local util = require 'utility' local error = error local type = type local next = next local tostring = tostring local print = print local ipairs = ipairs local tableInsert = table.insert local tableUnpack = table.unpack local tableRemove = table.remove local tableMove = table.move local tableSort = table.sort local tableConcat = table.concat local mathType = math.type local pairs = pairs local setmetatable = setmetatable local assert = assert local select = select local osClock = os.clock local tonumber = tonumber local tointeger = math.tointeger local DEVELOP = _G.DEVELOP local log = log local _G = _G ---@class parser.guide.object local function logWarn(...) log.warn(...) end ---@class guide ---@field debugMode boolean local m = {} m.ANY = {""} local blockTypes = { ['while'] = true, ['in'] = true, ['loop'] = true, ['repeat'] = true, ['do'] = true, ['function'] = true, ['ifblock'] = true, ['elseblock'] = true, ['elseifblock'] = true, ['main'] = true, } local breakBlockTypes = { ['while'] = true, ['in'] = true, ['loop'] = true, ['repeat'] = true, } m.childMap = { ['main'] = {'#', 'docs'}, ['repeat'] = {'#', 'filter'}, ['while'] = {'filter', '#'}, ['in'] = {'keys', '#'}, ['loop'] = {'loc', 'max', 'step', '#'}, ['if'] = {'#'}, ['ifblock'] = {'filter', '#'}, ['elseifblock'] = {'filter', '#'}, ['elseblock'] = {'#'}, ['setfield'] = {'node', 'field', 'value'}, ['setglobal'] = {'value'}, ['local'] = {'attrs', 'value'}, ['setlocal'] = {'value'}, ['return'] = {'#'}, ['do'] = {'#'}, ['select'] = {'vararg'}, ['table'] = {'#'}, ['tableindex'] = {'index', 'value'}, ['tablefield'] = {'field', 'value'}, ['function'] = {'args', '#'}, ['funcargs'] = {'#'}, ['setmethod'] = {'node', 'method', 'value'}, ['getmethod'] = {'node', 'method'}, ['setindex'] = {'node', 'index', 'value'}, ['getindex'] = {'node', 'index'}, ['paren'] = {'exp'}, ['call'] = {'node', 'args'}, ['callargs'] = {'#'}, ['getfield'] = {'node', 'field'}, ['list'] = {'#'}, ['binary'] = {1, 2}, ['unary'] = {1}, ['doc'] = {'#'}, ['doc.class'] = {'class', '#extends', 'comment'}, ['doc.type'] = {'#types', '#enums', 'name', 'comment'}, ['doc.alias'] = {'alias', 'extends', 'comment'}, ['doc.param'] = {'param', 'extends', 'comment'}, ['doc.return'] = {'#returns', 'comment'}, ['doc.field'] = {'field', 'extends', 'comment'}, ['doc.generic'] = {'#generics', 'comment'}, ['doc.generic.object'] = {'generic', 'extends', 'comment'}, ['doc.vararg'] = {'vararg', 'comment'}, ['doc.type.array'] = {'node'}, ['doc.type.table'] = {'node', 'key', 'value', 'comment'}, ['doc.type.function'] = {'#args', '#returns', 'comment'}, ['doc.type.typeliteral'] = {'node'}, ['doc.type.arg'] = {'extends'}, ['doc.overload'] = {'overload', 'comment'}, ['doc.see'] = {'name', 'field'}, } m.actionMap = { ['main'] = {'#'}, ['repeat'] = {'#'}, ['while'] = {'#'}, ['in'] = {'#'}, ['loop'] = {'#'}, ['if'] = {'#'}, ['ifblock'] = {'#'}, ['elseifblock'] = {'#'}, ['elseblock'] = {'#'}, ['do'] = {'#'}, ['function'] = {'#'}, ['funcargs'] = {'#'}, } local TypeSort = { ['boolean'] = 1, ['string'] = 2, ['integer'] = 3, ['number'] = 4, ['table'] = 5, ['function'] = 6, ['true'] = 101, ['false'] = 102, ['nil'] = 999, } local NIL = setmetatable({''}, { __tostring = function () return 'nil' end }) --- 是否是字面量 ---@param obj parser.guide.object ---@return boolean function m.isLiteral(obj) local tp = obj.type return tp == 'nil' or tp == 'boolean' or tp == 'string' or tp == 'number' or tp == 'table' or tp == 'function' end --- 获取字面量 ---@param obj parser.guide.object ---@return any function m.getLiteral(obj) local tp = obj.type if tp == 'boolean' then return obj[1] elseif tp == 'string' then return obj[1] elseif tp == 'number' then return obj[1] end return nil end --- 寻找父函数 ---@param obj parser.guide.object ---@return parser.guide.object function m.getParentFunction(obj) for _ = 1, 1000 do obj = obj.parent if not obj then break end local tp = obj.type if tp == 'function' or tp == 'main' then return obj end end return nil end --- 寻找父的table类型 doc.type.table ---@param obj parser.guide.object ---@return parser.guide.object function m.getParentDocTypeTable(obj) for _ = 1, 1000 do local parent = obj.parent if not parent then return nil end if parent.type == 'doc.type.table' then return obj end obj = parent end error('guide.getParentDocTypeTable overstack') end --- 寻找所在区块 ---@param obj parser.guide.object ---@return parser.guide.object function m.getBlock(obj) for _ = 1, 1000 do if not obj then return nil end local tp = obj.type if blockTypes[tp] then return obj end if obj == obj.parent then error('obj == obj.parent?', obj.type) end obj = obj.parent end error('guide.getBlock overstack') end --- 寻找所在父区块 ---@param obj parser.guide.object ---@return parser.guide.object function m.getParentBlock(obj) for _ = 1, 1000 do obj = obj.parent if not obj then return nil end local tp = obj.type if blockTypes[tp] then return obj end end error('guide.getParentBlock overstack') end --- 寻找所在可break的父区块 ---@param obj parser.guide.object ---@return parser.guide.object function m.getBreakBlock(obj) for _ = 1, 1000 do obj = obj.parent if not obj then return nil end local tp = obj.type if breakBlockTypes[tp] then return obj end if tp == 'function' then return nil end end error('guide.getBreakBlock overstack') end --- 寻找doc的主体 ---@param obj parser.guide.object ---@return parser.guide.object function m.getDocState(obj) for _ = 1, 1000 do local parent = obj.parent if not parent then return obj end if parent.type == 'doc' then return obj end obj = parent end error('guide.getDocState overstack') end --- 寻找所在父类型 ---@param obj parser.guide.object ---@return parser.guide.object function m.getParentType(obj, want) for _ = 1, 1000 do obj = obj.parent if not obj then return nil end if want == obj.type then return obj end end error('guide.getParentType overstack') end --- 寻找根区块 ---@param obj parser.guide.object ---@return parser.guide.object function m.getRoot(obj) for _ = 1, 1000 do if obj.type == 'main' then return obj end local parent = obj.parent if not parent then return nil end obj = parent end error('guide.getRoot overstack') end ---@param obj parser.guide.object ---@return string function m.getUri(obj) if obj.uri then return obj.uri end local root = m.getRoot(obj) if root then return root.uri end return '' end function m.getENV(source, start) if not start then start = 1 end return m.getLocal(source, '_ENV', start) or m.getLocal(source, '@fenv', start) end --- 寻找函数的不定参数,返回不定参在第几个参数上,以及该参数对象。 --- 如果函数是主函数,则返回`0, nil`。 ---@return table ---@return integer function m.getFunctionVarArgs(func) if func.type == 'main' then return 0, nil end if func.type ~= 'function' then return nil, nil end local args = func.args if not args then return nil, nil end for i = 1, #args do local arg = args[i] if arg.type == '...' then return i, arg end end return nil, nil end --- 获取指定区块中可见的局部变量 ---@param block table ---@param name string {comment = '变量名'} ---@param pos integer {comment = '可见位置'} function m.getLocal(block, name, pos) block = m.getBlock(block) for _ = 1, 1000 do if not block then return nil end local locals = block.locals local res if not locals then goto CONTINUE end for i = 1, #locals do local loc = locals[i] if loc.effect > pos then break end if loc[1] == name then if not res or res.effect < loc.effect then res = loc end end end if res then return res, res end ::CONTINUE:: block = m.getParentBlock(block) end error('guide.getLocal overstack') end --- 获取指定区块中所有的可见局部变量名称 function m.getVisibleLocals(block, pos) local result = {} m.eachSourceContain(m.getRoot(block), pos, function (source) local locals = source.locals if locals then for i = 1, #locals do local loc = locals[i] local name = loc[1] if loc.effect <= pos then result[name] = loc end end end end) return result end --- 获取指定区块中可见的标签 ---@param block table ---@param name string {comment = '标签名'} function m.getLabel(block, name) block = m.getBlock(block) for _ = 1, 1000 do if not block then return nil end local labels = block.labels if labels then local label = labels[name] if label then return label end end if block.type == 'function' then return nil end block = m.getParentBlock(block) end error('guide.getLocal overstack') end function m.getStartFinish(source) local start = source.start local finish = source.finish if not start then local first = source[1] if not first then return nil, nil end local last = source[#source] start = first.start finish = last.finish end return start, finish end function m.getRange(source) local start = source.vstart or source.start local finish = source.range or source.finish if not start then local first = source[1] if not first then return nil, nil end local last = source[#source] start = first.vstart or first.start finish = last.range or last.finish end return start, finish end --- 判断source是否包含offset function m.isContain(source, offset) local start, finish = m.getStartFinish(source) if not start then return false end return start <= offset and finish >= offset end --- 判断offset在source的影响范围内 --- --- 主要针对赋值等语句时,key包含value function m.isInRange(source, offset) local start, finish = m.getRange(source) if not start then return false end return start <= offset and finish >= offset end function m.isBetween(source, tStart, tFinish) local start, finish = m.getStartFinish(source) if not start then return false end return start <= tFinish and finish >= tStart end function m.isBetweenRange(source, tStart, tFinish) local start, finish = m.getRange(source) if not start then return false end return start <= tFinish and finish >= tStart end --- 添加child function m.addChilds(list, obj, map) local keys = map[obj.type] if keys then for i = 1, #keys do local key = keys[i] if key == '#' then for i = 1, #obj do list[#list+1] = obj[i] end elseif obj[key] then list[#list+1] = obj[key] elseif type(key) == 'string' and key:sub(1, 1) == '#' then key = key:sub(2) if obj[key] then for i = 1, #obj[key] do list[#list+1] = obj[key][i] end end end end end end --- 遍历所有包含offset的source function m.eachSourceContain(ast, offset, callback) local list = { ast } local mark = {} while true do local len = #list if len == 0 then return end local obj = list[len] list[len] = nil if not mark[obj] then mark[obj] = true if m.isInRange(obj, offset) then if m.isContain(obj, offset) then local res = callback(obj) if res ~= nil then return res end end m.addChilds(list, obj, m.childMap) end end end end --- 遍历所有在某个范围内的source function m.eachSourceBetween(ast, start, finish, callback) local list = { ast } local mark = {} while true do local len = #list if len == 0 then return end local obj = list[len] list[len] = nil if not mark[obj] then mark[obj] = true if m.isBetweenRange(obj, start, finish) then if m.isBetween(obj, start, finish) then local res = callback(obj) if res ~= nil then return res end end m.addChilds(list, obj, m.childMap) end end end end --- 遍历所有指定类型的source function m.eachSourceType(ast, type, callback) local cache = ast.typeCache if not cache then cache = {} ast.typeCache = cache m.eachSource(ast, function (source) local tp = source.type if not tp then return end local myCache = cache[tp] if not myCache then myCache = {} cache[tp] = myCache end myCache[#myCache+1] = source end) end local myCache = cache[type] if not myCache then return end for i = 1, #myCache do callback(myCache[i]) end end --- 遍历所有的source function m.eachSource(ast, callback) local list = { ast } local mark = {} local index = 1 while true do local obj = list[index] if not obj then return end list[index] = false index = index + 1 if not mark[obj] then mark[obj] = true callback(obj) m.addChilds(list, obj, m.childMap) end end end --- 获取指定的 special function m.eachSpecialOf(ast, name, callback) local root = m.getRoot(ast) if not root.specials then return end local specials = root.specials[name] if not specials then return end for i = 1, #specials do callback(specials[i]) end end --- 获取偏移对应的坐标 ---@param lines table ---@return integer {name = 'row'} ---@return integer {name = 'col'} function m.positionOf(lines, offset) if offset < 1 then return 0, 0 end local lastLine = lines[#lines] if offset > lastLine.finish then return #lines, lastLine.finish - lastLine.start + 1 end local min = 1 local max = #lines for _ = 1, 100 do if max <= min then local line = lines[min] return min, offset - line.start + 1 end local row = (max - min) // 2 + min local line = lines[row] if offset < line.start then max = row - 1 elseif offset > line.finish then min = row + 1 else return row, offset - line.start + 1 end end error('Stack overflow!') end --- 获取坐标对应的偏移 ---@param lines table ---@param row integer ---@param col integer ---@return integer {name = 'offset'} function m.offsetOf(lines, row, col) if row < 1 then return 0 end if row > #lines then local lastLine = lines[#lines] return lastLine.finish end local line = lines[row] local len = line.finish - line.start + 1 if col < 0 then return line.start elseif col > len then return line.finish else return line.start + col - 1 end end function m.lineContent(lines, text, row, ignoreNL) local line = lines[row] if not line then return '' end if ignoreNL then return text:sub(line.start, line.range) else return text:sub(line.start, line.finish) end end function m.lineRange(lines, row, ignoreNL) local line = lines[row] if not line then return 0, 0 end if ignoreNL then return line.start, line.range else return line.start, line.finish end end function m.lineData(lines, row) return lines[row] end function m.getKeyTypeOfLiteral(obj) if not obj then return nil end local tp = obj.type if tp == 'field' or tp == 'method' then return 'string' elseif tp == 'string' then return 'string' elseif tp == 'number' then return 'number' elseif tp == 'boolean' then return 'boolean' end end function m.getKeyType(obj) if not obj then return nil end local tp = obj.type if tp == 'getglobal' or tp == 'setglobal' then return 'string' elseif tp == 'local' or tp == 'getlocal' or tp == 'setlocal' then return 'local' elseif tp == 'getfield' or tp == 'setfield' or tp == 'tablefield' then return 'string' elseif tp == 'getmethod' or tp == 'setmethod' then return 'string' elseif tp == 'getindex' or tp == 'setindex' or tp == 'tableindex' then return m.getKeyTypeOfLiteral(obj.index) elseif tp == 'field' or tp == 'method' or tp == 'doc.see.field' then return 'string' elseif tp == 'doc.class' then return 'string' elseif tp == 'doc.alias' then return 'string' elseif tp == 'doc.field' then return 'string' elseif tp == 'dummy' then return 'string' end return m.getKeyTypeOfLiteral(obj) end function m.getKeyNameOfLiteral(obj) if not obj then return nil end local tp = obj.type if tp == 'field' or tp == 'method' then return obj[1] elseif tp == 'string' then local s = obj[1] if s then return s end elseif tp == 'number' then local n = obj[1] if n then return ('%s'):format(util.viewLiteral(obj[1])) end elseif tp == 'boolean' then local b = obj[1] if b then return tostring(b) end end end function m.getKeyName(obj) if not obj then return nil end local tp = obj.type if tp == 'getglobal' or tp == 'setglobal' then return obj[1] elseif tp == 'local' or tp == 'getlocal' or tp == 'setlocal' then return obj[1] elseif tp == 'getfield' or tp == 'setfield' or tp == 'tablefield' then if obj.field then return obj.field[1] end elseif tp == 'getmethod' or tp == 'setmethod' then if obj.method then return obj.method[1] end elseif tp == 'getindex' or tp == 'setindex' or tp == 'tableindex' then return m.getKeyNameOfLiteral(obj.index) elseif tp == 'field' or tp == 'method' or tp == 'doc.see.field' then return obj[1] elseif tp == 'doc.class' then return obj.class[1] elseif tp == 'doc.alias' then return obj.alias[1] elseif tp == 'doc.field' then return obj.field[1] elseif tp == 'dummy' then return obj[1] end return m.getKeyNameOfLiteral(obj) end function m.getSimpleName(obj) if obj.type == 'call' then local node = obj.node if not node then return end if node.special == 'rawset' or node.special == 'rawget' then local key = obj.args and obj.args[2] return m.getKeyName(key) end return ('%p'):format(obj) elseif obj.type == 'table' then return ('%p'):format(obj) elseif obj.type == 'select' then return ('%p'):format(obj) elseif obj.type == 'string' then return ('%p'):format(obj) elseif obj.type == 'doc.class.name' or obj.type == 'doc.type.name' or obj.type == 'doc.see.name' then return ('%s'):format(obj[1]) elseif obj.type == 'doc.class' then return ('%s'):format(obj.class[1]) end return m.getKeyName(obj) end --- 测试 a 到 b 的路径(不经过函数,不考虑 goto), --- 每个路径是一个 block 。 --- --- 如果 a 在 b 的前面,返回 `"before"` 加上 2个`list` --- --- 如果 a 在 b 的后面,返回 `"after"` 加上 2个`list` --- --- 否则返回 `false` --- --- 返回的2个 `list` 分别为基准block到达 a 与 b 的路径。 ---@param a table ---@param b table ---@return string|boolean mode ---@return table pathA? ---@return table pathB? function m.getPath(a, b, sameFunction) --- 首先测试双方在同一个函数内 if sameFunction and m.getParentFunction(a) ~= m.getParentFunction(b) then return false end local mode local objA local objB if a.finish < b.start then mode = 'before' objA = a objB = b elseif a.start > b.finish then mode = 'after' objA = b objB = a else return 'equal', {}, {} end local pathA = {} local pathB = {} for _ = 1, 1000 do objA = m.getParentBlock(objA) pathA[#pathA+1] = objA if (not sameFunction and objA.type == 'function') or objA.type == 'main' then break end end for _ = 1, 1000 do objB = m.getParentBlock(objB) pathB[#pathB+1] = objB if (not sameFunction and objA.type == 'function') or objB.type == 'main' then break end end -- pathA: {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} -- pathB: {5, 6, 2, 3} local top = #pathB local start for i = #pathA, 1, -1 do local currentBlock = pathA[i] if currentBlock == pathB[top] then start = i break end end if not start then return nil end -- pathA: { 1, 2, 3} -- pathB: {5, 6, 2, 3} local extra = 0 local align = top - start for i = start, 1, -1 do local currentA = pathA[i] local currentB = pathB[i+align] if currentA ~= currentB then extra = i break end end -- pathA: {1} local resultA = {} for i = extra, 1, -1 do resultA[#resultA+1] = pathA[i] end -- pathB: {5, 6} local resultB = {} for i = extra + align, 1, -1 do resultB[#resultB+1] = pathB[i] end return mode, resultA, resultB end -- 根据语法,单步搜索定义 local function stepRefOfLocal(loc, mode) local results = {} if loc.start ~= 0 then results[#results+1] = loc end local refs = loc.ref if not refs then return results end for i = 1, #refs do local ref = refs[i] if ref.start == 0 then goto CONTINUE end if mode == 'def' then if ref.type == 'local' or ref.type == 'setlocal' then results[#results+1] = ref end else if ref.type == 'local' or ref.type == 'setlocal' or ref.type == 'getlocal' then results[#results+1] = ref end end ::CONTINUE:: end return results end local function stepRefOfLabel(label, mode) local results = { label } if not label or mode == 'def' then return results end local refs = label.ref if not refs then return results end for i = 1, #refs do local ref = refs[i] results[#results+1] = ref end return results end local function stepRefOfDocType(status, obj, mode) local results = {} if obj.type == 'doc.class.name' or obj.type == 'doc.type.name' or obj.type == 'doc.alias.name' or obj.type == 'doc.extends.name' or obj.type == 'doc.see.name' then local name = obj[1] if not name or not status.interface.docType then return results end if name == 'nil' or name == 'any' or name == 'boolean' or name == 'string' or name == 'table' or name == 'number' or name == 'integer' or name == 'function' or name == 'table' or name == 'thread' or name == 'userdata' or name == 'lightuserdata' then mode = 'def' end local docs = status.interface.docType(name) for i = 1, #docs do local doc = docs[i] if mode == 'def' then if doc.type == 'doc.class.name' or doc.type == 'doc.alias.name' then results[#results+1] = doc end else results[#results+1] = doc end end else results[#results+1] = obj end return results end function m.getStepRef(status, obj, mode) if obj.type == 'getlocal' or obj.type == 'setlocal' then return stepRefOfLocal(obj.node, mode) end if obj.type == 'local' then return stepRefOfLocal(obj, mode) end if obj.type == 'label' then return stepRefOfLabel(obj, mode) end if obj.type == 'goto' then return stepRefOfLabel(obj.node, mode) end if obj.type == 'doc.class.name' or obj.type == 'doc.type.name' or obj.type == 'doc.extends.name' or obj.type == 'doc.alias.name' then return stepRefOfDocType(status, obj, mode) end if obj.type == 'function' then return { obj } end return nil end -- 根据语法,单步搜索field local function stepFieldOfLocal(loc) local results = {} local refs = loc.ref for i = 1, #refs do local ref = refs[i] if ref.type == 'setglobal' or ref.type == 'getglobal' then results[#results+1] = ref elseif ref.type == 'getlocal' then local nxt = ref.next if nxt then if nxt.type == 'setfield' or nxt.type == 'getfield' or nxt.type == 'setmethod' or nxt.type == 'getmethod' or nxt.type == 'setindex' or nxt.type == 'getindex' then results[#results+1] = nxt end end end end return results end local function stepFieldOfTable(tbl) local result = {} for i = 1, #tbl do result[i] = tbl[i] end return result end function m.getStepField(obj) if obj.type == 'getlocal' or obj.type == 'setlocal' then return stepFieldOfLocal(obj.node) end if obj.type == 'local' then return stepFieldOfLocal(obj) end if obj.type == 'table' then return stepFieldOfTable(obj) end end local function convertSimpleList(list) local simple = {} for i = #list, 1, -1 do local c = list[i] if c.type == 'getglobal' or c.type == 'setglobal' then if c.special == '_G' then simple.mode = 'global' goto CONTINUE end local loc = c.node if loc.special == '_G' then simple.mode = 'global' if not simple.node then simple.node = c end else simple.mode = 'local' simple[#simple+1] = m.getSimpleName(loc) if not simple.node then simple.node = loc end end elseif c.type == 'getlocal' or c.type == 'setlocal' then if c.special == '_G' then simple.mode = 'global' goto CONTINUE end simple.mode = 'local' if not simple.node then simple.node = c.node end elseif c.type == 'local' then simple.mode = 'local' if not simple.node then simple.node = c end else if not simple.node then simple.node = c end end simple[#simple+1] = m.getSimpleName(c) or m.ANY ::CONTINUE:: end if simple.mode == 'global' and #simple == 0 then simple[1] = '_G' simple.node = list[#list] end return simple end -- 搜索 `a.b.c` 的等价表达式 local function buildSimpleList(obj, max) local list = {} local cur = obj local limit = max and (max + 1) or 11 for i = 1, max or limit do if i == limit then return nil end while cur.type == 'paren' do cur = cur.exp if not cur then return nil end end if cur.type == 'setfield' or cur.type == 'getfield' or cur.type == 'setmethod' or cur.type == 'getmethod' or cur.type == 'setindex' or cur.type == 'getindex' then list[i] = cur cur = cur.node elseif cur.type == 'tablefield' or cur.type == 'tableindex' then list[i] = cur cur = cur.parent.parent if cur.type == 'return' then list[i+1] = list[i].parent break end elseif cur.type == 'getlocal' or cur.type == 'setlocal' or cur.type == 'local' then list[i] = cur break elseif cur.type == 'setglobal' or cur.type == 'getglobal' then list[i] = cur break elseif cur.type == 'select' or cur.type == 'table' or cur.type == 'call' then list[i] = cur break elseif cur.type == 'string' then list[i] = cur break elseif cur.type == 'doc.class.name' or cur.type == 'doc.type.name' or cur.type == 'doc.class' or cur.type == 'doc.see.name' then list[i] = cur break elseif cur.type == 'doc.see.field' then list[i] = cur cur = cur.parent.name elseif cur.type == 'function' or cur.type == 'main' then break else return nil end end return convertSimpleList(list) end function m.getSimple(obj, max) local simpleList if obj.type == 'getfield' or obj.type == 'setfield' or obj.type == 'getmethod' or obj.type == 'setmethod' or obj.type == 'getindex' or obj.type == 'setindex' or obj.type == 'local' or obj.type == 'getlocal' or obj.type == 'setlocal' or obj.type == 'setglobal' or obj.type == 'getglobal' or obj.type == 'tablefield' or obj.type == 'tableindex' or obj.type == 'select' or obj.type == 'call' or obj.type == 'table' or obj.type == 'string' or obj.type == 'doc.class.name' or obj.type == 'doc.class' or obj.type == 'doc.type.name' or obj.type == 'doc.see.name' or obj.type == 'doc.see.field' then simpleList = buildSimpleList(obj, max) elseif obj.type == 'field' or obj.type == 'method' then simpleList = buildSimpleList(obj.parent, max) end return simpleList end ---Create a new status ---@param parentStatus parser.guide.status ---@param interface table ---@param deep boolean ---@return parser.guide.status function m.status(parentStatus, interface, deep) ---@class parser.guide.status local status = { share = parentStatus and parentStatus.share or { count = 0, cacheLock = {}, }, depth = parentStatus and (parentStatus.depth + 1) or 0, searchDeep= parentStatus and parentStatus.searchDeep or deep or -999, interface = parentStatus and parentStatus.interface or {}, deep = parentStatus and parentStatus.deep, clock = parentStatus and parentStatus.clock or osClock(), results = {}, } if interface then for k, v in pairs(interface) do status.interface[k] = v end end status.deep = status.depth <= status.searchDeep return status end function m.copyStatusResults(a, b) local ra = a.results local rb = b.results for i = 1, #rb do ra[#ra+1] = rb[i] end end function m.isGlobal(source) if source.type == 'setglobal' or source.type == 'getglobal' then if source.node and source.node.tag == '_ENV' then return true end end if source.type == 'field' then source = source.parent end if source.type == 'getfield' or source.type == 'setfield' then local node = source.node if node and node.special == '_G' then return true end end return false end function m.isDoc(source) return source.type:sub(1, 4) == 'doc.' end function m.isDocClass(source) return source.type == 'doc.class' end function m.isSet(source) local tp = source.type if tp == 'setglobal' or tp == 'local' or tp == 'setlocal' or tp == 'setfield' or tp == 'setmethod' or tp == 'setindex' or tp == 'tablefield' or tp == 'tableindex' then return true end if tp == 'call' then local special = m.getSpecial(source.node) if special == 'rawset' then return true end end return false end function m.isGet(source) local tp = source.type if tp == 'getglobal' or tp == 'getlocal' or tp == 'getfield' or tp == 'getmethod' or tp == 'getindex' then return true end if tp == 'call' then local special = m.getSpecial(source.node) if special == 'rawget' then return true end end return false end function m.getSpecial(source) if not source then return nil end return source.special end --- 根据函数的调用参数,获取:调用,参数索引 function m.getCallAndArgIndex(callarg) local callargs = callarg.parent if not callargs or callargs.type ~= 'callargs' then return nil end local index for i = 1, #callargs do if callargs[i] == callarg then index = i break end end local call = callargs.parent return call, index end --- 根据函数调用的返回值,获取:调用的函数,参数列表,自己是第几个返回值 function m.getCallValue(source) local value = m.getObjectValue(source) or source if not value then return end local call, index if value.type == 'call' then call = value index = 1 elseif value.type == 'select' then call = value.vararg index = value.index if call.type ~= 'call' then return end else return end if call.node.special == 'pcall' or call.node.special == 'xpcall' then return call.args and call.args[1], call.args, index - 1 end return call.node, call.args, index end function m.getNextRef(ref) local nextRef = ref.next if nextRef then if nextRef.type == 'setfield' or nextRef.type == 'getfield' or nextRef.type == 'setmethod' or nextRef.type == 'getmethod' or nextRef.type == 'setindex' or nextRef.type == 'getindex' then return nextRef end end -- 穿透 rawget 与 rawset local call, index = m.getCallAndArgIndex(ref) if call then if call.node.special == 'rawset' and index == 1 then return call end if call.node.special == 'rawget' and index == 1 then return call end end return nil end function m.checkSameSimpleInValueOfTable(status, value, start, pushQueue) if value.type ~= 'table' then return end for i = 1, #value do local field = value[i] pushQueue(field, start + 1) end end function m.checkStatusDepth(status) if status.depth <= 20 then return true end if m.debugMode then error('status.depth overflow') elseif DEVELOP then --log.warn(debug.traceback('status.depth overflow')) logWarn('status.depth overflow') end return false end function m.searchFields(status, obj, key) if not m.checkStatusDepth(status) then return end local simple = m.getSimple(obj) if not simple then return end simple[#simple+1] = key or m.ANY m.searchSameFields(status, simple, 'field') m.cleanResults(status.results) end function m.searchDefFields(status, obj, key) if not m.checkStatusDepth(status) then return end local simple = m.getSimple(obj) if not simple then return end simple[#simple+1] = key or m.ANY m.searchSameFields(status, simple, 'deffield') m.cleanResults(status.results) end ---@param obj parser.guide.object ---@return parser.guide.object function m.getObjectValue(obj) while obj.type == 'paren' do obj = obj.exp if not obj then return nil end end if obj.type == 'boolean' or obj.type == 'number' or obj.type == 'integer' or obj.type == 'string' or obj.type == 'doc.type.table' or obj.type == 'doc.type.arrary' then return obj end if obj.value then return obj.value end if obj.type == 'field' or obj.type == 'method' then return obj.parent and obj.parent.value end if obj.type == 'call' then if obj.node.special == 'rawset' then return obj.args and obj.args[3] else return obj end end if obj.type == 'select' then return obj end return nil end function m.checkSameSimpleInValueInMetaTable(status, mt, start, pushQueue) local newStatus = m.status(status) m.searchDefFields(newStatus, mt, '__index') local refsStatus = m.status(status) for i = 1, #newStatus.results do local indexValue = m.getObjectValue(newStatus.results[i]) if indexValue then m.searchRefs(refsStatus, indexValue, 'ref') end end for i = 1, #refsStatus.results do local obj = refsStatus.results[i] pushQueue(obj, start, true) end end function m.checkSameSimpleInValueOfSetMetaTable(status, func, start, pushQueue) if not func or func.special ~= 'setmetatable' then return end local call = func.parent local args = call.args if not args then return end local obj = args[1] local mt = args[2] if obj then pushQueue(obj, start, true) local newStatus = m.status(status) m.searchRefs(newStatus, obj, 'def') for _, def in ipairs(newStatus.results) do pushQueue(def, start, true) end end if mt then if not status.share.markMetaTable then status.share.markMetaTable = {} end if status.share.markMetaTable[mt] then return end status.share.markMetaTable[mt] = true m.checkSameSimpleInValueInMetaTable(status, mt, start, pushQueue) status.share.markMetaTable[mt] = nil end end function m.checkSameSimpleInValueOfCallMetaTable(status, call, start, pushQueue) if status.crossMetaTableMark then return end status.crossMetaTableMark = true if call.type == 'call' then m.checkSameSimpleInValueOfSetMetaTable(status, call.node, start, pushQueue) end status.crossMetaTableMark = false end function m.checkSameSimpleInSpecialBranch(status, obj, start, pushQueue) if status.interface.index then local results = status.interface.index(obj) if not results then return end for _, res in ipairs(results) do pushQueue(obj, start + 1) end end end function m.checkSameSimpleInParamSelf(status, obj, start, pushQueue) if obj.type ~= 'getlocal' or obj[1] ~= 'self' then return end local node = obj.node if node.tag == 'self' then return end if node.parent.type ~= 'funcargs' then return end local func = node.parent.parent if func.type ~= 'function' or func.parent.type ~= 'setfield' then return end local fieldNode = func.parent.node local newStatus = m.status(status) m.searchRefs(newStatus, fieldNode, 'ref') for _, ref in ipairs(newStatus.results) do pushQueue(ref, start, true) end end local function appendValidGenericType(results, status, typeName, obj) if typeName.parent.type == 'doc.type.typeliteral' then if obj.type == 'string' and status.interface.docType then local docs = status.interface.docType(obj[1]) for i = 1, #docs do local doc = docs[i] if doc.type == 'doc.class.name' or doc.type == 'doc.alias.name' then results[#results+1] = doc break end end end else -- 发现没有使用 `T`,则沿用既有逻辑直接返回实参 results[#results+1] = obj end end local function stepRefOfGenericCrossTable(status, doc, typeName) for _, typeUnit in ipairs(doc.extends.types) do if typeUnit.type == 'doc.type.table' then for _, where in ipairs {'key', 'value'} do local childTypes = typeUnit[where].types for _, childName in ipairs(childTypes) do if childName[1] == typeName[1] then return function (obj) local childStatus = m.status(status) m.searchRefs(childStatus, obj, 'def') for _, res in ipairs(childStatus.results) do if res.type == 'doc.type.table' then return res[where] end if res.type == 'doc.type.array' then if where == 'key' then return status.interface and status.interface.docType('integer')[1] end if where == 'value' then return res.node end end end end end end end return function (obj) return nil end elseif typeUnit.type == 'doc.type.array' then return function (obj) local childStatus = m.status(status) m.searchRefs(childStatus, obj, 'def') for _, res in ipairs(childStatus.results) do if res.type == 'doc.type.array' then return res.node end end end end end return nil end local function getIteratorArg(status, args, index) local call = args.parent local node = call.node if not node.iterator then return nil end if node.type ~= 'call' then return nil end local results = m.checkSameSimpleInCallInSameFile(status, node.node, node.args, index + 1) return results[1] end local function stepRefOfGeneric(status, typeUnit, args, mode) local results = {} if not args then return results end local myName = typeUnit[1] for _, typeName in ipairs(typeUnit.typeGeneric[myName]) do if typeName == typeUnit then goto CONTINUE end local docArg = m.getParentType(typeName, 'doc.type.arg') or m.getParentType(typeName, 'doc.param') or m.getParentType(typeName, 'doc.type.array') if not docArg then goto CONTINUE end local doc = m.getDocState(docArg) if not doc.bindSources then goto CONTINUE end local crossTable = stepRefOfGenericCrossTable(status, docArg, typeName) -- find out param index local genericIndex if docArg.type == 'doc.param' then local paramName = docArg.param[1] for _, source in ipairs(doc.bindSources) do if source.type == 'local' and source[1] == paramName and source.parent.type == 'funcargs' then for index, arg in ipairs(source.parent) do if arg == source then genericIndex = index break end end end end elseif docArg.type == 'doc.type.arg' then for index, arg in ipairs(docArg.parent.args) do if arg == docArg then genericIndex = index break end end end local callArg = args[genericIndex] or getIteratorArg(status, args, genericIndex) if not callArg then goto CONTINUE end if crossTable then callArg = crossTable(callArg) if not callArg then goto CONTINUE end end appendValidGenericType(results, status, typeName, callArg) ::CONTINUE:: end return results end function m.checkSameSimpleByDocType(status, doc, args) if status.share.searchingBindedDoc then return end if doc.type ~= 'doc.type' then return end local results = {} for _, piece in ipairs(doc.types) do if piece.typeGeneric then local pieceResult = stepRefOfGeneric(status, piece, args, 'def') for _, res in ipairs(pieceResult) do results[#results+1] = res end else local pieceResult = stepRefOfDocType(status, piece, 'def') for _, res in ipairs(pieceResult) do results[#results+1] = res end end end return results end function m.checkSameSimpleByBindDocs(status, obj, start, pushQueue, mode) if not obj.bindDocs then return end if status.share.searchingBindedDoc then return end local skipInfer = false local results = {} for _, doc in ipairs(obj.bindDocs) do if doc.type == 'doc.class' then results[#results+1] = doc elseif doc.type == 'doc.type' then results[#results+1] = doc elseif doc.type == 'doc.param' then -- function (x) 的情况 if obj.type == 'local' and m.getKeyName(obj) == doc.param[1] then if obj.parent.type == 'funcargs' or obj.parent.type == 'in' or obj.parent.type == 'loop' then results[#results+1] = doc.extends end end elseif doc.type == 'doc.field' then results[#results+1] = doc end end for _, res in ipairs(results) do if res.type == 'doc.class' or res.type == 'doc.type' then pushQueue(res, start, true) skipInfer = true end if res.type == 'doc.type.function' then pushQueue(res, start, true) elseif res.type == 'doc.field' then pushQueue(res, start + 1) end end return skipInfer end function m.checkSameSimpleOfRefByDocSource(status, obj, start, pushQueue, mode) if status.share.searchingBindedDoc then return end if not obj.bindSources then return end status.share.searchingBindedDoc = true local mark = {} local newStatus = m.status(status) for _, ref in ipairs(obj.bindSources) do if not mark[ref] then mark[ref] = true m.searchRefs(newStatus, ref, mode) end end status.share.searchingBindedDoc = nil for _, res in ipairs(newStatus.results) do pushQueue(res, start, true) end end function m.checkSameSimpleOfRefByDocReturn(status, obj, start, pushQueue, mode) if status.share.searchingBindedDoc then return end if not obj.bindSources then return end local index = 0 for _, doc in ipairs(obj.bindGroup) do if doc.type == 'doc.return' then index = index + 1 if doc == obj then break end end end status.share.searchingBindedDoc = true local mark = {} local newStatus = m.status(status) for _, ref in ipairs(obj.bindSources) do if not mark[ref] then mark[ref] = true m.searchRefs(newStatus, ref, mode) end end status.share.searchingBindedDoc = nil for _, res in ipairs(newStatus.results) do local call = res.parent if call.type == 'call' then if index == 1 then local sel = call.parent if sel.type == 'select' and sel.index == index then pushQueue(sel.parent, start, true) end else if call.extParent then for _, sel in ipairs(call.extParent) do if sel.type == 'select' and sel.index == index then pushQueue(sel.parent, start, true) end end end end end end end local function getArrayOrTableLevel(obj) local level = 0 while true do local parent = obj.parent if parent.type == 'doc.type.array' then level = level + 1 elseif parent.type == 'doc.type.table' then if obj.type == 'doc.type' then level = level + 1 -- else 只存在 obj.type == 'doc.type.name' 的情况,即 table 中的 table,这种是不需要再增加层级的 end elseif parent.type == 'doc.type' and parent.parent and parent.parent.type == 'doc.type.table' then level = level + 1 parent = parent.parent else break end obj = parent end return level end function m.checkSameSimpleByDoc(status, obj, start, pushQueue, mode) if obj.type == 'doc.class.name' or obj.type == 'doc.class' then if obj.type == 'doc.class.name' then obj = m.getDocState(obj) end local classStart for _, doc in ipairs(obj.bindGroup) do if doc == obj then classStart = true elseif doc.type == 'doc.class' then classStart = false end if classStart and doc.type == 'doc.field' then pushQueue(doc, start + 1) end end m.checkSameSimpleOfRefByDocSource(status, obj, start, pushQueue, mode) if mode == 'ref' then local pieceResult = stepRefOfDocType(status, obj.class, 'ref') for _, res in ipairs(pieceResult) do pushQueue(res, start, true) end if obj.extends then for _, ext in ipairs(obj.extends) do local pieceResult = stepRefOfDocType(status, ext, 'def') for _, res in ipairs(pieceResult) do pushQueue(res, start, true) end end end end return true elseif obj.type == 'doc.type' then for _, piece in ipairs(obj.types) do local pieceResult = stepRefOfDocType(status, piece, 'def') for _, res in ipairs(pieceResult) do pushQueue(res, start, true) end end if mode == 'ref' then m.checkSameSimpleOfRefByDocSource(status, obj, start, pushQueue, mode) end return true elseif obj.type == 'doc.type.name' or obj.type == 'doc.see.name' then local pieceResult = stepRefOfDocType(status, obj, 'def') for _, res in ipairs(pieceResult) do pushQueue(res, start, true) end if mode == 'ref' then local state = m.getDocState(obj) if state.type == 'doc.type' then m.checkSameSimpleOfRefByDocSource(status, state, start - getArrayOrTableLevel(obj), pushQueue, mode) end if state.type == 'doc.return' then m.checkSameSimpleOfRefByDocReturn(status, state, start - getArrayOrTableLevel(obj), pushQueue, mode) end end return true elseif obj.type == 'doc.field' then if mode ~= 'field' and mode ~= 'deffield' then return m.checkSameSimpleByDoc(status, obj.extends, start, pushQueue, mode) end elseif obj.type == 'doc.type.array' then pushQueue(obj.node, start + 1, true) return true elseif obj.type == 'doc.type.table' then pushQueue(obj.node, start, true) pushQueue(obj.value, start + 1, true) return true end end function m.checkSameSimpleInArg1OfSetMetaTable(status, obj, start, pushQueue) local args = obj.parent if not args or args.type ~= 'callargs' then return end local callNode = args.parent.node if callNode.special ~= 'setmetatable' then return end if args[1] ~= obj then return end local mt = args[2] if mt then if m.checkValueMark(status, obj, mt) then return end m.checkSameSimpleInValueInMetaTable(status, mt, start, pushQueue) end end function m.searchSameMethodOutSelf(ref, mark) local selfNode if ref.tag == 'self' then selfNode = ref else if ref.type == 'getlocal' or ref.type == 'setlocal' then local node = ref.node if node.tag == 'self' then selfNode = node end end end if selfNode then if mark[selfNode] then return nil end mark[selfNode] = true local method = selfNode.method.node if mark[method] then return nil end mark[method] = true return method end end function m.searchSameMethodIntoSelf(ref, mark) local nxt = ref.next if not nxt then return nil end if nxt.type ~= 'setmethod' then return nil end if mark[ref] then return nil end mark[ref] = true local value = nxt.value if not value or value.type ~= 'function' then return nil end local selfRef = value.locals and value.locals[1] if not selfRef or selfRef.tag ~= 'self' then return nil end if mark[selfRef] then return nil end mark[selfRef] = true return selfRef end function m.searchSameFieldsCrossMethod(status, ref, start, pushQueue) if status.share.crossMethodLock then return end local mark = status.crossMethodMark if not mark then mark = {} status.crossMethodMark = mark end local selfRef = m.searchSameMethodIntoSelf(ref, mark) if selfRef then tracy.ZoneBeginN 'searchSameFieldsCrossMethod' local _ = tracy.ZoneEnd -- 如果自己是method,则只检查自己内部的self引用 local results = m.getStepRef(status, selfRef, 'ref') for _, res in ipairs(results) do pushQueue(res, start, true) end return end local method = m.searchSameMethodOutSelf(ref, mark) if method then tracy.ZoneBeginN 'searchSameFieldsCrossMethod' local _ = tracy.ZoneEnd -- 如果自己是self,则找出父级的method,以及父级method的引用 local newStatus = m.status(status) newStatus.crossMethodLock = true m.searchRefs(newStatus, method, 'ref') newStatus.crossMethodLock = false for _, res in ipairs(newStatus.results) do mark[res] = true pushQueue(res, start, true) end return end end local function checkSameSimpleAndMergeFunctionReturnsByDoc(status, results, source, index, args) source = m.getObjectValue(source) or source if not source or source.type ~= 'function' then return end if not source.bindDocs then return end local returns = {} for _, doc in ipairs(source.bindDocs) do if doc.type == 'doc.return' then for _, rtn in ipairs(doc.returns) do returns[#returns+1] = rtn end end end local rtn = returns[index] if not rtn then return end local types = m.checkSameSimpleByDocType(status, rtn, args) if not types then return end for _, res in ipairs(types) do results[#results+1] = res end return true end local function checkSameSimpleAndMergeDocFunctionReturn(status, results, docFunc, index, args) if docFunc.type ~= 'doc.type.function' then return end local rtn = docFunc.returns[index] if rtn then local types = m.checkSameSimpleByDocType(status, rtn, args) if types then for _, res in ipairs(types) do results[#results+1] = res end return true end end end local function checkSameSimpleAndMergeDocTypeFunctionReturns(status, results, source, index) if not source.bindDocs then return end for _, doc in ipairs(source.bindDocs) do if doc.type == 'doc.type' then for _, typeUnit in ipairs(doc.types) do if checkSameSimpleAndMergeDocFunctionReturn(status, results, typeUnit, index) then return true end end end end end function m.checkSameSimpleInCallInSameFile(status, func, args, index) if not status.share.callResultsCache then status.share.callResultsCache = {} end local cache = status.share.callResultsCache[func] if not cache then cache = {} status.share.callResultsCache[func] = cache end local results = cache[index] if results then return results end results = {} if func.special then --return results end local newStatus = m.status(status) m.searchRefs(newStatus, func, 'def') local hasDocReturn for _, def in ipairs(newStatus.results) do hasDocReturn = checkSameSimpleAndMergeDocTypeFunctionReturns(status, results, def, index) or checkSameSimpleAndMergeFunctionReturnsByDoc(status, results, def, index, args) or checkSameSimpleAndMergeDocFunctionReturn(status, results, def, index, args) or hasDocReturn end if not hasDocReturn then for _, def in ipairs(newStatus.results) do local value = m.getObjectValue(def) or def if value.type == 'function' then local returns = value.returns if returns then for _, ret in ipairs(returns) do local exp = ret[index] if exp then results[#results+1] = exp end end end end end -- generic cannot cache cache[index] = results end return results end function m.checkSameSimpleInCall(status, ref, start, pushQueue, mode) local func, args, index = m.getCallValue(ref) if not func then return end if m.checkCallMark(status, func.parent, true) then return end status.share.crossCallCount = status.share.crossCallCount or 0 -- 检查赋值是 semetatable() 的情况 m.checkSameSimpleInValueOfSetMetaTable(status, func, start, pushQueue) -- 检查赋值是 func() 的情况 if status.share.crossCallCount >= 2 then --return end status.share.crossCallCount = status.share.crossCallCount + 1 local objs = m.checkSameSimpleInCallInSameFile(status, func, args, index) if status.interface.call then local cobjs = status.interface.call(func, args, index) if cobjs then for _, obj in ipairs(cobjs) do if not m.checkReturnMark(status, obj) then objs[#objs+1] = obj end end end end m.cleanResults(objs) local mark = {} for _, obj in ipairs(objs) do if mark[obj] then goto CONTINUE end local newStatus = m.status(status) m.searchRefs(newStatus, obj, mode) pushQueue(obj, start, true) mark[obj] = true for _, obj in ipairs(newStatus.results) do pushQueue(obj, start, true) mark[obj] = true end ::CONTINUE:: end status.share.crossCallCount = status.share.crossCallCount - 1 end local function searchRawset(ref, results) if m.getKeyName(ref) ~= 'rawset' then return end local call = ref.parent if call.type ~= 'call' or call.node ~= ref then return end if not call.args then return end local arg1 = call.args[1] if arg1.special ~= '_G' then -- 不会吧不会吧,不会真的有人写成 `rawset(_G._G._G, 'xxx', value)` 吧 return end results[#results+1] = call end local function searchG(ref, results) while ref and m.getKeyName(ref) == '_G' do results[#results+1] = ref ref = ref.next end if ref then results[#results+1] = ref searchRawset(ref, results) end end local function searchEnvRef(ref, results) if ref.type == 'setglobal' or ref.type == 'getglobal' then results[#results+1] = ref searchG(ref, results) elseif ref.type == 'getlocal' then results[#results+1] = ref.next searchG(ref.next, results) end end function m.findGlobals(ast) local root = m.getRoot(ast) local results = {} local env = m.getENV(root) if env.ref then for _, ref in ipairs(env.ref) do searchEnvRef(ref, results) end end return results end function m.findGlobalsOfName(ast, name) local root = m.getRoot(ast) local results = {} local globals = m.findGlobals(root) for _, global in ipairs(globals) do if m.getKeyName(global) == name then results[#results+1] = global end end return results end function m.checkSameSimpleInGlobal(status, name, source, mode, start, pushQueue) if not name then return end local objs if status.interface.global then objs = status.interface.global(name) else objs = m.findGlobalsOfName(source, name) end if objs then for _, obj in ipairs(objs) do pushQueue(obj, start, true) end end end function m.checkValueMark(status, a, b) if not status.share.valueMark then status.share.valueMark = {} end if status.share.valueMark[a] or status.share.valueMark[b] then return true end status.share.valueMark[a] = true status.share.valueMark[b] = true return false end function m.checkCallMark(status, a, mark) if not status.share.callMark then status.share.callMark = {} end if mark then status.share.callMark[a] = mark else return status.share.callMark[a] end return false end function m.checkReturnMark(status, a, mark) if not status.share.returnMark then status.share.returnMark = {} end local result = status.share.returnMark[a] if mark then status.share.returnMark[a] = mark end return result end function m.searchSameFieldsInValue(status, ref, start, pushQueue, mode) if status.share.inBeSetValue and status.share.inBeSetValue > 0 then return end local value = m.getObjectValue(ref) if not value then return end if not m.checkValueMark(status, ref, value) then --return end if not status.share.tempValueMark then status.share.tempValueMark = {} end if not status.share.tempValueMark[value] then status.share.tempValueMark[value] = true local newStatus = m.status(status) m.searchRefs(newStatus, value, mode) status.share.tempValueMark[value] = nil for _, res in ipairs(newStatus.results) do pushQueue(res, start, true) end pushQueue(value, start, true) end -- 检查形如 a = f() 的分支情况 m.checkSameSimpleInCall(status, value, start, pushQueue, mode) end function m.checkSameSimpleAsTableField(status, ref, start, pushQueue) if not status.deep then --return end local parent = ref.parent if not parent or parent.type ~= 'tablefield' then return end if m.checkValueMark(status, parent, ref) then return end local newStatus = m.status(status) m.searchRefs(newStatus, parent.field, 'ref') for _, res in ipairs(newStatus.results) do pushQueue(res, start, true) end end function m.checkSearchLevel(status) status.share.back = status.share.back or 0 if status.share.back >= (status.interface.searchLevel or 0) then -- TODO 限制向前搜索的次数 --return true end status.share.back = status.share.back + 1 return false end function m.checkSameSimpleAsReturn(status, ref, start, pushQueue) if not status.deep then return end if not ref.parent or ref.parent.type ~= 'return' then return end if ref.parent.parent.type ~= 'main' then return end if m.checkSearchLevel(status) then return end local newStatus = m.status(status) m.searchRefsAsFunctionReturn(newStatus, ref, 'ref') for _, res in ipairs(newStatus.results) do if not m.checkCallMark(status, res) then pushQueue(res, start, true) end end end function m.checkSameSimpleAsSetValue(status, ref, start, pushQueue) if not status.deep then --return end if ref.type == 'select' then return end local parent = ref.parent if not parent then return end if m.getObjectValue(parent) ~= ref then return end if m.checkValueMark(status, ref, parent) then return end if m.checkSearchLevel(status) then return end local obj if parent.type == 'local' or parent.type == 'setglobal' or parent.type == 'setlocal' then obj = parent elseif parent.type == 'setfield' then obj = parent.field elseif parent.type == 'setmethod' then obj = parent.method end if not obj then return end status.share.inBeSetValue = (status.share.inBeSetValue or 0) + 1 local newStatus = m.status(status) m.searchRefs(newStatus, obj, 'ref') for _, res in ipairs(newStatus.results) do pushQueue(res, start, true) end status.share.inBeSetValue = (status.share.inBeSetValue or 0) - 1 end local function getTableAndIndexIfIsForPairsKeyOrValue(ref) if ref.type ~= 'local' then return end if not ref.parent or ref.parent.type ~= 'in' then return end if not ref.value or ref.value.type ~= 'select' then return end local rootSelectObj = ref.value if rootSelectObj.index ~= 1 and rootSelectObj.index ~= 2 then return end if not rootSelectObj.vararg or rootSelectObj.vararg.type ~= 'call' then return end local rootCallObj = rootSelectObj.vararg if not rootCallObj.node or rootCallObj.node.type ~= 'call' then return end local pairsCallObj = rootCallObj.node if not pairsCallObj.node or (pairsCallObj.node.special ~= 'pairs' and pairsCallObj.node.special ~= 'ipairs') then return end if not pairsCallObj.args or not pairsCallObj.args[1] then return end local tableObj = pairsCallObj.args[1] return tableObj, rootSelectObj.index end function m.checkSameSimpleAsKeyOrValueInForParis(status, ref, start, pushQueue) local tableObj, index = getTableAndIndexIfIsForPairsKeyOrValue(ref) if not tableObj then return end local newStatus = m.status(status) m.searchRefs(newStatus, tableObj, 'def') for _, def in ipairs(newStatus.results) do if def.bindDocs then for _, binddoc in ipairs(def.bindDocs) do if binddoc.type == 'doc.type' then if binddoc.types[1] and binddoc.types[1].type == 'doc.type.table' then if index == 1 then pushQueue(binddoc.types[1].key, start, true) elseif index == 2 then pushQueue(binddoc.types[1].value, start, true) end end end end end end end local function hasTypeName(doc, name) if doc.type == 'doc.type' then for _, tunit in ipairs(doc.types) do if tunit.type == 'doc.type.name' and tunit[1] == name then return true end end end if doc.type == 'doc.type.name' or doc.type == 'doc.class.name' then if doc[1] == name then return true end end return false end function m.checkSameSimpleInString(status, ref, start, pushQueue, mode) -- 特殊处理 ('xxx').xxx 的形式 if ref.type ~= 'string' and not hasTypeName(ref, 'string') then return end if not status.interface.docType then return end if status.share.searchingBindedDoc then return end if not status.share.markString then status.share.markString = {} end local marked = ref if ref.type == 'string' then marked = 'string' end if status.share.markString[marked] then return end status.share.markString[marked] = true local newStatus = m.status(status) local docs = status.interface.docType('stringlib') local mark = {} for i = 1, #docs do local doc = docs[i] m.searchFields(newStatus, doc) end for _, res in ipairs(newStatus.results) do if mark[res] then goto CONTINUE end mark[res] = true pushQueue(res, start + 1) ::CONTINUE:: end status.share.markString[marked] = nil return true end function m.pushResult(status, mode, ref, simple) local results = status.results if mode == 'def' then if ref.type == 'setglobal' or ref.type == 'setlocal' or ref.type == 'local' then results[#results+1] = ref elseif ref.type == 'setfield' or ref.type == 'tablefield' then results[#results+1] = ref elseif ref.type == 'setmethod' then results[#results+1] = ref elseif ref.type == 'setindex' or ref.type == 'tableindex' then results[#results+1] = ref elseif ref.type == 'call' then if ref.node.special == 'rawset' then results[#results+1] = ref end elseif ref.type == 'function' then results[#results+1] = ref elseif ref.type == 'table' then results[#results+1] = ref elseif ref.type == 'doc.type.function' or ref.type == 'doc.class.name' or ref.type == 'doc.alias.name' or ref.type == 'doc.field' or ref.type == 'doc.type.table' or ref.type == 'doc.type.array' then results[#results+1] = ref elseif ref.type == 'doc.type' then if #ref.enums > 0 or #ref.resumes > 0 then results[#results+1] = ref end end if ref.parent and ref.parent.type == 'return' then if m.getParentFunction(ref) ~= m.getParentFunction(simple.node) then results[#results+1] = ref end end if m.isLiteral(ref) and ref.parent and ref.parent.type == 'callargs' and ref ~= simple.node then results[#results+1] = ref end elseif mode == 'ref' then if ref.type == 'setfield' or ref.type == 'getfield' or ref.type == 'tablefield' then results[#results+1] = ref elseif ref.type == 'setmethod' or ref.type == 'getmethod' then results[#results+1] = ref elseif ref.type == 'setindex' or ref.type == 'getindex' or ref.type == 'tableindex' then results[#results+1] = ref elseif ref.type == 'setglobal' or ref.type == 'getglobal' or ref.type == 'local' or ref.type == 'setlocal' or ref.type == 'getlocal' then results[#results+1] = ref elseif ref.type == 'function' then results[#results+1] = ref elseif ref.type == 'table' then results[#results+1] = ref elseif ref.type == 'call' then if ref.node.special == 'rawset' or ref.node.special == 'rawget' then results[#results+1] = ref end elseif ref.type == 'doc.type.function' or ref.type == 'doc.class.name' or ref.type == 'doc.alias.name' or ref.type == 'doc.field' or ref.type == 'doc.type.table' or ref.type == 'doc.type.array' then results[#results+1] = ref elseif ref.type == 'doc.type' then if #ref.enums > 0 or #ref.resumes > 0 then results[#results+1] = ref end end if ref.parent and ref.parent.type == 'return' then results[#results+1] = ref end if m.isLiteral(ref) and ref.parent and ref.parent.type == 'callargs' and ref ~= simple.node then results[#results+1] = ref end elseif mode == 'field' then if ref.type == 'setfield' or ref.type == 'getfield' or ref.type == 'tablefield' then results[#results+1] = ref elseif ref.type == 'setmethod' or ref.type == 'getmethod' then results[#results+1] = ref elseif ref.type == 'setindex' or ref.type == 'tableindex' then results[#results+1] = ref elseif ref.type == 'getindex' then -- do not trust `t[1]` if ref.index and ref.index.type == 'string' then results[#results+1] = ref end elseif ref.type == 'setglobal' or ref.type == 'getglobal' then results[#results+1] = ref elseif ref.type == 'call' then if ref.node.special == 'rawset' or ref.node.special == 'rawget' then results[#results+1] = ref end elseif ref.type == 'doc.field' then results[#results+1] = ref end elseif mode == 'deffield' then if ref.type == 'setfield' or ref.type == 'tablefield' then results[#results+1] = ref elseif ref.type == 'setmethod' then results[#results+1] = ref elseif ref.type == 'setindex' or ref.type == 'tableindex' then results[#results+1] = ref elseif ref.type == 'setglobal' then results[#results+1] = ref elseif ref.type == 'call' then if ref.node.special == 'rawset' then results[#results+1] = ref end elseif ref.type == 'doc.field' then results[#results+1] = ref end end end function m.checkSameSimpleName(ref, sm) if sm == m.ANY then return true end if m.getSimpleName(ref) == sm then return true end if ref.type == 'doc.type' and ref.array == true then return true end return false end function m.isValidSetRef(ref) if m.isSet(ref) then return true end end function m.checkSameSimple(status, simple, ref, start, force, mode, pushQueue) if start > #simple then return end for i = start, #simple do local sm = simple[i] if not force and not m.checkSameSimpleName(ref, sm) then return end force = false local cmode = mode local skipSearch if i < #simple then cmode = 'ref' else if mode == 'deffield' then if not m.isSet(ref) then skipSearch = true end end end -- 检查 doc local skipInfer = m.checkSameSimpleByBindDocs(status, ref, i, pushQueue, cmode) or m.checkSameSimpleByDoc(status, ref, i, pushQueue, cmode) -- 检查自己是字符串的分支情况 m.checkSameSimpleInString(status, ref, i, pushQueue, cmode) if not skipInfer and not skipSearch then -- 穿透 self:func 与 mt:func m.searchSameFieldsCrossMethod(status, ref, i, pushQueue) -- 穿透赋值 m.searchSameFieldsInValue(status, ref, i, pushQueue, cmode) -- 检查自己是字面量表的情况 m.checkSameSimpleInValueOfTable(status, ref, i, pushQueue) -- 检查自己作为 setmetatable 第一个参数的情况 m.checkSameSimpleInArg1OfSetMetaTable(status, ref, i, pushQueue) -- 检查自己作为 setmetatable 调用的情况 m.checkSameSimpleInValueOfCallMetaTable(status, ref, i, pushQueue) -- 检查自己是特殊变量的分支的情况 m.checkSameSimpleInSpecialBranch(status, ref, i, pushQueue) -- self 的特殊处理 m.checkSameSimpleInParamSelf(status, ref, i, pushQueue) -- 自己是 call 的情况 m.checkSameSimpleInCall(status, ref, i, pushQueue, cmode) if cmode == 'ref' then -- 检查形如 { a = f } 的情况 m.checkSameSimpleAsTableField(status, ref, i, pushQueue) -- 检查形如 return m 的情况 m.checkSameSimpleAsReturn(status, ref, i, pushQueue) -- 检查形如 a = f 的情况 m.checkSameSimpleAsSetValue(status, ref, i, pushQueue) -- 检查形如 for k,v in pairs()/ipairs() do end 的情况 m.checkSameSimpleAsKeyOrValueInForParis(status, ref, i, pushQueue) end end if i == #simple then break end ref = m.getNextRef(ref) if not ref then return end end m.pushResult(status, mode, ref, simple) local value = m.getObjectValue(ref) if value then m.pushResult(status, mode, value, simple) end end local queuesPool = {} local startsPool = {} local forcesPool = {} local poolSize = 0 local function allocQueue() if poolSize <= 0 then return {}, {}, {} else local queues = queuesPool[poolSize] local starts = startsPool[poolSize] local forces = forcesPool[poolSize] poolSize = poolSize - 1 return queues, starts, forces end end local function deallocQueue(queues, starts, forces) poolSize = poolSize + 1 queuesPool[poolSize] = queues startsPool[poolSize] = starts forcesPool[poolSize] = forces end function m.searchSameFields(status, simple, mode) local queues, starts, forces = allocQueue() local queueLen = 0 local locks = {} local function pushQueue(obj, start, force) if obj.type == 'getlocal' or obj.type == 'setlocal' then obj = obj.node end local lock = locks[start] if not lock then lock = {} locks[start] = lock end if lock[obj] then return end lock[obj] = true queueLen = queueLen + 1 queues[queueLen] = obj starts[queueLen] = start forces[queueLen] = force if obj.type == 'local' and obj.ref then for _, ref in ipairs(obj.ref) do queueLen = queueLen + 1 queues[queueLen] = ref starts[queueLen] = start forces[queueLen] = force end end end if simple.mode == 'global' then -- 全局变量开头 m.checkSameSimpleInGlobal(status, simple[1], simple.node, mode, 1, pushQueue) elseif simple.mode == 'local' then -- 局部变量开头 pushQueue(simple.node, 1) else pushQueue(simple.node, 1) end local max = 0 for i = 1, 1e6 do if queueLen <= 0 then break end local obj = queues[queueLen] local start = starts[queueLen] local force = forces[queueLen] queues[queueLen] = nil starts[queueLen] = nil forces[queueLen] = nil queueLen = queueLen - 1 max = max + 1 status.share.count = status.share.count + 1 if status.share.count % 10000 == 0 then --if TEST then -- print('####', status.share.count, osClock() - status.clock) --end if status.interface and status.interface.pulse then status.interface.pulse() end end --if status.share.count >= 100000 then -- logWarn('Count too large!') -- break --end m.checkSameSimple(status, simple, obj, start, force, mode, pushQueue) if max >= 100000 then logWarn('Queue too large!') break end end --deallocQueue(queues, starts, forces) end function m.getCallerInSameFile(status, func) -- 搜索所有所在函数的调用者 local funcRefs = m.status(status) m.searchRefOfValue(funcRefs, func) local calls = {} if #funcRefs.results == 0 then return calls end for _, res in ipairs(funcRefs.results) do local call = res.parent if call.type == 'call' then calls[#calls+1] = call end end return calls end function m.getCallerCrossFiles(status, main) if status.interface.link then return status.interface.link(main.uri) end return {} end function m.searchRefsAsFunctionReturn(status, obj, mode) if not status.deep then return end if mode == 'def' then return end if m.checkReturnMark(status, obj, true) then return end status.results[#status.results+1] = obj -- 搜索所在函数 local currentFunc = m.getParentFunction(obj) local rtn = obj.parent if rtn.type ~= 'return' then return end -- 看看他是第几个返回值 local index for i = 1, #rtn do if obj == rtn[i] then index = i break end end if not index then return end local calls if currentFunc.type == 'main' then calls = m.getCallerCrossFiles(status, currentFunc) else calls = m.getCallerInSameFile(status, currentFunc) end -- 搜索调用者的返回值 if #calls == 0 then return end local selects = {} for i = 1, #calls do local parent = calls[i].parent if parent.type == 'select' and parent.index == index then selects[#selects+1] = parent.parent end local extParent = calls[i].extParent if extParent then for j = 1, #extParent do local ext = extParent[j] if ext.type == 'select' and ext.index == index then selects[#selects+1] = ext.parent end end end end -- 搜索调用者的引用 for i = 1, #selects do m.searchRefs(status, selects[i], 'ref') end end function m.searchRefsAsFunctionSet(status, obj, mode) local parent = obj.parent if not parent then return end if parent.type == 'local' or parent.type == 'setlocal' or parent.type == 'setglobal' or parent.type == 'setfield' or parent.type == 'setmethod' or parent.type == 'tablefield' then m.searchRefs(status, parent, mode) elseif parent.type == 'setindex' or parent.type == 'tableindex' then if parent.index == obj then m.searchRefs(status, parent, mode) end end end function m.searchRefsAsFunction(status, obj, mode) if obj.type ~= 'function' and obj.type ~= 'table' then return end m.searchRefsAsFunctionSet(status, obj, mode) -- 检查自己作为返回函数时的引用 m.searchRefsAsFunctionReturn(status, obj, mode) end function m.cleanResults(results) local mark = {} for i = #results, 1, -1 do local res = results[i] if res.tag == 'self' or mark[res] then results[i] = results[#results] results[#results] = nil else mark[res] = true end end end --function m.getRefCache(status, obj, mode) -- local cache = status.interface.cache and status.interface.cache() -- if not cache then -- return -- end -- if m.isGlobal(obj) then -- obj = m.getKeyName(obj) -- end -- if not cache[mode] then -- cache[mode] = {} -- end -- local sourceCache = cache[mode][obj] -- if sourceCache then -- return sourceCache -- end -- sourceCache = {} -- cache[mode][obj] = sourceCache -- return nil, function (results) -- for i = 1, #results do -- sourceCache[i] = results[i] -- end -- end --end function m.getRefCache(status, obj, mode) local isDeep = status.deep if mode == 'infer' then if not isDeep then return nil, nil end end local globalCache = status.interface.cache and status.interface.cache() or {} if m.isGlobal(obj) then obj = m.getKeyName(obj) end if not obj then return {} end if not globalCache[mode] then globalCache[mode] = {} end local sourceCache = globalCache[mode][obj] if sourceCache then return sourceCache end if not status.share.cacheLock[mode] then status.share.cacheLock[mode] = {} end if status.share.cacheLock[mode][obj] then return {} end status.share.cacheLock[mode][obj] = {} return nil, function () sourceCache = {} local results = status.results for i = 1, #results do sourceCache[i] = results[i] end globalCache[mode][obj] = sourceCache if not isDeep then return end if mode == 'ref' or mode == 'def' then for i = 1, #results do local res = results[i] if not globalCache[mode][res] then globalCache[mode][res] = sourceCache end end end end end function m.searchRefs(status, obj, mode) if not obj then return end local cache, makeCache = m.getRefCache(status, obj, mode) if cache then for i = 1, #cache do status.results[#status.results+1] = cache[i] end return end -- 检查单步引用 tracy.ZoneBeginN('searchRefs getStepRef') local res = m.getStepRef(status, obj, mode) if res then for i = 1, #res do status.results[#status.results+1] = res[i] end end tracy.ZoneEnd() -- 检查simple tracy.ZoneBeginN('searchRefs searchSameFields') if m.checkStatusDepth(status) then local simple = m.getSimple(obj) if simple then m.searchSameFields(status, simple, mode) end end tracy.ZoneEnd() m.cleanResults(status.results) if makeCache then makeCache() end end function m.searchRefOfValue(status, obj) local var = obj.parent if var.type == 'local' or var.type == 'set' then return m.searchRefs(status, var, 'ref') end end function m.allocInfer(o) if type(o.type) == 'table' then local infers = {} for i = 1, #o.type do infers[i] = { type = o.type[i], value = o.value, source = o.source, level = o.level } end return infers else return { [1] = o, } end end function m.mergeTypes(types) local hasAny = types['any'] types['any'] = nil if not next(types) then return 'any' end -- 同时包含 number 与 integer 时,去掉 integer if types['number'] and types['integer'] then types['integer'] = nil end local results = {} for tp in pairs(types) do results[#results+1] = tp end -- 只有显性的 nil 与 any 时,取 any if #results == 1 then if results[1] == 'nil' and hasAny then return 'any' else return results[1] end end tableSort(results, function (a, b) local sa = TypeSort[a] or 100 local sb = TypeSort[b] or 100 if sa == sb then return a < b else return sa < sb end end) return tableConcat(results, '|') end function m.getClassExtends(class) if class.type == 'doc.class.name' then class = class.parent end if not class.extends then return nil end local names = {} for _, ext in ipairs(class.extends) do names[#names+1] = ext[1] end return names end function m.viewInferType(infers) if not infers then return 'any' end local types = {} local hasDoc local hasDocTable for i = 1, #infers do local infer = infers[i] local src = infer.source if src.type == 'doc.class' or src.type == 'doc.class.name' or src.type == 'doc.type.name' or src.type == 'doc.type.array' or src.type == 'doc.type.table' then if infer.type ~= 'any' then hasDoc = true end if src.type == 'doc.type.array' or src.type == 'doc.type.table' then hasDocTable = true end end end if hasDoc then for i = 1, #infers do local infer = infers[i] local src = infer.source if src.type == 'doc.class' or src.type == 'doc.class.name' or src.type == 'doc.type.name' or src.type == 'doc.type.array' or src.type == 'doc.type.table' or src.type == 'doc.type.enum' or src.type == 'doc.resume' then local tp = infer.type or 'any' if hasDocTable and tp == 'table' then goto CONTINUE end if types[tp] == nil then types[tp] = true end end if src.type == 'doc.class' or src.type == 'doc.class.name' then local extends = m.getClassExtends(src) if extends then for _, tp in ipairs(extends) do types[tp] = false end end end ::CONTINUE:: end for k, v in pairs(types) do if not v then types[k] = nil end end else for i = 1, #infers do local infer = infers[i] if infer.source.typeGeneric then goto CONTINUE end local tp = infer.type or 'any' types[tp] = true ::CONTINUE:: end end return m.mergeTypes(types) end function m.checkTrue(status, source) local newStatus = m.status(status) m.searchInfer(newStatus, source) -- 当前认为的结果 local current for _, infer in ipairs(newStatus.results) do -- 新的结果 local new if infer.type == 'nil' then new = false elseif infer.type == 'boolean' then if infer.value == true then new = true elseif infer.value == false then new = false end end if new ~= nil then if current == nil then current = new else -- 如果2个结果完全相反,则返回 nil 表示不确定 if new ~= current then return nil end end end end return current end --- 获取特定类型的字面量值 function m.getInferLiteral(status, source, type) local newStatus = m.status(status) m.searchInfer(newStatus, source) for _, infer in ipairs(newStatus.results) do if infer.value ~= nil then if type == nil or infer.type == type then return infer.value end end end return nil end --- 是否包含某种类型 function m.hasType(status, source, type) m.searchInfer(status, source) for _, infer in ipairs(status.results) do if infer.type == type then return true end end return false end function m.isSameValue(status, a, b) local statusA = m.status(status) m.searchInfer(statusA, a) local statusB = m.status(status) m.searchInfer(statusB, b) local infers = {} for _, infer in ipairs(statusA.results) do local literal = infer.value if literal then infers[literal] = false end end for _, infer in ipairs(statusB.results) do local literal = infer.value if literal then if infers[literal] == nil then return false end infers[literal] = true end end for k, v in pairs(infers) do if v == false then return false end end return true end function m.inferCheckLiteralTableWithDocVararg(status, source) if #source ~= 1 then return end local vararg = source[1] if vararg.type ~= 'varargs' then return end local results = m.getVarargDocType(status, source) status.results[#status.results+1] = { type = m.viewInferType(results) .. '[]', source = source, level = 100, } return true end function m.inferCheckLiteral(status, source) if source.type == 'string' then status.results = m.allocInfer { type = 'string', value = source[1], source = source, level = 100, } return true elseif source.type == 'nil' then status.results = m.allocInfer { type = 'nil', value = NIL, source = source, level = 100, } return true elseif source.type == 'boolean' then status.results = m.allocInfer { type = 'boolean', value = source[1], source = source, level = 100, } return true elseif source.type == 'number' then if mathType(source[1]) == 'integer' then status.results = m.allocInfer { type = 'integer', value = source[1], source = source, level = 100, } return true else status.results = m.allocInfer { type = 'number', value = source[1], source = source, level = 100, } return true end elseif source.type == 'integer' then status.results = m.allocInfer { type = 'integer', source = source, level = 100, } return true elseif source.type == 'table' then if m.inferCheckLiteralTableWithDocVararg(status, source) then return true end status.results = m.allocInfer { type = 'table', source = source, level = 100, } return true elseif source.type == 'function' then status.results = m.allocInfer { type = 'function', source = source, level = 100, } return true elseif source.type == '...' then status.results = m.allocInfer { type = '...', source = source, level = 100, } return true end end local function getDocAliasExtends(status, typeUnit) if not status.interface.docType then return nil end if typeUnit.type ~= 'doc.type.name' then return nil end for _, doc in ipairs(status.interface.docType(typeUnit[1])) do if doc.type == 'doc.alias.name' then return doc.parent.extends end end return nil end function m.getDocTypeUnitName(status, unit) local typeName if unit.type == 'doc.type.name' then typeName = unit[1] elseif unit.type == 'doc.type.function' then typeName = 'function' elseif unit.type == 'doc.type.array' then typeName = m.getDocTypeUnitName(status, unit.node) .. '[]' elseif unit.type == 'doc.type.table' then typeName = ('%s<%s, %s>'):format( m.getDocTypeUnitName(status, unit.node), m.viewInferType(m.getDocTypeNames(status, unit.key)), m.viewInferType(m.getDocTypeNames(status, unit.value)) ) end if unit.typeGeneric then typeName = ('<%s>'):format(typeName) end return typeName end function m.getDocTypeNames(status, doc) local results = {} if not doc then return results end for _, unit in ipairs(doc.types) do local alias = getDocAliasExtends(status, unit) if alias then local aliasResults = m.getDocTypeNames(status, alias) for _, res in ipairs(aliasResults) do results[#results+1] = res end else local typeName = m.getDocTypeUnitName(status, unit) results[#results+1] = { type = typeName, source = unit, level = 100, } end end for _, enum in ipairs(doc.enums) do results[#results+1] = { type = enum[1], source = enum, level = 100, } end for _, resume in ipairs(doc.resumes) do if not resume.additional then results[#results+1] = { type = resume[1], source = resume, level = 100, } end end return results end function m.inferCheckDoc(status, source) if source.type == 'doc.class.name' then status.results[#status.results+1] = { type = source[1], source = source, level = 100, } return true end if source.type == 'doc.class' then status.results[#status.results+1] = { type = source.class[1], source = source, level = 100, } return true end if source.type == 'doc.type' then local results = m.getDocTypeNames(status, source) for _, res in ipairs(results) do status.results[#status.results+1] = res end return true end if source.type == 'doc.type.function' or source.type == 'doc.type.table' or source.type == 'doc.type.array' then local typeName = m.getDocTypeUnitName(status, source) status.results[#status.results+1] = { type = typeName, source = source, level = 100, } return true end if source.type == 'doc.field' then local results = m.getDocTypeNames(status, source.extends) for _, res in ipairs(results) do status.results[#status.results+1] = res end return true end if source.type == 'doc.alias.name' then local results = m.getDocTypeNames(status, m.getDocState(source).extends) for _, res in ipairs(results) do status.results[#status.results+1] = res end return true end end function m.getVarargDocType(status, source) local func = m.getParentFunction(source) if not func then return end if not func.args then return end for _, arg in ipairs(func.args) do if arg.type == '...' then if arg.bindDocs then for _, doc in ipairs(arg.bindDocs) do if doc.type == 'doc.vararg' then return m.getDocTypeNames(status, doc.vararg) end end end end end end function m.inferCheckUpDocOfVararg(status, source) if not source.vararg then return end local results = m.getVarargDocType(status, source) if not results then return end for _, res in ipairs(results) do status.results[#status.results+1] = res end return true end function m.inferCheckUpDoc(status, source) if m.inferCheckUpDocOfVararg(status, source) then return true end local parent = source.parent if parent then if parent.type == 'local' or parent.type == 'setlocal' or parent.type == 'setglobal' then source = parent end if parent.type == 'setfield' or parent.type == 'tablefield' then if parent.field == source or parent.value == source then source = parent end end if parent.type == 'setmethod' then if parent.method == source or parent.value == source then source = parent end end if parent.type == 'setindex' or parent.type == 'tableindex' then if parent.index == source or parent.value == source then source = parent end end end local binds = source.bindDocs if not binds then return end status.results = {} for i = #binds, 1, -1 do local doc = binds[i] if doc.type == 'doc.class' then status.results[#status.results+1] = { type = doc.class[1], source = doc, level = 100, } -- ---@class Class -- local x = { field = 1 } -- 这种情况下,将字面量表接受为Class的定义 if source.value and source.value.type == 'table' then status.results[#status.results+1] = { type = source.value.type, source = source.value, level = 100, } end return true elseif doc.type == 'doc.type' then local results = m.getDocTypeNames(status, doc) for _, res in ipairs(results) do status.results[#status.results+1] = res end return true elseif doc.type == 'doc.param' then -- function (x) 的情况 if source.type == 'local' and m.getKeyName(source) == doc.param[1] then if source.parent.type == 'funcargs' or source.parent.type == 'in' or source.parent.type == 'loop' then local results = m.getDocTypeNames(status, doc.extends) for _, res in ipairs(results) do status.results[#status.results+1] = res end return true end end end end end function m.inferCheckUnary(status, source) if source.type ~= 'unary' then return end local op = source.op if op.type == 'not' then local checkTrue = m.checkTrue(status, source[1]) local value = nil if checkTrue == true then value = false elseif checkTrue == false then value = true end status.results = m.allocInfer { type = 'boolean', value = value, source = source, level = 100, } return true elseif op.type == '#' then status.results = m.allocInfer { type = 'integer', source = source, level = 100, } return true elseif op.type == '~' then local l = m.getInferLiteral(status, source[1], 'integer') status.results = m.allocInfer { type = 'integer', value = l and ~l or nil, source = source, level = 100, } return true elseif op.type == '-' then local v = m.getInferLiteral(status, source[1], 'integer') if v then status.results = m.allocInfer { type = 'integer', value = - v, source = source, level = 100, } return true end v = m.getInferLiteral(status, source[1], 'number') status.results = m.allocInfer { type = 'number', value = v and -v or nil, source = source, level = 100, } return true end end local function mathCheck(status, a, b) local v1 = m.getInferLiteral(status, a, 'integer') or m.getInferLiteral(status, a, 'number') local v2 = m.getInferLiteral(status, b, 'integer') or m.getInferLiteral(status, a, 'number') v1 = tonumber(v1) v2 = tonumber(v2) local int = m.hasType(status, a, 'integer') and m.hasType(status, b, 'integer') and not m.hasType(status, a, 'number') and not m.hasType(status, b, 'number') return int and 'integer' or 'number', v1, v2 end function m.inferCheckBinary(status, source) if source.type ~= 'binary' then return end local op = source.op if op.type == 'and' then local isTrue = m.checkTrue(status, source[1]) if isTrue == true then m.searchInfer(status, source[2]) return true elseif isTrue == false then m.searchInfer(status, source[1]) return true else m.searchInfer(status, source[1]) m.searchInfer(status, source[2]) return true end elseif op.type == 'or' then local isTrue = m.checkTrue(status, source[1]) if isTrue == true then m.searchInfer(status, source[1]) return true elseif isTrue == false then m.searchInfer(status, source[2]) return true else m.searchInfer(status, source[1]) m.searchInfer(status, source[2]) return true end elseif op.type == '==' then local value = m.isSameValue(status, source[1], source[2]) if value ~= nil then status.results = m.allocInfer { type = 'boolean', value = value, source = source, level = 100, } return true end --local isSame = m.isSameDef(status, source[1], source[2]) --if isSame == true then -- value = true --else -- value = nil --end status.results = m.allocInfer { type = 'boolean', value = value, source = source, level = 100, } return true elseif op.type == '~=' then local value = m.isSameValue(status, source[1], source[2]) if value ~= nil then status.results = m.allocInfer { type = 'boolean', value = not value, source = source, level = 100, } return true end --local isSame = m.isSameDef(status, source[1], source[2]) --if isSame == true then -- value = false --else -- value = nil --end status.results = m.allocInfer { type = 'boolean', value = value, source = source, level = 100, } return true elseif op.type == '<=' then local v1 = m.getInferLiteral(status, source[1], 'integer') or m.getInferLiteral(status, source[1], 'number') local v2 = m.getInferLiteral(status, source[2], 'integer') or m.getInferLiteral(status, source[2], 'number') v1 = tonumber(v1) v2 = tonumber(v2) local v if v1 and v2 then v = v1 <= v2 end status.results = m.allocInfer { type = 'boolean', value = v, source = source, level = 100, } return true elseif op.type == '>=' then local v1 = m.getInferLiteral(status, source[1], 'integer') or m.getInferLiteral(status, source[1], 'number') local v2 = m.getInferLiteral(status, source[2], 'integer') or m.getInferLiteral(status, source[2], 'number') v1 = tonumber(v1) v2 = tonumber(v2) local v if v1 and v2 then v = v1 >= v2 end status.results = m.allocInfer { type = 'boolean', value = v, source = source, level = 100, } return true elseif op.type == '<' then local v1 = m.getInferLiteral(status, source[1], 'integer') or m.getInferLiteral(status, source[1], 'number') local v2 = m.getInferLiteral(status, source[2], 'integer') or m.getInferLiteral(status, source[2], 'number') v1 = tonumber(v1) v2 = tonumber(v2) local v if v1 and v2 then v = v1 < v2 end status.results = m.allocInfer { type = 'boolean', value = v, source = source, level = 100, } return true elseif op.type == '>' then local v1 = m.getInferLiteral(status, source[1], 'integer') or m.getInferLiteral(status, source[1], 'number') local v2 = m.getInferLiteral(status, source[2], 'integer') or m.getInferLiteral(status, source[2], 'number') v1 = tonumber(v1) v2 = tonumber(v2) local v if v1 and v2 then v = v1 > v2 end status.results = m.allocInfer { type = 'boolean', value = v, source = source, level = 100, } return true elseif op.type == '|' then local v1 = m.getInferLiteral(status, source[1], 'integer') local v2 = m.getInferLiteral(status, source[2], 'integer') v1 = tointeger(v1) v2 = tointeger(v2) local v if v1 and v2 then v = v1 | v2 end status.results = m.allocInfer { type = 'integer', value = v, source = source, level = 100, } return true elseif op.type == '~' then local v1 = m.getInferLiteral(status, source[1], 'integer') local v2 = m.getInferLiteral(status, source[2], 'integer') v1 = tointeger(v1) v2 = tointeger(v2) local v if v1 and v2 then v = v1 ~ v2 end status.results = m.allocInfer { type = 'integer', value = v, source = source, level = 100, } return true elseif op.type == '&' then local v1 = m.getInferLiteral(status, source[1], 'integer') local v2 = m.getInferLiteral(status, source[2], 'integer') v1 = tointeger(v1) v2 = tointeger(v2) local v if v1 and v2 then v = v1 & v2 end status.results = m.allocInfer { type = 'integer', value = v, source = source, level = 100, } return true elseif op.type == '<<' then local v1 = m.getInferLiteral(status, source[1], 'integer') local v2 = m.getInferLiteral(status, source[2], 'integer') v1 = tointeger(v1) v2 = tointeger(v2) local v if v1 and v2 then v = v1 << v2 end status.results = m.allocInfer { type = 'integer', value = v, source = source, level = 100, } return true elseif op.type == '>>' then local v1 = m.getInferLiteral(status, source[1], 'integer') local v2 = m.getInferLiteral(status, source[2], 'integer') v1 = tointeger(v1) v2 = tointeger(v2) local v if v1 and v2 then v = v1 >> v2 end status.results = m.allocInfer { type = 'integer', value = v, source = source, level = 100, } return true elseif op.type == '..' then local v1 = m.getInferLiteral(status, source[1], 'string') local v2 = m.getInferLiteral(status, source[2], 'string') v1 = type(v1) == 'string' and v1 or nil v2 = type(v2) == 'string' and v2 or nil local v if v1 and v2 then v = v1 .. v2 end status.results = m.allocInfer { type = 'string', value = v, source = source, level = 100, } return true elseif op.type == '^' then local v1 = m.getInferLiteral(status, source[1], 'integer') or m.getInferLiteral(status, source[1], 'number') local v2 = m.getInferLiteral(status, source[2], 'integer') or m.getInferLiteral(status, source[2], 'number') v1 = tonumber(v1) v2 = tonumber(v2) local v if v1 and v2 then v = v1 ^ v2 end status.results = m.allocInfer { type = 'number', value = v, source = source, level = 100, } return true elseif op.type == '/' then local v1 = m.getInferLiteral(status, source[1], 'integer') or m.getInferLiteral(status, source[1], 'number') local v2 = m.getInferLiteral(status, source[2], 'integer') or m.getInferLiteral(status, source[2], 'number') v1 = tonumber(v1) v2 = tonumber(v2) local v if v1 and v2 and v2 ~= 0 then v = v1 / v2 end status.results = m.allocInfer { type = 'number', value = v, source = source, level = 100, } return true -- 其他数学运算根据2侧的值决定,当2侧的值均为整数时返回整数 elseif op.type == '+' then local int, v1, v2 = mathCheck(status, source[1], source[2]) status.results = m.allocInfer{ type = int, value = (v1 and v2) and (v1 + v2) or nil, source = source, level = 100, } return true elseif op.type == '-' then local int, v1, v2 = mathCheck(status, source[1], source[2]) status.results = m.allocInfer{ type = int, value = (v1 and v2) and (v1 - v2) or nil, source = source, level = 100, } return true elseif op.type == '*' then local int, v1, v2 = mathCheck(status, source[1], source[2]) status.results = m.allocInfer { type = int, value = (v1 and v2) and (v1 * v2) or nil, source = source, level = 100, } return true elseif op.type == '%' then local int, v1, v2 = mathCheck(status, source[1], source[2]) status.results = m.allocInfer { type = int, value = (v1 and v2 and v2 ~= 0) and (v1 % v2) or nil, source = source, level = 100, } return true elseif op.type == '//' then local int, v1, v2 = mathCheck(status, source[1], source[2]) status.results = m.allocInfer { type = int, value = (v1 and v2 and v2 ~= 0) and (v1 // v2) or nil, source = source, level = 100, } return true end end function m.inferByDef(status, obj) if not status.share.inferedDef then status.share.inferedDef = {} end if status.share.inferedDef[obj] then return end status.share.inferedDef[obj] = true local mark = {} local newStatus = m.status(status, status.interface) tracy.ZoneBeginN('inferByDef searchRefs') m.searchRefs(newStatus, obj, 'def') tracy.ZoneEnd() for _, src in ipairs(newStatus.results) do local inferStatus = m.status(newStatus) m.searchInfer(inferStatus, src) if #inferStatus.results == 0 then status.results[#status.results+1] = { type = 'any', source = src, level = 0, } else for _, infer in ipairs(inferStatus.results) do if not mark[infer.source] then mark[infer.source] = true status.results[#status.results+1] = infer end end end end end local function inferBySetOfLocal(status, source) if status.share[source] then return end status.share[source] = true local newStatus = m.status(status) if source.value then m.searchInfer(newStatus, source.value) end if source.ref then for _, ref in ipairs(source.ref) do if ref.type == 'setlocal' then break end m.searchInfer(newStatus, ref) end for _, infer in ipairs(newStatus.results) do status.results[#status.results+1] = infer end end end function m.inferByLocalRef(status, source) if #status.results ~= 0 then return end if source.type == 'local' then inferBySetOfLocal(status, source) elseif source.type == 'setlocal' or source.type == 'getlocal' then inferBySetOfLocal(status, source.node) end end function m.inferByCall(status, source) if not source.parent then return end if source.parent.type ~= 'call' then return end if source.parent.node == source then status.results[#status.results+1] = { type = 'function', source = source, level = 10, } return end end function m.inferByGetTable(status, source) if source.type == 'field' or source.type == 'method' then source = source.parent end local next = source.next if not next then return end if next.type == 'getfield' or next.type == 'getindex' or next.type == 'setmethod' or next.type == 'setfield' or next.type == 'setindex' then status.results[#status.results+1] = { type = 'table', source = source, level = 10, } elseif next.type == 'getmethod' then status.results[#status.results+1] = { type = 'table', source = source, level = 5, } status.results[#status.results+1] = { type = 'string', source = source, level = 5, } end end function m.inferByUnary(status, source) local parent = source.parent if not parent or parent.type ~= 'unary' then return end local op = parent.op if op.type == '#' then status.results[#status.results+1] = { type = 'string', source = source, level = 5, } status.results[#status.results+1] = { type = 'table', source = source, level = 5, } elseif op.type == '~' then status.results[#status.results+1] = { type = 'integer', source = source, level = 10, } elseif op.type == '-' then status.results[#status.results+1] = { type = 'number', source = source, level = 10, } end end function m.inferByBinary(status, source) local parent = source.parent if not parent or parent.type ~= 'binary' then return end local op = parent.op if op.type == '<=' or op.type == '>=' or op.type == '<' or op.type == '>' or op.type == '^' or op.type == '/' or op.type == '+' or op.type == '-' or op.type == '*' or op.type == '%' then status.results[#status.results+1] = { type = 'number', source = source, level = 10, } elseif op.type == '|' or op.type == '~' or op.type == '&' or op.type == '<<' or op.type == '>>' -- 整数的可能性比较高 or op.type == '//' then status.results[#status.results+1] = { type = 'integer', source = source, level = 10, } elseif op.type == '..' then status.results[#status.results+1] = { type = 'string', source = source, level = 10, } end end local function mergeFunctionReturnsByDoc(status, source, index, call) if not source or source.type ~= 'function' then return end if not source.bindDocs then return end local returns = {} for _, doc in ipairs(source.bindDocs) do if doc.type == 'doc.return' then for _, rtn in ipairs(doc.returns) do returns[#returns+1] = rtn end end end local rtn = returns[index] if not rtn then return end local results = m.getDocTypeNames(status, rtn) if #results == 0 then return end for _, res in ipairs(results) do status.results[#status.results+1] = res end return true end local function mergeDocTypeFunctionReturns(status, source, index) if not source.bindDocs then return end for _, doc in ipairs(source.bindDocs) do if doc.type == 'doc.type' then for _, typeUnit in ipairs(doc.types) do if typeUnit.type == 'doc.type.function' then local rtn = typeUnit.returns[index] if rtn then local results = m.getDocTypeNames(status, rtn) for _, res in ipairs(results) do status.results[#status.results+1] = res end end end end end end end local function mergeFunctionReturns(status, source, index, call) local returns = source.returns if not returns then return end for i = 1, #returns do local rtn = returns[i] if rtn[index] then if rtn[index].type == 'call' then if not m.checkReturnMark(status, rtn[index], true) then m.inferByCallReturnAndIndex(status, rtn[index], index) end else local newStatus = m.status(status) m.searchInfer(newStatus, rtn[index]) if #newStatus.results == 0 then status.results[#status.results+1] = { type = 'any', source = rtn[index], level = 0, } else for _, infer in ipairs(newStatus.results) do status.results[#status.results+1] = infer end end end end end end function m.inferByCallReturnAndIndex(status, call, index) local node = call.node local newStatus = m.status(status, status.interface) m.searchRefs(newStatus, node, 'def') local hasDocReturn for _, src in ipairs(newStatus.results) do if mergeDocTypeFunctionReturns(status, src, index) then hasDocReturn = true elseif mergeFunctionReturnsByDoc(status, src.value, index, call) then hasDocReturn = true end end if not hasDocReturn then for _, src in ipairs(newStatus.results) do if src.value and src.value.type == 'function' then if not m.checkReturnMark(status, src.value, true) then mergeFunctionReturns(status, src.value, index, call) end end end end end function m.inferByCallReturn(status, source) if source.type == 'call' then m.inferByCallReturnAndIndex(status, source, 1) return end if source.type ~= 'select' then if source.value and source.value.type == 'select' then source = source.value else return end end if not source.vararg or source.vararg.type ~= 'call' then return end m.inferByCallReturnAndIndex(status, source.vararg, source.index) end function m.inferByPCallReturn(status, source) if source.type ~= 'select' then if source.value and source.value.type == 'select' then source = source.value else return end end local call = source.vararg if not call or call.type ~= 'call' then return end if not call.args then return end local node = call.node local specialName = node.special local func, index if specialName == 'pcall' then func = call.args[1] index = source.index - 1 elseif specialName == 'xpcall' then func = call.args[1] index = source.index - 2 else return end local newStatus = m.status(status, status.interface) m.searchRefs(newStatus, func, 'def') for _, src in ipairs(newStatus.results) do if src.value and src.value.type == 'function' then mergeFunctionReturns(status, src.value, index) end end end function m.cleanInfers(infers, obj) -- kick lower level infers local level = 0 if obj.type ~= 'select' then for i = 1, #infers do local infer = infers[i] if infer.level > level then level = infer.level end end end -- merge infers local mark = {} for i = #infers, 1, -1 do local infer = infers[i] if infer.level < level then infers[i] = infers[#infers] infers[#infers] = nil goto CONTINUE end local key = ('%p'):format(infer.type, infer.source) if mark[key] then infers[i] = infers[#infers] infers[#infers] = nil else mark[key] = true end ::CONTINUE:: end -- kick doc.generic if #infers > 1 then for i = #infers, 1, -1 do local infer = infers[i] if infer.source.typeGeneric then infers[i] = infers[#infers] infers[#infers] = nil end end end end function m.searchInfer(status, obj) while obj.type == 'paren' do obj = obj.exp if not obj then return end end while true do local value = m.getObjectValue(obj) if not value or value == obj then break end obj = value end if not obj then return end local cache, makeCache = m.getRefCache(status, obj, 'infer') if cache then for i = 1, #cache do status.results[#status.results+1] = cache[i] end return end if DEVELOP then status.share.clock = status.share.clock or osClock() end if not status.share.lockInfer then status.share.lockInfer = {} end if status.share.lockInfer[obj] then return end status.share.lockInfer[obj] = true local checked = m.inferCheckDoc(status, obj) or m.inferCheckUpDoc(status, obj) or m.inferCheckLiteral(status, obj) or m.inferCheckUnary(status, obj) or m.inferCheckBinary(status, obj) if checked then m.cleanInfers(status.results, obj) if makeCache then makeCache() end return end m.inferByLocalRef(status, obj) if status.deep then tracy.ZoneBeginN('inferByDef') m.inferByDef(status, obj) tracy.ZoneEnd() end --m.inferByCall(status, obj) m.inferByGetTable(status, obj) m.inferByUnary(status, obj) m.inferByBinary(status, obj) m.cleanInfers(status.results, obj) if makeCache then makeCache() end end --- 请求对象的引用,包括 `a.b.c` 形式 --- 与 `return function` 形式。 --- 不穿透 `setmetatable` ,考虑由 --- 业务层进行反向 def 搜索。 function m.requestReference(obj, interface, deep) local status = m.status(nil, interface, deep) -- 根据 field 搜索引用 m.searchRefs(status, obj, 'ref') m.searchRefsAsFunction(status, obj, 'ref') if m.debugMode then --print('count:', status.share.count) end return status.results, status.share.count end --- 请求对象的定义,包括 `a.b.c` 形式 --- 与 `return function` 形式。 --- 穿透 `setmetatable` 。 function m.requestDefinition(obj, interface, deep) local status = m.status(nil, interface, deep) -- 根据 field 搜索定义 m.searchRefs(status, obj, 'def') return status.results, status.share.count end --- 请求对象的字段 ---@param filterKey nil|string|table function m.requestFields(obj, interface, deep, filterKey) local status = m.status(nil, interface, deep) m.searchFields(status, obj, filterKey) return status.results, status.share.count end --- 请求对象的定义字段 ---@param filterKey nil|string|table function m.requestDefFields(obj, interface, deep, filterKey) local status = m.status(nil, interface, deep) m.searchDefFields(status, obj, filterKey) return status.results, status.share.count end --- 请求对象的类型推测 function m.requestInfer(obj, interface, deep) local status = m.status(nil, interface, deep) m.searchInfer(status, obj) return status.results, status.share.count end function m.debugView(obj) return require 'files'.position(m.getUri(obj), obj.start), m.getUri(obj) end return m