local emmyFunction = require 'core.hover.emmy_function' local function buildValueArgs(func, object, select) if not func then return '', nil end local names = {} local values = {} local options = {} if func.argValues then for i, value in ipairs(func.argValues) do values[i] = value:getType() end end if func.args then for i, arg in ipairs(func.args) do names[#names+1] = arg:getName() local param = func:findEmmyParamByName(arg:getName()) if param then values[i] = param:getType() options[i] = param:getOption() end end end local strs = {} local start = 1 if object then start = 2 end local max if func:getSource() then max = #names else max = math.max(#names, #values) end for i = start, max do local name = names[i] local value = values[i] or 'any' local option = options[i] if option and option.optional then if i > start then strs[#strs+1] = ' [' else strs[#strs+1] = '[' end end if i > start then strs[#strs+1] = ', ' end if i == select then strs[#strs+1] = '@ARG' end if name then strs[#strs+1] = name .. ': ' .. value else strs[#strs+1] = value end if i == select then strs[#strs+1] = '@ARG' end if option and option.optional == 'self' then strs[#strs+1] = ']' end end if func:hasDots() then if max > 0 then strs[#strs+1] = ', ' end strs[#strs+1] = '...' end if options then for _, option in pairs(options) do if option.optional == 'after' then strs[#strs+1] = ']' end end end local text = table.concat(strs) local argLabel = {} for i = 1, 2 do local pos = text:find('@ARG', 1, true) if pos then if i == 1 then argLabel[i] = pos else argLabel[i] = pos - 1 end text = text:sub(1, pos-1) .. text:sub(pos+4) end end if #argLabel == 0 then argLabel = nil end return text, argLabel end local function buildValueReturns(func) if not func then return '\n -> any' end if not func:get 'hasReturn' then return '' end local strs = {} local emmys = {} local n = 0 func:eachEmmyReturn(function (emmy) n = n + 1 emmys[n] = emmy end) if func.returns then for i, rtn in ipairs(func.returns) do local emmy = emmys[i] local option = emmy and emmy.option if option and option.optional then if i > 1 then strs[#strs+1] = ' [' else strs[#strs+1] = '[' end end if i > 1 then strs[#strs+1] = ', ' end if option and option.name then strs[#strs+1] = ('%s: '):format(option.name) end strs[#strs+1] = rtn:getType() if option and option.optional == 'self' then strs[#strs+1] = ']' end end for i = 1, #func.returns do local emmy = emmys[i] if emmy and emmy.option and emmy.option.optional == 'after' then strs[#strs+1] = ']' end end end if #strs == 0 then strs[1] = 'any' end return '\n -> ' .. table.concat(strs) end ---@param func emmyFunction local function buildEnum(func) if not func then return nil end local params = func:getEmmyParams() if not params then return nil end local strs = {} for _, param in ipairs(params) do local first = true param:eachEnum(function (enum) if first then first = false strs[#strs+1] = ('\n%s: %s'):format(param:getName(), param:getType()) end if enum.default then strs[#strs+1] = ('\n |>%s'):format(enum[1]) else strs[#strs+1] = ('\n | %s'):format(enum[1]) end if enum.comment then strs[#strs+1] = ' -- ' .. enum.comment end end) end if #strs == 0 then return nil end return table.concat(strs) end local function getComment(func) if not func then return nil end local comments = {} local params = func:getEmmyParams() if params then for _, param in ipairs(params) do local option = param:getOption() if option and option.comment then comments[#comments+1] = ('+ `%s`*(%s)*: %s'):format(param:getName(), param:getType(), option.comment) end end end comments[#comments+1] = func:getComment() if #comments == 0 then return nil end return table.concat(comments, '\n\n') end local function getOverLoads(name, func, object, select) local overloads = func and func:getEmmyOverLoads() if not overloads then return nil end local list = {} for _, ol in ipairs(overloads) do local hover = emmyFunction(name, ol, object, select) list[#list+1] = hover.label end return table.concat(list, '\n') end return function (name, func, object, select) local args, argLabel = buildValueArgs(func, object, select) local returns = buildValueReturns(func) local enum = buildEnum(func) local comment = getComment(func) local overloads = getOverLoads(name, func, object, select) local headLen = #('function %s('):format(name) local title = ('function %s(%s)%s'):format(name, args, returns) if argLabel then argLabel[1] = argLabel[1] + headLen argLabel[2] = argLabel[2] + headLen end return { label = title, description = comment, enum = enum, argLabel = argLabel, overloads = overloads, } end