local findLib = require 'core.find_lib' local getFunctionHover = require 'core.hover_function' local buildValueName = require 'core.hover_name' local OriginTypes = { ['any'] = true, ['nil'] = true, ['integer'] = true, ['number'] = true, ['boolean'] = true, ['string'] = true, ['thread'] = true, ['userdata'] = true, ['table'] = true, ['function'] = true, } local function buildLibArgs(lib, oo, select) if not lib.args then return '' end local start if oo then start = 2 if select then select = select + 1 end else start = 1 end local strs = {} local argLabel for i = start, #lib.args do local arg = lib.args[i] if arg.optional then if i > start then strs[#strs+1] = ' [' else strs[#strs+1] = '[' end end if i > start then strs[#strs+1] = ', ' end local argStr = {} if arg.name then argStr[#argStr+1] = ('%s: '):format(arg.name) end if type(arg.type) == 'table' then argStr[#argStr+1] = table.concat(arg.type, '/') else argStr[#argStr+1] = arg.type or 'any' end if arg.default then argStr[#argStr+1] = ('(%q)'):format(arg.default) end for _, str in ipairs(argStr) do strs[#strs+1] = str end if arg.optional == 'self' then strs[#strs+1] = ']' end if i == select then argLabel = table.concat(argStr) end end for _, arg in ipairs(lib.args) do if arg.optional == 'after' then strs[#strs+1] = ']' end end return table.concat(strs), argLabel end local function buildLibReturns(lib) if not lib.returns then return '' end local strs = {} for i, rtn in ipairs(lib.returns) do if rtn.optional then if i > 1 then strs[#strs+1] = ' [' else strs[#strs+1] = '[' end end if i > 1 then strs[#strs+1] = ', ' end if rtn.name then strs[#strs+1] = ('%s: '):format(rtn.name) end if type(rtn.type) == 'table' then strs[#strs+1] = table.concat(rtn.type, '/') else strs[#strs+1] = rtn.type or 'any' end if rtn.default then strs[#strs+1] = ('(%q)'):format(rtn.default) end if rtn.optional == 'self' then strs[#strs+1] = ']' end end for _, rtn in ipairs(lib.returns) do if rtn.optional == 'after' then strs[#strs+1] = ']' end end return '\n -> ' .. table.concat(strs) end local function buildEnum(lib) if not lib.enums then return '' end local container = table.container() for _, enum in ipairs(lib.enums) do if not enum.name or (not enum.enum and not enum.code) then goto NEXT_ENUM end if not container[enum.name] then container[enum.name] = {} if lib.args then for _, arg in ipairs(lib.args) do if arg.name == enum.name then container[enum.name].type = arg.type break end end end if lib.returns then for _, rtn in ipairs(lib.returns) do if rtn.name == enum.name then container[enum.name].type = rtn.type break end end end end table.insert(container[enum.name], enum) ::NEXT_ENUM:: end local strs = {} for name, enums in pairs(container) do local tp if type(enums.type) == 'table' then tp = table.concat(enums.type, '/') else tp = enums.type end strs[#strs+1] = ('\n%s: %s'):format(name, tp or 'any') for _, enum in ipairs(enums) do if enum.default then strs[#strs+1] = '\n -> ' else strs[#strs+1] = '\n | ' end if enum.code then strs[#strs+1] = tostring(enum.code) else strs[#strs+1] = ('%q'):format(enum.enum) end if enum.description then strs[#strs+1] = ' -- ' .. enum.description end end end return table.concat(strs) end local function getFunctionHoverAsLib(name, lib, oo, select) local args, argLabel = buildLibArgs(lib, oo, select) local returns = buildLibReturns(lib) local enum = buildEnum(lib) local tip = lib.description local title = ('function %s(%s)%s'):format(name, args, returns) return { label = title, description = tip, enum = enum, argLabel = argLabel, } end local function findClass(result) -- 根据部分字段尝试找出自定义类型 local metatable = result.value.metatable if not metatable or not metatable.child then return nil end -- 查找meta表的 __name 字段 local name = metatable.child['__name'] -- 值必须是字符串 if name and name.value and type(name.value.value) == 'string' then return name.value.value end -- 查找meta表 __index 里的字段 local index = metatable.child['__index'] if index and index.value and index.value.child then for key, field in pairs(index.value.child) do -- 键值类型必须均为字符串 if type(key) ~= 'string' then goto CONTINUE end if not field.value or type(field.value.value) ~= 'string' then goto CONTINUE end local lKey = key:lower() if lKey == 'type' or lKey == 'name' or lKey == 'class' then -- 必须只有过一次赋值 local hasSet = false for _, info in ipairs(field) do if info.type == 'set' then if hasSet then goto CONTINUE end hasSet = true end end return field.value.value end ::CONTINUE:: end end return nil end local function unpackTable(result) local child = result.value and result.value.child if not child then return '{}' end local lines = {'{'} for key, field in pairs(child) do local kType = type(key) if kType == 'table' then key = ('[*%s]'):format(key.type) else if kType ~= 'string' then key = ('[%s]'):format(key) end end local value = field.value if not value then lines[#lines+1] = (' %s: %s,'):format(key, 'any') goto CONTINUE end local vType = type(value.value) if vType == 'boolean' or vType == 'integer' or vType == 'number' or vType == 'string' then lines[#lines+1] = (' %s: %s = %q,'):format(key, value.type, value.value) else lines[#lines+1] = (' %s: %s,'):format(key, value.type) end ::CONTINUE:: end lines[#lines+1] = '}' return table.concat(lines, '\r\n') end local function getValueHover(name, valueType, result, source, lib) if not lib then local class = findClass(result) if class then valueType = class end end if not OriginTypes[valueType] then valueType = '*' .. valueType end local value local tip if lib then value = lib.code or (lib.value and ('%q'):format(lib.value)) tip = lib.description else value = result.value.value and ('%q'):format(result.value.value) end local tp = result.type if tp == 'field' then if result.parent and result.parent.value and result.parent.value.ENV then tp = 'global' end end local text if valueType == 'table' then text = ('%s %s: %s'):format(tp, name, unpackTable(result)) else if value == nil then text = ('%s %s: %s'):format(tp, name, valueType) else text = ('%s %s: %s = %s'):format(tp, name, valueType, value) end end return { label = text, description = tip, } end local function getStringHover(result, lsp) if not result.uri then return nil end if not lsp or not lsp.workspace then return nil end local path = lsp.workspace:relativePathByUri(result.uri) return { description = ('[%s](%s)'):format(path:string(), result.uri), } end return function (result, source, lsp, select) if not result.value then return end if result.key == '' then return end if result.type == 'string' then return getStringHover(result, lsp) end if result.type ~= 'local' and result.type ~= 'field' then return end local lib, fullKey, oo = findLib(result) local valueType = lib and lib.type if valueType then if type(valueType) == 'table' then valueType = valueType[1] end else valueType = result.value.type or 'nil' end local name = fullKey or buildValueName(result, source) local hover if valueType == 'function' then if lib then hover = getFunctionHoverAsLib(name, lib, oo, select) else hover = getFunctionHover(name, result.value, source.object, select) end else hover = getValueHover(name, valueType, result, source, lib) end if not hover then return end hover.name = name return hover end