local define = require 'proto.define' local config = require 'config' config.set(nil, 'Lua.completion.callSnippet', 'Both') config.set(nil, 'Lua.completion.keywordSnippet', 'Both') config.set(nil, 'Lua.completion.workspaceWord', false) config.set(nil, 'Lua.completion.showWord', 'Enable') TEST [[ local zabcde za ]] { { label = 'zabcde', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Variable, } } TEST [[ local zabcdefg local zabcde zabcde ]] { { label = 'zabcde', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Variable, }, { label = 'zabcdefg', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Variable, }, } TEST [[ local zabcdefg za local zabcde ]] { { label = 'zabcdefg', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Variable, }, { label = 'zabcde', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Text, }, } TEST [[ local zabcde zace ]] { { label = 'zabcde', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Variable, } } TEST [[ ZABC = x local zabc zac ]] { { label = 'zabc', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Variable, }, { label = 'ZABC', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Field, }, } config.set(nil, 'Lua.completion.callSnippet', 'Disable') TEST [[ ass ]] { { label = 'assert(v, message, ...)', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Function, }, } config.set(nil, 'Lua.completion.callSnippet', 'Replace') TEST [[ ass ]] { { label = 'assert(v, message, ...)', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Function, }, } config.set(nil, 'Lua.completion.callSnippet', 'Both') TEST [[ ass ]] { { label = 'assert(v, message, ...)', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Function, }, { label = 'assert(v, message, ...)', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Snippet, }, } TEST [[ local assert = 1 ass ]] { { label = 'assert', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Variable, }, } TEST [[ local assert = 1 _G.ass ]] { { label = 'assert(v, message, ...)', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Function, }, { label = 'assert(v, message, ...)', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Snippet, }, } TEST [[ local function ffff(a, b) end ff ]] { { label = 'ffff(a, b)', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Function, }, { label = 'ffff(a, b)', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Snippet, } } TEST [[ local zabc = 1 z ]] { { label = 'zabc', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Variable, } } TEST [[ local zabc = 1.0 z ]] { { label = 'zabc', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Variable, } } TEST [[ local t = { abc = 1, } t.ab ]] { { label = 'abc', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Enum, } } TEST [[ local t = { abc = 1, } local n = t.abc t.ab ]] { { label = 'abc', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Enum, } } TEST [[ local mt = {} mt.ggg = 1 function mt:get(a, b) return 1 end mt:g ]] { { label = 'get(a, b)', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Method, }, { label = 'get(a, b)', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Snippet, }, { label = 'ggg', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Text, } } TEST [[ loc ]] { { label = 'local', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Keyword, }, { label = 'local function', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Snippet, }, } IgnoreFunction = true TEST [[ do ]] { { label = 'do', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Keyword, }, { label = 'do .. end', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Snippet, }, } TEST [[ while true d ]] { { label = 'do', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Keyword, }, { label = 'do .. end', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Snippet, }, } TEST [[ results ]] (nil) TEST [[ result local results ]] (EXISTS) TEST [[ local a local function f(fff) fff = ast fff = ast fff = ast fff = ast fff = ast fff = ast end ]] { { label = 'ast', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Variable, } } TEST [[ t.a = {} t.b = {} t. ]] { { label = 'a', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Field, }, { label = 'b', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Field, }, } TEST [[ t.a = {} t.b = {} t. ]] { { label = 'a', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Field, }, { label = 'b', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Field, }, } IgnoreFunction = false TEST [[ t.a = {} function t:b() end t: ]] { { label = 'b()', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Method, }, { label = 'b()', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Snippet, }, } TEST [[ local t = { a = {}, } t. xxx() ]] { { label = 'a', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Field, }, } TEST [[ (''): ]] (EXISTS) TEST [[ local zzz return 'aa' .. zz ]] { { label = 'zzz', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Variable, }, } TEST 'local s = "a:"' (nil) TEST 'debug.' (EXISTS) IgnoreFunction = true TEST [[ local xxxx = { xxyy = 1, xxzz = 2, } local t = { x } ]] { { label = 'xxxx', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Variable, }, { label = 'xxyy', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Property, }, { label = 'xxzz', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Property, }, } TEST [[ print(ff2) local faa local f print(fff) ]] { { label = 'function', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Keyword, }, { label = 'function ()', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Snippet, }, { label = 'fff', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Variable, }, { label = 'ff2', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Text, }, { label = 'faa', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Text, }, } TEST [[ local function f(ff) print(fff) end ]] { { label = 'fff', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Variable, }, } TEST [[ collectgarbage() ]] (EXISTS) TEST [[ collectgarbage('') ]] { { label = "'collect'", kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, textEdit = { start = 15, finish = 17, newText = "'collect'", }, }, { label = "'stop'", kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, textEdit = { start = 15, finish = 17, newText = "'stop'", }, }, { label = "'restart'", kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, textEdit = { start = 15, finish = 17, newText = "'restart'", }, }, { label = "'count'", kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, textEdit = { start = 15, finish = 17, newText = "'count'", }, }, { label = "'step'", kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, textEdit = { start = 15, finish = 17, newText = "'step'", }, }, { label = "'isrunning'", kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, textEdit = { start = 15, finish = 17, newText = "'isrunning'", }, }, { label = "'incremental'", kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, textEdit = { start = 15, finish = 17, newText = "'incremental'", }, }, { label = "'generational'", kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, textEdit = { start = 15, finish = 17, newText = "'generational'", }, }, } TEST [[ io.read() ]] { { label = '"n"', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, }, { label = '"a"', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, }, { label = '"l"', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, }, { label = '"L"', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, }, } TEST [[ io.open('', ) ]] (EXISTS) TEST [[ local function f(a, ) end ]] (nil) TEST [[ self.results.list[#] ]] { { label = '#self.results.list+1', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Snippet, textEdit = { start = 18, finish = 20, newText = '#self.results.list+1] = ', }, }, } TEST [[ self.results.list[#] local n = 1 ]] { { label = '#self.results.list+1', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Snippet, textEdit = { start = 18, finish = 20, newText = '#self.results.list+1] = ', }, }, } TEST [[ self.results.list[#] = 1 ]] { { label = '#self.results.list+1', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Snippet, textEdit = { start = 18, finish = 20, newText = '#self.results.list+1]', }, }, } TEST [[ self.results.list[#self.re] ]] { { label = '#self.results.list+1', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Snippet, textEdit = { start = 18, finish = 27, newText = '#self.results.list+1] = ', }, }, { label = 'results', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Text, }, } TEST [[ fff[#ff] ]] { { label = '#fff+1', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Snippet, textEdit = { start = 4, finish = 8, newText = '#fff+1] = ', }, }, { label = 'fff', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Text, } } TEST [[ local _ = fff.kkk[#] ]] { { label = '#fff.kkk', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Snippet, textEdit = { start = 18, finish = 20, newText = '#fff.kkk]', }, }, } TEST [[ fff.kkk[#].yy ]] { { label = '#fff.kkk', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Snippet, textEdit = { start = 8, finish = 10, newText = '#fff.kkk]', }, }, } TEST [[ local t = { a = 1, } t . ]] (EXISTS) TEST [[ local t = { a = 1, } t . b ]] (EXISTS) TEST [[ local t = { a = 1, } t ]] (nil) TEST [[ local t = { a = 1, } t . ]] (nil) TEST [[ local xxxx xxxx ]] { { label = 'xxxx', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Variable, }, } TEST [[ local xxxx local XXXX xxxx ]] { { label = 'XXXX', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Variable, }, { label = 'xxxx', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Variable, }, } TEST [[ local t = { xxxxx = 1, } xx ]] { { label = 'xxxxx', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Text, }, } TEST [[ local index tbl[inde] ]] { { label = 'index', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Variable, }, } TEST [[ return function () local t = { a = {}, b = {}, } t. end ]] { { label = 'a', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Field, }, { label = 'b', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Field, }, } TEST [[ local ast = 1 local t = 'as' local ask = 1 ]] (EXISTS) TEST [[ local add function f(ad) local _ = add end ]] { { label = 'add', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Variable, }, } TEST [[ function table.i ]] (EXISTS) TEST [[ do xx. end ]] (nil) TEST [[ print(io.) ]] (EXISTS) require 'config'.set(nil, 'Lua.runtime.version', 'Lua 5.4') --TEST [[ --local --]] --{ -- { -- label = '', -- kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Keyword, -- }, -- { -- label = '', -- kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Keyword, -- }, --} -- --TEST [[ --local --]] --{ -- { -- label = '', -- kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Keyword, -- } --} TEST [[ local mt = {} mt.__index = mt local t = setmetatable({}, mt) t. ]] { { label = '__index', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Field, } } TEST [[ local elseaaa ELSE = 1 if a then else ]] { { label = 'else', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Keyword, }, { label = 'elseif', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Keyword, }, { label = 'elseif .. then', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Snippet, }, { label = 'elseaaa', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Variable, }, { label = 'ELSE', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Enum, }, } Cared['insertText'] = true IgnoreFunction = false TEST [[ local xpcal xpcal ]] { { label = 'xpcal', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Variable, }, { label = 'xpcall(f, msgh, arg1, ...)', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Function, insertText = EXISTS, }, { label = 'xpcall(f, msgh, arg1, ...)', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Snippet, insertText = EXISTS, }, } TEST [[ function mt:f(a, b, c) end mt:f ]] { { label = 'f(a, b, c)', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Method, insertText = EXISTS, }, { label = 'f(a, b, c)', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Snippet, insertText = 'f(${1:a}, ${2:b}, ${3:c})', }, } TEST [[ function ]] { { label = 'function', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Keyword, }, { label = 'function ()', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Snippet, insertText = "\z function $1($2)\ \t$0\ end", }, } TEST [[ local t = function ]] { { label = 'function', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Keyword, }, { label = 'function ()', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Snippet, insertText = "\z function ($1)\ \t$0\ end", }, } Cared['insertText'] = false IgnoreFunction = true TEST [[ local function f() if a then else end ]] { { label = 'else', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Keyword, }, { label = 'elseif', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Keyword, }, { label = 'elseif .. then', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Snippet, }, } TEST [[ local t = { ['a.b.c'] = {} } t. ]] { { label = "'a.b.c'", kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Field, textEdit = { start = 40002, finish = 40002, newText = "['a.b.c']", }, additionalTextEdits = { { start = 40001, finish = 40002, newText = '', }, }, } } TEST [[ local t = { ['a.b.c'] = {} } t. ]] { { label = "'a.b.c'", kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Field, textEdit = { start = 40005, finish = 40005, newText = "['a.b.c']", }, additionalTextEdits = { { start = 40001, finish = 40002, newText = '', }, }, } } TEST [[ local t = { ['a.b.c'] = {} } t[''] ]] { { label = "'a.b.c'", kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Field, textEdit = { start = 40003, finish = 40003, newText = 'a.b.c', } } } TEST [[ _G['z.b.c'] = {} z ]] { { label = "'z.b.c'", kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Field, textEdit = { start = 20000, finish = 20001, newText = "_ENV['z.b.c']", }, }, } config.set(nil, 'Lua.runtime.version', 'Lua 5.1') TEST [[ _G['z.b.c'] = {} z ]] { { label = "'z.b.c'", kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Field, textEdit = { start = 20000, finish = 20001, newText = "_G['z.b.c']", }, }, } config.set(nil, 'Lua.runtime.version', 'Lua 5.4') TEST [[ 中文字段 = 1 中文 ]] { { label = '中文字段', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Enum, textEdit = { start = 20000, finish = 20006, newText = '_ENV["中文字段"]', }, }, } config.set(nil, 'Lua.runtime.unicodeName', true) TEST [[ 中文字段 = 1 中文 ]] { { label = '中文字段', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Enum, }, } config.set(nil, 'Lua.runtime.unicodeName', false) TEST [[ io.close(1, ) ]] (nil) TEST [[ io ]] (EXISTS) IgnoreFunction = false TEST [[ loadstring ]] { { label = 'loadstring(text, chunkname)', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Function, deprecated = true, }, { label = 'loadstring(text, chunkname)', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Snippet, deprecated = true, }, } --TEST [[ --bit32 --]] --{ -- { -- label = 'bit32', -- kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Field, -- deprecated = true, -- }, --} TEST [[ function loadstring() end loadstring ]] { { label = 'loadstring()', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Function, }, { label = 'loadstring()', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Snippet, }, { label = 'loadstring(text, chunkname)', deprecated = true, kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Function, }, { label = 'loadstring(text, chunkname)', deprecated = true, kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Snippet, }, } TEST [[ debug.setcsta ]] { { label = 'setcstacklimit(limit)', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Function, deprecated = true, }, { label = 'setcstacklimit(limit)', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Snippet, deprecated = true, }, } TEST [[ ---@ ]] (EXISTS) TEST [[ ---@cl ]] { { label = 'class', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Event } } TEST [[ ---@class ZABC ---@class ZBBC : Z ]] { { label = 'ZABC', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Class, }, } TEST [[ ---@class ZBBC ---@class ZBBC : Z ]] (nil) TEST [[ ---@class ZABC ---@class ZBBC : ]] (function (results) local ok for _, res in ipairs(results) do if res.label == 'ZABC' then ok = true end if res.label == 'ZBBC' then error('ZBBC should not be here') end end assert(ok, 'ZABC should be here') end) TEST [[ ---@class ZBBC ---@class ZBBC : ]] (function (results) for _, res in ipairs(results) do if res.label == 'ZBBC' then error('ZBBC should not be here') end end end) TEST [[ ---@class ZABC ---@class ZABC ---@class ZBBC : Z ]] { { label = 'ZABC', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Class, }, } TEST [[ ---@class zabc local abcd ---@type za ]] { { label = 'zabc', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Class, }, } TEST [[ ---@class abc local abcd ---@type ]] (EXISTS) TEST [[ ---@class zabc local abcd ---@type zxxx|z ]] { { label = 'zabc', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Class, } } TEST [[ ---@alias zabc zabb ---@type za ]] { { label = 'zabc', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Class, }, } TEST [[ ---@class ZClass ---@param x ZC ]] { { label = 'ZClass', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Class, }, } Cared['insertText'] = true TEST [[ ---@param function f(a, b, c) end ]] { { label = 'a, b, c', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Snippet, insertText = [[ a ${1:any} ---@param b ${2:any} ---@param c ${3:any}]] }, { label = 'a', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Interface, }, { label = 'b', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Interface, }, { label = 'c', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Interface, }, } TEST [[ ---@param function f(a, b, c) end function f2(a) end ]] { { label = 'a, b, c', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Snippet, insertText = [[ a ${1:any} ---@param b ${2:any} ---@param c ${3:any}]] }, { label = 'a', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Interface, }, { label = 'b', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Interface, }, { label = 'c', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Interface, }, } TEST [[ ---@param aa function f(aaa, bbb, ccc) end ]] { { label = 'aaa', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Interface, }, } TEST [[ local function f() ---@param function f(a, b, c) end end ]] { { label = 'a, b, c', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Snippet, insertText = [[ a ${1:any} ---@param b ${2:any} ---@param c ${3:any}]] }, { label = 'a', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Interface, }, { label = 'b', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Interface, }, { label = 'c', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Interface, }, } TEST [[ ---@param function mt:f(a, b, c, ...) end ]] { { label = 'a, b, c, ...', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Snippet, insertText = [[ a ${1:any} ---@param b ${2:any} ---@param c ${3:any} ---@param ... ${4:any}]], }, { label = 'self', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Interface, }, { label = 'a', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Interface, }, { label = 'b', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Interface, }, { label = 'c', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Interface, }, { label = '...', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Interface, }, } TEST [[ ---@param aaa function f(aaa, bbb, ccc) end ]] (EXISTS) TEST [[ ---@param xyz Class ---@param xxx Class function f(x) ]] { { label = 'xyz, xxx', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Snippet, }, { label = 'xyz', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Interface, }, { label = 'xxx', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Interface, }, } TEST [[ ---@param xyz Class ---@param xxx Class function f( ]] { { label = 'xyz, xxx', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Snippet, }, { label = 'xyz', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Interface, }, { label = 'xxx', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Interface, }, } TEST [[ ---@param xyz Class ---@param xxx Class function f() ]] { { label = 'xyz, xxx', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Snippet, }, { label = 'xyz', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Interface, }, { label = 'xxx', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Interface, }, } TEST [[ local function f() ---@t end ]] { { label = 'type', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Event, }, } TEST [[ ---@class Class ---@field name string ---@field id integer local mt = {} mt. ]] { { label = 'id', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Field, }, { label = 'name', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Field, }, } TEST [[ ---@param x string | "AAA" | "BBB" | "CCC" function f(y, x) end f(1, ) ]] { { label = '"AAA"', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, }, { label = '"BBB"', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, }, { label = '"CCC"', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, } } TEST [[ ---@param x string | "AAA" | "BBB" | "CCC" function f(y, x) end f(1,) ]] { { label = '"AAA"', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, }, { label = '"BBB"', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, }, { label = '"CCC"', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, } } TEST [[ ---@param x string | "AAA" | "BBB" | "CCC" function f(x) end f() ]] { { label = '"AAA"', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, }, { label = '"BBB"', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, }, { label = '"CCC"', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, } } TEST [[ ---@alias Option string | "AAA" | "BBB" | "CCC" ---@param x Option function f(x) end f() ]] { { label = '"AAA"', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, }, { label = '"BBB"', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, }, { label = '"CCC"', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, } } TEST [[ ---@param x string | "AAA" | "BBB" | "CCC" function f(x) end f('') ]] { { label = "'AAA'", kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, textEdit = EXISTS, }, { label = "'BBB'", kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, textEdit = EXISTS, }, { label = "'CCC'", kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, textEdit = EXISTS, } } TEST [[ ---@alias Option string | "AAA" | "BBB" | "CCC" ---@param x Option[] function f(x) end f({}) ]] { { label = '"AAA"', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, textEdit = EXISTS }, { label = '"BBB"', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, textEdit = EXISTS }, { label = '"CCC"', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, textEdit = EXISTS } } TEST [[ ---@alias Option string | "AAA" | "BBB" | "CCC" ---@param x Option[] function f(x) end f({""}) ]] { { label = '"AAA"', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, textEdit = EXISTS }, { label = '"BBB"', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, textEdit = EXISTS }, { label = '"CCC"', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, textEdit = EXISTS } } TEST [[ ---@alias Option string | "AAA" | "BBB" | "CCC" ---@param x Option[] function f(x) end f() ]] (nil) TEST [[ ---@alias Option "AAA" | "BBB" | "CCC" ---@type Option[] local l = {} ]] { { label = '"AAA"', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, }, { label = '"BBB"', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, }, { label = '"CCC"', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, } } TEST [[ ---@alias Option "AAA" | "BBB" | "CCC" ---@type Option[] local l = {""} ]] { { label = '"AAA"', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, textEdit = EXISTS }, { label = '"BBB"', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, textEdit = EXISTS }, { label = '"CCC"', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, textEdit = EXISTS } } TEST [[ ---@alias Option "AAA" | "BBB" | "CCC" ---@type Option[] local l = ]] (nil) TEST [[ ---@class OptionObj ---@field a boolean ---@field b boolean ---@type OptionObj[] local l = { {} } ]] { { label = 'a', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Property, }, { label = 'b', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Property, } } TEST [[ ---@class OptionObj ---@field a boolean ---@field b boolean ---@type OptionObj[] local l = { } ]] (nil) TEST [[ ---@class OptionObj ---@field a boolean ---@field b boolean ---@type OptionObj[] local l = ]] (nil) TEST [[ ---@class OptionObj ---@field a boolean ---@field b boolean ---@field children OptionObj[] ---@type OptionObj[] local l = { { a = true, children = { {} } } } ]] { { label = 'a', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Property, }, { label = 'b', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Property, }, { label = 'children', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Property, } } TEST [[ ---@class OptionObj ---@field a boolean ---@field b boolean ---@field children OptionObj[] ---@type OptionObj[] local l = { { children = {} } } ]] (nil) TEST [[ ---@class OptionObj ---@field a boolean ---@field b boolean ---@field children OptionObj[] ---@type OptionObj[] local l = { { children = } } ]] (nil) TEST [[ ---@class OptionObj ---@field a boolean ---@field b boolean ---@param x OptionObj[] function f(x) end f({ {} }) ]] { { label = 'a', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Property, }, { label = 'b', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Property, } } TEST [[ ---@class OptionObj ---@field a boolean ---@field b boolean ---@param x OptionObj[] function f(x) end f({}) ]] (nil) TEST [[ ---@class OptionObj ---@field a boolean ---@field b boolean ---@param x OptionObj[] function f(x) end f() ]] (nil) TEST [[ ---this is ---a multi line ---comment ---@alias XXXX ---comment 1 ---comment 1 ---| 1 ---comment 2 ---comment 2 ---| 2 ---@param x XXXX local function f(x) end f() ]] { { label = '1', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, }, { label = '2', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, }, } TEST [[ ---this is ---a multi line ---comment ---@alias XXXX ---comment 1 ---comment 1 ---| 1 ---comment 2 ---comment 2 ---| 2 ---@param x XXXX local function f(x) end ---comment 3 ---comment 3 ---| 3 f() ]] { { label = '1', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, }, { label = '2', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, }, } TEST [[ ---@param x function | 'function () end' function f(x) end f(function () end) ]] (nil) TEST [[ --- JustTest ---@param list table ---@param sep string ---@param i number ---@param j number ---@return string local function zzzzz(list, sep, i, j) end zzz ]] { { label = 'zzzzz(list, sep, i, j)', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Function, insertText = EXISTS, }, { label = 'zzzzz(list, sep, i, j)', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Snippet, insertText = EXISTS, } } Cared['detail'] = true Cared['description'] = true TEST [[ --- abc zzz = 1 zz ]] { { label = 'zzz', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Enum, detail = 'integer = 1', description = [[ ```lua (global) zzz: integer = 1 ``` --- abc]], } } TEST [[ ---@param x string ---| "选项1" # 注释1 ---| "选项2" # 注释2 function f(x) end f() ]] { { label = '"选项1"', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, description = '注释1', }, { label = '"选项2"', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, description = '注释2', }, } TEST [[ utf8.charpatter ]] { { label = 'charpattern', detail = 'string', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Field, description = EXISTS, } } TEST [[ ---@type "a"|"b"|"c" local x print(x == ) ]] { { label = '"a"', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, }, { label = '"b"', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, }, { label = '"c"', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, }, } TEST [[ ---@type "a"|"b"|"c" local x x = ]] { { label = '"a"', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, }, { label = '"b"', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, }, { label = '"c"', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, }, } TEST [[ ---@type "a"|"b"|"c" local x print(x == '') ]] { { label = "'a'", kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, textEdit = EXISTS, }, { label = "'b'", kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, textEdit = EXISTS, }, { label = "'c'", kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, textEdit = EXISTS, }, } TEST [[ ---@type "a"|"b"|"c" local x x = '' ]] { { label = "'a'", kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, textEdit = EXISTS, }, { label = "'b'", kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, textEdit = EXISTS, }, { label = "'c'", kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, textEdit = EXISTS, }, } TEST [[ local t = type() print(t == ) ]] (EXISTS) TEST [[ if type(arg) == '' ]] (EXISTS) TEST [[ if type(arg) == ]] (EXISTS) TEST [[ ---@type string local s s. ]] (EXISTS) TEST [[ ---@class C local t local vvv = assert(t) vvv ]] { { label = 'vvv', detail = 'C', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Variable, description = EXISTS, }, } Cared['insertText'] = true TEST [[ ---@param callback fun(x: number, y: number):string local function f(callback) end f() ]] { { label = 'fun(x: number, y: number):string', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Function, insertText = "\z function (${1:x}, ${2:y})\ \t$0\ end", description = "\z ```lua\ function (x, y)\ \t\ end\ ```" }, } Cared['insertText'] = nil TEST [[ -- ]] { { label = '#region', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Snippet, }, { label = '#endregion', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Snippet, } } Cared['description'] = nil Cared['detail'] = nil TEST [[ ---@class cc ---@field aaa number # a1 ---@field bbb number # a2 ---@param x cc local function f(x) end f({ }) ]] { { label = 'aaa', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Property, }, { label = 'bbb', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Property, }, } TEST [[ ---@class cc ---@field aaa number # a1 ---@field bbb number # a2 ---@param x cc local function f(x) end f({ aaa = 1, }) ]] { { label = 'bbb', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Property, }, } TEST [[ ---@class cc ---@field aaa number # a1 ---@field bbb number # a2 ---@param x cc local function f(x) end f({aaa = 1,}) ]] { { label = 'bbb', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Property, }, } TEST [[ ---@class cc ---@field aaa number # a1 ---@field bbb number # a2 ---@param x cc local function f(x) end f({aaa }) ]] (nil) TEST [[ ---@class cc ---@field iffff number # a1 ---@param x cc local function f(x) end f({if}) ]] { include = true, { label = 'iffff', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Property, }, } TEST [[ ---@class cc ---@field aaa number # a1 ---@field bbb number # a2 ---@param x cc local function f(x) end f({ { } }) ]] (nil) TEST [[ ---@return string local function f() end local s = f() s. ]] (EXISTS) Cared['description'] = true TEST [[ ---@class cc ---@field aaa number ---@field bbb number ---@type cc local t print(t.aa) ]] { { label = 'aaa', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Field, description = [[ ```lua (field) cc.aaa: number ```]] }, } Cared['description'] = nil TEST [[ ---@type table local x x.a = ]] { { label = '"a"', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, }, { label = '"b"', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, }, { label = '"c"', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, }, } TEST [[ ---@type table local x x['a'] = ]] { { label = '"a"', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, }, { label = '"b"', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, }, { label = '"c"', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, }, } TEST [[ ---@type table local x = { a = } ]] { { label = '"a"', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, }, { label = '"b"', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, }, { label = '"c"', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, }, } TEST [[ ---@type table local x = { ['a'] = } ]] { { label = '"a"', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, }, { label = '"b"', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, }, { label = '"c"', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, }, } Cared['insertText'] = true TEST [[ ---@class A.B.C local m function m.f() end m.f ]]{ { label = "f()", kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Function, insertText = EXISTS, }, { label = "f()", kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Snippet, insertText = 'f()', }, } Cared['insertText'] = nil TEST [[ if true then ]] { { label = 'then', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Keyword, }, { label = 'then .. end', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Snippet, } } TEST [[ if true then end ]] { { label = 'then', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Keyword, }, } TEST [[ if true then else ]] { { label = 'then', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Keyword, }, } TEST [[ if true then elseif ]] { { label = 'then', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Keyword, }, } TEST [[ do if true then end ]] { { label = 'then', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Keyword, }, { label = 'then .. end', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Snippet, } } TEST [[ ---@class C ---@field x number ---@field y number ---@vararg C local function f(x, ...) end f(1, { }) ]] { { label = 'x', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Property, }, { label = 'y', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Property, } } TEST [[ ---@class C ---@field x number ---@field y number ---@vararg C local function f(x, ...) end f(1, {}, {}, { }) ]] { { label = 'x', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Property, }, { label = 'y', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Property, } } TEST [[ ---@class C ---@field x number ---@field y number ---@type C local t = { } ]] { { label = 'x', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Property, }, { label = 'y', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Property, } } TEST [[ ---@class C ---@field x number ---@field y number ---@type C local t = { x } ]] { include = true, { label = 'x', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Property, }, } TEST [[ if then ]] (nil) TEST [[ elseif then ]] (nil) TEST [[ ---@type iolib local t = { ]] (EXISTS) TEST [[ ---@class A ---@field a '"hello"'|'"world"' ---@param t A function api(t) end api({}) ]] (EXISTS) TEST [[ ---@class A ---@field a '"hello"'|'"world"' ---@param t A function m:api(t) end m:api({}) ]] (EXISTS) TEST [[ ---@class AAA.BBB ---@type AAA. ]] { { label = 'AAA.BBB', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Class, textEdit = { start = 20009, finish = 20013, newText = 'AAA.BBB', }, } } Cared['insertText'] = true TEST [[ ---@overload fun(a: any, b: any) local function zzzz(a) end zzzz ]] { { label = 'zzzz(a)', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Function, insertText = 'zzzz', }, { label = 'zzzz(a)', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Snippet, insertText = 'zzzz(${1:a})', }, { label = 'zzzz(a, b)', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Function, insertText = 'zzzz', }, { label = 'zzzz(a, b)', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Snippet, insertText = 'zzzz(${1:a}, ${2:b})', }, } TEST [[ ---@param a any ---@param b? any ---@param c? any ---@vararg any local function foo(a, b, c, ...) end foo ]] { { label = 'foo(a, b, c, ...)', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Function, insertText = 'foo', }, { label = 'foo(a, b, c, ...)', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Snippet, insertText = 'foo(${1:a}, ${2:b?}, ${3:c?}, ${4:...})', }, } TEST [[ ---@param a? any ---@param b? any ---@param c? any ---@vararg any local function foo(a, b, c, ...) end foo ]] { { label = 'foo(a, b, c, ...)', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Function, insertText = 'foo', }, { label = 'foo(a, b, c, ...)', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Snippet, insertText = 'foo(${1:a?}, ${2:b?}, ${3:c?}, ${4:...})', }, } TEST [[ ---@param f fun(a: any, b: any) local function foo(f) end foo ]] { { label = 'foo(f)', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Function, insertText = 'foo', }, { label = 'foo(f)', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Snippet, insertText = 'foo(${1:f})', }, } Cared['insertText'] = false TEST [[ --- @diagnostic disable: unused-local --- @class Test2 --- @field world integer local Test2 = {} --- @type Test2 local tdirect --- @type Test2[] local tarray -- Direct inference local b = tdirect -- type . here, shows "world" -- Inferred by index local c = tarray[1]. -- type . here, no auto completion ]] (EXISTS) TEST [[ local function f() if type() == '' then end end ]] (EXISTS) config.set(nil, 'Lua.completion.callSnippet', 'Disable') TEST [[ GGG = 1 GGG = function () end GGG ]] { { label = 'GGG', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Enum, }, { label = 'GGG()', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Function, }, } TEST [[ ---@class C ---@field GGG number local t = {} t.GGG = function () end t.GGG ]] { { label = 'GGG', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Field, }, { label = 'GGG()', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Function, }, } TEST [[ ---@param f fun(a: any, b: any):boolean local function f(f) end f(fun) ]] { { label = 'fun(a: any, b: any):boolean', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Function, textEdit = { newText = 'function (${1:a}, ${2:b})\n\t$0\nend', start = 30002, finish = 30005, } }, { label = 'function', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Keyword, }, { label = 'function ()', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Snippet, } } TEST [[ ---@type {[1]: number} local t t. ]] { { label = '1', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Field, textEdit = { newText = '[1]', start = 30002, finish = 30002, }, additionalTextEdits = { { start = 30001, finish = 30002, newText = '', }, }, } } TEST [[ ---@type {[1]: number} local t t. ]] { { label = '1', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Field, textEdit = { newText = '[1]', start = 30002, finish = 30002, }, additionalTextEdits = { { start = 30001, finish = 30002, newText = '', }, }, } } TEST [[ ---@alias enum '"aaa"'|'"bbb"' ---@param x enum ---@return enum local function f(x) end local r = f('') ]] { { label = "'aaa'", kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, textEdit = { newText = "'aaa'", start = 70012, finish = 70014, }, }, { label = "'bbb'", kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, textEdit = { newText = "'bbb'", start = 70012, finish = 70014, }, }, } TEST [[ ---@type fun(x: "'aaa'"|"'bbb'") local f f('') ]] { { label = "'aaa'", kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, textEdit = { newText = "'aaa'", start = 30002, finish = 30004, }, }, { label = "'bbb'", kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, textEdit = { newText = "'bbb'", start = 30002, finish = 30004, }, }, } TEST [[ ---@class Class ---@field on fun() local c c: ]] { { label = 'on', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Field, } } TEST [[ ---@class Class ---@field on fun(self, x: "'aaa'"|"'bbb'") local c c:on() ]] (EXISTS) TEST [[ ---@class Class ---@field on fun(x: "'aaa'"|"'bbb'") local c c.on('') ]] (EXISTS) TEST [[ local m = {} function m.f() end m.f() m. ]] { [1] = EXISTS, } TEST [[ ---@class class1 class1 = {} function class1:method1() end ---@class class2 : class1 class2 = {} class2: ]] { [1] = EXISTS, } TEST [[ --- @class Emit --- @field on fun(self: Emit, eventName: string, cb: function) --- @field on fun(self: Emit, eventName: '"died"', cb: fun(i: integer)) --- @field on fun(self: Emit, eventName: '"won"', cb: fun(s: string)) local emit = {} emit:on('') ]] (EXISTS) TEST [[ --- @class Emit --- @field on fun(eventName: string, cb: function) --- @field on fun(eventName: '"died"', cb: fun(i: integer)) --- @field on fun(eventName: '"won"', cb: fun(s: string)) local emit = {} emit.on('died', ) ]] { [1] = { label = 'fun(i: integer)', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Function, } } TEST [[ --- @class Emit --- @field on fun(self: Emit, eventName: string, cb: function) --- @field on fun(self: Emit, eventName: '"died"', cb: fun(i: integer)) --- @field on fun(self: Emit, eventName: '"won"', cb: fun(s: string)) local emit = {} emit:on('won', ) ]] { [1] = { label = 'fun(s: string)', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Function, } } TEST [[ --- @class Emit --- @field on fun(self: Emit, eventName: string, cb: function) --- @field on fun(self: Emit, eventName: '"died"', cb: fun(i: integer)) --- @field on fun(self: Emit, eventName: '"won"', cb: fun(s: string)) local emit = {} emit.on(emit, 'won', ) ]] { [1] = { label = 'fun(s: string)', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Function, } } TEST [[ local function f() local inferCache in end ]] { [1] = { label = 'in', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Keyword, }, [2] = { label = 'in ..', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Snippet, }, [3] = { label = 'inferCache', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Variable, } } TEST [[ utf'xxx' ]] { [1] = { label = 'utf8', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Field, } } TEST [[ ---@class AAA ---@class AAA ---@type AAA ]] { [1] = { label = 'AAA', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Class, } } TEST [[ ---@class AAA ---@class AAA ---@class BBB: AAA ]] { [1] = { label = 'AAA', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Class, } } TEST [[ ---@class A ---@field zzzz number ---@param x A local function f(x) end f({zzz}) ]] { [1] = { label = 'zzzz', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Property, } } TEST [[ ---@class A ---@field zzzz number ---@param y A local function f(x, y) end f(1, {}) ]] { [1] = { label = 'zzzz', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Property, } } TEST [[ xx@pcall ]] { [1] = { label = 'pcall', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Event, textEdit = { start = 3, finish = 8, newText = 'pcall(xx$1)$0', }, additionalTextEdits = { { start = 0, finish = 3, newText = '' } } }, } TEST [[ xx()@pcall ]] { [1] = { label = 'pcall', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Event, textEdit = { start = 5, finish = 10, newText = 'pcall(xx)', }, additionalTextEdits = { { start = 0, finish = 5, newText = '' } } }, } TEST [[ xx(1, 2, 3)@pcall ]] { [1] = { label = 'pcall', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Event, textEdit = { start = 12, finish = 17, newText = 'pcall(xx, 1, 2, 3)', }, additionalTextEdits = { { start = 0, finish = 12, newText = '' } } }, } TEST [[ xx@xpcall ]] { [1] = { label = 'xpcall', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Event, textEdit = { start = 3, finish = 9, newText = 'xpcall(xx, ${1:debug.traceback}$2)$0', }, additionalTextEdits = { { start = 0, finish = 3, newText = '' } } }, } TEST [[ xx()@xpcall ]] { [1] = { label = 'xpcall', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Event, textEdit = { start = 5, finish = 11, newText = 'xpcall(xx, ${1:debug.traceback})$0', }, additionalTextEdits = { { start = 0, finish = 5, newText = '' } } }, } TEST [[ xx(1, 2, 3)@xpcall ]] { [1] = { label = 'xpcall', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Event, textEdit = { start = 12, finish = 18, newText = 'xpcall(xx, ${1:debug.traceback}, 1, 2, 3)$0', }, additionalTextEdits = { { start = 0, finish = 12, newText = '' } } }, } TEST [[ xx@function ]] { [1] = { label = 'function', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Event, textEdit = { start = 3, finish = 11, newText = 'function xx($1)\n\t$0\nend', }, additionalTextEdits = { { start = 0, finish = 3, newText = '' } } }, } TEST [[ xx.yy@method ]] { [1] = { label = 'method', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Event, textEdit = { start = 6, finish = 12, newText = 'function xx:yy($1)\n\t$0\nend', }, additionalTextEdits = { { start = 0, finish = 6, newText = '' } } }, } TEST [[ xx:yy@method ]] { [1] = { label = 'method', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Event, textEdit = { start = 6, finish = 12, newText = 'function xx:yy($1)\n\t$0\nend', }, additionalTextEdits = { { start = 0, finish = 6, newText = '' } } }, } TEST [[ xx@insert ]] { [1] = { label = 'insert', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Event, textEdit = { start = 3, finish = 9, newText = 'table.insert(xx, $0)', }, additionalTextEdits = { { start = 0, finish = 3, newText = '' } } }, } TEST [[ xx++ ]] { [1] = { label = '++', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Event, textEdit = { start = 2, finish = 4, newText = 'xx = xx + 1', }, additionalTextEdits = { { start = 0, finish = 2, newText = '' } } }, [2] = { label = '++?', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Event, textEdit = { start = 2, finish = 4, newText = 'xx = (xx or 0) + 1', }, additionalTextEdits = { { start = 0, finish = 2, newText = '' } } }, } TEST [[ fff(function () xx@xpcall end) ]] { [1] = { label = 'xpcall', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Event, textEdit = { start = 10007, finish = 10013, newText = 'xpcall(xx, ${1:debug.traceback}$2)$0', }, additionalTextEdits = { { start = 10004, finish = 10007, newText = '', } } }, } TEST [[ ---@meta ---@alias testAlias ---| "'test1'" ---| "'test2'" ---| "'test3'" ---@class TestClass local TestClass = {} ---@overload fun(self: TestClass, arg2: testAlias) ---@param arg1 integer ---@param arg2 testAlias function TestClass:testFunc2(arg1, arg2) end ---@type TestClass local t t:testFunc2() ]] (EXISTS) TEST [[ require '' ]] (function (results) assert(#results == 9, require 'utility'.dump(results)) end) TEST [[ AAA = 1 ]] (EXISTS) TEST [[ if ]] (EXISTS) TEST [[ local t = x[] ]] (function (results) for _, res in ipairs(results) do assert(res.label ~= 'do') end end) TEST [[ ---@class ZZZZZ.XXXX ---@class ZZZZZ.XXXX ---@class ZZZZZ.XXXX ---@class ZZZZZ.XXXX ---@class ZZZZZ.XXXX ---@type ]] (function (results) local count = 0 for _, res in ipairs(results) do if res.label == 'ZZZZZ.XXXX' then count = count + 1 end end assert(count == 1) end) TEST [[ local x x.y.z = xxx x.y. ]] { { label = 'z', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Field, } } TEST [[ local xyz ---@cast ]] { { label = 'xyz', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Variable, }, } TEST [[ local xyz ---@cast x ]] { { label = 'xyz', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Variable, } } TEST [[ ---@type `CONST.X` | `CONST.Y` local x if x == ]] { { label = 'CONST.X', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, }, { label = 'CONST.Y', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, }, } TEST [[ ---@param x `CONST.X` | `CONST.Y` local function f(x) end f() ]] { { label = 'CONST.X', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, }, { label = 'CONST.Y', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, }, } TEST [[ return function () local function fff(xxx) for f in xx end end ]] { { label = 'xxx', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Variable, }, } TEST [[ ---@class A ---@field xxx 'aaa'|'bbb' ---@type A local t = { xxx = ' } ]] { { label = "'aaa'", kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, textEdit = EXISTS, }, { label = "'bbb'", kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, textEdit = EXISTS, }, } TEST [[ ---@enum A T = { x = 1, y = 'ss', } ---@param x A local function f(x) end f() ]] { { label = 'T.x', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, }, { label = 'T.y', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, }, { label = '1', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, }, { label = '"ss"', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, }, } TEST [[ ---@enum A local ppp = { x = 1, y = 'ss', } ---@param x A local function f(x) end f() ]] { { label = 'ppp.x', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, }, { label = 'ppp.y', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, }, { label = '1', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, }, { label = '"ss"', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, }, } TEST [[ ---@enum A ppp.fff = { x = 1, y = 'ss', } ---@param x A local function f(x) end f() ]] { { label = 'ppp.fff.x', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, }, { label = 'ppp.fff.y', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, }, { label = '1', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, }, { label = '"ss"', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, }, } TEST [[ local x = 1 local y = 2 ---@enum Enum local t = { x = x, y = y, } ---@param p Enum local function f(p) end f() ]] { { label = 't.x', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, }, { label = 't.y', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, }, { label = '1', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, }, { label = '2', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, }, } TEST [[ local x = 1 local y = 2 ---@enum(key) Enum local t = { x = x, y = y, } ---@param p Enum local function f(p) end f() ]] { { label = '"x"', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, }, { label = '"y"', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, }, } TEST [[ -- ]] (function (results) assert(#results > 2) end) TEST [[ --xxx ]] (function (results) assert(#results > 2) end) TEST [[ --- local x = function (x, y) end ]] (EXISTS) TEST [[ --- local x = function (x, y) end ]] (EXISTS) TEST [[ local x = { }) ]] (function (results) for _, res in ipairs(results) do assert(res.label ~= 'do') end end) TEST [[ ---@class Options ---@field page number ---@field active boolean ---@param opts Options local function acceptOptions(opts) end acceptOptions({ }) ]] (function (results) assert(#results == 2) end) TEST [[ local t1 = {} t1.A = {} t1.A.B = {} t1.A.B.C = 1 local t2 = t1 print(t2.A.) ]] { { label = 'B', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Field, }, } TEST [[ ---@overload fun(x: number) ---@overload fun(x: number, y: number) local function fff(...) end fff ]] { { label = 'fff(x)', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Function, }, { label = 'fff(x, y)', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Function, }, } TEST [[ ---@overload fun(x: number) ---@overload fun(x: number, y: number) function fff(...) end fff ]] { { label = 'fff(x)', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Function, }, { label = 'fff(x, y)', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Function, }, } TEST [[ ---@overload fun(x: number) ---@overload fun(x: number, y: number) function t.fff(...) end t.fff ]] { { label = 'fff(x)', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Function, }, { label = 'fff(x, y)', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Function, }, } TEST [[ ---@class A ---@field private x number ---@field y number ---@type A local t t. ]] { { label = 'y', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Field, }, } TEST [[ ---@class A ---@field private x number ---@field protected y number ---@field z number ---@class B: A local t t. ]] { { label = 'y', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Field, }, { label = 'z', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Field, }, } TEST [[ ---@class A ---@field private x number ---@field protected y number ---@field z number ---@class B: A ---@type B local t t. ]] { { label = 'z', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Field, }, } TEST [[ ---@class ABCD ---@see ABCD ]] { { label = 'ABCD', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Class, textEdit = { newText = 'ABCD', start = 20008, finish = 20012, } }, } TEST [[ ---@class A ---@field f fun(x: string): string ---@type A local t = { f = } ]] { { label = 'fun(x: string):string', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Function, } } TEST [[ ---@type table local x = { a = 1, b = 2, c = 3 } x. ]] { { label = 'a', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Enum, }, { label = 'b', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Enum, }, { label = 'c', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Enum, }, } TEST [[ ---@param x {damage: integer, count: integer, health:integer} local function f(x) end f {} ]] { { label = 'count', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Property, }, { label = 'damage', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Property, }, { label = 'health', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Property, }, } TEST [[ ---@alias Foo Foo[] ---@type Foo local foo foo = {""} ]] (EXISTS) TEST [[ ---@class c ---@field abc fun() ---@field abc2 fun() ---@param p c local function f(p) end f({ abc = function(s) local abc3 abc end, }) ]] { { label = 'abc3', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Variable, }, { label = 'abc', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Text, }, { label = 'abc2', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Text, }, } TEST [[ while true do continue end ]] { { label = 'continue', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Keyword, }, { label = 'goto continue ..', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Snippet, additionalTextEdits = { { start = 10004, finish = 10004, newText = 'goto ', }, { start = 20000, finish = 20000, newText = ' ::continue::\n', }, } }, } TEST [[ while true do goto continue end ]] { { label = 'continue', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Keyword, }, { label = 'goto continue ..', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Snippet, additionalTextEdits = { { start = 20000, finish = 20000, newText = ' ::continue::\n', } } }, } TEST [[ while true do goto continue ::continue:: end ]] { { label = 'continue', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Keyword, }, { label = 'goto continue ..', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Snippet, additionalTextEdits = { } }, } Cared['description'] = true TEST [[ ---@class Foo ---@field ['with quotes'] integer ---@field without_quotes integer ---@type Foo local bar = {} bar. ]] { { label = "'with quotes'", kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Field, textEdit = { start = 70004, finish = 70004, newText = "['with quotes']" }, additionalTextEdits = { { start = 70003, finish = 70004, newText = '', } }, description = [[ ```lua (field) Foo['with quotes']: integer ```]] }, { label = 'without_quotes', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Field, description = [[ ```lua (field) Foo.without_quotes: integer ```]] }, } Cared['description'] = false TEST [[ ---@class A local M = {} function M:method1() end function M.static1(tt) end function M:method2() end function M.static2(tt) end ---@type A local a a. ]] { { label ='static1(tt)', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Function, }, { label ='static2(tt)', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Function, }, { label ='method1(self)', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Method, }, { label ='method2(self)', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Method, }, } TEST [[ ---@class A local M = {} function M:method1() end function M.static1(tt) end function M:method2() end function M.static2(tt) end ---@type A local a a: ]] { { label ='method1()', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Method, }, { label ='method2()', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Method, }, { label ='static1()', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Function, }, { label ='static2()', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Function, }, } TEST [[ ---@class A ---@field x number ---@field y? number ---@field z number ---@type A local t = { } ]] { { label = 'x', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Property, }, { label = 'z', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Property, }, { label = 'y?', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Property, }, } TEST [[ ---@class A ---@field x number ---@field y? number ---@field z number ---@param t A local function f(t) end f { } ]] { { label = 'x', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Property, }, { label = 'z', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Property, }, { label = 'y?', kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Property, }, }