local util = require 'utility' local guide = require 'parser.guide' local globalBuilder = require 'vm.global' ---@class parser.object ---@field _globalNode vm.node.global ---@class vm.global-manager local m = {} ---@type table m.globals = {} ---@type table> m.globalSubs = util.multiTable(2) m.ID_SPLITE = '\x1F' local compilerGlobalMap = util.switch() : case 'local' : call(function (source) if source.special ~= '_G' then return end if source.ref then for _, ref in ipairs(source.ref) do m.compileObject(ref) end end end) : case 'getlocal' : call(function (source) if source.special ~= '_G' then return end m.compileObject(source.next) end) : case 'setglobal' : call(function (source) local uri = guide.getUri(source) local name = guide.getKeyName(source) local global = m.declareGlobal('variable', name, uri) global:addSet(uri, source) source._globalNode = global end) : case 'getglobal' : call(function (source) local uri = guide.getUri(source) local name = guide.getKeyName(source) local global = m.declareGlobal('variable', name, uri) global:addGet(uri, source) source._globalNode = global local nxt = source.next if nxt then m.compileObject(nxt) end end) : case 'setfield' : case 'setmethod' : case 'setindex' ---@param source parser.object : call(function (source) local name local keyName = guide.getKeyName(source) if not keyName then return end if source.node._globalNode then local parentName = source.node._globalNode:getName() if parentName == '_G' then name = keyName else name = parentName .. m.ID_SPLITE .. keyName end elseif source.node.special == '_G' then name = keyName end if not name then return end local uri = guide.getUri(source) local global = m.declareGlobal('variable', name, uri) global:addSet(uri, source) source._globalNode = global end) : case 'getfield' : case 'getmethod' : case 'getindex' ---@param source parser.object : call(function (source) local name if source.node._globalNode then local parentName = source.node._globalNode:getName() if parentName == '_G' then name = guide.getKeyName(source) else name = parentName .. m.ID_SPLITE .. guide.getKeyName(source) end elseif source.node.special == '_G' then name = guide.getKeyName(source) end local uri = guide.getUri(source) local global = m.declareGlobal('variable', name, uri) global:addGet(uri, source) source._globalNode = global local nxt = source.next if nxt then m.compileObject(nxt) end end) : case 'call' : call(function (source) if source.node.special == 'rawset' or source.node.special == 'rawget' then local g = source.args[1] local key = source.args[2] if g and key and g.special == '_G' then local name = guide.getKeyName(key) if name then local uri = guide.getUri(source) local global = m.declareGlobal('variable', name, uri) if source.node.special == 'rawset' then global:addSet(uri, source) source.value = source.args[3] else global:addGet(uri, source) end source._globalNode = global local nxt = source.next if nxt then m.compileObject(nxt) end end end end end) : getMap() ---@param cat '"variable"' | '"type"' | '"alias"' ---@param name string ---@param uri uri ---@return vm.node.global function m.declareGlobal(cat, name, uri) local key = cat .. '|' .. name m.globalSubs[uri][key] = true if not m.globals[key] then m.globals[key] = globalBuilder(name) end return m.globals[key] end ---@param cat '"variable"' | '"type"' | '"alias"' ---@param name string ---@param field? string ---@return vm.node.global? function m.getGlobal(cat, name, field) local key = cat .. '|' .. name if field then key = key .. m.ID_SPLITE .. field end return m.globals[key] end ---@param source parser.object function m.compileObject(source) if source._globalNode ~= nil then return end source._globalNode = false local compiler = compilerGlobalMap[source.type] if compiler then compiler(source) end end ---@param source parser.object function m.compileAst(source) local env = guide.getENV(source) m.compileObject(env) guide.eachSpecialOf(source, 'rawset', function (src) m.compileObject(src.parent) end) guide.eachSpecialOf(source, 'rawget', function (src) m.compileObject(src.parent) end) end ---@return vm.node.global function m.getNode(source) if source.type == 'field' or source.type == 'method' then source = source.parent end return source._globalNode end ---@param uri uri function m.dropUri(uri) local globalSub = m.globalSubs[uri] m.globalSubs[uri] = nil for key in pairs(globalSub) do local global = m.globals[key] global:dropUri(uri) if not global:isAlive() then m.globals[key] = nil end end end return m