local guide = require 'parser.guide' local files = require 'files' local methods = require 'searcher.methods' local tableUnpack = table.unpack local error = error local setmetatable = setmetatable local assert = assert _ENV = nil local specials = { ['_G'] = true, ['rawset'] = true, ['rawget'] = true, ['setmetatable'] = true, ['require'] = true, ['dofile'] = true, ['loadfile'] = true, } ---@class searcher_old local mt = {} mt.__index = mt mt.__name = 'searcher' --- 获取特殊对象的名字 function mt:getSpecialName(source) local spName = self.cache.specialName[source] if spName ~= nil then if spName then return spName end return nil end local function getName(info) local src = info.source if src.type == 'getglobal' then local node = src.node if node.tag ~= '_ENV' then return nil end local name = guide.getKeyName(src) if name:sub(1, 2) ~= 's|' then return nil end spName = name:sub(3) if not specials[spName] then spName = nil end elseif src.type == 'local' then if src.tag == '_ENV' then spName = '_G' end elseif src.type == 'getlocal' then local loc = src.loc if loc.tag == '_ENV' then spName = '_G' end end end self:eachValue(source, getName) self.cache.specialName[source] = spName or false return spName end --- 遍历特殊对象 ---@param callback fun(name:string, source:table) function mt:eachSpecial(callback) local cache = self.cache.special if cache then for i = 1, #cache do callback(cache[i][1], cache[i][2]) end return end cache = {} self.cache.special = cache guide.eachSource(self.ast, function (source) if source.type == 'getlocal' or source.type == 'getglobal' or source.type == 'local' or source.type == 'field' or source.type == 'string' then local name = self:getSpecialName(source) if name then cache[#cache+1] = { name, source } end end end) for i = 1, #cache do callback(cache[i][1], cache[i][2]) end end --- 遍历元素 ---@param source table ---@param key string ---@param callback fun(info:table) function mt:eachField(source, key, callback) local cache = self.cache.field[source] if cache and cache[key] then for i = 1, #cache[key] do callback(cache[key][i]) end return end local tp = source.type local d = methods[tp] if not d then return end local f = d.eachField if not f then return end if self.step >= 100 then error('Stack overflow!') return end self.step = self.step + 1 local mark = {} if not cache then cache = {} self.cache.field[source] = cache end cache[key] = {} f(self, source, key, function (info) local src = info.source local uri = info.uri assert(src and uri) if mark[src] then return end mark[src] = true info.searcher = files.getSearcher(uri) cache[key][#cache[key]+1] = info end) for i = 1, #cache[key] do callback(cache[key][i]) end self.step = self.step - 1 end --- 遍历引用 ---@param source table ---@param callback fun(info:table) function mt:eachRef(source, callback) local cache = self.cache.ref[source] if cache then for i = 1, #cache do callback(cache[i]) end return end local tp = source.type local d = methods[tp] if not d then return end local f = d.eachRef if not f then return end if self.step >= 100 then error('Stack overflow!') return end self.step = self.step + 1 cache = {} self.cache.ref[source] = cache local mark = {} f(self, source, function (info) local src = info.source local uri = info.uri assert(src and uri) if mark[src] then return end mark[src] = true info.searcher = files.getSearcher(uri) cache[#cache+1] = info end) for i = 1, #cache do callback(cache[i]) end self.step = self.step - 1 end --- 遍历定义 ---@param source table ---@param callback fun(info:table) function mt:eachDef(source, callback) local cache = self.cache.def[source] if cache then for i = 1, #cache do callback(cache[i]) end return end local tp = source.type local d = methods[tp] if not d then return end local f = d.eachDef if not f then return end if self.step >= 100 then error('Stack overflow!') return end self.step = self.step + 1 cache = {} self.cache.def[source] = cache local mark = {} f(self, source, function (info) local src = info.source local uri = info.uri assert(src and uri) if mark[src] then return end mark[src] = true info.searcher = files.getSearcher(uri) cache[#cache+1] = info end) for i = 1, #cache do callback(cache[i]) end self.step = self.step - 1 end --- 遍历value ---@param source table ---@param callback fun(info:table) function mt:eachValue(source, callback) local cache = self.cache.value[source] if cache then for i = 1, #cache do callback(cache[i]) end return end local tp = source.type local d = methods[tp] if not d then return end local f = d.eachValue if not f then return end if self.step >= 100 then error('Stack overflow!') return end self.step = self.step + 1 cache = {} self.cache.value[source] = cache local mark = {} f(self, source, function (info) local src = info.source local uri = info.uri assert(src and uri) if mark[src] then return end mark[src] = true info.searcher = files.getSearcher(uri) cache[#cache+1] = info end) for i = 1, #cache do callback(cache[i]) end self.step = self.step - 1 end --- 获取value ---@param source table ---@return value table function mt:getValue(source) local tp = source.type local d = methods[tp] if not d then return end local f = d.getValue if not f then return end if self.step >= 100 then error('Stack overflow!') return end self.step = self.step + 1 local value = f(self, source) self.step = self.step - 1 return value end --- 获取函数的参数 ---@param source table ---@return table arg1 ---@return table arg2 function mt:callArgOf(source) if not source or source.type ~= 'call' then return end local args = source.args if not args then return end return tableUnpack(args) end --- 获取调用函数的返回值 ---@param source table ---@return table return1 ---@return table return2 function mt:callReturnOf(source) if not source or source.type ~= 'call' then return end local parent = source.parent local extParent = source.extParent if extParent then local returns = {parent.parent} for i = 1, #extParent do returns[i+1] = extParent[i].parent end return tableUnpack(returns) elseif parent then return parent.parent end end --- 获取函数定义的返回值 ---@param source table ---@param callback fun(source:table) function mt:functionReturnOf(source, callback) if not source or source.type ~= 'function' then return end local returns = guide.getReturns(source) for i = 1, #returns do local src = returns[i] callback() end end --- 获取source的索引,模式与值 ---@param source table ---@return table field ---@return string mode ---@return table value function mt:childMode(source) if source.type == 'getfield' then return source.field, 'get' elseif source.type == 'setfield' then return source.field, 'set', source.value elseif source.type == 'getmethod' then return source.method, 'get' elseif source.type == 'setmethod' then return source.method, 'set', source.value elseif source.type == 'getindex' then return source.index, 'get' elseif source.type == 'setindex' then return source.index, 'set', source.value elseif source.type == 'field' then return self:childMode(source.parent) elseif source.type == 'method' then return self:childMode(source.parent) end return nil, nil end ---@class engineer_old local m = {} --- 新建搜索器 ---@param uri string ---@return searcher_old function m.create(uri) local ast = files.getAst(uri) local searcher = setmetatable({ step = 0, ast = ast.ast, uri = uri, cache = { def = {}, ref = {}, field = {}, value = {}, specialName = {}, }, }, mt) return searcher end return m