local json = require 'json' local diagDefault = require 'constant.DiagnosticDefaultSeverity' local VERSION = "0.12.6" local package = { name = "lua", displayName = "Lua", description = "Lua Language Server coded by Lua", author = "sumneko", icon = "images/logo.png", license = "MIT", repository = { type = "git", url = "https://github.com/sumneko/lua-language-server" }, publisher = "sumneko", categories = { "Linters", "Programming Languages", "Snippets" }, keywords = { "Lua", "LSP", "GoTo Definition", "IntelliSense" }, engines = { vscode = "^1.23.0" }, activationEvents = { "onLanguage:lua" }, main = "./client/out/extension", contributes = { configuration = { type = "object", title = "Lua", properties = { ["Lua.runtime.version"] = { scope = "resource", type = "string", default = "Lua 5.3", enum = { "Lua 5.1", "Lua 5.2", "Lua 5.3", "Lua 5.4", "LuaJIT" }, markdownDescription = "%config.runtime.version%" }, ["Lua.runtime.path"] = { scope = "resource", type = "array", items = { type = 'string', }, markdownDescription = "%config.runtime.path%", default = { "?.lua", "?/init.lua", "?/?.lua" } }, ["Lua.diagnostics.enable"] = { scope = 'resource', type = 'boolean', default = true, markdownDescription = "%config.diagnostics.enable%" }, ["Lua.diagnostics.disable"] = { scope = "resource", type = "array", items = { type = 'string', }, markdownDescription = "%config.diagnostics.disable%" }, ["Lua.diagnostics.globals"] = { scope = "resource", type = "array", items = { type = 'string', }, markdownDescription = "%config.diagnostics.globals%" }, ["Lua.diagnostics.severity"] = { scope = "resource", type = 'object', markdownDescription = "%config.diagnostics.severity%", title = "severity", properties = {} }, ["Lua.workspace.ignoreDir"] = { scope = "resource", type = "array", items = { type = 'string', }, markdownDescription = "%config.workspace.ignoreDir%", default = { ".vscode", }, }, ["Lua.workspace.ignoreSubmodules"] = { scope = "resource", type = "boolean", default = true, markdownDescription = "%config.workspace.ignoreSubmodules%" }, ["Lua.workspace.useGitIgnore"] = { scope = "resource", type = "boolean", default = true, markdownDescription = "%config.workspace.useGitIgnore%" }, ["Lua.workspace.maxPreload"] = { scope = "resource", type = "integer", default = 300, markdownDescription = "%config.workspace.maxPreload%" }, ["Lua.workspace.preloadFileSize"] = { scope = "resource", type = "integer", default = 100, markdownDescription = "%config.workspace.preloadFileSize%" }, ["Lua.workspace.library"] = { scope = 'resource', type = 'object', markdownDescription = "%config.workspace.library%" }, ["Lua.completion.enable"] = { scope = "resource", type = "boolean", default = true, markdownDescription = "%config.completion.enable%" }, ["Lua.completion.callSnippet"] = { scope = "resource", type = "boolean", default = true, markdownDescription = "%config.completion.callSnippet%" }, ["Lua.plugin.enable"] = { scope = "resource", type = "boolean", default = false, markdownDescription = "%config.plugin.enable%" }, ["Lua.plugin.path"] = { scope = "resource", type = "string", default = ".vscode/lua-plugin/*.lua", markdownDescription = "%config.plugin.path%" }, } }, grammars = { { language = "lua", scopeName = "source.lua", path = "./syntaxes/lua.tmLanguage.json" } } }, __metadata = { id = "3a15b5a7-be12-47e3-8445-88ee3eabc8b2", publisherDisplayName = "sumneko", publisherId = "fb626675-24cf-4881-8c13-b465f29bec2f", }, } local DiagSeverity = package.contributes.configuration.properties["Lua.diagnostics.severity"].properties for name, level in pairs(diagDefault) do DiagSeverity[name] = { scope = 'resource', type = 'string', default = level, enum = { 'Error', 'Warning', 'Information', 'Hint', } } end package.version = VERSION io.save(ROOT:parent_path() / 'package.json', json.encode(package)) local example = { library = [[ ```json "Lua.workspace.library": { "C:/lua": true, "../lib": [ "temp/*" ] } ``` ]], disable = [[ ```json "Lua.diagnostics.disable" : [ "unused-local", "lowercase-global" ] ``` ]], globals = [[ ```json "Lua.diagnostics.globals" : [ "GLOBAL1", "GLOBAL2" ] ``` ]], severity = [[ ```json "Lua.diagnostics.severity" : { "redefined-local" : "Warning", "emmy-lua" : "Hint" } ``` ]], ignoreDir = [[ ```json "Lua.workspace.ignoreDir" : [ "temp/*.*", "!temp/*.lua" ] ``` ]] } io.save(ROOT:parent_path() / 'package.nls.json', json.encode { ["config.runtime.version"] = "Lua runtime version.", ["config.runtime.path"] = "`package.path`", ["config.diagnostics.enable"] = "Enable diagnostics.", ["config.diagnostics.disable"] = "Disabled diagnostic (Use code in hover brackets).\n" .. example.disable, ["config.diagnostics.globals"] = "Defined global variables.\n" .. example.globals, ["config.diagnostics.severity"] = "Modified diagnostic severity.\n" .. example.severity, ["config.workspace.ignoreDir"] = "Ignored directories (Use `.gitignore` grammar).\n" .. example.ignoreDir, ["config.workspace.ignoreSubmodules"] = "Ignore submodules.", ["config.workspace.useGitIgnore"] = "Ignore files list in `.gitignore` .", ["config.workspace.maxPreload"] = "Max preloaded files.", ["config.workspace.preloadFileSize"] = "Skip files larger than this value (KB) when preloading.", ["config.workspace.library"] = [[ Load external library. This feature can load external Lua files, which can be used for definition, automatic completion and other functions. Note that the language server does not monitor changes in external files and needs to restart if the external files are modified. The following example shows loaded files in `C:/lua` and `../lib` ,exclude `../lib/temp`. ]] .. example.library, ['config.completion.enable'] = 'Enable completion.', ['config.completion.callSnippet'] = 'Show function call snippets.', }) io.save(ROOT:parent_path() / 'package.nls.zh-cn.json', json.encode { ["config.runtime.version"] = "Lua运行版本。", ["config.runtime.path"] = "`package.path`", ["config.diagnostics.enable"] = "启用诊断。", ["config.diagnostics.disable"] = "禁用的诊断(使用浮框括号内的代码)。\n" .. example.disable, ["config.diagnostics.globals"] = "已定义的全局变量。\n" .. example.globals, ["config.diagnostics.severity"] = "修改诊断等级。\n" .. example.severity, ["config.workspace.ignoreDir"] = "忽略的目录(使用 `.gitignore` 语法)。\n" .. example.ignoreDir, ["config.workspace.ignoreSubmodules"] = "忽略子模块。", ["config.workspace.useGitIgnore"] = "忽略 `.gitignore` 中列举的文件。", ["config.workspace.maxPreload"] = "最大预加载文件数。", ["config.workspace.preloadFileSize"] = "预加载时跳过大小大于该值(KB)的文件。", ["config.workspace.library"] = [[ 加载外部函数库。 该功能可以加载外部的Lua文件,用于函数定义、自动完成等功能。注意,语言服务不会监视外部文件的变化,如果修改了外部文件需要重启。 下面这个例子表示加载`C:/lua`与`../lib`中的所有文件,但不加载`../lib/temp`中的文件。 ]] .. example.library, ['config.completion.enable'] = '启用自动完成。', ['config.completion.callSnippet'] = '显示函数调用片段。', })