local util = require 'utility' local cap = require 'provider.capability' local await = require 'await' local files = require 'files' local proto = require 'proto.proto' local define = require 'proto.define' local workspace = require 'workspace' local config = require 'config' local library = require 'library' local client = require 'client' local pub = require 'pub' local lang = require 'language' local progress = require 'progress' local tm = require 'text-merger' local cfgLoader = require 'config.loader' local converter = require 'proto.converter' local filewatch = require 'filewatch' local json = require 'json' local scope = require 'workspace.scope' local furi = require 'file-uri' local inspect = require 'inspect' local markdown = require 'provider.markdown' local guide = require 'parser.guide' local fs = require 'bee.filesystem' local jumpSource = require 'core.jump-source' ---@async local function updateConfig(uri) config.addNullSymbol(json.null) local specified = cfgLoader.loadLocalConfig(uri, CONFIGPATH) if specified then log.info('Load config from specified', CONFIGPATH) log.info(inspect(specified)) -- watch directory filewatch.watch(workspace.getAbsolutePath(uri, CONFIGPATH):gsub('[^/\\]+$', '')) config.update(scope.override, specified) end for _, folder in ipairs(scope.folders) do local clientConfig = cfgLoader.loadClientConfig(folder.uri) if clientConfig then log.info('Load config from client', folder.uri) log.info(inspect(clientConfig)) end local rc = cfgLoader.loadRCConfig(folder.uri, '.luarc.json') or cfgLoader.loadRCConfig(folder.uri, '.luarc.jsonc') if rc then log.info('Load config from .luarc.json/.luarc.jsonc', folder.uri) log.info(inspect(rc)) end config.update(folder, clientConfig, rc) end local global = cfgLoader.loadClientConfig() log.info('Load config from client', 'fallback') log.info(inspect(global)) config.update(scope.fallback, global) end ---@class provider local m = {} m.attributes = {} function m.register(method) return function (attrs) m.attributes[method] = attrs if attrs.preview and not PREVIEW then return end if attrs.capability then cap.filling(attrs.capability) end proto.on(method, attrs[1]) end end filewatch.event(function (ev, path) ---@async if (CONFIGPATH and util.stringEndWith(path, CONFIGPATH)) then for _, scp in ipairs(workspace.folders) do local configPath = workspace.getAbsolutePath(scp.uri, CONFIGPATH) if path == configPath then updateConfig(scp.uri) end end end if util.stringEndWith(path, '.luarc.json') then for _, scp in ipairs(workspace.folders) do local rcPath = workspace.getAbsolutePath(scp.uri, '.luarc.json') if path == rcPath then updateConfig(scp.uri) end end end if util.stringEndWith(path, '.luarc.jsonc') then for _, scp in ipairs(workspace.folders) do local rcPath = workspace.getAbsolutePath(scp.uri, '.luarc.jsonc') if path == rcPath then updateConfig(scp.uri) end end end end) m.register 'initialize' { function (params) client.init(params) if params.rootUri then workspace.initRoot(params.rootUri) end if params.workspaceFolders then for _, folder in ipairs(params.workspaceFolders) do workspace.create(folder.uri) end elseif params.rootUri then workspace.create(params.rootUri) end return { capabilities = cap.getProvider(), serverInfo = { name = 'sumneko.lua', }, } end } m.register 'initialized'{ ---@async function (params) files.init() local _ = progress.create(workspace.getFirstScope().uri, lang.script.WINDOW_INITIALIZING, 0.5) updateConfig() local registrations = {} if client.getAbility 'workspace.didChangeConfiguration.dynamicRegistration' then -- 监视配置变化 registrations[#registrations+1] = { id = 'workspace/didChangeConfiguration', method = 'workspace/didChangeConfiguration', } end if #registrations ~= 0 then proto.awaitRequest('client/registerCapability', { registrations = registrations }) end client.setReady() workspace.init() return true end } m.register 'exit' { function () log.info('Server exited.') os.exit(true) end } m.register 'shutdown' { function () log.info('Server shutdown.') return true end } m.register 'workspace/didChangeConfiguration' { function () ---@async if CONFIGPATH then return end updateConfig() end } m.register 'workspace/didCreateFiles' { ---@async function (params) log.debug('workspace/didCreateFiles', inspect(params)) for _, file in ipairs(params.files) do if workspace.isValidLuaUri(file.uri) then files.setText(file.uri, util.loadFile(furi.decode(file.uri)), false) end end end } m.register 'workspace/didDeleteFiles' { function (params) log.debug('workspace/didDeleteFiles', inspect(params)) for _, file in ipairs(params.files) do files.remove(file.uri) local childs = files.getChildFiles(file.uri) for _, uri in ipairs(childs) do log.debug('workspace/didDeleteFiles#child', uri) files.remove(uri) end end end } m.register 'workspace/didRenameFiles' { ---@async function (params) log.debug('workspace/didRenameFiles', inspect(params)) for _, file in ipairs(params.files) do local text = files.getOriginText(file.oldUri) if text then files.remove(file.oldUri) if workspace.isValidLuaUri(file.newUri) then files.setText(file.newUri, text, false) end end local childs = files.getChildFiles(file.oldUri) for _, uri in ipairs(childs) do local ctext = files.getOriginText(uri) if ctext then local ouri = uri local tail = ouri:sub(#file.oldUri) local nuri = file.newUri .. tail log.debug('workspace/didRenameFiles#child', ouri, nuri) files.remove(uri) if workspace.isValidLuaUri(nuri) then files.setText(nuri, text, false) end end end end end } m.register 'workspace/didChangeWorkspaceFolders' { capability = { workspace = { workspaceFolders = { supported = true, changeNotifications = true, }, }, }, ---@async function (params) log.debug('workspace/didChangeWorkspaceFolders', inspect(params)) for _, folder in ipairs(params.event.added) do workspace.create(folder.uri) updateConfig() workspace.reload(scope.getScope(folder.uri)) end for _, folder in ipairs(params.event.removed) do workspace.remove(folder.uri) end end } m.register 'textDocument/didOpen' { function (params) local doc = params.textDocument local scheme = furi.split(doc.uri) local supports = config.get(doc.uri, 'Lua.workspace.supportScheme') if not util.arrayHas(supports, scheme) then return end local uri = files.getRealUri(doc.uri) log.debug('didOpen', uri) local text = doc.text files.setText(uri, text, true, function (file) file.version = doc.version end) files.open(uri) end } m.register 'textDocument/didClose' { function (params) local doc = params.textDocument local uri = files.getRealUri(doc.uri) log.debug('didClose', uri) files.close(uri) if not files.isLua(uri) then files.remove(uri) end end } m.register 'textDocument/didChange' { ---@async function (params) local doc = params.textDocument local scheme = furi.split(doc.uri) local supports = config.get(doc.uri, 'Lua.workspace.supportScheme') if not util.arrayHas(supports, scheme) then return end local changes = params.contentChanges local uri = files.getRealUri(doc.uri) local text = files.getOriginText(uri) if not text then files.setText(uri, pub.awaitTask('loadFile', furi.decode(uri)), false) return end local rows = files.getCachedRows(uri) text, rows = tm(text, rows, changes) files.setText(uri, text, true, function (file) file.version = doc.version end) files.setCachedRows(uri, rows) end } m.register 'textDocument/hover' { capability = { hoverProvider = true, }, abortByFileUpdate = true, ---@async function (params) local doc = params.textDocument local uri = files.getRealUri(doc.uri) if not config.get(uri, 'Lua.hover.enable') then return end if not workspace.isReady(uri) then local count, max = workspace.getLoadingProcess(uri) return { contents = { value = lang.script('HOVER_WS_LOADING', count, max), kind = 'markdown', } } end local _ = progress.create(uri, lang.script.WINDOW_PROCESSING_HOVER, 0.5) local core = require 'core.hover' if not files.exists(uri) then return nil end local pos = converter.unpackPosition(uri, params.position) local hover, source = core.byUri(uri, pos) if not hover or not source then return nil end return { contents = { value = tostring(hover), kind = 'markdown', }, range = converter.packRange(uri, source.start, source.finish), } end } m.register 'textDocument/definition' { capability = { definitionProvider = true, }, abortByFileUpdate = true, ---@async function (params) local uri = files.getRealUri(params.textDocument.uri) workspace.awaitReady(uri) if not files.exists(uri) then return nil end local _ = progress.create(uri, lang.script.WINDOW_PROCESSING_DEFINITION, 0.5) local core = require 'core.definition' local pos = converter.unpackPosition(uri, params.position) local result = core(uri, pos) if not result then return nil end local response = {} for i, info in ipairs(result) do local targetUri = info.uri if targetUri then if client.getAbility 'textDocument.definition.linkSupport' then response[i] = converter.locationLink(targetUri , converter.packRange(targetUri, info.target.start, info.target.finish) , converter.packRange(targetUri, info.target.start, info.target.finish) , converter.packRange(uri, info.source.start, info.source.finish) ) else response[i] = converter.location(targetUri , converter.packRange(targetUri, info.target.start, info.target.finish) ) end end end return response end } m.register 'textDocument/typeDefinition' { capability = { typeDefinitionProvider = true, }, abortByFileUpdate = true, ---@async function (params) local uri = files.getRealUri(params.textDocument.uri) workspace.awaitReady(uri) if not files.exists(uri) then return nil end local _ = progress.create(uri, lang.script.WINDOW_PROCESSING_TYPE_DEFINITION, 0.5) local core = require 'core.type-definition' local pos = converter.unpackPosition(uri, params.position) local result = core(uri, pos) if not result then return nil end local response = {} for i, info in ipairs(result) do local targetUri = info.uri if targetUri then if client.getAbility 'textDocument.typeDefinition.linkSupport' then response[i] = converter.locationLink(targetUri , converter.packRange(targetUri, info.target.start, info.target.finish) , converter.packRange(targetUri, info.target.start, info.target.finish) , converter.packRange(uri, info.source.start, info.source.finish) ) else response[i] = converter.location(targetUri , converter.packRange(targetUri, info.target.start, info.target.finish) ) end end end return response end } m.register 'textDocument/references' { capability = { referencesProvider = true, }, abortByFileUpdate = true, ---@async function (params) local uri = files.getRealUri(params.textDocument.uri) workspace.awaitReady(uri) if not files.exists(uri) then return nil end local _ = progress.create(uri, lang.script.WINDOW_PROCESSING_REFERENCE, 0.5) local core = require 'core.reference' local pos = converter.unpackPosition(uri, params.position) local result = core(uri, pos) if not result then return nil end local response = {} for i, info in ipairs(result) do local targetUri = info.uri response[i] = converter.location(targetUri , converter.packRange(targetUri, info.target.start, info.target.finish) ) end return response end } m.register 'textDocument/documentHighlight' { capability = { documentHighlightProvider = true, }, ---@async function (params) local core = require 'core.highlight' local uri = files.getRealUri(params.textDocument.uri) workspace.awaitReady(uri) if not files.exists(uri) then return nil end local pos = converter.unpackPosition(uri, params.position) local result = core(uri, pos) if not result then return nil end local response = {} for _, info in ipairs(result) do response[#response+1] = { range = converter.packRange(uri, info.start, info.finish), kind = info.kind, } end return response end } m.register 'textDocument/rename' { capability = { renameProvider = { prepareProvider = true, }, }, abortByFileUpdate = true, ---@async function (params) local uri = files.getRealUri(params.textDocument.uri) workspace.awaitReady(uri) if not files.exists(uri) then return nil end local _ = progress.create(uri, lang.script.WINDOW_PROCESSING_RENAME, 0.5) local core = require 'core.rename' local pos = converter.unpackPosition(uri, params.position) local result = core.rename(uri, pos, params.newName) if not result then return nil end local workspaceEdit = { changes = {}, } for _, info in ipairs(result) do local ruri = info.uri if not workspaceEdit.changes[ruri] then workspaceEdit.changes[ruri] = {} end local textEdit = converter.textEdit(converter.packRange(ruri, info.start, info.finish), info.text) workspaceEdit.changes[ruri][#workspaceEdit.changes[ruri]+1] = textEdit end return workspaceEdit end } m.register 'textDocument/prepareRename' { abortByFileUpdate = true, function (params) local core = require 'core.rename' local uri = files.getRealUri(params.textDocument.uri) if not files.exists(uri) then return nil end local pos = converter.unpackPosition(uri, params.position) local result = core.prepareRename(uri, pos) if not result then return nil end return { range = converter.packRange(uri, result.start, result.finish), placeholder = result.text, } end } m.register 'textDocument/completion' { ---@async function (params) local uri = files.getRealUri(params.textDocument.uri) if not workspace.isReady(uri) then local count, max = workspace.getLoadingProcess(uri) return { { label = lang.script('HOVER_WS_LOADING', count, max), textEdit = { range = { start = params.position, ['end'] = params.position, }, newText = '', }, } } end local _ = progress.create(uri, lang.script.WINDOW_PROCESSING_COMPLETION, 0.5) --log.info(util.dump(params)) local core = require 'core.completion' --log.debug('textDocument/completion') --log.debug('completion:', params.context and params.context.triggerKind, params.context and params.context.triggerCharacter) if not files.exists(uri) then return nil end local triggerCharacter = params.context and params.context.triggerCharacter if config.get(uri, 'editor.acceptSuggestionOnEnter') ~= 'off' then if triggerCharacter == '\n' or triggerCharacter == '{' or triggerCharacter == ',' then return end end --await.setPriority(1000) local clock = os.clock() local pos = converter.unpackPosition(uri, params.position) local result = core.completion(uri, pos, triggerCharacter) local passed = os.clock() - clock if passed > 0.1 then log.warn(('Completion takes %.3f sec.'):format(passed)) end if not result then return nil end tracy.ZoneBeginN 'completion make' local _ = tracy.ZoneEnd local easy = false local items = {} for i, res in ipairs(result) do local item = { label = res.label, kind = res.kind, detail = res.detail, deprecated = res.deprecated, sortText = res.sortText or ('%04d'):format(i), filterText = res.filterText, insertText = res.insertText, insertTextFormat = 2, commitCharacters = res.commitCharacters, command = res.command, textEdit = res.textEdit and { range = converter.packRange( uri, res.textEdit.start, res.textEdit.finish ), newText = res.textEdit.newText, }, additionalTextEdits = res.additionalTextEdits and (function () local t = {} for j, edit in ipairs(res.additionalTextEdits) do t[j] = { range = converter.packRange( uri, edit.start, edit.finish ), newText = edit.newText, } end return t end)(), documentation = res.description and { value = tostring(res.description), kind = 'markdown', }, } if res.id then if easy and os.clock() - clock < 0.05 then local resolved = core.resolve(res.id) if resolved then item.detail = resolved.detail item.documentation = resolved.description and { value = tostring(resolved.description), kind = 'markdown', } end else easy = false item.data = { uri = uri, id = res.id, } end end items[i] = item end if result.incomplete == nil then result.incomplete = false end return { isIncomplete = result.incomplete, items = items, } end } m.register 'completionItem/resolve' { ---@async function (item) local core = require 'core.completion' if not item.data then return item end local id = item.data.id local uri = item.data.uri --await.setPriority(1000) local resolved = core.resolve(id) if not resolved then return nil end item.detail = resolved.detail or item.detail item.documentation = resolved.description and { value = tostring(resolved.description), kind = 'markdown', } or item.documentation item.additionalTextEdits = resolved.additionalTextEdits and (function () local t = {} for j, edit in ipairs(resolved.additionalTextEdits) do t[j] = { range = converter.packRange( uri, edit.start, edit.finish ), newText = edit.newText, } end return t end)() or item.additionalTextEdits return item end } m.register 'textDocument/signatureHelp' { capability = { signatureHelpProvider = { triggerCharacters = { '(', ',' }, }, }, abortByFileUpdate = true, ---@async function (params) local uri = files.getRealUri(params.textDocument.uri) if not config.get(uri, 'Lua.signatureHelp.enable') then return nil end workspace.awaitReady(uri) if not files.exists(uri) then return nil end local _ = progress.create(uri, lang.script.WINDOW_PROCESSING_SIGNATURE, 0.5) local pos = converter.unpackPosition(uri, params.position) local core = require 'core.signature' local results = core(uri, pos) if not results then return nil end local infos = {} for i, result in ipairs(results) do local parameters = {} for j, param in ipairs(result.params) do parameters[j] = { label = { param.label[1], param.label[2], } } end infos[i] = { label = result.label, parameters = parameters, activeParameter = result.index - 1, documentation = result.description and { value = tostring(result.description), kind = 'markdown', }, } end return { signatures = infos, } end } m.register 'textDocument/documentSymbol' { capability = { documentSymbolProvider = true, }, abortByFileUpdate = true, ---@async function (params) local uri = files.getRealUri(params.textDocument.uri) workspace.awaitReady(uri) local _ = progress.create(uri, lang.script.WINDOW_PROCESSING_SYMBOL, 0.5) local core = require 'core.document-symbol' local symbols = core(uri) if not symbols then return nil end ---@async local function convert(symbol) await.delay() symbol.range = converter.packRange( uri, symbol.range[1], symbol.range[2] ) symbol.selectionRange = converter.packRange( uri, symbol.selectionRange[1], symbol.selectionRange[2] ) if symbol.name == '' then symbol.name = lang.script.SYMBOL_ANONYMOUS end symbol.valueRange = nil if symbol.children then for _, child in ipairs(symbol.children) do convert(child) end end end for _, symbol in ipairs(symbols) do convert(symbol) end return symbols end } m.register 'textDocument/codeAction' { capability = { codeActionProvider = { codeActionKinds = { '', 'quickfix', 'refactor.rewrite', 'refactor.extract', }, resolveProvider = false, }, }, abortByFileUpdate = true, function (params) local core = require 'core.code-action' local uri = files.getRealUri(params.textDocument.uri) local range = params.range local diagnostics = params.context.diagnostics if not files.exists(uri) then return nil end local start, finish = converter.unpackRange(uri, range) local results = core(uri, start, finish, diagnostics) if not results or #results == 0 then return nil end for _, res in ipairs(results) do if res.edit then for turi, changes in pairs(res.edit.changes) do for _, change in ipairs(changes) do change.range = converter.packRange(turi, change.start, change.finish) change.start = nil change.finish = nil end end end end return results end } m.register 'workspace/executeCommand' { capability = { executeCommandProvider = { commands = { 'lua.removeSpace', 'lua.solve', 'lua.jsonToLua', 'lua.setConfig', 'lua.autoRequire', }, }, }, ---@async function (params) local command = params.command:gsub(':.+', '') if command == 'lua.removeSpace' then local core = require 'core.command.removeSpace' return core(params.arguments[1]) elseif command == 'lua.solve' then local core = require 'core.command.solve' return core(params.arguments[1]) elseif command == 'lua.jsonToLua' then local core = require 'core.command.jsonToLua' return core(params.arguments[1]) elseif command == 'lua.setConfig' then local core = require 'core.command.setConfig' return core(params.arguments[1]) elseif command == 'lua.autoRequire' then local core = require 'core.command.autoRequire' return core(params.arguments[1]) end end } m.register 'workspace/symbol' { capability = { workspaceSymbolProvider = true, }, abortByFileUpdate = true, ---@async function (params) local _ = progress.create(workspace.getFirstScope().uri, lang.script.WINDOW_PROCESSING_WS_SYMBOL, 0.5) local core = require 'core.workspace-symbol' local symbols = core(params.query) if not symbols or #symbols == 0 then return nil end local function convert(symbol) symbol.location = converter.location( symbol.uri, converter.packRange( symbol.uri, symbol.range[1], symbol.range[2] ) ) symbol.uri = nil end for _, symbol in ipairs(symbols) do convert(symbol) end return symbols end } local function toArray(map) local array = {} for k in pairs(map) do array[#array+1] = k end table.sort(array, function (a, b) return map[a] < map[b] end) return array end client.event(function (ev) if ev == 'init' then if not client.isVSCode() then m.register 'textDocument/semanticTokens/full' { capability = { semanticTokensProvider = { legend = { tokenTypes = toArray(define.TokenTypes), tokenModifiers = toArray(define.TokenModifiers), }, full = true, }, }, ---@async function (params) log.debug('textDocument/semanticTokens/full') local uri = files.getRealUri(params.textDocument.uri) workspace.awaitReady(uri) local _ = progress.create(uri, lang.script.WINDOW_PROCESSING_SEMANTIC_FULL, 0.5) local core = require 'core.semantic-tokens' local results = core(uri, 0, math.huge) return { data = results } end } end end end) m.register 'textDocument/semanticTokens/range' { capability = { semanticTokensProvider = { legend = { tokenTypes = toArray(define.TokenTypes), tokenModifiers = toArray(define.TokenModifiers), }, range = true, }, }, ---@async function (params) log.debug('textDocument/semanticTokens/range') local uri = files.getRealUri(params.textDocument.uri) workspace.awaitReady(uri) local _ = progress.create(uri, lang.script.WINDOW_PROCESSING_SEMANTIC_RANGE, 0.5) local core = require 'core.semantic-tokens' local start, finish = converter.unpackRange(uri, params.range) local results = core(uri, start, finish) return { data = results } end } m.register 'textDocument/foldingRange' { capability = { foldingRangeProvider = true, }, ---@async function (params) local core = require 'core.folding' local uri = files.getRealUri(params.textDocument.uri) workspace.awaitReady(uri) if not files.exists(uri) then return nil end local regions = core(uri) if not regions then return nil end local results = {} for _, region in ipairs(regions) do local startLine = converter.packPosition(uri, region.start).line local endLine = converter.packPosition(uri, region.finish).line if not region.hideLastLine then endLine = endLine - 1 end if startLine < endLine then results[#results+1] = { startLine = startLine, endLine = endLine, kind = region.kind, } end end return results end } m.register 'window/workDoneProgress/cancel' { function (params) log.debug('close proto(cancel):', params.token) progress.cancel(params.token) end } m.register '$/status/click' { ---@async function () local titleDiagnostic = lang.script.WINDOW_LUA_STATUS_DIAGNOSIS_TITLE local result = client.awaitRequestMessage('Info', lang.script.WINDOW_LUA_STATUS_DIAGNOSIS_MSG, { titleDiagnostic, DEVELOP and 'Restart Server', }) if not result then return end if result == titleDiagnostic then local diagnostic = require 'provider.diagnostic' for _, scp in ipairs(workspace.folders) do diagnostic.diagnosticsScope(scp.uri, true) end elseif result == 'Restart Server' then local diag = require 'provider.diagnostic' diag.clearAll(true) os.exit(0, true) end end } m.register 'textDocument/formatting' { capability = { documentFormattingProvider = true, }, ---@async function(params) local uri = files.getRealUri(params.textDocument.uri) if not files.exists(uri) then return nil end if not config.get(uri, 'Lua.format.enable') then return nil end local pformatting = require 'provider.formatting' pformatting.updateConfig(uri) local core = require 'core.formatting' local edits = core(uri, params.options) if not edits or #edits == 0 then return nil end local results = {} for i, edit in ipairs(edits) do results[i] = { range = converter.packRange(uri, edit.start, edit.finish), newText = edit.text, } end return results end } m.register 'textDocument/rangeFormatting' { capability = { documentRangeFormattingProvider = true, }, ---@async function(params) local uri = files.getRealUri(params.textDocument.uri) if not files.exists(uri) then return nil end if not config.get(uri, 'Lua.format.enable') then return nil end local pformatting = require 'provider.formatting' pformatting.updateConfig(uri) local core = require 'core.rangeformatting' local edits = core(uri, params.range, params.options) if not edits or #edits == 0 then return nil end local results = {} for i, edit in ipairs(edits) do results[i] = { range = converter.packRange(uri, edit.start, edit.finish), newText = edit.text, } end return results end } m.register 'textDocument/onTypeFormatting' { capability = { documentOnTypeFormattingProvider = { firstTriggerCharacter = '\n', moreTriggerCharacter = nil, -- string[] }, }, abortByFileUpdate = true, ---@async function (params) local uri = files.getRealUri(params.textDocument.uri) workspace.awaitReady(uri) local _ = progress.create(uri, lang.script.WINDOW_PROCESSING_TYPE_FORMATTING, 0.5) local ch = params.ch if not files.exists(uri) then return nil end local core = require 'core.type-formatting' local pos = converter.unpackPosition(uri, params.position) local edits = core(uri, pos, ch) if not edits or #edits == 0 then return nil end local tab = '\t' if params.options.insertSpaces then tab = (' '):rep(params.options.tabSize) end local results = {} for i, edit in ipairs(edits) do results[i] = { range = converter.packRange(uri, edit.start, edit.finish), newText = edit.text:gsub('\t', tab), } end return results end } m.register '$/cancelRequest' { function (params) proto.close(params.id, define.ErrorCodes.RequestCancelled, 'Request cancelled.') end } m.register '$/requestHint' { ---@async function (params) local uri = files.getRealUri(params.textDocument.uri) if not config.get(uri, 'Lua.hint.enable') then return end workspace.awaitReady(uri) local core = require 'core.hint' local start, finish = converter.unpackRange(uri, params.range) local results = core(uri, start, finish) local hintResults = {} for i, res in ipairs(results) do hintResults[i] = { text = res.text, pos = converter.packPosition(uri, res.offset), kind = res.kind, } end return hintResults end } m.register 'textDocument/inlayHint' { capability = { inlayHintProvider = { resolveProvider = true, }, }, ---@async function (params) local uri = files.getRealUri(params.textDocument.uri) if not config.get(uri, 'Lua.hint.enable') then return end workspace.awaitReady(uri) local core = require 'core.hint' local start, finish = converter.unpackRange(uri, params.range) local results = core(uri, start, finish) local hintResults = {} for i, res in ipairs(results) do hintResults[i] = { label = { { value = res.text, tooltip = res.tooltip, location = res.source and converter.location( guide.getUri(res.source), converter.packRange( guide.getUri(res.source), res.source.start, res.source.finish ) ), }, }, position = converter.packPosition(uri, res.offset), kind = res.kind, paddingLeft = true, paddingRight = true, } end return hintResults end } m.register 'inlayHint/resolve' { capability = { inlayHintProvider = { resolveProvider = true, }, }, ---@async function (hint) return hint end } m.register 'textDocument/diagnostic' { preview = true, capability = { diagnosticProvider = { identifier = 'identifier', interFileDependencies = true, workspaceDiagnostics = false, } }, ---@async function (params) local uri = files.getRealUri(params.textDocument.uri) workspace.awaitReady(uri) local core = require 'provider.diagnostic' -- TODO: do some trick core.doDiagnostic(uri) return { kind = 'unchanged', resultId = uri, } --if not params.previousResultId then -- core.clearCache(uri) --end --local results, unchanged = core.pullDiagnostic(uri, false) --if unchanged then -- return { -- kind = 'unchanged', -- resultId = uri, -- } --else -- return { -- kind = 'full', -- resultId = uri, -- items = results or {}, -- } --end end } m.register 'workspace/diagnostic' { --preview = true, --capability = { -- diagnosticProvider = { -- workspaceDiagnostics = false, -- } --}, ---@async function (params) local core = require 'provider.diagnostic' local excepts = {} for _, id in ipairs(params.previousResultIds) do excepts[#excepts+1] = id.value end core.clearCacheExcept(excepts) local function convertItem(result) if result.unchanged then return { kind = 'unchanged', resultId = result.uri, uri = result.uri, version = result.version, } else return { kind = 'full', resultId = result.uri, items = result.result or {}, uri = result.uri, version = result.version, } end end core.pullDiagnosticScope(function (result) proto.notify('$/progress', { token = params.partialResultToken, value = { items = { convertItem(result) } } }) end) return { items = {} } end } m.register '$/api/report' { ---@async function (params) local buildMeta = require 'provider.build-meta' local SDBMHash = require 'SDBMHash' await.close 'api/report' await.setID 'api/report' local name = params.name or 'default' local uri = workspace.getFirstScope().uri local hash = uri and ('%08x'):format(SDBMHash():hash(uri)) local encoding = config.get(nil, 'Lua.runtime.fileEncoding') local nameBuf = {} nameBuf[#nameBuf+1] = name nameBuf[#nameBuf+1] = hash nameBuf[#nameBuf+1] = encoding local fileDir = METAPATH .. '/' .. table.concat(nameBuf, ' ') fs.create_directories(fs.path(fileDir)) buildMeta.build(fileDir, params) client.setConfig { { key = 'Lua.workspace.library', action = 'add', value = fileDir, } } end } local function refreshStatusBar() local valid = config.get(nil, 'Lua.window.statusBar') for _, scp in ipairs(workspace.folders) do if not config.get(scp.uri, 'Lua.window.statusBar') then valid = false break end end if valid then proto.notify('$/status/show') else proto.notify('$/status/hide') end end config.watch(function (uri, key, value) if key == 'Lua.window.statusBar' or key == '' then refreshStatusBar() end end) m.register '$/status/refresh' { refreshStatusBar } files.watch(function (ev, uri) if not workspace.isReady(uri) then return end if ev == 'update' or ev == 'remove' then for id, p in pairs(proto.holdon) do if m.attributes[p.method].abortByFileUpdate then log.debug('close proto(ContentModified):', id, p.method) proto.close(id, define.ErrorCodes.ContentModified, 'Content modified.') end end end end)