local util = require 'utility' local config = require 'config' local guide = require 'parser.guide' ---@class vm local vm = require 'vm.vm' ---@class vm.infer ---@field node vm.node ---@field views table ---@field _drop table ---@field _lastView? string ---@field _lastViewUri? uri ---@field _lastViewDefault? any local mt = {} mt.__index = mt mt._hasTable = false mt._hasClass = false mt._hasFunctionDef = false mt._hasDocFunction = false mt._isParam = false mt._isLocal = false vm.NULL = setmetatable({}, mt) local LOCK = {} local inferSorted = { ['boolean'] = - 100, ['string'] = - 99, ['number'] = - 98, ['integer'] = - 97, ['function'] = - 96, ['table'] = - 95, ['true'] = 1, ['false'] = 2, ['nil'] = 100, } local viewNodeSwitch;viewNodeSwitch = util.switch() : case 'nil' : case 'boolean' : case 'string' : case 'integer' : call(function (source, infer) return source.type end) : case 'number' : call(function (source, infer) return source.type end) : case 'table' : call(function (source, infer, uri) if source.type == 'table' then if #source == 1 and source[1].type == 'varargs' then local node = vm.getInfer(source[1]):view(uri) return ('%s[]'):format(node) end end infer._hasTable = true end) : case 'function' : call(function (source, infer) local parent = source.parent if guide.isAssign(parent) then infer._hasFunctionDef = true end return source.type end) : case 'local' : call(function (source, infer) if source.parent == 'funcargs' then infer._isParam = true else infer._isLocal = true end end) : case 'global' : call(function (source, infer) if source.cate == 'type' then if not guide.isBasicType(source.name) then infer._hasClass = true end return source.name end end) : case 'doc.type' : call(function (source, infer, uri) local buf = {} for _, tp in ipairs(source.types) do buf[#buf+1] = viewNodeSwitch(tp.type, tp, infer, uri) end return table.concat(buf, '|') end) : case 'doc.type.name' : call(function (source, infer, uri) if source.signs then local buf = {} for i, sign in ipairs(source.signs) do buf[i] = vm.getInfer(sign):view(uri) end return ('%s<%s>'):format(source[1], table.concat(buf, ', ')) else return source[1] end end) : case 'generic' : call(function (source, infer, uri) return vm.getInfer(source.proto):view(uri) end) : case 'doc.generic.name' : call(function (source, infer, uri) local resolved = vm.getGenericResolved(source) if resolved then return vm.getInfer(resolved):view(uri) end if source.generic and source.generic.extends then return ('<%s:%s>'):format(source[1], vm.getInfer(source.generic.extends):view(uri)) else return ('<%s>'):format(source[1]) end end) : case 'doc.type.array' : call(function (source, infer, uri) infer._hasClass = true local view = vm.getInfer(source.node):view(uri) if source.node.type == 'doc.type' then view = '(' .. view .. ')' end return view .. '[]' end) : case 'doc.type.sign' : call(function (source, infer, uri) infer._hasClass = true local buf = {} for i, sign in ipairs(source.signs) do buf[i] = vm.getInfer(sign):view(uri) end local node = vm.compileNode(source) for c in node:eachObject() do if guide.isLiteral(c) then ---@cast c parser.object local view = vm.getInfer(c):view(uri) if view then infer._drop[view] = true end end end return ('%s<%s>'):format(source.node[1], table.concat(buf, ', ')) end) : case 'doc.type.table' : call(function (source, infer, uri) if #source.fields == 0 then infer._hasTable = true return end infer._hasClass = true local buf = {} buf[#buf+1] = '{ ' for i, field in ipairs(source.fields) do if i > 1 then buf[#buf+1] = ', ' end local key = field.name if key.type == 'doc.type' then buf[#buf+1] = ('[%s]: '):format(vm.getInfer(key):view(uri)) elseif type(key[1]) == 'string' then buf[#buf+1] = key[1] .. ': ' else buf[#buf+1] = ('[%q]: '):format(key[1]) end buf[#buf+1] = vm.getInfer(field.extends):view(uri) end buf[#buf+1] = ' }' return table.concat(buf) end) : case 'doc.type.string' : call(function (source, infer) return util.viewString(source[1], source[2]) end) : case 'doc.type.integer' : case 'doc.type.boolean' : call(function (source, infer) return ('%q'):format(source[1]) end) : case 'doc.type.code' : call(function (source, infer) return ('`%s`'):format(source[1]) end) : case 'doc.type.function' : call(function (source, infer, uri) infer._hasDocFunction = true local args = {} local rets = {} local argView = '' local regView = '' for i, arg in ipairs(source.args) do local argNode = vm.compileNode(arg) local isOptional = argNode:isOptional() if isOptional then argNode = argNode:copy() argNode:removeOptional() end args[i] = string.format('%s%s%s%s' , arg.name[1] , isOptional and '?' or '' , arg.name[1] == '...' and '' or ': ' , vm.getInfer(argNode):view(uri) ) end if #args > 0 then argView = table.concat(args, ', ') end local needReturnParen for i, ret in ipairs(source.returns) do local retType = vm.getInfer(ret):view(uri) if ret.name then if ret.name[1] == '...' then rets[i] = ('%s%s'):format(ret.name[1], retType) else needReturnParen = true rets[i] = ('%s: %s'):format(ret.name[1], retType) end else rets[i] = retType end end if #rets > 0 then if needReturnParen then regView = (':(%s)'):format(table.concat(rets, ', ')) else regView = (':%s'):format(table.concat(rets, ', ')) end end return ('fun(%s)%s'):format(argView, regView) end) : case 'doc.field.name' : call(function (source, infer, uri) return vm.viewKey(source, uri) end) ---@class vm.node ---@field lastInfer? vm.infer ---@param source vm.node.object | vm.node ---@return vm.infer function vm.getInfer(source) ---@type vm.node local node if source.type == 'vm.node' then ---@cast source vm.node node = source else ---@cast source vm.object node = vm.compileNode(source) end if node.lastInfer then return node.lastInfer end local infer = setmetatable({ node = node, _drop = {}, }, mt) node.lastInfer = infer return infer end function mt:_trim() if self._hasDocFunction then if self._hasFunctionDef then for view in pairs(self.views) do if view:sub(1, 4) == 'fun(' then self.views[view] = nil end end else self.views['function'] = nil end end if self._hasTable and not self._hasClass then self.views['table'] = true end if self.views['number'] then self.views['integer'] = nil end if self.views['boolean'] then self.views['true'] = nil self.views['false'] = nil end end ---@param uri uri function mt:_eraseAlias(uri) local count = 0 for _ in pairs(self.views) do count = count + 1 end if count <= 1 then return end local expandAlias = config.get(uri, 'Lua.hover.expandAlias') for n in self.node:eachObject() do if n.type == 'global' and n.cate == 'type' then if LOCK[n.name] then goto CONTINUE end LOCK[n.name] = true for _, set in ipairs(n:getSets(uri)) do if set.type == 'doc.alias' then if expandAlias then self._drop[n.name] = true local newInfer = setmetatable({ _drop = {}, }, mt) for _, ext in ipairs(set.extends.types) do viewNodeSwitch(ext.type, ext, newInfer, uri) end if newInfer._hasTable then self.views['table'] = true end else for _, ext in ipairs(set.extends.types) do local view = viewNodeSwitch(ext.type, ext, {}, uri) if view and view ~= n.name then self._drop[view] = true end end end end end LOCK[n.name] = nil ::CONTINUE:: end end end ---@param uri uri ---@param tp string ---@return boolean function mt:hasType(uri, tp) self:_computeViews(uri) return self.views[tp] == true end ---@param uri uri function mt:hasUnknown(uri) self:_computeViews(uri) return not next(self.views) or self.views['unknown'] == true end ---@param uri uri function mt:hasAny(uri) self:_computeViews(uri) return self.views['any'] == true end ---@param uri uri ---@return boolean function mt:hasClass(uri) self:_computeViews(uri) return self._hasClass == true end ---@param uri uri ---@return boolean function mt:hasFunction(uri) self:_computeViews(uri) return self.views['function'] == true or self._hasDocFunction == true end ---@param uri uri function mt:_computeViews(uri) if self.views then return end self.views = {} for n in self.node:eachObject() do local view = viewNodeSwitch(n.type, n, self, uri) if view then self.views[view] = true end end self:_trim() end ---@param uri uri ---@param default? string ---@return string function mt:view(uri, default) if self._lastView and self._lastViewUri == uri and self._lastViewDefault == default then return self._lastView end self._lastViewUri = uri self._lastViewDefault = default self:_computeViews(uri) if self.views['any'] then self._lastView = 'any' return 'any' end if self._hasClass then self:_eraseAlias(uri) end local array = {} for view in pairs(self.views) do if not self._drop[view] then array[#array+1] = view end end table.sort(array, function (a, b) local sa = inferSorted[a] or 0 local sb = inferSorted[b] or 0 if sa == sb then return a < b end return sa < sb end) local max = #array local limit = config.get(uri, 'Lua.hover.enumsLimit') local view if #array == 0 then view = default or 'unknown' else if max > limit then view = string.format('%s...(+%d)' , table.concat(array, '|', 1, limit) , max - limit ) else view = table.concat(array, '|') end end if self.node:isOptional() then if #array == 0 then view = 'nil' else if max > 1 then view = '(' .. view .. ')?' else view = view .. '?' end end end if #view > 200 then view = view:sub(1, 180) .. '...(too long)...' .. view:sub(-10) end self._lastView = view return view end ---@param uri uri function mt:eachView(uri) self:_computeViews(uri) return next, self.views end ---@return string? function mt:viewLiterals() if not self.node then return nil end local mark = {} local literals = {} for n in self.node:eachObject() do if n.type == 'string' or n.type == 'number' or n.type == 'integer' or n.type == 'boolean' then local literal if n.type == 'string' then literal = util.viewString(n[1], n[2]) else literal = util.viewLiteral(n[1]) end if literal and not mark[literal] then literals[#literals+1] = literal mark[literal] = true end end end if #literals == 0 then return nil end table.sort(literals, function (a, b) local sa = inferSorted[a] or 0 local sb = inferSorted[b] or 0 if sa == sb then return a < b end return sa < sb end) return table.concat(literals, '|') end ---@return string? function mt:viewClass() if not self.node then return nil end local mark = {} local class = {} for n in self.node:eachObject() do if n.type == 'global' and n.cate == 'type' then local name = n.name if not mark[name] then class[#class+1] = name mark[name] = true end end end if #class == 0 then return nil end table.sort(class) return table.concat(class, '|') end ---@param source vm.node.object ---@param uri uri ---@return string? function vm.viewObject(source, uri) local infer = setmetatable({ _drop = {}, }, mt) return viewNodeSwitch(source.type, source, infer, uri) end ---@param source parser.object ---@param uri uri ---@return string? ---@return string|number|boolean|nil function vm.viewKey(source, uri) if source.type == 'doc.type' then if #source.types == 1 then return vm.viewKey(source.types[1], uri) else local key = vm.getInfer(source):view(uri) return '[' .. key .. ']' end end if source.type == 'tableindex' or source.type == 'setindex' then local index = source.index local name = vm.getInfer(index):viewLiterals() if not name then return nil end return ('[%s]'):format(name), name end if source.type == 'tableexp' then return ('[%d]'):format(source.tindex), source.tindex end if source.type == 'doc.field' then return vm.viewKey(source.field, uri) end if source.type == 'doc.type.field' then return vm.viewKey(source.name, uri) end if source.type == 'doc.type.name' then return '[' .. source[1] .. ']' end local key = vm.getKeyName(source) if key == nil then return nil end if type(key) == 'string' then return key, key else return ('[%s]'):format(key), key end end