---develop mode, use command line: --develop=true ---@type boolean DEVELOP = false ---port for `Lua Debug` connecting, use command line: --dbgport=11411 ---@type integer DBGPORT = 0 ---need holdon before `Lua Debug` connecting, use command line: --dbgwait=true ---@type boolean DBGWAIT = false ---displayed language, use command line: --locale="en-us" ---@type '"en-us"'|'"zh-cn"'|'"pt-br"' LOCALE = 'en-us' ---path of local config file, use command line: --configpath="config.lua" ---@type string CONFIGPATH = '' ---display the internal data of the hovring token, use command line: --showsource=true ---@type boolean SHOWSOURCE = false ---trace every searching into log, use command line: --trace=true ---@type boolean TRACE = false ---trace searching with `too deep!` into log, use command line: --footprint=true ---@type boolean FOOTPRINT = false ---trace rpc, use command line: --rpclog=true ---@type boolean RPCLOG = false --enable preview features. -- --the current version is `formatting` ---@type boolean PREVIEW = false