local M = { _NAME = "uri.urn.oid" } local Util = require "uri._util" local URN = require "uri.urn" Util.subclass_of(M, URN) -- This implements RFC 3061. local function _valid_oid (oid) if oid == "" then return nil, "OID can't be zero-length" end if not oid:find("^[.0-9]*$") then return nil, "bad character in OID" end if oid:find("%.%.") then return nil, "missing number in OID" end if oid:find("^0[^.]") or oid:find("%.0[^.]") then return nil, "OID numbers shouldn't have leading zeros" end return true end function M.init (self) local nss = self:nss() local ok, msg = _valid_oid(nss) if not ok then return nil, "bad NSS value for OID URI (" .. msg .. ")" end return self end function M.nss (self, new) local old = M._SUPER.nss(self) if new then local ok, msg = _valid_oid(new) if not ok then error("bad OID value '" .. new .. "' (" .. msg .. ")") end M._SUPER.nss(self, new) end return old end function M.oid_numbers (self, new) local old = Util.split("%.", self:nss()) for i = 1, #old do old[i] = tonumber(old[i]) end if new then if type(new) ~= "table" then error("expected array of numbers") end local nss = "" for _, n in ipairs(new) do if type(n) == "string" and n:find("^%d+$") then n = tonumber(n) end if type(n) ~= "number" then error("bad type for number in OID") end n = n - n % 1 if n < 0 then error("negative numbers not allowed in OID") end if nss ~= "" then nss = nss .. "." end nss = nss .. n end if nss == "" then error("no numbers in new OID value") end self:nss(nss) end return old end return M -- vi:ts=4 sw=4 expandtab