local files = require 'files' ---@class vm local vm = require 'vm.vm' local ws = require 'workspace.workspace' local guide = require 'parser.guide' local timer = require 'timer' local util = require 'utility' ---@type table vm.nodeCache = setmetatable({}, util.MODE_K) ---@alias vm.node.object vm.object | vm.global ---@class vm.node ---@field [integer] vm.node.object ---@field [vm.node.object] true local mt = {} mt.__index = mt mt.id = 0 mt.type = 'vm.node' mt.optional = nil mt.data = nil mt.resolved = nil ---@param node vm.node | vm.node.object ---@return vm.node function mt:merge(node) if not node then return self end if node.type == 'vm.node' then if node == self then return self end if node:isOptional() then self.optional = true end for _, obj in ipairs(node) do if not self[obj] then self[obj] = true self[#self+1] = obj end end else ---@cast node -vm.node if not self[node] then self[node] = true self[#self+1] = node end end return self end ---@return boolean function mt:isEmpty() return #self == 0 end function mt:clear() self.optional = nil for i, c in ipairs(self) do self[i] = nil self[c] = nil end end ---@param n integer ---@return vm.node.object? function mt:get(n) return self[n] end function mt:setData(k, v) if not self.data then self.data = {} end self.data[k] = v end ---@return any function mt:getData(k) if not self.data then return nil end return self.data[k] end function mt:addOptional() self.optional = true end function mt:removeOptional() self:remove 'nil' return self end ---@return boolean function mt:isOptional() return self.optional == true end ---@return boolean function mt:hasFalsy() if self.optional then return true end for _, c in ipairs(self) do if c.type == 'nil' or (c.type == 'global' and c.cate == 'type' and c.name == 'nil') or (c.type == 'global' and c.cate == 'type' and c.name == 'false') or (c.type == 'boolean' and c[1] == false) or (c.type == 'doc.type.boolean' and c[1] == false) then return true end end return false end ---@return boolean function mt:hasKnownType() for _, c in ipairs(self) do if c.type == 'global' and c.cate == 'type' then return true end if guide.isLiteral(c) then return true end end return false end ---@return boolean function mt:isNullable() if self.optional then return true end if #self == 0 then return true end for _, c in ipairs(self) do if c.type == 'nil' or (c.type == 'global' and c.cate == 'type' and c.name == 'nil') or (c.type == 'global' and c.cate == 'type' and c.name == 'any') or (c.type == 'global' and c.cate == 'type' and c.name == '...') then return true end end return false end ---@return vm.node function mt:setTruthy() if self.optional == true then self.optional = nil end local hasBoolean for index = #self, 1, -1 do local c = self[index] if c.type == 'nil' or (c.type == 'global' and c.cate == 'type' and c.name == 'nil') or (c.type == 'global' and c.cate == 'type' and c.name == 'false') or (c.type == 'boolean' and c[1] == false) or (c.type == 'doc.type.boolean' and c[1] == false) then table.remove(self, index) self[c] = nil goto CONTINUE end if c.type == 'global' and c.cate == 'type' and c.name == 'boolean' then hasBoolean = true table.remove(self, index) self[c] = nil goto CONTINUE end if c.type == 'boolean' or c.type == 'doc.type.boolean' then if c[1] == false then table.remove(self, index) self[c] = nil goto CONTINUE end end ::CONTINUE:: end if hasBoolean then self:merge(vm.declareGlobal('type', 'true')) end return self end ---@return vm.node function mt:setFalsy() local hasBoolean for index = #self, 1, -1 do local c = self[index] if c.type == 'nil' or (c.type == 'global' and c.cate == 'type' and c.name == 'nil') or (c.type == 'global' and c.cate == 'type' and c.name == 'false') or (c.type == 'boolean' and c[1] == false) or (c.type == 'doc.type.boolean' and c[1] == false) then goto CONTINUE end if c.type == 'global' and c.cate == 'type' and c.name == 'boolean' then hasBoolean = true table.remove(self, index) self[c] = nil goto CONTINUE end if c.type == 'boolean' or c.type == 'doc.type.boolean' then if c[1] == true then table.remove(self, index) self[c] = nil goto CONTINUE end end if (c.type == 'global' and c.cate == 'type') then table.remove(self, index) self[c] = nil goto CONTINUE end if guide.isLiteral(c) then table.remove(self, index) self[c] = nil goto CONTINUE end ::CONTINUE:: end if hasBoolean then self:merge(vm.declareGlobal('type', 'false')) end if self.optional then self.optional = nil self:merge(vm.declareGlobal('type', 'nil')) end return self end ---@param name string function mt:remove(name) if name == 'nil' and self.optional == true then self.optional = nil end for index = #self, 1, -1 do local c = self[index] if (c.type == 'global' and c.cate == 'type' and c.name == name) or (c.type == name) or (c.type == 'doc.type.integer' and (name == 'number' or name == 'integer')) or (c.type == 'doc.type.boolean' and name == 'boolean') or (c.type == 'doc.type.boolean' and name == 'true' and c[1] == true) or (c.type == 'doc.type.boolean' and name == 'false' and c[1] == false) or (c.type == 'doc.type.table' and name == 'table') or (c.type == 'doc.type.array' and name == 'table') or (c.type == 'doc.type.sign' and name == c.node[1]) or (c.type == 'doc.type.function' and name == 'function') or (c.type == 'doc.type.string' and name == 'string') then table.remove(self, index) self[c] = nil end end return self end ---@param uri uri ---@param name string function mt:narrow(uri, name) if self.optional == true then self.optional = nil end for index = #self, 1, -1 do local c = self[index] if (c.type == name) or (c.type == 'doc.type.integer' and (name == 'number' or name == 'integer')) or (c.type == 'doc.type.boolean' and name == 'boolean') or (c.type == 'doc.type.table' and name == 'table') or (c.type == 'doc.type.array' and name == 'table') or (c.type == 'doc.type.sign' and name == c.node[1]) or (c.type == 'doc.type.function' and name == 'function') or (c.type == 'doc.type.string' and name == 'string') then goto CONTINUE end if c.type == 'global' and c.cate == 'type' then if (c.name == name) or (vm.isSubType(uri, c.name, name)) then goto CONTINUE end end table.remove(self, index) self[c] = nil ::CONTINUE:: end if #self == 0 then self[#self+1] = vm.getGlobal('type', name) end return self end ---@param obj vm.object function mt:removeObject(obj) for index, c in ipairs(self) do if c == obj then table.remove(self, index) self[c] = nil return end end end ---@param node vm.node function mt:removeNode(node) for _, c in ipairs(node) do if c.type == 'global' and c.cate == 'type' then ---@cast c vm.global self:remove(c.name) elseif c.type == 'nil' then self:remove 'nil' elseif c.type == 'boolean' or c.type == 'doc.type.boolean' then if c[1] == true then self:remove 'true' else self:remove 'false' end else ---@cast c -vm.global self:removeObject(c) end end end ---@param name string ---@return boolean function mt:hasType(name) for _, c in ipairs(self) do if c.type == 'global' and c.cate == 'type' and c.name == name then return true end end return false end ---@param name string ---@return boolean function mt:hasName(name) if name == 'nil' and self.optional == true then return true end for _, c in ipairs(self) do if c.type == 'global' and c.cate == 'type' and c.name == name then return true end if c.type == name then return true end -- TODO end return false end ---@return vm.node function mt:asTable() self.optional = nil for index = #self, 1, -1 do local c = self[index] if c.type == 'table' or c.type == 'doc.type.table' or c.type == 'doc.type.array' then goto CONTINUE end if c.type == 'doc.type.sign' then if c.node[1] == 'table' or not guide.isBasicType(c.node[1]) then goto CONTINUE end end if c.type == 'global' and c.cate == 'type' then ---@cast c vm.global if c.name == 'table' or not guide.isBasicType(c.name) then goto CONTINUE end end table.remove(self, index) self[c] = nil ::CONTINUE:: end return self end ---@return fun():vm.node.object function mt:eachObject() local i = 0 return function () i = i + 1 return self[i] end end ---@return vm.node function mt:copy() return vm.createNode(self) end ---@param source vm.object ---@param node vm.node | vm.node.object ---@param cover? boolean ---@return vm.node function vm.setNode(source, node, cover) if not node then if TEST then error('Can not set nil node') else log.error('Can not set nil node') end end if cover then ---@cast node vm.node vm.nodeCache[source] = node return node end local me = vm.nodeCache[source] if me then me:merge(node) else if node.type == 'vm.node' then me = node:copy() else me = vm.createNode(node) end vm.nodeCache[source] = me end return me end ---@param source vm.object ---@return vm.node? function vm.getNode(source) return vm.nodeCache[source] end ---@param source vm.object function vm.removeNode(source) vm.nodeCache[source] = nil end local lockCount = 0 local needClearCache = false function vm.lockCache() lockCount = lockCount + 1 end function vm.unlockCache() lockCount = lockCount - 1 if needClearCache then needClearCache = false vm.clearNodeCache() end end function vm.clearNodeCache() if lockCount > 0 then needClearCache = true return end log.debug('clearNodeCache') vm.nodeCache = {} end local ID = 0 ---@param a? vm.node | vm.node.object ---@param b? vm.node | vm.node.object ---@return vm.node function vm.createNode(a, b) ID = ID + 1 local node = setmetatable({ id = ID, }, mt) if a then node:merge(a) end if b then node:merge(b) end return node end ---@type timer? local delayTimer files.watch(function (ev, uri) if ev == 'version' then if ws.isReady(uri) then if CACHEALIVE then if delayTimer then delayTimer:restart() end delayTimer = timer.wait(1, function () delayTimer = nil vm.clearNodeCache() end) else vm.clearNodeCache() end end end end) ws.watch(function (ev, uri) if ev == 'reload' then vm.clearNodeCache() end end)