local findSource = require 'core.find_source' local getFunctionHover = require 'core.hover.function' local getFunctionHoverAsLib = require 'core.hover.lib_function' local getFunctionHoverAsEmmy = require 'core.hover.emmy_function' local sourceMgr = require 'vm.source' local config = require 'config' local matchKey = require 'core.matchKey' local parser = require 'parser' local lang = require 'language' local State local CompletionItemKind = { Text = 1, Method = 2, Function = 3, Constructor = 4, Field = 5, Variable = 6, Class = 7, Interface = 8, Module = 9, Property = 10, Unit = 11, Value = 12, Enum = 13, Keyword = 14, Snippet = 15, Color = 16, File = 17, Reference = 18, Folder = 19, EnumMember = 20, Constant = 21, Struct = 22, Event = 23, Operator = 24, TypeParameter = 25, } local KEYS = {'and', 'break', 'do', 'else', 'elseif', 'end', 'false', 'for', 'function', 'goto', 'if', 'in', 'local', 'nil', 'not', 'or', 'repeat', 'return', 'then', 'true', 'until', 'while'} local KEYMAP = {} for _, k in ipairs(KEYS) do KEYMAP[k] = true end local EMMY_KEYWORD = {'class', 'type', 'alias', 'param', 'return', 'field', 'generic', 'vararg', 'language', 'see', 'overload'} local function getDucumentation(name, value) if value:getType() == 'function' then local lib = value:getLib() local hover if lib then hover = getFunctionHoverAsLib(name, lib) else local emmy = value:getEmmy() if emmy and emmy.type == 'emmy.functionType' then hover = getFunctionHoverAsEmmy(name, emmy) else hover = getFunctionHover(name, value:getFunction()) end end if not hover then return nil end local text = ([[ ```lua %s ``` %s ```lua %s ``` %s ]]):format(hover.label or '', hover.description or '', hover.enum or '', hover.doc or '') return { kind = 'markdown', value = text, } end local lib = value:getLib() if lib then return { kind = 'markdown', value = lib.description, } end local comment = value:getComment() if comment then return { kind = 'markdown', value = comment, } end return nil end local function getDetail(value) local literal = value:getLiteral() local tp = type(literal) local detals = {} if value:getType() ~= 'any' then detals[#detals+1] = ('(%s)'):format(value:getType()) end if tp == 'boolean' then detals[#detals+1] = (' = %q'):format(literal) elseif tp == 'string' then detals[#detals+1] = (' = %q'):format(literal) elseif tp == 'number' then if math.type(literal) == 'integer' then detals[#detals+1] = (' = %q'):format(literal) else local str = (' = %.16f'):format(literal) local dot = str:find('.', 1, true) local suffix = str:find('[0]+$', dot + 2) if suffix then detals[#detals+1] = str:sub(1, suffix - 1) else detals[#detals+1] = str end end end if value:getType() == 'function' then ---@type emmyFunction local func = value:getFunction() local overLoads = func and func:getEmmyOverLoads() if overLoads then detals[#detals+1] = lang.script('HOVER_MULTI_PROTOTYPE', #overLoads + 1) end end if #detals == 0 then return nil end return table.concat(detals) end local function getKind(cata, value) if value:getType() == 'function' then local func = value:getFunction() if func and func:getObject() then return CompletionItemKind.Method else return CompletionItemKind.Function end end if cata == 'field' then local literal = value:getLiteral() local tp = type(literal) if tp == 'number' or tp == 'integer' or tp == 'string' then return CompletionItemKind.Enum end end return nil end local function getValueData(cata, name, value, pos, source) local data = { documentation = getDucumentation(name, value), detail = getDetail(value), kind = getKind(cata, value), } if cata == 'field' then if not parser:grammar(name, 'Name') then if source:get 'simple' and source:get 'simple' [1] ~= source then data.textEdit = { start = pos + 1, finish = pos, newText = ('[%q]'):format(name), } data.additionalTextEdits = { { start = pos, finish = pos, newText = '', } } else data.textEdit = { start = pos + 1, finish = pos, newText = ('_ENV[%q]'):format(name), } data.additionalTextEdits = { { start = pos, finish = pos, newText = '', } } end end end return data end local function searchLocals(vm, source, word, callback, pos) vm:eachSource(function (src) local loc = src:bindLocal() if not loc then return end if src.start <= source.start and loc:close() >= source.finish and matchKey(word, loc:getName()) then callback(loc:getName(), src, CompletionItemKind.Variable, getValueData('local', loc:getName(), loc:getValue(), pos, source)) end end) end local function sortPairs(t) local keys = {} for k in pairs(t) do keys[#keys+1] = k end table.sort(keys) local i = 0 return function () i = i + 1 local k = keys[i] return k, t[k] end end local function searchFieldsByInfo(parent, word, source, map) parent:eachInfo(function (info, src) local k = info[1] if src == source then return end if map[k] then return end if KEYMAP[k] then return end if info.type ~= 'set child' and info.type ~= 'get child' then return end if type(k) ~= 'string' then return end local v = parent:getChild(k) if not v then return end if source:get 'object' and v:getType() ~= 'function' then return end if matchKey(word, k) then map[k] = v end end) end local function searchFieldsByChild(parent, word, source, map) parent:eachChild(function (k, v) if map[k] then return end if KEYMAP[k] then return end if not v:getLib() then return end if type(k) ~= 'string' then return end if source:get 'object' and v:getType() ~= 'function' then return end if matchKey(word, k) then map[k] = v end end) end ---@param vm VM local function searchFields(vm, source, word, callback, pos) local parent = source:get 'parent' or vm.env:getValue() if not parent then return end local map = {} local current = parent for _ = 1, 3 do searchFieldsByInfo(current, word, source, map) current = current:getMetaMethod('__index') if not current then break end end searchFieldsByChild(parent, word, source, map) for k, v in sortPairs(map) do callback(k, nil, CompletionItemKind.Field, getValueData('field', k, v, pos, source)) end end local function searchIndex(vm, source, word, callback) vm:eachSource(function (src) if src:get 'table index' then if matchKey(word, src[1]) then callback(src[1], src, CompletionItemKind.Property) end end end) end local function searchCloseGlobal(vm, start, finish, word, callback) vm:eachSource(function (src) if (src:get 'global' or src:bindLocal()) and src.start >= start and src.finish <= finish then if matchKey(word, src[1]) then callback(src[1], src, CompletionItemKind.Variable) end end end) end local function searchParams(vm, source, func, word, callback) if not func then return end ---@type emmyFunction local emmyParams = func:getEmmyParams() if not emmyParams then return end if #emmyParams > 1 then if not func.args or not func.args[1] or func.args[1]:getSource() == source then if matchKey(word, source and source[1] or '') then local names = {} for _, param in ipairs(emmyParams) do local name = param:getName() names[#names+1] = name end callback(table.concat(names, ', '), nil, CompletionItemKind.Snippet) end end end for _, param in ipairs(emmyParams) do local name = param:getName() if matchKey(word, name) then callback(name, param:getSource(), CompletionItemKind.Interface) end end end local function searchKeyWords(vm, source, word, callback) for _, key in ipairs(KEYS) do if matchKey(word, key) then callback(key, nil, CompletionItemKind.Keyword) end end end local function searchGlobals(vm, source, word, callback, pos) local global = vm.env:getValue() local map = {} local current = global for _ = 1, 3 do searchFieldsByInfo(current, word, source, map) current = current:getMetaMethod('__index') if not current then break end end searchFieldsByChild(global, word, source, map) for k, v in sortPairs(map) do callback(k, nil, CompletionItemKind.Field, getValueData('field', k, v, pos, source)) end end local function searchAsGlobal(vm, source, word, callback, pos) if word == '' then return end searchLocals(vm, source, word, callback, pos) searchFields(vm, source, word, callback, pos) searchKeyWords(vm, source, word, callback) end local function searchAsKeyowrd(vm, source, word, callback, pos) searchLocals(vm, source, word, callback, pos) searchGlobals(vm, source, word, callback, pos) searchKeyWords(vm, source, word, callback) end local function searchAsSuffix(vm, source, word, callback, pos) searchFields(vm, source, word, callback, pos) end local function searchAsIndex(vm, source, word, callback, pos) searchLocals(vm, source, word, callback, pos) searchIndex(vm, source, word, callback) searchFields(vm, source, word, callback, pos) end local function searchAsLocal(vm, source, word, callback) local loc = source:bindLocal() if not loc then return end local close = loc:close() -- 因为闭包的关系落在局部变量finish到close范围内的全局变量一定能访问到该局部变量 searchCloseGlobal(vm, source.finish, close, word, callback) -- 特殊支持 local function if matchKey(word, 'function') then callback('function', nil, CompletionItemKind.Keyword) end end local function searchAsArg(vm, source, word, callback) searchParams(vm, source, source:get 'arg', word, callback) local loc = source:bindLocal() if loc then local close = loc:close() -- 因为闭包的关系落在局部变量finish到close范围内的全局变量一定能访问到该局部变量 searchCloseGlobal(vm, source.finish, close, word, callback) return end end local function searchFunction(vm, source, word, pos, callback) if pos >= source.argStart and pos <= source.argFinish then searchParams(vm, nil, source:bindFunction():getFunction(), word, callback) searchCloseGlobal(vm, source.argFinish, source.finish, word, callback) end end local function searchEmmyKeyword(vm, source, word, callback) for _, kw in ipairs(EMMY_KEYWORD) do if matchKey(word, kw) then callback(kw, nil, CompletionItemKind.Keyword) end end end local function searchEmmyClass(vm, source, word, callback) local classes = {} vm.emmyMgr:eachClass(function (class) if class.type == 'emmy.class' or class.type == 'emmy.alias' then if matchKey(word, class:getName()) then classes[#classes+1] = class end end end) table.sort(classes, function (a, b) return a:getName() < b:getName() end) for _, class in ipairs(classes) do callback(class:getName(), class:getSource(), CompletionItemKind.Class) end end local function searchEmmyFunctionParam(vm, source, word, callback) local func = source:get 'emmy function' if not func.args then return end if #func.args > 1 and matchKey(word, func.args[1].name) then local list = {} local args = {} for i, arg in ipairs(func.args) do if func:getObject() and i == 1 then goto NEXT end args[#args+1] = arg.name if #list == 0 then list[#list+1] = ('%s any'):format(arg.name) else list[#list+1] = ('---@param %s any'):format(arg.name) end :: NEXT :: end callback(('%s'):format(table.concat(args, ', ')), nil, CompletionItemKind.Snippet, { insertText = table.concat(list, '\n') }) end for i, arg in ipairs(func.args) do if func:getObject() and i == 1 then goto NEXT end if matchKey(word, arg.name) then callback(arg.name, nil, CompletionItemKind.Interface) end :: NEXT :: end end local function searchSource(vm, source, word, callback, pos) if source.type == 'keyword' then searchAsKeyowrd(vm, source, word, callback, pos) return end if source:get 'table index' then searchAsIndex(vm, source, word, callback, pos) return end if source:get 'arg' then searchAsArg(vm, source, word, callback) return end if source:get 'global' then searchAsGlobal(vm, source, word, callback, pos) return end if source:action() == 'local' then searchAsLocal(vm, source, word, callback) return end if source:bindLocal() then searchAsGlobal(vm, source, word, callback, pos) return end if source:get 'simple' and (source.type == 'name' or source.type == '.' or source.type == ':') then searchAsSuffix(vm, source, word, callback, pos) return end if source:bindFunction() then searchFunction(vm, source, word, pos, callback) return end if source.type == 'emmyIncomplete' then searchEmmyKeyword(vm, source, word, callback) State.ignoreText = true return end if source:get 'emmy class' then searchEmmyClass(vm, source, word, callback) State.ignoreText = true return end if source:get 'emmy function' then searchEmmyFunctionParam(vm, source, word, callback) State.ignoreText = true return end end local function buildTextEdit(start, finish, str, quo) local text, lquo, rquo, label, filterText if quo == nil then local text = str:gsub('\r', '\\r'):gsub('\n', '\\n'):gsub('"', '\\"') return { label = '"' .. text .. '"' } end if quo == '"' then label = str filterText = str text = str:gsub('\r', '\\r'):gsub('\n', '\\n'):gsub('"', '\\"') lquo = quo rquo = quo elseif quo == "'" then label = str filterText = str text = str:gsub('\r', '\\r'):gsub('\n', '\\n'):gsub("'", "\\'") lquo = quo rquo = quo else label = str filterText = str lquo = quo rquo = ']' .. lquo:sub(2, -2) .. ']' while str:find(rquo, 1, true) do lquo = '[=' .. quo:sub(2) rquo = ']' .. lquo:sub(2, -2) .. ']' end text = str end return { label = label, filterText = filterText, textEdit = { start = start + #quo, finish = finish - #quo, newText = text, }, additionalTextEdits = { { start = start, finish = start + #quo - 1, newText = lquo, }, { start = finish - #quo + 1, finish = finish, newText = rquo, }, } } end local function searchInRequire(vm, select, source, callback) if select ~= 1 then return end if not vm.lsp or not vm.lsp.workspace then return end if source.type ~= 'string' then return end local list, map = vm.lsp.workspace:matchPath(vm.uri, source[1]) if not list then return end for _, str in ipairs(list) do local data = buildTextEdit(source.start, source.finish, str, source[2]) data.documentation = map[str] callback(str, nil, CompletionItemKind.Reference, data) end end local function searchEnumAsLib(vm, source, word, callback, pos, args, lib) local select = #args + 1 for i, arg in ipairs(args) do if arg.start <= pos and arg.finish >= pos then select = i break end end -- 根据参数位置找枚举值 if lib.args and lib.enums then local arg = lib.args[select] local name = arg and arg.name for _, enum in ipairs(lib.enums) do if enum.name and enum.name == name and enum.enum then if matchKey(word, enum.enum) then local strSource = parser:ast(tostring(enum.enum), 'String') if strSource then if source.type == 'string' then local data = buildTextEdit(source.start, source.finish, strSource[1], source[2]) data.documentation = enum.description callback(enum.enum, nil, CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, data) else callback(enum.enum, nil, CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, { documentation = enum.description }) end end else callback(enum.enum, nil, CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, { documentation = enum.description }) end end end end -- 搜索特殊函数 if lib.special == 'require' then searchInRequire(vm, select, source, callback) end end local function buildEmmyEnumComment(option, data) if not option or not option.comment then return data end if not data then data = {} end data.documentation = tostring(option.comment) return data end local function searchEnumAsEmmyParams(vm, source, word, callback, pos, args, func) local select = #args + 1 for i, arg in ipairs(args) do if arg.start <= pos and arg.finish >= pos then select = i break end end local param = func:findEmmyParamByIndex(select) if not param then return end param:eachEnum(function (str, option) if matchKey(word, str) then local strSource = parser:ast(tostring(str), 'String') if strSource then if source.type == 'string' then local data = buildTextEdit(source.start, source.finish, strSource[1], source[2]) callback(str, nil, CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, buildEmmyEnumComment(option, data)) else callback(str, nil, CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, buildEmmyEnumComment(option)) end else callback(str, nil, CompletionItemKind.EnumMember, buildEmmyEnumComment(option)) end end end) end local function getSelect(args, pos) if not args then return 1 end for i, arg in ipairs(args) do if arg.start <= pos and arg.finish >= pos - 1 then return i end end return #args + 1 end local function isInFunctionOrTable(call, pos) local args = call:bindCall() if not args then return false end local select = getSelect(args, pos) local arg = args[select] if not arg then return false end if arg.type == 'function' or arg.type == 'table' then return true end return false end local function searchCallArg(vm, source, word, callback, pos) local results = {} vm:eachSource(function (src) if src.type == 'call' and src.start <= pos and src.finish >= pos then results[#results+1] = src end end) if #results == 0 then return nil end -- 可能处于 'func1(func2(' 的嵌套中,将最近的call放到最前面 table.sort(results, function (a, b) return a.start > b.start end) local call = results[1] if isInFunctionOrTable(call, pos) then return end local args = call:bindCall() if not args then return end local value = call:findCallFunction() if not value then return end local lib = value:getLib() if lib then searchEnumAsLib(vm, source, word, callback, pos, args, lib) return end ---@type emmyFunction local func = value:getFunction() if func then searchEnumAsEmmyParams(vm, source, word, callback, pos, args, func) return end end local function searchAllWords(vm, source, word, callback, pos) if word == '' then return end if source.type == 'string' then return end vm:eachSource(function (src) if src.type == 'name' and not (src.start <= pos and src.finish >= pos) and matchKey(word, src[1]) then callback(src[1], src, CompletionItemKind.Text) end end) end local function searchSpecialHashSign(vm, pos, text, callback) -- 尝试 XXX[#XXX+1] -- 1. 搜索 [] local index vm:eachSource(function (src) if src.type == 'index' and src.start <= pos and src.finish >= pos then index = src return true end end) if not index then return nil end -- 2. [] 内部只能有一个 # local inside = index[1] if not inside then return nil end if inside.op ~= '#' then return nil end -- 3. [] 左侧必须是 simple ,且index 是 simple 的最后一项 local simple = index:get 'simple' if not simple then return nil end if simple[#simple] ~= index then return nil end local chars = text:sub(simple.start, simple[#simple-1].finish) -- 4. 创建代码片段 if simple:get 'as action' then local label = chars .. '+1' callback(label, nil, CompletionItemKind.Snippet, { textEdit = { start = inside.start + 1, finish = index.finish, newText = ('%s] = '):format(label), }, }) else local label = chars callback(label, nil, CompletionItemKind.Snippet, { textEdit = { start = inside.start + 1, finish = index.finish, newText = ('%s]'):format(label), }, }) end end local function searchSpecial(vm, source, word, callback, pos, text) searchSpecialHashSign(vm, pos, text, callback) end local function makeList(source, pos, word) local list = {} local mark = {} return function (name, src, kind, data) if src == source then return end if word == name then if src and src.start <= pos and src.finish >= pos then return end end if mark[name] then return end mark[name] = true if not data then data = {} end if not data.label then data.label = name end if not data.kind then data.kind = kind end list[#list+1] = data end, list end local function keywordSource(vm, word, pos) if not KEYMAP[word] then return nil end return vm:instantSource { type = 'keyword', start = pos, finish = pos + #word - 1, [1] = word, } end local function findStartPos(pos, buf) local res = nil for i = pos, 1, -1 do local c = buf:sub(i, i) if c:find '[%w_]' then res = i else break end end if not res then for i = pos, 1, -1 do local c = buf:sub(i, i) if c == '.' or c == ':' or c == '|' or c == '(' then res = i break elseif c == '#' or c == '@' then res = i + 1 break elseif c:find '[%s%c]' then else break end end end if not res then return pos end return res end local function findWord(position, text) local word = text for i = position, 1, -1 do local c = text:sub(i, i) if not c:find '[%w_]' then word = text:sub(i+1, position) break end end return word:match('^([%w_]*)') end local function getSource(vm, pos, text, filter) local word = findWord(pos, text) local source = keywordSource(vm, word, pos) if source then return source, pos, word end source = findSource(vm, pos, filter) if source then return source, pos, word end pos = findStartPos(pos, text) source = findSource(vm, pos, filter) or findSource(vm, pos-1, filter) return source, pos, word end return function (vm, text, pos, oldText) local filter = { ['name'] = true, ['string'] = true, ['.'] = true, [':'] = true, ['emmyName'] = true, ['emmyIncomplete'] = true, ['call'] = true, ['function'] = true, ['localfunction'] = true, } local source, pos, word = getSource(vm, pos, text, filter) if not source then return nil end if oldText then local oldWord = oldText:sub(source.start, source.finish) if word:sub(1, #oldWord) ~= oldWord then return nil end end State = {} local callback, list = makeList(source, pos, word) searchSpecial(vm, source, word, callback, pos, text) searchCallArg(vm, source, word, callback, pos) searchSource(vm, source, word, callback, pos) if not oldText or #list > 0 then if not State.ignoreText then searchAllWords(vm, source, word, callback, pos) end end if #list == 0 then return nil end return list end