local fs = require 'bee.filesystem' local json = require 'json' local config = require 'config' local rpc = require 'rpc' local lang = require 'language' local command = {} local function isContainPos(obj, start, finish) if obj.start <= start and obj.finish >= finish then return true end return false end local function isInString(vm, start, finish) for _, source in ipairs(vm.sources) do if source.type == 'string' and isContainPos(source, start, finish) then return true end end return false end local function posToRange(lines, start, finish) local start_row, start_col = lines:rowcol(start) local finish_row, finish_col = lines:rowcol(finish) return { start = { line = start_row - 1, character = start_col - 1, }, ['end'] = { line = finish_row - 1, character = finish_col, }, } end function command.config(lsp, data) local def = config.config for _, k in ipairs(data.key) do def = def[k] if not def then return end end if data.action == 'add' then if type(def) ~= 'table' then return end end local vscodePath = lsp.workspace.root / '.vscode' local settingBuf = io.load(vscodePath / 'settings.json') if not settingBuf then fs.create_directories(vscodePath) end local setting = json.decode(settingBuf or '', true) or {} local key = 'Lua.' .. table.concat(data.key, '.') local attr = setting[key] if data.action == 'add' then if attr == nil then attr = {} elseif type(attr) == 'string' then attr = {attr} elseif type(attr) == 'table' then else return end attr[#attr+1] = data.value setting[key] = attr end io.save(vscodePath / 'settings.json', json.encode(setting) .. '\r\n') end function command.removeSpace(lsp, data) local uri = data.uri local vm, lines = lsp:getVM(uri) if not vm then return end local textEdit = {} for i = 1, #lines do local line = lines:line(i) local pos = line:find '[ \t]+$' if pos then local start, finish = lines:range(i) start = start + pos - 1 if isInString(vm, start, finish) then goto NEXT_LINE end textEdit[#textEdit+1] = { range = posToRange(lines, start, finish), newText = '', } goto NEXT_LINE end ::NEXT_LINE:: end if #textEdit == 0 then return end rpc:request('workspace/applyEdit', { label = lang.script.COMMAND_REMOVE_SPACE, edit = { changes = { [uri] = textEdit, } }, }) end function command.solve(lsp, data) local uri = data.uri local vm, lines = lsp:getVM(uri) if not vm then return end local start = lines:position(data.range.start.line + 1, data.range.start.character + 1) local finish = lines:position(data.range['end'].line + 1, data.range['end'].character) local source = vm:eachSource(function (source) if source.op ~= 'or' then return end local exp = source[2] if exp.op ~= '+' and exp.op ~= '-' then return end if exp[1][1] == 0 and exp[2].type == 'number' then if source.start == start and source.finish == finish then return source end end end) if not source then return end rpc:request('workspace/applyEdit', { label = lang.script.COMMAND_ADD_BRACKETS, edit = { changes = { [uri] = { { range = posToRange(lines, source.start, source.start - 1), newText = '(', }, { range = posToRange(lines, source[2][1].finish + 1, source[2][1].finish), newText = ')', }, } } }, }) end return function (lsp, params) local name = params.command if not command[name] then return end local result = command[name](lsp, params.arguments[1]) return result end