local guide = require 'parser.guide' local files = require 'files' local timer = require 'timer' local setmetatable = setmetatable local log = log local xpcall = xpcall local mathHuge = math.huge local weakMT = { __mode = 'kv' } _ENV = nil ---@class vm local m = {} function m.getSpecial(source) if not source then return nil end return source.special end function m.getKeyName(source) if not source then return nil end if source.type == 'call' then local special = m.getSpecial(source.node) if special == 'rawset' or special == 'rawget' then return guide.getKeyNameOfLiteral(source.args[2]) end end return guide.getKeyName(source) end function m.getKeyType(source) if not source then return nil end if source.type == 'call' then local special = m.getSpecial(source.node) if special == 'rawset' or special == 'rawget' then return guide.getKeyTypeOfLiteral(source.args[2]) end end return guide.getKeyType(source) end ---@param source parser.object ---@return parser.object? function m.getObjectValue(source) if source.value then return source.value end if source.special == 'rawset' then return source.args and source.args[3] end return nil end m.cacheTracker = setmetatable({}, weakMT) function m.flushCache() if m.cache then m.cache.dead = true end m.cacheVersion = files.globalVersion m.cache = {} m.cacheActiveTime = mathHuge m.locked = setmetatable({}, weakMT) m.cacheTracker[m.cache] = true end function m.getCache(name, weak) if m.cacheVersion ~= files.globalVersion then m.flushCache() end m.cacheActiveTime = timer.clock() if not m.cache[name] then m.cache[name] = weak and setmetatable({}, weakMT) or {} end return m.cache[name] end local function init() m.flushCache() -- 可以在一段时间不活动后清空缓存,不过目前看起来没有必要 --timer.loop(1, function () -- if timer.clock() - m.cacheActiveTime > 10.0 then -- log.info('Flush cache: Inactive') -- m.flushCache() -- collectgarbage() -- end --end) end xpcall(init, log.error) return m