---@class vm local vm = require 'vm.vm' local guide = require 'parser.guide' local globalMgr = require 'vm.global-manager' ---@class vm.runner ---@field loc parser.object ---@field mainBlock parser.object ---@field blocks table ---@field steps vm.runner.step[] local mt = {} mt.__index = mt mt.index = 1 ---@class parser.object ---@field _hasSorted boolean ---@class vm.runner.step ---@field type 'truthy' | 'falsy' | 'as' | 'add' | 'remove' | 'object' | 'save' | 'push' | 'merge' ---@field pos integer ---@field order? integer ---@field node? vm.node ---@field object? parser.object ---@field name? string ---@field tag? string ---@field copy? boolean ---@field ref1? vm.runner.step ---@field ref2? vm.runner.step ---@param filter parser.object ---@param outStep vm.runner.step ---@param blockStep vm.runner.step function mt:_compileNarrowByFilter(filter, outStep, blockStep) if not filter then return end if filter.type == 'paren' then if filter.exp then self:_compileNarrowByFilter(filter.exp, outStep, blockStep) end return end if filter.type == 'unary' then if not filter.op or not filter[1] then return end if filter.op.type == 'not' then local exp = filter[1] if exp.type == 'getlocal' and exp.node == self.loc then self.steps[#self.steps+1] = { type = 'push', copy = true, pos = filter.finish, } self.steps[#self.steps+1] = { type = 'falsy', pos = filter.finish, } self.steps[#self.steps+1] = { type = 'truthy', pos = filter.finish, ref1 = outStep, } end end elseif filter.type == 'binary' then if not filter.op or not filter[1] or not filter[2] then return end if filter.op.type == 'and' then local dummyStep = { type = 'save', copy = true, ref1 = outStep, pos = filter.start - 1, } self.steps[#self.steps+1] = dummyStep self:_compileNarrowByFilter(filter[1], dummyStep, blockStep) self:_compileNarrowByFilter(filter[2], dummyStep, blockStep) end if filter.op.type == 'or' then self:_compileNarrowByFilter(filter[1], outStep, blockStep) local dummyStep = { type = 'push', copy = true, ref1 = outStep, pos = filter.op.finish, } self.steps[#self.steps+1] = dummyStep self:_compileNarrowByFilter(filter[2], outStep, dummyStep) self.steps[#self.steps+1] = { type = 'push', tag = 'or reset', ref1 = blockStep, pos = filter.finish, } end if filter.op.type == '==' or filter.op.type == '~=' then local loc, exp for i = 1, 2 do loc = filter[i] if loc.type == 'getlocal' and loc.node == self.loc then exp = filter[i % 2 + 1] break end end if not loc or not exp then return end if guide.isLiteral(exp) then if filter.op.type == '==' then self.steps[#self.steps+1] = { type = 'push', copy = true, pos = filter.finish, } self.steps[#self.steps+1] = { type = 'remove', name = exp.type, pos = filter.finish, ref1 = outStep, } self.steps[#self.steps+1] = { type = 'as', name = exp.type, pos = filter.finish, } end if filter.op.type == '~=' then self.steps[#self.steps+1] = { type = 'push', copy = true, pos = filter.finish, } self.steps[#self.steps+1] = { type = 'as', name = exp.type, pos = filter.finish, ref1 = outStep, } self.steps[#self.steps+1] = { type = 'remove', name = exp.type, pos = filter.finish, } end end end else if filter.type == 'getlocal' and filter.node == self.loc then self.steps[#self.steps+1] = { type = 'push', copy = true, pos = filter.finish, } self.steps[#self.steps+1] = { type = 'truthy', pos = filter.finish, } self.steps[#self.steps+1] = { type = 'falsy', pos = filter.finish, ref1 = outStep, } end end end ---@param block parser.object function mt:_compileBlock(block) if self.blocks[block] then return end self.blocks[block] = true if block == self.mainBlock then return end local parentBlock = guide.getParentBlock(block) self:_compileBlock(parentBlock) if block.type == 'if' then ---@type vm.runner.step[] local finals = {} for i, childBlock in ipairs(block) do local blockStep = { type = 'save', tag = 'block', copy = true, pos = block.start, } local outStep = { type = 'save', tag = 'out', copy = true, pos = childBlock.start, } self.steps[#self.steps+1] = blockStep self.steps[#self.steps+1] = outStep self.steps[#self.steps+1] = { type = 'push', ref1 = blockStep, pos = childBlock.start, } self:_compileNarrowByFilter(childBlock.filter, outStep, blockStep) if not childBlock.hasReturn and not childBlock.hasGoTo and not childBlock.hasBreak then local finalStep = { type = 'save', pos = childBlock.finish, tag = 'final #' .. i, } finals[#finals+1] = finalStep self.steps[#self.steps+1] = finalStep end self.steps[#self.steps+1] = { type = 'push', tag = 'reset child', ref1 = outStep, pos = childBlock.finish, } end self.steps[#self.steps+1] = { type = 'push', tag = 'reset if', pos = block.finish, copy = true, } for _, final in ipairs(finals) do self.steps[#self.steps+1] = { type = 'merge', ref2 = final, pos = block.finish, } end end if block.type == 'function' or block.type == 'while' or block.type == 'loop' or block.type == 'in' or block.type == 'repeat' or block.type == 'for' then local savePoint = { type = 'save', copy = true, pos = block.start, } self.steps[#self.steps+1] = { type = 'push', copy = true, pos = block.start, } self.steps[#self.steps+1] = savePoint self.steps[#self.steps+1] = { type = 'push', pos = block.finish, ref1 = savePoint, } end end function mt:_preCompile() for _, ref in ipairs(self.loc.ref) do self.steps[#self.steps+1] = { type = 'object', object = ref, pos = ref.range or ref.start, } local block = guide.getParentBlock(ref) self:_compileBlock(block) end for i, step in ipairs(self.steps) do if step.type ~= 'object' then step.order = i end end table.sort(self.steps, function (a, b) if a.pos == b.pos then return (a.order or 0) < (b.order or 0) else return a.pos < b.pos end end) end ---@param loc parser.object ---@param node vm.node ---@return vm.node local function checkAssert(loc, node) local parent = loc.parent if parent.type == 'binary' then if parent.op and (parent.op.type == '~=' or parent.op.type == '==') then local exp for i = 1, 2 do if parent[i] == loc then exp = parent[i % 2 + 1] end end if exp and guide.isLiteral(exp) then local callargs = parent.parent if callargs.type == 'callargs' and callargs.parent.node.special == 'assert' and callargs[1] == parent then if parent.op.type == '~=' then node:remove(exp.type) end if parent.op.type == '==' then node = vm.compileNode(exp) end end end end end if parent.type == 'callargs' and parent.parent.node.special == 'assert' and parent[1] == loc then node:setTruthy() end return node end ---@param callback fun(src: parser.object, node: vm.node) function mt:launch(callback) local topNode = vm.getNode(self.loc):copy() for _, step in ipairs(self.steps) do local node = step.ref1 and step.ref1.node or topNode if step.type == 'truthy' then node:setTruthy() elseif step.type == 'falsy' then node:setFalsy() elseif step.type == 'as' then node:clear() node:merge(globalMgr.getGlobal('type', step.name)) elseif step.type == 'add' then node:merge(globalMgr.getGlobal('type', step.name)) elseif step.type == 'remove' then node:remove(step.name) elseif step.type == 'object' then topNode = callback(step.object, node) or node if step.object.type == 'getlocal' then topNode = checkAssert(step.object, node) end elseif step.type == 'save' then if step.copy then node = node:copy() end step.node = node elseif step.type == 'push' then if step.copy then node = node:copy() end topNode = node elseif step.type == 'merge' then node:merge(step.ref2.node) end end end ---@param loc parser.object ---@return vm.runner function vm.createRunner(loc) local self = setmetatable({ loc = loc, mainBlock = guide.getParentBlock(loc), blocks = {}, steps = {}, }, mt) self:_preCompile() return self end