---@diagnostic disable: deprecated local pub = require 'pub' local thread = require 'bee.thread' local await = require 'await' local timer = require 'timer' local proto = require 'proto' local vm = require 'vm' local util = require 'utility' local files = require 'files' local lang = require 'language' local ws = require 'workspace' local time = require 'bee.time' local fw = require 'filewatch' local furi = require 'file-uri' ---@class service local m = {} m.type = 'service' m.idleClock = 0.0 m.sleeping = false local function countMemory() local mems = {} local total = 0 mems[0] = collectgarbage 'count' total = total + collectgarbage 'count' for id, brave in ipairs(pub.braves) do mems[id] = brave.memory total = total + brave.memory end return total, mems end function m.reportMemoryCollect() local totalMemBefore = countMemory() local clock = os.clock() collectgarbage() local passed = os.clock() - clock local totalMemAfter, mems = countMemory() local lines = {} lines[#lines+1] = ' --------------- Memory ---------------' lines[#lines+1] = (' Total: %.3f(%.3f) MB'):format(totalMemAfter / 1000.0, totalMemBefore / 1000.0) for i = 0, #mems do lines[#lines+1] = (' # %02d : %.3f MB'):format(i, mems[i] / 1000.0) end lines[#lines+1] = (' Collect garbage takes [%.3f] sec'):format(passed) return table.concat(lines, '\n') end function m.reportMemory() local totalMem, mems = countMemory() local lines = {} lines[#lines+1] = ' --------------- Memory ---------------' lines[#lines+1] = (' Total: %.3f MB'):format(totalMem / 1000.0) for i = 0, #mems do lines[#lines+1] = (' # %02d : %.3f MB'):format(i, mems[i] / 1000.0) end return table.concat(lines, '\n') end function m.reportTask() local total = 0 local running = 0 local suspended = 0 local normal = 0 local dead = 0 for co in pairs(await.coMap) do total = total + 1 local status = coroutine.status(co) if status == 'running' then running = running + 1 elseif status == 'suspended' then suspended = suspended + 1 elseif status == 'normal' then normal = normal + 1 elseif status == 'dead' then dead = dead + 1 end end local lines = {} lines[#lines+1] = ' --------------- Coroutine ---------------' lines[#lines+1] = (' Total: %d'):format(total) lines[#lines+1] = (' Running: %d'):format(running) lines[#lines+1] = (' Suspended: %d'):format(suspended) lines[#lines+1] = (' Normal: %d'):format(normal) lines[#lines+1] = (' Dead: %d'):format(dead) return table.concat(lines, '\n') end function m.reportCache() local total = 0 local dead = 0 for cache in pairs(vm.cacheTracker) do total = total + 1 if cache.dead then dead = dead + 1 end end local lines = {} lines[#lines+1] = ' --------------- Cache ---------------' lines[#lines+1] = (' Total: %d'):format(total) lines[#lines+1] = (' Dead: %d'):format(dead) return table.concat(lines, '\n') end function m.reportProto() local holdon = 0 local waiting = 0 for _ in pairs(proto.holdon) do holdon = holdon + 1 end for _ in pairs(proto.waiting) do waiting = waiting + 1 end local lines = {} lines[#lines+1] = ' --------------- RPC ---------------' lines[#lines+1] = (' Holdon: %d'):format(holdon) lines[#lines+1] = (' Waiting: %d'):format(waiting) return table.concat(lines, '\n') end function m.report() local t = timer.loop(60.0, function () local lines = {} lines[#lines+1] = '' lines[#lines+1] = '========= Medical Examination Report =========' lines[#lines+1] = m.reportMemory() lines[#lines+1] = m.reportTask() lines[#lines+1] = m.reportCache() lines[#lines+1] = m.reportProto() lines[#lines+1] = '==============================================' log.debug(table.concat(lines, '\n')) end) t:onTimer() end function m.eventLoop() pub.task('timer', 1) pub.on('wakeup', function () m.reportStatus() fw.update() end) local function busy() if not m.workingClock then m.workingClock = time.monotonic() m.reportStatus() end end local function idle() if m.workingClock then m.workingClock = nil m.reportStatus() end end local function doSomething() pub.step(false) if not await.step() then return false end busy() return true end local function sleep() idle() for _ = 1, 10 do thread.sleep(0.1) if doSomething() then return end end pub.step(true) end while true do if doSomething() then goto CONTINUE end timer.update() if doSomething() then goto CONTINUE end sleep() ::CONTINUE:: end end local showStatusTip = math.random(100) == 1 function m.reportStatus() local info = {} if m.workingClock and time.monotonic() - m.workingClock > 100 then info.text = '$(loading~spin)Lua' elseif m.sleeping then info.text = "💤Lua" else info.text = '😺Lua' end local tooltips = {} local params = { ast = files.astCount, max = files.fileCount, mem = collectgarbage('count') / 1000, } for i, scp in ipairs(ws.folders) do tooltips[i] = lang.script('WINDOW_LUA_STATUS_WORKSPACE', furi.decode(scp.uri)) end tooltips[#tooltips+1] = lang.script('WINDOW_LUA_STATUS_CACHED_FILES', params) tooltips[#tooltips+1] = lang.script('WINDOW_LUA_STATUS_MEMORY_COUNT', params) if showStatusTip then tooltips[#tooltips+1] = lang.script('WINDOW_LUA_STATUS_TIP') end info.tooltip = table.concat(tooltips, '\n') if util.equal(m.lastInfo, info) then return end m.lastInfo = info proto.notify('$/status/report', info) end function m.testVersion() local stack = debug.setcstacklimit(200) debug.setcstacklimit(stack + 1) if debug.setcstacklimit(stack) == stack + 1 then proto.notify('window/showMessage', { type = 2, message = 'It seems to be running in Lua 5.4.0 or Lua 5.4.1 . Please upgrade to Lua 5.4.2 or above. Otherwise, it may encounter weird "C stack overflow", resulting in failure to work properly', }) end end function m.start() util.enableCloseFunction() await.setErrorHandle(log.error) pub.recruitBraves(4) proto.listen() m.report() m.testVersion() require 'provider' m.eventLoop() end return m