---@param Class local function f(x) return x end f() ]] TEST [[ ---@class Class ---@param Class function F(x) return x end F() ]] TEST [[ ---@class Class ---@param Class ---@param y Class ---@param Class local function f(x, y) return x, y end local _ f(_, _) ]] TEST [[ ---@field ---@class Class ]] TEST [[ ---@class Class ---@field ]] TEST [[ ---@class Class --- ---@field x Class ]] TEST [[ ---@class Class ---@field Class ---@field Class ]] TEST [[ ---@class Class : any ]] TEST [[ ---@type fun(a: integer) local f f(1) ]] TEST [[ ---@class c c = {} ]] TEST [[ ---@generic T: any ---@param v T ---@param message any ---@return T ---@return any message function assert(v, message) return v, message end ]] TEST [[ ---@type string ---| ]] TEST [[ ---@type ---| 'xx' ]] TEST [[ ---@class class local t ]] ---[==[ -- checkUndefinedField 通用 TEST [[ ---@class Foo ---@field field1 integer local mt = {} function mt:Constructor() self.field2 = 1 end function mt:method1() return 1 end function mt.method2() return 2 end ---@class Bar: Foo ---@field field4 integer local mt2 = {} ---@type Foo local v print(v.field1 + 1) print(v.field2 + 1) print(v. + 1) print(v:method1()) print(v.method2()) print(v:()) ---@type Bar local v2 print(v2.field1 + 1) print(v2.field2 + 1) print(v2. + 1) print(v2.field4 + 1) print(v2:method1()) print(v2.method2()) print(v2:()) local v3 = {} print(v3.abc) ---@class Bar2 local mt3 function mt3:method() return 1 end print(mt3:method()) ]] -- checkUndefinedField 通过type找到class TEST [[ ---@class Foo local Foo function Foo:method1() end ---@type Foo local v v:method1() v:() -- doc.class.name ]] -- checkUndefinedField 通过type找到class,涉及到 class 继承版 TEST [[ ---@class Foo local Foo function Foo:method1() end ---@class Bar: Foo local Bar function Bar:method3() end ---@type Bar local v v:method1() v:() -- doc.class.name v:method3() ]] -- checkUndefinedField 类名和类变量同名,类变量被直接使用 TEST [[ ---@class Foo local Foo function Foo:method1() end Foo:() -- doc.class Foo:() -- doc.class ]] -- checkUndefinedField 没有@class的不检测 TEST [[ local Foo function Foo:method1() return Foo:method2() -- table end ]] -- checkUndefinedField 类名和类变量不同名,类变量被直接使用、使用self TEST [[ ---@class Foo local mt function mt:method1() mt.() -- doc.class self:method1() return self.() -- doc.class.name end ]] -- checkUndefinedField 当会推导成多个class类型时 TEST [[ ---@class Foo local mt function mt:method1() end ---@class Bar local mt2 function mt2:method2() end ---@type Foo local v ---@type Bar local v2 = v v2:method1() v2:() ]] TEST [[ ---@type table T1 = {} print(T1.f1) ---@type tablelib T2 = {} print(T2.) ]] --]==] TEST [[ ---@overload fun(...) local function f() end f(1) ]] TEST [[ for i = do print(i) end ]] TEST [[ for i = do print(i) end ]] TEST [[ for i = do print(i) end ]] TEST [[ for i = do print(i) end ]] TEST [[ for i = 1, 1 do print(i) end ]] TEST [[ local m = {} function () end function () end return m ]] TEST [[ local m = {} function () end do function () end end return m ]] TEST [[ local m = {} m.x = true m.x = false return m ]] TEST [[ local m = {} m.x = io.open('') m.x = nil return m ]] TEST [[ ---@meta ---@class A ---@field a boolean ---@return A local function f() end local r = f() r.x = 1 return r.x ]] TEST [[ ---@diagnostic disable-next-line x = 1 ]] TEST [[ ---@diagnostic disable-next-line: lowercase-global x = 1 ]] TEST [[ ---@diagnostic disable-next-line: unused-local = 1 ]] TEST [[ ---@diagnostic disable x = 1 ]] TEST [[ ---@diagnostic disable ---@diagnostic enable = 1 ]] TEST [[ ---@diagnostic disable ---@diagnostic disable ---@diagnostic enable x = 1 ]] TEST [[ ---@diagnostic disable-next-line: ]] TEST [[ local mt = {} function mt:a(x) return self, x end function mt:b(y) self:a(1):b(2) return y end return mt ]] TEST [[ local function each() return function () end end for x in each() do print(x) end ]] TEST [[ ---@type string local s print(s:upper()) ]] TEST [[ local t = (). return t ]] TEST [[ return { [1] = 1, ['1'] = 1, } ]] TEST [[ return { [print()] = 1, [print()] = 1, } ]] TEST [[ ---@type { x: number, y: number} ---| "'resume'" ]] TEST [[ return { 1, , 3, [] = 4, } ]] TEST [[ --- @class Emit --- @field on fun(eventName: string, cb: function) --- @field on fun(eventName: '"died"', cb: fun(i: integer)) --- @field on fun(eventName: '"won"', cb: fun(s: string)) local emit = {} ]] TEST [[ --- @class Emit --- @field on fun(eventName: string, cb: function) --- @field fun(eventName: '"died"', cb: fun(i: integer)) --- @field on fun(eventName: '"won"', cb: fun(s: string)) --- @field fun(eventName: '"died"', cb: fun(i: integer)) local emit = {} ]] -- redundant-return TEST [[ local function f() end f() ]] TEST [[ local function f() return nil end f() ]] TEST [[ local function f() local function x() end x() return true end f() ]] TEST [[ local function f() local function x() return true end return x() end f() ]] TEST [[ ---@type file* local f local _ = f:read '*a' local _ = f:read('*a') ]] TEST [[ function F() () end ]] TEST [[ ---@async function F() coroutine.yield() end ]] TEST [[ ---@type async fun() local f function F() () end ]] TEST [[ ---@type async fun() local f ---@async function F() f() end ]] TEST [[ local function f(cb) cb() end return function() (function () ---@async return nil end) end ]] TEST [[ local function f(cb) pcall(cb) end return function() (function () ---@async return nil end) end ]] TEST [[ ---@param c any local function f(c) return c end return function () f(function () ---@async return nil end) end ]] TEST [[ ---@param ... any local function f(...) return ... end return function () f(function () ---@async return nil end) end ]] TEST [[ ---@vararg any local function f(...) return ... end return function () f(function () ---@async return nil end) end ]] TEST [[ local function f(...) return ... end return function () f(function () ---@async return nil end) end ]] TEST [[ local function f(...) return ... end return function () f(function () ---@async return nil end) end ]] TEST [[ ---@nodiscard local function f() return 1 end ]] TEST [[ ---@nodiscard local function f() return 1 end X = f() ]] config.get(nil, 'Lua.diagnostics.neededFileStatus')['not-yieldable'] = 'Any' TEST [[ ---@param cb fun() local function f(cb) return cb end ---@async local function af() return nil end f() ]] TEST [[ ---@param cb async fun() local function f(cb) return cb end ---@async local function af() return nil end f(af) ]] TEST [[ local function f(cb) cb() end local function af() (function () ---@async return nil end) end return af ]] TEST [[ local function f(cb) cb() end ---@async local function af() f(function () ---@async return nil end) end return af ]] TEST [[ local _ = type(function () ---@async return nil end) ]] TEST [[ ---@param ... number local function f(...) return ... end return f ]] TEST [[ ---@type fun(...: string) ]] TEST [[ ---@type fun(xxx, yyy, ...): boolean ]] TEST [[ local return { x = 1, } ]] TEST [[ ---@class A #1 ]] TEST [[ ---@class A 1 ]] TEST [[ return ('1'):upper() ]] TEST [[ local value value = '1' value = value:upper() ]] TEST [[ T = {} ---@deprecated # comment T.x = 1 print() ]] TEST [[ T = {} ---@deprecated function T:ff() end () ]] TEST [[ ---@type string? local x S = :upper() ]] TEST [[ ---@type string? local x if x then S = x:upper() end ]] TEST [[ ---@type string? local x if not x then x = '' end S = x:upper() ]] TEST [[ ---@type fun()? local x S = () ]] TEST [[ ---@type integer? local x T = {} T[] = 1 ]] TEST [[ local x, y local z = x and y print(z.y) ]] TEST [[ local x, y function x() y() end function y() x() end x() ]] TEST [[ ---@meta ---@param x fun() local function f1(x) end ---@return fun() local function f2() end f1(f2()) ]] TEST [[ ---@meta ---@type fun():integer local f ---@param x integer local function foo(x) end foo(f()) ]] TEST [[ ---@type string|table local n print(n.x) ]] TEST [[ ---@diagnostic disable: unused-local, unused-function, undefined-global function F() end ---@param x boolean function F(x) end F(k()) ]] TEST [[ local function f() return 1, 2, 3 end local function k() end k() ]] TEST [[ ---@diagnostic disable: unused-local local function f() return 1, 2, 3 end ---@param x integer local function k(x) end k(f()) ]] TEST [[ ---@cast integer ]] TEST [[ ---@diagnostic disable: unused-local local x, y ---@cast y number ]] TEST [[ ---@class A ---@class B ---@field [integer] A ---@field [A] true ]] TEST [[ ---@class A ---@class B ---@field [] A ---@field [] true ]] TEST [[ ---@diagnostic disable: unused-local ---@type 'x' local t local n = t:upper() ]] TEST [[ ---@diagnostic disable: unused-local ---@alias A 'x' ---@type A local t local n = t:upper() ]] TEST [[ local t = {} function t:init() end ]] TEST [[ ---@meta return function f(x, y, z) end ]] util.arrayInsert(disables, 'redundant-return') TEST [[ ---@return number function F() end ]] TEST [[ ---@return number, number function F() 1 end ]] TEST [[ ---@return number, number? function F() return 1 end ]] TEST [[ ---@return ... function F() return end ]] TEST [[ ---@return number, number? function F() return 1, 1, end ]] TEST [[ ---@return number, number? function F() return 1, 1, , , end ]] TEST [[ ---@meta ---@return number, number local function r2() end ---@return number, number? function F() return 1, end ]] TEST [[ ---@return number function F() X = 1 end ]] TEST [[ local A ---@return number function F() if A then return 1 end end ]] TEST [[ local A, B ---@return number function F() if A then return 1 elseif B then return 2 end end ]] TEST [[ local A, B ---@return number function F() if A then return 1 elseif B then return 2 else return 3 end end ]] TEST [[ local A, B ---@return number function F() if A then elseif B then return 2 else return 3 end end ]] TEST [[ ---@return any function F() X = 1 end ]] TEST [[ ---@return any, number function F() X = 1 end ]] TEST [[ ---@return number, any function F() X = 1 end ]] TEST [[ ---@return any, any function F() X = 1 end ]] TEST [[ local A ---@return number function F() for _ = 1, 10 do if A then return 1 end end error('should not be here') end ]] TEST [[ local A ---@return number function F() while true do if A then return 1 end end end ]] TEST [[ local A ---@return number function F() while A do if A then return 1 end end end ]] TEST [[ local A ---@return number function F() while A do if A then return 1 else return 2 end end end ]] TEST [[ ---@return number? function F() end ]] util.arrayRemove(disables, 'redundant-return') TEST [[ ---@class A ---@operator : A ]] config.add(nil, 'Lua.diagnostics.unusedLocalExclude', 'll_*') TEST [[ local local ll_1 local ll_2 local ]] config.remove(nil, 'Lua.diagnostics.unusedLocalExclude', 'll_*') TEST [[ ---@diagnostic disable: undefined-global if X then return false elseif X then return false else return false end ]] TEST [[ ---@diagnostic disable: undefined-global function X() if X then return false elseif X then return false else return false end end ]] TEST [[ while true do end ]] TEST [[ while true do end ]] TEST [[ while X do X = 1 end print(1) ]] TEST [[ ---@diagnostic disable: undefined-global while true do if not X then break end end print(1) do return end ]] TEST [[ ---@type unknown local t local _ = t ]] TEST [[ ---@meta ---@diagnostic disable: duplicate-set-field ---@class A local m = {} function m.ff() end function m.ff(x) end m.ff(1) ]] TEST [[ local done = false local function set_done() done = true end while not done do set_done() end print(1) ]] TEST [[ ---@class A ---@field private x number ---@field protected y number ---@field public z number local t print(t.x) ]] TEST [[ ---@class A ---@field private x number ---@field protected y number ---@field public z number ---@type A local t print(t.) ]] TEST [[ ---@class A ---@field private x number ---@field protected y number ---@field public z number ---@class B: A local t print(t.y) ]] TEST [[ ---@class A ---@field private x number ---@field protected y number ---@field public z number ---@class B: A ---@type B local t print(t.) ]] TEST [[ ---@class A ---@field private x number ---@field protected y number ---@field public z number ---@class B: A ---@type B local t print(t.z) ]] TEST [[ ---@class A ---@field _id number ---@type A local t print(t._id) ]] config.set(nil, 'Lua.doc.privateName', { '_*' }) TEST [[ ---@class A ---@field _id number ---@type A local t print(t.) ---@class B: A local t2 print(t2.) ]] config.set(nil, 'Lua.doc.privateName', nil) config.set(nil, 'Lua.doc.protectedName', { '_*' }) TEST [[ ---@class A ---@field _id number ---@type A local t print(t.) ---@class B: A local t2 print(t2._id) ]] config.set(nil, 'Lua.doc.protectedName', nil) TEST [[ ---@class A ---@field private x number local mt = {} function mt:init() print(self.x) end ]] TEST [[ ---@diagnostic disable: unused-local ---@diagnostic disable: missing-fields ---@class A ---@field private x number local mt = {} function mt:init() ---@type A local obj = {} obj.x = 1 end ]] TEST [[ ---@diagnostic disable: unused-local ---@diagnostic disable: missing-fields ---@class A ---@field private x number local mt = {} mt.init = function () ---@type A local obj = {} obj.x = 1 end ]] TEST [[ ---@class A X = {} function () end function () end ]] TEST [[ ---@meta ---@class A X = {} function X.f() end function X.f() end ]] TEST [[ ---@class A X = {} if true then function X.f() end else function X.f() end end ]] TESTWITH 'global-in-nil-env' [[ local function foo(_ENV) Joe = "human" end ]] TEST [[ ---@diagnostic disable: unused-local ---@class A ---@field x number ---@field y? number ---@field z number ---@type A local t = ]] TEST [[ ---@diagnostic disable: unused-local ---@class A ---@field x number ---@field y? number ---@field z number ---@type A local t = ]] TEST [[ ---@diagnostic disable: unused-local ---@class A ---@field x number ---@field y? number ---@field z number ---@type A local t = ]] TEST [[ ---@diagnostic disable: unused-local ---@class A ---@field x number ---@field y? number ---@field z number ---@type A local t = { x = 1, y = 2, z = 3, } ]] TEST [[ ---@diagnostic disable: unused-local ---@class A ---@field x number ---@field y? number ---@field z number ---@type A local t = { x = 1, z = 3, } ]] TEST [[ ---@diagnostic disable: unused-local ---@class A ---@field x number ---@field y? number ---@field z number ---@param a A local function f(a) end f ]] TEST [[ ---@diagnostic disable: unused-local ---@class A ---@field x number ---@field y? number ---@field z number ---@param a A local function f(a) end f ]] TEST [[ ---@diagnostic disable: unused-local ---@class A ---@field x number ---@field y? number ---@field z number ---@param a A local function f(a) end f ]] TEST [[ ---@diagnostic disable: unused-local ---@class A ---@field x number ---@field y? number ---@field z number ---@param a A local function f(a) end f { x = 1, y = 2, z = 3, } ]] TEST [[ ---@diagnostic disable: unused-local ---@class A ---@field x number ---@field y? number ---@field z number ---@param a A local function f(a) end f { x = 1, z = 3, } ]] TEST [[ ---@diagnostic disable: unused-local ---@class A ---@field x number local t = {} ]] TEST [[ ---@diagnostic disable: unused-local ---@class A ---@field x number ---@class A local t = {} ]] TEST [[ ---@diagnostic disable: unused-local ---@class Foo ---@field a number ---@field b number ---@field c number ---@type Foo|Foo[] local a = { { a = 1, b = 2, c = 3, } } ]] TEST [[ ---@diagnostic disable: unused-local ---@class Foo ---@field a number ---@field b number ---@field c number ---@class Bar ---@field ba number ---@field bb number ---@field bc number ---@type Foo|Bar local b = { a = 1, b = 2, c = 3, } ]]