local lang = require 'language' local config = require 'config' local library = require 'core.library' local buildGlobal = require 'vm.global' local DiagnosticSeverity = require 'constant.DiagnosticSeverity' local DiagnosticDefaultSeverity = require 'constant.DiagnosticDefaultSeverity' local DiagnosticTag = require 'constant.DiagnosticTag' local mt = {} mt.__index = mt function mt:searchUnusedLocals(callback) self.vm:eachSource(function (source) local loc = source:bindLocal() if not loc then return end if loc:get 'emmy arg' then return end local name = loc:getName() if name == '_' or name == '_ENV' or name == '' then return end if source:action() ~= 'local' then return end if loc:get 'hide' then return end local used = loc:eachInfo(function (info) if info.type == 'get' then return true end end) if not used then callback(source.start, source.finish, name) end end) end function mt:searchUndefinedGlobal(callback) local definedGlobal = {} for name in pairs(config.config.diagnostics.globals) do definedGlobal[name] = true end local envValue = buildGlobal(self.vm.lsp) envValue:eachInfo(function (info) if info.type == 'set child' then local name = info[1] definedGlobal[name] = true end end) self.vm:eachSource(function (source) if not source:get 'global' then return end local name = source:getName() if name == '' then return end local parent = source:get 'parent' if not parent then return end if not parent:get 'ENV' and not source:get 'in index' then return end if definedGlobal[name] then return end if type(name) ~= 'string' then return end callback(source.start, source.finish, name) end) end function mt:searchUnusedLabel(callback) self.vm:eachSource(function (source) local label = source:bindLabel() if not label then return end if source:action() ~= 'set' then return end local used = label:eachInfo(function (info) if info.type == 'get' then return true end end) if not used then callback(source.start, source.finish, label:getName()) end end) end function mt:searchUnusedVararg(callback) self.vm:eachSource(function (source) local value = source:bindFunction() if not value then return end local func = value:getFunction() if not func then return end if func._dotsSource and not func._dotsLoad then callback(func._dotsSource.start, func._dotsSource.finish) end end) end local function isContainPos(obj, start, finish) if obj.start <= start and obj.finish >= finish then return true end return false end local function isInString(vm, start, finish) return vm:eachSource(function (source) if source.type == 'string' and isContainPos(source, start, finish) then return true end end) end function mt:searchSpaces(callback) local vm = self.vm local lines = self.lines for i = 1, #lines do local line = lines:line(i) if line:find '^[ \t]+$' then local start, finish = lines:range(i) if isInString(vm, start, finish) then goto NEXT_LINE end callback(start, finish, lang.script.DIAG_LINE_ONLY_SPACE) goto NEXT_LINE end local pos = line:find '[ \t]+$' if pos then local start, finish = lines:range(i) start = start + pos - 1 if isInString(vm, start, finish) then goto NEXT_LINE end callback(start, finish, lang.script.DIAG_LINE_POST_SPACE) goto NEXT_LINE end ::NEXT_LINE:: end end function mt:searchRedefinition(callback) local used = {} local uri = self.uri self.vm:eachSource(function (source) local loc = source:bindLocal() if not loc then return end local shadow = loc:shadow() if not shadow then return end if used[shadow] then return end used[shadow] = true if loc:get 'hide' then return end local name = loc:getName() if name == '_' or name == '_ENV' or name == '' then return end local related = {} for i = 1, #shadow do related[i] = { start = shadow[i]:getSource().start, finish = shadow[i]:getSource().finish, uri = uri, } end for i = 2, #shadow do callback(shadow[i]:getSource().start, shadow[i]:getSource().finish, name, related) end end) end function mt:searchNewLineCall(callback) local lines = self.lines self.vm:eachSource(function (source) if source.type ~= 'simple' then return end for i = 1, #source - 1 do local callSource = source[i] local funcSource = source[i-1] if callSource.type ~= 'call' then goto CONTINUE end local callLine = lines:rowcol(callSource.start) local funcLine = lines:rowcol(funcSource.finish) if callLine > funcLine then callback(callSource.start, callSource.finish) end :: CONTINUE :: end end) end function mt:searchRedundantParameters(callback) self.vm:eachSource(function (source) local args = source:bindCall() if not args then return end -- 回调函数不检查 local simple = source:get 'simple' if simple and simple[2] == source then local loc = simple[1]:bindLocal() if loc then local source = loc:getSource() if source:get 'arg' then return end end end local value = source:findCallFunction() if not value then return end local func = value:getFunction() -- 参数中有 ... ,不用再检查了 if func:hasDots() then return end local max = #func.args local passed = #args -- function m.open() end -- m:open() -- 这种写法不算错 if passed == 1 and source:get 'has object' then return end for i = max + 1, passed do local extra = args[i] callback(extra.start, extra.finish, max, passed) end end) end local opMap = { ['+'] = true, ['-'] = true, ['*'] = true, ['/'] = true, ['//'] = true, ['^'] = true, ['<<'] = true, ['>>'] = true, ['&'] = true, ['|'] = true, ['~'] = true, ['..'] = true, } local literalMap = { ['number'] = true, ['boolean'] = true, ['string'] = true, ['table'] = true, } function mt:searchAmbiguity1(callback) self.vm:eachSource(function (source) if source.op ~= 'or' then return end local first = source[1] local second = source[2] -- a + (b or 0) --> (a + b) or 0 do if opMap[first.op] and first.type ~= 'unary' and not second.op and literalMap[second.type] then callback(source.start, source.finish, first.start, first.finish) end end -- (a or 0) + c --> a or (0 + c) do if opMap[second.op] and second.type ~= 'unary' and not first.op and literalMap[second[1].type] then callback(source.start, source.finish, second.start, second.finish) end end end) end function mt:searchLowercaseGlobal(callback) local definedGlobal = {} for name in pairs(config.config.diagnostics.globals) do definedGlobal[name] = true end for name in pairs(library.global) do definedGlobal[name] = true end self.vm:eachSource(function (source) if source.type == 'name' and source:get 'parent' and not source:get 'simple' and not source:get 'table index' and source:action() == 'set' then local name = source[1] if definedGlobal[name] then return end local first = name:match '%w' if not first then return end if first:match '%l' then callback(source.start, source.finish) end end end) end function mt:searchDuplicateIndex(callback) self.vm:eachSource(function (source) if source.type ~= 'table' then return end local mark = {} for _, obj in ipairs(source) do if obj.type == 'pair' then local key = obj[1] local name if key.index then if key.type == 'string' then name = key[1] end elseif key.type == 'name' then name = key[1] end if name then if mark[name] then mark[name][#mark[name]+1] = key else mark[name] = { key } end end end end for name, defs in pairs(mark) do if #defs > 1 then local related = {} for i = 1, #defs do related[i] = { start = defs[i].start, finish = defs[i].finish, uri = self.uri, } end for i = 2, #defs do callback(defs[i].start, defs[i].finish, name, related) end end end end) end function mt:searchDuplicateMethod(callback) local uri = self.uri local mark = {} local map = {} self.vm:eachSource(function (source) local parent = source:get 'parent' if not parent then return end if mark[parent] then return end mark[parent] = true local relates = {} parent:eachInfo(function (info, src) local k = info[1] if info.type ~= 'set child' then return end if type(k) ~= 'string' then return end if src.start == 0 then return end if not src:get 'object' then return end if map[src] then return end if not relates[k] then relates[k] = map[src] or { name = k, } end map[src] = relates[k] relates[k][#relates[k]+1] = { start = src.start, finish = src.finish, uri = src.uri } end) end) for src, relate in pairs(map) do if #relate > 1 and src.uri == uri then callback(src.start, src.finish, relate.name, relate) end end end function mt:searchEmptyBlock(callback) self.vm:eachSource(function (source) -- 认为空repeat与空while是合法的 -- 要去vm中激活source if source.type == 'if' then for _, block in ipairs(source) do if #block > 0 then return end end callback(source.start, source.finish) return end if source.type == 'loop' or source.type == 'in' then if #source == 0 then callback(source.start, source.finish) end return end end) end function mt:searchRedundantValue(callback) self.vm:eachSource(function (source) if source.type == 'set' or source.type == 'local' then local args = source[1] local values = source[2] if not source[2] then return end local argCount, valueCount if args.type == 'list' then argCount = #args else argCount = 1 end if values.type == 'list' then valueCount = #values else valueCount = 1 end for i = argCount + 1, valueCount do local value = values[i] callback(value.start, value.finish, argCount, valueCount) end end end) end function mt:searchUndefinedEnvChild(callback) self.vm:eachSource(function (source) if not source:get 'global' then return end local name = source:getName() if name == '' then return end if source:get 'in index' then return end local parent = source:get 'parent' if parent:get 'ENV' then return end local value = source:bindValue() if not value then return end if value:getSource() == source then callback(source.start, source.finish, name) end return end) end function mt:checkEmmyClass(source, callback) local class = source:get 'emmy.class' if not class then return end -- class重复定义 local name = class:getName() local related = {} self.vm.emmyMgr:eachClass(name, function (class) if class.type ~= 'emmy.class' and class.type ~= 'emmy.alias' then return end local src = class:getSource() if src ~= source then related[#related+1] = { start = src.start, finish = src.finish, uri = src.uri, } end end) if #related > 0 then callback(source.start, source.finish, lang.script.DIAG_DUPLICATE_CLASS ,related) end -- 继承不存在的class local extends = class.extends if not extends then return end local parent = self.vm.emmyMgr:eachClass(extends, function (parent) if parent.type == 'emmy.class' then return parent end end) if not parent then callback(source[2].start, source[2].finish, lang.script.DIAG_UNDEFINED_CLASS) return end -- class循环继承 local related = {} local current = class for _ = 1, 10 do local extends = current.extends if not extends then break end related[#related+1] = { start = current:getSource().start, finish = current:getSource().finish, uri = current:getSource().uri, } current = self.vm.emmyMgr:eachClass(extends, function (parent) if parent.type == 'emmy.class' then return parent end end) if not current then break end if current:getName() == class:getName() then callback(source.start, source.finish, lang.script.DIAG_CYCLIC_EXTENDS, related) break end end end function mt:checkEmmyType(source, callback) for _, tpsource in ipairs(source) do local name = tpsource[1] local class = self.vm.emmyMgr:eachClass(name, function (class) if class.type == 'emmy.class' or class.type == 'emmy.alias' then return class end end) if not class then callback(tpsource.start, tpsource.finish, lang.script.DIAG_UNDEFINED_CLASS) end end end function mt:checkEmmyAlias(source, callback) local class = source:get 'emmy.alias' if not class then return end -- class重复定义 local name = class:getName() local related = {} self.vm.emmyMgr:eachClass(name, function (class) if class.type ~= 'emmy.class' and class.type ~= 'emmy.alias' then return end local src = class:getSource() if src ~= source then related[#related+1] = { start = src.start, finish = src.finish, uri = src.uri, } end end) if #related > 0 then callback(source.start, source.finish, lang.script.DIAG_DUPLICATE_CLASS ,related) end end function mt:checkEmmyParam(source, callback, mark) local func = source:get 'emmy function' if not func then return end if mark[func] then return end mark[func] = true -- 检查不存在的参数 local emmyParams = func:getEmmyParams() local funcParams = {} if func.args then for _, arg in ipairs(func.args) do funcParams[arg.name] = true end end for _, param in ipairs(emmyParams) do local name = param:getName() if not funcParams[name] then callback(param:getSource()[1].start, param:getSource()[1].finish, lang.script.DIAG_INEXISTENT_PARAM) end end -- 检查重复的param local lists = {} for _, param in ipairs(emmyParams) do local name = param:getName() if not lists[name] then lists[name] = {} end lists[name][#lists[name]+1] = param:getSource()[1] end for _, list in pairs(lists) do if #list > 1 then local related = {} for _, src in ipairs(list) do related[#related+1] = { src.start, src.finish, src.uri, } callback(src.start, src.finish, lang.script.DIAG_DUPLICATE_PARAM) end end end end function mt:checkEmmyField(source, callback, mark) ---@type EmmyClass local class = source:get 'target class' -- 必须写在 class 的后面 if not class then callback(source.start, source.finish, lang.script.DIAG_NEED_CLASS) end -- 检查重复的 field if class and not mark[class] then mark[class] = true local lists = {} class:eachField(function (field) local name = field:getName() if not lists[name] then lists[name] = {} end lists[name][#lists[name]+1] = field:getSource()[2] end) for _, list in pairs(lists) do if #list > 1 then local related = {} for _, src in ipairs(list) do related[#related+1] = { src.start, src.finish, src.uri, } callback(src.start, src.finish, lang.script.DIAG_DUPLICATE_FIELD) end end end end end function mt:searchEmmyLua(callback) local mark = {} self.vm:eachSource(function (source) if source.type == 'emmyClass' then self:checkEmmyClass(source, callback) elseif source.type == 'emmyType' then self:checkEmmyType(source, callback) elseif source.type == 'emmyAlias' then self:checkEmmyAlias(source, callback) elseif source.type == 'emmyParam' then self:checkEmmyParam(source, callback, mark) elseif source.type == 'emmyField' then self:checkEmmyField(source, callback, mark) end end) end function mt:searchSetConstLocal(callback) local mark = {} self.vm:eachSource(function (source) local loc = source:bindLocal() if not loc then return end if mark[loc] then return end mark[loc] = true if not loc.tags then return end local const for _, tag in ipairs(loc.tags) do if tag[1] == 'const' then const = true break end end if not const then return end loc:eachInfo(function (info, src) if info.type == 'set' then callback(src.start, src.finish) end end) end) end function mt:doDiagnostics(func, code, callback) if config.config.diagnostics.disable[code] then return end local level = config.config.diagnostics.severity[code] if not DiagnosticSeverity[level] then level = DiagnosticDefaultSeverity[code] end func(self, function (start, finish, ...) local data = callback(...) data.code = code data.start = start data.finish = finish data.level = DiagnosticSeverity[level] self.datas[#self.datas+1] = data end) if coroutine.isyieldable() then if self.vm:isRemoved() then coroutine.yield('stop') else coroutine.yield() end end end return function (vm, lines, uri) local session = setmetatable({ vm = vm, lines = lines, uri = uri, datas = {}, }, mt) -- 未使用的局部变量 session:doDiagnostics(session.searchUnusedLocals, 'unused-local', function (key) return { message = lang.script('DIAG_UNUSED_LOCAL', key), tags = {DiagnosticTag.Unnecessary}, } end) -- 读取未定义全局变量 session:doDiagnostics(session.searchUndefinedGlobal, 'undefined-global', function (key) local message = lang.script('DIAG_UNDEF_GLOBAL', key) local otherVersion = library.other[key] local customLib = library.custom[key] if otherVersion then message = ('%s(%s)'):format(message, lang.script('DIAG_DEFINED_VERSION', table.concat(otherVersion, '/'), config.config.runtime.version)) end if customLib then message = ('%s(%s)'):format(message, lang.script('DIAG_DEFINED_CUSTOM', table.concat(customLib, '/'))) end return { message = message, } end) -- 未使用的Label session:doDiagnostics(session.searchUnusedLabel, 'unused-label', function (key) return { message = lang.script('DIAG_UNUSED_LABEL', key), tags = {DiagnosticTag.Unnecessary}, } end) -- 未使用的不定参数 session:doDiagnostics(session.searchUnusedVararg, 'unused-vararg', function () return { message = lang.script.DIAG_UNUSED_VARARG, tags = {DiagnosticTag.Unnecessary}, } end) -- 只有空格与制表符的行,以及后置空格 session:doDiagnostics(session.searchSpaces, 'trailing-space', function (message) return { message = message, } end) -- 重定义局部变量 session:doDiagnostics(session.searchRedefinition, 'redefined-local', function (key, related) return { message = lang.script('DIAG_REDEFINED_LOCAL', key), related = related, } end) -- 以括号开始的一行(可能被误解析为了上一行的call) session:doDiagnostics(session.searchNewLineCall, 'newline-call', function () return { message = lang.script.DIAG_PREVIOUS_CALL, } end) -- 调用函数时的参数数量是否超过函数的接收数量 session:doDiagnostics(session.searchRedundantParameters, 'redundant-parameter', function (max, passed) return { message = lang.script('DIAG_OVER_MAX_ARGS', max, passed), tags = {DiagnosticTag.Unnecessary}, } end) -- x or 0 + 1 session:doDiagnostics(session.searchAmbiguity1, 'ambiguity-1', function (start, finish) return { message = lang.script('DIAG_AMBIGUITY_1', lines.buf:sub(start, finish)), } end) -- 不允许定义首字母小写的全局变量(很可能是拼错或者漏删) session:doDiagnostics(session.searchLowercaseGlobal, 'lowercase-global', function () return { message = lang.script.DIAG_LOWERCASE_GLOBAL, } end) -- 未定义的变量(重载了 `_ENV`) session:doDiagnostics(session.searchUndefinedEnvChild, 'undefined-env-child', function (key) if vm.envType == '_ENV' then return { message = lang.script('DIAG_UNDEF_ENV_CHILD', key), } else return { message = lang.script('DIAG_UNDEF_FENV_CHILD', key), } end end) -- 构建表时重复定义field session:doDiagnostics(session.searchDuplicateIndex, 'duplicate-index', function (key, related) return { message = lang.script('DIAG_DUPLICATE_INDEX', key), related = related, } end) -- 往表里面塞重复的method --session:doDiagnostics(session.searchDuplicateMethod, 'duplicate-method', function (key, related) -- return { -- message = lang.script('DIAG_DUPLICATE_METHOD', key), -- related = related, -- } --end) -- 空代码块 session:doDiagnostics(session.searchEmptyBlock, 'empty-block', function () return { message = lang.script.DIAG_EMPTY_BLOCK, tags = {DiagnosticTag.Unnecessary}, } end) -- 多余的赋值 session:doDiagnostics(session.searchRedundantValue, 'redundant-value', function (max, passed) return { message = lang.script('DIAG_OVER_MAX_VALUES', max, passed), tags = {DiagnosticTag.Unnecessary}, } end) -- Emmy相关的检查 session:doDiagnostics(session.searchEmmyLua, 'emmy-lua', function (message, related) return { message = message, related = related, } end) -- 检查给const变量赋值 session:doDiagnostics(session.searchSetConstLocal, 'set-const', function () return { message = lang.script.DIAG_SET_CONST } end) return session.datas end