DIAG_LINE_ONLY_SPACE = 'Line with spaces only.' DIAG_LINE_POST_SPACE = 'Line with postspace.' DIAG_UNUSED_LOCAL = 'Unused local `{}`.' DIAG_UNDEF_GLOBAL = 'Undefined global `{}`.' DIAG_UNDEF_ENV_CHILD = 'Undefined variable `{}` (overloaded `_ENV` ).' DIAG_UNDEF_FENV_CHILD = 'Undefined variable `{}` (inside module).' DIAG_UNUSED_LABEL = 'Unused label `{}`.' DIAG_REDEFINED_LOCAL = 'Redefined local `{}`.' DIAG_DUPLICATE_INDEX = 'Duplicate index `{}`.' DIAG_PREVIOUS_CALL = 'Parsed as function call for the previous line. It may be necessary to add a `;` before.' DIAG_OVER_MAX_ARGS = 'The function takes only {:d} parameters, but you passed {:d}.' DIAG_OVER_MAX_ARGS = 'Only has {} variables, but you set {} values.' DIAG_AMBIGUITY_1 = 'Compute `0 {op} {num}` first. You may need to add brackets.' DIAG_LOWERCASE_GLOBAL = 'Global variable in lowercase initial' DIAG_EMPTY_BLOCK = 'Empty block' DIAG_DIAGNOSTICS = 'Diagnostics' DIAG_SYNTAX_CHECK = 'Syntax Check' DIAG_NEED_VERSION = 'Supported in {}' DIAG_DEFINED_VERSION = 'Defined in {}, current is {}' DIAG_DEFINED_CUSTOM = 'Defined in {}' DIAG_DUPLICATE_CLASS = 'Duplicate class.' DIAG_UNDEFINED_CLASS = 'Undefined Class.' DIAG_CYCLIC_EXTENDS = 'Cyclic extends.' DIAG_INEXISTENT_PARAM = 'Inexistent param.' DIAG_DUPLICATE_PARAM = 'Duplicate param.' DIAG_NEED_CLASS = 'Class needs to be defined first.' DIAG_DUPLICATE_FIELD = 'Duplicate field.' MWS_NOT_SUPPORT = '{} dose not support multi workspace for now, I may need to restart to support the new workspace ...' MWS_RESTART = 'Restart' MWS_NOT_COMPLETE = 'Workspace is not complete yet. You may try again later...' MWS_COMPLETE = 'Workspace is complete now. You may try again...' MWS_MAX_PRELOAD = 'Preloaded files has reached the upper limit ({}), you need to manually open the files that need to be loaded.' PARSER_CRASH = 'Parser crashed! Last words:{}' PARSER_UNKNOWN = 'Unknown syntax error...' PARSER_MISS_NAME = ' expected.' PARSER_UNKNOWN_SYMBOL = 'Unexpected symbol `{symbol}`.' PARSER_MISS_SYMBOL = 'Missed symbol `{symbol}`.' PARSER_MISS_ESC_X = 'Should be 2 hexadecimal digits.' PARSER_UTF8_SMALL = 'At least 1 hexadecimal digit.' PARSER_UTF8_MAX = 'Should between {min} and {max} .' PARSER_ERR_ESC = 'Invalid escape sequence.' PARSER_MUST_X16 = 'Should be hexadecimal digits.' PARSER_MISS_EXPONENT = 'Missed digits for the exponent.' PARSER_MISS_EXP = ' expected.' PARSER_MISS_FIELD = ' expected.' PARSER_MISS_METHOD = ' expected.' PARSER_ARGS_AFTER_DOTS = '`...` should be the last arg.' PARSER_KEYWORD = ' cannot be used as name.' PARSER_EXP_IN_ACTION = 'Unexpected .' PARSER_BREAK_OUTSIDE = ' not inside a loop.' PARSER_MALFORMED_NUMBER = 'Malformed number.' PARSER_ACTION_AFTER_RETURN = ' expected after `return`.' PARSER_ACTION_AFTER_BREAK = ' expected after `break`.' PARSER_NO_VISIBLE_LABEL = 'No visible label `{label}` .' PARSER_REDEFINE_LABEL = 'Label `{label}` already defined.' PARSER_UNSUPPORT_SYMBOL = '{version} does not support this grammar.' SYMBOL_ANONYMOUS = '' ACTION_DISABLE_DIAG = 'Disable diagnostics ({}).' ACTION_MARK_GLOBAL = 'Mark `{}` as defined global.' ACTION_REMOVE_SPACE = 'Clear all postemptive spaces.' ACTION_ADD_SEMICOLON = 'Add `;` .' ACTION_ADD_BRACKETS = 'Add brackets.' ACTION_RUNTIME_VERSION = 'Change runtime version to {} .' ACTION_OPEN_LIBRARY = 'Load globals from {} .' ACTION_ADD_DO_END = 'Add `do ... end` .' COMMAND_DISABLE_DIAG = 'Disable diagnostics' COMMAND_MARK_GLOBAL = 'Mark defined global' COMMAND_REMOVE_SPACE = 'Clear all postemptive spaces' COMMAND_ADD_BRACKETS = 'Add brackets' COMMAND_RUNTIME_VERSION = 'Change runtime version' COMMAND_OPEN_LIBRARY = 'Load globals from 3rd library' DEBUG_MEMORY_LEAK = "{} I'm sorry for the serious memory leak. The language service will be restarted soon." DEBUG_RESTART_NOW = 'Restart now'