---@class vm local vm = require 'vm.vm' local util = require 'utility' local guide = require 'parser.guide' local config = require 'config' vm.UNARY_OP = { 'unm', 'bnot', 'len', } vm.BINARY_OP = { 'add', 'sub', 'mul', 'div', 'mod', 'pow', 'idiv', 'band', 'bor', 'bxor', 'shl', 'shr', 'concat', } vm.OTHER_OP = { 'call', } local unaryMap = { ['-'] = 'unm', ['~'] = 'bnot', ['#'] = 'len', } local binaryMap = { ['+'] = 'add', ['-'] = 'sub', ['*'] = 'mul', ['/'] = 'div', ['%'] = 'mod', ['^'] = 'pow', ['//'] = 'idiv', ['&'] = 'band', ['|'] = 'bor', ['~'] = 'bxor', ['<<'] = 'shl', ['>>'] = 'shr', ['..'] = 'concat', } local otherMap = { ['()'] = 'call', } vm.OP_UNARY_MAP = util.revertMap(unaryMap) vm.OP_BINARY_MAP = util.revertMap(binaryMap) vm.OP_OTHER_MAP = util.revertMap(otherMap) ---@param operators parser.object[] ---@param op string ---@param value? parser.object ---@param result? vm.node ---@return vm.node? local function checkOperators(operators, op, value, result) for _, operator in ipairs(operators) do if operator.op[1] ~= op or not operator.extends then goto CONTINUE end if value and operator.exp then local valueNode = vm.compileNode(value) local expNode = vm.compileNode(operator.exp) local uri = guide.getUri(operator) if not vm.isSubType(uri, valueNode, expNode) then goto CONTINUE end end if not result then result = vm.createNode() end result:merge(vm.compileNode(operator.extends)) ::CONTINUE:: end return result end ---@param op string ---@param exp parser.object ---@param value? parser.object ---@return vm.node? function vm.runOperator(op, exp, value) local uri = guide.getUri(exp) local node = vm.compileNode(exp) local result for c in node:eachObject() do if c.type == 'string' or c.type == 'doc.type.string' then c = vm.declareGlobal('type', 'string') end if c.type == 'global' and c.cate == 'type' then ---@cast c vm.global for _, set in ipairs(c:getSets(uri)) do if set.operators and #set.operators > 0 then result = checkOperators(set.operators, op, value, result) end end end end return result end vm.unarySwich = util.switch() : case 'not' : call(function (source) local result = vm.testCondition(source[1]) if result == nil then vm.setNode(source, vm.declareGlobal('type', 'boolean')) else vm.setNode(source, { type = 'boolean', start = source.start, finish = source.finish, parent = source, [1] = not result, }) end end) : case '#' : call(function (source) local node = vm.runOperator('len', source[1]) vm.setNode(source, node or vm.declareGlobal('type', 'integer')) end) : case '-' : call(function (source) local v = vm.getNumber(source[1]) if v == nil then local uri = guide.getUri(source) local infer = vm.getInfer(source[1]) if infer:hasType(uri, 'integer') then vm.setNode(source, vm.declareGlobal('type', 'integer')) elseif infer:hasType(uri, 'number') then vm.setNode(source, vm.declareGlobal('type', 'number')) else local node = vm.runOperator('unm', source[1]) vm.setNode(source, node or vm.declareGlobal('type', 'number')) end else vm.setNode(source, { type = 'number', start = source.start, finish = source.finish, parent = source, [1] = -v, }) end end) : case '~' : call(function (source) local v = vm.getInteger(source[1]) if v == nil then local node = vm.runOperator('bnot', source[1]) vm.setNode(source, node or vm.declareGlobal('type', 'integer')) else vm.setNode(source, { type = 'integer', start = source.start, finish = source.finish, parent = source, [1] = ~v, }) end end) vm.binarySwitch = util.switch() : case 'and' : call(function (source) local node1 = vm.compileNode(source[1]) local node2 = vm.compileNode(source[2]) local r1 = vm.testCondition(source[1]) if r1 == true then vm.setNode(source, node2) elseif r1 == false then vm.setNode(source, node1) else local node = node1:copy():setFalsy():merge(node2) vm.setNode(source, node) end end) : case 'or' : call(function (source) local node1 = vm.compileNode(source[1]) local node2 = vm.compileNode(source[2]) local r1 = vm.testCondition(source[1]) if r1 == true then vm.setNode(source, node1) elseif r1 == false then vm.setNode(source, node2) else local node = node1:copy():setTruthy():merge(node2) vm.setNode(source, node) end end) : case '==' : case '~=' : call(function (source) local result = vm.equal(source[1], source[2]) if result == nil then vm.setNode(source, vm.declareGlobal('type', 'boolean')) else if source.op.type == '~=' then result = not result end vm.setNode(source, { type = 'boolean', start = source.start, finish = source.finish, parent = source, [1] = result, }) end end) : case '<<' : case '>>' : case '&' : case '|' : case '~' : call(function (source) local a = vm.getInteger(source[1]) local b = vm.getInteger(source[2]) local op = source.op.type if a and b then local result = op.type == '<<' and a << b or op.type == '>>' and a >> b or op.type == '&' and a & b or op.type == '|' and a | b or op.type == '~' and a ~ b vm.setNode(source, { type = 'integer', start = source.start, finish = source.finish, parent = source, [1] = result, }) else local node = vm.runOperator(binaryMap[op], source[1], source[2]) vm.setNode(source, node or vm.declareGlobal('type', 'integer')) end end) : case '+' : case '-' : case '*' : case '/' : case '%' : case '//' : case '^' : call(function (source) local a = vm.getNumber(source[1]) local b = vm.getNumber(source[2]) local op = source.op.type local zero = b == 0 and ( op == '%' or op == '/' or op == '//' ) if a and b and not zero then local result = op == '+' and a + b or op == '-' and a - b or op == '*' and a * b or op == '/' and a / b or op == '%' and a % b or op == '//' and a // b or op == '^' and a ^ b vm.setNode(source, { type = math.type(result) == 'integer' and 'integer' or 'number', start = source.start, finish = source.finish, parent = source, [1] = result, }) else local node = vm.runOperator(binaryMap[op], source[1], source[2]) if node then vm.setNode(source, node) return end if op == '+' or op == '-' or op == '*' or op == '//' or op == '%' then local uri = guide.getUri(source) local infer1 = vm.getInfer(source[1]) local infer2 = vm.getInfer(source[2]) if infer1:hasType(uri, 'integer') or infer2:hasType(uri, 'integer') then if not infer1:hasType(uri, 'number') and not infer2:hasType(uri, 'number') then vm.setNode(source, vm.declareGlobal('type', 'integer')) return end end end vm.setNode(source, node or vm.declareGlobal('type', 'number')) end end) : case '..' : call(function (source) local a = vm.getString(source[1]) or vm.getNumber(source[1]) local b = vm.getString(source[2]) or vm.getNumber(source[2]) if a and b then if type(a) == 'number' or type(b) == 'number' then local uri = guide.getUri(source) local version = config.get(uri, 'Lua.runtime.version') if math.tointeger(a) and math.type(a) == 'float' then if version == 'Lua 5.3' or version == 'Lua 5.4' then a = ('%.1f'):format(a) else a = ('%.0f'):format(a) end end if math.tointeger(b) and math.type(b) == 'float' then if version == 'Lua 5.3' or version == 'Lua 5.4' then b = ('%.1f'):format(b) else b = ('%.0f'):format(b) end end end vm.setNode(source, { type = 'string', start = source.start, finish = source.finish, parent = source, [1] = a .. b, }) else local node = vm.runOperator(binaryMap[source.op.type], source[1], source[2]) vm.setNode(source, node or vm.declareGlobal('type', 'string')) end end) : case '>' : case '<' : case '>=' : case '<=' : call(function (source) local a = vm.getNumber(source[1]) local b = vm.getNumber(source[2]) if a and b then local op = source.op.type local result = op.type == '>' and a > b or op.type == '<' and a < b or op.type == '>=' and a >= b or op.type == '<=' and a <= b vm.setNode(source, { type = 'boolean', start = source.start, finish = source.finish, parent = source, [1] =result, }) else vm.setNode(source, vm.declareGlobal('type', 'boolean')) end end)