---@class vm local vm = require 'vm.vm' local util = require 'utility' local guide = require 'parser.guide' local files = require 'files' local await = require 'await' local progress = require 'progress' local lang = require 'language' local simpleSwitch simpleSwitch = util.switch() : case 'goto' : call(function (source, pushResult) if source.node then simpleSwitch('label', source.node, pushResult) pushResult(source.node) end end) : case 'label' : call(function (source, pushResult) pushResult(source) if source.ref then for _, ref in ipairs(source.ref) do pushResult(ref) end end end) ---@async local function searchInAllFiles(suri, searcher, notify) searcher(suri) local uris = {} for uri in files.eachFile(suri) do if not vm.isMetaFile(uri) and suri ~= uri then uris[#uris+1] = uri end end local loading = progress.create(suri, lang.script.WINDOW_SEARCHING_IN_FILES, 1) local cancelled loading:onCancel(function () cancelled = true end) for i, uri in ipairs(uris) do if notify then local continue = notify(uri) if continue == false then break end end loading:setMessage(('%03d/%03d'):format(i, #uris)) loading:setPercentage(i / #uris * 100) await.delay() if cancelled then break end searcher(uri) end end ---@async local function searchWord(source, pushResult, defMap, fileNotify) local key = guide.getKeyName(source) if not key then return end local global = vm.getGlobalNode(source) ---@param src parser.object local function checkDef(src) for _, def in ipairs(vm.getDefs(src)) do if defMap[def] then pushResult(src) return end end end ---@async local function findWord(uri) local text = files.getText(uri) if not text then return end if not text:find(key, 1, true) then return end local state = files.getState(uri) if not state then return end if global then local globalName = global:asKeyName() ---@async guide.eachSourceTypes(state.ast, {'getglobal', 'setglobal', 'setfield', 'getfield', 'setmethod', 'getmethod', 'setindex', 'getindex', 'doc.type.name', 'doc.class.name', 'doc.alias.name', 'doc.extends.name'}, function (src) local myGlobal = vm.getGlobalNode(src) if myGlobal and myGlobal:asKeyName() == globalName then pushResult(src) await.delay() end end) else ---@async guide.eachSourceTypes(state.ast, {'getfield', 'setfield'}, function (src) if src.field and src.field[1] == key then checkDef(src) await.delay() end end) ---@async guide.eachSourceTypes(state.ast, {'getmethod', 'setmethod'}, function (src) if src.method and src.method[1] == key then checkDef(src) await.delay() end end) ---@async guide.eachSourceTypes(state.ast, {'getindex', 'setindex'}, function (src) if src.index and src.index.type == 'string' and src.index[1] == key then checkDef(src) await.delay() end end) end end searchInAllFiles(guide.getUri(source), findWord, fileNotify) end ---@async local function searchFunction(source, pushResult, defMap, fileNotify) ---@param src parser.object local function checkDef(src) for _, def in ipairs(vm.getDefs(src)) do if defMap[def] then pushResult(src) return end end end ---@async local function findCall(uri) local state = files.getState(uri) if not state then return end ---@async guide.eachSourceType(state.ast, 'call', function (src) checkDef(src.node) await.delay() end) end searchInAllFiles(guide.getUri(source), findCall, fileNotify) end local searchByParentNode local nodeSwitch = util.switch() : case 'field' : case 'method' ---@async : call(function (source, pushResult, defMap, fileNotify) searchByParentNode(source.parent, pushResult, defMap, fileNotify) end) : case 'getfield' : case 'setfield' : case 'getmethod' : case 'setmethod' : case 'getindex' : case 'setindex' ---@async : call(function (source, pushResult, defMap, fileNotify) local key = guide.getKeyName(source) if type(key) ~= 'string' then return end searchWord(source, pushResult, defMap, fileNotify) end) : case 'tablefield' : case 'tableindex' : case 'doc.field.name' ---@async : call(function (source, pushResult, defMap, fileNotify) searchWord(source, pushResult, defMap, fileNotify) end) : case 'setglobal' : case 'getglobal' ---@async : call(function (source, pushResult, defMap, fileNotify) searchWord(source, pushResult, defMap, fileNotify) end) : case 'doc.alias.name' : case 'doc.class.name' : case 'doc.enum.name' ---@async : call(function (source, pushResult, defMap, fileNotify) searchWord(source.parent, pushResult, defMap, fileNotify) end) : case 'doc.alias' : case 'doc.class' : case 'doc.enum' : case 'doc.type.name' : case 'doc.extends.name' ---@async : call(function (source, pushResult, defMap, fileNotify) searchWord(source, pushResult, defMap, fileNotify) end) : case 'function' : case 'doc.type.function' ---@async : call(function (source, pushResult, defMap, fileNotify) searchFunction(source, pushResult, defMap, fileNotify) end) ---@param source parser.object ---@param pushResult fun(src: parser.object) local function searchBySimple(source, pushResult) simpleSwitch(source.type, source, pushResult) end ---@param source parser.object ---@param pushResult fun(src: parser.object) local function searchByLocalID(source, pushResult) local sourceSets = vm.getVariableSets(source) if sourceSets then for _, src in ipairs(sourceSets) do pushResult(src) end end local sourceGets = vm.getVariableGets(source) if sourceGets then for _, src in ipairs(sourceGets) do pushResult(src) end end end ---@async ---@param source parser.object ---@param pushResult fun(src: parser.object) ---@param fileNotify? fun(uri: uri): boolean function searchByParentNode(source, pushResult, defMap, fileNotify) nodeSwitch(source.type, source, pushResult, defMap, fileNotify) end local function searchByGlobal(source, pushResult) if source.type == 'field' or source.type == 'method' or source.type == 'doc.class.name' or source.type == 'doc.alias.name' then source = source.parent end local node = vm.getGlobalNode(source) if not node then return end local uri = guide.getUri(source) for _, set in ipairs(node:getSets(uri)) do pushResult(set) end end local function searchByDef(source, pushResult) local defMap = {} if source.type == 'function' or source.type == 'doc.type.function' then defMap[source] = true return defMap end if source.type == 'field' or source.type == 'method' then source = source.parent end if source.type == 'doc.field.name' then source = source.parent end defMap[source] = true local defs = vm.getDefs(source) for _, def in ipairs(defs) do pushResult(def) if not guide.isLiteral(def) then defMap[def] = true end end return defMap end ---@async ---@param source parser.object ---@param fileNotify? fun(uri: uri): boolean function vm.getRefs(source, fileNotify) local results = {} local mark = {} local hasLocal local function pushResult(src) if src.type == 'local' then if hasLocal then return end hasLocal = true end if not mark[src] then mark[src] = true results[#results+1] = src end end searchBySimple(source, pushResult) searchByLocalID(source, pushResult) searchByGlobal(source, pushResult) local defMap = searchByDef(source, pushResult) searchByParentNode(source, pushResult, defMap, fileNotify) return results end