local library = require 'core.library' local createValue = require 'vm.value' local createLocal = require 'vm.local' local createLabel = require 'vm.label' local createFunction = require 'vm.function' local sourceMgr = require 'vm.source' local buildGlobal = require 'vm.global' local createMulti = require 'vm.multi' local libraryBuilder = require 'vm.library' -- TODO source测试 rawset(_G, 'CachedSource', setmetatable({}, { __mode = 'kv' })) local mt = {} mt.__index = mt function mt:getDefaultSource() return self:instantSource { start = 0, finish = 0, uri = self:getUri(), } end function mt:scopePush(source) self.currentFunction:push(source) end function mt:scopePop() self.currentFunction:pop() end function mt:buildTable(source) local tbl = self:createValue('table', source) if not source then return tbl end local n = 0 for index, obj in ipairs(source) do if obj.type == 'pair' then local value = self:getFirstInMulti(self:getExp(obj[2])) local key = obj[1] self:instantSource(key) key:bindValue(value, 'set') if key.index then local index = self:getIndex(obj) key:set('parent', tbl) tbl:addInfo('set child', key, index) tbl:setChild(index, value) else if key.type == 'name' then key:set('parent', tbl) key:set('table index', true) tbl:addInfo('set child', key, key[1]) tbl:setChild(key[1], value) end end else local value = self:getExp(obj) if value.type == 'multi' then if index == #source then value:eachValue(function (_, v) n = n + 1 tbl:addInfo('set child', obj, n) tbl:setChild(n, v) end) else n = n + 1 tbl:addInfo('set child', obj, n) tbl:setChild(n, self:getFirstInMulti(value)) end else n = n + 1 tbl:addInfo('set child', obj, n) tbl:setChild(n, value) end -- 处理写了一半的 key = value,把name类的数组元素视为哈希键 if obj.type == 'name' then obj:set('table index', true) end end end return tbl end function mt:runFunction(func) func:run(self) if not func:getSource() then return end if func:needSkip() then return end -- 暂时使用这种方式激活参数的source for _, arg in ipairs(func.args) do if arg:getSource() ~= func:getObject() then self:bindLocal(arg:getSource(), arg, 'local') end end local originFunction = self:getCurrentFunction() self:setCurrentFunction(func) func:push(func:getSource()) self:doActions(func:getSource()) func:pop() self:setCurrentFunction(originFunction) end function mt:buildFunction(exp) if exp and exp:bindFunction() then return exp:bindFunction() end local value = self:createFunction(exp) if not exp then return value end exp:bindFunction(value) local func = value:getFunction() self:eachLocal(function (name, loc) func:saveLocal(name, loc) end) return value end function mt:forList(list, callback) if not list then return end if list.type == 'list' then for i = 1, #list do callback(list[i]) end else callback(list) end end function mt:callSetMetaTable(func, values, source) if not values[1] then values[1] = self:createValue('any', self:getDefaultSource()) end if not values[2] then values[2] = self:createValue('any', self:getDefaultSource()) end func:setReturn(1, values[1]) values[1]:setMetaTable(values[2]) end function mt:getRequire(strValue, destVM) -- 取出对方的主函数 local main = destVM.main -- 获取主函数返回值,注意不能修改对方的环境 local mainValue = main:getFunction():getReturn(1) if not mainValue then mainValue = self:createValue('any', self:getDefaultSource()) mainValue.uri = destVM.uri end return mainValue end function mt:getLoadFile(strValue, destVM) -- 取出对方的主函数 local main = destVM.main -- loadfile 的返回值就是对方的主函数 local mainValue = main return mainValue end function mt:tryRequireOne(strValue, mode) if not self.lsp or not self.lsp.workspace then return nil end local str = strValue:getLiteral() if type(str) == 'string' then -- 支持 require 'xxx' 的转到定义 local strSource = strValue:getSource() if not strSource then return nil end self:instantSource(strSource) local uri if mode == 'require' then uri = self.lsp.workspace:searchPath(self:getUri(), str) elseif mode == 'loadfile' then uri = self.lsp.workspace:loadPath(self:getUri(), str) elseif mode == 'dofile' then uri = self.lsp.workspace:loadPath(self:getUri(), str) end if not uri then return nil end strSource:set('target uri', uri) -- 如果取不到VM(不编译),则做个标记,之后再取一次 local destVM = self.lsp:getVM(uri) self.lsp:compileChain(self:getUri(), uri) if destVM then if mode == 'require' then return self:getRequire(strValue, destVM) elseif mode == 'loadfile' then return self:getLoadFile(strValue, destVM) elseif mode == 'dofile' then return self:getRequire(strValue, destVM) end end end return nil end function mt:callRequire(func, values) if not values[1] then values[1] = self:createValue('any', self:getDefaultSource()) end local str = values[1]:getLiteral() if type(str) ~= 'string' then return end local lib = library.library[str] if lib then local value = libraryBuilder.value(lib) func:setReturn(1, value) return else local requireValue = self:tryRequireOne(values[1], 'require') if not requireValue then requireValue = self:createValue('boolean', self:getDefaultSource()) requireValue:set('cross file', true) end func:setReturn(1, requireValue) end end function mt:callLoadFile(func, values) if not values[1] then values[1] = self:createValue('any', self:getDefaultSource()) end local str = values[1]:getLiteral() if type(str) ~= 'string' then return end local requireValue = self:tryRequireOne(values[1], 'loadfile') if not requireValue then requireValue = self:createValue('any', self:getDefaultSource()) requireValue:set('cross file', true) end func:setReturn(1, requireValue) end function mt:callDoFile(func, values) if not values[1] then values[1] = self:createValue('any', self:getDefaultSource()) end local str = values[1]:getLiteral() if type(str) ~= 'string' then return end local requireValue = self:tryRequireOne(values[1], 'dofile') if not requireValue then requireValue = self:createValue('any', self:getDefaultSource()) requireValue.isRequire = true end func:setReturn(1, requireValue) end function mt:callLibrary(func, values, source, lib) if lib.args then for i, arg in ipairs(lib.args) do local value = values[i] if value and arg.type ~= '...' then value:setType(arg.type, 1.0) end end end if lib.returns then for i, rtn in ipairs(lib.returns) do if rtn.type == '...' then --func:getReturn(i):setType('any', 0.0) else if rtn.type == 'boolean' or rtn.type == 'number' or rtn.type == 'integer' or rtn.type == 'string' then func:setReturn(i, self:createValue(rtn.type, self:getDefaultSource())) end func:getReturn(i):setType(rtn.type or 'any', 1.0) end end end if lib.special then if lib.special == 'setmetatable' then self:callSetMetaTable(func, values, source) elseif lib.special == 'require' then self:callRequire(func, values) elseif lib.special == 'loadfile' then self:callLoadFile(func, values) elseif lib.special == 'dofile' then self:callDoFile(func, values) end end end function mt:call(value, values, source) local lib = value:getLib() local func = value:getFunction() value:setType('function', 0.5) if not func then return end self:instantSource(source) if lib then self:callLibrary(func, values, source, lib) else if func:getSource() then if not source:get 'called' then source:set('called', true) func:setArgs(values) self:runFunction(func) end else func:setReturn(1, self:createValue('any', source)) end end return func:getReturn() end function mt:createValue(tp, source, literal) local value = createValue(tp, source, literal) value.uri = self:getUri() return value end function mt:getName(name, source) if source then self:instantSource(source) if source:bindLocal() then local loc = source:bindLocal() return loc:getValue() end end local loc = self:loadLocal(name) if loc then source:bindLocal(loc, 'get') return loc:getValue() end local global = source:bindValue() if global then return global end local ENV = self:loadLocal('_ENV') local ENVValue = ENV:getValue() ENVValue:addInfo('get child', source, name) global = ENVValue:getChild(name, source) source:bindValue(global, 'get') source:set('global', true) source:set('parent', ENVValue) if not global:getLib() then if self.lsp then self.lsp.global:markGet(self:getUri()) end end return global end function mt:setName(name, source, value) self:instantSource(source) local loc = self:loadLocal(name) if loc then loc:setValue(value) source:bindLocal(loc, 'set') return end local global = source:bindValue() if global then return global end local ENV = self:loadLocal('_ENV') local ENVValue = ENV:getValue() source:bindValue(value, 'set') ENVValue:addInfo('set child', source, name) ENVValue:setChild(name, value) source:set('global', true) source:set('parentValue', ENVValue) if self.lsp then self.lsp.global:markSet(self:getUri()) end end function mt:getIndex(source) local child = source[1] if child.type == 'name' then local value = self:getName(child[1], child) child:set('in index', source) return value elseif child.type == 'string' or child.type == 'number' or child.type == 'boolean' then self:instantSource(child) child:set('in index', source) return child[1] else return self:getExp(child) end end function mt:unpackList(list) local values = createMulti() local exps = createMulti() if not list then return values end if list.type == 'list' or list.type == 'call' or list.type == 'return' then for i, exp in ipairs(list) do self:instantSource(exp) exps:push(exp) if exp.type == '...' then values:merge(self:loadDots()) break end local value = self:getExp(exp) if value.type == 'multi' then if i == #list then value:eachValue(function (_, v) values:push(v) end) else values:push(self:getFirstInMulti(value)) end else values:push(value) end end elseif list.type == '...' then self:instantSource(list) exps:push(list) values:merge(self:loadDots()) else self:instantSource(list) exps:push(list) local value = self:getExp(list) if value.type == 'multi' then value:eachValue(function (_, v) values:push(v) end) else values:push(value) end end return values, exps end function mt:getFirstInMulti(multi) if not multi then return multi end if multi.type == 'multi' then return self:getFirstInMulti(multi[1]) else return multi end end function mt:getSimple(simple, max) self:instantSource(simple) local first = simple[1] self:instantSource(first) local value = self:getExp(first) value = self:getFirstInMulti(value) or createValue('nil', self:getDefaultSource()) first:bindValue(value, 'get') if not max then max = #simple elseif max < 0 then max = #simple + 1 + max end local object for i = 2, max do local source = simple[i] self:instantSource(source) source:set('simple', simple) value = self:getFirstInMulti(value) or createValue('nil', self:getDefaultSource()) if source.type == 'call' then local values, args = self:unpackList(source) local func = value if object then table.insert(values, 1, object) table.insert(args, 1, simple[i-3]) end object = nil source:bindCall(func, args) value = self:call(func, values, source) or createValue('any', self:getDefaultSource()) elseif source.type == 'index' then local child = source[1] local index = self:getIndex(source) child:set('parent', value) value:addInfo('get child', source, index) value = value:getChild(index, source) source:bindValue(value, 'get') elseif source.type == 'name' then source:set('parent', value) source:set('object', object) value:addInfo('get child', source, source[1]) value = value:getChild(source[1], source) source:bindValue(value, 'get') elseif source.type == ':' then object = value source:set('parent', value) source:set('object', object) elseif source.type == '.' then source:set('parent', value) end end return value end function mt:isTrue(v) if v:getType() == 'nil' then return false end if v:getType() == 'boolean' and not v:getLiteral() then return false end return true end function mt:getBinary(exp) local v1 = self:getExp(exp[1]) local v2 = self:getExp(exp[2]) v1 = self:getFirstInMulti(v1) or createValue('nil', exp[1]) v2 = self:getFirstInMulti(v2) or createValue('nil', exp[2]) local op = exp.op -- TODO 搜索元方法 if op == 'or' then if self:isTrue(v1) then return v1 else return v2 end elseif op == 'and' then if self:isTrue(v1) then return v2 else return v1 end elseif op == '<=' or op == '>=' or op == '<' or op == '>' then v1:setType('number', 0.5) v2:setType('number', 0.5) v1:setType('string', 0.1) v2:setType('string', 0.1) return self:createValue('boolean', self:getDefaultSource()) elseif op == '~=' or op == '==' then return self:createValue('boolean', self:getDefaultSource()) elseif op == '|' or op == '~' or op == '&' or op == '<<' or op == '>>' then v1:setType('integer', 0.5) v2:setType('integer', 0.5) v1:setType('number', 0.5) v2:setType('number', 0.5) v1:setType('string', 0.1) v2:setType('string', 0.1) if math.type(v1:getLiteral()) == 'integer' and math.type(v2:getLiteral()) == 'integer' then if op == '|' then return self:createValue('integer', exp, v1:getLiteral() | v2:getLiteral()) elseif op == '~' then return self:createValue('integer', exp, v1:getLiteral() ~ v2:getLiteral()) elseif op == '&' then return self:createValue('integer', exp, v1:getLiteral() &v2:getLiteral()) elseif op == '<<' then return self:createValue('integer', exp, v1:getLiteral() << v2:getLiteral()) elseif op == '>>' then return self:createValue('integer', exp, v1:getLiteral() >> v2:getLiteral()) end end return self:createValue('integer', self:getDefaultSource()) elseif op == '..' then v1:setType('string', 0.5) v2:setType('string', 0.5) v1:setType('number', 0.1) v2:setType('number', 0.1) if type(v1:getLiteral()) == 'string' and type(v2:getLiteral()) == 'string' then return self:createValue('string', self:getDefaultSource(), v1:getLiteral() .. v2:getLiteral()) end return self:createValue('string', self:getDefaultSource()) elseif op == '+' or op == '-' or op == '*' or op == '/' or op == '^' or op == '%' or op == '//' then v1:setType('number', 0.5) v2:setType('number', 0.5) if type(v1:getLiteral()) == 'number' and type(v2:getLiteral()) == 'number' then if op == '+' then return self:createValue('number', exp, v1:getLiteral() + v2:getLiteral()) elseif op == '-' then return self:createValue('number', exp, v1:getLiteral() - v2:getLiteral()) elseif op == '*' then return self:createValue('number', exp, v1:getLiteral() * v2:getLiteral()) elseif op == '/' then if v2:getLiteral() ~= 0 then return self:createValue('number', exp, v1:getLiteral() / v2:getLiteral()) end elseif op == '^' then return self:createValue('number', exp, v1:getLiteral() ^ v2:getLiteral()) elseif op == '%' then if v2:getLiteral() ~= 0 then return self:createValue('number', exp, v1:getLiteral() % v2:getLiteral()) end elseif op == '//' then if v2:getLiteral() ~= 0 then return self:createValue('number', exp, v1:getLiteral() // v2:getLiteral()) end end end return self:createValue('number', self:getDefaultSource()) end return nil end function mt:getUnary(exp) local v1 = self:getExp(exp[1]) v1 = self:getFirstInMulti(v1) local op = exp.op -- TODO 搜索元方法 if op == 'not' then return self:createValue('boolean', self:getDefaultSource()) elseif op == '#' then v1:setType('table', 0.5) v1:setType('string', 0.5) if type(v1:getLiteral()) == 'string' then return self:createValue('integer', exp, #v1:getLiteral()) end return self:createValue('integer', self:getDefaultSource()) elseif op == '-' then v1:setType('number', 0.5) if type(v1:getLiteral()) == 'number' then return self:createValue('number', exp, -v1:getLiteral()) end return self:createValue('number', self:getDefaultSource()) elseif op == '~' then v1:setType('integer', 0.5) if math.type(v1:getLiteral()) == 'integer' then return self:createValue('integer', exp, ~v1:getLiteral()) end return self:createValue('integer', self:getDefaultSource()) end return nil end function mt:getExp(exp) self:instantSource(exp) local tp = exp.type if tp == 'nil' then return self:createValue('nil', exp) elseif tp == 'string' then return self:createValue('string', exp, exp[1]) elseif tp == 'boolean' then return self:createValue('boolean', exp, exp[1]) elseif tp == 'number' then return self:createValue('number', exp, exp[1]) elseif tp == 'name' then local value = self:getName(exp[1], exp) return value elseif tp == 'simple' then return self:getSimple(exp) elseif tp == 'binary' then return self:getBinary(exp) elseif tp == 'unary' then return self:getUnary(exp) elseif tp == 'function' then return self:buildFunction(exp) elseif tp == 'table' then return self:buildTable(exp) elseif tp == '...' then return self:loadDots() elseif tp == 'list' then return self:getMultiByList(exp) end error('Unkown exp type: ' .. tostring(tp)) end function mt:getMultiByList(list) local multi = createMulti() for i, exp in ipairs(list) do multi:push(self:getExp(exp), i == #list) end return multi end function mt:doDo(action) self:scopePush(action) self:doActions(action) self:scopePop() end function mt:doReturn(action) if #action == 0 then return end self:instantSource(action) local values = self:unpackList(action) local func = self:getCurrentFunction() values:eachValue(function (n, value) value.uri = self:getUri() func:setReturn(n, value) local source = action[n] or value:getSource() if not source or source.start == 0 then source = self:getDefaultSource() end value:addInfo('return', source) end) end function mt:doLabel(source) local name = source[1] local label = self:loadLabel(name) if label then self:bindLabel(source, label, 'set') else label = self:createLabel(name, source, 'set') end end function mt:createLabel(name, source, action) local label = self:bindLabel(source) if label then self:saveLabel(label) return label end label = createLabel(name, source) self:saveLabel(label) self:bindLabel(source, label, action) return label end function mt:doGoTo(source) local name = source[1] local label = self:loadLabel(name) if label then self:bindLabel(source, label, 'get') else label = self:createLabel(name, source, 'get') end end function mt:setOne(var, value) if not value then value = createValue('nil', self:getDefaultSource()) end self:instantSource(var) if var.type == 'name' then self:setName(var[1], var, value) elseif var.type == 'simple' then local parent = self:getSimple(var, -2) local key = var[#var] self:instantSource(key) key:set('simple', var) if key.type == 'index' then local index = self:getIndex(key) key[1]:set('parent', parent) parent:addInfo('set child', key[1], index) parent:setChild(index, value) elseif key.type == 'name' then local index = key[1] key:set('parent', parent) parent:addInfo('set child', key, index) parent:setChild(index, value) end key:bindValue(value, 'set') end end function mt:doSet(action) if not action[2] then return end -- 要先计算值 local vars = action[1] local exps = action[2] local value = self:getExp(exps) local values = {} if value.type == 'multi' then value:eachValue(function (i, v) values[i] = v end) else values[1] = value end local i = 0 self:forList(vars, function (var) i = i + 1 self:setOne(var, values[i]) end) end function mt:doLocal(action) local vars = action[1] local exps = action[2] local values if exps then local value = self:getExp(exps) values = {} if value.type == 'multi' then value:eachValue(function (i, v) values[i] = v end) else values[1] = value end end local i = 0 self:forList(vars, function (key) i = i + 1 local value if values then value = values[i] end self:createLocal(key[1], key, value) end) end function mt:doIf(action) for _, block in ipairs(action) do if block.filter then self:getExp(block.filter) end self:scopePush(block) self:doActions(block) self:scopePop() end end function mt:doLoop(action) local min = self:getFirstInMulti(self:getExp(action.min)) self:getExp(action.max) if action.step then self:getExp(action.step) end self:scopePush(action) self:createLocal(action.arg[1], action.arg, min) self:doActions(action) self:scopePop() end function mt:doIn(action) local args = self:unpackList(action.exp) self:scopePush(action) local func = table.remove(args, 1) or createValue('any', self:getDefaultSource()) local values = self:call(func, args, action) or createMulti() self:forList(action.arg, function (arg) local value = table.remove(values, 1) self:createLocal(arg[1], arg, value) end) self:doActions(action) self:scopePop() end function mt:doWhile(action) self:getExp(action.filter) self:scopePush(action) self:doActions(action) self:scopePop() end function mt:doRepeat(action) self:scopePush(action) self:doActions(action) self:getExp(action.filter) self:scopePop() end function mt:doFunction(action) self:instantSource(action) local name = action.name if name then if name.type == 'simple' then local parent = self:getSimple(name, -2) if name[#name-1].type == ':' then local value = self:buildFunction(action) local source = name[#name] self:instantSource(source) source:set('object', parent) if source.type == 'index' then local index = self:getIndex(source) parent:addInfo('set child', source[1], index) parent:setChild(index, value) elseif source.type == 'name' then local index = source[1] parent:addInfo('set child', source, index) parent:setChild(index, value) end source:bindValue(value, 'set') local func = value:getFunction() if #name == 3 then -- function x:b() local loc = self:loadLocal(name[1][1]) if loc then func:setObject(parent, loc:getSource()) else func:setObject(parent, name[#name-2]) end else func:setObject(parent, name[#name-2]) end else local value = self:buildFunction(action) local source = name[#name] self:instantSource(source) if source.type == 'index' then local index = self:getIndex(source) parent:addInfo('set child', source[1], index) parent:setChild(index, value) elseif source.type == 'name' then local index = source[1] parent:addInfo('set child', source, index) parent:setChild(index, value) end source:bindValue(value, 'set') end else local value = self:buildFunction(action) self:setName(name[1], name, value) end else self:buildFunction(action) end end function mt:doLocalFunction(action) self:instantSource(action) local name = action.name if name then if name.type == 'simple' then self:buildFunction(action) else local loc = self:createLocal(name[1], name) local func = self:buildFunction(action) func:addInfo('local', name) loc:setValue(func) loc:setInitValue(func) end end end function mt:doAction(action) if not action then -- Skip return end local tp = action.type if tp == 'do' then self:doDo(action) elseif tp == 'break' then elseif tp == 'return' then self:doReturn(action) elseif tp == 'label' then self:doLabel(action) elseif tp == 'goto' then self:doGoTo(action) elseif tp == 'set' then self:doSet(action) elseif tp == 'local' then self:doLocal(action) elseif tp == 'simple' then -- call self:getSimple(action) elseif tp == 'if' then self:doIf(action) elseif tp == 'loop' then self:doLoop(action) elseif tp == 'in' then self:doIn(action) elseif tp == 'while' then self:doWhile(action) elseif tp == 'repeat' then self:doRepeat(action) elseif tp == 'function' then self:doFunction(action) elseif tp == 'localfunction' then self:doLocalFunction(action) else self:getExp(action) end end function mt:doActions(actions) for _, action in ipairs(actions) do self:doAction(action) if coroutine.isyieldable() then if self.lsp:isNeedCompile(self.uri) then coroutine.yield() else coroutine.yield('stop') end end end end function mt:createFunction(source) local value = self:createValue('function', source) local func = createFunction(source) value:setFunction(func) value:setType('function', 1.0) if source:getUri() == self.uri then self.funcs[#self.funcs+1] = func end return value end function mt:callLeftFuncions() for _, func in ipairs(self.funcs) do if not func:hasRuned() then self:runFunction(func) end end end function mt:setCurrentFunction(func) self.currentFunction = func end function mt:getCurrentFunction() return self.currentFunction end function mt:saveLocal(name, loc) self.currentFunction:saveLocal(name, loc) end function mt:loadLocal(name) return self.currentFunction:loadLocal(name) end function mt:eachLocal(callback) return self.currentFunction:eachLocal(callback) end function mt:saveLabel(label) self.currentFunction:saveLabel(label) end function mt:loadLabel(name) return self.currentFunction:loadLabel(name) end function mt:loadDots() return self.currentFunction:loadDots() end function mt:getUri() return self.currentFunction and self.currentFunction:getUri() or self.uri end function mt:instantSource(source) if sourceMgr.instant(source) then source:setUri(self:getUri()) self.sources[#self.sources+1] = source CachedSource[source] = true end return source end function mt:bindLocal(source, loc, action) if not source then return end self:instantSource(source) if loc then source:bindLocal(loc, action) else return source:bindLocal() end end function mt:bindLabel(source, label, action) self:instantSource(source) if label then source:bindLabel(label, action) else return source:bindLabel() end end function mt:createLocal(key, source, value) local loc = self:bindLocal(source) if loc then self:saveLocal(key, loc) return loc end if not value then value = createValue('nil', self:getDefaultSource()) end loc = createLocal(key, source, value) self:saveLocal(key, loc) self:bindLocal(source, loc, 'local') value:addInfo('local', source or self:getDefaultSource()) return loc end function mt:createEnvironment(ast) -- 整个文件是一个函数 self.main = self:createFunction(ast) self:setCurrentFunction(self.main:getFunction()) -- 全局变量`_G` local global = buildGlobal(self.lsp) -- 隐藏的上值`_ENV` local env = self:createLocal('_ENV', sourceMgr.dummy(), global) env:set('hide', true) self.env = env end function mt:eachSource(callback) local sources = self.sources for i = 1, #sources do callback(sources[i]) end end function mt:isRemoved() return self._removed == true end function mt:remove() if self._removed then return end self._removed = true for _, source in ipairs(self.sources) do source:kill() end end local function compile(ast, lsp, uri) local vm = setmetatable({ funcs = {}, sources = {}, main = nil, env = nil, lsp = lsp, uri = uri or '', }, mt) -- 创建初始环境 ast.uri = vm.uri vm:instantSource(ast) vm:createEnvironment(ast) -- 检查所有没有调用过的函数,调用一遍 vm:callLeftFuncions() return vm end return function (ast, lsp, uri) if not ast then return nil end local suc, res = xpcall(compile, log.error, ast, lsp, uri) if not suc then return nil, res end return res end