local files = require 'files' local guide = require 'parser.guide' ---@class vm local vm = require 'vm.vm' local config = require 'config' local collector = require 'core.collector' 'searcher' local define = require 'proto.define' local noder = require 'core.noder' ---获取class与alias ---@param name? string ---@return parser.guide.object[] function vm.getDocDefines(uri, name) local cache = vm.getCache 'getDocDefines' if cache[name] then return cache[name] end local results = {} if name == '*' then for noders in collector:each(uri, 'def:dn:') do for id in noder.eachID(noders) do if id:sub(1, 3) == 'dn:' and not id:find(noder.SPLIT_CHAR) then for source in noder.eachSource(noders, id) do if guide.isSet(source) then results[#results+1] = source end end end end end else local id = 'dn:' .. name for noders in collector:each(uri, 'def:' .. id) do for source in noder.eachSource(noders, id) do if source.type == 'doc.class.name' or source.type == 'doc.alias.name' then results[#results+1] = source end end end end cache[name] = results return results end function vm.isDocDefined(name) if define.BuiltinType[name] then return true end local id = 'def:dn:' .. name if collector:has(id) then return true end return false end function vm.isBuiltinType(name) return define.BuiltinType[name] == true end function vm.getDocEnums(doc) if not doc then return nil end local defs = vm.getDefs(doc) local results = {} for _, def in ipairs(defs) do if def.type == 'doc.type.enum' or def.type == 'doc.resume' then results[#results+1] = def end end return results end function vm.isMetaFile(uri) local status = files.getState(uri) if not status then return false end local cache = files.getCache(uri) if cache.isMeta ~= nil then return cache.isMeta end cache.isMeta = false if not status.ast.docs then return false end for _, doc in ipairs(status.ast.docs) do if doc.type == 'doc.meta' then cache.isMeta = true return true end end return false end function vm.getValidVersions(doc) if doc.type ~= 'doc.version' then return end if doc._validVersions then return doc._validVersions end local valids = { ['Lua 5.1'] = false, ['Lua 5.2'] = false, ['Lua 5.3'] = false, ['Lua 5.4'] = false, ['LuaJIT'] = false, } for _, version in ipairs(doc.versions) do if version.ge and type(version.version) == 'number' then for ver in pairs(valids) do local verNumber = tonumber(ver:sub(-3)) if verNumber and verNumber >= version.version then valids[ver] = true end end elseif version.le and type(version.version) == 'number' then for ver in pairs(valids) do local verNumber = tonumber(ver:sub(-3)) if verNumber and verNumber <= version.version then valids[ver] = true end end elseif type(version.version) == 'number' then valids[('Lua %.1f'):format(version.version)] = true elseif 'JIT' == version.version then valids['LuaJIT'] = true end end if valids['Lua 5.1'] then valids['LuaJIT'] = true end doc._validVersions = valids return valids end local function isDeprecated(value) if not value.bindDocs then return false end if value._deprecated ~= nil then return value._deprecated end for _, doc in ipairs(value.bindDocs) do if doc.type == 'doc.deprecated' then value._deprecated = true return true elseif doc.type == 'doc.version' then local valids = vm.getValidVersions(doc) if not valids[config.get(guide.getUri(value), 'Lua.runtime.version')] then value._deprecated = true return true end end end value._deprecated = false return false end function vm.isDeprecated(value, deep) if deep then local defs = vm.getDefs(value) if #defs == 0 then return false end for _, def in ipairs(defs) do if not isDeprecated(def) then return false end end return true else return isDeprecated(value) end end local function isAsync(value) if value.type == 'function' then if not value.bindDocs then return false end if value._async ~= nil then return value._async end for _, doc in ipairs(value.bindDocs) do if doc.type == 'doc.async' then value._async = true return true end end value._async = false return false end return value.async == true end function vm.isAsync(value, deep) if isAsync(value) then return true end if deep then local defs = vm.getDefs(value) if #defs == 0 then return false end for _, def in ipairs(defs) do if isAsync(def) then return true end end end return false end local function isNoDiscard(value) if value.type == 'function' then if not value.bindDocs then return false end if value._nodiscard ~= nil then return value._nodiscard end for _, doc in ipairs(value.bindDocs) do if doc.type == 'doc.nodiscard' then value._nodiscard = true return true end end value._nodiscard = false return false end return false end function vm.isNoDiscard(value, deep) if isNoDiscard(value) then return true end if deep then local defs = vm.getDefs(value) if #defs == 0 then return false end for _, def in ipairs(defs) do if isNoDiscard(def) then return true end end end return false end local function isCalledInFunction(param) if not param.ref then return false end local func = guide.getParentFunction(param) for _, ref in ipairs(param.ref) do if ref.type == 'getlocal' then if ref.parent.type == 'call' and guide.getParentFunction(ref) == func then return true end if ref.parent.type == 'callargs' and ref.parent[1] == ref and guide.getParentFunction(ref) == func then if ref.parent.parent.node.special == 'pcall' or ref.parent.parent.node.special == 'xpcall' then return true end end end end return false end local function isLinkedCall(node, index) for _, def in ipairs(vm.getDefs(node)) do if def.type == 'function' then local param = def.args and def.args[index] if param then if isCalledInFunction(param) then return true end end end end return false end function vm.isLinkedCall(node, index) return isLinkedCall(node, index) end function vm.isAsyncCall(call) if vm.isAsync(call.node, true) then return true end if not call.args then return end for i, arg in ipairs(call.args) do if vm.isAsync(arg, true) and isLinkedCall(call.node, i) then return true end end return false end local function makeDiagRange(uri, doc, results) local names if doc.names then names = {} for i, nameUnit in ipairs(doc.names) do local name = nameUnit[1] names[name] = true end end local row = guide.rowColOf(doc.start) if doc.mode == 'disable-next-line' then results[#results+1] = { mode = 'disable', names = names, row = row + 1, source = doc, } results[#results+1] = { mode = 'enable', names = names, row = row + 2, source = doc, } elseif doc.mode == 'disable-line' then results[#results+1] = { mode = 'disable', names = names, row = row, source = doc, } results[#results+1] = { mode = 'enable', names = names, row = row + 1, source = doc, } elseif doc.mode == 'disable' then results[#results+1] = { mode = 'disable', names = names, row = row + 1, source = doc, } elseif doc.mode == 'enable' then results[#results+1] = { mode = 'enable', names = names, row = row + 1, source = doc, } end end function vm.isDiagDisabledAt(uri, position, name) local status = files.getState(uri) if not status then return false end if not status.ast.docs then return false end local cache = files.getCache(uri) if not cache.diagnosticRanges then cache.diagnosticRanges = {} for _, doc in ipairs(status.ast.docs) do if doc.type == 'doc.diagnostic' then makeDiagRange(uri, doc, cache.diagnosticRanges) end end table.sort(cache.diagnosticRanges, function (a, b) return a.row < b.row end) end if #cache.diagnosticRanges == 0 then return false end local myRow = guide.rowColOf(position) local count = 0 for _, range in ipairs(cache.diagnosticRanges) do if range.row <= myRow then if not range.names or range.names[name] then if range.mode == 'disable' then count = count + 1 elseif range.mode == 'enable' then count = count - 1 end end else break end end return count > 0 end