local currentPath = debug.getinfo(1, 'S').source:sub(2) local rootPath = currentPath:gsub('[/\\]*[^/\\]-$', '') rootPath = rootPath == '' and '.' or rootPath loadfile(rootPath .. '/platform.lua')('script') package.path = package.path .. ';' .. rootPath .. '/test/?.lua' .. ';' .. rootPath .. '/test/?/init.lua' local fs = require 'bee.filesystem' ROOT = fs.path(rootPath) TEST = true DEVELOP = true FOOTPRINT = true --TRACE = true LOGPATH = LOGPATH or (ROOT .. '/log') METAPATH = METAPATH or (ROOT .. '/meta') collectgarbage 'generational' log = require 'log' log.init(ROOT, ROOT / 'log' / 'test.log') log.debug('测试开始') --dofile((ROOT / 'build_package.lua'):string()) require 'tracy' local function loadAllLibs() assert(require 'bee.filesystem') assert(require 'bee.subprocess') assert(require 'bee.thread') assert(require 'bee.socket') assert(require 'lpeglabel') end local function loadDocMetas() local files = require 'files' local library = require 'library' local furi = require 'file-uri' local fsu = require 'fs-utility' local client = require 'provider.client' client.client 'vscode' library.init() for _, path in ipairs(library.metaPaths) do local uri = furi.encode(path) files.setText(uri, fsu.loadFile(path)) files.setLibraryPath(uri, library.metaPath) end end local function test(name) local clock = os.clock() print(('测试[%s]...'):format(name)) local originRequire = require require = function (n, ...) local v, p = originRequire(n, ...) if p and p:find 'test/' then package.loaded[n] = nil end return v, p end require(name) require = originRequire print(('测试[%s]用时[%.3f]'):format(name, os.clock() - clock)) end local function testAll() test 'basic' test 'references' test 'definition' test 'type_inference' test 'hover' test 'completion' test 'crossfile' test 'diagnostics' test 'highlight' test 'rename' test 'signature' test 'document_symbol' test 'code_action' test 'type_formatting' --test 'other' end local function main() require 'core.searcher'.debugMode = true require 'language' 'zh-cn' require 'utility'.enableCloseFunction() local config = require 'config' config.Lua.runtime.version = 'Lua 5.4' --config.Lua.intelliSense.searchDepth = 5 loadDocMetas() --test 'full' require 'bee.platform'.OS = 'Windows' testAll() require 'bee.platform'.OS = 'Linux' testAll() require 'bee.platform'.OS = 'macOS' testAll() test 'full' print('测试完成') end loadAllLibs() main() log.debug('测试完成') require 'bee.thread'.sleep(1) os.exit()