local tableSort = table.sort local stringRep = string.rep local tableConcat = table.concat local tostring = tostring local type = type local pairs = pairs local ipairs = ipairs local next = next local rawset = rawset local move = table.move local setmetatable = debug.setmetatable local mathType = math.type local mathCeil = math.ceil local getmetatable = getmetatable local mathAbs = math.abs local mathRandom = math.random local ioOpen = io.open local utf8Len = utf8.len local mathHuge = math.huge local inf = 1 / 0 local nan = 0 / 0 local utf8 = utf8 _ENV = nil local function isInteger(n) if mathType then return mathType(n) == 'integer' else return type(n) == 'number' and n % 1 == 0 end end local function formatNumber(n) if n == inf or n == -inf or n == nan or n ~= n then -- IEEE 标准中,NAN 不等于自己。但是某些实现中没有遵守这个规则 return ('%q'):format(n) end if isInteger(n) then return tostring(n) end local str = ('%.10f'):format(n) str = str:gsub('%.?0*$', '') return str end local TAB = setmetatable({}, { __index = function (self, n) self[n] = stringRep(' ', n) return self[n] end}) local RESERVED = { ['and'] = true, ['break'] = true, ['do'] = true, ['else'] = true, ['elseif'] = true, ['end'] = true, ['false'] = true, ['for'] = true, ['function'] = true, ['goto'] = true, ['if'] = true, ['in'] = true, ['local'] = true, ['nil'] = true, ['not'] = true, ['or'] = true, ['repeat'] = true, ['return'] = true, ['then'] = true, ['true'] = true, ['until'] = true, ['while'] = true, } local m = {} --- 打印表的结构 ---@param tbl table ---@param option table {optional = 'self'} ---@return string function m.dump(tbl, option) if not option then option = {} end if type(tbl) ~= 'table' then return ('%s'):format(tbl) end local lines = {} local mark = {} lines[#lines+1] = '{' local function unpack(tbl, deep) mark[tbl] = (mark[tbl] or 0) + 1 local keys = {} local keymap = {} local integerFormat = '[%d]' local alignment = 0 if #tbl >= 10 then local width = #tostring(#tbl) integerFormat = ('[%%0%dd]'):format(mathCeil(width)) end for key in pairs(tbl) do if type(key) == 'string' then if not key:match('^[%a_][%w_]*$') or RESERVED[key] or option['longStringKey'] then keymap[key] = ('[%q]'):format(key) else keymap[key] = ('%s'):format(key) end elseif isInteger(key) then keymap[key] = integerFormat:format(key) else keymap[key] = ('["<%s>"]'):format(tostring(key)) end keys[#keys+1] = key if option['alignment'] then if #keymap[key] > alignment then alignment = #keymap[key] end end end local mt = getmetatable(tbl) if not mt or not mt.__pairs then if option['sorter'] then option['sorter'](keys, keymap) else tableSort(keys, function (a, b) return keymap[a] < keymap[b] end) end end for _, key in ipairs(keys) do local keyWord = keymap[key] if option['noArrayKey'] and isInteger(key) and key <= #tbl then keyWord = '' else if #keyWord < alignment then keyWord = keyWord .. (' '):rep(alignment - #keyWord) .. ' = ' else keyWord = keyWord .. ' = ' end end local value = tbl[key] local tp = type(value) if option['format'] and option['format'][key] then lines[#lines+1] = ('%s%s%s,'):format(TAB[deep+1], keyWord, option['format'][key](value, unpack, deep+1)) elseif tp == 'table' then if mark[value] and mark[value] > 0 then lines[#lines+1] = ('%s%s%s,'):format(TAB[deep+1], keyWord, option['loop'] or '"<Loop>"') elseif deep >= (option['deep'] or mathHuge) then lines[#lines+1] = ('%s%s%s,'):format(TAB[deep+1], keyWord, '"<Deep>"') else lines[#lines+1] = ('%s%s{'):format(TAB[deep+1], keyWord) unpack(value, deep+1) lines[#lines+1] = ('%s},'):format(TAB[deep+1]) end elseif tp == 'string' then lines[#lines+1] = ('%s%s%q,'):format(TAB[deep+1], keyWord, value) elseif tp == 'number' then lines[#lines+1] = ('%s%s%s,'):format(TAB[deep+1], keyWord, (option['number'] or formatNumber)(value)) elseif tp == 'nil' then else lines[#lines+1] = ('%s%s%s,'):format(TAB[deep+1], keyWord, tostring(value)) end end mark[tbl] = mark[tbl] - 1 end unpack(tbl, 0) lines[#lines+1] = '}' return tableConcat(lines, '\r\n') end --- 递归判断A与B是否相等 ---@param a any ---@param b any ---@return boolean function m.equal(a, b) local tp1 = type(a) local tp2 = type(b) if tp1 ~= tp2 then return false end if tp1 == 'table' then local mark = {} for k, v in pairs(a) do mark[k] = true local res = m.equal(v, b[k]) if not res then return false end end for k in pairs(b) do if not mark[k] then return false end end return true elseif tp1 == 'number' then if mathAbs(a - b) <= 1e-10 then return true end return tostring(a) == tostring(b) else return a == b end end local function sortTable(tbl) if not tbl then tbl = {} end local mt = {} local keys = {} local mark = {} local n = 0 for key in next, tbl do n=n+1;keys[n] = key mark[key] = true end tableSort(keys) function mt:__newindex(key, value) rawset(self, key, value) n=n+1;keys[n] = key mark[key] = true if type(value) == 'table' then sortTable(value) end end function mt:__pairs() local list = {} local m = 0 for key in next, self do if not mark[key] then m=m+1;list[m] = key end end if m > 0 then move(keys, 1, n, m+1) tableSort(list) for i = 1, m do local key = list[i] keys[i] = key mark[key] = true end n = n + m end local i = 0 return function () i = i + 1 local key = keys[i] return key, self[key] end end return setmetatable(tbl, mt) end --- 创建一个有序表 ---@param tbl table {optional = 'self'} ---@return table function m.container(tbl) return sortTable(tbl) end --- 读取文件 ---@param path string function m.loadFile(path) local f, e = ioOpen(path, 'rb') if not f then return nil, e end if f:read(3) ~= '\xEF\xBB\xBF' then f:seek("set") end local buf = f:read 'a' f:close() return buf end --- 写入文件 ---@param path string ---@param content string function m.saveFile(path, content) local f, e = ioOpen(path, "wb") if f then f:write(content) f:close() return true else return false, e end end --- 计数器 ---@param init integer {optional = 'after'} ---@param step integer {optional = 'after'} ---@return fun():integer function m.counter(init, step) if not step then step = 1 end local current = init and (init - 1) or 0 return function () current = current + step return current end end --- 排序后遍历 ---@param t table function m.sortPairs(t) local keys = {} for k in pairs(t) do keys[#keys+1] = k end tableSort(keys) local i = 0 return function () i = i + 1 local k = keys[i] return k, t[k] end end --- 深拷贝(不处理元表) ---@param source table ---@param target table {optional = 'self'} function m.deepCopy(source, target) local mark = {} local function copy(a, b) if type(a) ~= 'table' then return a end if mark[a] then return mark[a] end if not b then b = {} end mark[a] = b for k, v in pairs(a) do b[copy(k)] = copy(v) end return b end return copy(source, target) end --- 序列化 function m.unpack(t) local result = {} local tid = 0 local cache = {} local function unpack(o) local id = cache[o] if not id then tid = tid + 1 id = tid cache[o] = tid if type(o) == 'table' then local new = {} result[tid] = new for k, v in next, o do new[unpack(k)] = unpack(v) end else result[id] = o end end return id end unpack(t) return result end --- 反序列化 function m.pack(t) local cache = {} local function pack(id) local o = cache[id] if o then return o end o = t[id] if type(o) == 'table' then local new = {} cache[id] = new for k, v in next, o do new[pack(k)] = pack(v) end return new else cache[id] = o return o end end return pack(1) end --- defer local deferMT = { __close = function (self) self[1]() end } function m.defer(callback) return setmetatable({ callback }, deferMT) end function m.enableCloseFunction() setmetatable(function () end, { __close = function (f) f() end }) end local esc = { ["'"] = [[\']], ['"'] = [[\"]], ['\r'] = [[\r]], ['\n'] = '\\\n', } function m.viewString(str, quo) if not quo then if str:find('[\r\n]') then quo = '[[' elseif not str:find("'", 1, true) and str:find('"', 1, true) then quo = "'" else quo = '"' end end if quo == "'" then str = str:gsub('[\000-\008\011-\012\014-\031\127]', function (char) return ('\\%03d'):format(char:byte()) end) return quo .. str:gsub([=[['\r\n]]=], esc) .. quo elseif quo == '"' then str = str:gsub('[\000-\008\011-\012\014-\031\127]', function (char) return ('\\%03d'):format(char:byte()) end) return quo .. str:gsub([=[["\r\n]]=], esc) .. quo else local eqnum = #quo - 2 local fsymb = ']' .. ('='):rep(eqnum) .. ']' if not str:find(fsymb, 1, true) then str = str:gsub('[\000-\008\011-\012\014-\031\127]', '') return quo .. str .. fsymb end for i = 0, 10 do local fsymb = ']' .. ('='):rep(i) .. ']' if not str:find(fsymb, 1, true) then local ssymb = '[' .. ('='):rep(i) .. '[' str = str:gsub('[\000-\008\011-\012\014-\031\127]', '') return ssymb .. str .. fsymb end end return m.viewString(str, '"') end end function m.viewLiteral(v) local tp = type(v) if tp == 'nil' then return 'nil' elseif tp == 'string' then return m.viewString(v) elseif tp == 'boolean' then return tostring(v) elseif tp == 'number' then if isInteger(v) then return tostring(v) else return formatNumber(v) end end return nil end function m.utf8Len(str, start, finish) local len = 0 for _ = 1, 10000 do local clen, pos = utf8Len(str, start, finish, true) if clen then len = len + clen break else len = len + 1 + utf8Len(str, start, pos - 1, true) start = pos + 1 end end return len end function m.revertTable(t) local len = #t if len <= 1 then return t end for x = 1, len // 2 do local y = len - x + 1 t[x], t[y] = t[y], t[x] end return t end function m.randomSortTable(t, max) local len = #t if len <= 1 then return t end if not max or max > len then max = len end for x = 1, max do local y = mathRandom(len) t[x], t[y] = t[y], t[x] end return t end function m.tableMultiRemove(t, index) local mark = {} for i = 1, #index do local v = index[i] mark[v] = true end local offset = 0 local me = 1 local len = #t while true do local it = me + offset if it > len then for i = me, len do t[i] = nil end break end if mark[it] then offset = offset + 1 else if me ~= it then t[me] = t[it] end me = me + 1 end end end ---遍历文本的每一行 ---@param text string ---@param keepNL boolean # 保留换行符 ---@return fun(text:string):string function m.eachLine(text, keepNL) local offset = 1 local lineCount = 0 local lastLine return function () if offset > #text then if not lastLine then lastLine = '' return '' end return nil end lineCount = lineCount + 1 local nl = text:find('[\r\n]', offset) if not nl then lastLine = text:sub(offset) offset = #text + 1 return lastLine end local line if text:sub(nl, nl + 1) == '\r\n' then if keepNL then line = text:sub(offset, nl + 1) else line = text:sub(offset, nl - 1) end offset = nl + 2 else if keepNL then line = text:sub(offset, nl) else line = text:sub(offset, nl - 1) end offset = nl + 1 end return line end end function m.sortByScore(tbl, callbacks) if type(callbacks) ~= 'table' then callbacks = { callbacks } end local size = #callbacks local scoreCache = {} for i = 1, size do scoreCache[i] = {} end tableSort(tbl, function (a, b) for i = 1, size do local callback = callbacks[i] local cache = scoreCache[i] local sa = cache[a] or callback(a) local sb = cache[b] or callback(b) cache[a] = sa cache[b] = sb if sa > sb then return true elseif sa < sb then return false end end return false end) end ---裁剪字符串 ---@param str string ---@param mode? '"left"'|'"right"' ---@return string function m.trim(str, mode) if mode == "left" then return str:gsub('^%s+', '') end if mode == "right" then return str:gsub('%s+$', '') end return str:match '^%s*(%S+)%s*$' end return m